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[BugWrong] F&F LE-03MB CT

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Written on: 13. 02. 2024 [23:18]
Arkadii Kysil
Topic creator
registered since: 18.11.2023
Posts: 2
Hello Roman! I am reading code of template "FF LE-03MB CT" and the datasheet of this counter. I think there are typos in calculating Powers(kW, kVA). P, P_1, P_2, P_3 and Pr should be divided by 10000, not 100 or 1000.
Page of the counter
The protocol in this counter is called M-bus
I do not have this equipment and my opinion is based only on the datasheet.
Written on: 14. 02. 2024 [08:16]
Roman Savochenko
registered since: 12.12.2007
Posts: 3751
"arccis" wrote:

I think there are typos in calculating Powers(kW, kVA). P, P_1, P_2, P_3 and Pr should be divided by 10000, not 100 or 1000.

That is the end user who decided such coefficient correct, not me!

"arccis" wrote:

The protocol in this counter is called M-bus

Yes, I know.

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