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How to call a external app and various questions.

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Written on: 18. 08. 2009 [21:14]
Unai Ezta
Topic creator
registered since: 30.06.2009
Posts: 42

1. How could I call a external application with a Button in Operation User Interface QT?

2. How could I use or automate the funtions PRINT Page, PRINT Diagram, PRINT Document with a Button in Operation User Interface and without Dialogs.

In my project Oscada is running in a PANEL PC, touch screen, without keyboard or mouse, so it is necessary to avoid dialogs that requires keyboard inputs or Menues in Status Bar that are difficult to use in a touch screen. I Would like to have a button to print a graph or document in actual page to a defined path.

Another problem is to change user, there is not keyboard.

3. How to exit SCADA with a Button in operation user interface QT?

Written on: 18. 08. 2009 [21:48]
Aleksey Popkov
registered since: 31.07.2008
Posts: 326
Written on: 18. 08. 2009 [23:07]
Roman Savochenko
registered since: 12.12.2007
Posts: 3751
Unaie wrote:

1. How could I call a external application with a Button in Operation User Interface QT?

Use sysCall() function: http://wiki.oscada.org/Doc/FLibSYS?v=vkr#h378-4
Unaie wrote:

2. How could I use or automate the funtions PRINT Page, PRINT Diagram, PRINT Document with a Button in Operation User Interface and without Dialogs.

This is not support now. How printer or print item select you offer?
Unaie wrote:

3. How to exit SCADA with a Button in operation user interface QT?

Change user to permited and use File->Exit.

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