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Vision Development

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Written on: 14. 05. 2020 [14:59]
trevor kenyon
Topic creator
registered since: 14.05.2020
Posts: 8

I have the OSCADA application installed via the LiveCD image.

I have the OSCADA application polling the schneider modbus PLC via ethernet.
(Followed the quickstart documentation on the wiki)

Next step as per quick start is develop a graphical representation.

When following, I dont have the Signals Group Template to copy.


5 Formation of the visual representation

The formation of the visual representation may be performed at three levels of complexity and the user can select any of them, depending on demands of the task, level of his knowledge and availability of libraries with ready-made shapes and templates.

The first level requires a minimum qualification of the user, but implies the presence of libraries of the template frames, which are needed to solve his task. Within the limits of the first level the user only has to know how to connect the dynamics to pages of the template frames and how to add new pages of the template frames.

The second level provides the additional ability, that is to create new frames based on the finished-complex elements, simply by their placement in the frame area. To achieve this qualification level, the user will need libraries of complex elements needed to solve his tasks.

The third level requires that the user is able to use of all the tools of the development environment of the visual interfaces of OpenSCADA, including the creation of new complex elements and developing of the user interfaces in the project.

All the works on the visualization interface we will make in the environment of the module "Vision" of the subsystem "User interfaces". To open the "Vision" interface window you should click the second icon on the right on the configurator toolbar. The result is the window previously shown in Figure

The interfaces of user-operator realizing into OpenSCADA by the projects of visualization. Into the main elements library of the user interface the typical project template has presented, which based on the concept of the signal objects and views of displaying. The user can start for creation self concept of the visualization interface, by a new project, or can use the specified template.

At.png To implement a new concept of the visualization project, you will need the knowledge of the third level and significant efforts outside of the consideration of this document. Therefore, we will consider creating a visualization interface based on the accessible template project.

Copy the project "Signal groups (template)", by first clicking the button "Copy the visual item" on it, and then the button Paste the visual item (Fig.5.1). In the dialogue we will call our new project start (Start) and in the list of projects we will get the item of our new project (Fig.5.1).

Written on: 15. 05. 2020 [08:02]
Roman Savochenko
registered since: 12.12.2007
Posts: 3751
3.3.2 Connecting the standard OpenSCADA libraries

The newly created OpenSCADA project does not contain any specific configuration, in fact it is empty and provides for the user to create a new configuration in the local SQLite database file "St.db", which is located in its own directory of the project with the same name. It is easier to create a complex project of the SCADA system using libraries of functions of the API of the OpenSCADA object model and libraries of the graphical elements, as well as other OpenSCADA libraries. To use the OpenSCADA libraries, you need database files where the libraries are stored: connect-add in the object of the database module "SQLite" (Fig., install-select the address and specify the database encoding in UTF-8 (Fig. !!!! After what, and if there are already library database entries, you need to activate them, read on.

Learn, learn and learn better than work, work and work.
Written on: 20. 05. 2020 [08:05]
trevor kenyon
Topic creator
registered since: 14.05.2020
Posts: 8
Hi Roman,

Thanks for the comment.
Adding the SCADA (database) components as you suggested was the bit I was missing. Project works now thank you.

A lot of learning to do. I like the approach the software takes.
