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[TaskDone] The project server and hosting infrastructure update.

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Written on: 15. 06. 2014 [22:28]
Roman Savochenko
registered since: 12.12.2007
Posts: 3751
Base: Internet channel expand for online access quality rise and set independent hosting
Funding: Formal successful finished 06.2014. The task result fund 928$, 89% of the target, 890$(Hardware)+210.8$
Priority: high
State: Mostly done. Funds continual using for the internet channel and the server hardware.
Project page: http://oscada.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Sub-projects/Server
Investors: Beams&Plasmas: 928$

For the internet channel expand from 0.200-1.5MB/s (ADSL) to 1.5MB/s (Optic), 5MB/s or 10MB/s (depends from the rising result) and move the project's hosting server to independent place.

Implementation status:
(+) Channel: connected to 10MB/s (3MB/s was up to 2020.02): 210.8$ (for 6 years)
(+) Hardware order:
..CASE: Present case and new PS (Cooler Master 400W): 40$
..MB: ASUS M2NPV-VM: 70$, for new MSI A88X-G41 PC Mate (sFM2+, AMD A88, ATX)
..CPU: AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 900e, 65W: 40$
..MEM: DDR2 3GB: 81$, for new DDR3 8GB
..HDD: 2x1TB: 61$+64$
..UPS: INF-800 + AB-60Ah (dead after 3 years) + AB-65Ah: 175+124$
(+) Summary: 928.9$
(+) Software:
..(+) overall data unification;
..(+) new server deployment (OpenVZ VPS containers);
..(+) connection to dynamic DNS at first and test, switch to next faster speed-plane — temporary on oscada.dlinkddns.com;
..(+) switch to the static IP;
..(+) work VPS move from old server to new: FTP, PPTP, CVS, SVN, Generic Automatic Builder, Models executor, Builder (ALTLinux6), Builder (Debian8), HTTP, EMAIL, Jabber, DNS, DHCP;
..(+) move the domain oscada.org to the new server.
..(+) Get personal (Roman Savochenko) files from the DIYA internal file-server.
..(+) Start SVN mirror on diyaorg.dp.ua from oscada.org
..(+) Get personal (Roman Savochenko) projects on WIKI from the DIYA internal WIKI.
..(+) Get and start the FetchMail configuration.
..(+) Close an external access for some system HTTP-services.
..(+) Check for system mail of HS and VPSs for it relay to the generic Mail-server.

Learn, learn and learn better than work, work and work.

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