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System Requirements

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Written on: 09. 08. 2009 [22:37]
Klaus Fetscher
Topic creator
registered since: 09.08.2009
Posts: 4

I am looking for a visualisation tool for my embedded controller. So I have downloaded and compiled OpenSCADA to make a first test on my PC. It looks very interesting, great work.

I don't know, how many CPU-Power is needed. Is it possible to use OpenSCADA on an Embedded Processor (ARM9 400MHz = Samsung S3C2440 with a 7 Zoll LCD-Display) to show a visualisation on the local LCD-Display ?


Written on: 10. 08. 2009 [09:14]
Roman Savochenko
registered since: 12.12.2007
Posts: 3747
SQuest wrote:

I don't know, how many CPU-Power is needed. Is it possible to use OpenSCADA on an Embedded Processor (ARM9 400MHz = Samsung S3C2440 with a 7 Zoll LCD-Display) to show a visualisation on the local LCD-Display ?

Hardware demands you can see here http://oscada.org/index.php?id=25&L=0 or here http://wiki.oscada.org/HomePageEn/Function?v=16bs#h737-6

For now ARM processors not supported but in future for it planed project's adaptaion, after version 0.7.0 ( http://wiki.oscada.org/HomePageEn/Works/RoadMap ).

For now we use OpenSCADA into Intel-based embeded systems, that is PC/104 boards and other.

Learn, learn and learn better than work, work and work.
Written on: 10. 08. 2009 [12:21]
Klaus Fetscher
Topic creator
registered since: 09.08.2009
Posts: 4
Thanks for your answer.

We have read the Hardware demands but we don't know anything about the complexity which is managed by the referenced OpenSCADA system. Is it possible, to use a 400 MHz ARM CPU for a System Server and a local visualisation (Framebuffer) ? For a better performance, it is also possible to disable some functions like archiving.

Are there any reason not to use an ARM processor for OpenSCADA ?

Are there any known problems for Cross compiling OpenSCADA ?

We want to use www.openembedded.org to build OpenSCADA for our http://www.friendlyarm.net/products/mini2440 board.


Written on: 10. 08. 2009 [13:21]
Roman Savochenko
registered since: 12.12.2007
Posts: 3747
SQuest wrote:

We have read the Hardware demands but we don't know anything about the complexity which is managed by the referenced OpenSCADA system. Is it possible, to use a 400 MHz ARM CPU for a System Server and a local visualisation (Framebuffer) ? For a better performance, it is also possible to disable some functions like archiving.

Possible. I have PC/104 board with AMD Geode LX800 500MHz. OpenSCADA fine work there with full-featured GUI-user interface.
SQuest wrote:

Are there any reason not to use an ARM processor for OpenSCADA ?

I did not built OpenSCADA for ARM and did not tested for it. I have not the time for made this work now.
SQuest wrote:

Are there any known problems for Cross compiling OpenSCADA ?

There have not known problems by cause do not have this work. icon_smile.gif
SQuest wrote:

We want to use www.openembedded.org to build OpenSCADA for our http://www.friendlyarm.net/products/mini2440 board.

OK, If you have time for made some adaptation then try to build for it.

Learn, learn and learn better than work, work and work.
Written on: 10. 08. 2009 [20:50]
Klaus Fetscher
Topic creator
registered since: 09.08.2009
Posts: 4
Thanks for the answer,

we have started with Cross compiling and have found the first problem.
The library libsensors is only available on x86 architectures.

Are there any switches to disable libsensors or any idea how to solve that problem.


Written on: 11. 08. 2009 [08:49]
Roman Savochenko
registered since: 12.12.2007
Posts: 3747
Only libsensors disabling not allow now.
You can disable module DAQ.System build by switch to configure --disable-System.

Learn, learn and learn better than work, work and work.
Written on: 11. 08. 2009 [10:05]
Klaus Fetscher
Topic creator
registered since: 09.08.2009
Posts: 4
Now configure is running (with --disable-System) and I have started compiling.
During compile, there is a problem with a inline assembler function in file tsys.h. Because I don't understand x86 assembler I don't know what the following function is doing.

unsigned long long shrtCnt( )
unsigned int cntl, cnth;
asm volatile("rdtsc; movl %%eax,%0; movl %%edx,%1;":"=r"(cntl),"=r"(cnth)::"%eax","%edx");
return ((unsigned long long)cnth<<32)+cntl;

Can anyone explain this function or translate it to C.


Written on: 11. 08. 2009 [11:18]
Roman Savochenko
registered since: 12.12.2007
Posts: 3747
This function is return CPU clock counter and use for calc real CPU clock on x86 based processors and calc short execution times. For this day it function used only for CPU real clock calc and must be disabled for other processors.

I disabled it function for ARM. Update from SVN and rebuild, please.

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