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Button in GUI and the “enabler” in logical level

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Written on: 24. 06. 2012 [03:45]
Topic creator
registered since: 21.01.2011
Posts: 13
Dear friends

Advancing with my knowledge of openscada I am in the creation of GUI, and I have a little problem
in the side of the system configurator I have create a boolean parameter to be my global system “enabler” ( see attached image ), when I select it in the “logic level” it works right.

So I decided to insert inside my experimental GUI a “button”, to enable and disable my data acquisition, but I can find the right way to configure this button and link with the “parameter enabler” at the “logical level”.

Do you have an example of how to create and configure the button to handle this simple link, assignation between the

Button in GUI
and the
“enabler” in logical level

disabled.png (File type: image/png, Size: 136.41 kilobytes) — 2613 downloads
enables.png (File type: image/png, Size: 127.59 kilobytes) — 2581 downloads
Written on: 24. 06. 2012 [07:49]
Roman Savochenko
registered since: 12.12.2007
Posts: 3743
"OPMOTOR" wrote:

So I decided to insert inside my experimental GUI a “button”, to enable and disable my data acquisition, but I can find the right way to configure this button and link with the “parameter enabler” at the “logical level”.

Continue please for read "QuickStart" http://wiki.oscada.org/HomePageEn/Doc/QuickStart , all your questions' answers present here. About this question here http://wiki.oscada.org/HomePageEn/Doc/QuickStart#h995-20 .

P.S. All your requests is offtopic for "Features and service request" topic!

Learn, learn and learn better than work, work and work.
Written on: 01. 07. 2012 [00:11]
Topic creator
registered since: 21.01.2011
Posts: 13
Ok, I had been reading the quick start and have duplicated all on it, but in the Quick start there is not an example use of

a "button" in the user interface it have the example for a "combo box" use, but not the use of a "button".

Any way I try to adapt the logic of the combo box case to the use of a button and have the follow program for the processing of it

if( ev_wrk == "" ) break;
if( ev_wrk == "ws_BtPress:/Selec") bot = Selec_value;
else ev_rez+= ev_wrk+"\n";
Selec_value = bot;

My big problem is that i don't know how to configure the process tab for the widget that contains the button,

the widget only have the button inside at this moment.

I am looking for examples on the AGLKS and the Boiler but the widgets have a lot of items inside them and the processing is global, and still do not found a basic example of how configure the button and its processing program to link it with the logical level and the external world.

Please could you review where i am wrong, could some dude give me any light on this.

Thanks a lot.

[This article was edited 1 times, at last 01.07.2012 at 00:15.]

Screenshot-1.png (File type: image/png, Size: 113.05 kilobytes) — 2652 downloads
Screenshot-2.png (File type: image/png, Size: 113.68 kilobytes) — 2663 downloads
Written on: 02. 07. 2012 [07:16]
Roman Savochenko
registered since: 12.12.2007
Posts: 3743
"OPMOTOR" wrote:

Any way I try to adapt the logic of the combo box case to the use of a button and have the follow program for the processing of it

if( ev_wrk == "" ) break;
if( ev_wrk == "ws_BtPress:/Selec") bot = Selec_value;
else ev_rez+= ev_wrk+"\n";
Selec_value = bot;

The script is correct.
Do you set attribute "Checkable" for the button?
Do you set link to the parameter into "Link" tab (http://wiki.oscada.org/HomePageEn/Doc/QuickStart/files?get=ui_mn2_lnk.png)?

"OPMOTOR" wrote:

I am looking for examples on the AGLKS and the Boiler but the widgets have a lot of items inside them and the processing is global, and still do not found a basic example of how configure the button and its processing program to link it with the logical level and the external world.

For buttons processing you can see to test frame "Tests"->"Tests FormEl", from DemoDB(AGLKS).

Learn, learn and learn better than work, work and work.
Written on: 18. 08. 2012 [05:27]
Topic creator
registered since: 21.01.2011
Posts: 13
Hi Roman and Forum friends I have almost ready my undertanding of the FormElements and thanks for the reference :

"For buttons processing you can see to test frame "Tests"->"Tests FormEl", from DemoDB(AGLKS)."

It help me a lot.
To complete the FormsElements knowledge i just need to know the Event format for the scroll bar?, looking the page 15 of the file:
"The generic concept of the visual control area(VCA)"
I can see the events processing format, for Events of FormEl like:

Line edit.............ws_LnAccept
Text edit............ws_TxtAccept
Check box..........ws_ChkChange
Combo box..........ws_CombChange

But for the

Scroll bar................????????????????

So please could you sent me the Event format for the processing of the Scroll bar ?.
Thanks a lot!!
Written on: 18. 08. 2012 [17:49]
Roman Savochenko
registered since: 12.12.2007
Posts: 3743
"OPMOTOR" wrote:

Scroll bar................????????????????

Scroll bar is like to Slider then for its equal events.
Also you can simple print what events going now by "SYS.messDebug(cat, mess);", see to examples for that.

Learn, learn and learn better than work, work and work.