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[BugFixed] ElFigure does not Refresh in QT until Focus

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Written on: 12. 08. 2009 [15:03]
Unai Ezta
Topic creator
registered since: 30.06.2009
Posts: 42

Severity: High
Affects: Operation User Interface - QT (Not WEB)
Versions: ALL ( and SVN), in Fedora, Debian and Ubuntu.


if you put two or more valves, input linked to values, they does NOT update color in Operation User Iterface QT, but in Web, YES, they update color. In QT only when they get FOCUS.

I did a lot of test and I Think the problem is ElFigure does not refresh in Operation user Interface QT, but in WEB there is NO problem.

Written on: 12. 08. 2009 [15:14]
Maxim Lisenko
registered since: 18.08.2008
Posts: 141
The problem is not clear for me, so send your db with the project where the problem takes place.

[This article was edited 1 times, at last 12.08.2009 at 15:33.]
Written on: 12. 08. 2009 [16:54]
Unai Ezta
Topic creator
registered since: 30.06.2009
Posts: 42
Maxim wrote:

The problem is not clear for me, so send your db with the project where the problem takes place.

Please, see this sample running at QT and WEB at same time.
In WEB valves update color, in QT it does not (you need to Focus valve).


bugsample.zip (File type: application/zip, Size: 140.62 kilobytes) — 3631 downloads
Written on: 12. 08. 2009 [19:13]
Maxim Lisenko
registered since: 18.08.2008
Posts: 141
Your db is incorrect. First of all, try not to change "root" password. It was rather hard to enter the system. And then we have found no valve except the icon of the widgeticon_smile.gif The project which we've seen was: three check boxes and three empty "valves" under them. There was no any script over anyone of them and over the project at whole. So, check the appropriateness of the db, you've send for us, please.
P.S. I've found using your project that the empty ElFigure widget is drawn black in the WEB, I'll check it tomorrow. But your question is still not clear...
Written on: 12. 08. 2009 [20:06]
Unai Ezta
Topic creator
registered since: 30.06.2009
Posts: 42
password for all is 0000 (four zero), users: ni,root,user

I can see the valves with this project in Fedora and Debian, with version and SVN, without problem. I don't understand why you cannot. DB for me is OK. (Try in a environment en_US.UTF-8, because I have seen that Oscada uses in DB fields #en for general attributes, not only for text - is this normal? -)

They are 3 valves, unique flag, if true open, green , if false closed, red.

The code is simple (each 2500ms):

kev1_open=!kev1_open;//Blink valves
EV0_value=kev1_open; //Clone valve states to checkboxes

In WEB you can see valves and chekboxes blinking each 2500 ms.
In QT you can see checkboxes blinking but ONLY ONE valve blinks, the valve that has focus.

[This article was edited 1 times, at last 12.08.2009 at 20:13.]
Written on: 12. 08. 2009 [20:52]
Roman Savochenko
registered since: 12.12.2007
Posts: 3751
Unaie wrote:

I don't understand why you cannot. DB for me is OK. (Try in a environment en_US.UTF-8, because I have seen that Oscada uses in DB fields #en for general attributes, not only for text - is this normal? -)

Do not used. Simple generic, no text attributes, stored into single DB's table.

You set "Variable texts' base language" to value "es". In this case all text on english and other languages is stored into separated collumns. And "es" language is default language for all other languages which without text entering.

For this reson we not see one data on our locale.

Do not set please "Variable texts' base language" for single language DB! Use it only for real multilanguage DBs.

Learn, learn and learn better than work, work and work.
Written on: 12. 08. 2009 [21:54]
Unai Ezta
Topic creator
registered since: 30.06.2009
Posts: 42

Please, try this new attachment (pass 0000)

I've manually edited DB (Any script to erase al en# columns and move all to neutral column if empty?)

roman wrote:

Do not used. Simple generic, no text attributes, stored into single DB's table.

In es_ES environment DemoDB appears in russian language, so I changed my environment to en_US to see it in English, and to export widgets in English to my DB in ES language. Now all DB is chaotic and I Need to work in en_US environment. icon_confused.gif I will need a script to repair my project DB.

bugsample.zip (File type: application/zip, Size: 645.44 kilobytes) — 3817 downloads
Written on: 13. 08. 2009 [08:43]
Roman Savochenko
registered since: 12.12.2007
Posts: 3751
That script is not allow.

But if you want make English by default then make this:
- Start project into English locale
- Clear "Variable texts' base language" or set to "en"
- Change "Work DB" to other and return value to previous. This operation mark all OpenSCADA station's nodes as changed.
- Then simple press Save station.

After that default masseges will be in English.

Learn, learn and learn better than work, work and work.
Written on: 13. 08. 2009 [17:28]
Maxim Lisenko
registered since: 18.08.2008
Posts: 141
The problem is fixed. Update from SVN and test.
Written on: 14. 08. 2009 [10:23]
Roman Savochenko
registered since: 12.12.2007
Posts: 3751
roman wrote:

After that default masseges will be in English.

Default language for Demo DB is set to English now.

Learn, learn and learn better than work, work and work.
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