2025-03-01 Roman (stable) - !!!:LibsDB.OscadaLibs: !!: Appended of the user "RemCntr" with password "RemCntr" and in the group DAQ for use in the initiative remote connections to the OpenSCADA server. !!: Appended of the disabled transports "RemCntr" to Transport.Sockets and Transport.SSL, that is when you want to provide data of your station, you just enable one of them. !!!:tmplib_base.initRemCntr: Added of access control on the remote connection and blocking the not permitted host during configurable time. !!!: Added of removing dead connections during configurable time. General improving in saving and processing errors. Added of limiting size of the remote host ID in 20 symbols and description. tmplib_DevLib.ergomera125: Added of description. LowDevLib.{S1BP,1W}: Translated to Ukrainian and added of description. - !:LibsDB.vcaBase: wlb_Main.{grph_panel,doc_panel}: Adding of checking for activity the controlled trend or document, and closing at its inactivity. - !!!!:SYS,DAQ,UI.VCAEngine: Implementing of disabling translation of string configuration fields, DAQ attributes, UI attributes at changing in the dynamic execution: - SYS,DAQ,DB.{FireBird,MySQL,ODBC,PostgreSQL,SQLite}: appending the unified method {TCfg,TVal}::isTransl() of checking translation the element, and moving on its everywhere; - TVal: appending the "mNoTransl" flag and functions of its treating: noTransl(), setNoTransl(), TValue::setNoTransl(); - UI.VCAEngine::Attr: appending the "NoTransl" flag and its treating in isTransl(); - translation is disabled: - at writing through links of implementation the templates in TPrmTempl::Impl::lnkOutput(); - at the User API call TVal::set(); - UI.VCAEngine: at Widget attribute change in the Session context for widgets in processing and at writing to DAQ attribute by links. - the DAQ Parameters added of restoring the translation of dynamically changed configuration fields at load. - !!:FIX:Transports,Protocols: Unification of errors generation in calls messProtIO() and its User API variant messIO(XMLNodeObj req, string prt) in accordance the documentation, that is obligatory with the error code: - adding en error code Tr_ErrUnknown for unknown transport side errors; - Protocol.{ModBus,HTTP,SelfSystem,UserProtocol}: adapted-updated to the errors generation with the error code. - !!:DAQ.{LogicLev,ModBus,OPC_UA,Siemens},UI.{QTCfg,WebCfgD}: Implementing of ordering value of the updating time of the configuration interface of the calculated objects, to update after the object processing: - time of the ordered update is passed in seconds through the "updTm" attribute in result to the "set" commands of fields; - implemented for the tab "Attributes (/val)" and "Parameter templates (/tmpl)" of the Logical Based sources and in the periodic mode. - FIX:TSecurity,UI.VCAEngine: Fixed in loading non initiated (without storage) users and groups at force reloading. - FIX:Archive.FSArch,Transport.{Sockets,SSL}: Fixed in building for Android. - ModelsDB/{AGLKS/oscada_AGLKS.xml,Boiler/oscada_Boiler.xml}: Removing system groups without users, than allow the groups specify in libraries. - FIX:SYS: Preventing any messages generation during processing events: SIGFPE, SIGABRT, SIGSEGV. That is only call the crashhandler and exit. - !:FIX:DAQ: The TPrmTempl object is set to stop at changing the procedure text also after loading. !:FIX: Fixing-finishing the dynamic translation of values requesting in the Control Request TValue::"get:/serv/attr" for non archiving elements. TVal: fld() is set to constant. !:FIX:System: Fixed in the CPU DA about limiting in time of obtaining the CPU load by reading the counters as uint32 and storing previous in int32, that is the counters are both read and stored now in uint64. !:FIX:DAQGate: Preventing of marking the translation of the string fields, since there is no sense. - !!!:FIX:Transports: Fixing of clearing the connection properties in {TTransportIn,TTransportOut}::clearConPrm(). !!!:FIX:SSL: Fixed in processing responses of the output transports from initiative connections, especially for no response. The true code got from Sockets with some improving for tries. FIX:Sockets: Some improved for tries in the code of processing responses of the output transports from initiative connections, especially for no response. - !!:UI.WebCfgD: Expanding of call pageRefresh() by integrating the lag time. 2025-02-15 Roman (stable) - FIX:SYS,DAQ.{MMS.libMMS,OPC_UA.libOPC_UA},Special.SystemTests: Restoring functions with arguments of the printf() format by removing the argument "__attribute__ ((format (printf, 3, 4)))", due to it wrongly processed on old systems. - !!!!:FIX:SYS,DAQ: Implementing the custom ACLs to the control nodes by: - TCntrNode: new functions nodeAccess(), nodeLoadACL(), nodeLoadACLSnthHgl(); - TCntrNode: moving from static with some improving and adaption to ACL with compatibility of the direct rules for the functions of the control interface: ctrMkNode(), ctrMkNode2(), _ctrMkNode(), ctrChkNode(); - TCntrNode: new functions of the control interface for ACL: ctrMkNode3(), ctrChkNode2(); - TCntrNode: _ctrMkNode() switched to no exception at missing container nodes, just don't create and return NULL; - TFld: cntrCmdMake() added by an argument <cntrO> for linking with the Control Node, and all code adapted to that; - TConfig: cntrCmdMake() and cntrCmdProc() added by an argument <cntrO> for linking with the Control Node, and all code adapted to that; - TTransportS: cntrCmdPrm() added by an argument <cntrO> for linking with the Control Node, and all code adapted to that; - DAQ: initial adaptation to ACLs in the description fields of the Controller and Parameter Objects, default owner-permition for the DAQ subsystem set to "root:DAQ"-0775; !!:SYS:Building: configure.ac: Core library version risen to 4:11:0. - FIX:TSecurity: Renaming the function access() argument "access" to "perm" and "groups" to "group", also for User API. - !!:DAQ: Moving in the size-depth field of the Control Interface of the Diagnostic tab of the Controller object to the editable combobox with the digital number and human text multiplier, based on the new function time2str() and str2time(). - !!!!:FIX:Protocol.OPC_UA: Implementing the true authentication with checking permissions of the DAQ-Nodes corresponding to the user: - libOPC_UA: implementing the authentication through UA::Server::EP::sessActivate() and the property <identTkn>, from which there is taken the user in the attribute "userAuthenticated" and that is written to UA::Server::Sess::{user,idPolicyId}; - libOPC_UA: all data requests by reqData() appended in <req> by an attribute "sesTokId" with session identifier here and for accessing the user; - appending a configuration field "Anonymous user" for representing the anonymous authentication. FIX: Adaption to the dynamic translation in data requests. FIX: Fixing description of the "Security policies" field. 2025-02-10 Roman (stable) - FIX:LibsDB.OscadaLibs: tmplib_DevLib.Incubator: Fixing value of the 'Transport (transport)' field. - !!:FIX:data/openscada-proj.in: Expanding the crashHandler() to work for the User Projects, that is not only for ones in the system directory. !!: Refactoring the algorithm of processing the projects in the System and User directory, that is fixing of creation the project directory in the System directory at presence the System configuration file. - SYS,DAQ.{MMS.libMMS,OPC_UA.libOPC_UA},Special.SystemTests: Functions with arguments of the printf() format appended by the argument "__attribute__ ((format (printf, 3, 4)))". - !:FIX:DAQ,DAQ.DAQGate: Fixed in remote archives detection for temporarily empty ones, that is no source. DAQ.DAQGate: Added of detection of changing the syncing periodicity in the CRON mode for fast applying after long intervals. - Protocol.HTTP: Improving some original messages. - !!!!:FIX:Transport.{SSL,Sockets}: Fixing a hard-detected problem of substitution wrong addresses during the addresses resolving by getservbyname_r() from other thread, that is from GLibC 2.24 there forced using getaddrinfo() as more correct or inet_pton() + locked getservbyname_r() on old systems. FIX: Fixing of using htons() and ntohs() and several improvement of treating the structures sockaddr_storage and sockaddr, also as errors processing in TTransSock::addrResolve(). Moving gethostbyname_r() to dynamic memory allocation. Switching TTransSock::addrGet() completely to getnameinfo() and appending of detection wrong family addresses. - UI.WebCfgD: The page refreshing action appended also by the tree updating. 2025-01-21 Roman (stable) - FIX:SYS: Fixing time2str() in processing seconds. FIX: Fixing the User API functions time2str(), cpct2str(), str2time() in the dynamic translation. 2025-01-20 Roman (stable) - LibsDB.OscadaLibs: Automatic updating some translation. - !!:LibsDB.vcaBase: wlb_Main.{grph_panel,doc_panel}: Moving in the size-depth field to the editable combobox with the digital number and human text multiplier, based on the new UserAPI function time2str() and str2time(), that is removing the type field here. !: wlb_Main.{docRepDay,docRepMonth,docUsersSet,docRepInstVals,docDin,docRep2WorkSh,docAlarmsRep,docMessRep}: Adaptation to opening the document control panel after several seconds of starting-opening, that is for allowing the document control at displaying by QtWebengine. - LibsDB.vcaTest: wlb_test.docTestGasNodeDayRep: Adaptation to opening the document control panel at setting the "pgOpen" attribute and not setting the "pgOpen" attribute in the document control panel, due to the document is archiving, that is for allowing the document control at displaying by QtWebengine. - ModelsDB.AGLKS: wlb_doc.{docRepMonth,docRepDay}: Set to no process periodically. wlb_test.docTestGasNodeDayRep: Set to process with period 10 seconds. - !!:Archive.{MessArchive,MessArchiver,ValArchive}: Moving in the size-depth field of the Control Interface to the editable combobox with the digital number and human text multiplier, based on the new function time2str() and str2time(). - !!!!:SYS: !!!!:TCntrNode: Appending of the object properties in groups by prefixes for different parts of OpenSCADA: system (sys), user (usr), connection (con), ... . !!!: Adding a User API function property() of accessing the object properties from user context in additional to the direct-natural way. Changing prototype of the objPropSet() function in the <val> argument. !!: Adding a new function str2time() with parsing the human time from time2str(), which added also by the "inParts" argument. !!: Adding new User API functions with representing the system ones in the user space: time2str(), cpct2str(), str2time(). FIX:TFunction: Fixing return value of the User API function calc() by replacing TVariant(), what is NULL, to EVAL_REAL, for preventing the spare checking for calculation need. The User API functions strftime() and strftimegm() switched to the generic implementation of TSYS::atime2str(). Mess: Adding the global label functions labTime(), labTimeSel(). - !!!!:FIX:Transport: Moving the connection parameters to the object properties in group "con". FIX:Serial: Fixed in return EVAL as (char)EVAL_BOOL in the User API functions. - !!!!:DAQ,DAQGate: Moving the TValue flags resB1() and resB2() to the object properties in group "DAQ". !:DAQGate: Improving algorithm of the archives detection with providing an information field with list of the archieving attributes. 2025-01-13 Roman (stable) - LibsDB.vcaBase: wlb_Main.storeHouse: Omitting the includes on FS at the item copying and their removing at the item removing. wlb_doc.docRepYear: Switching the direct data drawing on the diagram to the non periodic mode. - data/{debian,debian_mod}/control: Appending MySQL default dependency as default-libmysqlclient-dev. - !!:acinclude.m4: The autoconf macro AX_LIB_MYSQL added of using PKG_CONFIG when presence the configuration file, to build together MySQL in cross-compiling environments with binary mysql_config or mariadb_config. Removing the spare macroses: AX_LIB_SQLITE3, BNV_HAVE_QT. Some improving the macro AX_LIB_POSTGRESQL. - SYS.TCntrNode,UI.{QTCfg,WebCfgD}: To "<set />" control requests for commands an attribute "tp" in value "comm" is appended for detection the commands in log. - DAQ: The "Controllers" tab of the DAQ-modules appended of a field of quantity the controller objects with quantity of all, started, enabled and errors per the error code. 2025-01-13 Roman (stable) - !!!:FIX:LibsDB.OscadaLibs.flb_doc.diagram: Adding of drawing non periodic direct data like months. !!!: Implementing of rounding big interval points by the Besier Cubic Curves. FIX: Fixing of calculating bottom border for vertical scale. Changing the path sequence to without comas, which used in Cubic Curves. - !!:FIX:DB.SQLite: The error code SQLITE_CORRUPT appended for reconnection the DB file, since this error can be appeared with changing the DB-file structure from an external source. - FIX:DAQ.OPC_UA: Fixing and improving some original messages. - !!:FIX:UI.{VCAEngine,Vision}: Adding an option in the "Styles" tab of the projects with control the writing to styles in the execution context. And the writing disabled on the project side. - !!!:FIX:UI.{Vision,WebVision}: Implementing of rounding big interval points by the Besier Cubic Curves. FIX: Fixing of calculating bottom border for vertical scale. UI.WebVision: Moving the ElFigure functions bezierDeltaT() and bezier() to the generic object's VCAObj space. - FIX:UI.Vision: Fixing and improving some original messages. 2024-12-23 Roman (stable) - !:data/openscada-proj.in: Appending the crash-reports by "info thread" and "info sharedlibrary". - !!!:FIX:LibsDB.OscadaLibs.tmplib_base.fileServerHTTP,UI.WebVision: Unified in processing the data transferring in the sequence: ranges of media in the head, big data by chunks, simple single package for small data. - LibsDB.vcaBase: wlb_Main.storeHouse: Added of checking images at writing to the preview. wlb_Main.treeSelect: Updating icon of the frame with improving the name. - !!:UI.WebVision: Requesting data of the resources added by support chunks for big data and conversion only for small images. !: The save type of the buttons appended by support the media ranges with storing the data in WebVision context for retries. 2024-12-23 Roman (stable) - FIX:Archive: TVArchive::makeTrendImg() added by limiting begin and end arguments in the least zero value. The "Size, seconds" configuration field added by the range [0...2600000]. - FIX:UI: TUIS::mimeGet() added by MIME "webm". FIX:VCAEngine: Selection by the extensions for the "file:" prefix of the media sources is fixed for "mp4", renamed for "ogv" to "ogm" and added by "webp", "webm". WebCfgD: Added for processing range of values for dec, oct, hex, real. QTCfg: Added for processing range of values for real. 2024-12-07 Roman (stable) - !!!!:data/openscada-proj.in: Expanding by the commands snapshot, crash, cores with unification of preparing the crash reports also for the crashing processes from itself. - !!!!:SYS: Enabled in processing the signals SIGFPE and SIGSEGV with call "openscada-proj crash {ProjID}" to prepare the crash report immediately for SIGFPE, SIGABRT and SIGSEGV. The process return-exit result for success is forced to EXIT_SUCCESS and for fail to EXIT_FAILURE. - !!:Archive: The value archives appended of detection the doubly links and their all removing. !:FSArch: The archives unpacking function appended by the error message unification and a possibility to remove error archives, currently only at checking the value archive files. - UI.Vision: The acknowledge dialogue of the items removing added by status information about the removing items for fast checking. 2024-11-26 Roman (stable) - !!:FIX:LibsDB.vcaBase.wlb_Main.storeHouse: Fixed in files loading by checking the cell to "<null>". - FIX:DAQ.ModBus: Fixed in complete processing strings with encoding, that is registering all registers. 2024-11-24 Roman (stable) - LibsDB.OscadaLibs: tmplib_base.initRemCntr: Appending hostname as a part of the remote station identifier. - LibsDB.vcaBase: wlb_Main.storeHouse: Appending file size in the file element of the item form. Expanding width of the file element of the item form up to 300 pixels. - !!!:data/{debian,debian_mod}: Appending openscada-server.service and openscada-plc.service on the openscada.service basis from Diego Eckhard, also as a commented entry dh_installsystemd in rules; and that switched to use in Debian 12,11,10 and Ubuntu 24.04,22.04,20.04. 2024-11-09 Roman (stable) - !!!!:LibsDB.OscadaLibs: The library tmplib_base appended by an initial template "Control the remote initiative connections (initRemCntr)". - !!:FIX:LibsDB.vcaBase: !!:wlb_Main.storeHouse: Appending the images preview from the item report. Appending of indexing the loaded on FS files. Appending the MIME information at the files load. Setting "keepAspect" for the images preview in the item form. FIX:wlb_Main.storeHouse: Setting empty content in the images preview of the item form at no image. Fixing the file names cleaning at loading on FS. Period of the page processing set to -1 (from parent page) to prevent of sticking at user change. The library wlb_Main appended by an extra icon 'weath13d' and 'weath02n' for the widget "Weather (weather)". - DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Some improved in the Ukrainian translation. - !:FIX:Transports: TTransportOut appended by the function isFromInput() to detect automatically created objects from the input transport. FIX: The external initiative connections of the OpenSCADA hosts prevented from stop. Sockets,SSL: Improved in parsing address by appending the functions TTransSock::{addrHost,addrPort}() and switching to TTransSock::addrGet() everywhere. - UI: The mimeGet() appended by the "image/webp" MIME at the "webp" extension. !!:VCAEngine,Vision,WebVision: The type Image of the primitive Media appended by the attribute "Keep aspect ratio at fitting (keepAspect)". FIX:Vision: Appending of resetting maximum geometry of included pages for allow their dynamic increasing with increasing content. The error message "Error authenticating the user ..." appended by the error detalization. QTCfg: Some improved in original texts. 2024-10-19 Roman (stable) - !!!!:LibsDB.vcaBase: wlb_Main.storeHouse: Expanded by support of including files both to the MySQL LONGTEXT field and to FS. 2024-10-19 Roman (stable) - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Appended of the resources checking from the included widgets (dynamically created) on the owner page. FIX: The session User API function this.attr() fixed in checking the translation flag TFld::TransltText. - FIX:UI.WebVision: The Button view of the FormEl primitive allowed for images in the Load type. 2024-10-19 Diego Eckhard - data/: Appending a service file template openscada.service directly to SystemD. 2024-10-10 Roman (stable) - !!!:FIX:LibsDB.OscadaLibs.tmplib_base.fileServerHTTP: Expanded of big data transferring in chunks by the direct writing function writeTo(), that performed for non video files. For that appended by the attributes: Transport (tr), Protocol (prt) and Sender (sender). FIX: Fixed in returning the result through direct writing to the 'rez' attribute for templates. - !!:LibsDB.OscadaLibs.tmplib_LowDevLib.UC96: Expanded by reading: Volts maximum (Vup), Volts minimum (Vdwn), Data+ (Dplus), Data- (Dminus). - FIX:LibsDB.vcaBase: wlb_Main.RootPgSo: Improved by pause the demo-procedures execution at no requests on WEB, so preventing of opening all pages before real close. - Transport.{Sockets,SSL},Protocol.SelfSystem: Switched to the limit parameter prmStrBuf_SZ in the buffer size instead direct value or such definition. - Protocol.UserProtocol,UI.WebUser: Switched to the limit parameter prmServTask_PER instead such definition. - Protocol.HTTP,UI.{WebUser,WebCfg}: Switched to "HTTP/1.1". - !!:Transports: The IO log items appended by whole package (or aggregation) size and the aggregation default time set to 1. !!: SSL: Appended of implementation TTransportIn::writeTo() with moving to map in holding the SSockIn structure. Sockets: Some improved in implementation TTransportIn::writeTo() with disabling wrToRes. - !!:Protocol.HTTP: Appended by the generic function of transition any methods to WEB-modules - HTTP(). - UI.QTCfg: Switched to the limit parameter limObjID_SZ instead such definition. - UI.Vision: Switched to the global parameter prmWait_TM instead such definition. - !!:UI.WebUser: Switched to the generic function HTTP() of transition from Protocol.HTTP. !: Appended by an optional attribute "Transport (tr)" of the processing procedures and templates, taken from the protocol object. !: The attribute "Result (rez)" allowed in empty value to prevent sending any response, meaning direct writing by TTransportIn::writeTo(). FIX: Fixed containing the socket identifier in the second line of the attribute "Sender (sender)". 2024-09-26 Roman (stable) - DAQ: The function execution form added by the measuring minimum and maximum and combined in the measuring information and the calculation quantity. 2024-09-26 Roman (stable) - FIX:LibsDB.vcaBase: wlb_Main.storeHouse: RO value of the ID field in the data form mode shortened twicely. - {Protocol,DAQ}.ModBus: The data requesting improved in the TCP variant for waiting tail to any first package size, that is not only the MBAP header in 7 bytes size. 2024-09-15 Roman (stable) - !!!:LibsDB.OscadaLibs: tmplib_DevLib.mbBase: Expanded for support Input Registers by function 4. !!!: tmplib_LowDevLib.UC96: Expanded for support ATORCH UD24. !: tmplib_LowDevLib.1W: Expanded by an option "Only add attributes at scan". - !!:UI.QTCfg: The back and forward buttons expanded by a menu of the direct items accessing. The operation of selection wrong item prevented from setting the previous item. Depth of the back and forward lists expanded to 30 items. 2024-09-15 Roman (stable) - FIX:SYS:XMLNode: The "a" tag appended to "script" and "div" for preventing the tags wrapping. 2024-09-15 Roman (stable) - SYS,DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: The sysTm() function split to sysTmJmp() for the original sysTm() was maximum fast without jumps detection. - DAQ: The TValFunc::mCalc flag moved from a bit to a separate bool attribute, since access here must be maximum fast. - DAQ.DAQGate: The configuration field "Synchronization time with the remote station, seconds" expanded in the range to [-1...9999]. - FIX:UI.Vision: The table fitting of the view Table of the primitive FormEl fixed in shrink the last column at resetting setStretchLastSection() to false on Qt4. 2024-08-19 Roman (stable) - !:SYS,DAQ.{DAQGate,JavaLikeCalc,OPC_UA.libOPC_UA,System},Protocol.ModBus,Transport. SSL,UI.{QTCfg,QTStarter,Vision,WebCfgD,WebVision}: The source code some cleaned from building warnings. - SYS: Type of the limit variables limUserFile_SZ, limUserIts_N changed to unsigned. 2024-08-12 Roman (stable) - FIX:UI.Vision: Fixed in building on Qt4 and Qt5. 2024-08-12 Roman (stable) - !!!!:LibsDB.OscadaLibs: The library tmplib_DevLib appended by the template "Ergomera 125 (ergomera125)" with initial implementation the own protocol. !!: The library tmplib_LowDevLib appended by the template "1-Wire (1W)" merged from 1W_DS9097 and 1W_DS9097U before appending I2C Drivers. - Transport.Serial: All options in the address field marked optional. 2024-08-12 Roman (stable) - FIX:LibsDB.vcaBase: wlb_Main.storeHouse: Some improved in generic items placing at geomZ. - FIX:data/{debian/control,openscada.spec,openscada_mod_ALT.spec,openscada_mod_RH.spec}: Fixed in the word "built". - FIX:Archive: The word "DB" renamed to "storage". - Transport: Using the variables "ReqTm", "ReqMode", "ToTmOut", "InBufSz", "ReqAnsw" moved to the individual space of the transport object. - FIX:DAQ.DAQGate: Some fixed in Ukrainian translation. - FIX:DAQ.System: Preventing the error status of the Sensors Source at presence direct sources. - FIX:UI.Vision: Improved in transporting mouse events to the underlying active widgets like to form elements. 2024-07-20 Roman (stable) - LibsDB.vcaBase: wlb_Main.RootPgSo: Direct pages list append by checking the pages permission. - FIX:Transport.{Sockets,SSL}: Corrected in obtaining true bytes sequence after getservbyname_r(). - UI.VCAEngine: Session::uiCmd() and its User API variant append by the permission checking of the listing and group pages. 2024-07-20 Roman (stable) - FIX:DAQ.System: The CPU DA source appended by the "nice" part in item of the whole load. 2024-07-10 Roman (stable) - FIX:Transport.SSL: Fix building for old systems. 2024-07-10 Roman (stable) - !!!!:FIX:SYS: The commandline options appended by getting default value from the environment variable "OSCADA_{cmd}", what enabled by the environment variable "OSCADA_CMD_EN". FIX: Fixed type of the limit variable limObjDscr_SZ. - !!!!:Transport.{Sockets,SSL}: TTransSock::getAddr() renamed to TTransSock::addrGet() and the address resolving moved to a new function TTransSock::addrResolve() with direct resolving the static addresses and dynamic resolving by gethostbyname() due to getaddrinfo() has problems with reenteranting and global lock causes long hangs on all addresses at problems with DNS. Also appended a commandline option --getaddrinfo to enable it for yourself. !!:Transport.SSL: Input part of the transports switched to use unified TTransSock::addrResolve() for precursory resolving all dynamic addresses and pass ready static addresses to BIO_new_accept(). 2024-07-10 Roman (stable) - !!!!:FIX:LibsDB.OscadaLibs.DevLib.VSE002: Fixed in non reconnection at leaving partial data in the buffer. - FIX:DAQ: TController::alarmSet(): TSYS::curTime() used instead TSYS::sysTm() to set single source. - !:FIX:UI.Vision: Prevented fullscreen mode fault in some XOrg conditions, when the fullscreen Qt-flag occasionally cleared, that is the flag was doubled internally. Reproduced often with Qt6 on Debian 12. - !:FIX:UI.WebVision: The Button primitive expanded for adaptive "line-height: 1.2" or "line-height: 1.0" depending name multiline. FIX: Custom Fields fixed in processing fifth field emptiness. 2024-06-23 Roman (stable) - !!:SYS,DAQ.{BlockCalc,JavaLikeCalc},Protocol.{ModBus,OPC_UA,UserProtocol},UI.{VCAEngine,WebUser}: Appended by the limiting option limObjDscr_SZ for the description configuration fields (DESCR) with default value 1000 and range [300...1000000]. 2024-06-23 Roman (stable) - !!!!:FIX:LibsDB.OscadaLibs: The library tmplib_LowDevLib appended by the template "BT: ATORCH S1BP (S1BP)". !!!:FIX:DevLib.VSE002: Rewrote in the packages sequential reading mode, that is detection all packages with notifying unknown. The B16 packages' data renamed to B8 and appended by signatures "74 00" and "6E 00". Appended implementation the B12 packages with signatures "6F 00" and "71 00". Appended by configuring the initiate sequence. LowDevLib.UC96: Default serial-port address changed to /dev/rfcomm1. - FIX:Archive: Values requesting in the control interface tab "Values" of the value archive appended by the time limit in prmInterf_TM (7) to prevent hangs (long processing) on very big ranges. - !:FIX:DAQ: Fixing-finishing the dynamic translation for title of the controller and parameter object. - FIX:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Fixed in processing default value of the limit argument of the User API function string.split(). - FIX:UI.WebVision: Fields of the Text primitive improved in vertical centering for single line of the non HTML mode, for which there is set "line-height: 1.0". 2024-06-03 Roman (stable) - FIX:LibsDB.OscadaLibs: tmplib_base.weather: Fixed in guaranty receiving the hourly data at the connection problems. - FIX:DAQ.JavaLikeCalk: Some improved in the translation. - LibsDB.vcaBase: wlb_Main.{grpGraph,grpCadr,doc_panel,grph_panel,prescrEdit,prescrRun,prescrRunSimple,accept,treeSelect,calendar, userManager,alarmsStReport,docRepDay,docRepMonth,docRepYear},wlb_prescr.{prescrEdit,prescrRun,prescrRunSimple}: The variable <ev_cur> renamed to <evCur>. - SYS: XMLNodeObj::getElementsBy() and its UserAPI variant expanded by arguments "limit" and "from" of the XML-tree partial processing. - FIX:UI.{QTCfg,Vision}: The messages "Load from DB" and "Save to DB" renamed to "Load" and "Save" and with "storage" instead "DB" in full messages. - FIX:UI.WebUser: Appended of disabling the page node at changing language/template. 2024-05-13 Roman (stable) - UI.{QTStarter,QTCfg,Vision}: The "About ..." help item appended by Qt version. - UI.{QTCfg,Vision}: The ComboBox fields appended by locking mouse wheel forcibly for QTCfg and at no focus for Vision in runtime, and all these to prevent changes at generic page scroll. 2024-05-03 Roman (stable) - !!:LibsDB.{OscadaLibs.tmplib_base.{weather,DiskSMART},vcaBase.wlb_Main.weather: Documented and translated for Ukrainian. LibsDB.vcaBase.wlb_Main.weather: Adjusted for even work both on UI.Vision and UI.WEBVision. LibsDB.vcaBase.wlb_Main: Appended of the dynamic messages with Ukrainian translation for main ones of DiskSMART and UPS during representing by "Object properties (objProps)". - data/{debian,debian_mod}/control: Appended by a variant libsensors-dev to libsensors4-dev for Ubuntu 24.04 and other modern Debian distributions with transition from libsensors4-dev. - FIX:UI.Vision: The Text primitive in the HTML mode by QTextDocument appended by zero margin for corresponding with UI.WebVision. Improved in some original messages. - FIX:UI.WebVision: line-height of CSS set to 1.2 for corresponding with UI.Vision. 2024-04-30 Roman (stable) - FIX:LibsDB.vcaBase: The library wlb_Main appended by an extra icon 'weath03n' for the widget "Weather (weather)". FIX:wlb_Main.storeHouse: Fixed in early setting the vertical position for the data table at changing the user. - FIX:Transports: Table of the OpenSCADA external hosts appended in encoding the hosts ID in a way of IDs of the OpenSCADA nodes since their used next in IDs of the output transports. - FIX:UI.WebVision: The Table view of the FormEl primitive is fixed in processing the selection border and selection in whole after resort. 2024-04-22 Roman (stable) - !!:LibsDB.OscadaLibs: The library tmplib_base appended by a template "Disk SMART (DiskSMART)" of representing disks' SMART. - FIX:LibsDB.vcaBase: The library wlb_Main appended by an extra icon 'weath10n' for the widget "Weather (weather)". FIX:wlb_Main.grpGraph: Fixed in the geomZ for the "trnd1" and "arh" included widgets. FIX:wlb_Main.grpGraph10: Fixed in the geomZ for the extra elements "el9" and "el10". - FIX:SYS: TMess: The function translGetU() fixed in cleaning service zero symbols in non dynamic translation modes. TCntrNode::cntrCmd(): The logging message of setting the table cells "set the cell ['%s':%s] to '%s'." appended by value limiting in 100 symbols. - UI.WebVision: The Table view of the FormEl primitive is appended by borders highlight in the items selection. 2024-04-09 Roman (stable) - !!!:FIX:LibsDB.vcaBase: wlb_Main.{grpGraph,grpGraph10}: Procedure rewrote for unification to work with different elements, so for use in all derivative frames like to wlb_Main.grpGraph10. !!:wlb_Main.grpGraph10: Switched to inheritance from wlb_Main.grpGraph. !!:wlb_Main.ElViewGraph: Appended of reading the default-static properties for clearing to them. Some improved in processing the boolean type signals. Improved in faster updating values after source changing. FIX:wlb_Main.graphSelPrm: Fixed in translation "<Clear>" from the procedure. FIX:wlb_Main.RootPgSo: The attribute "Procedure of the Demo play (demoPlayProc)" set to the type "Text (translate)". wlb_Main.storeHouse: Some reordered in the Z coordinate for concealing of the form elements appearing and disappearing. - ModelsDB.{AGLKS.vca,Boiler.St}: Main page of the project appended by the attribute "Project document (prjDoc)" with link to the document on OpenSCADA Wiki, and removed for the attribute "Status line items (statLine)" with it mark as optional. - SYS,DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: The sysTm() function appended by detection of time jumps after suspending and what used in DAQ.JavaLikeCalc for preventing false messages "Calculation time has been exceeded ...". Appended by the DEF_HTaskPer definition. - SYS: TCntrNode::cntrCmd(): The generic logging messages "load" and "save" some improved. - UI.{Vision,WebVision}: The specific attribute "Status line items (statLine)" marked as optional. - UI.QTCfg: The previous and next actions appended by information about the tab, like to favorites. - !:UI.{Vision,WebVision}: Appended by a specific attribute "Project document (fprjDoc)" for customisation the document name and allowing WEB-pages in such role. - FIX:UI.Vision: Limiting icons size of the user fields in the status bar. - !!!:FIX:UI.WebVision: Appended of implementation the user fields in the status bar. FIX: Columns sorting of the Table primitive from detached header prevented for non sortable tables. 2024-04-03 Roman (stable) - !!!!:LibsDB.{OscadaLibs.tmplib_base,vcaBase.wlb_Main}: Appended by a template "Weather (weather)" of implementation weather forecast initially based on openweathermap.org. Appended by a widget "weather" of representing the weather data from the template "Weather (weather)". - LibsDB.OscadaLibs: tmplib_base.UPS: Improved in detection "No powernet" at very low input voltage and frequency. - FIX:LibsDB.vcaBase: wlb_Main.storeHouse: Fixed in the space separator of the selectable items. Appended of resetting filters at the page restart or user change. The whole-table report appended of limiting cells' text in 30 symbols, that is like to the edition table. The item report appended by hiding empty fields. Appended of updating the selection context of the form items at change such item value. - FIX:DAQ: TValFunc::get{S,I,R,B}() appended by code of casting the object TVarObj with EVAL/null converting. FIX: Templates fixed-adapted to the dynamic translation in using the IO names. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Templates fixed-adapted to the dynamic translation in using the configuration template of the attributes. - FIX:UI.Vision: Fixed in display the parameter "As a page:" of entry ID and name dialogue of items creation only for project's items. FIX: The primitive Text rewrote in processing the arguments for direct replacing marks %1, %2, ..., since Qt doesn't trace the numbers missing. - FIX:UI.WebVision: Appended of support spaces in resource name of sources of the primitive Media. 2024-03-27 Roman (stable) - !!:DAQ.System: Switched to the soft mode of parameters automatic creation, that is you are allowed to create the source parameters automatically, save forcibly need ones and next switch to the manual mode, than preventing continued scanning. 2024-03-26 Roman (stable) - !!!!:DOC: The "Quick start" manual completely revised and actualized for last 0.9.7 LTS changes. - FIX:LibsDB.vcaBase: wlb_Main.storeHouse: Switched to whole clean at change the user. Item's list of columns for selection in the form elements moved to an independent container from the filters. Appended of cleaning the current row selection in the data table at removing the item after apply the filter. - DAQ.DAQGate: Appended of resetting the remote archive detection flag to redetect forcibly at restart. - UI.WebVision: Appended of disable the text items from user resize. Appended of apply the sort actions just at clicking on the detached floating header. 2024-03-14 Roman (stable) - FIX:configure.ac: Returned back in detection LibIntl. - Archive: The message "The grid mode doesn't support inserting too old values" expanded for show time in date format. - FIX:DAQ.DAQGate: Appended in setting the last archive value with timestamp to the current value for cases of missing the current value different request by the tag <vl />. - FIX:UI.Vision: Restored in new action items of the library widgets appeareance for Qt6, by placing the new actions to Menu before ToolBar. FIX: The event QEvent::KeyRelease in LineEdit apply replaced by QEvent::KeyPress also as in UI.QTCfg for Qt6. - FIX:UI.WebVision: The LineEdit view of the primitive FormEl fixed in wrong hiding special icons of ComBobox and so on. FIX: The view Table of the primitive FormEl prevented of sorting try for empty columns at some sort switching. Indicator of not apply editing the view LineEdit of the primitive FormEl changed to left red thick border. 2024-03-03 Roman (stable) - FIX:data/openscada-proj.in: Fixed in processing the project for the lock file and the core crash file at presence the project both in the system and user directory, that is the user directory is checked in first. - FIX:configure.ac: Fixed in checking the libpthread presence. - ChangeLog: Many changes-fixes in this file. - !!!!:FIX:DB: In function TTable::fieldSQLDel() fixed for true checking the function success. - !!!!:FIX:Transports,DAQ.BFN,UI.VCAEngine: Adapted for checking the TBDS::dataDel() success result to prevent hangs here on RO storages. - FIX:DAQ.OPC_UA.libOPC_UA: Restored in building with OpenSSL < 1.0. - FIX:UI.Vision: Fixed in QMdiSubWindow mapping to QSignalMapper with adaption to Qt5 at least, so removed mappedObject() as a completely spare one. 2024-02-19 Roman (stable) - data/Android/AndroidManifest.xml: The user projects directory set to "/sdcard/.openscada" to allow ready projects connection on most Android devices. - data/openscada-proj.in: Appended of copying system libraries to {User}/LibsDB at impossibility creation links here. - LibsDB.OscadaLibs: tmplib_DevLib.FF_LE: Appended in the description. - LibsDB.vcaBase: wlb_Main.ResultGraph: The attribute "grpName" set to the "String (translate)" type. The tmplSO project some cleaned for items of the ResultGraph page. - SYS: TCntrNode::cntrCmd(): The generic logging message "set to '%s'." appended by "..." in the end of the limited values. TCntrNode::isModify() set to constant. - FIX:Transports: Table of the OpenSCADA external hosts limited in ID of the hosts corresponding to the limit the field "ID". - DAQ: Table of the values tab "Archiving" appended of hide disabled archivers. - UI.Vision: The tooltip item "... from the Library" appended of its hide together with the "Add visual item" item also as all their hide linked with selection on toolbar of the projects or widget libraries. 2024-02-13 Roman (stable) - !!!!:LibsDB.OscadaLibs: tmplib_DevLib: Documenting the new templates with some correction: FF_LE, ergomera625, Incubator, VSE002, Goboy1M, AutoPILOT, AutoPILOT_old, CorBK, TDS, UltraMag, enronDaniel, FlowGAS. Removing templates: TUF. Appending templates: FlowGAS. - !!!!:FIX:DAQ: Finish the moving in the DAQ sources to fixing table names, when empty tbl() value also used to disable the parameters storing. !!:DAQ.{=Tmpl=,AMRDevs,BFN,BlockCalc,Comedi,DAQGate,DCON,DiamondBoards,FT3,Fastwel,GPIO,ICP_DAS,JavaLikeCalc,MMS,SMH2Gi,SNMP,SoundCard,System}: Adapted to the unified parameter type conception. - UI.QTCfg: The Table fields appended by the context item "Copy for MediaWiki". 2024-02-05 Roman (stable) - LibsDB.vcaBase: wlb_Main.storeHouse: The Line Edit fields of the form switched to use non confirming mode. - FIX:DB.SQLite: Prevented in removing the "*-journal" files before the DB enabling, since there can be several processes-services who open the file and create journal, especially at reopen. - FIX:DAQ.{GPIO,AMRDevs}: Restored in their work after the DAQ sources moving to fixing table names with changing the function TTypeParam::DB() prototype and before their adaption. - !!:DAQ.OPC_UA: Appended by support the asynchronous writing like to DAQ.ModBus. - UI: The function TUIS::mimeGet() appended of the mime "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text" for ODT. - UI.{Vision,WebVision}: The view "Text Edit" of the FormEl primitive appended by adaptive text labels visibility to the Apply/Cancel buttons depending the field width. - FIX:UI.WebVision: Prevented of accessing null this.responseXML.childNodes. Appended in the system part of the status line for button of invoking the project's manual. Appended for implementation the non confirming mode of the Line Edit view of the primitive Form Element. Appended for unification the UI buttons with its using in the view "Text Edit" of the FormEl primitive. 2024-01-31 Roman (stable) - !!!!:SYS,DAQ.{DAQGate,DCON,DiamondBoards,ICP_DAS,LogicLev,ModBus,OPC_UA,Siemens,SoundCard,System},Protocol.{ModBus,OPC_UA},UI.VCAEngine: Simplified significantly in support the selectable types, making that optional and with support the dynamic translation. Allowed also for specifying only list of values. - UI.Vision: Attributes setting appended by reading back the set value for limits control. 2024-01-28 Roman (stable) - !!:SYS: TCntrNode::cntrCmd() in processing the primary commands of the Control Interface appended by their generic logging. - !!!!:DAQ,DAQ.{LogicLev,ModBus,OPC_UA,Siemens}: Moved in the DAQ sources to fix table names of different parameter types, that is the configuration fields are hidden now when their are standard ones and it scheduled to be cleaned in whole in v1.0. !!: The module version of the subsystem "DAQ" risen to 21. !!:DAQ.{LogicLev,ModBus,OPC_UA,Siemens}: Adapted to the unified parameter type conception. 2024-01-28 Roman (stable) - FIX:LibsDB.vcaBase: Main.alarmsSt: Fixed in the alarms_focus variable accessing after removing of forcing the "focus" attribute, which replaced by this.alarms.attr("focus"). FIX: Main.storeHouse: Prevented of <EVAL> for <NULL> cells in the item report. - SYS: TSYS::strLabEnum() appended by an argument "onlyDec" (set by default) for enumerating one digit, found the first from the string end. The UserAPI functions fileSize(), fileRead(), fileWrite() expanded for support big size files. - FIX:UI.WebVision: Appended of setting the CSS property "pointer-events" to "all" also at presence "toolTips" or "tipStatus", for show the tip helps. For URLs opening in "vs_goHttpUrl" used the command window.open(). Editing the table cells are allowed for words selection at twice mouse click with preventing the changes loss. - UI.{QTCfg,WebCfgD}: All the command requests appended by setting the "primaryCmd" attribute to mark their force for processing. 2024-01-15 Roman (stable) - FIX:DAQ.System: Fixed in building Proc>DA on old systems. 2024-01-15 Roman (stable) - !!!!:FIX:DAQ.System: Appended by a new data source of Linux processes "Process (proc)". !!: Sensors>DA appended by support of the directly accessible sensors "/sys/devices/virtual/thermal/*/temp" and /sys/devices/virtual/hwmon/*/temp* FIX: Mem>DA some improved in the productivity and fixed in closing "/proc/meminfo" after its unsuccessful opening. FIX: HddSmart>DA, UPS>DA removed for spare own object-structure "tval". Power>DA some improved in code of scanning the data device files. DA::cfgChange() appended by the "TMdPrm *prm" argument. 2024-01-15 Roman (stable) - FIX:Transports: Fixed in the milliseconds part of the log messages on MIPS also. - !:FIX:DAQ.DAQGate: Set to resync in the redundant mode up to successful. 2023-12-31 Roman (stable) - !!!!:LibsDB.OscadaLibs: The library tmplib_DevLib appended by the templates: - from VPF: Incubator, VSE002; - from Blue Star Group: "Goboy 1M (Goboy1M)", "AutoPILOT PRO Flow Computers (AutoPILOT)", "AutoPILOT OLD Flow Computers (AutoPILOT_old)", "Corrector BK (CorBK)", "Tancy Data (TDS)", "TUF-2000 (TUF)", "UltraMag", "Enron, Daniel (enronDaniel)". - !!:SYS,DAQ.{BlockCalc,Comedi,DiamondBoards,FT3,Fastwel,ICP_DAS,SNMP},Protocol.{ModBus,UserProtocol},UI.{VCAEngine,Vision,WebCfg,WebCfgD,WebUser}: std::string::substr() replaced by std::string::find() in places with static obtaining data for comparing, what is clearer, safer and mostly faster for short strings. 2023-12-31 Roman (stable) - FIX:Transports: Fixed in the milliseconds part of the log messages on some devices like to RPiZero (ARMv6). The log properties moved to the protected section for global and only methods for internal, appended by a property of the aggregation time and some of them limited by the bits size. 2023-12-18 Roman (stable) - !!:FIX:LibsDB.vcaBase: wlb_Main.storeHouse: Improved in going to the item form and such icons. Elements of the item form appended by the ordered keyboard tab. Elements of the item report restored in the left marging for non texts. - data/ModelsDB/AGLKS/St.db: The input SSL transports set by the port group 10042,10043,10044 for WEB and 10045,10046,10047 for CNTR. -!!:SYS,UI.{VCAEngine,Vision}: Improved for messaging the warnings at saving. Removed for the error TError::DB_TrRemoved. - !!:Transport.SSL: Appended for support by the port group in the input transports, that is connection to first free. - Transport.Sockets: Some improved in support the input port range. 2023-12-18 Roman (stable) - Archive: The error messages about starting the value archive changed to the warning level, since the source can appear later. - !!!:FIX:SYS,DB: TMess::translGet() fixed in detecting the system prestored messages at setting empty translation messages. !!:DB: TTable::fieldSQLSet() Adapted to clearing the message base and all translations at zeroing a translation, for clear messages edition in the dynamic translation mode and from non base language. - DAQ,Protocol.UserProtocol,UI.WebUser: Constants in configuration the DAQ-Templates of real type appended by limiting the visual precision in 6 digits. - UI.QTCfg: Commented for QDoubleValidator to the real form fields on Qt <5 also. - UI.WebVision: The text edition fields appended of renewing the activity status per 30 seconds, for edition big texts. 2023-12-11 Roman (stable) - data/ModelsDB/AGLKS/St.db: Sockets.{testRelease,testRelease1,testRelease2} disabled by default. - data/{oscada_plc.xml,oscada_server.xml,oscada_start.xml,ModelsDB/{AGLKS/oscada_AGLKS.xml,Boiler/oscada_Boiler.xml}}: The default port range changed to 10002,10003,10004 for WEB and 10005,10006,10007 for CNTR, that is to the historisch ports. - Transport.Sockets: The IP6 address took in the square brackets. 2023-12-10 Roman (stable) - FIX:LibsDB.OscadaLibs: tmplib_base.fileServerHTTP: Type of the IO "fSzSolidLim" changed to Real. Translated to Ukrainian and documented. - !!:FIX:LibsDB.vcaBase: wlb_Main.storeHouse: The checkbox items of the item form appended for processing. The text fields of the single-item report were cleared from the left margin. - data/{oscada_plc.xml,oscada_server.xml,oscada_start.xml,ModelsDB/{AGLKS/oscada_AGLKS.xml,Boiler/oscada_Boiler.xml}}: Cleared in the input transport description and the transports appended by the port group: 10002,10001,10000 for WEB and 10005,10004,10003 for CNTR. - !!:Transport.Sockets: Appended for initial support by groups of the ports in the input transports, that is connection to any free. - !!:UI.{VCAEngine,Vision,WebVision}: Appended by initial support of data built-in to resource marked attributes, primarily for the source attribute of the Media primitive. 2023-12-10 Roman (stable) - !!:FIX:Archive: The message archivers are prevented from resetting the buffer position of the last read message since we get doubling the messages at each updating the subsystem, which is often for updation the value archive connections, and especially at missing the resource lock. - Security: Simplified in description the system users and groups. - FIX:UI.WebVision: Fixed in dynamic translation the user name on the index page. 2023-12-03 Roman (stable) - !!:LibsDB.OscadaLibs: tmplib_base: Appended by a new template for WebUser "HTTP File Server (fileServerHTTP)" with implementing the HTTP File Server in OpenSCADA, currently that is only reading resources with support partiality. - UI: The User API appended by a new function SYS.UI.mimeGet() of obtaining the MIME type from the file name. 2023-12-03 Roman (stable) - FIX:ModelsDB.AGLKS.St: WebUser.test finished in restoring the text before unification the translation. - FIX:DB: Allowed in true writing of user changes in the Dynamic Translation Mode on non Base Language, by early checking for dynamic data. - FIX:Archive,Archive.FSArch: The values archiving appended by limiting the writing operations at limUserIts_N (1e6) entries for tracing of consuming all memory in some cases. - FIX:UI.WebUser: Appended by freeing of very big data in the "page" attribute. - FIX:UI.WebVision: The resources getting code through HTTP appended of force switching to the Partial Mode at achieving size in limUserIts_N (1e6). 2023-11-27 Roman (stable) - !!:FIX:LibsDB.vcaBase: wlb_Main.storeHouse: The item edition form expanded by the highlighting and processing with unification that. The reports appended by processing the links as the external ones. FIX: Indexes and lists set as dynamic ones. 2023-11-27 Roman (stable) - FIX:ModelsDB.AGLKS.St: WebUser.test restored in the text before unification the translation. - !:FIX:SYS: The TCfg::setS() function in a variant with RqFlg appended by notification, only on the data stages and without the returning back. !: TValFunc::calc() appended by notification of the calc errors on the Warning Level. - !!:DAQ.LogicLev: Significant improving the Parameter Reflection mode in: - dynamic creation and removing attributes; - disabling at the error enabling with missing the source parameter with removing all attributes; - the selection changed to not editable; - measuring the processing time. - FIX:UI.WebCfgD: Fixed in processing the selected value of the editable combobox on FireFox. - FIX:UI.WebVision: The textarea edition appended of the early applying to prevent of indication the false modification. - !:FIX:UI.WebUser: Fixed in translation the page name in the index. The selection control item of the "procedure language or the DAQ-template" changed to noneditable combobox. 2023-11-21 Roman (stable) - !!:LibsDB.OscadaLibs: The template tmplib_LowDevLib.UC96 expanded by the data tracing with the reconnections, appended by some logical parameters, translated to Ukrainian and documented. - !!!!:LibsDB.vcaBase: wlb_Main.storeHouse: Expanded by creating the item edition form in the main frame after hiding the main table and other. 2023-11-20 Roman (stable) - !!:FIX:SYS: The TCfg::setS() function in a variant with RqFlg appended of locking the critical sections at accessing the container TVariant. - !!:FIX:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: The strings concatenation operation appended by the limit checking on limUserFile_SZ(10M). !:FIX: The exceptions processing with catch(...) replaced by catch(TError&) for true detecting of places of STL exceptions. - !!:FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Prevented from connection the attribute "focus" of any included widget to the calculation IOs and appended by processing the exceptions of accessing those IOs for missing included widgets. !:FIX: Attr::setS() improved in the critical section processing. !:FIX: Fixed in processing the inheritance of the "owner" attribute from the widgets level and up to the projects level after copy some widget on the widgets level. Appended by definition PERM_INHER(01000) fot the inheritance flag. - !:FIX:UI.Vision: Prevented from crash at accessing to not initiated yet shD->addrWdg during setting the attribute "en" in some remote connections. Improved for some original messages. 2023-11-04 Roman (stable) - !!:LibsDB.OscadaLibs: The library tmplib_LowDevLib appended by the template "BT: ATORCH UC96". - UI.Vision: The primitive Document split for force using QTextBrowser in the development mode, since QWebEngineView cannot be selected for developing and it is havy here. 2023-11-04 Roman (stable) - FIX:SYS:Fixed in mark the WorkDB configuration field as modified one at changing and its changes saving in the configuration file. - Transport: Level the message "Error connection the new associated node: %s" set to "Debug", since setting the "initConID" parameter can be performed by the source object itself. - !!:DAQ.AMRDevs: Adapted in the Kontar part to the new conception of the associated output transports for the input ones. Was not tested due to missing such devices and need in some specific configuration file for activation some traffic!!! - !:FIX:DAQ.LogicLev: Fixed and unified in calculation the execution time per parameter object. 2023-10-16 Roman (stable) - !:UI.QTCfg: Expanded in favorites for saving also the opened tab. - FIX:UI.Vision: Fixed in processing the combobox fields without indexes, like to access the Storage field from the LTS branch on the Work branch. 2023-10-16 Roman (stable) - !!:FIX:Archive: The requests TVArchEl::getVals() and "TValue:get:/serv/attr" appended of limiting the requesting depth in limUserIts_N (1e6) items to prevent for big memory consumption. !!:FIX: The Control Interface request "TValue:get:/serv/attr" fixed in expanding to equivalent archivers and the limit calculation of the function getVals(). - !:DAQ.DAQGate: Appended for definition hasArch() to resB1() and hasArchReq() to resB2(), when hasArchReq() used for the tag "ael" hiding at missing the archive remotely. Appended for the flags hasArch() and hasArchReq() resetting at new archives assignement. 2023-10-08 Roman (stable) - ModelsDB.AGLKS.St: Updated for the parameter cache of DAQGate.test. - data/{debian,debian_mod}/compat: The level was risen up to 7 for default building at modern Debian distributives. 2023-10-08 Roman (stable) - DAQ: The TVal object appended by the function setTime(). - !!:FIX:DAQ.DAQGate: Time of the requesting archive increased for 1 microsecond to prevent of spare values requesting and their direct rewriting to the archives. !!: Improved in work with remote host without the time sync: - the values can be in future up to one hour; - the remote host timestamp everywhere used at the archive presence even in the tag "<vl>"; - appended of detection the remote host time for its display and using in timestamp the changed values. FIX: Prevented of the foreign packages processing in the response by checking for the "lcPs" presence. Appended by detection of the remote archive presence for hiding the spare requesting tag "<vl>". - Archive: TVArchEl::setVals() allowed for processing the data from future not more at one hour, for DAQ.DAQGate mostly. - Protocol.HTTP: The message "The authentication session for the user '%s' is expired." moved in the debugging space. 2023-09-30 Roman (stable) - DAQ.OPC_UA.libOPC_UA: Restored in building with OpenSSL < 3.0 and >= 1.0. 2023-09-30 Roman (stable) - !!!!:configure.ac,acinclude.m4: Cleaned from the deprecated macroses in AutoConf 2.70: - AC_HELP_STRING renamed to AS_HELP_STRING; - AM_CONFIG_HEADER renamed to AC_CONFIG_HEADER; - AC_LIBTOOL_DLOPEN replaced by LT_INIT([dlopen]); - AX_PTHREAD replaced by AC_SEARCH_LIBS(pthread, [pthread_create]) - commented for AC_PROG_LIBTOOL, AM_PROG_LIBTOOL, AC_HEADER_STDC, AC_HEADER_TIME, AC_TYPE_SIGNAL, AC_ISC_POSIX. - !!!!:acinclude.m4,DAQ.OPC_UA.libOPC_UA,Transport.SSL,Special.FLibSYS: Cleaned from deprecated functions in OpenSSL 1.1 (API 3.0): - acinclude.m4: testing function of the macro AX_LIB_OpenSSL() and AX_LIB_OpenSSL_opt() for libcrypto replaced from MD5_Init() to BIO_new(); testing function of the macro AX_LIB_OpenSSL() for libssl replaced from SSL_free() to SSL_new(); - OPC_UA.libOPC_UA: UA::symmetricEncrypt() and UA::symmetricDecrypt() merged to UA::symmetricCrypt() and switched for using EVP_CipherInit() and EVP_CipherUpdate() instead AES_cbc_encrypt(); - using RSA_public_encrypt() moved to EVP_PKEY_encrypt() and RSA_private_decrypt() moved to EVP_PKEY_decrypt() for new versions. - Transport.SSL,Special.FLibSYS: using of MD5() moved to EVP_DigestInit_ex(), EVP_DigestUpdate(), EVP_DigestFinal_ex() for new versions. 2023-09-22 Roman (stable) - !!!!:FIX:SYS: Finished in true building with the core library only in static: - configure.ac: the configuration option --enable-CoreLibStatic expanded for definition the AM_CONDITIONAL(CoreLibStatic) and the environment variable LIB_MOD; - moduls/*/*/Makefile.am: appended by the option --tag=disable-shared and expanded by using the environment variable LIB_MOD; - src_call/Makefile.am: expanded by the AM_CONDITIONAL(CoreLibStatic) specific processing for static linking the core library with all included modules. FIX: TSYS::sysSleep() Fixed in work with nanosleep(). Control Interface of the main page appended by hiding the tab "Translations" and the language fields at missing the internationalisation in whole. 2023-09-11 Roman (stable) - configure.ac: The parameters --disable-WebEngine and --disable-MultimediaEngine renamed to --disable-QtWebEngine and --disable-QtMultimediaEngine respectively. The generic variables QtWebKit_{CFLAGS,LIBS} and phonon_{CFLAGS,LIBS} renamed to QtWebEngine_{CFLAGS,LIBS} and QtMultimediaEngine_{CFLAGS,LIBS} respectively. - FIX:UI.{QTStarter,Vision}: Restored in building on Qt4.5 (N800). - FIX:UI.{QTCfg,Vision}: Restored in building on Qt5 < 5.8 (Debian 9). - FIX:UI.QTStarter: Appended by the attribute Qt::AA_ShareOpenGLContexts before the Qt application object for QtWebEngine work on Qt6. 2023-09-09 Roman (stable) - !!!!:acinclude.m4: The AutoConf macro AX_LIB_Qt expanded by Qt6 support. - !!!!:FIX:configure.ac: In appending Qt6 that is appended by Qt6Sensors, Qt6WebEngineWidgets, Qt6MultimediaWidgets. The parameters --disable-WebKit and --disable-Phonon renamed to --disable-WebEngine and --disable-MultimediaEngine. Most of the corresponding messages were improved. FIX: Restored in building on old systems with the separated -lintl. - data/{debian,debian_mod}/control: Appended by the dependency variants qt6-base-dev, qt6-webengine-dev, qt6-multimedia-dev. - FIX:Transport.SSL: Restored in building for Android. - !!!!:UI.{QTStarter,QTCfg,Vision}: Adapting for building with Qt6, including adapting to Qt6WebEngine and Qt6Multimedia: - QLayout::{setMargin,margin}() replaced by QLayout::{setContentsMargins,getContentsMargins}(); - QVariant(char*) replaced by QVariant(QString); - the QMouseEvent constructor replaced by one with the global position; - QRegExp replaced by the OpenSCADA's variant TRegExp for functions of replacing and testing or by the direct checking; - the QComboBox signal activated(const QString&), currentIndexChanged(const QString&) replaced by activated(int), currentIndexChanged(int) respectively; - the QSignalMapper signal mapped(QWidget*) replaced by mappedObject(QObject*); - QPalette::Background replaced by QPalette::Window and Qt::MidButton by Qt::MiddleButton; - QFileDialog::setReadOnly() replaced by setOption(); - QApplication::desktop() replaced by QScreen; - QAction::parentWidget() replaced by parent(); - QVariant::type() renamed to typeId(), QMouseEvent::{pos,globalPos}() renamed to {position,globalPosition}(), QDateTime::{setTime_t,fromTime_t,toTime_t}() renamed to {setSecsSinceEpoch,fromSecsSinceEpoch,toSecsSinceEpoch}(); - appended by renaming functions for different Qt versions with help the macro-definitions in different files and for: typeId() to type(), position() to pos(), globalPosition() to globalPos(), setSecsSinceEpoch() to setTime_t(), fromSecsSinceEpoch() to fromTime_t(), toSecsSinceEpoch() to toTime_t(), mappedObject() to mapped(), setSource() to setMedia(), setVolume() to audioOutput()->setVolume(), setMedia() to setSource(), state() to playbackState(); - appended for support QRegularExpression instead QRegExp in Qt6; - the QMouseEvent property mouseBtHold split on two QPointF: mouseBtHoldPos, mouseBtHoldPosG; - the keyboard combination separator "+" replaced by "|", that is "Qt::SHIFT|Qt::Key_F1"; - the event QEvent::KeyRelease in LineEdit apply replaced by QEvent::KeyPress. The generic library lib_qtgen appended by the function winFit() for specific windows fitting on mobile systems in common. - UI.QTStarter: Appended by the new Qt messages for translation: "Reload", "Save page", "View page source". 2023-09-09 Roman (stable) - FIX:LibsDB.vcaBase: wlb_doc.docRepInstVals: Restored in translation values of title and parameter's dimension, name. - FIX:Archive: Fixed in permition to list of archivers of tab the archive values. - FIX:UI.WebCfgD: Data edition fields fixed for the standard date from WebBrowser without seconds. 2023-08-31 Roman (stable) - FIX:SYS: Restored in building on old systems with the separated -lrt also for ALTLinux6. 2023-08-30 Roman (stable) - FIX:SYS: Restored in building on old systems with the separated -lrt. 2023-08-30 Roman (stable) - FIX:UI.Vision: Restored in building with no Media engine. 2023-08-30 Roman (stable) - LibsDB.vcaTest: Finished in renaming CPULoad to CPU and MemInfo to MEM. - !!!:acinclude.m4: The AutoConf macro AX_LIB_Qt improved in MOC and RCC detection for Qt5, by the package variable "host_bins" of Qt5Core primarily, than preventing the global MOC and RCC problems in their switching for Qt versions. Some messages improved. Prepared also for further adaption to Qt6. !!!:configure.ac: Appended by checking Qt5WebEngineWidgets and Qt5MultimediaWidgets for support in UI.Vision. !!: Appended by checking the declarations-functions clock_nanosleep, pthread_rwlock_timedwrlock, newlocale with improving the LibIntl detection, for very pure environments of MIPS with UCLibC. Appended by checking the header pthread.h. Some messages improved. Prepared also for further adaption to Qt6. - data/{debian,debian_mod}/control: Appended by the dependency variants qtwebengine5-dev and qtmultimedia5-dev. - SYS: ResRW::resRequestW() and ResRW::resRequestR() appended of using the timed version at the definition HAVE_DECL_PTHREAD_RWLOCK_TIMEDWRLOCK. TSYS::atime2str(),SYS.strftime(): appended of using the localized data at the definition HAVE_DECL_NEWLOCALE. TSYS::sysSleep(),TSYS::taskSleep(): appended of using the clocked sleep at the definition HAVE_DECL_CLOCK_NANOSLEEP. TMess,TModule: The HAVE_LIBINTL_H checking replaced by "#if HAVE_LIBINTL_H", that is checking for 1. - !!!!:FIX:UI.Vision: Adaption to Qt WebEngineWidgets instead WebKit and checking the playing moved to a QTimer at the period STD_WAIT_TM(5) seconds for: updating the size and position attributes, stopping the playing in cache and rolling; !!!!: Adaption to Qt MultimediaWidgets instead Phonon and appending for alarms notifying in runtime. 2023-08-30 Roman (stable) - LibsDB.OscadaLibs: tmplib_LowDevLib.RDTech: Nondouble commands set to send the command twicely for stable applying by the device, postcommand delay set to 0.2 and moved in common. - DAQ: Information of the value attribute appended by the field of timestamp the current value. - Transports: List of the OpenSCADA hosts appended by the empty item for the possibility of changing the transport type. The IO log expanded for cleaning at the log disabling. - Protocol.SelfSystem: Some improved in the compression processing. - FIX:UI.Vision: Fixed in early OpenSCADA pages removing before the prinitng and exporting dialogs. FIX: The local media URL of Phonon transferred in absolute one for playing by GStream. FIX: Fixed in the Phonon volume translation to 1.0 as 100%. 2023-08-06 Roman (stable) - LibsDB.OscadaLibs: tmplib_DevLib.FF_LE: Finished in the implementation. 2023-08-06 Roman (stable) - !!:FIX:Protocol.SelfSystem: Fixed in double request packing of the output transports at second tries of reconnection or reauth. 2023-07-29 Roman (stable) - Transport.{SSL,Sockets}: The default port value moved to the definition DEF_PORT. - !!:FIX:Transport.SSL: Fixed in specifying the connection timeout of TSocketOut::connectSSL() in milliseconds at performing the initiative connection. 2023-07-29 Roman (stable) - DAQ.DAQGate: Appended of the error message "No active source on the remote station" instead empty errors. - !!!!:FIX:Transport.SSL: TSocketOut::messIO() prevented from hang at endlessly reading by BIO_read() after the socket closing, by checking errno for EAGAIN. The connection error message appended by the timeout value information. 2023-07-25 Roman (stable) - !!!!:Transport.*,Protocol.SelfSystem: Refactored and unified in the additional parameters management and expanded in using the connection time parameters for registering configuration parameters of external sources like to protocols: - the modules version of the Transport subsystem increased up to 26; - the container configuration field "A_PRMS" of the additional parameters moved to the core library from the modules; - appended by functions TTransportS::{prm,cntrCmdPrm}(), {TTransportIn,TTransportOut}::prm() with common implementation the additional parameters; - conPrm() expanded by support the configuration parameters of external sources like to protocols and it extended to the input part, also as for the User API; - conPrm() appended by an argument of the default value and what used in all transport modules; - clearConPrm() expanded by clearing single parameter and only from external sources; - setConPrm() was removed after implementing this feature in conPrm() and some modules was updated for that: DAQ.AMRDevs, Protocol.SelfSystem; - Protocol.SelfSystem is the first protocol who is used now the configuration parameters in transport; - the output transports appended by a link to an input transport, who created the output one, and it is used for holding here the configuration parameters of external sources; - all configuration of the associated output transports are set hidden; - control of the additional parameters moved in own tab "Additional (aprm)" with a function of resetting their values; - marking the input and output transports as modified set only at the configuration fields real change. - Protocol.SelfSystem: Due to using the configuration parameters in transport, it appended by the 100x timeout to the common one for closing lost authentications and the timeout default value decreased to 1 (one) minute. - !!:FIX:Transport.SSL: Fixed the crash at the ciphers requesting in the status for once created and not connected or wrong connected output transports. The input default address changed to "*:10045". - Transport.Serial: The modem additional parameters moved to the separated additional parameters' tab. - Transport.Sockets: The input default address changed to "*:10005". 2023-07-25 Roman (stable) - FIX: LibsDB.vcaBase: wlb_Main.storeHouse: Guaranteed in filling the report dialogs by generating the opening events from the procedure. 2023-07-15 Roman (stable) - !!:Transport.SSL: The SSL context moved to the generic module object separately for input (ctxIn) and output (ctxOut) parts and the ciphers information was appended for: - the generic module object by SSL_CTX_get_ciphers(); - input-server transport status for SSL_get_shared_ciphers(), SSL_get_client_ciphers() and SSL_get1_supported_ciphers() or SSL_get_ciphers(); - output-client status for SSL_get1_supported_ciphers() or SSL_get_ciphers(). 2023-07-08 Roman (stable) - !!:Transport.{Sockets,SSL}: The input transports appended by a configuration field of properties of the initiative connection and the associated output transports - !!:Transport.SSL: The input and output transports appended by control MSS and the input transports appended by control the system input buffer, both taken from Transport.Sockets. Warning messages appended by notification the certificates missing for the input transport. 2023-07-05 Roman (test) - !!!!:SYS,DB.{SQLite,MySQL,PostgreSQL,FireBird},Protocol.HTTP: The messages translation adapted mostly for language codes more of 2 (two) symbols. - !!!!:Transport: !!: The TTransportIn::associateTrO() expanded by support the different stages ATrStg_Create, ATrStg_Proc. !!!!:SSL: Expanded by support of the initiative connections: - SSL connection code of TSocketOut::{start,stop}() moved to static ones TSocketOut::{connectSSL,disconnectSSL}() for using in the input transport; - SSL connection code of TSocketIn::Task() moved to TSocketIn::{start,stop}(); - removed for support the SSL algorithms and versions specifying in the mode due to that removing in the OpenSSL library and that was not used mostly, so there used only TLS_{client,server}_method() for new libraries (> 1.1) and SSLv23_{client,server}_method() for old ones. FIX:Sockets: Some fixed in the description. 2023-07-05 Roman (stable) - Protocol.HTTP,UI.{WebUser,WebVision}: Finished in adapting for dynamic translation the station name with unification the User API function pgCreator() for using language from objFuncCall(). 2023-07-01 Roman (stable) - SYS,Protocol.HTTP: Project icons obtaining by the function TSYS::ico() appended by obtaining the file path and that used in Protocol.HTTP for obtaining translated icons. - Transport.Sockets: The input transports some corrected in the modes describing and using the names. - Transport.SSL: Adapted to new functions of OpenSSL 1.1 (API 3.0) with treating deprecated ones. - !:Protocol.HTTP: Adapted for dynamic translation the station name and processing encoded file names of images. 2023-06-25 Roman (stable) - SYS,UI.{Vision,WebVision}: The function TSYS::atime2str() appended by the date translation and it is used in building the time scale of the primitive Diagram of VCA. 2023-06-25 Roman (stable) - data/Android/AndroidManifest.xml: Changed in android:versionName to 1.0. - !!!!:SYS,Archive.DBArch,DAQ.{BFN,JavaLikeCalc,ModBus,OPC_UA},Protocol.UserProtocol,UI.{VCAEngine,Vision,WebUser}: The Generic Storage renamed from "*.*" to "<gen>": - with naming the specific storages as "Generic Storage" and "Configuration File" everywhere through the new function TMess::labStorFromCode(); - appended by the definition DB_GEN "<gen>", which used everywhere instead "*.*"; - all generic fields like to "Archiver DB" renamed to "Storage"; - TMess::labStorRemGenStor() renamed to TMess::labStorRem() and appended by information about all object storages. - !!!:UI.Vision: Adapted for obtaining named list of the storages. 2023-06-17 Roman (stable) - LibsDB.OscadaLibs: tmplib_base.{digAlarm,manInUnif,anUnif,pidUnifImp,anUnifSt,pidUnif,codeState,SNMP,UPS}: The NAME IO set to the type "String (translate)" and the DESCR IO to the type "Text (translate)". - ModelsDB.AGLKS.St: All parameter objects in LogLevPrm.gen set for "alDelay" in 1, to prevent the alarm messages at the exiting. - FIX:DAQ: The DAQ-Templates finished in adapting to translation string type values at their editing and using in the Template Configuration Tab. - FIX:DAQ.DAQGate: Fixed in the values sending of the translatable fields not in the internal translation structure. - DAQ.System: The DA-Sources list adapted for the true dynamic translation. - UI.VCAEngine: The "Last request time, user, language" renamed to "Last request user, language, time". 2023-06-17 Roman (stable) - LibsDB.OscadaLibs: tmplib_base.ntf: Expanded by a possibility of specifying messages to exclude from the notification. - LibsDB.vcaBase: wlb_Main.storeHouse: Expanded by processing ID (index) also as other standard fields "NAME", "DSCR", to control the field visibility. - DAQ.System: The DA-source "CPU" expanded by CPU detection without accessing "/proc/stat", which can be inaccessible. The DA-source "Power" expanded by reading the multiline property files. 2023-06-10 Roman (stable) - LibsDB.{OscadaLibs.flb_Controller.test,vcaBase.prj_archBrowser.IDW}, ModelsDB.AGLKS.St.{OPC_UA.test,Archive.{MemInfo_use,CPULoad_load}},ModelsDB.Boiler.St.Archive.{MemInfo_use,CPULoad_load}: Adapted to renaming DAQ.System.AutoDA.CPULoad and DAQ.System.AutoDA.MemInfo to DAQ.System.AutoDA.CPU and DAQ.System.AutoDA.MEM. - SYS: The object TElem appended by a function contN() of obtaining for counter of the connected containers. During of refactoring the module DAQ.System the functions TSYS::{sysClk,clkCalc,shrtCnt,HZ}() were removed and appended by TSYS::{sysClk,setSysClk}() for receiving the CPU frequency from DAQ.System. - DAQ: The object TVal appended by a new flag AttrFlg::NoSave for preventing of marking as modified at the attribute change. - !!!!:DAQ.System: Completely refactored and expanded for: - expanding the CPU DA by CPU information and frequency from different sources, including CPUFreq with the control; - appending a new DA Power as an interface to Linux Power; - unification the DA interface calls DA::init(), DA::deInit(), DA::makeActiveDA() with moving most DA modules to call the unified code and implementing for them only the unified function dList(). - the DA interface class appended by the new signs: isDynamic(), hasSubTypes(); - appending a mode of the data generic updating from the Service Cycle and the Controller DA Task, by the new function updGen(); - ID of the automaticly generated DA parameters changed to: CPU - "CPU[{N}]", fs - "FS{MP}", hddstat - "DiskSt_{dev}", MEM - "MEM", netstat - "Net_{IF}", sensors - "Sensors", hddsmart - "DiskSMART", ups - "UPS", uptime - "UpTm_{U}". - the hddtemp DA appended of removing the used transport at missing the service. - UI.QTCfg: The short RO values appended by setting the fixed width corresponding to the value font metric. 2023-06-09 Roman (stable) - SYS: TElem::fldList() set to const. - Archives: Copying the value archives appended by copying the data source if it is empty one in the target object. - DAQ.DAQGate: Appended by the cached attributes direct copy at the parameter objects copy, after preventing of storing "ATTRS". - Transports.*: Restored in storing "A_PRMS" for allowing the specific attributes copy and those objects are not big for such sort memory optimisation. - UI.{QTCfg,WebCfgD}: The messages "On", "Off" renamed in "Yes", "No" correspondingly, for the boolean screen items. - FIX:UI.WebCfgD: Fixed in processing the empty comboboxes. 2023-05-27 Roman (stable) - LibsDB.OscadaLibs: flb_Controller.test: Appended by extra tests for string::{parse,parseEnd,parsePath,parsePathEnd}() after fixing the End variants in the last item processing at direct accessing and if the item is empty. - FIX:LibsDB.vcaBase: wlb_Main.userManager: Fixed in saving the groups' changing by saving the changed groups and not the user. - !!:FIX:SYS: The function TSYS::strParseEnd() and TSYS::pathLevEnd() fixed in the last item processing at direct accessing and if the item is empty. Sending the Control Interface commands to the redundant stations is allowed for warnings and errors of the "save" command on the source-initial station. - DB: TBDS::dataGet() and TBDS::dataSet() appended of checking the DB emptiness and generation the "The node is not stored." messages. - DAQ.DAQGate,Transports.*: Prevented in holding content of the transitive attribute "ATTRS" and "A_PRMS" in the memory for decreasing the memory consumption at 10-20%. 2023-05-20 Roman (stable) - FIX:Archives: The diagram building of the value archive fixed for crash at some very short data when h_div can become zero. - SYS: Reverted back the changes at 2023-02-16 about "The service request "load:/{Node}/%2fobj" appended by clearing the configuration context after the loading." since that context can be used hierarchically or in the redundancy. - ModSchedul: The modules checking period was set in 0 by default for disable the modules checking at empty configurations. 2023-05-15 Roman (stable) - !:Archives: The "Values" tab expanded in the statistic field "Number" by no source (passive), error (missing source) and lost (empty DB) value archives; the tab also appended by the group cleaning-removing operations of the value archives for no source - passive, with error source - missing source, lost archives - empty DB. - !!:FIX:SYS: Handling the default values fixed-expanded on taking in the account for the command-line options and especially SYS->modDir() which is the sum of the two configuration and command-line options "ModDir" and ModSchedule::"ModPath", and this problem was detected on Android. !:FIX: Obtaining the project icon fixed at the project switching by clearing the base name mNameB. - UI.QTStarter: For the project icon obtaining there is used the unified function SYS->ico(). - UI.QTCfg: Labels of the Image, List and Table fields appended of the possibility of the label text selection by mouse. 2023-05-07 Roman (stable) - !!!!:SYS: All system (SYS) configuration parameters adapted for true handling the default value. - Protocol.SelfSystem: Code of the external-output connections implementation cleaned additionally. Configuration fields of the compression merged to one row. Error messages about limiting the authentications moved to the Debug level. 2023-05-02 Roman (stable) - Transports: Table of the OpenSCADA external hosts returned back for the Transport.Serial selection here. - !!!!:FIX:Protocol.SelfSystem: Significantly reviewed and fixed in the external connections implementation, appended by checking limit the header size. - Protocol.UserProtocol,UI.{VCAEngine,WebUser}: Prevented the RWLock potencial recursion and deadlocks at using pure pthread_rwlock. 2023-04-30 Roman (stable) - FIX:LibsDB.{OscadaLibs,vcaBase}: Some automatic fixed for the translations. - FIX:SYS,Archive.FSArch,DB.LDAP,DAQ.FT3: Some fixes of building with the "musl" C Library and closedir() call for NULL, from Sergey Dudanov. - FIX:SYS: Fixed in many places of the "into" word using. - SYS: The translation configuration fields TrPassN, TrChkAndFix, TrChkAndFixMB moved to the dynamic variables due to there is no need of their store. The translation mark "<<<Unmatched sources>>>" renamed to "<<<SEVERAL VARIANTS>>>". - Archives.{FSArch,DBArch}: The automatic creation value archives are setting now with the empty storage. - !!:Archives: The "Messages" tab of the "Archive-History" subsystem appended by a function of automatic clearing old Alarms from the Active Alarms Table at the specified days depth. - Protocol.SelfSystem: Was set to response by compressed (with level -1) packages at the compressed requests. - !!:Protocol.UserProtocol: The input part expanded by a possibility of schedule the user procedures call in the service cycle, for the background processing of some data; the Object's attribute "This (this)" was appended here also. 2023-04-22 Roman (stable) - !!:LibsDB.OscadaLibs: The templates library DevLib appended by initial implementation of the counters "FF LE-03MB CT (FF_LE)" and Ergomera 625(ergomera625). Some automatic fixed for the translations. - !!!!:SYS,UI.{QTCfg,WebCfgD}: The Control Requests code TError::Core_CntrWarning expanded for the warning messages pass in the attribute "mtxt" with the main data storing. - SYS,Security,UI.VCAEngine.Libs: Adapted to load empty objects (automaticly created) from the first source with such data, when the source can be inaccessible at the main starting time. - !!!!:SYS: The translation page moved in the notification about fixes to pass them to the user through the expanded Control Interface warnings. The flag "chkAndFix" of the translation page split to "chkAndFix" and "chkAndFixMB". !!!!: The TError object expanded by new constructors with the "const string &" type arguments for no limiting strings and the convenience. !: The function TCntrNode::setStorage() of the storages processing expanded by just replacing of the empty queue. - !!:UI.{QTCfg.WebCfgD}: Unified in notification the errors of the Control Interface during improvement the code TError::Core_CntrWarning and QMessageBox appended of the detailed text at the message longer for 255. 2023-04-15 Roman (stable) - FIX:SYS: The static messages translation function improved in omitting empty messages for the binary strings with only zero symbols. - !!:FIX:DB,DB.PostgreSQL: Processing the table emptiness some softened during problems in DB.PostgreSQL about that, that is no exception generated now. !!:FIX:DB.PostgreSQL: Switched to the standard way of detection the missing Tables with it creation at "toCreate" and the exceptions generating else, so preventing the message "Table is empty.". - DB: The DBs listing function appended of placing the "Work DB" on the top always, as the most priority one. - DAQ.ModBus: The syntax highlight rules appended also by the true rules of highlighting bits in the form "R_b:123.12". - !:FIX:Protocol.UserProtocol: Appended by releasing the User Node functions at the disable. Fixed-adapted for the dynamic translation of the IO names. - FIX:UI.QTCfg: Restored in positioning at the navigation tree search. - UI.VCAEngine: The control request "connect:/serv/sess" appended by the attribute "onlyMy" for connection only to own sessions, and the request "get:/ses/ses" appended by the same attribute for listing only own ones. - FIX:UI.Vision: The User login dialog appended of clearing the password field in the not auto login mode. - !:UI.WebVision: Improved in processing the connections of the ordinal users to own VCA-sessions. 2023-04-09 Roman (stable) - FIX:LibsDB.vcaBase: Finishing the word "Quittance" fixing to Quietance. FIX:wlb_doc.docUsersSet: Appended by encoding the value fields also, due to there can be not just digits now. - !:DAQ.DAQGate: The function TMdContr::messSet() of the DAQ related messages setting adapted to support attributes in the parameter address for significant attributes of the generic-container parameters, that is needed for the messages transmission from the up stations to the down ones. - !:DAQ.ModBus: Appended by the parameter "Omit cycles for read back of written" for separate control such feature apart from the asynchronous writing. 2023-04-01 Roman (stable) - !!:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Expansion-finishing the object's cycle implementation "for({var} in {obj}) {body of the loop}" by the possibility of pointing as the Object <obj> of the included ones through the properties or from the results. !!: The constant values appended by "null" as a synonym to EVAL (EVAL_REAL). All the constants appended to the syntax highlighting as the values like to "true" and "false". - UI.WebUser: Tooltip appended by description the property "schedCall". 2023-03-25 Roman (stable) - Rebuild. 2023-03-25 Roman (stable) - !!:LibsDB.vcaBase: wlb_Main.RootPgSo: The "Notification: type 2 (TextSpeech) (notify2)" method expanded by the RHVoice support and appended by the builtin syntax highlight for BASH. !!: The "Notification: type 1 (Buzzer) (notify1)" method rewrote for the long samples playback in the background, that is with control the sample playing stop and restarting only in the case. Appended also by the syntax highlight. - !!!!:SYS,Transports,UI.Vision: The function's TSYS::strEncode() TSYS::ShieldSimb encoding renamed to TSYS::ShieldSymb, moved to the function TSYS::strDecode() and in TSYS::strEncode() appended by the common one. !!!!: And the UserAPI function SYS.strDecode() appended by the decoding method "ShieldSymb". - DAQ.{DAQGate,ModBus}: Status of the buffer of the asynchronous writing moved into the global context as "To write %d. ", that is for the communication errors also, since the writing buffer is available here and costantly in the Asynchronous Writing. Counters type switched to uint32_t for allowing the resetting and preventing the frozzing. - !:FIX:UI.{VCAEngine,Vision}: For encoding strings of the environment variables of the external notification scripts there used the method TSYS::ShieldSymb and only in the symbol '"', for preventing encoding "'". - !!!:FIX:UI.VCAEngine: The dynamic translation of tr() fixed in the translation loss after the translation cache cleaning and placing the spare messages to the project's table "Trs". - !:UI.Vision: Appended by overriding the Phonon notification method with a notification script declaration in the prioritaty attribute "notifyVisVision{N}". Enabled to notify the active alarms at the start, for the notification script as for Phonon. - !!:UI.WebUser: Expanded by a possibility of schedule the user procedures call in the service cycle, for the background processing of some data. 2023-03-18 Roman (stable) - FIX:Transports: Fixing the building for old environments. 2023-03-18 Roman (stable) - !!!!:FIX:SYS: Rewrote the function TCntrNode::nodeAt() to prevent of call the virtual chldAt() under the lock mChM, so preventing some dead locks in the virtual definitions of chldAt(). - !!!:Transports: The IO log appended by its writing to a file for very big ones at pointing the log size -1. Commands of the table of the external hosts appended by names for custom. - DAQ.DAQGate: Some improved in managing the configuring subtab "Configuration of the remote parameter" of the remote station in different states. - DAQ.{MMS,OPC_UA,System}: The prefix "TCP:" removed from address of the Sockets transports, as the default one. - Protocol.HTTP: The user requests processing part of the function TProt::outMess() cleared from the Socktets' transport default prefix "TCP:" during processing the XML property "Host". - FIX:UI.{QTStarter,Vision}: The default table delegate appended by processing a new property "active" in TableDelegate::createEditor() to prevent edition not active tables in UI.Vision runtime. - FIX:UI.WebUser: Fixed-adapted for the dynamic translation of the IO names. 2023-03-13 Roman (stable) - data/Android/patches/openscada_oscada.xml.patch: Patched for only using AGLCS.png, AGLKS.png and Boiler.png icons and without ÐГЛКС.png what is not allowable in Android. - LibsDB.vcaBase: The message "Copy" translation was some changed. wlb_Main.{anShow,anShow1,TextLab,ImgLab},wlb_mnEls.El_Alarm: The attribute "ntf","spName" set to be the translated string. - LibsDB.OscadaLibs: flb_servProc.docOffLine: Adapted to the service request changing "get:/%2fgen%2fprog" to "get:/%2fgen%2fenv%2fprog". - ModelsDB.AGLKS.Model: The message "Pressure after the first stage of the compressor" translation was some changed. - ChangeLog: Many changes-fixes in this file. - FIX:DAQ.GPIO: The file po/oscd_GPIO.pot was appended to the repository. - FIX:DAQ.ICP_DAS: The file include/i8048W.h was appended to the repository. - FIX:Transport.Sockets: Fixed in use the proper type socklen_t of the size argument of the getsockopt() function, that doesn't compile here for Android. - !:Protocol.HTTP: Appended by the HTTP Attributes of disabling the WEBBrowser Cache in whole: "Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate", "Pragma: no-cache", "Expires: 0". - UI.QTStarter: Hiding the logo image was set just as the projects apply button. 2023-02-23 Roman (stable) - LibsDB.OscadaLibs: tmplib_LowDevLib.RDTech: The default device address was appended by the timeouts part "||1000:40-20". - !!!!:LibsDB.vcaBase: wlb_Main.storeHouse: Significantly expanded by: - implementation the procedures support for the logical columns; - implementation the report of all visible table and a selected record. The resources of the widget library wlb_Main was updated for the image "edit.png" and appended by the image docIt.png. wlb_Main.alarmsStReport: renamed to "Report" for the common using by Main.storeHouse. - Transport.Serial: The output transport expanded for the possibility of setting the timeouts field in the address one. - UI.QTStarter: Added by a possibility of the logo dynamic hiding at low height. - FIX:UI.Vision: Fixed for some original messages. - FIX:UI.WebVision: Fixed in processing the view Table of the primitive FormEl for conditions of the column fitting. 2023-02-16 Roman (stable) - SYS: Writing to the configuration in XML prevented in doubling the translated field for the configuration contexts. NSTR_BUF_LEN(50) split to CFG_A_LEN (100) for using in the maximum attribute size of the configuration cell in XML. The service request "load:/{Node}/%2fobj" appended by clearing the configuration context after the loading. - !!!:Transports: The IO log of the transports appended by the data modes: "Binary & Text", "Binary", "Text". - UI.{QTCfg,WebCfgD}: The remote hosts copy appended by clearing in the "load" command-request for the attributes "ctx" and "rez" after the "save" command-request. - FIX:UI.QTCfg: Fixed-restored for building in the Qt4.7 environment. Avoided from doubling the scrollToItem() in the navigation tree due to jumps sometimes. The previous and next navigation buttons added by tooltip with items in the navigation lists. - !!!:UI.VCAEngine: The widget libraries adapted to interhost copying. - !!:FIX:UI.Vision: Fixed of hanging in the navigation tree at missing icons of the widget libraries, after removing empty "ico" tags in the previous commit. FIX: Fixed-restored for building with old LibC++. 2023-02-05 Roman (stable) - !!!:DOC: The "API" document completely revised in the section "Control Interface and dynamic tree of program objects" which unified and the section "Service commands-functions" moved there as a subsection, the subsection "Service commands-functions" completely rewrote and appended, and all those translated in Ukrainian. - !:LibsDB.OscadaLibs: tmplib_DevLib.mbBase: Switched to use TTransportS::outAt() and allowed for empty item names. - !!:FIX:data/openscada-proj.in: Expanded by the new environment variable OSCD_TAR_Args of defining extra tar arguments like to --exclude and it was set to the default value "--exclude=lock --exclude=ARCHIVES". FIX: Fixed in description and using the environment variables OSCD_TAR_ComprPrg and OSCD_BackLim. For the environment variables there used the substitution instead the direct condition. - SYS: The Control Interface request "chlds:/{nPath}/%2fobj" appended by not creating the empty icon tags "ico". - DB: The Control Interface request "call:/BD/{MOD}/{DB}/%2fserv%2fSQL" appended by processing the "intoTrans" attribute as EVAL at missing and clearing the request text in the response. - DB.DBGate: Appended by setting the default values before the request MTable::fieldSeek() for decreasing the network trafic. - DAQ,DAQ.JavaLikeCalc,Protocol.{ModBus,HTTP}: Commands to the Control Interface tables reordered for moving the deletion "del" to the end. - !!!!:DAQ: The Logical Level linking appended by a form of the address representing as the prefixed path "prm:/node/node", so with support of the relative addressing at "." and "..": - the DAQ item linking functions expanded by the base node specifying in the attribute "ndBase": ctrListPrmAttr(), daqAt(), prmAt(), attrAt(); - implementation object TPrmTempl::Impl of the Logical Level of the DAQ template expanded for the new linking support. - FIX:DAQ: The service request "list:/DAQ/{MOD}/{CNTR}/prm_{PRM}[/prm_{PRM}]/%2fserv%2fattr" fixed in the attribute name translation. - FIX:DAQ.ModBus: Fixed in the transport selection list form. - Archive: The value archive object TVArchive appended by declaration the enumeration ServReqDtMode for the Control Interface request "get:/Archive/va_{ARCH}/%2fserv%2fval". - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: The visualisator specific attributes fixed in work after the source widgets reloading, by allowing the flag Attr::VizerSpec loading. The Control Interface request "get:/UI/VCAEngine/%2fserv%2fwlbBr" appended by not creating the empty icon tags "ico". - FIX:UI.Vision: The type Trend of the primitive Diagram fixed in updating the trend values under cursor at the cursor change during the common loading and fixed in the current cursor hold after it setting by setCursor(). - FIX:UI.WebVision: The type Trend of the primitive Diagram fixed in setting the EVAL values to the trend cursor values at tracing the current time by the cursor and the tracing period more at 1 second. 2023-01-19 Roman (stable) - SYS: Fix the building. 2023-01-19 Roman (stable) - LibsDB.OscadaLibs: tmplib_DevLib.SLOT: The Device Address IO added of the conversion from SN specified directly in the field. - LibsDB.vcaBase: wlb_Main.storeHouse: The filters appended by separated clearance also at the class change. - SYS: The definitions SEC_XT, SEC_WR, SEC_RD moved from the file tsecurity.h to tcntrnode.h and used there also. ctrChkNode() cleaned for the argument "warn" due to the response attribute "force" is deprecated. TFunction::operator=() finished in adaption to the IO name translation. - FIX:DB: Absence the flag TFld::TransltText means as the translation complete missing for that field. - DAQ.{ModBus,LogicLev,OPC_UA,Siemens}: TMdPrm::loadIO() cleaned from the spare argument. - !!!!:{DAQ,Protocol}.ModBus: Appended by the option "e" for the register endian switch to LE for generic and BE for strings. - !!:DAQ.ModBus: The string extension of the registers appended by the input charset conversion. - !:FIX:Protocol.ModBus: Fixed-adapted in the IO name dynamic translation. FIX: Appended by clearing spare Data IO at loading. FIX: The Data Node is set to disabled at loading now. FIX: Prevented from reloading at the Data Node enable. - UI.QTCfg: Fields of the commands limited in them attributes by only name, text and "id" at copy. 2022-12-26 Roman (stable) - !!:UI.{WebVision,Vision}: The type "Line Edit" of the primitive FormEl adapted to store the value from the data model at the element editing - to restore the true value at cancel the changes. - !!!:UI.WebVision: Appended by the printing implementation for the "Document" and "Main Page". !!!: The type Table of the primitive FormEl added by tearing off the table header at big tables scrolling down. !!: The included pages closing set after several (4) row appears - to prevent of closing all pages at fast navigation. 2022-12-18 Roman (stable) - FIX:DAQ.DAQGate: Fixed in the errors setting for StHd::err at the type MtxString, replacing by the direct data locking and "string". 2022-12-18 Roman (stable) - !!:FIX:LibsDB.vcaBase: wlb_doc.docUsersSet: Added by the "Message category (messCat)" configuration. FIX:wlb_Main.anShow: Fixed in speeding up at alarms. wlb_Main.userManager: Disabled in the periodic processing. wlb_Main.storeHouse: Switched to use the transaction for reading the changes in the first cycle. wlb_Main.grpGraph10: Appended by the control panel open at the event key_mousePresLeft also. - FIX:DAQ: The service request "get:/serv/mess" of obtaining the data source messages of the Controller Object appended by ignoring the processing for empty categories by catsPat(). - !!!:FIX:DAQ.DAQGate: The message categories in catsPat() of obtaining the data source messages of the Controller Object switched to generate own detailed rules of the regular expression from the specified remote controllers - to prevent very redundant messages obtaining. !!:FIX: Improved-fixed in the Controller Alarm status formation for multiple stations, when ALARM it is at missing connection of all stations. The controller parameter list allowed for empty rows. - !:UI.VCAEngine: Obtaining calcPer() switched in the sessions to obtain original-project's value from the parent at "-1". "!!redefined!!" renamed to "REDEFINED". - UI.Vision: Added by the hosts sorting in the host selection lists. 2022-12-02 Roman (stable) - FIX:Archive: TPrmTempl::Impl::lnkId() added of checking the function availability due to the execution context can be cleared already on busy systems. 2022-12-02 Roman (stable) - LibsDB.OscadaLibs: tmplib_DevLib.SLOT: The IO "sched" set to the Read Only Attribute also. - FIX:Archive: The new function TPrmTempl::Impl::archAttrs() fixed in use the links lock "lnkRes". - UI.{Vision,WebVision}: Exporting the Document tables to CSV appended by preventing the empty rows. 2022-11-29 Roman (stable) - !!:LibsDB.OscadaLibs: tmplib_DevLib.SLOT: The IO "sched" switched to the link for binding several counters under single scheduling. - FIX:LibsDB.vcaBase: wlb_doc.docRepInstVals: Fixed in centering the diagram. - !!!!:Archive,DAQ.{LogicLev,ModBus,OPC_UA}: Finished the unification of archiving at the Logical Level sources when used only the direct-passive archiving: - the object TPrmTempl::Impl appended by the new function archAttrs() of updating-archiving attributes of the LogicalLevel; - the value archive link type "Passive param. attribute (TVArchive::PassiveAttr)" renamed to "DAQ attribute (TVArchive::DAQAttr)"; - the value archive link type "Active param. attribute" renamed to "Active DAQ attribute" with that mark as DEPRECATED. - SYS: The User API functions strptime() and strptimegm() set in the time default initiating to 0:00:00. The XMLNode loading flags appended by the no flag item LD_NO. - !!:FIX:DAQ: Setting the LogicalLevel links prevented from cleaning all the string after the space at the link constants "val:". - !!:DAQ.LogicLev: Some improved in work the parameter type "Reflection", that also switched to the passive archiving mode. - UI.Vision: The station selection field appended by the short help about the new item "<Select>". Code of the Document exporting to CSV some cleaned. - !!!!:UI.WebVision: Appended by the export implementation for the "Document - HTML,CSV" and "Table CSV". 2022-11-20 Roman (stable) - !:FIX:LibsDB.vcaBase: wlb_doc.docRepMonth: Fixed in the document regeneration at the same time, by setting 0, and in whole. wlb_Main.grpGraph: Appended by the control panel open at the event key_mousePresLeft also. - !!!:FIX:DB: Fixed in writing untranslated strings, by clearing all translation and writing to base. - !!!!:UI.Vision: Appended by the possibility of call remote station interfaces by selecting the remote station in a dialog, for what the user selection dialog was expanded. 2022-11-11 Roman (stable) - !!:LibsDB.OscadaLibs: tmplib_DevLib.SLOT: Appended by the description and some fixed. - !:FIX:LibsDB.vcaBase: wlb_doc.docRepDay: Fixed in the document regeneration at the same time, by setting 0, and in whole. wlb_Main.storeHouse: The filter events appended by call the immediately cycles. - !:FIX:data/ModelsDB/Boiler: Fixed in some description and the processing period of the project set to 250 ms. - !!!!:SYS: All templates (the folders =Tmpl=) revised together the document "How to/Create module". - !!:FIX:DAQ: The parameter templates fixed in the flag IO::TransltText processing for strings. 2022-11-02 Roman (stable) - !!:LibsDB.OscadaLibs: The library tmplib_DevLib appended by the template "Slot LTD devices (SLOT)". - !!:LibsDB.vcaBase: wlb_doc.docRepDay: Some improved and appended by: the columns grouping in the header, string values direct reading, colors disable in the table at EVAL scale. - !!!:FIX:DB: Fixed for the DB syntax error at cleaning the translation fields equal to the base. !!:FIX: Prevented in the DBs service termination, as the transactions closing, at some wrong DB presence. - !!!!:FIX:SYS: Prevented from propagating the base language column of the translations table "Tr" in the SINGLE translation mode and the base language. - DB.SQLite: The "tracing" debug category appended by the prefix "db_". - !!!:FIX:UI.VCAEngine: The session widgets periodic processing restored at empty functions but for the direct links. FIX: The pages are prevented from the parent widget address clearing at the page type changing from Standard to Template and back. The type field of the pages set in invisibility for the owner page is the Template. 2022-10-22 Roman (stable) - !!!!:LibsDB.vcaBase: wlb_Main.storeHouse: Adapted to work in very big processing periods and disabling the periodic processing in whole: - switched to the processing period -2 (disabled); - appended by continuing the immediately cycles using the new event "usr_calc". Allowed for type changing of the specific field "NAME". Appended by force update at changing fields with the color highlighting. - !!!!:FIX:SYS: Fixed in saving for changes of the message configuration fields. - !!!:FIX:DB: The translation prevented from propagating the base language column in the SINGLE translation mode for already translated DBs, by appending for different detection the translated DBs in whole and the translated column presence. - !!:FIX:UI.WebVision: The type Table of the primitive FormEl improved and fixed for: - setting the CSS property "white-space" to "pre-wrap"; - setting the color changes under the selected cells; - preventing the focus loss just after entry to the cell editing; - fixing the boolean value setting at entry to the cell editing; - the table refitting at growing the column string length. 2022-10-10 Roman (stable) - data/Android/patches/openscada_openscada-proj.patch: Adapted to the last changes. - !!!!:LibsDB.vcaBase: wlb_Main.ElViewCadr: Adapted to work in very big processing periods and disabling the periodic processing in whole: - appended by switching to the fast cycle at cursor blink, using the new function calcPer(); - switched to the processing period -1 (parent); - tracing period of the Diagram primitive linked also to the Widget period. wlb_Main.{grpCadr,ResultGraphEl}: Adapted to work in very big processing periods and disabling the periodic processing in whole: - switched to the processing period -1 (parent); - tracing period of the Diagram primitive linked also to the Widget period. wlb_Main.{TextLab,ImgLab},wlb_mnEls.{El_Kran_polozh,El_Kran_Sh,Compressor}: Adapted to work in very big processing periods and disabling the periodic processing in whole: - appended by switching to the fast cycle at cursor blink, using the new function calcPer(); - switched to the processing period -1 (parent). wlb_Main.{ViewCadr,ResultGraph}: Switched to the processing period -1 (parent). wlb_Main.ElViewGraph: The calculation set in 2000 ms due to need of that updating at the trend cursor changing. - !!:FIX:DB: Coming to the translations clearing is set at the new flag "isTranslatable", split from "isTransl", since "isTransl" is the translation environment, then that was not cleared on the base language environments, moreover, that was marked the translation as the base message change. !:FIX: The translation setting prevented in setting double messages to the base messages; what completing not translation "<EVAL>". - !!:FIX:SYS: The translation manager prevented in the marked base changing to a human readable form at all, since that used as a key. TMess: appended by the common label labStdOutTrs() for address format of the unified output transport function. The word "cron" renamed to "CRON". - !!!:Transport,UI.{QTCfg,WebCfgD}: The field "Transport" of the external hosts control table expanded by the selection specifying per item with support such behaviour in the common configurators. - !!!!:DAQ.ModBus: The first one what moved to use the unified connection to the output transport. The syntax highlight rules for the register bits expanded for bits [8...15]. - UI.QTStarter: The table fields editing of the real type switched to use the standard QLineEdit instead the span one with two digits after radix. - UI.QTCfg: The context searching field of the navigation tree switched to use the pure selecting function setCurrentItem(). The function getExpandTreeWIt() also appended by selection not selected end items. - !!:FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Fixed in the correct treating of the project pages and the library widgets with initially wrong parent addresses, for don't remove child widgets and change them parent at pointing the correct parent address. !!: The behaviour about the attribute "IO_VAL" field translation changed to allow the translation for linked in and styled ones, for getting the translation in development; the constant ones left as intranslated due to the configuration value reading-replacing and the reading expanded on the user attributes loading. Copying resources pointed in attributes of the widgets expanded for the attribute "src" of the primitive "Media". The "newMime" message renamed to "newRes". - !!:UI.Vision: The popup menu of the project, the project pages, the widget libraries and the library widgets in appending widgets from the libraries removed for limit of the libraries here in 20 items by moving all them to a new separated menu item "... from the Library". The processing-calculation period fields is set to update-reload after a change. 2022-09-27 Roman (stable) - LibsDB.vcaBase,ModelsDB.AGLKS.vca: The VCA projects set to the calculation period 250 ms. prj_{archBrowser,tmplSO}.control: Calculation of the main page and the control group of the VCA projects set to 1000 ms. - !!!!:LibsDB.vcaBase: wlb_Main.ElCadr: Adapted to work in very big processing periods and disabling the periodic processing in whole: - appended by continuing the immediately cycles using the new event "usr_calc"; - appended by switching to the fast cycle at alarm blink, using the new function calcPer(); - switched to the processing period -1 (parent). !!!!:wlb_Main.{grpGraph,grpGraph10}: Adapted to work in very big processing periods and disabling the periodic processing in whole: - appended by continuing the immediately cycles using the new event "usr_calc"; - switched to the processing period -1 (parent); - tracing period of the Diagram primitive linked also to the Widget period. Appended in limiting the cursor time for the visible area. !:wlb_Main.ElViewGraph: Adapted to work in very big processing periods and disabling the periodic processing in whole: - appended by continuing the immediately cycles in waiting the values appear, using the new event "usr_calc"; - appended by switching to the fast cycle at cursor blink, using the new function calcPer(); - switched to the processing period -1 (parent). !:wlb_Main.grph_panel: Appended by storing the tracing period of the linked Diagram primitive. Switched to the processing period -1 (parent). wlb_Main.RootPgSo: Rewrote in the waiting the container page opening. Width of the logo expanded to 110 pixels. wlb_Main.{graphSelPrm,doc_panel,accept,treeSelect,cntrPaspExt}: Switched to the processing period -1 (parent). wlb_doc.docRepMonth: Excluded from execution at stopping. wlb_doc.docRepYear: Appended by one immediately cycle after f_start, using the new event "usr_calc". Disabled for the periodic processing. - !!:FIX:SYS: The string EVal value "<EVAL>" appended as not translated one to prevent that translation in VCAEngine for NULL DB values. FIX: Prevented in the maximum measuring value sticking of tasks' time consumption at switching the scheduling method to CRON. - DAQ.{BlockCalc,JavaLikeCalc,LogicLev}: The word "cron" renamed to "CRON". - !!:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Prevented in starting-compiling functions for stopped libraries, due to the libraries can be stopped already at the exiting so the function compiling can lock external objects. !!: The own service library "sys_compile" appended also for that starting just after creation. - Archive.DBArch: Length of the integer type fields cleared to use the maximum resolution values, that is "bigint" for MySQL. - !!!:FIX:Archive.FSArch: Files accessing locks completely revised for including the packing/unpacking, new files creation, removing old ones under the WR lock space including also the conditions checking. Also removed for the relocks in cycles and at indexes. FIX: The ModMArch object appended by the sign chkANow of preventing multiple checking in checkArchivator(). The sign chkANow for Values also prevented from sticking at an exception. 2022-09-20 Roman (stable) - FIX:LibsDB.vcaTest: wlb_test.FormElTests: Fixed in some translation for Ukrainian. - !!!!:LibsDB.vcaBase: wlb_Main.RootPgSo: Adapted to work in very big processing periods and disabling the periodic processing in whole: - appended by continuing the immediately cycles before the container page opening at the start and after navigation, using the new event "usr_calc"; - appended by switching to the fast cycle at alarm blink, using the new function calcPer(). wlb_Main.ElCadr: the processing period set to 1000. wlb_Main.{anShow,anShow1}: switched to the processing period -1 (parent) and appended by switching to the fast cycle (500 ms) at focus and alarm blink. wlb_doc.{docRepDay,docRepMonth,docRepYear}: Switched to the processing period -1 (parent). wlb_doc.{docDin,docAlarmsRep}: Switched to the processing period -2 (disabled). - DAQ: The controler objects in the flags "To start" and "To enable" improved in setting "To enable" at "To start" and clearing "To start" at "To enable". - DAQ::Value: The service request "get:/serv/attr" of the Control Interface prevented from clearing the "el" subtags at missing the representing attribute, them value is set to EVAL for true mark that as processed in DAQ.DAQGate and don't continue them request in each cycle. - !!:DAQ.DAQGate: The sync() function of the controller object rewrote completely in the "Removing remotely missed parameters" section for: - processing the parameter's representing stations: removing completely for missing stations and parameters with no station; - removing disabled parameters and the logical containers at the flag "Allow the automatic removal of parameters and attributes". The function TMdPrm::setStats() was renamed to TMdPrm::setStat() and was appended by stations removing at the argument "toRemove". The function TSYS::strSepParse() was replaced to TSYS::strParse(). Status area of the parameter object appended by the field "Address in remote source". - FIX:Archive::Value: Prevented in direct setting values to the archives in very future, what causes FSArch in creation many spare files. - Transport.Sockets: Appended by resetting the connection time variable "connTm" at the input transport start. - Protocol.SelfSystem: Appended by clearing the attribute "remoteSrcAddr" in the response tree. - !!!!:FXI:UI.VCAEngine: Adapted to work in very big processing periods and disabling the periodic processing in whole: - fixed in obtaining the period from the owner session widget; - appended by setting the session side period with the User API function calcPer() of the session side widget; - expanded by specifying the special values: PerVal_Sess(0), PerVal_Parent(-1), PerVal_UserMin(PerVal_Dis(-2)), PerVal_SessDef(-3); - "Period of the calculation" renamed to the "Periodic processing" and the renamed field is specified as a generic parameter, that is moved to the main configuration tab and appended by the page widgets of the project and child widget of the library widget; - the session object appended by the User API function period(), what returns the session processing period; - the processing period was clarified in the session widget status; - prevented in entry to the calculation procedure at empty function. !!:FIX: The Document primitive generation appended by limiting the repeating blocks size in limUserFile_SZ (10MB). Change of the attribute "alarmSt" appended by accompaniation the new event "ws_alarmChange". - !!:UI.Vision: Adapted for renaming "Period of the calculation" to the "Periodic processing" and for moving to the main configuration tab. The previous field in the "Processing" tab is set to be hidden at that missing in the VCA model. - FIX:UI.WebVision: Appended in the item text encoding for symbols '<','>','&' of the type "Tree" of the primitive "FormEl". 2022-09-11 Roman (stable) - !!:LibsDB.OscadaLibs: tmplib_LowDevLib.RDTech appended by the new attribute "dev" with the Bluetooth device name and for binding to the device at the template start using rfcomm. tmplib_LowDevLib.RDTech completed in the Ukrainian translation. flb_servProc.docOffLine in the attributes "pages" and "pagesCur", tmplib_DevLib.mbBase in the attribute "items", tmplib_LowDevLib.RDTech in the attribute "dev" adapted to help from the second row. - LibsDB.vcaBase: wlb_Main.grph_panel: The button of the trend starting from cursor moved to the left. wlb_Main.{alarmsAct,alarmsSt} in the attributes "colms" and "highLght" adapted to help from the second row. - !!!!:SYS,DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Getting help from the second line for the Control Interface appended in: - description of the element fields (TFld) with DAQ-values; - name of function IOs (TFunction) with links and attributes builder of the DAQ Logical Level. - SYS,DAQ.JavaLikeCalc,UI.VCAEngine: The Control Interface tables appended by the context help to the field "Name". - SYS: Names of the security standard permissions appended by _W_W_W(0222). - FIX:DAQ.DAQGate: Prevented of disabling DAQ-parameters at receiving the error TError::Tr_UnknownHost. - !!:UI.Vision: The Widget Attributes edition table appended by the multiline edition for the "Name" column and the context help loading for that. 2022-09-02 Roman (stable) - DAQ.OPC_UA,libOPC_UA: Improved in the items parsing of DAQ-parameters in the Standard mode, than allowing the chars '|' in the address. DAQ.OPC_UA: Improved for the syntax highlight rules of items in the Standard mode of DAQ-parameters. - UI.WebVision: Some speeded up on slow channels for 50% idle and requesting the reaction result without a sleep by resetting the planning period to the VCA-model side one. 2022-08-28 Roman (stable) - FIX:UI.QTStarter: Restored in building into old environments after most close() functions appending of checking the result. - UI.Vision: Fixed in building on Qt4. 2022-08-28 Roman (stable) - !:LibsDB.vcaBase: wlb_Main_incl.grph_panel: The cursor time positioning button moved to the center. - Transport.Sockets: The configuration field "Maximum segment size (MSS), B" of the output transport moved to the bottom. - FIX:UI.QTCfg: Icon of the dialog button of the "Moving or copying the node" changed to the proper one. - !!!!:UI.QTStarter: Appended by the display sessions control, that is the sessions restore. - !:UI.Vision: The different screens control switched to use the actual Qt5 method for Qt5 respectively. !: Must be tested on some multiscreen enironment. The initial window size of projects started in the fullscreen mode increased up to 1024x768. 2022-08-20 Roman (stable) - LibsDB.OscadaLibs: tmplib_LowDevLib.RDTech: Translated to Ukrainian for the attribute names. - !:LibsDB.vcaBase: wlb_Main.grph_panel: Appended by the begin time moving to the cursor and reformated for the main time navigation. - FIX:ModelsDB.AGLKS.St: Fixed in the F4 dimension name. - !:DAQ.OPC_UA: Finished in the writing support through custom flags of the Standard mode and the type obtaining from IO for the Logical mode. - DAQ.DAQGate: The parameter objects appended the stations information where the object is presented. - FIX:UI.QTCfg: Fixed in building on Qt4.6. - UI.QTStarter: Some statuses switched to the upper case. 2022-08-16 Roman (stable) - !!:LibsDB.OscadaLibs: The library tmplib_LowDevLib appended by the template "BT: RDTech UM24C, UM25C and UM34C (RDTech)". - !:LibsDB.vcaBase: wlb_Main.{alarmsAct,alarmsSt}: Expanded in the builtin syntax highlighting of the attribute "Highlight rules (highLght)" for use the PCRE rich features. - !!!!:SYS:TRegExp: Appended by the 16 and 32 modes support by the pcre16 and pcre32 libraries respectively and only for the search() function currently. - FIX:DAQ.DAQGate: Restored in the redundant hosts live tracing. - DAQ.ModBus: Expanded in the syntax highlighting for use the PCRE rich features. - UI.QTCfg: The "Favorite" going appended by registering Previous/Next list. - !!!!:UI.QTStarter: The common Syntax Highlighter switched to the main work using PCRE in TRegExp, since that is 5 TIMES FASTER and very richer comparing to QRegExp; and QRegExp left to be automatically enabled at missing the PCRE 32/16 libraries. - FIX:UI.WebVision: Fixed in the button color dynamic change on Chrome through pre-clearance the style field "backgroundColor". 2022-08-07 Roman (stable) - !:LibsDB.vcaBase.wlb_{Main,mnEls,doc,prescr},LibsDB.vcaElectroEls.wlb_ElectroEls: Appended by the library representative icon. !:LibsDB.vcaBase.prj_tmplSO,ModelsDB.AGLKS.vca.prj_AGLKS,ModelsDB.Boiler.St: Removed of the VCA project representative icon for use the common project one. - !:data/ModelsDB/AGLKS: During of renaming AGLKS to AGLCS and appending the translated icons there performed: - appended by AGLCS.png and AGLKS.png,openscada_AGLKS.png moved to the English; - appended by ÐГЛКС.png icon file localised to Ukrainian and mRussian; - oscada_AGLKS.xml: appended by the field "StName" translation to Ukrainian and mRussian. - !:data/ModelsDB/Boiler: During of appending the translated icons there performed: - Boiler.png,openscada_Boiler.png moved to the English; - appended by Котел.png icon file localised to Ukrainian and mRussian; - oscada_Boiler.xml: appended by the field "StName" translation to Ukrainian and mRussian. - data/icons: The icon collection appended by an icon of representing the simulator-model station class-ID - SimulatorStation.png. - SYS:Building:Makefile.am: Modified for including to the icons folded all data/ModelsDB/{AGLKS,Boiler} files. - !!:SYS: During unification the common project icon obtaining through using the project name and ID there performed - the Base Language Name used also for obtaining the icon, so now checked: The Translated Name, the Base Language Name, ID; - the icon obtaining mechanism moved in a new separated function TSYS::ico(); - the "StName" method mName moved under the mutex control. - !:SYS: The separated control of the control fields modifications was some unified for: - appending for the generic clearing mechanism of the modification flags sysModifFlgs in the loading and saving functions; - moving under the generic clearing mechanism for the configuration fields: "Lang", "IcoDir", "DocDir"; - appending under the modification flags sysModifFlgs control for the configuration fields: MDF_Name("StName"), MDF_MESS("MessLev","LogTarget"), MDF_TR("LangBase","Lang2CodeBase","TranslDyn","TranslEnMan"), MDF_DBG("SelDebCats"), MDF_RD("RdStLevel","RdTaskPer","RdRestConnTm","RdPrimCmdTr","RdStList"). - SYS: The functions TSYS::id(), TSYS::name() and TSYS::user() were set as constant. - !!!!:FIX:Archive.FSArch: Prevented for access to "files" in ModMArch::checkArchivator() outside the lock. - !!!:UI.QTCfg: The image element appended by a function of clearing the image completely. - !!!:UI.VCAEngine: Icons of the projects and the widget libraries switched to download the common project icon at missing local. - !!!!:FIX:UI.Vision: All control requests "<info>" appended by checking the child nodes presence to prevent crashes in some cases. !!!: The image elements (icons) of the item dialogs appended by a button menu with the functions: Save, Load, Clear. !: The project and widget library tree's icons appended by the forcibly setting for clearing also. 2022-08-01 Roman (stable) - FIX:AGLKS.St: testCalc_prm.test: Fixed for the messages translation of some attributes. - !!!!:FIX:DAQ::ParamTmpl: Fixed for the IO name edition in the non basic mode of the dynamic translation. 2022-07-27 Roman (stable) - doc/en/files/doc.css: Appended by some additional CSS-rules of the used syntax highlighting rules. - FIX:SYS,DAQ.System: Fixed for the result correct processing of pclose() with instead that wrong using fclose() in DAQ.System. - !!!:FIX:SYS: The tab "Station" of the main page of the OpenSCADA Control Interface appended by the system time information and commonly restructured. FIX: Building: configure.ac: Fixed for some messages. - Transports: Changing the name template in "inA_ID_N" of the associated output transports to the input one. - !!!!:FIX:Transports.Sockets: Fixed in processing the not complete writing for the Input part, when the message cuts on the TCP transmitter buffer size. !!: The input buffer size of the Input part bound to the hardware receiver buffer size control and the internal one just frozen to the standard string buffer length since that is not critical and need no control. The transport status appended by the system size of the input buffer and MSS. - FIX:DAQ.System: The UPS source prevented from flooding in the debug mode. - UI.QTCfg: Improved some in the base fields alignment under single description, that is in RO-labels display. Label of the text fields aligned in the center vertically. - UI.Vision: Prevented for exceptions in the function TBDS::genPrmSet(). - UI.WebCfgD: Appended by "padding-right: 5px;" for all fields. 2022-07-17 Roman (stable) - FIX:SYS,DAQ.{SMH2Gi,ICP_DAS}: Restored in building into old environments after most close(), iconv_close(), dlclose(), pclose() functions appending of checking the result. 2022-07-17 Roman (stable) - doc/en/files/doc.css: Appended by the used syntax highlighting rules. - FIX:SYS,DAQ.{AMRDevs,Siemens,System},Protocol.HTTP,Special.FLibSYS,UI.{QTCfg,VCAEngine,WebCfgD,WebVision}: Restored in building into old environments after most close(), iconv_close(), dlclose(), pclose() functions appending of checking the result. 2022-07-17 Roman (stable) - !:FIX:LibsDB.OscadaLibs: tmplib_base.ntf: For the server address in the SMTP HELLO request used the EMail sender address from the attribute "from" of the "io" object. !: tmplib_base.initConsAssignTrs: Renamed to initConAssociateTrs and adapted to use the function conPrm("initConID") and associateTrsList(). - !!!!:SYS.*: Most close(), iconv_close(), dlclose(), pclose() functions appended by checking the result and warning at problems. - !!!!:FIX:Transports: Unification the associated output transports processing of the input Sockets transport for: - the function TTransportIn::assTrO() renamed to TTransportIn::associateTrO() and expanded by creation new transports at the first and next removing for stopped ones, and the just created transports appended by reading the initial connection ID with it registering in the connection parameter "initConID"; - new function TTransportIn::associateTr() and its UserAPI variant SYS.Transport["Modul"]["in_Transp"].associateTr() of obtaining the output transport object at its Connection ID; - new function TTransportS::outAt() and its UserAPI variant SYS.Transport.outAt() of the output transport generic obtaining from the unified address; - TTransportS::extHost() moved to use TTransportS::outAt(); - the field "Transport" of the external hosts table expanded for specifying the transport address in the unified-common form; - the associated output transports from an input one appended by removing at the inactivity at the TTransportIn::keepAliveTm(); - the new UserAPI function SYS.Transport["Modul"]["in_Transp"].associateTrsList() as a correct naming variant to assTrsList(); - the output transport object appended by the UserAPI functions conPrm() and setConPrm() of accessing the connection parameters. !!!:FIX: The output transports appended by the force stopping at the object system disable-disconnection, not in destructors what is late then there can be lost the socket handlers. The "in_" and "out_" prefix moved to the definitions STR_IN_PREF and STR_OUT_PREF respectively. The TTransportOut::isNetwork() virtual function sign moved to the TTypeTransport object with linking the old one to new one, for marking all module as the network one. - !!!!:FIX:Transport.Sockets: The input transports prevented at spare socket closing in the initiative mode. FIX: The new initiative connection limit checking moved to the main limits checking part. The input transport modes were named. The S_NM_SOCK definition renamed to S_NM_SOCKET with the content "SOCK" renaming to "SOCKET". The SOCK_FORCE, SOCK_TCP, SOCK_UDP. SOCK_UNIX, SOCK_RAWCAN renamed to S_FORCE, S_TCP, S_UDP. S_UNIX, S_RAWCAN respectively. - FIX:Transports,UI.{QTCfg,Vision,WebCfgD}: The function TTransportS::extHostList() appended by an argument "lang" to receive translated names of remote hosts. - DAQ.DAQGate: Appended by messaging about disable parameters. 2022-07-05 Roman (stable) - !:FIX:LibsDB.OscadaLibs: tmplib_DevLib.mbBase: Adapted to the builtin syntax highlighting for the attribute "Items set (items)". tmplib_base.ntf: For the server address in the SMTP HELLO request used the EMail sender address instead SYS.system("hostname -f").parse(0,"\n"), which can be wrong for the SMTP-servers. FIX:flb_servProc.wacko2media: fixed for the WHERE value's quotter of the SELECT SQL request. - !:LibsDB.vcaBase: wlb_Main.{alarmsAct,alarmsSt}: Adapted to the builtin syntax highlighting for the attribute "Highlight rules (highLght)". - SYS.TRegExp: The TRegExp object appended by a new option 'U' (ungreedy) of the greedy mode toggle, together the User API method "ungreedy". The search() function of the object appended by an argument "length" of the measured block size return. - DAQ: Text attribute fields disabled for the text width limit, for the builtin syntax highlighting mostly. - !!!!:FIX:Archive.FSArch: Prevented for access to files[iA] in ModVArchEl::setValsProc() outside the lock using the read-lock switching. - !!:UI.{QTStarter,QTCfg,Vision}: The Qt-generic library (lib_qtgen) appended by the static-external functions getFont() and getColor() from UI.Vision and by the object SnthHgl from UI.Vision and UI.QTCfg. The function SnthHgl::rule() some unified, made optimal and appended by commented code of using TRegExp instead QRegExp, and that commented due to difference of the position counting as completed UTF-symbols in QRegExp and chars in TRegExp (PCRE), but TRegExp using is still interested due to TRegExp (PCRE) functional is richer to QRegExp. - UI.QTCfg: The text fields with the builtin syntax highlighting appended by deep text cursor position restore at the syntax rules apply and in whole. - !!!:UI.Vision: The text areas with the syntax highlighting appended by the builtin variant. 2022-06-19 Roman (stable) - FIX:AGLKS.St: Some fixed in the library vcaAGLKS description. - !:SYS,UI.Vision: Errors for control commands of the Control Interface to the redundant stations set to mark as warnings on the local ones. UI.Vision: The warnings are processed now as the local successful result only with notifying about the problem for the attributes modification and widgets removing. - !:SYS.XMLNode: The saving option BinShield(0x400) appended by encoding-shielding of the wrong UTF-8 symbols, to prevent of XML-parsing errors on FireFox. - DAQ.DAQGate: Appended in the location information for group names of control parameters of the main control page of the DAQ parameter. - !:UI.QTCfg: The Favorite pages implementation improved in the updating and the "Favorite" button menu appended by the item "Clear the list". Improved in naming some control fields of the module main configuration page. 2022-06-10 Roman (stable) - data/icons/,UI.QTCfg: The icon collection appended by the files favorites.png, favorites_add.png, favorites_del.png. - Transport.SSL: The input transport stopping appended by termination client tasks like to Transport.Sockets. - !!!!:UI.QTCfg: Appended by the Favorite pages implementation. - UI.Vision: Status of the opened windows in the module configuration page appended by the station name, for remote stations mostly and their multiple opening. - UI.WebVision: The type ComboBox of the primitive FormEl appended by adding empty values to the list. 2022-05-29 Roman (stable) - data/*.xml: The field MaxClientsPerHost of the Sockets.CNTR transport increased up to 10. - !!:Transports: The UpRiseLev stations splited in the requesting transport per the first host of the "reforwardHost" address, than preventing the common connection hung at long connection to very far reforward missing station. - !!:UI.Vision: Requesting of the widget attributes' values of the developed widget moved to a single big request, than the remote development is become much faster. 2022-05-25 Roman (stable) - !!!!:FIX:SYS,DAQ.DAQGate: The controller objects fixed in call the parameter objects deletion for explict using the flag NodeRemove. - SYS.TPrmTempl,DAQ.JavaLikeCalc,Protocol.ModBus: Restored in using the configuration field values at the fields move in other branch. - !:DAQ.DAQGate: The sync operation completely moved into the acquisition task at restart the enabled controllers. - !!!!:FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Processing the Attr::NotStored flag limited on the value change, not for the configuration like to the processing flag of direct accessing from the procedures. !: The container widgets and pages loading is set to enable new included widgets at loading the enabled containers. - !!:FIX:UI.Vision: The child widgets selection conception at the visual editing of the development mode was unified and fixed in a new part "Visual editing" of the UI.Vision module documentation. Some fixed and improved in the way: - prevented in the selection loss at the keyboard focus loss on navigation to some other items, so the selection saved at mouse clicking on that; - selection by window can be performed now starting the window draw from any unselected space and the new selected part can be appended to already present selection holding the Shift key; - shape of the mouse cursor of the primitive Box for the runtime mode prevented for set in the development mode. - !!:UI.WebVision: The type CheckBox of the primitive FormEl was some improved, simplified, centered vertically and allowed to the dynamic resize. !!: The type LineEdit of the primitive FormEl was centered vertically by "margin: auto" and allowed to the dynamic resize for all views. The type ComboBox and List of the primitive FormEl inherited the height and width for the SELECT element. 2022-05-12 Roman (stable) - !!!!:DOC: The "Quick start" manual completely revised and actualized for last 0.9.5 LTS changes. The language Russian,РоÑійÑька,РоÑÑийÑкий renamed to its true name mRussian. - !!:SYS.TPrmTempl,DAQ.*: Fixed in the prestored system translation of configuration fields directly used at reading TFld::dscr(). - !:SYS: Fixed for some CLang compiling warnings from Sergij Doroska (mr_dsv). - FIX:Security: The system users and groups is cleaned for the modification flag just after they new ones creation. 2022-05-09 Roman (stable) - LibsDB.{OscadaLibs,vcaBase,vcaElectroEls},data/*.spec,data/{debian,debian_mod}/control: The language Russian,РоÑійÑька,РоÑÑийÑкий renamed to its true name mRussian. 2022-05-03 Roman (stable) - SYS: TCntrNode::storage() expanded for show to remove not the Generic Storage parts. TCntrNode::setStorage() expanded at setting to the queue in splitting the Generic Storage at setting its part and removing its parts at it setting. - !!:FIX:DAQ.DAQGate: Fixed for several stations selection in the controller object. Allowed for sync the new parameter attributes during the enabling also, after moving that process also to the task. 2022-04-30 Roman (stable) - !!:LibsDB.OscadaLibs: flb_doc.diagram: Fixed in using the horizontal size at the required period (reqPer) calculation. - SYS: The User API function TVArchive::getVals() switched to the result value bufer in the FillLast mode, for the possible requested data period lesser than the real data, then fill holes in the previous value. - UI.VCAEngine: The Project object appended a Control Interface service request "read:/serv/access", of checking the read access. The Control Interface service request "get:/prm/cfg/prj" appended by an option "noName" for preventing the project name request, than preventing other projects spare loading here at the name obtaining. The project list requesting in the Project Session object prevented of requesting the project name to prevent other projects spare loading here at the name obtaining. The project and Widget Library enabling/disabling message set to the TMess::Info level. The Project Page and Widget Library Widget enabling/disabling appended by a TMess::Debug level message. - UI.WebVision: Checking the projects accessing moved to check the HTTP accessibility before the access checking in VCAEngine, than preventing other projects spare loading here at the name obtaining if there is no access on the HTTP level. 2022-04-24 Roman (stable) - DAQ.{JavaLikeCalc,ModBus}: Prevented of the controller object disable and/or stop at the some configuration fields reloading witout a change. - DAQ.ModBus: Prevented of setting alarms in the endrun stage. - SYS,DAQ.*,UI.VCAEngine: Status texts of different objects were unified in removing the symbol ":". 2022-04-20 Roman (stable) - LibsDB.vcaBase: wlb_Main.TextLab: Enabled for the transitive translation optionally in the status text. - !!!!:FIX:SYS: Fixed in the new values changing and saving for the MULTILANGUAGE mode: - at missing the BASE value there used the new set value as a BASE and it is registered in the messages index; - removed for the spare posttranslation in TFld::descr(); - the function TMess::isMessTranslable() switched to direct checking for the untranslatable symbols; - the function TMess::translSet() adapted for empty BASE what can appear at the new values setting; - the follow OpenSCADA Nodes adapted for setting new translated values, using trDSet("",{NEW_VAL}): TPrmTempl, TTransportS, DAQ.JavaLikeCalc::Func, Protocol.ModBus::Node, UI.VCAEngine::{Project,Widget}. - !!!!:SYS,UI.{QTCfg,WebCfgD}: The OpenSCADA Control Interface for Tables expanded by the user commands. - !!!!:SYS: The translation management table appended by the user functions "Split item" and "Remove from Trs" with implementing in new functions TMess::translItSplit() and TMess::translItRemTrs() respectively. - DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: New IO creation appended the new ID enumeration. 2022-04-17 Roman (stable) - !!:LibsDB.OscadaLibs: tmplib_base.{anUnifSt,codeState}: Adapted to the syntax highlight builtin of the input preprocessing procedure. - !!:FIX:LibsDB.vcaBase: wlb_Main.storeHouse: Expanded and fixed for: - appended by the highlighting rules for column values with filter index or list; - removed for spare and wrong filtering of the special fields "*{ID}". wlb_Main.TextLab: Enabled for the transitive translation in the status text which often comes from some DAQ-source. - AGLKS.St: ModBus_node.test updated during of the complete disabling the translation, the translation loading and registering. Cleaned from the table "FSArch_Pack". - !!!!:FIX:SYS: Complete disabling the translation and registering in the message index at the loading for generic TConfig nodes with the JavaLikeCalc procedure text and a deprecated flag of enabling that procedure whole translation: - performed for: TPrmTempl, DAQ.JavaLikeCalc::Func, Protocol.{ModBus.Node,UserProtocol.UserPrt}, UI.VCAEngine.{LWidget,Page}. - the TCfg::setExtVal() function appended by an argument "toOne" for resetting the extension mode to the One value instead the Two and that value is writed directly to the inherited TVariant container; - TCfg::operator=() switched to direct copy in the inherited TVariant container; - the copying function TConfig::exclCopy() provided in copy the external fields directly through TCfg::operator=() and prevented of double the copy in the common way. - !!!!:FIX:SYS: Accessing the TMess::trMessIdx container in the control interface edition table moved to it complete copy under the lock trMessIdxRes and it copy using outside the lock, then preventing for dead locks at the DB access. Fields of the translation status replaced for the separator from "=" to the common one ": ". - !!!!:FIX:DB: The TBD object appended by an internal flag "mIsFirst" of control the object first enable and what used to prevent of the table "Trs" registering at each enable-connection-reconnection. - DAQ.DAQGate: Appended by rapid detection of the generic connections loss and marking all the parameter attributes to EVAL. - !!:FIX:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Prevented in some resources lock of the library function at its program change, when performed the program compile at disabled function. - Protocol.{ModBus,UserProtocol}: The whole translation flag is hidden for unset values. - !!:UI.QTCfg: The Tables appended by finding for pointed strings. - UI.VCAEngine: Widget attributes loading in the project execution context appended by the dynamic-data translation for the translatable strings. - UI.WebUser: The program text field was set to non translatable in whole. - FIX:UI.WebVision: Items of the type Combo of the primitive FormEl were set to reloading content at the init. Items of the type Table of the primitive FormEl appended by refiting at rows number change more than 3. 2022-04-09 Roman (stable) - !!:LibsDB.OscadaLibs: tmplib_base.{digAlarm,anUnif}: Adapted to the syntax highlight builtin of the input preprocessing procedure. - !!:FIX:LibsDB.vcaBase: wlb_Main.storeHouse: Significantly expanded and fixed for: - the class field NAME unbinded from the class common title specifying, for what there used the specific mark "*TITLE"; - the special class fields NAME and DESCR moved separately from the specific fields, marked as "*NAME" and "*DESCR" and adapted for redefinition they name and table properties; - the special fields "*{ID}" set to the forcibly creation together the class table and prevented from they removing; - prevented of removing the specific fields for all classes of the table "classes"; - the class fields appended by the possibility to specify they order in the third argument of the table properties as a position; - the class selection field fixed in listing more than one item; - enabling the class edition and selection fields moved in the constant execution for correct processing at the user change; - the class edition field allowed for the complete name. - FIX:SYS: The TRegExp::replace() function fixed in processing zero length replacing symbols, like to the line begin "^". - !:FIX:DB.{SQLite,MySQL,PostgreSQL,FireBird}: Fixed in the function fieldFix() for correct processing of the multiple languages. - !!:DAQ: The User API functions appended by the function funcSnthHgl() in the DAQ module object and for obtaining the syntax highlight rules of the module and language. !!: TTypeDAQ::compileFuncSynthHighl() renamed to TTypeDAQ::compileFuncSnthHgl() in a way of the name unification. The text configuration field of the Logical Level parameters was cleaned for the columns limit. - !:DAQ.{ModBus,Siemens}: The attributes list field disabled for the translation. - !!:UI: TUIS::fontSyntHighlCode() and TUIS::setFontSyntHighlCode() renamed to TUIS::fontSnthHglCode() and TUIS::setFontSnthHglCode() respectively in a way of the name unification. !!: The Configuration File field "FontSyntHighlCode" renamed to "FontSnthHglCode" in a way of the name unification. - !!:UI.QTCfg: The text fields appended by checking and activation the builtin syntax highlight rules from the XML-tag "SnthHgl". - !:FIX:UI.WebVision: The type Table of the primitive FormEl expanded of detection the table refitting need at length change of the not fixed fields and of detection the table complete change in the edition mode. FIX: The combobox field fixed in calculating the vertical size from real row count. 2022-04-02 Roman (stable) - FIX:LibsDB.vcaBase: wlb_Main.userManager: prevented in setting for edition the denied users at opening the page from that user. The table "Trs" appended by the message "Norm" translation. - SYS,DB,UI.Vision: The double messages removing button appended by a help message in the label labStorRemGenStor() with a warning of removing from the Generic Storage (*.*). - !!!:FIX:SYS,DB,Security: The messages translation appended-finished in synchronization the system prestored and the dynamic-data setting messages. !!:FIX:DB: The data setting function TBDS::dataSet() and TTable::fieldSQLSet() appended by treating the system prestored messages in writing the translated value. TMess::translGet() and TMess::translSet() appended by the system prestored messages detection and resolving. TMess::translSet() appended by just return the message at the base empty. TMess::I18N() appended by just return the message at the dynamic-data message setting. Security,UI.VCAEngine: Finished in the description field sync translation of the TUser and TGroup and the name field of the widget library for the system prestored and the dynamic-data. The TConfig control commands "get" and "set" allowed in the dynamic translation also for the non dynamic mode. - SYS: The "Target node does not have the required branch." error appended by the target node value and separated to the non writibility detection message. The error message "There is no access to create a real-time task ..." set just as a debug one. - FIX:DB: The data setting function TBDS::dataSet() expanded in dividing the message to the BASE one for the Configuration File. The data setting function TTable::fieldSQLSet() prevented in copy not translated messages in the INSERT part. - FIX:DAQ.DAQGate: Fixed in not sync the parameter content at the new ones, mostly at the sync period "-1". - FIX:Transport.SSL: Fixed in the message "The input transport closed by the error ..." correct generation to the transport status. And the message "BIO_should_retry: ..." set just as a warning one for the client certificate checking errors. - !!:UI.QTStarter: The project list updation rewrote to use a separated QTimer for implementing the updating delay at some activity in the list. - !:FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Fixed in all resources copy at the project or widget library copy. - !:UI.Vision: The widgets copy allowed in copy to the project and the project page, with a separated option "As a page:" at copy to the page. - FIX:UI.WebVision: The Password view of the Line Edit type of the primitive FormEl fixed in setting the INPUT tag type to "password" for the RO mode also. FIX: The List and Combo type of the primitive FormEl prevented from appending empty rows from the empty selection value and the value correct processing. 2022-03-25 Roman (stable) - FIX:LibsDB.vcaBase: wlb_Main.RootPgSo: Some unified in the terminator panel open before any content page. - SYS: The column "Path" of the "Shared libraries(modules)" table of the subsystem "Modules scheduler" renamed to "Source". - UI,SYS,DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: The subsystem configuration appended by the tab "Subsystem" and the configuration field "Syntax highlight font for code" in that for configuration of the corresponded font in OpenSCADA parts. - !:FIX:UI.VCAEngine: The Attr::NotStored attributes prevented of the modification counter change than modification mark of them, and the primitive's "Diagram" attributes set to Attr::NotStored: "Cursor: seconds (curSek)", "Cursor: microseconds (curUSek)", "Parameter {N}: value (prm{N}val)" and "Parameter {N}: properties (prm{N}prop)". FIX:The openReg() request switched to the new open page always appearing on the top, also for registered before. 2022-03-20 Roman (stable) - !!:SYS,data/ModelsDB/{AGLKS/oscada_AGLKS.xml,Boiler/oscada_Boiler.xml}: The configuration parameter "Lang2CodeBase" renamed to "LangBase" with support "Lang2CodeBase" up to the 1.0 release. !!: TMess::lang2Code() and TMess::lang2CodeBase() renamed to TMess::langCode() and TMess::langCodeBase() respectively for starting the adaption to the language code more than 2 symbols, for what TMess::langCodeBase() was adapted already. - !:SYS: TConfig::objFunc() adapted to passing the language through the argument "user_lang" renamed from "user". !: The User API function TConfig::cfg() adapted to postranslation of the system translation of the translatable strings. - SYS: Appending the new error code TError::Tr_ErrResponse and TError::Tr_ErrDevice for more specific transport errors, initially in DAQ.ModBus. - Transports,DAQ.JavaLikeCalc,UI.{QTStarter,WebVision}: The monospace font of the syntax highlight rules changed from "Courier" to "monospace". - !:DAQ.ModBus: The connection errors caused by the transport configuration errors prevented of the alarm setting. Unified in specifying and using the error code TError::Tr_ErrDevice(14) and TError::Tr_ErrResponse(13). - UI.VCAEngine: User action messages of the sessions switched to generate from the sessions not projects. - !:UI.WebVision: In the XML-responses generation appended by coding the binary symbols by the options XMLNode::BinShield. 2022-03-12 Roman (stable) - SYS: TTable::SQLFeqFlag renamed to TTable::SQLReqFlag. The configuration field "Work DB" tooltip shortened. - !!:FIX:DAQ: The service request "set:/val" of the TValue object fixed in the dynamic translation setting. - FIX:DAQ.DAQGate: Restored in the actual alarms first reading for the unlimited depth. 2022-03-05 Roman (stable) - !!!:FIX:SYS: The TMess::mRes lock renamed to TMess::trMessIdxRes and limited in use only for TMess::trMessIdx, than preventing in lock at the DB accessing - the complex hangs on the MULTILANGUAGE projects. !!:FIX:SYS,*: labStorGen() merged to labStor() and that labels labStor(), labSecCRON(), labSecCRONsel(), labTaskPrior(), labMessCat() type changed to "string". !!:FIX: Security: Description of the user and group fixed in the prestored translation. FIX: Storage of the system users and groups moved to EMPTY to allow that loading from external storages. !!: Most TCntrNode::Flag items renamed SelfModify->Modified, SelfModifyS->ModifiedS, SelfSaveForceOnChild->SaveForceOnChild. !!: Force loading appended by the errors suppression for not modified nodes before that operation: - the structure TCntrNode::Flag appended by the item LoadForcibly; - TCntrNode::modif() and TCntrNode::modifG() appended by a new argument "forceLoad". - DAQ,UI.VCAEngine: The enum TParamContr::EnDisFlag and UI.VCAEngine::Widget::EnDisFlag first item directly linked to the new item TCntrNode::NodeSpecific (0x100). - !!:FIX:UI.VCAEngine: The pages appended in disable and clear the parent address at the page type change for Page::Template, Page::Link; also as the types exit Page::Template and Page::Container appended by a suggestion to remove the branch pages. The subpages-branch loading allowed only for Page::Template and Page::Container and suppressed in whole of errors at pages appending to non containers by Engine::NoContainer. The object Engine appended by the own error codes ErrCodes with the items NotResLnk (link to TError::EXT) and NoContainer. - !:UI.WebCfgD: Improved in the table usability and mostly in the text edition: true width fitting, text cursor setting and tracing at the entry and Ctrl+Enter using setSelectionRange(). 2022-02-27 Roman (stable) - SYS: TModSchedul::chkAllowMod() removed for spare variable "path_els" declaration. - FIX:UI.WebCfgD: Fixed in processing empty "sel_list" of the editable combo. 2022-02-21 Roman (stable) - FIX:AGLKS.vca: The style rule 'labColorGrph1' fixed in the transparecy level 200 for the Default. - FIX:SYS: AUTOMAKE options changed to "1.10 subdir-objects" since 1.9 doesn't support the options. The translation obtaining for the modules information restored in use _() for exhibition instead trS(). Removed for the spare definition MESS_LEV_MAX. Complete commented for str2real() before real using. data/{debian,debian_mod}/changelog: Changed in the repository to Work. - DAQ.{TemplateLib,JavaLikeCalc.Lib}: Reverted in setting "DB" for new libraries, for opening they on old OpenSCADA versions. - {DAQ,Protocol}.ModBus: Appended by the modules' name individual specifying and translation. - FIX:DAQ.OPC_UA,libOPC_UA,DAQ.Siemens: Restored in building by old GCC 3 compilers through PROTECTED sections accessing errors. - FIX:UI.Vision: Restored in building with Qt lesser 4.6 in accessing QDesktopWidget().screenCount(). 2022-02-15 Roman (stable) - FIX:LibsDB.vcaBase: wlb_Main.RootPgSo: Fixed in width setting of the view area buttons at updating after the user change. wlb_Main.ElViewGraph: Enabled for the transitive translation in the tooltip and for the parameter description. - SYS: The transitive dynamic translation prevented in appending the table "Trs" for messages available in other sources, so checking the message index before. - Transports: External OpenSCADA hosts' table appended by checking the host ID presence at it change. - Special.FLibSYS: Some cleaned in the IO code. - UI.VCAEngine: Name of the VCA-library object appended by the prestored translation and for the static libraries like to "Original widgets". - !:UI.WebVision: Improved in the table usability and mostly in the text edition: true width fitting, minimum height setting to 40 pixels, text cursor setting and tracing at the entry and Ctrl+Enter using setSelectionRange(). 2022-02-07 Roman (stable) - !:LibsDB.OscadaLibs: flb_servProc.docOffLine: Expanded for the index page accessing from any other pages. - !!!!:Protocol.HTTP,UI.{WebCfg,WebCfgD,WebUser,WebVision}: Appended by the previous user detection to mark that actions for HTTP-modules with moving the previous user authentication session closing after successful the new one. All the HTTP-modules adapted to the user field in the HTTP-functions with the previous user in the second line. The HTTP-functions HttpGet() and HttpPost() marked as deprecated and scheduled for removing after version 1.0. - UI.{=Tmpl=,WebCg}: Moved to use the actual HTTP-functions HTTP_GET() and HTTP_POST(). - FIX:UI.{WebCgD,WebCg}: Fixed in using the module information, for the About information page mostly, in the non MULTILANGUAGE-DYNAMIC modes. - FIX:UI.{Vision,WebVision}: Prevented in disconnection the previous user at it change, since now the user changing doesn't perform it twice registering for using and the disconnection causes the session closing in whole. - !!:FIX:UI.WebVision: The session methods mUser and mUserOrig moved under the data mutex lock, due to there can be crashes at active user manipulations. !!: The previous user is used now for detection of the user change between the ordinal users and for single session, than prevent to create new sessions. 2022-01-31 Roman (stable) - !!!:SYS,DAQ.DAQGate: The messages redundancy and messages transferring in DAQ.DAQGate limited for depth of the requesting messages up to the restoring time or one hour. 2022-01-26 Roman (stable) - data/oscada_start.xml: The FSArch archive renamed from "1second" to "1second (instantaneous)" - !:LibsDB.vcaBase: wlb_Main.objProps: First one enabled for the transitive dynamic translation. - FIX:SYS: Significant improving and fixing the UserAPI messages translation: - fixed for the new UserAPI messages registering in the MULTILANGUAGE-DYNAMIC mode; - appended by filtering the messages for they translatability before registering; - appended by the new messages early registering in the translation messages index just after appending to the storage table "Trs". - Security: The system users and groups some renamed and enabled for the prestoring system translation. - Protocol.HTTP: Appended by detection and notification of login tries the unallowed users. - !!:FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Appended by changing the storage just after the widget procedure compile for placing of the dynamic messages translation to the project storage. FIX: Prevented of the connected vizualizers count at the reconnection, from different user mostly. 2022-01-20 Roman (stable) - !:LibsDB.vcaBase: wlb_Main.RootPgSo: The complete updating conditions appended by the direct language change. - !:FIX:DB: Fixed in the function TTable::fieldSQLSeek() for anyway processing at empty requesting list. - SYS: Appended in the dynamic translation for: - DAQ-attributes name-description postranslation after the system translation and translation in the context help; - DAQ-attributes translation in the UserAPI functions: get(), set(), descr(); - FIX:DAQ.DAQGate: The parameters is set to disabled at they missing on the remote host. - UI.QTCfg: Enabled for using the system language in the SINGLETRANSLATION mode for remote connections. - UI.VCAEngine: Reverted in setting "DB_TBL" for new libraries and projects, for opening they on old OpenSCADA versions. 2022-01-16 Roman (stable) - FIX:SYS: The common translation of system messages in TMess::I18N() completely prevented from translate empty ones. - FIX:DAQ.DAQGate: Prevented in constantly sync of the missed on remote host parameters. 2022-01-16 Roman (stable) - !!:LibsDB.vcaBase: wlb_Main.RootPgSo: Appended by complete updating at the user change but language also can be changed. Automaticly fixed and updated for some translation. - !!:LibsDB.vcaBase,AGLKS.vca,Boiler.St: All project styles moved under a new storing table and its structure with translation. - !!:FIX:BD: Config and DB storages prevented on the translation loss for not changed fields of the object save and for the MULTILANGUAGE-DYNAMIC mode. The changing is also controlled now at the changing value structure receiving. FIX: The Config storage also appended by filling empty BASE at setting the translation. - FIX:SYS: The module information fixed in the chain translation, using trS(). - !!!!:UI.{QTStarter,QTCfg,Vision}: Appended by the system Qt-messages translation relating to the selected user language, through the common application property "lang" for the Qt-translation reimplemented function QTranslator::translate(), and then the language commonly switched by the last interface and for all opened. - !!!!:FIX:UI.VCAEngine: The project styles moved under a new storing table "{DB_TBL}_stls" and its structure with translation, then the table "{DB_TBL}_stls" readed firstly and next "{DB_TBL}_stl" for the compatibility. FIX: Fixed in the new styles creation and loading only allowed ones with control of the property values presence before reading and filling for missing at setting. - UI.Vision: Appended by updating the style name at the user change. - FIX:UI.WebVision: Fixed in the button visible size update at it change in VCA, just setting its style to "width: inherit; height: inherit", detected on changing user with different languages and with the interface complete updating in wlb_Main.RootPgSo. 2022-01-11 Roman (stable) - FIX:SYS: TFld::descr() and IO::name() translation-evince moved directly to those functions. 2022-01-11 Roman (stable) - !!!!:SYS,*: Continuing the significant expanding of the MULTILANGUAGE-DYNAMIC mode but for the system messages: - Implemented for a function of prestoring system messages translation trS(), where the base message just return with the catalogue information, that is "{base}\000{cat}" and what is translated really in second call inward the translation context or _(). In the background there is used Mess->I18N() but for the specific language code mess_PreSave="<PSV>". - TMess::I18N() changed in the arguments for "const string &mess" the first and mLang moved to the second. - The data translation functions - short definitions, renamed to trD_L(), trD_U(), trD_LU(), trDSet_L(), trDSet_U(), trDSet_LU(). - The subsystem name moved to the function subName() call from the method. - *: The TFld() and IO() objects expanded in work with the prestoring system messages. - Module info fields adapted to the MULTILANGUAGE-DYNAMIC mode. - !!:SYS: Building: configure.ac: Core library version risen to 4:9:0. - DAQ,DAQ.JavaLikeCalc,UI.{VCAEngine,Vision}: The whole translation flag is hidden for unset values. - DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Names setting part of the execution form moved to itself for using the dynamic translation. - TUIS,UI.{QTCfg,Vision}: docGet() expanded by the language in the second line. - UI.{QTStarter,QTCfg,Vision}: The Starter Menu set for dynamic translation and updating. - FIX:UI.{QTStarter,QTCfg,Vision,WebCfg,WebCfgD}: Fixed in the "About" page translation. - !!:UI.QTCfg: The tree update enabled for the root page updation through the reconnection and the tree update at the user change. - !!:UI.Vision: Appended in updation the toolbars at the user change, what also adapted for the dynamic translation. All development dialogs adapted for the dynamic translation. 2022-01-06 Roman (stable) - !!!!:FIX:SYS,BD,Protocol.HTTP,UI.{Vision,WebCfg,WebCfgD,WebUser,WebVision}: Continuing the significant expanding of the MULTILANGUAGE-DYNAMIC mode: - FIX:SYS,Protocol.HTTP,UI.{Vision,WebCfg,WebCfgD,WebUser,WebVision}: The translation context appended by the object TrCtxAlloc for handling the context registration and automatic that free, then fixing non freeing the context sometime. - The user language obtaining unified in the function lang2Code(), expanded by the arguments "user" and "onlyUser". - BD: The configuration file processing some unified in processing the parameters and tables in common code. - FIX:BD: Writing for the configuration file fixed for already present translation and in the SINGLELANGUAGE mode. - BD: BASE change in the configuration file appended by the message index and cache update. - BD: The constant NSTR_BUF_LEN used in detection whether write to attribute or text of the table field at writing to the configuration file. - The messages status appended by the translation contexts number. - UI.VCAEngine: Appended by translation the subwindow title in the MULTILANGUAGE-DYNAMIC mode. - !:UI.{QTCfg,Vision}: Adapted to the control items obtain in language of the user. - !!!!:UI.{QTCfg,Vision}: Adapted in the development mode to the main window interface language update at the user change. Scheduled to deepening the change to dialogs and other. - !!!!:UI.{WebCfg,WebCfgD}: Adapted to the MULTILANGUAGE-DYNAMIC mode, using the HTTP-variable "lang", the user language and browser language. - !:UI.WebVision: The popup windows closing of the calendar and the editable combo moved completely at a mouse button press outward the window, together other popup menus. 2021-12-29 Roman (stable) - !!!!:FIX:SYS,BD,*: Continuing the significant expanding of the MULTILANGUAGE-DYNAMIC mode: - BD: The configuration parameters implementing in the common context of the TBDS::data{Seek,Get,Set}() functions. - FIX: TMess::{translGetU,translSetU}() fixed in the cache value acceptance. - !!:FIX:Protocol.HTTP: Fixed in reading the "accept-language" HTTP variable only as the two symbol language code, then the common interface is translated also now on FireFox who sends there the country code also. - !!:FIX:UI.WebVision: The popup windows of the calendar and editable combo appended by the geometry check than preventing the main window overflow. FIX: Prevented mostly in the focus forcing what prevents the common style combo unroll at the focused field periodic update. Popup window closing of the editable combo switched to close only at the field click. 2021-12-27 Roman (stable) - !:LibsDB.vcaBase: wlb_Main.RootPgSo: The Termination Control Panel call returned back to the unconditional call and directly at the events for open before any other control panels. The Buzzer(1) notifier switched to the repeating mode. - !!!!:FIX:SYS,BD,*: Continuing the significant expanding of the MULTILANGUAGE-DYNAMIC mode: - FIX: Fixed in writing at the MAIN language as BASE and for the not translatable text fields in the MULTILANGUAGE-DYNAMIC mode; - the TTable::fieldFix() appended by an argument "langLs" of specifiyng need languages; - detection of the double translation collumns to the default language was removed due to of there is no the default language now. - BD: The configuration file appended by the MULTILANGUAGE-DYNAMIC mode support also as the configuration parameters who but also scheduled for implementing in the common context of the TBDS::data{Seek,Get,Set}() functions or implementing the "cfgPrm:" source. 2021-12-25 Roman (stable) - !!!!:SYS,*: Continuing the significant expanding of the MULTILANGUAGE-DYNAMIC mode: - the translation cache significant extending and unification: - unified in the new TMess object's functions translCacheGet(), translCacheSet(), translCacheLimits() and the own lock trMessCacheRes; - extended by the message category for caching the system translations and users, used in obtaining the translation language; - the cache limiting also appended by the time for what it checked in the service procedure at the new limit variable "limCacheIts_TM" period; - the TUser::lang() changing appended by the user language cache clearance; - the translation status appended by the message index and cache numbers. - the system translation function TMess::I18N() was attached to the messages cache, then they result changed to "string", also for TModule::I18N(), and updated all definitions _(). - !!!!:FIX:SYS: The debug categories processing moved under own lock "dbgRes" instead "mRes", where the hungs are observed. The genPrmGet() cleaned from the nonsense option TBDS::OnlyCfg. - !!!!:UI.{VCAEngine,Vision,WebVision}: The "openlist:/serv/pg" control request appended in the attribute "pgGrp" of the opened page for detection several pages open in one container then open last one and close previous ones, to prevent mostly the included pages all close and allow of specifying-override the need pages open. !!!:UI.Vision: Refactored also for early opening the restored and specified pages in the init procedure. 2021-12-22 Roman (stable) - FIX: The function TMess::I18N() prevented in the dead lock due to of the user language access embracing by the lock getMessRes. 2021-12-21 Roman (stable) - DOC: Document of the How to "Create multi language project" appended by downloading to offline. - !!!!:SYS,*,DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Expanding the execution environment of the OpenSCADA object functions by the language, for functions like to strftime(): - the object TCntrNodeObj and the function TCntrNode::objFuncCall() expanded in the argument "user" renaming to "user_lang" with pointing language in the second line; - DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: the TCntrNodeObj execution appended by the language; - the base language configuration field of the MULTILANGUAGE modes expanded by list the project locales separated by ";"; - the lang2CodeBase() function separated to the common one langBase() and appended the function langToLocale() of obtaining the complete locale at language from langBase(); - field of the translation manager languages moved under the data lock and is preset to langBase() languages; - TSYS,TUser: the language field of the objects appended by the selection list from langBase(); - SYS.strftime() appended by execution from the pointed language-locale. - !!!!:SYS,*: Significant expanding of the MULTILANGUAGE-DYNAMIC mode: - appended by the translation context at the new function TMess::trCtx() as user and language bound to the call thread; - TCntrNode::cntrCmd(), Protocol.HTTP, UI.{Vision,WebVision,WebUser,WebCfg,WebCfgD} attached to use the translation context; - accessing the dynamic translation moved under the new functions trD()->TMess::translGet() and trDSet()->TMess::translSet(); - TArchives,TDAQ,TTypeDAQ,TController,TParamContr,TFunction,TPrmTmpl,TTransports,DAQ.{BlockCalc,JavaLikeCalc}, Protocol.{ModBus,OPC_UA,UserProtocol},UI.{VCAEngine,WebUser}: appended to the dynamic translation by trD(); - _()->TMess::I18N() adapted in use the translation context at empty language field; - the translation obtaining for the modules information switched to use the translation context; - UI.{WebCfg,WebCfgD}: Generically adapted to the dynamic translation. - !!!!:SYS,BD: The MULTILANGUAGE-DYNAMIC mode and nonBASIC locales: - appended by that setting after switching to different locales by the value specific dividing to "{base}\000{lang}\000{mess}" and support in TMess::translGet() and TMess::translSet(); - prevented in mark BASIC for changes and the spare marks in whole by the additional checks; - removed for the space before the change mark; - BD,BD.{FireBird,MySQL,PostgreSQL,SQLite}: Removed-commented for that operation processing specific code in DB with the feature "TR"; - adapted commonly to the new changing conception through "{base}\000{lang}\000{mess}" for which the INSERT command also adapted in copy the translation and/or BASE independently the start locale; - widely tested and fixed for the translation modes: SINGLELANGUAGE, MULTILANGUAGE, MULTILANGUAGE-DYNAMIC - !!:FIX:SYS: Building: configure.ac: Core library version risen to 4:8:0. AUTOMAKE appended by the options "1.0 subdir-objects" to prevent the subdir object warnings. - BD,BD.{FireBird,MySQL,PostgreSQL}: SQL SEEK,GET,SET commands some cleaned. Updated for translation the SQL common commands. - !:DAQ.{ModBus,OPC_UA,Siemens}: Disabled for the links reconnection after the loadIO(true) call. - DAQ.Siemens: Appended by the additional debugs. - UI.VCAEngine: The project session calculation status appended by the counter value and the widget objects appended the modification counter status. - !!:FIX:UI.{Vision,WebVision}: Switched to the complete reloading the pages got from the page cache due to the modification counter can be lost at the closing and the counter is reloading in whole. 2021-12-04 Roman (stable) - !!!!:SYS,DB,DB.{SQLite,MySQL,PostgreSQL,FireBird}: Significantly unified in moving the common SQL-code to the OpenSCADA core: - unification the table structure control by the structure item object TTable::TStrIt; - common SQL-code moving to the functions: fieldSQLSeek(), fieldSQLGet(), fieldSQLSet(), fieldSQLDel(); - service definitions, methods and functions to the common SQL-code declaration in the core: SEEK_PRELOAD_LIM, tblStrct, seekSess, connRes, fieldFix(), getSQLVal(), setSQLVal(); - propagating in such way of the last MULTILANGUAGE support code in DB.SQLite; - SYS: appending the new error code TError::DB_ReadOnly, introduced by SQLite at the unification process; - DB.MySQL: Switched to the "ANSI_QUOTES" SQL mode in the unification way. - !!:FIX:SYS: Building: configure.ac: Core library version risen to 4:6:0. !!: The module version of the subsystem "BD" risen to 24. FIX: Prevented in complete removing the base messages at the last source removing, due to the source can contain not one the base message. - !:FIX:Protocol.SelfSystem: In the input part switched to load the whole input message before checking the auth information, then preventing for strange error messages "Error the command format." for the message tail. 2021-11-28 Roman (stable) - TSYS: The TConfig object appended by the common "NoTransl" flag. TSYS::str2addr() expanded for reading the string address as uint64_t. - !!:FIX:Mess,BD.SQLite: The translation process improvements: - !!: Appended and used for a new function translIdxCacheUpd() of updating the operative translation messages' index and cache in the MULTILANGUAGE-DYNAMIC mode for the SET command BD.SQLite. - FIX: The translation manager allowed also for non dynamic messages translation. - !:FIX:BD.SQLite: Appended by the translation copy in the SQL INSERT command and for the MULTILANGUAGE-DYNAMIC mode. FIX: Fixed in direct using the setting value, not encoded after getVal(), at the translation processing. FIX: Fixed in clearing the translations at clearing the base message. Unified in the setting message common processing. 2021-11-22 Roman (stable) - !:FIX:Mess,BD.{*,SQLite}: The translation process improvements: - FIX:SQLite: appended by treating direct (not translation) SET commands, fixed in processing some variants of the changes, prepaired for implementing the translation cache update and the cache translation INSERT in the DYNAMIC mode. - Mess,DB: direct DB set fields marked as noTransl() to prevent of collisions at extended processing the translation. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Fixed in loading the CONSTANT attributes from the not empty configuration value due to the main value is not saved in such case. Enabled for show the single not parameter configuration attributes in the "Links" tab and for the not show attributes mode. 2021-11-20 Roman (stable) - !:LibsDB.OscadaLibs: tmplib_base.anUnif: Appended by the user procedure option "toSave" of force saving the object at the exit. - !:LibsDB.vcaBase: wlb_Main.{graphSelPrm,ElViewGraph}: Appended by the empty color processing as the default one also taken from the style. - !!!!:BD: The DB type-module objects were appended by the specific information field "Features" of specifying the supported by DB features. - !!!!:SYS,BD.SQLite: Significant improvement of the translation support for: - completed in suppport the translation change mark as "<!>" in the text end; - the translation statuses appended by the short labels: "SINGLELANGUAGE", "MULTILANGUAGE", "MULTILANGUAGE-DYNAMIC"; - BD.SQLite: the SET command unified in the translation states specifying, what tested on most modes. - !!:BD.SQLite: Refactored in the request lists form in the separate list variables. The argument "trPresent" of the function fieldFix() was removed as a spare one. The binary mode detection appended by the symbols range [\x0-\x8\xB-\xC\x0E-\x1F]. - !!:DAQ.DAQGate: The messages writing (sinking) is adapted to the asynchronous mode - using the writing buffer and in one-common request, what expanded to the ready requests processing. - !!:DAQ.System: The init() function of the DA-sources appended by the updation mode, to update the subtype field "SUBT" mostly. - UI.{QTCfg,Vision}: "Collumns" renamed to "Columns". - UI.QTCfg: "Copy text" renamed back to "Copy". 2021-11-06 Roman (stable) - !!:LibsDB.vcaBase: wlb_Main.{ElViewGraph,graphSelPrm}: Adapted to reset the trend item color to the default styled at setting that to empty. !: prj_tmplSO: The styled colors' transparency of trend items set to 150. - SYS: The error codes appended by the TError::Core_NoNode (5). - BD: Returned back in the user DB objects storring priority into the configuration file. - FIX:Archives.*: Improved the archiver periodicity limiting in the archiver module before to correct apply the final value. - !!:FIX:DAQ.DAQGate: Fixed in reusing parameters with empty address for included ones and appended by clearing the address at the parameters copy, so you can now copy all controller objects with the parameter archives store. FIX: Completely prevented of the missing parameters naming also after those copy. - DAQ.System: The Disk SMART attribute's name appended by the code, for unknown parameters mostly. - UI.QTStarter: Prevented of the project list updating for the inactive window. - !!!:UI.VCAEngine: The module finished in missed adaption to the new behaviour of the TCntrNode removing flags with declaration and using the specific flag Widget::NodeRemove_NoDelMark. !!!: The Widget copy operation appended by copying the used widget resources (the Image type now only), and in that way there performed: - the Widget objects' function resourceGet() appended by an argument <noParent> and set for the "constant" qualifier; - the Widget objects appended by the function resourceSet() declaration and implementation; - the container function resourceDataSet() prevented in operating for just copied but not yet stored containers. !!:FIX: The "<deleted>" mark setting for the removed inherited included widgets moved to the save function of the container widget, since that is lost at the copy operations and now you can easy undo/redo such widgets removing. !!: The project copying operation appended by true treating the broken page links before copying the target link page. !: The global definitions in the common VCA file types.h appended by A_GEOM_MIN (-10000) and A_GEOM_MAX(10000) to use in the attributes A_GEOM_* and the UI.Vision module. The container object's functions mimeDataList(), mimeDataGet(), mimeDataSet(), mimeDataDel() renamed to resourceDataList(), resourceDataGet(), resourceDataSet(), resourceDataDel() respectively. - !!:FIX:UI.Vision: Fixed, or finished the implementation, for UNDO/REDO the removing operation of the inherited included Widgets of the Project Pages. - !!:FIX:UI.WebVision: The view "Combo" of the type "Line" and the types "List" and "Combo" appended by creation value items missed in the selection list. !: The focusing appended by force the focus to widget set in focus from the VCA-Engine, for what there appended a link "focusElem" to active-focusing HTML-Element. 2021-11-02 Roman (stable) - !!!:LibsDB.vcaBase: wlb_Main.{TextLab,ImgLab,cntrRegul},mnEls.{El_Kran_Sh,Compressor}: Adapted for the user action messages forming by the new DAQ-function messSet() with the unified category structure for transferring between OpenSCADA stations of different levels. !!:wlb_doc.{docUsersSet,docAlarmsRep}: Appended in the DAQGate source complete scanning for whole transferring hierarchy. !:wlb_Main.{alarmsSt,alarmsAct},wlb_doc.docMessRep: Improved in the DAQGate source complete scanning for whole transferring hierarchy, also for user actions (OP). !:wlb_Main.alarmsSt,wlb_doc.{docMessRep,docAlarmsRep}: Adapted to the transferred messages by DAQGate. - !!:SYS: The "Return" type IO of the TFunction object was set to ReadOnly in the manual execution tab. - !!!!:DAQ,{*,DAQGate}: The function TController::messSet() appended by the messages transferring from the top to the down, so sinking down, making the function virtual one and redefine that in DAQGate, and defining also the new OpenSCADA control service request of the TController object "set:/serv/mess". The OpenSCADA control service requests "TController::get:/serv/mess", "TDAQS::list:/serv/PrmAttr" set to the early exiting by return. - !!:FIX:UI.{QTCfg,Vision}: Prevented from hangs at stopping from a termination signal, from the console mostly, since locking the main Qt thread in modStop() without qApp->processEvents(). - UI.{Vision,WebVision}: The empty page group is meant now the "main" one to force the root page replace at starting from non empty page groups. - UI.Vision: The shape type changing appended by clearing all child objects after the shape destroy(), due to warnings of reusing-doubling like to QLayout. - !!:UI.VCAEngine: Manual enabling the visual items causes now for their reloading, due to the previosly loaded values loss at the inheriting, for: Widget Library and items, Project and items. !: The inheritance restoring operation, or the changes clearing, for the included visual items appended by the container inheritance restoring. Widget::{path,parentNm,setParentNm}(), Widget::mParentNmPrev renamed to Widget::{addr,parentAddr,setParentAddr}(). Widget::mParentAddrPrev. - UI.WebVision: Some improved in the frontend status. 2021-10-26 Roman (stable) - FIX:LibsDB.OscadaLibs: tmplib_base.anUnif fixed in processing the default alarm levels after the last expanding by the DESCR option "CustomAlarms". - !!!:LibsDB.vcaBase: wlb_Main.{alarmsAct,alarmsSt}: Adapted to process of sublevels of the main levels. !!: wlb_Main.alarmsAct: Appended by the field "messCat" of specifying the alarm categories. !!: wlb_Main.ElCadr: Adapted for the user action messages forming by the new DAQ-function messSet() with the unified category structure for transferring between OpenSCADA stations of different levels. !: wlb_doc.docUsersSet: Initially adapted to the new DAQ-transferred category structure. - !!!!:SYS,*: Generic adaption to sublevels {Main}[0...9] of the main message levels [0...7]. !!:XMLNode: Appended by the new saving option BinShield(0x400) for controllable shield the binary symbols [\x0-\x8\xB-\xC\x0E-\x1F], what is significant for the WebBrowsers. !: The common encoding function strEncode() and the User API one appended the variant "ShieldBin" of shield the binary symbols [\x0-\x8\xB-\xC\x0E-\x1F]. - !!!!:DAQ: Specified for the DAQ-transparency messages in the category form "{TP}{ModId}:{CntrId}[.{prm}][:{spec}]". Appended by such messages creation function TController::messSet() and the User API functions SYS.DAQ["Modul"]["Controller"].messSet(), SYS.DAQ["Modul"]["Controller"]["Parameter"].messSet(). - !!:DAQ.Siemens: Appended by the new option "Maximum size of the request block, bytes" of specifying the maximum requesting block, due to a problem observing when PLC returns the error "incorrect PDU size" at reading blocks about 200 bytes. - UI.{QTCfg,WebCfgD}: Items of the List element enabled for the word wrapping. - UI.QTCfg: The List element context menu appended by the text item copy function. The text copy function of Tables renamed to "Copy text". The binary symbols encoding of the text fields moved to use the new variant "ShieldBin" of the TSYS::strEncode() function. - !:FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Prevented in the attribute values inheriting for the output links, then do not write to DAQ the obviously wrong values at the hot edition of running projects and their items. - FIX:UI.Vision: The view Table of the primitive FormEl fixed in the table refitting at adding first row and adding rows in whole. - !!:UI.WebVision: Appended by the FrontEnd status display in the session status field with that requesting-scheduling at display the field. - FIX:UI.WebCfgD: Appended by encoding the XML traffic for the binary symbols shielding using the new option "BinShield". 2021-10-18 Roman (stable) - !!:LibsDB.OscadaLibs: tmplib_base.digAlarm: Expanded in the common field DESCR using for the specific parameters redefinition by the new fields "CustomFlds". - DB.SQLite: Scheduled for changing the condition of the translation presence. - !!:UI.{VCAEngine,QTStarter,Vision,WebVision}: The Ukrainian word "проекту" renamed to "проєкту" everywhere. - UI.VCAEngine: The attribute object appended by the visual state detection function isVisual() - used in the visualizers. - !:UI.Vision: Adjusted in the focus policy to the UI.WebVision way and appended the focus force clearing at lost, to prevent the widget focus return at window activation, so you can use now the event "ws_FocusIn" in opening external subwindows. 2021-10-13 Roman (stable) - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Restored in reading only not user and visual and the visualisator specific attributes, a problem was detected on the attribute "perm" wrong, not prepared, reading. - FIX:UI.WebVision: The focus setting algorithm rewrote to acknowledge that setting from the VCA-Engine, a problem was detected on switching-focusing back to the previous items. 2021-10-12 Roman (stable) - !!!!:FIX:DB: The generic fields deletion function TBDS::dataDel() for the Configuration File fixed in treating the flag UseAllKeys, so preventing all fields removing. 2021-10-12 Roman (stable) - SYS: The global short functions appended by s2l() and s2u(). - BD: The TBD object prevented in reload from it for the project work DB. - Transport.Sockets: The source code was some cleaned and the socket closing of the input transport appended by the result checking. - !!:Transport.SSL: Appended by reloading the certificates file of the input transport at it change by the transport reconnect. - !!:UI.{VCAEngine,Vision}: The "Mime data" renamed to "Resources" and "Mime type" to "MIME". The User API functions mime() and mimeSet() appended by the correct equivalents resource() and resourceSet(). - UI.{Vision,WebVision}: The argument "FullTree" of requesting is removed for 0 value. - !!!!:UI.VCAEngine: Finishing the changes obtaining in the runtime mode by the clocking cycles through, after observing the race condition on the attributes changing, which cause to do not update the value on visualizers: - rewrote for the modification control mechanism; - specifying the forming and fixed cycles; - reducing the main calculation clock to uint16; - dividing the changes clock value of attributes and the widget commonly to the forming (uint16) and the fixed (uint16) = uint32; - processing the changes clock value both at the modification and reading-checking; - support of reloading the main calculation clock and clearing the old changes clock value; - preventing the empty cycles for the common widgets requesting; - removed for code of the previous slide current mark mechanism of the attributes changing detection with the doubles. !: DB of the original widget library is set to empty, to prevent of wrong removing at the work DB reloading. - FIX:UI.Vision: In the runtime fixed for the actual pages reopening and fitting the window size at the complete reconnection. - !:FIX:UI.WebVision: The bordered line and Bezier prevented of drawing at equal first and end points, what causes of all the widget fill. 2021-10-05 Roman (stable) - SYS: The TMess::Type structure appended by an item "MaxLev" of the maximum message types/levels specifying. and all levels more for TMess::Emerg process for external as TMess::Debug again, but the external levels is not system ones. - FIX:DAQ.DAQGate: Removed for the periodic connection error messages and prevented of the connection restoring time miss at the start and the connection missing. 2021-10-04 Roman (stable) - !!:LibsDB.OscadaLibs: tmplib_base.anUnif: Expanded in the common field DESCR using for the specific parameters redefinition by the new fields "CustomFlds" and "CustomAlarms". - !!:FIX:LibsDB.vcaBase: wlb_Main.{alarmsAct,alarmsSt}: Expanded by the new user field "Type" as name of the alarm level from the new configuration attribute "types". !: Expanded in the alarm level show up to 128 and coloring up to 9 levels. FIX: The default sorting at the field of the alarm time set back to "1" as not default descending order. FIX: The field "colDscrCustNames" type set to the "String (translate)" - !!!!:FIX:SYS: The message level limit expanded up to [-128...127] and all levels more for TMess::Emerg process for external as TMess::Emerg, not TMess::Debug. !!:FIX: The lock file processing-updating moved to update always, not only at the running, at the file availability, due to the possibility of multiple starting on VERY long starting projects. - !!!:Archive,DAQ.DAQGate: The archivers redundancy and DAQ.DAQGate switched in the initial messages requesting to: - request the active alarms - request the archive in deep and up to the alarms requesting time, without the alarms activation; - ordinal-periodic request of the last messages, without the alarms activation. - !!:Archive: Definitions of the archive specific names renamed for BUF_ARCH_NM, ALRM_ARCH_NM, ALRM_ARCH_CH_NM to ARCH_BUF, ARCH_ALRM, ARCH_ALRM_CH; and appended by ARCH_NOALRM ("<noalarms>"). Appended by the function "void TArchives::messPut( const TMess::SRec &rec, const string &arch = "" )" variant. - !!:DAQ.DAQGate: Performing the attributes sync returned back to the acquisition task and the enabling, starting processes only shedule the sync. - UI.QTStarter: Updating the projects list appended yet the checking of the dialog visibility. - FIX:UI.Vision: Fixed in the force pages (from the call arguments) open after the complete initialisation, then opening all configured pages before. - FIX:UI.WebVision: The view Table of the primitive FormEl fixed in specifying the column sorting value "0" as ascending-default and "1" as descending from the top, like to the UI.Vision behaviour and the numbers (integer,float) sort-comparing was implemented separately. 2021-09-27 Roman (stable) - !!!:DOC: The "Program Manual" document appended by the new section "Execution the ready OpenSCADA project in the service-background space" and revised in the section "Startup and execution" !!: The "Quick start" manual included the new section "Execution the ready OpenSCADA project in the service-background space" into own section "Background and remote execution — server, PLC execution environment and remote development". - !!!!:SYS: The label TMess::labDB() separated to two ones: TMess::labStor() and TMess::labStorGen(). !: The OpenSCADA control request "list:/db/list" expanded of the optons support and the option "onlydb" for generation only the DB list. - !:FIX:DB.SQLite: Fixed in direct processing of the setting no string fields and checking the translated fields for missing - new ones. - !!!:FIX:DAQ: The controller objects manual start defined for some specific hot doings of the object enabling, when the doing was prevented from call twice at the normal start: - DAQGate: resync the remote source data at the sync period >= 0; - ModBus: force reformation of the acquisition blocks; - OPC_UA: force reformation of the monitored items list; - Siemens: force reformation of the acquisition blocks. - !!:FIX:DAQ.DAQGate: Unified in the sync commonly and fixed in the attributes sync. - Archive.DBArch,Protocol.HTTP: Switched to select only DBs. 2021-09-19 Roman (stable) - !!:LibsDB.OscadaLibs: The "DB" field content and the table base ID of UserFuncLibs.{techApp,servProc,Controller} renamed to the standard one "flb_techApp", "flb_servProc", "flb_Controller" respectively, before the "DB" field scheduled removing in OpenSCADA v1.0. - !!!!:SYS,DAQ.{TemplateLib,JavaLikeCalc.Lib},UI.{VCAEngine,Vision}.{WdgLib,Proj}: The spare storage addresses, with tables, were shortened to the standard storage address with the table name unification, where the previous not standard names leave to be edited up to the 1.0 release. !!!:SYS: The whole source code labels and they comments were revised. - !:UI.{QTCfg,WebCfgD}: Appended by sorting the external OpenSCADA hosts by name. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: The widget libraries and projects copy fixed in the spare copy "DB_TBL". - !!:UI.Vision: The parent field of the widgets was allowed for direct edition, not only selection, by moving to LineEdit. 2021-09-18 Roman (conceptual) - !!!!:SYS,DB: The generic parameters accessing functions TBDS::genDBGet() and TBDS::genPrmSet() moved under the new storage conception using TBDS::dataGet() and TBDS::dataSet() respectively, and renamed to genPrmGet() and genPrmSet() everywhere. !!!: The table "SYS" structure of the generic parameters moved to the static method "elSYS". !!:SYS.Building: configure.ac: Core library version risen to 4:5:0. !!: The module version of the subsystem "BD" risen to 23. !!:SYS,data/*.xml: The TBDS Generic parameter "SYSStPref" removed. !: The TBDS::ReqGenFlg flags appended the flag "CfgPrm" of requesting the Configuration File data as the Generic Parameters. !: The functions moved and used everywhere as static ones: TBDS::{dbList,dataSeek,dataGet,dataSet,dataDel,dataDelTbl}(). - !:Security: The static method "pHashMagic" moved to the definition SEC_HASH_MAGIC. 2021-09-17 Roman (conceptual) - !!!!:SYS,*: The objects are adapted for tracking the multiple storages and are appended by the sequentially removing duplicates: DAQ.JavaLikeCalc.Lib, Protocol.{ModBus,OPC_UA,UserProtocol}.*, UI.WebUser.Page, UI.{VCAEngine,Vision}.{WdgLib,Proj}. !!: Most of the objects moved to use the new function dataDelTbl(): DAQ.{TController,TPrmTmplLib,JavaLikeCalc,LogicLev,BlockCalc,ModBus,Siemens,OPC_UA}, Archive.DBArch, UI.{VCAEngine,Vision}.{WdgLib,Proj}. !:FIX:Archive.*,Security.{User,Group},Transport.{In,Out},DAQ.{TController,TPrmTmplLib,JavaLikeCalc}, UI.{VCAEngine,Vision}.{WdgLib,Proj}: Storing objects fixed in set DB() at the copy. !: The flags TCntrNode::{NodeRemove,NodeRemoveOnlyStor} used everywhere of the function postDisable() checking and chldDel() call. Storage functions {DB,tbl,fullDB}() set to constant: Security.{User,Group}, Transport.{In,Out}, DAQ.{TController,TPrmTmplLib,JavaLikeCalc}. - !!!:FIX:DB: The functions TBDS::{open,close}() renamed to TBDS::{tblOpen,tblClose}() and set to static ones. !!:FIX: The TBDS::dataDel() fixed-appended in removing multiple items and appended by removing the empty table nodes. !!: The static methods of TBDS appended by a new function dbPart() of getting the storage address parts and appended by the a function dataDelTbl() of the common tables removing, also in the Configuration File. !!: Root object of the DB subsystem appended by DB priority base [0...9] in the generic storages list. - !!:FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Fixed in the mime data copy at the widget libraries and the projects copy, moving the copy to the copy save, with expanding the mime operations for work with completely specified DBs. 2021-09-14 Roman (conceptual) - !!!!:SYS,*: TCntrNode appended by the functions storage() and setStorage() for tracking the availability of node data in different storages and offer a queue of source DB for the mechanism of sequentially removing duplicates. !!!!: The objects are adapted for tracking the multiple storages and are appended by the sequentially removing duplicates: Security.{User,Group}, Transport.{Input,Output}, DAQ.{Controller,TemplateLib}, Archives.{VArchive,VArchiver,MArchiver}. !!: TCntrNode::{chldDel,nodeDis}() moved to direct use the new TCntrNode::EnDisFlag: NodeNoFlg, NodeRemove, NodeRemoveOnlyStor; and the space after > 0x100 was reserved for the node specific, where the TParamContr::EnDisFlag set only to NodeRemove_NoArch. The "Work DB" configuration field changing disabled on the modification marking of all nodes. The TError codes appended of DB_TrRemoved for mark the translation removing in DB. - !!!!:DB: The data storage conception is commonly unified in the direct storage specification and definition the Generic Storage "*.*" as a combination of the Configuration File and the work Data Base, when the Configuration File is the priority one for accessing the allowed data and the work Data Base for new data. !!!!: TBDS::{dataSeek,dataGet,dataSet,dataDel,genDBGet,genDBSet}() moved to the bit flags TBDS::ReqGenFlg: NoFlg, NoException, OnlyCfg, UseTranslation (renamed from UseTranslate), UseCache, UseAllKeys. !!!!: The TBDS::dbList() moved to the bit flags TBDS::DBLsFlg: LsNoFlg, LsCheckSel, LsInclGenFirst. !!!:SQLite: Implemented for the base message and its translations mark as fuzzy at changing and warning the translation removing. !!: The TBD object appended of the configuration field "Priority in list" for control order of the databases from TBDS::dbList(), than control the loading order. The TBDS::realDBName() appended of the back conversion argument. - !:Transport: The extHostsDB() was appended of preventing loading both config and DB. - DAQ: The attribute "work_lib_db" of the TPrmTmplLib object renamed to the standard "mDB". 2021-09-02 Roman (stable) - LibsDB.vcaBase: Main.RootPgSo: Appended of preventing of call the termination control panel in some cases. - SYS: The TError codes appended of Tr_ErrTransport for the transport errors mark. - FIX:UI.{VCAEngine,Vision}: The field "Period of the calculating" of the tab "Processing" of the widget properties edition allowed to control constantly, independently at the procedure presence and for the included pages/widgets calculation common control. - !!!!:DAQ.DAQGate: Appended of the asynchronous mode implementation. The configuration field of the remote stations selection moved in simple combobox. The controller object status appended of the counters of read/archive's/wrote values, read messages and the writing buffer status. - !:DAQ.ModBus: The controller object status appended of the transport error state (code 12) and the writing buffer status in the asynchronous writing. The parameter objects error at the common controller errors is taken now directly from the controller object status. - !:UI.Vision: The container pages switching moved to switch only from the VCA-engine - just sending "pgOpenSrc" there. 2021-08-29 Roman (stable) - FIX:LibsDB.OscadaLibs: base.ntf: The safe timeout of the template execution set to 120, since the early triggering for busy SMTP-servers. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: The applying order of the function Widget::inheritAttr() changed to all configuration before, in preventing the Widget::attrChange() invoking for old configurations, observed on Attr::setCfgVal() in writing 0 by already disabled/cleared links. - !!:FIX:UI.Vision: The tab "Processing" of the visual items edition dialog was fixed at last in missing the IO updation at adding someone, after preventing the changes loss here at switching the tabs by using the natural applying/canceling functions applySlot()/cancelSlot() and removing the mark isPrcLoaded both for the Items and Libraries/Projects edition dialogs. 2021-08-26 Roman (stable) - FIX:TMess: translReg() fixed in working the service request of loading the translation index independently on the arguments. The structure SRec appended by the default values in the constructor and by the comparing function. - !!!!:FIX:Archive,DAQ.DAQGate: TArchiveS::messPut() fixed in processing of messages setting at empty "arch". !!: The message redundancy improved in the last message control in preventing the dubles. !: Archive: Disabled for the first start replay of the local archive for active messages, since the alarms set and clear now forcibly. - !!:FIX:DAQ.DAQGate: Moved to the standard messages redundancy mechanism. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: The translation fixed-allowed in "IO_VAL" for empty Constants. 2021-08-24 Roman (stable) - FIX:DB.SQLite: Fixed for clearing translations at setting, for the fields marked as NO TRANSLATE. - !!:FIX:DAQ.DAQGate: Prevented in remote requesting the main/own parameter attributes SHIFR, NAME, DESCR at the DAQGate cascading. - FIX:DAQ.{ModBus,OPC_UA,Siemens}: Fixed in the logic level links (re)init at the parameters (re)enabling, after implement the no template enabling. - !!:FIX:DAQ.OPC_UA: Fixed for the mtxData locking in TMdContr::getValMIt(); !: The parameter side nodes browser expanded for checking the expanded nodes' list format in the presence detection. TMdContr::getValMIt() some improved in the errors processing. - FIX:DAQ.Siemens: The lnkInit() function fixed in detection the short format both for DB and F, with appending the size from the DAQ-Template. The logical level parameters enabled to show the connection/acquisition errors in the "Error(err)" attribute. 2021-08-20 Roman (stable) - !:LibsDB.OscadaLibs: The test function test.test appended of the commented parts of testing the string streams parsing by string.{parse,parseEnd,parsePath,parsePathEnd,parseLine}(). - !!!!:SYS: The function pathLev() rewrote in positioning the offset to the next token begin, but storing the old behaviour for the compatibility. !!: strLine() also adapted to the new parsing concept. !: Some source code format updated. !: TModSchedul::chkAllowMod() switched in use TSYS::pathLevEnd() for the file name obtain. - !!:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: The UserAPI function parsePath() adapted to the last expansion. - Protocol.HTTP: Switched to use TSYS::pathLev() in the new behaviour. - !!:UI.{QTStarter,QTCfg,Vision}: Cleaned from the Qt 5.15 warnings, resolving most of the deprecation messages. - !!:FIX:UI.QTStarter: Fixed at last in preventing the program starting by the desktop session resoring, treating the signal saveStateRequest(QSessionManager&). Rewrote in the logo image placing, to prevent of use the Qt5 specific function instead QLabel::pixmap(). - !:UI.QTCfg: The search at the navigation tree switched to use TSYS::pathLevEnd(). - !!!:UI.Vision: Parent of ModInspAttr changed to QAbstractItemModel, due to some new wrong reimplementation in QAbstractTableModel of Qt5.15, like to the previous one sibling() in Qt5.11. !!: The printing rewrote to use the new Qt5 class QPageLayout, for pages and diagrams. 2021-08-16 Roman (stable) - FIX:LibsDB.OscadaLibs: base.ntf: The SMTP notifier switched in removing the messages from queue also for the SMTP errors and with warnings about those, since observing some continual errors and flooding by the notifications. - LibsDB.vcaBase: Main.{ElCadr,anShow,anShow1,ElViewGraph,TextLab}: Switched back to the translation for the attributes: prmDemention, pName, pDscr, pNAME, digComs, digStts, DESCR, NAME, st_text. - !!!!:FIX:SYS: strParse() rewrote and tested in processing the group symbols merging at the scan, by position the offset to the next token begin. !!!:FIX: pathLevEnd() rewrote and tested in positioning the offset to the next token end and limited in the up for the path size. !!!: Appended of a new function strParseEnd() of parsing the separated string from the end. !: pathLev() scheduled to rewrite in positioning the offset to the next token begin. FIX:SYS: Completed in the redundancy requests preventing, by the true lock. strParse(), strLine() and pathLev() offset limited in the down for 0. - !:DB: The functions TBDS::{dataGet,dataDel}() scheduled for changing the checking order for the configuration file before, like to TBDS::dataSet(). SQLite: Appended of clearing translations at setting, for the fields marked as NO TRANSLATE. Scheduled to implement the base message and its translations mark as fuzzy at changing. Scheduled to propagate the last changes to DB.{MySQL,PostgreSQL,FireBird} at finish. - FIX:Archive.DBArch: Appended of detection some value sources freeze in the block archiving. - FIX:DB.DBGate,DAQ.DAQGate: Prevented of the host multiple requests, by using a request lock "reqM". - DAQ.DAQGate: The controller object state "Sync" display set to exclusively display without "Acquisition" - !!:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Appended in the new User API string function parseEnd(), parsePathEnd() and parse() expanded of the argument "mergeSepSymb" description, where all these functions were tested. - DAQ.LogicLev: Some reformatted in the functions loadIO() and saveIO() to uniformity with DAQ.{ModBus,OPC_UA,Siemens}. . !!:DAQ.{ModBus,OPC_UA,Siemens}: Switched to the possibility to work with empty template, just as the parameters container. - !!:UI.VCAEngine: Attributes loading and saving prevented in translate: - "IO_VAL" for linked as Constant, Input and Style; - "CFG_TMPL" for linked as Style; - "CFG_VAL" for links not Constant, Input not "val:" and no links. !:FIX: Fixed in the table name obtain at loading and saving for the configuration file "<cfg>", by using the new function TSYS::strParseEnd(). The DB and table using also unified in attrsLoad() as in attrsSave(). Scheduled in implementing the old selected objects deletion only from DB, starting from the VCA objects. Scheduled for testing of TBDS::{dataGet,dataDel}() changing the checking order for the configuration file before, like to TBDS::dataSet(), in storing, loading and deleting the library and project objects. 2021-08-08 Roman (stable) - FIX:AGLKS.vca: The style rule 'labColorGrph1' fixed for the Default. - !!!!:SYS,DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: The flag IO::TransltText used also for the TFunction object. - !!!!:SYS,DB.SQLite: The translation messages appended of checking the messages for they transable by the new function TMess::isMessTranslable(). !!!!:DB.SQLite: The translation setting mechanism expanded for clearing the translation at setting not translable ones and will be used next to mark the fuzzy translation at direct changing the base or one translation. - !:FIX:Transports: Propagation of the password hash of the OpenSCADA external hosts connection was fixed in the host creation and the same propagation expanded to all host connections with the equal connection user, by the new function extHostSeek(). - DAQ.DAQGate: The controller object status appended in display the sync state. 2021-08-02 Roman (stable) - FIX:LibsDB.OscadaLibs: base.{anUnif,manInUnif,anUnifSt,pidUnifImp,simleBoard,ntf}: adapted for translation several attributes. - LibsDB.vcaBase: doc.docRepYear: adapted for translation several attributes. - !!!:FIX:SYS: The redundancy requests prevented of the host multiple requests, by using a request lock "reqM", have to prevent of the redundancy connection sometime lost at changing the DAQ sources. - Transports: Password hash of the OpenSCADA external hosts connection set to deploy on the peer configuration record with even user and password, than preventing the open password for the partially passive connections. extHostGet() expanded for getting the host record without the opening user specifying. - !:FIX:DAQ: The logical level implementation appended of the multilevel recursion detection for the logical level links. - !!:UI.VCAEngine: The VCA-styles appended of they updating at the user change in runtime and cleared by naming the special styles and they number limit. - FIX:UI.Vision: The Item Properties Edition Dialog prevented in lost changes of the tab "Processing" edition at switching to other tab and hot opening other items. - FIX:UI.WebVision: Appended of tracing the user changing in the standard way and of sending the "connect" request with the flag "userChange" for the user VCA-style change also. 2021-07-26 Roman (stable) - !!!!:FIX:LibsDB.{OscadaLibs,vcaBase,vcaTest},{AGLKS,Boiler}.*: Appended, cleaned and fixed for the multilanguage messages by applying the new translation fixing mechanisms. - !!!!:SYS: TFunction::IO object appended the flag IO::TransltText of marking the translate String IO directly. !!!!: The DAQ-Parameter Template object appended of the types "String (translate)" and "Text (translate)". !!!!:FIX: The "Translations" tab expansion and fixing for: - the option "check for mismatch (TrChkUnMatch)" renamed to "check/fix (TrChkAndFix)" and expanded of the translation fixing functions: - by propagation the translations to empty sources; - clearing the double to base translations; - merging the base messages as the translations. - fixed in the matching check for all languages and clearing the service flags; - information of the non matching was appended in the second message text. !!!: The value (TValue) of the DAQ-Atributes use the flag TFld::TransltText for value getting and the context information appended in the full text and translation. - !!: DAQ.{LogicLev,ModBus,OPC_UA,Siemens}: The logical type DAQ-Attributes loading and saving appended by the translation disable at IO::TransltText missing. - FIX:DAQ.{ModBus,OPC_UA,Siemens}: The logical type DAQ-Attributes saving appended in miss disabling the translation. - !!!:UI.{QTStarter,WebVision,WebCfgD}: Qt part, in the generic Qt Library, and Web appended by the table edition text apply at Enter and new line at Ctrl+Enter. - !!!:UI.VCAEngine: The UI-Attributes' types appended by "String (translate)" and "Text (translate)". !!: The user attributes switched in them translation at direct setting the flag TFld::TransltText. - FIX:UI.WebCfgD: Fixed in the table set value updation for table data come with the flag "noReload". - FIX:UI.QTCfg: Fixed in broke names the selectable table columns after first incomplete "name-id" item. 2021-07-12 Roman (stable) - FIX:LibsDB.OscadaLibs: The template library tests.test fixed in the IO "di" for the grouping. - LibsDB.vcaBase: doc.docMessRep,Main.{alarmsAct,alarmsSt}: Expanded in detecion the current source name of violations after passing the multiple gates. - FIX:AGLKS.St: The DAQ-parameter LogLev.gen.P4 fixed in the violation borders specifying. OPC_UA.test.test: Expanded for use the type and RW parameter hints. - !!!:SYS.{TConfig,TCfg},BD.*: Expanded for new parameters TConfig::{trcSet,setTrcSet}(), TCfg::{isSet,setIsSet}() of detection the configuration field changing and using in the partial DB-loading instead toDefault(). - !!!:SYS,DB,DAQ: The global configuration context copying mechanism (interstation) appended by the marking link to the last setting operation object, to easy postmarks setting. !!:DAQ: As a postmark to the saving DAQ-parameter object there appended the attribute "prmTp" with the parameter type, which is used next in true detection the parameter type changing at the following loading. - FIX:DAQ,Archives,UI.QTCfg: DAQ-Parameters copy prevented from an error of presence already the binding archive. UI.QTCfg: Such errors also prevented on termination the group copying operation by a new acceptation dialogue. - !!!:Transport.SSL: Both input and output parts appended of the possibility to point the certificates and the key directly from an external file. - DAQ: The function TPrmTempl::Impl::cntrCmdProc() set as the virtual one, to allow of implementing the DAQ-source specific. The DAQ-Parameter type switched to show the name always, not only at the selection. - DAQ.{ModBus,Siemens,OPC-UA}: The DAQ-Parameters of the Ligical type appended by the common connection errors display in the attribute "err". DAQ.{ModBus,Siemens}:Added for clearing the call now flag at errors. - DAQ.ModBus: The source code some cleared. - !:Archives: The control interface button expanded for clearing the visible alarms, not all them only. - !!!!:FIX:{DAQ,Protocol}.OPC_UA: Appended by the Logical type DAQ-Parameters support. !!: The Standard type DAQ-Parameters appended by the no requesting the metadata on the server mode and the attributes direct ID and name. FIX:DAQ.OPC_UA: Fixed-finished in the parameter including support. The certificate and key disabled in show for the enabled/started objects. - !!!!:FIX:DAQ.Siemens: Appended by the Simple type of the DAQ-parameters. !!!: Appended by the data area specifying as a negative DB with code of this area, and the Flags/Marks processing (0x83) added in a specific way, by the prefix "F". !: Enabled for the parameters hierarchical including. FIX: Fixed in sending the opening connection requests at the connection lost in the ISO-TCP own implementation. - !:FIX:UI.{Vision,WebVision}: The view Table of the primitive FormEl fixed in specifying the column sorting value "0" as descending and "1" as ascending from the top, and force of applying the attribute "sort" change. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Fixed in detection the page links recursion. - UI.Vision: The subwindows closing is set to real close not from the close event but the OpenSCADA control interface. 2021-06-29 Roman (stable) - LibsDB.vcaBase: Main.grpCadr: Cleared from spare modification and the group name set to "<page>" for the unification. - Archives: The archive object removing appended of switching to "Passive" and starting for stopped ones, to remove also from the storages for the archive objects with lost the source. - DAQ.{*,DAQGate}: Archive values requesting in redundancy and the gate cleared for setting some values to "0" for "sepReq", "hostTm" to decrease some the traffic. - !!:DAQ.DAQGate: The sync modes appended by a mode of preventing the sync in whole for the stored in the cache objects, allowing value -1 for the configuration field "Synchronization time with the remote station, seconds." - FIX:DAQ.Siemens: Fix the restoring connection time calculation for the acquisition periodicity not 1 second. - UI.QTCfg: The copy accepting dialog appended by the limiting of the display items list in 10. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Detection the group-parameter link status as OK appended by checking not only first sucesfully linked attribute. - FIX:UI.Vision: The copy widgets appended by udating at errors also, for the possible restoring of the inherited removing. 2021-06-22 Roman (stable) - FIX:LibsDB.vcaBase: Main.ElViewGraph.lb_val.arg0cfg fixed in wrong translation to uk. - FIX:SYS: The "Translations" tab fixed in the option of checking for matching. - !:DAQ: The DAQ-parameter object appended by an information field of the changing timestamp with it maximum value on the controller object, by the new DB configuration field "TIMESTAMP" of the parameter object. - DAQ.DAQGate: The requestion function cntrIfCmd() appended by the argument "noConnect" of preventing the missed connections establish at the archive requesting now. - FIX:DAQ.{ModBus,Siemens}: Appended by setting the modification flag of the target parameter at copy to it, for the Logical Level type. - UI.VCAEngine: Some unified in the links processing for translation String constants and "val:{Value}". - FIX:UI.Vision: Fixed in complete exiting from the edition mode of the primitive ElFigure included into the Box at focus lost. - UI.WebVision: Allowed in the pointer events independently from the activity for the views "Text edit", "Combo box", "List", "Tree", "Table" of the primitive FormEl and the primitives "Protocol", "Document". 2021-06-13 Roman (stable) - !!:FIX:SYS,BD.LDAP,Archive.{DBArch,FSArch},DAQ.{ModBus,MMS},{DAQ,Protocol}.OPC_UA,UI.Vision: Some cleaned from the build warnings. - SYS: The global variable limCacheIts_N type changed to "unsigned". - !FIX:{DAQ,Protocol}.OPC_UA.libOPC_UA: Fixed in the NodeId::operator=() function for comparing other string types, like to Guid and Opaque. FIX: Fixed in building on the Nokia N800 environment and the field "timestampsToReturn" type wrong conversion to REAL. - FIX:UI.WebVision: Fixed in form the configured width of the non string arguments of the primitive Text. 2021-06-09 Roman (stable) - FIX:LibsDB.vcaBase: Main.storeHouse: Fixed in the not string 's' cells content encoding to "HTML". - FIX:SYS.BD: The generic DB saving function TBDS::dataSet() was prevented from creation the empty container tags in the config file at the flag "toChangeExistsCfg". - !!:FIX:SYS: The common configuration field "WorkDir" was prevented from marking as modified one at the project switch than saving it in the configuration file. The tab "Tasks" of the main control page moved after the tab "Translations". - !:UI.{VCAEngine,Vision,WebVision}: The view "Table" of the primitive "FormEl" appended of the column, row and cell space option "prec" of the real value precision control. 2021-06-06 Roman (stable) - FIX:Archives: The value archives prevented from the atachment try of the missed archivers. Size of the field of the archivers list expanded up to 1000. - !!!!:SYS: The "Translations" tab restructured something, appended by the actual status, appended by some context help and the translations manager appended by: - limiting of the table form in prmInterf_TM (7 seconds); - a configuration field of passing number the top messages; - setting only for the filtered sources; - checking the content for match only for the filtered sources; - pass the sources missing error. The translation function TMess::translSet() prevented from propagation the group messages changed not from the translation manager. - !:FIX:Archive.DBArch: Fixed from some crashes at the value archiver groups processing by not clearing the table field configs (TConfig) links under the locks. - FIX:DAQ.ModBus: Prevented from marking the not connected controller objects as NORM at them stopping. - FIX:UI.QTStarter: Prevented from updating the starting window at it close-hide state. - FIX:UI.QTCfg: The table rows heigh updating moved at all time the table udation but there can be changed only the rows sequence, so breaking they rows custom height, detected on the translation table. - UI.WebVision: All items appended by the CSS property "pointer-events" treating in the value "all" for active, the master page and boxes with included pages; or "none" for all others. To ensure the pointer events pass through inactive elements to the active ones behind. 2021-05-30 Roman (stable) - !!:DOC: The document "Modules/OPC_UA" complete revised for the modules version 2.1 and the translation. - FIX:LibsDB.OscadaLibs: base.ntf in the notification part improved for the broken transports (after the long response time) processing. - !:FIX:Archive.DBArch: Fixed from some crash at the value archiver groups processing in the unlocked function ModVArch::grpLimits() for reqRes. - FIX:DAQ.DAQGate: Fixed in listing the DAQ-objects in control remotely through the OpenSCADA Control Interface. - !:DAQ.ModBus: IO of the Logical Level parameters enabled for the translation, for not linked strings and like to DAQ.LogicLev. - {DAQ,Protocol}.OPC_UA.libOPC_UA: Acknowledged items clearance moved after the successful sending the Publish request and only for what acknowledged and not all presented. Server.SecCnl.{TokenId,TokenIdPrev} renamed to Server.SecCnl.{tokenId,tokenIdPrev}. - Protocol.SelfSystem: The SingleUserHostLimit default value increased up to 100. - UI.Vision: Real values precision of cells of the view Table of the primitive FormEl limited in 6 digits. 2021-05-23 Roman (stable) - data/openscada-proj.in: Switched to linking user LibsDB content to the system RO-content-libraries instead the copying. - AGLKS.vca: The short links on the main mnemonic scheme activated for all users. - !!:FIX:Mess: The data lock separated from all messages lock in dtRes to prevent the concurrently locks at active work with translations. The mLang2CodeBase, mLang2Code attributes switched to the lock. - !:FIX:DAQ.DAQGate: Prevented from error processing of parameters from other DAQ.DAQGate controller objects with the broken link. - UI.{VCAEngine,Vision}: The service of activation runtime visualizer-specific attributes appended of the default value in the text, on the attribute "keepAspectRatio", wich is TRUE by default on UI.Vision. - UI.VCAEngine: The included widgets, restored from the parent widget, is set to enabled after adding. - !!!!:{DAQ,Protocol}.OPC_UA.{.,libOPC_UA}: Continued in appending the Publish service and client CHUNKS support on the client side and the code coming refactoring in generic: - the object NodeId appended by the function operator==() of direct comparing; CLIENT: - the object Client::Subscr::MonitItem is appended as a replace of XML_N in the monitored items representing; - the error OpcUa_BadSecureChannelIdInvalid added for clearing the secure channel; - the function monitoredItemAdd() fixed on sending the empty requests; - Client::SClntSess::{sessOpen,lstMessReq} renamed to {secChnlOpenTm,secLstMessReqTm} - ... and prevented from clearing in restoring the session and secure channel; - OpcUa_ClntPublishResentCntr is set by default to 2 and used in the client status; - Client::Subscr::monitoredItemDel() appended of an attribute of marking the items as NODATA; - values acquisition is unified in their reading in the function Client::poll() both for the Read and Publish modes - ... and processing in the parameter function upVal() - ... and the values requesting by the controller object function getValMIt() with the Arrays support - ... than preparing closely for builtin the logical parameter type; - monitored items adding moved from attrPrc() directly to enable() and which ensured to call at the controller object start - ... and the items processing improved in updating the description, flags and link; - acquisition in the both modes appended-restored for reading OpcUa_Server_ServerStatus_State; - the DAQ-parameter objects enabled for including other parameters; - the EVAL setting and removing for all attributes tested for all modes. SERVER: - the Publish processing prevented on processing wrong and foreign Subscriptions, by checking inPrtId, sesTokId and isSecCnlAct; - the session checking of all messages appended of preventing of using foreign connections with the same secure channel and session - ... and clearing the channel names of the reconnections on other, already wrong sessions. 2021-05-16 Roman (stable) - Security: The user object appended by a function auth() of the User API to authenticate at password. - FIX:Protocol.HTTP: Fixed in the User API function messIO() for processing parts of the HTTP-request POST and they bounder set to the canonic form. - !!!!:{DAQ,Protocol}.OPC_UA.{.,libOPC_UA}: Continued in appending the Publish service support on the client side and the code coming refactoring in generic: - the default LifeTimeCounter of the subscriptions set to 2400; - the function XML_N::childClear() appended by a result of returning the same XML_N object for concatenation; CLIENT: - appended by the CHUNKS implementation both for requests and responses; - completely revised and cleared in the common requesting function reqService() from doubling the arguments and parameters what fixed of checking the signing in mixing with Publish of the secure policies, appended by restoring sessions at reconnection the secure channel, and the current session and secure channel clearing is unified; - the Read request returned to the plain requesting with limition on CHUNKS only; - the channel writing and reading is separated in MSG packages processing; - the publish requests resent period set to OpcUa_ClntPublishResentCntr(10) of KeepAlive counters; - the controller object status appended by number of processing monitored items. SERVER: - subscriptions processing returned to they processing in a separate task and the function subScrCycle() for true counting all timeouts to disable, and processing the periodicity of subscription and publishing returned to the counter also, but the publishing left for processing in the input channel activity and the function Server::EP::publishCall(); - link of the sessions to secure channels switched to single one instead an array; - not final chunk packages switched to send directly, for not append to single TCP-package; - the secure channels limited in OpcUa_SecCnlLimit(10) and the publishes queue in OpcUa_ServerMaxPublishQueue(10); - the common End Point status appended of the subscription task period and time of execution; - the sessions status display switched to one channel link; - the subscription status display cleaned from the last time and fixed for the lifetime; - !!:FIX:UI.VCAEngine: The VCA-styles fixed in accessing to empty fields which don't load. 2021-05-10 Roman (stable) - LibsDB.vcaBase: Main.storeHouse: Appended by the type "text" appointment to the fixed field "DSCR" and the field "NAME" of the class edition table. - !!!!:{DAQ,Protocol}.OPC_UA.{.,libOPC_UA}: Continued in appending the Publish service support on the client side and the code coming refactoring in generic: CLIENT: - the message property "timeoutHint" set to 0 for all messages since the possibility of that triggering for Publish messages where no messages besides Publish ones are presented; - finished and tested in the secure policies support at Publish; - the subscription container moved from the Client object to SClntSess for cleaning together closing the secure channel and session in clearFull(); - the subscription Publish processing function poll() appended by checking of loss all Publish requests during the two keep alive count-time and restoring the pool; - the request resource renamed to resOPC and the client object appended by the common resources lock mtxData; - the monitored items container access moved under the client resource common lock; - the controller object common status appended by the detailed information about the used secure channel, session and subscription; - the target Publish requests pool per subscription moved under a virtual function publishReqsPool() with default value 2; - appended by debug message of the request errors; SERVER: - the subscription processing function EP::subScrCycle() appended of checking the associated sessions and secure channels state to close the subscriptions than preventing of the foreign Publish packages flood on reopened input transport connections; - fixing and unifying of detection the MonitoredItems sampling and the Publish response need in binding to the corresponded intervals of sampling and publishing cycle grid; - EP::secSize() renamed to EP::secN() and there added EP::sessN(), EP::subscrN() and chnlList(); - EP::mtxData lock switched to PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE; - the OpenSCADA module - OPC-UA Server object, appended by the common server status tab with information about active secure channels; - the EndPoint Node object common state appended by information about active sessions and subscriptions. 2021-05-03 Roman (stable) - LibsDB.vcaBase: doc.{docRepInstVals,docRepDay,docRepMonth,docRepYear}: The reports with the SVG graph appended by the CSS option "text-align: center" to ensure it centring on Firefox. Main.storeHouse: Appended by the type "text" support as the new table item "t". - !!!!:SYS: The function TSYS::curTime() appended by an argument of the clock source specifying with using the function clock_gettime() and the function TSYS::curTimeN() appended. - Transport.{Sockets,SSL}: The input transport polling mode switched to aligning at the period grid. - Transport.Sockets: The error "Broken channel (32)" is detected at the writing, after disconnecting the server, so the reconnection attempts set to 2 at (kz <= 0). - !!:UI.{VCAEngine,QTStarter,Vision,WebVision}: The view "Table" of the primitive "FormEl" appended by the new cell type 't'-text mostly for allowing the edition confirming the type 's'-string by pressing Enter. - !!!!:{DAQ,Protocol}.OPC_UA.{.,libOPC_UA}: Continued in appending the Publish service support on the client side and the code coming refactoring in generic: - CLIENT: publish packages tracing switched from using a counter to checking the response sequences; - SERVER: making the publish responses some even by updating the polling mode of the input transports and performing the responses processing at the last time but not from the call counter; - CLIENT: appended by the subscription restoring after the sessions clossing, unifying the MonitoredItem statuses, need to be observed yet deeply for that; - CLIENT: appended by adding new nodes to monitor and implementing monitoredItemDel() (DeleteMonitoredItems), which but disabled due to the nodes can be used in other DAQ-parameters; - CLIENT: significant unification in passing service variables (like to "EndPoint", "SecChnId", ...) to prevent them doubling and the sequences processing moved all to the end serialization function messIO(); - CLIENT: moving the main service request "OPN" under the messages processing due to the renewals sending inward the Publish activity; - CLIENT: adaption the secure messages for work with the mixed input buffer. - the function curTime() appended by an argument of the clock source specifying with using the function clock_gettime(); - fixing "POOL" word on "POLL". - UI.WebVision: The view LineEdit of the primitive FormEl set to update at the configuration change 'cfg'. Widgets removing appended of removing the transparent DIV-frames. 2021-04-25 Roman (stable) - !!!!:DAQ.OPC_UA.{.,libOPC_UA}: Appended by the initial Publish service implementation on the DAQ-client part: - the main client services processing function protIO() adapted to work in the asynchronous mode (not requesting); - the function Client::messIO() expanded for the timeout argument with specifying the requesting mode also; - short functions appended by str2int() and str2uint(); - the "Client" object appended by the subobject "Subscr" implementation with the functions: activate(), monitoredItemAdd(); - the "Client" object appended by the functions: poll(); - the service requests of the client part appended by implementation, include processing the responses: CreateSubscription, DeleteSubscriptions, CreateMonitoredItems, Publish, Poll; - some fields renamed: publInterv to publInterval, cntrLifeTime to lifetimeCnt, cntrKeepAlive to maxKeepAliveCnt, maxNotPerPubl to maxNtfPerPubl, en to publEn; - FIX:UI.{QTStarter,*}: The table delegate of the lib_qtgen library restored in applying the text custom font and color. 2021-04-17 Roman (stable) - !:FIX:LibsDB.OscadaLibs: DevLib.IEC62056 fixed in coming to the data requesting after initiation and using the true address mask 0x7F instead 0x3F. - !!!!:Transports,{.,*}: The module version of the subsystem "Transports" risen to 25. The IO log expanded for: - combining data of even direction and address packages during prmWait_TM (5 seconds); - microseconds part of the log fixed for 6 symbols; - the data messages appended by the direction symbol. - !:FIX:DAQ.OPC_UA: The server part adapted to work with UAExpert 1.5 for: - the attribute AId_Descr of the DAQ-value set to the type OpcUa_LocalizedText; - the integer types appended by declaration OpcUa_IntAuto and OpcUa_UIntAuto. - !!!:FIX:Transport.Serial: The output transport fixed in the inter request waiting at the reqRetrMult*wCharTm processing as milliseconds. - FIX:UI.QTStarter: The table delegate apply changes function TableDelegate::setModelData() adapted in storing the value type. - FIX:UI.WebVision: Fixed in the keyboard focus switching at mouse clicking on buttons with images. 2021-04-11 Roman (stable) - DAQ.ModBus: Appended by passing wrong items in the Standard Mode of the DAQ-parameters. - DAQ.OPC_UA: The DAQ-controller object appended in closing the session and secure channel at it stopping. The variables list of the DAQ-parameters parsing set to complete parsing with passing empty lines. Structure variables selection in DAQ-parameters allowed to select its items separately, in the selection browser. libOPC_UA: Unified in specifying the default value of the secure channel life time, what set to 300000 ms. Client::reqService() appended by the meta command "CloseALL" of closing current session and secure channel. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: The child widgets copy fixed in ensuring the visibility accounting the widget scaling. Copying the container widgets and pages appended by checking and removing the child widgets, what removed on the source. - FIX:UI.Vision: The view Table of the primitive FormEl fixed in the table fitting, at fixed column widths in pixels, for taking in acount the widget scale same in the fitting function, after resizing. Title of the developing window appended by the remote host information. - !!:FIX:UI.WebVision: Fixed in checking the removed widgets for all and the master page. FIX: The view Table of the primitive FormEl: prevented from termination at empty rows and strictly set sorting columns; unified in the strictly set sorting display. 2021-03-28 Roman (stable) - !!:LibsDB.vcaBase,AGLKS.vca: Main.RootPgSo: Appended by: - the widget "alarms" on the primitive "Protocol" basis with the possibility of enable/disable; - appended by an optional function of returning to a default user after specified time in a new attribute "defUser"; - switched to a non relative algorithm of the main mnemonic scheme's vertical position and height calculation. - LibsDB.vcaBase: Main.storeHouse: appended by the edition permition by the rule "root:ITW>RWRW__" for the edition switching buttons btClassEdit and btEdit, with disabling by default and at the user changing. - !!:FIX:SYS: The EVAL_RFlt definition appended by the suffix "f" to prevent of wrong comparing the double EVAL_RFlt with stored float values, fixes the archiver Archive.FSArch work with the float type values in the EVAL detection. - SYS,DAQ.{LogicLev,ModBus,Siemens}: Appended and used for a global constant DAQ_APER_FRQ of frequency of representing the aperiodic invokes, like to f_start, of the periodic processes. - !!:DAQ.{ModBus,Siemens}: Switched in "f_frq" value form to use the real task execution information. - DAQ.Siemens: The waiting connection cycle switched to use the common period or 1 second for aperiodic scheduling. - !!:UI.VCAEngine: The project session execution information appended by the real periodicity taken from the task, which also used in form value of the procedure attribute "f_frq". Included widgets of the containers copying appended by adjustment the end position to ensure the visibility. - !!:FIX:UI.WebVision: The primitive "Document" building restored at switching into the mnemonic schemes, by restoring of enabling child widgets in perUpdtEn() and preventing the view "Table" of the primitive "FormEl" call here with no need of the refitting. The view "LineEdit", "TextEdit", "Table" of the primitive FormEl disabled for propagation the keyboard events in the edition mode, to prevent very big setting spare traffic. The view "Table" of the primitive FormEl allowed for the system-browser context menu. 2021-03-22 Roman (stable) - !:LibsDB.OscadaLibs: PrescrTempl.manager appended by a feature of pausing prescriptions from the commands-steps. - !!:AGLKS.vca: The project page /prj_AGLKS/pg_so/pg_4/pg_mn/pg_1 renamed to /prj_AGLKS/pg_so/pg_4/pg_mn/pg_CM101 like to other ones. !: Main views of the compressors on the main page set active and linked to switch the detail signal object. !: The prescription frames prescrEdit and prescrRun appended to mnemonic schemes of the first signal object. - !:FIX:UI.WebVision: Prevented in cycling at presence the Web-session but missing the corresponded VCA-session, as a completion of the previous fix. FIX: The view Table of the primitive FormEl: - fixed in updating at no row; - set to the first visible column for sorting at the sorting enable. - FIX:UI.Vision: Fixed in enable the syntax highlighting for initially empty text elements. - !!:UI.VCAEngine: The "Diagnostic" page of the VCA-projects adapted to show the debug level messages at enable the debugging. !: The session debug messages appended by messages of the setting events, so removing the need of such messages in the widget procedures. 2021-03-15 Roman (stable) - !:LibsDB.OscadaLibs: The common template base.anUnif appended by an option "Force NORM violation at the start". "NORMA" renamed to "NORM". - !!:LibsDB.vcaBase: Periodicity of the frame "RootPgSo" execution rise to 1000 milliseconds after appending for events early processing. Main.storeHouse: filters processing appended by clearing, forming accounting the previous filters; prevented from flicking the table after some cell changing. - !:Transports: The IO log appended of limiting the one processing block size by a new configuration field. - DAQ.Value: The Value object prevented from storing NaN real values by replacing them to EVAL, detected on problems of writing by SQL from Archive.DBArch. - UI.{VCAEngine,Vision}: The frame calculation field "Period of the calculating, milliseconds" appended by a context help. - UI.{WebVision,Vision}: The view Table of the primitive FormEl appended by switching the tables in preventing of double storing the source content at the content size more for 10000. - !!!!:UI.VCAEngine: Appended and enabled as a build option for the mark mechanism of the attributes changing without the doubles, by requesting the previous-completed cycles, than also preventing the need of detection the doubles in the visualisers and storing the big source content. The modification detection function modifChk() appended by an argument "isCnt" of specifying the containers. !!!: The session tasks execution appended of early execution at events presence. The view Table of the primitive FormEl appended of limiting in processing the table content for direct apply the changes, only for it size lesser for limUserFile_SZ (1 MB). - UI.Vision: The menu call button of the item and container configuration dialogs turned off from the auto apply default mode. The view Table of the primitive FormEl set to the first visible column for sorting at the sorting enable. - !!!!:FIX:UI.WebVision: Appended by detection disappearing of the project execution session and return an error, in the common request "pgOpenList", and at dropping down the calculation counter "tmCnt". !!: Switched back to the synchronous mode of the default POST requests since getting of processing old events after new ones. FIX: Fixed in processing the processings counter "prcCnt" for the true processing. getXmlHttp() appended of counting and freeing the XML-request objects. The view Table of the primitive FormEl: Table cells in the editing mode allowed for the system-browser context menu. FIX: Fixed in loss the first symbol at entering to editing the cell text content. FIX: Disabled from returning back the text editing content of the cells after it Apply and before the change read back. The table changes detection and updating switched to the mode of not storing double source content. 2021-03-08 Roman (stable) - !:LibsDB.OscadaLibs: The common template base.anUnif appended by the force NORM alarm messages generation at the start, to prevent of hang the old alarm messages by DAQGate and the redundancy. Testing mostly before deploying to like ones templates. - !!:LibsDB.vcaBase: Main.storeHouse: Appended by using the acceptation dialog of the deletion operations. Enabled for the table sorting on the visualizers side, only in the view mode. Appended by the filter variants clearing. !: The template VCA-project adapted to the actual alarms table early appending in the vertical size scale 0.96. - !:Transports: Performance of the IO log preparing was significantly rised by using the preliminary buffer, so currently there is possible of observing logs on 1000 records. - !:FIX:DAQ.ModBus: Fixed in the RTU variant early termination of the tail message waiting at messages more than 128 bytes. - FIX:UI.QTCfg: Prevented from show empty field of the button area of the TextEdit widget in some cases. - !:FIX:UI.VCAEngine: The service request "set:/serv/attr" to the sessions for a group of attributes appended by the events applying in the last of all other attributes setting. - !!!:UI.Vision: The export function in runtime append of export the view Table of the primitive "FormEl" in CSV. !: Improved in support the sorting of the table content per columns by preserving the scroll position and the sorting parameters before the sorting disabling during the updating time. Setting the value, early resizing and the table fitting moved to the space of the table content presence and after the sorting. - !!!!:UI.WebVision: The view "Table" of the primitive "FormEl" appended by the sorting support by columns. !!: Switched back to the asynchronous mode of the default POST requests after the last fixing in the VCAEngine. !: Improved something in the changed attributes processing during the post XML-parsing detection for the attribute XML-content, than doubling of processing such attributes, detected on the attribute "items" of the view "Table" of the primitive "FormEl" in the sorting mode. The view "Table" of the primitive "FormEl" prevented from the complete updating at the attribute "value" modification. The editable combobox fly menu size expanded up to 10 items in the vertical. 2021-03-01 Roman (stable) - !!!!:LibsDB.OscadaLibs: DevLib.IEC62056 rewrote in the synchronous (request-answer) mode for working multiple devices on the serial bus. - !!!:LibsDB.vcaBase: Main.storeHouse: Implemented for the filter support with the columns indexing and listing. The frame "RootPgSo" switched mostly from the hotkeys "Ctrl+?" to "CtrlAlt+?". The frame "cntrPaspExt" table "trendsList" appended by the attribute "width='25%'" for the last two columns. - !:DAQ.ModBus: The DAQ attributes parsing switched to use TSYS::strLine() and TSYS::strParse() than allowing the symbol ':' in the name and empty lines in the text. - UI.QTCfg: Appended by clossing the double configuration windows without the warning dialog. - FIX:UI.{QTStarter,QTCfg,Vision}: OSCADA_QT::colorAdjToBack() some improved in moving the background value to 175, than at the value more the level, the text color preferred in setting the lower value and vice versa. - !!:UI.Vision: The type Table of the primitive FormEl improved: - in light processing of the width changing; - in fitting at the development mode; - in fitting also at the vertical header show. - !!:FIX:UI.WebVision: The view Table of the primitive FormEl appended by: - the not fitting mode (the attribute "colsWdthFit" missing) implementation, using the automatic table layout mode for calculation the fixed widths and next switching to the fixed table layout mode; - the light edition mode base implementation; - fixing the whole than 300 symbols edition. The external windows as DIV closing set in sending only the closing signal to the model and real closing after it removing in the model to prevent sometime flicking. 2021-02-21 Roman (stable) - LibsDB.vcaBase: Main.storeHouse: The classes' table expanded by the separate field "Table properties (TP)" with the column width specifying here and all visual tables disabled for columns fitting by "colsWdthFit" and temporarily for sorting by "sortEn", before it complete implementation. The main visual table switched to default sorting by SQL "ORDER BY 'ID'", for new items placing in the end. Appended by the data edition mode. - !!!!:FIX:Archive.FSArch: Critical fixed in the value archive files processing, in try they ID write to NULL string. - UI.Vision: The view Table of the primitive FormEl appended by the light edition - without the columns refitting all updating time, only at: first row appearing, columns count change and the column title change, font change and resize. 2021-02-14 Roman (stable) - FIX:UI.{QTStarter,QTCfg,Vision}: Fixed in building with Qt4 for TableDelegate. 2021-02-14 Roman (stable) - LibsDB.vcaBase: Main.storeHouse: switched to non "colsWdthFit" mode and the field "Description" forced to width "40%". - FIX:DAQ,Transports: Fixed in the control fields "list:/redund/cntr/rdndt" and "list:/sub/ehost/mode" type "int" renaming to "dec". - !!!!:FIX:UI.WebCfgD: Completely revised and expanded for: - the all internal tool actions moving to the implementation as buttons and the toolbar size set from 25 to 30 pixels; - removing the toolbar button images' size filtering-resizing on the server side; - page icon padding between the title set to 10 pixels; - the control page complete updating after the window resize; - the table expandings for: - the big text content limiting in 300 symbols at the visibility; - the string type allowed for the multiline edition using TEXTAREA; - the type data "bool" is shown as an image, not "On" or "Off"; - centring the boolean, number, time and selectable content; - simplifying the table content edition for the types time, number and string by removing the apply and spin buttons. - the generic text edition field by TEXTAREA expanded for apply and cancel from the keyboard; - the hosts updating function bound to the double mouse click on the common space of the tree area; - FIX: the hosts updating function fixed in detection douple host items; - FIX: forced in the actual-selected item marking in the control tree after it rolling; - removing nodeText() and setNodeText() by direct using "innerText" and "textContent"; - !!:UI.{QTStarter,QTCfg,Vision}: The TableDelegate use the Qt builtin role Qt::TextAlignmentRole instead own AlignOptRole, was appended by long text visible limit support by the own role TextLimRole and the default value 300 symbols by sizeHint() additional reimplementation. - !:UI.QTCfg: Improved in the table close filling by consideration the visible vertical scrollbar size and several iterations of the close collumns fitting also as in UI.Vision. - !:UI.Vision: The Table view of the FormEl primitive cleaned form spare role Qt::UserRole+5 of the previous value storing, but that do now the table delegate. The table early fitting moved just after it filling and the value setting, and after it force resizing to the container widget size, to provide that true fitting always. Applying the column force width and the row height calculation with limits are performed independently from the common attribute "colsWdthFit" value. Improved in the table close filling by consideration the visible vertical scrollbar size. - !!:FIX:UI.WebVision: Fixed at last in plodding spare DIV items at the page changing in the page containers, detected as changing the argument "pgBr" of the makeEl() function for the included page and it wrong processing by its container. 2021-02-08 Roman (stable) - !!:LibsDB.vcaBase: The new page "Storehouse (storeHouse)" was finished in implementation the class edition and appended by: - class full-translated name; - show and activation the buttons "Copy" and "Edit"; - use the item-column type in building the end-user table and the content alignment. The frames "RootPgSo", "grpGraph", "grpGraph10", "ElCadr", "grph_panel" of the library "Main" improved in the active elements true order (z) for correct tab focus sequence working. - !!:AGLKS.vca: All frames of the library "AGLKS" improved in the active elements true order (z) for correct tab focus sequence working. - !!:DAQ.ModBus: The output part of the protocol RTU variant appended by early termination of the package waiting of the standard functions [ERR,1...6,15,16], what increases the overall bandwidth twice. - !!:UI.{QTStarter,QTCfg,Vision}: The common library class TableDelegate significantly improved to work in QTCfg and Vision: - appended by the own user roles SelectRole and AlignOptRole; - the cell paint appended by the background color by reading-applying the common roles; - the number types (integer and real) appended by force centring; - the string types appended by the options of alignment and wordwrapping. - !!:UI.{VCAEngine,Vision,WebVision}: The view Table of the primitive FormEl appended by the column and cell attribute "align" implementation. - !!:UI.Vision: The type Table of the primitive FormEl improved in that fitting after the table whole resizing only, so allow the columns resizing manually also. The row height limited in half height of the table. !: The mime data, style, diagnostic message table and the primitive Protocol switched to use the unified class TableDelegate with some centred columns. - !!!!:FIX:UI.WebVision: The view Table of the primitive FormEl significantly improved for: - multiline text edition of the string cells in whole width and height of the cell, with the edition apply by Ctrl+Enter; - view limiting the string cells in 300 symbols; - display the boolean cells as an image at the true state; - fixed in the empty tables processing. !!!!: The keyboard focus and events significantly improved for ensure that working in common by: - setting the "tabindex" attribute for all active widgets and for FormEl items specially for the form elements; - appending the "tabindex" number calculation as a unique one for whole interface, than prventing the tab focus jumps; - processing the onfocus event for the own focus processing by setFocus(); - the view Button of the primitive FormEl appended by the keyboard events processing for down and up at the keys Space and Enter; - the primitive Diagram is simplified by removing the spare A item. !:FIX: Prevented from plodding spare DIV items at the page changing in the page containers. 2021-01-31 Roman (stable) - !!!:LibsDB.vcaBase: The library "Main" appended by the new page "StoreHouse (storeHouse)" initial implementation. - SYS: The user API functions appended by the function lang() of the system language fast obtaining. - FIX:Archive.DBArch: Fixed in the default value of the field "Grouping limit of the parameters" setting to 100. - FIX:DB.PostgreSQL: The data type "timestamp with time zone" of the integer variant TFld::DateTimeDec replaced by "timestamp". - !!!!:UI.{QTStarter,QTCfg,Vision}: The common Qt-code of the OpenSCADA Qt-modules started in their moving to the new library files lib_qtgen.* what placed in the module QTStarter folder and linked in all Qt-modules, and that done for: external icoSize() and colorAdjToBack() and TableDelegate. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Some improved in the links processing only for constants. - !!!!:UI.Vision: The view "Table" of the primitive "FormEl" significantly improved in: - connection the common table delegate with the feature of multiline edition; - columns show at the table updating; - more precision columns width alignment; - rows height limition in 70% from the whole table size; - allowing collumns width manual edition before it updating. !!: The property dialogues of the "Widgets" and "Projects" / "Widget libraries" appended for own statusbar and a button of builtin manual invoking. The TextEdit widgets switched to own statusbar of the property dialogues for the cursor position and what disabled in ToolTip. !!: The text code edition widget of the "Widgets" property dialogue appended in restoring the cursor position after apply or cancel. !!: The text edition widget appended in the syntax highlight rules cleaning at the reloading. 2021-01-23 Roman (stable) - LibsDB.vcaBase: The widget "ElViewGraph" of the library "Main" switched for the value display in the exponential form for the logarithmic scale. - FIX:SYS: TCfg::setS() in the extended variant switched in writing to the TVariant container directly, for the extended values, than omitting the field wrong limits. - FIX:DAQ: Insertion or creation new DAQ template items fixed in the ID indexing-enumerating for checking the items presence, the new inserted or added items appended by the default value (configuration value) copying. - !!:Archive.DBArch: The message archivers appended by the configuration field "Unique and non duple messages for time and category only" The field "MIN" size decreased to 8 symbols and the field "TM" for no string type to 10 symbols. - FIX:DB.MySQL: Disabled for the key size limiting depending they quantity. - Transport.Sockets: The messages "%s (%d)" some detailed to discern the reading and writing parts, in the way of detection the error "Broken channel (32)" appearance. - !!!:UI.VCAEngine: The projects runtime improved in changing parents of the processing pages on the fly. 2021-01-09 Roman (stable) - data/Android/patches/openscada_oscada.xml.patch: The Android patch appended by the plain passwords restoring in the table ExtTansp. - !!!!:SYS: rom_as@oscada.org replaced by roman@oscada.org in everywhere. - FIX:UI.Vision: Processing the force widgets style switching to the system one QCommonStyle() or QPlastiqueStyle() of the buttons of the primitive FormEl is unified in reusing the system style objects and that disabled in the CSS styles using here due to color alpha lost. - FIX:UI.WebVision: The servSet() function appended in the error 404 processing, emerged at the sessions accessing after they closing on the server side. 2020-12-29 Roman (stable) - data/ModelsDB/AGLKS/oscada_AGLKS.xml: The plain text paswords of the "ExtTansp" table of the subsystem Transports replaced by the hashed passwords. - !!:FIX:Security: Prevented from authentication in user interfaces by the ready password hash. - DB.{MySQL,PostgreSQL,FireBird}: Disabled for the direct string field size limiting since the CHAR(N) of the key fields is limited in the field itself and that performs the behaviour difference with SQLite. - !!:FIX:Archive.DBArch: Fixed for only direct the values archiving in the group mode and when the values type may drop to the Integer type as the default one. !!:FIX: The value archiving in the group mode appended by removing the according table column at the archive removing, for the table column hot removing just after appending some new archive, than preventing the table early growing to the DB limit. - !!:FIX:UI: TUIS::docKeyGet() fixed from the user array objects leaking. 2020-12-19 Roman (stable) - SYS: data/openscada.ebuild: Updated for the last state. - LibsDB.vcaBase: The library "Main" appended by the notification 1 (one) static sample "ntf1". - !!:FIX:Archive: Obtained current values, in the active archiving mode, forced to the current time, what is significant for the dynamic attributes archiving. - SYS:TFunction: Removed for the spare variable "first_io". - DAQ.SMH2Gi: Some unified in the error messages of the communication. - FIX:Transport.Serial: Fixed in the output tranports timeouts setting as default at their generation after changing the address. - UI.Vision: The visual editing window title appended by the widget-page name. - UI.WebVision: The LineEdit type of the primitive "FormEl" appended by switching it to the modification mode at selection. 2020-12-11 Roman (stable) - SYS.Function: the duple IOs detection made optimal. - FIX: The field "PASS" of the table "CfgExtHosts" expanded in its size up to 100. - FIX:Transport.Serial: Fixed in the modification sign setting at the timeouts of the output transport configuration. - FIX:UI.WebVision: The function setWAttrs() expanded in encoding the symbol '&' to the entity "&" of the string values. 2020-11-27 Roman (stable) - FIX:SYS.Function: Appended by detection the duple IOs at the IO context copy. - !!:FIX:Protocol.HTTP: Multipart POST of the output function outMess() prevented in the end boundary placing and improved in the "Content-Disposition" form. - !!:FIX:UI.QTStarter: The project list updating code rewrote for soft update, without the current item selection lost. FIX: Fixed in building with Qt 5.15. - FIX:UI.Vision: Fixed in the user color adjustment in the project execution mode. - !!:UI.WebUser: Adapted to the work with POST and the content in the body. 2020-11-22 Roman (stable) - !!:LibsDB.vcaBase: The template project (tmplSO) cleaned from spare mnemos of the prescription management and the main page appended of the actual alarms-violations table. - SYS: Appended at the rand() activation by srand() execution for the current time microsecond part. - !!!!:Protocol.HTTP: Appended for the dynamic cookie name and the User ID space, where the cookie name is "oscd_UID" and is used the User ID space in work with the common authentication sessions table, and the cookie name is "oscd_UID_{PrjNm}" in the work without that. The User ID generation improved in generation different IDs for the different processes, limited in 1e6, and appended by the random and configurable User ID space [0...99] * 1e6, used in the work with the common authentication sessions table. - UI.QTCfg: Some appended in way of an improvement try of the station icons updating. - !!:UI.QTStarter: Appended for the start dialog periodic updating. - FIX:UI.WebVision: Fixed in the sessTime() specifying as time_t instead int. FIX: Prevented from potential cycling between "prj_" and "ses_" URLs at the UID inconsistence. 2020-11-15 Roman (stable) - data/{oscada_plc.xml,oscada_server.xml,oscada_start.xml}: Rename the DB field "DESCRIPT" to "DESCR". 2020-11-14 Roman (stable) - data/{oscada_plc.xml,oscada_server.xml,oscada_start.xml}: The disabled DBs appended for the description. - !!:FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Fixed in crash at a widget link setting to "prm". 2020-10-31 Roman (stable) - data/ModelsDB/{oscada_start.xml,AGLKS/oscada_AGLKS.xml,Boiler/oscada_Boiler.xml}, data/Android/patches/openscada_oscada.xml.patch: The style "Typical TDE" appended for a color of the table throughrows. - !!!!:SYS,*: The global configurable limits appended for limUserFile_SZ, limUserIts_N, limCacheIts_N, and parameters appended for prmStrBuf_SZ, prmWait_DL, prmWait_TM, prmInterf_TM, prmServTask_PER. - !!!!:FIX:UI.{QTCfg,Vision}: Appended by a function of adjustion text colors to the background color - colorAdjToBack(), which used in correction the syntax highlighting and other dynamic colors to the palette changing. The custom color of the work space of the development window was disabled. - FIX:UI.{Vision,WebVision}: The notifiers were fixed in processing all 8 ones. - !!!:UI.WebVision: Appended for the "quietanceRet" support. Appended for cleaning old notifiers at closing pages them registering. The "curQueueWdg" appended in the quittance request. 2020-10-25 Roman (stable) - data/ModelsDB/AGLKS/St.db: The value archiver DBArch.1s switched to the group mode setting "GroupPrms" to 100. - !!!!:SYS,*: The system wide limits started in moving to the user configuration area (the configuration file) for some allowed range, for the generic limits currently: limObjID_SZ, limObjNm_SZ, limArchID_SZ. STD_WAIT_DELAY renamed to OSCD_WAIT_DELAY and changed to 0.1 seconds. TSYS appended for the function taskSendSIGALRM() of sending the termination signal "ALARM" to OpenSCADA tasks. TValFunc: Appended for a state of the function execution by the function isCalc(). - !!:Archive: The value archive configuration field "Mode of forming ID of the automatic created archives" expanded by the selection item "All controller, parameter and attribute ID", during the process of expanding the limit of the value archive ID to 50 symbols. - !!!!:Transports.{.,*}: The timeouts setting function setTimings() of the output transports expanded in the default timeouts difference for different protocols, by the argument "isDef". The output transports expanded for a mark of the transport as Network one, by the function isNetwork(), in the User API also. - !!!!:Archive.FSArch: Adaption to the ID size of the value archive more than 20 symbols, when its 14 extra symbols are stored in the reserve part (renamed to "archive_add") of the header and extra more in the filename. - !!:DAQ.{LogicLev,ModBus,Siemens}: Appended for termination long time executed templates at the parameter disable, using new functions TValFunc::isCalc() and TSYS::taskSendSIGALRM(). - !!:Protocol.ModBus: Output transport specific timeouts are set to "5:0.1" for Network transports - isNetwork() and the protocol variant "RTU". - !!:Protocol.SelfSystem: Output transport specific timeouts are set to "20:2". - !:Transport.*: Complete replacing for words "start" on "connect" and "stop" on "disconnect" in all messages. 2020-10-18 Roman (stable) - FIX:UI.Vision: Fixed in building with Qt4. 2020-10-18 Roman (stable) - LibsDB.OscadaLibs: The template DevLib.MTP4D expanded for the properties "Set zero (zeroP)" and "Set atmosphere (zeroAP)". - !!:LibsDB.vcaBase: The frame Main.RootPgSo unified for the notifiers in the generic attributes only for the VCA-server and notifiers Vision, WebVision: notify0, notify1 and notify2. - !!!!:UI.WebVision: Implementing of the notifications support. Unified in the time constants specifying for: tmClearEdit, tmFullUpd, tmAlrmUpd. Information requests of the opening page moved under the common request "CntrReqs" together the notifier attributes activation. - !!!!:UI.{VCAEngine,Vision}: Expanding the notifications implementation in way their implementation on UI.WebVision, for: - using the standard way of the notifications obtaining through the corresponding attributes activation; - {VCAEngine.Vision}::ntfReg() expanding for the negative type using in all types processing, freeing mostly, and some unification of the code; - expanding by the resource type obtaining in: - the service request "<get mode='resource' path='%2fserv%2falarm' />" of the OpenSCADA control interface; - an argument of the functions {ntfRes,commCall}(); - an argument of the notification procedures "resTp" what is return and placed to stdout (for Shell) for "doRes". - appending the notifiers by the flag "notifyServ" of the notification enabling on the VCA-server side; - VCA-server side appended for the field "resStatic" of the direct resource specifying (non dynamic); - appending the notification procedures' context for the two variables "resTp" and "prcID". - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: The operations of the quietance by the service request "<quietance path='%2fserv%2falarm' />" allowed for all by setting the reading permition. - !!:FIX:UI.Vision: Notification by playing in Phonon moved from the separate notification task and fixed in detection the playing process in a way like to UI.WebVision and using MediaObject. FIX: Alarms processing period some improved to be more predicted. FIX: Priority of registering the notifiers some fixed. - FIX:Transport.{Sockets,SSL}: The default timeouts returned to "10:1". 2020-10-04 Roman (stable) - !!:LibsDB.OscadaLibs: The library tmplib_DevLib appended by the template "MTP 4D (MTP4D)" and "ModBus base (mbBase)". - !!:UI.Vision: Appended of playing the notifications by the internal player at Phonon. - UI.WebVision: Styles of the popupmenu some improved. 2020-09-27 Roman (stable) - FIX:LibsDB.OscadaLibs: The DAQ-template base.initConsAssignTrs some improved in detection duple connections. - FIX:data/openscada-proj.in: Fixed in packing big crashreports. - FIX:DAQ: DAQ parameters appended in checking the parameter type on interstation copying for single parameters. - !!!:FIX:Transport: The function TTransportIn::assTrO() of processing input initiative connections complete revised to make new connection necessarily created as a new output transport, then preventing true finishing the present closed but not freed output transports. FIX: The service "/log/log" limited in it processing for time STD_WAIT_TM (5 seconds) for very many and big requests. - FIX:Archive.DBArch: The parameter "Grouping parameters into single table" was set by default. - FIX:UI.QTCfg: Set to update the current page content after errors in some commands. - !!:FIX:UI.VCAEngine: !!: The resource requesting service "get:/wdg/res", Widget::resourceGet() and {WidgetLib,Project}::mimeDataGet() appended for requesting the resource parts, for big media files mostly. FIX: Source files listing of the primitive Media appended for "mp3;ogg;wav;ogv;mp4". - FIX:UI.Vision: Fixed in local filesystem URLs processing for MediaSource of Phonon. FIX: Temporary files of loaded from the mime table data of the types "Video" and "Audio" of the primitive "Media" are set to remove. - !!!!:UI.WebVision: Implementation of the resources uploading in parts, for big media, by the HTTP parameter "Range: bytes=". The types "Video" and "Audio" of the primitive "Media" improved in - the control "play", "pause", "seek" periodic back reading the current position and control threshold; - external URLs processing; - playing video in whole widget frame. 2020-09-20 Roman (stable) - !:FIX:LibsDB.OscadaLibs: DevLib.{DNP3,IEC62056} fixed in processing the output transport object placed as an attribute, but that allows to set only for Object, so EVAL was used here. base.initConsAssignTrs Appended for limiting the remote initiator ID in 20 symbols - OpenSCADA objects ID limit. - !:FIX:LibsDB.vcaBase: Main.RootPgSo fixed in the second row of the signal objects processing and the rate of font height to width set to 0.75 from 0.8. - data/ModelsDB/{oscada_start.xml,AGLKS/oscada_AGLKS.xml,Boiler/oscada_Boiler.xml}: The style "Blue Darkness" appended for a color of the table throughrows. - Archive: {TMArchivator,TVArchivator,TVArchive}::DB() set to the constant qualifier. - Transport: The transport commands renamed from "Running" to "Connect" and the statuses renamed from "Started. " to "Receiving data. " and "Connected. ", from "Stoped. " to "Disconnected. ". - !:FIX:UI: TUIS::mimeGet() fixed in processing audio and video mimes. - Archive.DBArch: Archiver objects copying improved for the address field copying. The DB field "CATEG" size of the messages expanded to 200, for long categories and UTF. - FIX:Archive.FSArch: File time size of the value archivers limited in the top border at 366 days. - !!:FIX:DAQ.LogicLev: Removed for the calculation lock "calcRes", what used only in locking the writing to the parameter attributes during the calculation and what can be long. - !!!!:{DAQ,Protocol}.ModBus: The subtype "_b" - bit type, expanded by moving the bit number to the register number field like to "R_b:123.12". Added by the flag "~" for inversion registers order of the complex subtypes in multiple registers, like to "_f". The flag "rw" separated to "r" and "w". - !!!!:UI.{VCAEngine,WebVision,Vision}: The primitive "Media" appended by the type "Audio" and the type "Full video" renamed to "Video", which also implemented in UI.WebVision and UI.Vision. - !!:FIX:UI.Vision: The call saveState() moved from the developing window destructor to the closing event, but a problem of empty context saving was observed after playing some media. !:FIX: Fixed in media playing from the resource by VLC from Phonon. - !!:FIX:UI.WebVision: Fixed in the page cache spare cleaning for widgets from pages with common name to the remove page. 2020-08-30 Roman (stable) - FIX:Archive.DBArch: Fixed for the message "Archiving time, milliseconds" removing the part ", milliseconds". 2020-08-15 Roman (stable) - !!!!:SYS: Modules version of the subsystem "Transport" risen to 24. - data/icons_src/splash.xcf, src/moduls/ui/QTStarter/images/splash.png: The splash image crop to remove the transparent shadow border. - !!:UI.WebVision: Appended for the custom interface CSS rules. 2020-08-10 Roman (stable) - FIX:Protocol.SelfSystem: Commenting the sequences wrong implementation of the output requests in they work with the reforwarding and transition to internal stations. - FIX:Protocol.SelfSystem: Fixed in the authentication retry after an error of "REQ" request, after reloading the server side mostly. 2020-08-09 Roman (stable) - !!!!:Transports: The output transports unified by creation the connection parameters, by conPrm(), instead direct ones prm1() and prm2(). - !!!!:SYS,Protocol.SelfSystem,DAQ.AMRDevs: Client accessing of the OpenSCADA control interface expanded by the multiple authentication, what prevents of using direct requests of the OpenSCADA control interface with the authentication in each the request, often for UI.Vision. - !:FIX:Protocol.SelfSystem: Fixed in tries treating at errors in the output actions. - UI.QTStarter: Appended for an icon of the item of removing projects. The removing projects item moved to the end of the project context menu. - !!:UI.{Vision,WebVision}: The visualizer specific property "userSetVis" appended for password implementation after the direct user specifying and for applying all users. - !:FIX:UI.Vision: The visualizer specific property "userSetVis" (the command "$") improved for restoring to the original user, mostly for remote connections, by storring the original user and password. The authentication and user changing procedure in UserStBar::userSel() and the dialogue object "DlgUser" were significantly unified. 2020-08-02 Roman (stable) - data/openscada-proj.in: The "remove" command of the projects appended by removing backups of the project. - !!:UI.QTStarter: Context menu of the project list appended for an item of removing not running projects. 2020-07-26 Roman (stable) - data/icons_src/oscada.xcf: Appended for OpenSCADA backuping icon. - !!!:UI.WebVision: Unified in the primitive "Button" implementation: by moving the custom buttons under <button></button> and appending the proper CSS-styles for the default and pressed state with the border and transparent image difference. 2020-07-19 Roman (stable) - !!!!:SYS,UI.QTStarter: Processing the UI main thread is complete unified by removing the module specific in modStart() and modStop(). - !!:SYS: The station statuses unified in the function isRunning(), isFinalKill() and stopSignal(). - !!:FIX:SYS: The object TRegExp appended by the function getPattern() and the patterns processing fixed appending the end symbol treating, so preventing TController::alarmSet() collisions in the objects strict detection. 2020-07-13 Roman (stable) - FIX:SYS: The service task fixed in updating list of the processing subsystems. 2020-07-12 Roman (stable) - data/openscada-proj.in: Crash report files appended for GZIPing. - LibsDB.OscadaLibs.DevLib.IEC62056: Default value of the property "tmPollAll" set to 10. - !!:FIX:LibsDB.OscadaLibs.doc.diagram,UI.{Vision,WebVision}: Prevented from the value scale double adjustment for the percent scale and appended for the value range expanding. - FIX:LibsDB.vcaBase: The procedure translation was removed for doc.docRepInstVals. - !!!!:SYS,UI.QTStarter: Splash updating of the main threaded GUI module moved to the service task, before switching to performing the main function, for what there appended two new signs "isRunning" and "isServPrc" and the service task starting moved to the TSYS constructor and the stopping moved to the TSYS destructor. - SYS,DB,DB.{SQLite,MySQL,PostgreSQL,FireBird}: TMess appended for a function of detection the configuration translation translCfg(), which used in all DB modules and in dataSet(). - FIX:DB.SQLite: The debugging key for tracing the SQL-requests renamed to "{ModId}_tracing". - FIX:UI.QTCfg: Appended for oppressing messages about missed items of the combobox items. - FIX:UI.QTStarter: Prevented from the information item "<Select a profile to combine>" processing of the profile combobox. FIX: Fixed in processing the Qt function QGuiApplication::saveState() renaming to QGuiApplication::saveStateRequest() in the Qt5. FIX: The splash image recreation condition (ico_t.size() != splash->pixmap().size()) was removed but it doesn't work on Qt4 and spare one mostly. The splash building moved under a lock the resources. Begin of the splash messages time moved to the memorized one at the splash type change. Splash updating appended for the short waiting in 0.01 seconds and the tries set to 3, what is the enough condition for the splash visibility on Qt5 and Qt4. - !!:FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Prevented from crashing on big configurations with long closing the runtime sessions in accessing the widget heritors (mHerit) by appending the ResRW lock "mHeritRes". !!:FIX: Fixed in setting the widget procedure field translation "PROC" at the start, when by default it wrong allowed for translation. - !:FIX:UI.{VCAEngine,Vision}: The field of procedures translation fixed in the visibility processing and updating. - UI.{WebCfgD,WebVision}: Makefile.am: The procedure of building of the source code for JS and HTML files was some unified in the files complete processing by SED. 2020-07-05 Roman (stable) - DOC: The document "AGREEMENT ON TECHNICAL SUPPORT OF THE "OpenSCADA" SOFTWARE" version 2 finished and appended to the offline documentation. - !!!!:SYS,UI.QTStarter: OpenSCADA starting with a module as the GUI in the main thread significantly refactored for: - early registration the GUI module in the main thread directly by that module itself and in postEnable() function; - adaption the function perSYSCall() to use for update the GUI module in the main thread, its splash mostly, after a module starting and stopping, the configuration loading (for switch to the starting splash), before the modules starting; - enabling the messages dynamic display for the main thread execution mode; - unification of the splash display for the both modes. - FIX:SYS.Functions: Time limit of the functions manual execution some approximation to STD_WAIT_TM (5 second) to make it not lesser. - FIX:DAQ: System messages of enabling, stopping, disabling controller objects are fixed. - !!!!:Transports: The configuration option "START" was removed for the output transports as spare one and to prevent long starting. - !!:FIX:Protocol.ModBus: The output requests of the TCP-variant appended for checking Transaction ID of the response packages. - FIX:Transport.{Sockets,SSL}: The output transports appended for discard connections at the program stopping. - UI.QTStarter: The backuping is made busy the main interface before the operation finish. The starting UI Qt-modules configuration was made selectable. 2020-06-28 Roman (stable) - data/Android/build.sh: Appended for build in the new module DB.DBGate. - !!!!:data/openscada-proj.in,UI.QTStarter: Finished in implementation the backups support by implementing the command "backupList" and limits of the backups. UI.QTStarter: Appended for the backup commands call from the project manager - list of the projects. - SYS: TSYS::objFuncCall() moved to public. - FIX:SYS: The OpenSCADA tasks priority fixed for SCHED_FIFO in it display as 0. - UI.VCAEngine: completely cleared from calcProgTr() indirect accessing and calcLang() and calcProg() set to use TSYS::strLine() directly instead the strange processing with spare marking the modification. 2020-06-21 Roman (stable) - DOC: Updating the offline documentation. 2020-06-21 Roman (stable) - DOC: Document of the module "DBGate" appended for downloading to offline. - data/ModelsDB/{AGLKS/oscada_AGLKS.xml,Boiler/oscada_Boiler.xml}: The input Sockets' transports unified in the names "WEB" and "CNTR". - data/ModelsDB/AGLKS/St.sql: The input SSL transports unified in the names "WEB" and "CNTR" and updated for the KeepAlive timeout setting in 60 and for the SSL-certificate. - !!!!:data/openscada-proj.in: Appended for the commands "backup", "backupRestore", "backupList" to implement the project backups. - LibsDB.vcaBase: Cleaned from the old procedure's state "Translate" setting for inherited pages in the projects. - TSYS: TCfg::setReqKey: Appended for an argument - !!:FIX:DB: TBDS::dataSet() expanded for setting only keys and viewed elements, like to other DB. - TDB: The service requests "/serv/fieldStruct", "/serv/fieldSeek" and "/serv/fieldGet" access changed to SEC_RD. - !!:DB.DBGate: The module cleaned, some fixed and tested. - !!:FIX:DB.SQLite: there detected and corrected of data losses with concurrence access, when a minor error of the not activated transaction "cannot commit - no transaction is active (1)" is generated, which, however, interrupts the data recording. - !!:Protocol.SelfSystem: The output part expanded for checking correspondence of the responses to the requests by the request tag name and sequences in "rqSeq". Appended for encoding special symbols of the user and password, and the empty password encoding as "<EMPTY>". - !!!!:FIX:Transport.{Sockets,SSL}: To prevent the multiple execution of the high loading and long-time control requests the output transports switched to: - the default configuration for Tries=1, Timeouts="30:2"; - for the connection losses the tries number set to 2; - for the error "Timeouted" the connections also set to reconnect, besides the SOCK_FORCE type. - FIX:UI.QTCfg: Sending requests to other selected items is performed only for the main request result TError::NoError. - UI.QTStarter: The OpenSCADA information on the splash moved to the right and the OpenSCADA project to the left. - UI.VCAEngine: The property "Translation" of the widget procedures completely moved to the direct access and set visible only for the procedure presence, also as the procedure text area and the calculation periodicity visible only at any language selection. - FIX:UI.Vision: Fixed in the user change at the remote work, after the previous mark. Prevented from try the user changing to no password one in the remote work, only the warning before the implementing. 2020-06-14 Roman (stable) - !!!!:LibsDB.OscadaLibs.DevLib.IEC62056: Completed in the basic implementation. - LibsDB.vcaBase.Main.alarmsSt: Default value of the property alArch set to "FSArch.alarms". - data/icons_src/splash.xcf, src/moduls/ui/QTStarter/images/splash.png: Some updated for the additional information placing about version the program and the OpenSCADA project. - !!!!:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Appended for the second variant of the internal function's variables treating in own namespace, so limiting the concrete function's variables number for saving/restoring also only from the second entry. The previous-first variant remained present and can be switched just uncomment the definition IN_F_SHARE_REGS. - !:FIX:UI.QTStarter: Fixed in applying the project specific splash at the project switch. The standard-system splash updated and appended for information about the program and the OpenSCADA project, including the project icon. 2020-06-08 Roman (test) - SYS: data/oscada_server.xml, data/oscada_plc.xml: The input WWW-transports are unified, where "WEB_1" renamed to "WEB" and "WEB_2" removed. data/oscada_start.xml: Appended for the disabled input transports "WEB" and "CNTR"; the value archivers FSArch.{SYS,alarms,actions} and message archivers FSArch.{1s,1m,1h}. - !!:LibsDB.OscadaLibs: JavaLikeCalc.Controller.text: The tests function appended for JavaLikeCalc internal functions' tests, including the recursion call. !!:DevLib.IEC62056: Cleared, appended up to the OBIS reading what tested on SL7000. The implementing is continued... - FIX:LibsDB.vcaBase.Main.alarmsSt: Some fixed for the original messages and the "quietation" completely replaced by "confirmation". FIX: Restored in preventing the duplicate entries for new alarms in that category. - !:FIX:DB: TBDS::dataGet() (and TBDS::dataSeek()) prevented from getting the previous value at loading from the config-file, by setting the default value. - SYS: The original message "Accessing" renamed to "Accessible". - !!!!:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: The internal functions executing appended for storing the shared registers context for allowing the recursion primarily. The storing also decreased the used registers number and the function appended by the compilation status information. The feature is tested now! - DAQ.{LogicLev,ModBus,Siemens}: Controller and parameter objects, disabled in the source, prevented from enabling at the interstation copy. - !:UI.QTStarter: The start/stop splash image appended for the OpenSCADA version. The message "Creating-updating a project" renamed to "Create/update project". - FIX: UI.VCAEngine: The field "Completely translate the procedure" on the project side set to directly obtained, independently from the procedure inheritance. FIX: Opened pages processing of the session commands switched to from the end, due to the last opened pages place in the end. FIX: The user action time update appended also at requesting the complete pages tree in the service request "openlist:/serv/pg", what is a typical user action for WEB in reconnection to present session. - UI.Vision: Marked to implement the visualizer specific attribute "userSetVis" in work with the remoted visualizer server. - !!:FIX:UI.WebVision: The issue of closing all pages of the main page container with frozing the last loss page at fast page switching caught and fixed at last. !:FIX: The link to the user login page set to the session-project complete path, to return back the session-project after the login. !:FIX: The original user setting moved to the common function userSet() in way of fixing the reconnection to the same session after changing-decreasing the user in "userSetVis". 2020-06-01 Roman (stable) - !!:FIX:DB: TBDS::dataSet() fixed in the last appending for changing-saving the defined entries in the config file by call that only for not empty path, instead what we have some tags of the configuration file changing to "tbl". - SYS: TCfg::setExtVal() in FALSE appended for cleaning the string value from the extended parts. 2020-05-31 Roman (stable) - !!!!:LibsDB.OscadaLibs: The Devices Library appended for the protocol IEC-62056 initial implementation (DevLib.IEC62056). - SYS: The module BD.DBGate appended by the representative icon image. - FIX:SYS: The User API function TArrayObj::indexOf() fixed in -1 converting to unsigned. - FIX:DB: The function dataSeek() call fixed in the service control "call" of "/serv/fieldStruct", "/serv/fieldSeek", "/serv/fieldGet", "/serv/fieldSet", "/serv/fieldDel" - !!:FIX:UI.Vision: The user manual changing prevented from checking for the lesser or even permition. 2020-05-25 Roman (stable) - data/openscada.spec: Appended for including modules to the OpenSCADA core library: - DB.DBF, DB.SQLite, DB.DBGate, DAQ.JavaLikeCalc, DAQ.LogicLev, - Transport.Sockets, Transport.Serial, - Protocol.SelfSystem, Protocol.UserProtocol, - Special.FLibComplex1, Special.FLibSYS Appended for building: --enable-LDAP --enable-MMS --enable-DiamondBoards --enable-ICP_DAS. - data/{debian,debian_mod}/control: Appended for a dependency to libldap2-dev for DB.LDAP. - data/debian_mod/control: Appended for the external module openscada-db-ldap and removed for the external module "openscada-daq-bfn". - data/{debian,debian_mod}/rules: Appended for including the new module DB.DBGate, building DB.LDAP and not building DAQ.BFN. 2020-05-24 Roman (stable) - !!!!:FIX:SYS.*,DB: TBDS::dataSeek() and TTable::fieldSeek() switched to the seek cache implementing in the corresponded modules. !!!!:SYS: Modules version of the subsystem BD risen to 22. Core library version risen to 4:4:0. !!:DB: TBDS::{dataSet,dataSeek}() expanded for saving and restoring the TCfg structure in "localCfgCtx", mostly for the new module DB.DBGate. FIX: TCfg::setReqKey() prevented from the flag "KeyUse" cleaning. TFld: Appended for the combined string variant of the length field - lenS(). - !!!!:FIX:DB: A new module "DBGate" created and appended. !!:FIX: TBDS::dataSet() appended for changing-saving the defined entries in the config file instead complete saving all their in the default DB. !!:FIX: DB loading is prevented from double loading from the config file and from DB for the equal entries. !!:FIX: The wrong started DB objects in the first fixed for try them next start tries. !:FIX: TBDS::{open,close}() fixed for true functional locking by the lock "resTbls". !!: The TBD object appended for the service control "call" requests support: "/serv/SQL", "/serv/fieldStruct", "/serv/fieldSeek", "/serv/fieldGet", "/serv/fieldSet", "/serv/fieldDel". What mostly designed and used in DB.DBArch! - FIX:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Moving the calculation context modification to the option "modifCalc". FIX: The control interface command "/cntr/cfg/toFunc" some specified. - UI.QTCfg: Tracing the control items of the navigation tree appended for scrolling to the current item. The getExpandTreeWIt() function appended for processing items without the group prefix - the default group. 2020-05-10 Roman (stable) - FIX:UI.QTCfg: Fix the building. 2020-05-10 Roman (stable) - LibsDB.vcaBase: doc.docUsersSet: The styles appended for a specific rule of the "Description" collumn - "TABLE.data TD:nth-child(5) { white-space: normal;}" - FIX: data/openscada-proj.in: The command "list" some improved to show the preinstalled and user projects. - data/{oscada_start,oscada_server,oscada_plc}.xml: Appended for the disabled DB-entries of the standard OpenSCADA libraries. - !!:FIX:SYS: The function TCntrNode::isModify() processing for the children allowed only for nodes in the state "Enabled". FIX:TFunction: Set in started at the direct execution enabling. FIX:XMLNode: The function text() in the text taking mode from special parts "<*>" appended in reading the original text content at the children missing. FIX:Transports: The IO log order inverted to the last in the end for the message parts visual concatenation. The "Request" tab appended in concatenation the response data at the request missing. FIX: The dynamic system properties mWorkDB, mSelDB and mMainCPUs moved under the data lock. Appended for the function pathLevEnd() of the paths processing from the end. - FIX:SYS,UI.{QTCfg,WebCfgD}: The control node attribute "acs" appended for the maximum level permition in the high octet what used in the configurators. - !!:SYS: The loading and saving configuration appended for own lock TSYS->cfgLoadSaveM(). - !!!!:SYS,DB,DAQ.{LogicLev,ModBus,Siemens},UI.{QTCfg,WebCfgD}: Appended for the interstation copying mechanism of the control interface nodes: - appended for the global configuration context accessing functions cfgCtx() and setCfgCtx(); - the redundancy processing expanded in the command "save" redundancy only at missing the attribute "ctx"; - DB: dataSeek(),dataGet(),dataSet(): Expanded for the local configuration context argument "localCfgCtx" and the configuration context processing together the global one SYS->cfgCtx(); - DAQ.{LogicLev,ModBus,Siemens}: Some adapted for IOs copy. - UI.{QTCfg,WebCfgD}: Expanded and allowed for the interstation copy. - FIX:DB.SQLite: Fixed for some warning messages in the building. - !!:UI.QTCfg: Appended in tracing the page changing for indication in the navigation tree. FIX: Fixed for the text field processing - updating with the previous syntax highlight rules, what causes the content visual corruption, and in the position restoring. - FIX:UI.WebCfgD: Fixed for the default target-group obtaining in itPaste(). Fixed for wrong call document.dlgWin.close(). 2020-04-26 Roman (stable) - !:FIX:LibsDB.vcaBase: Main.userManager: Expanded by generation the operator action messages. FIX:Main.anShow1: Fixed for f_start processing, replacing for EVAL checking. Everywhere messInfo() of the operator actions "OP:" replaced to messNote(). - Security: The user object expanded by the permition comparing function permitCmpr(). - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: The widget processing state moved under the lock mCalcRes to ensure the start execution before any ordinal and the stop execution after any ordinal. - UI.{Vision,WebVision}: The visualizer specific attribute "userSetVis" processing expanded by checking the directly set user for the lesser or even permition. 2020-04-19 Roman (stable) - LibsDB.vcaBase: Main.anShow1: The border width dislinked from the activity status. - !!!:FIX:DAQ,DAQ.{JavaLikeCalc,ModBus,Siemens},Protocol.UserProtocol,UI.WebUser: The templates implementation fixed in processing the links reconnections and the functions lnkInit() and initLnks() appended the forced relinking flag instead "checkNoLink". - !!:Protocol.HTTP: Appended for the user API function setUser() to change the authenticated user. - !!!!:FIX:WebVision: Fixed for the POST requests correct result code 204. !!!!: Appended for implementation the visualizer specific attribute "userSetVis". - UI.VCAEngine: The user last action time is initiated at the project session creation and connection. 2020-04-12 Roman (stable) - FIX: LibsDB.OscadaLibs: The template library "LowDevLib" and the JavaLikeCalc library "servProc" appended for the translated description. FIX: The template "digitBlockUnif" of the library "base" fixed in own description, caused to the template loss. The function "diagram" removed from the JavaLikeCalc library "web". - LibsDB.vcaBase: Main.userManager expanded for the possibility to edit the unprivileged user own information and password. - !!:FIX:DAQ,DAQ.{LogicLev,ModBus,Siemens}: !!:FIX: The templates implementation fixed in editing the links configuration to force the template modification flag. !!:FIX: The value changing through the Control Interface forced to setting the parameter modification flag. LogicLev,ModBus,Siemens: Allowed for the parameter loading in the run, to reload the values context. - !!!:FIX:UI.WebVision: Fixed in work with some pages missing, at the runtime objects locking and the early linking mechanism improved in general. - !!!:UI.WebVision: Significantly improved in the connection losses detection for the main page reload, for the cases of return back to already closed sessions in WebBrowser. The page of list the available projects and sessions appended for the actual user information. 2020-04-06 Roman (stable) - !!: The fuction TCntrNode::nodeName() is set to not abstract one and return "", for the possibility it partially lost and crash in the TCntrNode destructor. - !!:FIX:UI.{Vision,WebVison}: Fixed in use abs() for the long long integer, replaced to llabs(). 2020-04-05 Roman (stable) - data/*.spec,{debian,debian_mod}/changelog: rom_as@oscada.org and OpenSCADA <oscada@oscada.org> replaced by roman@oscada.org. - DOC: The document "Industrial devices library", "Low level sensors and chips library" and "Service procedures library" appended for downloading to offline. The document address "Regulation elements library" fixed to Libs/Regulation_elements. - LibsDB.OscadaLibs: base,LowDevLib,techApp,servProc,doc,regEl: The description is some appended for common description and sponsors. - LibsDB.vcaBase: mnEls,doc: The description is some appended for common description and sponsors. - LibsDB.vcaElectroEls: The description is some appended for sponsors. - Archive.DBArch,DAQ.{DAQGate,DiamondBoards,OPC_UA,SMH2Gi},Transport.Serial,UI.VCAEngine: Some fixed in the comment messages. - DB.{DBF,LDAP}: Cleaned from the transaction properties in the configuration. - !:FIX:UI.WebVision: Prevented from crashing in the VCAObj destructor at the cache clearance in the multithreads. imgDef moved from VCAObj to VCAElFigure. 2020-03-22 Roman (stable) - !!!!:DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs,Model.AGLKS.vca: The document of "the Prescriptions library" and "the Regulation elements library" is completed. !!: Items of "the Prescriptions library" expanded for DB linking and the command and program tables automatic creation. - UI.VCAEngine: Widget procedures calculation period -1 means currently the value (not -1) from the parent widget-page. - !!!!:FIX:UI.{Vision,WebVision}: The primitive "Diagram" is fixed for the negative time zone processing. - !!:FIX:UI.WebVision: The variant "Animation" of the primitive "Media" processing is improved by disabling the animated images scaling on the server side, then the animation loss. !!: Appended for the new parameter "Resizing raster images on the server side." to control the images transformation on the server side. 2020-03-15 Roman (stable) - !!:DB.LibsDB.{vcaBase,vcaTest}: The prescription frames "prescrEdit", "prescrRun" and "prescrRunSimple" moved to the new library "Prescriptions (prescr)". - FIX:UI.{Vision,WebVision}: The mirroring property of the primitive "ElFigure" is completed in the implementing at the filling by image. FIX: The filling by image in the primitive "ElFigure" prevented from lacks at accessing outside the image. - !!: UI.WebVision: The primitive ElFigure source code is significantly cleaned again. 2020-03-08 Roman (stable) - !!!!:DB.LibsDB.{vcaElectroEls,OscadaLibs}: The document of "the Electrical elements library of the user interface" is completed, all items are revised and the four new items are appended: "Key, unified (keyUnif)", "Switch, unified (swUnif)", "General state, unified (stGenUnif)", "Area state, unified (stAreaUnif)". - !!!!:SYS,Archive.FSArch,DB.{MySQL,PostgreSQL},DAQ.{JavaLikeCalc,LogicLev,ModBus,Siemens,SoundCard},Protocol.ModBus, Transport.{SSL,Serial,Sockets},Special.FLibSYS,UI.{QTCfg,VCAEngine,Vision,WebVision}: !!!!: The source codes significantly cleaned at the building warnings of GCC 9 (CentOs 8) and !!: The CentOs 8 chroot appended for build OpenSCADA. - DB: The label "Tables lifetime" renamed to "Opened tables lifetime". - !!!!:UI.{Vision,WebVision}: The mirroring support of the primitive "ElFigure" significantly advanced for the shape Arc draw and it generic fills. - !!:UI.Vision: Edition of the primitive "ElFigure" switched to the normal mode, without any transformation (rotation and mirroring). !: The Arc shapes of the primitive "ElFigure" allowed in connection each other in the fillings build, like to the sector diagram. - !!: UI.WebVision: The primitive ElFigure source code is significantly cleaned. Scroll areas of the popupmenu select are set to be hidden. 2020-03-01 Roman (stable) - !!:DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: doc.docRepYear: Significantly improved for: - appended for the option "showOrigCntr" to show the original counter values; - the time column aligned to the left; - expanded in the counters processing for the manual entering to a value archive. doc.{docRepDay,docRepMonth,docRepYear}: The "Result" row is set for "font-weight: bold;". Main.{anShow,anShow1}: Appended for the tooltip with the parameter and its errors description. - !!:DB.LibsDB.vcaElectroEls: The full restructuring of the libraries was started for true documenting, revision and translation. - !:Model.AGLKS.vca: The analog parameters and graphics is relinked. - !!!!:SYS,DAQ.{BlockCalc,LogicLev,ModBus,OPC_UA,Siemens,System},Protocol.ModBus: Unified and cleaned for the objects modification control, moving the calculation context modification to the option "modifCalc". - !!!!:UI.VCAEngine: The project sessions of the VCA moved at the last from the modification control for the development mode. Prevented from save the value of inherited and linked attributes, seems it have not a sense but can significantly use the storage. - !:FIX:Transports: Fix the terminating the transports loading at try to connect the missing transport modules. - FIX:Archive.FSArch: The archive folder creation moved in the begin, before the locking and the info.db creating. - DAQ.OPC_UA: Forming for ID of the parameter attributes moved under the generic enumeration function TSYS::strLabEnum() and the qualifier digit is removed. - UI.Vision: The items ID generation at placing pages to the project changed to start from the source page original ID, not index 1. 2020-02-24 Roman (stable) - FIX:DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: doc.diagram: Fixed All entries of SVG tag "text-anchor" value "left" to "start". Improved to align in the left the first horizontal scale item. - FIX:DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs.doc.diagram,UI.{Vision,WebVision}: Fixed in processing the percent scale for single or even values. - !!!:FIX:DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: Main.{alarmsAct,alarmsSt}: Fixed in using the view "Table" of the primitive "FormEl" for using the attribute "fontColor" instead the correct "colorText". !!!: doc.docRepYear: Significantly improved for: - the counters support: display both the counter interval value and the original value, display the resume row; - the manual input support; - appending of configuration the document depth of the selecting. doc.{docRepInstVals,docRepDay,docRepMonth,docRepYear}: Improved for centring the diagram area and by appending the scale information near the measurement unit. Main.ElViewGraph: Some improved for expanding the value field to all widget width and the default precision set in 6. - !!!:Model.AGLKS.St: FSArch.1m: The strange and temporary message archivers removed: FSArch.{NetRequsts,test,StatErrors}, DBArch.test and added the actual ones: FSArch.{alarms,actions,SYS}, DBArch.SYS. The information files or DB using is enabled for the packed files. - Model.AGLKS.vca: The report documents of Day and Month report switched to the dynamic mode, for Web mostly. All graphic groups of the project AGLKS relinked to refresh. - SYS: "<sec>" in the help to the configuration-file parameters renamed to <seconds> and the help improved in whole. - SYS,UI.QTStarter: Some source files cleaned from spare header files. - Archive: Default precision of the service "/serv/val" values set to 15. - DB: TBDS appended for configuration of the option lifetime of the inactive tables closing. - Transports: The new service functions outKeepAliveTm() renamed to outLifeTime() and placed to the command-line help. - Archive.=Tmpl=: TSYS::real2str() replaced by r2s(). - !!!:FIX:Archive.FSArch: The XML mode of the messages appended by the positions cache. !!!:FIX: The messages archivation is significantly improved and fixed in placing several different messages in even time. - !!!:FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Fixed in deletion the project pages in time of the project execution, to prevent the objects lock and their early linking for removing the session pages together the project pages. FIX: Fixed in wrong group links display as "Custom: ..." for some empty links presence. - !!:UI.{Vision,WebVision}: Disabled in limiting the requested archive values precision of the primitive "Diagram", for long counters. - UI.WebVision: Enabled for the limited implementation of mirroring the primitive "ElFigure" images. 2020-02-18 Roman (stable) - FIX:DAQ.ICP_DAS: Fixed for build with the error code TError::NoError, at previous define NoError in i8014W.h. 2020-02-18 Roman (stable) - !!!!:DB.LibsDB.{OscadaLibs,vcaBase}: The document of the "Reports' and documents' library" is completed. - !!!:FIX:DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: doc.diagram: Fixed in limiting the draw at the vertical area size. !!!: Appended for the trends build from directly specified data. - !!!!:DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: doc.docRepYear: Completed in creating by implementing: enter values in the manual mode, support for the manual values storing into the message archive, them display in the table and diagram. Main.{grph_panel,doc_panel}: The size enter range expanded to [0.1...366], for the possibility to embrace one year time interval. - !!!!:SYS,DB.{PostgreSQL,SQLite},DAQ.{MMS,Siemens},Protocol.SelfSystem,UI.{QTCfg,VCAEngine,Vision,WebCfgD}: TError appended for naming the error codes in the enum "Codes", which used everywhere. !!:Modules version of the subsystem Special risen to 21, of the subsystem Transports risen to 22. Core library version risen to 4:3:0. - Archives,DAQ: The value archive buffer errors of inserting too old values appended for the error code TError::Arch_Val_OldBufVl and it processing in TValue for cleaning the wrong buffers. - Archives: TVArchive::setVals() appended for the exceptions processing to prevent of interruptions the whole process at writing to one archiver. Font size of the builtin diagrams builder of the values increased to 10 pixels. - DAQ: The redundancy processing procedure TController::redntDataUpdate() appended for the exceptions processing to prevent of not starting the DAQ-controller objects at errors in the archivers, mostly in Archive.DBArch. - DAQ,Special: The attribut "run_st" in TPrmTmplLib and TSpecial renamed to runSt. - !!!:Transports,Transport.*: Appended for a service of closing output transports at the keep alive (inactivity) time. !!: Unified for the last request time control of the output transpors. - !!!!:FIX:Transport.Serial: Fixed for the Modem mode of the output tansports in the correct processing the function ResMtx::tryLock() result. 2020-02-11 Roman (stable) - !:DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: doc.diagram: Appended for support the big time range intervals per month. - !:FIX:Model.AGLKS.St: Fixed in transfering to SQL, appending the option --newlines to sqlite3, but only that is supported by old sqlite3 versions. - !:UI.{Vision,WebVision}: The view "Trends" of the primitive "Diagram" appended for the big time range interval per month support. 2020-02-10 Roman (stable) - !!:FIX:DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: The JavaLikeCalc function doc.diagram fixed and improved for: - appending the argument "Archiver (arch)" after the geometry arguments; - fixing the main date position of the horizontal scale at the time part missing; - fixing of show the first-left date-time item. FIX: The templates library "Main library (base)" fixed for the link to its documentation. FIX: The template "Discrete parameters block (base.digitBlock)" fixed for the mark "obsolete". - !!!!:DB.LibsDB.vcaBase,Model.AGLKS.vca: doc.{docRepDay(renamed docGasNodeDayA),docRepMonth(renamed docGasNodeMonthA),docRepYear(renamed docResourcesYear)}: Revised during the documenting and made the JavaLikeCalc translation by tr(). !!!!: doc.{docRepDay,docRepMonth}: Significantly rewrote, improved and made secondly usable, by allowing the DAQ-parameters connecting. doc.docRepInstVals: The parameter attributes appended by "Minimum (min)" and "Maximum (max)" for trends. doc.docRepYear: Advanced for implementing the main functions. - FIX:SYS,UI.QTCfg: The redundancy reforwarding fixed in the early cleaning "reforwardRedundReq" just after the requests processing. - !:FIX:DAQ: The logical level links, include the specific ones also, in the template configuration fixed in their cleaning at the links' value changing to <empty> or "val:". - !!:DB.SQLite: Appended for correct treating the locking of the SQLite DB files, at accessing to common libraries from different processes. - !!:FIX:DB.{SQLite,MySQL,PostgreSQL,FireBird}: Prevented from wrong cleaning the table information for disabled DBs. - FIX:UI.Vision: Fixed in updating the target page after copying items caused to a warning of their restoring from the parent base. - !:FIX:UI.{Vision,WebVision}: The runtime requests appended for "reforwardRedundOff"="1" to prevent them the redundancy. The view "Trend" of the primitive "Diagram" fixed in show the first-left date-time item. 2020-02-03 Roman (stable) - !!:FIX:DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: doc.diagram: Fixed and improved in the trends building at the generic percent scale, calculated automatically. JavaLikeCalc.DevLib renamed to "Industrial devices" and descriptions of most items are updated. The forming now document "Reports' and documents' library" appended to offline. The "gasPoint" item removed from the template library "base". - !!!!:DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: doc.{doc,docDin,docRep2WorkSh(renamed docRepSm2),docAlarmsRep,docRepInstVals(renamed docGasNodeMgn),docMessRep,docUsersSet}: Revised during the documenting and made the JavaLikeCalc translation by tr(). !!!!: doc.{docRepInstVals,docRep2WorkSh}: Significantly rewrote, improved and made secondly usable allowing of DAQ-parameters connecting. DB.LibsDB.vcaBase.doc.docGasNodeDayOrder moved to DB.LibsDB.vcaTest.test.docTestGasNodeDayRep. - FIX:Model.AGLKS.Model: Some fixed in the Ukrainian translation. - Model.AGLKS.St: Some parameters appended for archiving "FSArch.1s". - Model.AGLKS.vca: Updated in links of the renamed document frames. - SYS,DAQ: Some original messages and "Only attributes are to be shown" renamed to "Show attributes". - DAQ.LogicLev: Updated in the translations. - !:FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Fixed in the User API function tr() work from documents. 2020-01-21 Roman (stable) - !!!!:DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: JavaLikeCalc.doc: The libary revised during the documenting and appended for the function "Diagram (diagram)" of the diagrams building to SVG. !!:servProc.docOffLine: significantly expanded for detailing the error messages and placing the unfinished pages to the argument "pagesCur" for continue the termination. The final documents appended for the header and footer with the common OpenSCADA information and the language selector enabling. JavaLikeCalc.techApp: some updated for the description. - DOC: The common CSS-styles file of the offline documentation "doc/en/files/doc.css" improved to disable the transparent background color and some properties of the language selector. - DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: The VCA library "Main" and "mnEls" some updated for the description. Elements of the VCA library "mnEls" completed in their translated description. - !!:FIX:SYS,DAQ.JavaLikeCalc,UI.VCAEngine: Fixed in the offline documentation declaration for "User_API". - !!:UI: The inline documentation declaration from description some nodes is unified in the function TUIS::docKeyGet(). !!: TUIS::docGet() appended by a code of the LTS build checking and using the LTS frozen documentation on the OpenSCADA file-server. - UI.{VCAEngine,Vision}: Appended for support the inline documentation declaration from description of the VCA-libraries. 2020-01-14 Roman (stable) - !!!!:DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: The document of the "Mnemonic elements library of the user interface" is completed and appended to the offline. 2020-01-05 Roman (stable) - !!!!:DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: The document of the "Main elements library of the user interface" is completed at the last and appended to the offline. !!!:Main.{grpCadr,ViewCadr,ElViewCadr,ResultGraph,ResultGraphEl,cntrRegul}: Revised during the documenting. Call of the OS utility <beep> fixed by decreasing the length argument to 100000. - FIX:Model.AGLKS.St: The template property "tCmd" of the parameter LogLevPrm.gen.CB7 is set to 0. 2019-12-31 Roman (stable) - !!:DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: Main.{grph_panel,doc_panel,cntrPasp,cntrPaspExt,treeSelect}: Revised during the documenting. - FIX:Model.{AGLKS.vca,Boiler.St}: Fixed for the original message "Pasport". - !:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Set to stopped at the program source changing for apply the changes. - FIX:DAQ.{JavaLikeCalc,LogicLev,ModBus,Siemens}: Prevented from double setting of the sign "f_start" at the start. - Transport.{Sockets,SSL,Serial}: The "Started" and "Stopped" messages appended the suffix "connected" and "disconnected" respectively. - FIX:Transport.{Sockets,SSL}: The "No data" reading message some fixed and expanded. 2019-12-22 Roman (stable) - !!:FIX:DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: Main.{terminator,ElCadr}: Revised during the documenting. FIX:Main.calendar: Fixed for month start in Sunday (0) in the weeks form and background of the disabled items. FIX:Fixed for the message "reversed" translation. - FIX:DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: DevLib.{1W_DS9097,W_DS9097U}: Fixed for the device family detection as the template 0x7F, detected on the last DS2413 with the first byte 0xBA. - DB: The SQL-requesting dialog appended for the time measurement. - DAQ: TDAQS::rdRestDtTm() expanded from the float to double type. - FIX:SYS: The redundancy task fixed moving the declaration "XMLNode req("CntrReqs");" up to the same request, due to the possibility of back reading wrong responses. - FIX:Transport: Fixed in the transports copying for additional parameters, by call load_(). - FIX:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Appended for disabling controller objects at changing the linked function/template. - !:UI.Vision: Appended for an option of the module to drop widget styles to the common one for some specific widgets in the runtime. - FIX:UI.WebVision: The views "Date" of the primitive "FormEl" is fixed in the calendar for month start in Sunday (0) in the weeks form and background of the disabled items. 2019-12-08 Roman (stable) - !!:FIX:SYS: The JavaLikeCalc translation by the function tr() fixed in creating the translations table "Trs" and entries here in the simple mode (single language). !!:FIX:The function TSYS::chkSelDB() fixed after expanding for checking the DB enabling, checking the special DBs DB_CFG, "*.*". - FIX:Archive: TArchiveS::rdRestDtOverTm() fixed by expanding from the float to double type, due to the precission errors at multiplication on 86400 in reloading from the local archive of the redundancy. - !!!!:SYS.Transport,Archive.FSArch,DAQ.{BFN,GPIO,ModBus,OPC_UA},Protocol.{OPC_UA,HTTP,SelfSystem},UI.{VCAEngine,Vision,WebVision}: Some common data resources of dataRes() replaced by own resources, mostly due to the observed locking problems in Protocol.HTTP, DAQ.ModBus. - DB.MySQL: The default timeouts set to "10:5:5". - !!: DB.{MySQL,FireBird,PostgreSQL}: The connection restoring appended by limit in 3 tries, to prevent of hangs at timeout errors. Tables list obtaining of the DB switched to the indiferent mode to transactions. - DAQ.ModBus: Appended for writing into the logical context in the redundant mode. 2019-12-02 Roman (stable) - !:FIX:DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: JavaLikeCalc.web.diagram: Fixed in the horizontal scale (time) building. - !:FIX:DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: Main.graphSelPrm: Some fixed in forming the combobox. - !!:SYS.*: DB-objects appended for restoring their enabling after the connection loss. !!:The loading from selected DB improved in checking the DB enabling before. The function TSYS::chkSelDB() expanded for checking the DB enabling. 2019-11-24 Roman (stable) - !!!!:DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: DevLib.IEC60870: Appended for the separate time "tmPoolAll" of the period of the complete polling. Unified for moving the input value writing to the single function inVal() and the timestamp obtaining in the function getTm(). Appended for support the functions M_SP_TA_1, M_DP_NA_1, M_DP_TA_1. !!:web: The JavaLikeCalc library "XHTML-template" appended for a function of building diagrams "Diagram (diagram)" in SVG, to build in XHTML. This function designed in the features of the primitive "Diagram" of the VCA. !:servProc.docOffLine: The links processing appended for http-tags support (http://URI#{tag}). DevLib.DNP3: Appended for the attributes translation to Ukrainian and Russian. - DB.LibsDB.vcaTest: Procedure of the widget test.FormElTests completely rewrote. - DAQ.LogicLev: Enabled for the possibility of the scheduling change at the running. - UI.{QTCfg,Vision}: Appended for buttons of the force loading and saving, into the menu. - UI.VCAEngine: Appended for tracing the procedure changing in the included procedures also. - FIX:UI.{Vision,WebVision}: The view "Trends" of the primitive "Diagram" some improved in form the lowest value of the vertical scale. 2019-11-19 Roman (stable) - !!!!:FIX:DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: DevLib.IEC60870: Fixed to send STOPDT at the template stop. !!!!:DevLib.DNP3: Finished in the protocol implementation, tested with outstation-demo from opendnp3. - FIX:SYS: The user API function strFromCharUTF() fixed for the case-insensitivity in the UTF name. 2019-11-10 Roman (stable) - !!!!:DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: The templates library "DevLib" appended for the DNP3 initial implementation, just for the function Special.FLibSYS.CRC() testing and expanding now. - !:FIX:DAQ: alarmSet() is changed to use complete parameter ID-path, to prevent collisions in alarms from parameters with even IDs but different levels. - !!!:Special.FLibSYS: The function CRC of implementing the Cyclic Redundancy Code is completed by using normal polynomials, the input and output references and the XOR for output, during the protocol DNP3 implementing. - FIX:Transport.SSL: Some closerer verision of support DTLS1_2 is set - 0x1010006fL. 2019-11-04 Roman (stable) - FIX:Transport.SSL: Fixed for building with DTLSv1_2 in the old environments. 2019-11-04 Roman (stable) - !!!!:DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: The templates library "Main library (base)" is finished in it form-documenting and translation to Ukrainian. !!:regEl.{pidUnif,pidUnifD},base.{manInUnif,anUnif,anUnifSt,manInUnif,digAlarm,codeState,pidUnif,pidUnifImp,SNMP,UPS}: Revised and translated during of documenting the templates base.{pidUnif,pidUnifImp}. base.digAlarm: Appended for the template description. !!!!:base.{anUnif,anUnifSt,manInUnif,digAlarm,codeState,pidUnif,pidUnifImp,SNMP,UPS}: Moved under the unified alarms forming and controlling mechanism. !!:web: The JavaLikeCalc library "web" of the WEB functions appended for start implementation of diagrams building in SVG, for reports and the user web-interfaces. - Archives: TArchiveS::messGet() allowed for read only the buffer or the allarms table, mostly to fast control the alarms presence. - !!!!:DAQ: alarmSet() expanded by implementing the alarms triggering conception, which means also of passing messages to the buffer for clearance the alarms only at the alarms presence. - Security: The user's DB-field "LANG" size expanded up to 50 and the user's group's DB-field "USERS" size expanded up to 1000000, for more users support. - !!:FIX:DAQ.{LogicLev,ModBus,Siemens,FT3}: The template's implementation DB-field "ID" size of the IOs expanded up to 1.5x of the base size (30). - Protocol.ModBus: The protocol variant recognising for input requests some improved for detecting difference RTU and TCP variants, appending to that the transport type. - !!!!:DAQ.ModBus: The asynchronous writing moved to the after requesting stage with oppresing the writen values changing in the attributes, before the writing buffer clearance. - !:Transport.{Sockets,SSL}: The output transport improved in using the tries after the error "Reading timeouted." of responding to request. - !!:Transport.SSL: Appended for treating NO_*_METHOD for TLS1, TLS1_1, TLS1_2, DTLS1 and for direct support DTLSv1_2. - FIX:UI.QTCfg: Fixed for empty item name for one item selection and in the item deletion dialog. - FIX:UI.WebVision: The view "Trends" of the primitive "Diagram" fixed in endMarkBrd of the endpoint date and time. 2019-10-20 Roman (stable) - !!:DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: base.ntf: Revised and translated during the documenting. !!:base.initConsAssignTrs: Expanded in work with any type of the source objects, that is DAQ-modules and logical level controllers and parameters. Translated and documented. - !!:FIX:SYS: Fixed in the phased tasks aligning to prevent of growing twicely the real task periodicity at the high load and for big phases. - FIX:Transport.Sockets: The output transports in the type "Forced sockets" prevented from saving. - UI.QTCfg: Adapted for the correct redundancy in the generic commands and the repeating operations, clearing the attribute "reforwardRedundReq". 2019-10-14 Roman (stable) - DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: The new template "initCon_ModBus" renamed to "initConsAssignTrs" before the unification to the logic-level sources. - !!:DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: Main.calendar: Revised during the documenting. - !!!!:FIX:Archives: The redundancy and DAQ.DAQGate restored for writing the big value archive's blocks, mostly in restoring the value archive parts. - !!!:DAQ.*: Writing values in the redundancy is unified under the new function vlSetRednt(), where used the attribute "reforwardRedundOff" setting to prevent of the different redundancy mechanisms using twice. !!: The service "get:/serv/attr" expanded to some spare request of the last requested value to prevent EVAL here at the connection loss. - FIX:DAQ.{LogicLev,Siemens}: The specific redundancy of the templates execution context is fixed by using the attribute "reforwardRedundOff" setting to prevent of the different redundancy mechanisms using twice. 2019-10-09 Roman (stable) - !!!:DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: The "base" templates library appended of the template "initCon_ModBus" of processing associated output transports of the initial Sockets' connections of the DAQ-module "ModBus". - !!:FIX:DAQ.ModBus: Fixed for the logical level parameters default error. !!: Expanded in the DAQ part to work with wrong or empty connection transport, to allow it set-change from external procedures, like to the previous one. Allowed to select the empty transport. - !!!:FIX:Transport.Sockets: Fixed in processing the output transports with the address "SOCK:{N}" of the initiative connections to clean up the address by setting it to "SOCK:-1", then preventing of the restarting possibility with using already closed socket's handler but possible allocated by another part of the program. FIX: Input transports fixed in the status information for the establishing and processing the initiative connections. Address of the input transports in the TCP-mode can be expanded for addition parameters and currently the next one after the mode field is identification message of the initiative connection into the mode 2, so this mode expanded for sending identification messages after establish the initiative connections. 2019-10-06 Roman (stable) - FIX:DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: Some original messages are fixed. FIX:base.UPS: Fixed for the translation inverting. base.{UPS,SNMP}: Revised during the documenting. !!:DevLib.IEC60870: Appended for the package M_ME_NC_1 support, expanded for the SQ-mode support, tested for M_ME_TF_1 and M_ME_NC_1, M_ME_NB_1 in the SQ-mode, set AI to "real". FIX:base.{digAlarm,manInUnif,anUnif,anUnifSt,codeState}: Fixed for blocking individual EVAL violations at the global PLC-object violations. - !!:DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: The "Main" library appended of the objects widget "Object properties (objProps)". - SYS: The special archive names appended for the name ALRM_ARCH_CH_NM ("<alarmsChange>") of just changing the presented alarms. - !!!!:Archives: The service "/serv/mess" in put it is improved for independent writing to the archive and just to update the presented alarms. !!: TArchiveS::messPut() cleaned from the argument "force". !!: Messages of the function's Mess->put() macrosses "message", "mess_info", ... redirected to the buffer writing, to prevent of direct writing to the archives. - !:DAQ.ModBus: Appended for the test behavior of closing PLC alarms at it moving to the redundancy. Prevented from spare coils requesting after wrong asynchronous writing. 2019-09-22 Roman (stable) - !:FIX:DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: DevLib.IEC60870: Cleaned in treat the output transport timeouts setting directly in the template due to use the not requesting mode. - !!:DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: The "Main" library appended of the alarms frame "Alarms — report (alarmsStReport)". - FIX:Archives.Mess: Processing of the message buffer resize some fixed in checking the archiver headers and improved in the same processing code. - Transports: Some spare rules of the syntax highlighting of the log messages are commented. - !:FIX:DAQ.ModBus: The common function upVal() is separated to two functions upValStd() and upValLog() of the parameter types separate updating for the "Standard" firstly and the "Logical type" in the last, for cases of using data of the "Standard" type parameters in the "Logical" ones. - Transports.{Sockets,SSL,Serial}: The debugs and exchanging log are cleaned from the timeouted messages in the not requesting mode. - FIX:Transports.Serial: Some fixed for the original messages. - FIX:UI.{QTCfg,Vision}: Fixed in processing the syntax highlighting of the text fields to load firstly the syntax rules and next the text, to prevent the text corruption in some cases, detected into the transport exchanging log and Qt 5.11. 2019-09-16 Roman (stable) - !!:FIX:Archive,DAQ.Controller,Special.FLibSYS: Fixed for TSYS::curTime()/1000000 conversion to time_t for 32 bit architectures. - !:SYS.Android: The behaviour of using the environment variable QT_SCALE_FACTOR on Android is observed, what set to 1.5 and the default font "Helvetica,12,-1" with QScrollBar CSS rule are removed. - !:DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: DevLib.IEC60870: Appended for the package M_ME_TF_1 support which is not tested yet and treat of the output transport timeouts depending the template periodicity. - !!:DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: Main.alarmsSt: Revised during the documenting. - !!!!:Archive,DAQ.DAQGate: The messages bottom time border processing for redundancy and the DAQGate changed to use time of the last message to repeat it requesting for two time, to prevent the messages loss on the border. !!: The first alarms obtaining in the messages redundancy enabled only at presence the message archives in the redundancy. - !!:Archive,DAQ.Controller,Special.FLibSYS: For the current time of messages and values mostly used TSYS::curTime()/1000000 instead time(NULL) due to the message and value time is in microseconds and mark by TSYS::curTime(). - DB: The function TTypeBD::open() return changed always to the requested ID for already presented nodes. - !:Archive.{FSArch,DBArch}: Access control to the message put() and get() functions restored to the first one, due to changing the messages bottom time border processing in the redundancy and DAQ.DAQGate. - !!!:FIX:Archive.FSArch: Fixed for the info.db processing by using the DB address as a unique essence instead limited DB-identifier, what currently is named through indexing the equal ones. FIX: The message archivers also prevented for the empty info.db clearing, put new messages before the first checking and the first checking in whole after the object stop. - !:FIX:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: The controller objects are restored in the possibility of edition of the controler object procedures after it enable. - !:UI.VCAEngine: The runtime widget appended of the user API function attrList() of obtaining list of the widget attributes. 2019-09-08 Roman (stable) - !!:DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: The ".dump" command of sqlite3 3.27 significantly changed, needs now for the parameter "--newlines" !!:DevLib.{ModBusScan,IEC60870}: Revised and appended during the documenting. Appended for the option "syncTimePLC" to controll the PLC synchronisation. The IOA address is set for allow DEC, HEX and OCT views of the determining. - !!:DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: Main.alarmsAct: Revised during the documenting. FIX: Fixed for processing the custom fields. FIX:Main.grph_panel: Fixed for tipTool and tipStatus content of the button "To cursor". - !:TArchives: The objects TMArchivator and TArchiveS appended of the function redntTm() and rdTm() to obtain last time of the message archives redundancy. FIX: TArchiveS::messGet() and the OpenSCADA control service "/serv/mess" are limited in the end time for time(NULL)-1, for the current time. !!: Placing messages to the archives of the redundancy procedure TMArchivator::redntDataUpdate() changed to use the function put(), to do this operation atomically for all obtained messages under a lock. - DAQ.TController: The service "/serv/mess" changed to obtain the last message time from the last redundancy operation time for controller objects under redundancy and time(NULL)-1 else. - !:Archive.DBArch: The messages archiver object appended by a RW-lock of the put(), get() operations. - !:Archive.FSArch: The messages archiver object is set to use globally the RW-lock in writing into put() - !:DAQ.DAQGate: The next time of the messages redundancy is set to s2i(prmNd->attr("tm"))+1 due to the returned time must be completed in the messages. - !!:FIX:UI.Vision: Manual scaling of the runtime window (for full-screen or maximise) improved and fixed in the processing the sign isResizeManual - it is cleaned in the end of the processing cycle and set just in the function fullUpdatePgs(), what must prevent of returning the window mode to one in the data model after manual resize, especially for big system fonts. FIX: Fix by workaround of false warning dialogs of changing the inherited widget precedure, which became actual on Qt 5.11 at the higlight rules setting, also for blocked events, through checking the text difference. 2019-09-01 Roman (stable) - SYS.Android: The building SDK parameters set to "<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="19" android:targetSdkVersion="21"/>". - !!!:FIX:UI.QTStarter: Fixed in crash at the event QContextMenuEvent call for not QWidget, into UI.Vision runtime mostly. The right key simulation disabling at focus loss is set wide to the source widget, otherwise we lose the first selection the widget in the simulation into UI.Vision runtime mostly. Precision of the right key simulation time risen to microseconds. - FIX:UI.WebVision: Fixed in the view "Load" processing of the "Button" mode of the primitive "FormEl" moving it back to the obligatory one primitives. 2019-08-26 Roman (stable) - SYS: The reforwarding requests of the redundancy appended by the option "reforwardRedundOff" of disabling this function for the user control interface. - !!!!:FIX:DB,DB.*: The configuration context resetting function cfgToDefault() used in the function dataSeek() and fieldSeek() begin, due to it is an obligatory operation for the configuration file at least and must be done for the DB configuration also, for new fields. 2019-08-25 Roman (stable) - !!:DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: Main.accept: Revised during the documenting. !:Main.userManager: Expanded to save the subsystem Security for just created and removed users. Main.graphCalc: Expanded to show range of the real loaded data. - !!!!:SYS,UI.{QTCfg,Vision,WebCfg,WebCfgD}: The function "Local primary commands transfer" of the redundant systems is unified and expanded for complete moving to TCntrNode::cntrCmd(), so the function works now for any calls also from the user programming environment. But this function must be leave to be compatible in work with old versions in the redundancy! !!: The Control Interface request "load" expanded for specifying the selected DB in the attribute "force" to perform such operations for concrete node and with the function of removing missed nodes in the configuration. - FIX:UI.{Vision,WebVision}: Fixed for severity of the days periodicity of the time scale of the primitive Diagram. - UI.WebVision: Some improved for the updating periodicity calculation for it limit after restoring the long missed connections. The exceptions processing of the function getXmlHttp().send() removed due to at the connection exceptions the main loop is just stopped and no exceptions generated. 2019-08-21 Roman (stable) - !!!!:DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: The ".dump" command of sqlite3 3.27 significantly changed, needed now for the parameter "--newlines" and removes quotes around the table names. !!:Main.userManager: Documented and revised during the documenting. - !!!:FIX:Archive: TValBuf.get() switched from the exceptions emitting to return EVAL at the requested data missing. !!:FIX: getVals() improved for the limit processing independently for the buffer and the archivers and their periodicity, to work the long ranged and high periodicity data requests. - !!:FIX:UI.Vision: Fixed for real hiding of the columns of the view "Table" of the primitive "FormEl" on Qt 5.11. FIX: The "Text" field of the primitive "FormEl" is fixed for show tooltips in the runtime mode. The text fields of description the libraries and projects expanded for the word wrap. Export to CSV for the diagrams improved for replacing the original EVAL value to the string "Empty". - !!:UI.{Vision,WebVision}: The primitive "Diagram" expanded in the time scale building for more days with the time complete hiding and show the first value in the left. 2019-08-18 Roman (stable) - !!:DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: Main.RootPgSo: Revised during the documenting. - !!!!:DB,DB.{SQLite,MySQL,PostgreSQL,FireBird}: Significantly unified for the transactions closing control into the OpenSCADA core, due to needs for closing faster than 2 secons period of the current implementation for the network DBMS, so the transactions closing task moved to the OpenSCADA core and the transaction options appended to configure on the DB object side. !!: The generic data requesting functions dataSeek() and dataGet() improved to read with new fields, for the default value. The DBs loading function appended for resetting to default values before the next operation. - !!:SYS: Appended for the definition SERV_TASK_PER=10 of the service task periodicity. !!:{TConfig,TCfg}: Appended by a function of setting the TCfg fields to the default value, to prevent loading values of previous records for miss fields. !!:XMLNode: The attributes getting function attr() expanded for the optional argument of the presence detection. !!:Modules version of the subsystem DB risen to 21. - UI.WebVision: Some original messages were updated. 2019-08-11 Roman (stable) - !!:DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: Main.{grpGraph,grpGraph10,ElViewGraph,graphSelPrm,graphCalc}: Revised during the documenting. Main.ElViewGraph: Size of the name decreased from 15 to 11 and trend color of the disabled items set by default to "gray". Main.graphCalc: Expanded for direct connections to the value archives. Some messages updated. - Archive: The object TVArchive appended for itself declaration as a part of the core object TCntrNode. - FIX:DAQ.ModBus: Fixed for the connection restoring time after the previous changes. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: The runtime pages appended for the function lock in the call setProcess(), but in WebVision there can be concurrence access and for the linked pages it is oftener. - UI.{Vision,WebVision}: Some improved in the horizontal scale building of the primitive "Diagram". 2019-08-04 Roman (stable) - Archives: The messages table of the Control Interface in the mode of alarms display appended for the "Delete" command to delete single messages. - DAQ.Controller: The system and user API function alarmSet() enabled for not violation messages (lev >= 0) in the "Redundancy" mode. - DB.{SQLite,MySQL,PostgreSQL,FireBird}: The not string values cleared from the string brackets '{Value}' and that tested. - DAQ.ModBus: Period of the idle (waiting for connection) mode switched from the fixed periodicity in 1 (one) second to the main period, to prevent for high loading on big projects with more than one second main period. - !!:FIX:UI.VCAEngine: The linked pages switching mode improved to guaranty of closing proper linking page. The linking pages moved to complette restarting for equal to the main pages behaviour at their switching. - !!!:UI.WebVision: The main checking of the background objects is made unified and expanded for support the optional background objects, to decrease the overall number of the background objects. The optional background objects is currently "FormEl" and "Text". Background objects of the Web-sessions appended of the objects counter, to their allocation control and debug. The post requests default response returned to the result "204 No Content" due problems with the mode "Load" of the view "Button" of the primitive "FormEl". The modes "Load" and "Save" of the view "Button" of the primitive "FormEl" is fixed and improved for work in the optional background mode. The main window expanding threshold set to 10% of the window decreasing size at 50% for shrinking, to prevent flicking on FireFox for notes about block the external windows. 2019-07-28 Roman (stable) - !!:DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: Main.{TextLab,ImgLab}: Revised during the documenting. - DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: The work registers object "RegW" appended for the debug counters, to monitor the objects leak. - !!!:FIX:UI.VCAEngine: The project session command "close" of the service "/serv/pg" forced to processing, what actual to the linked pages. The UI attributes object "Attr" appended for the debug counters, to monitor the objects leak. Finishing time of the task of generating documents of the primitive "Document" increased to 3*STD_INTERF_TM(7). - !!:FIX:UI.WebVision: Fixed to close only complete sessions and restored to connect the ready VCA-session, only for root. The UI objects "VCAObj" and "VCASess" appended for the debug counters, to monitor the objects leak. The session information appended for the connected project and the user. 2019-07-21 Roman (stable) - !!:DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: base.codeState: Revised during the documenting. - !!!!:FIX:SYS: Fix for the negative priority of the policy "BATCH". !!!!:The tasks planning appended for phasing them invoking, what make the CPU loading even. - DB.{MySQL,PostgreSQL}: Priority of the transaction tracing task increased to 20. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Fixed in calculation of the maximum consumed time of the session items in the debugging. - UI.{Vision,WebVision}: Appended for the visualiser specific attribute "vs_winTitle" of the dynamic window title value. - FIX:UI.WebVision: Fixed for the statusbar updating and prevented from its flicking at the master page updating. 2019-07-18 Roman (stable) - FIX:DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: All alarm forming templates prevented from the messages loss in the code of the messages opressing at global controller object errors (missing connections) if the previosly set message gone in the time of the connection missing. - Model.AGLKS.vca: The parameter LogLevPrm.gen.CB7 switched to the template base.digitBlockUnif. - !!!:FIX:UI.QTStarter: The function updLookFeel() fixed for the void return type, where the boolean return causes to the guaranty crashes at the code building by GCC 8. - !!:FIX:UI.WebVision: Some fixed for the connection to already closed session but work has to do yet here. !!:The main requesting code of GET significantly simplified to prevent of reconnections to the VCA-sessions without the local ones. 2019-07-14 Roman (stable) - !!:DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: base.{digitBlockUnif,digAlarm}: Revised during the documenting. - !!!!:DB.LibsDB.vcaBase,Model.{AGLKS.vca,Boiler.St}: Main.grpGraph[10]: !!!!:Appended for a new control panel-window Main.graphCalc of the calculating trends data. !!:Main.grph_panel: Appended for an independent button of switching to the cursor time instead the indirect switching at the depth of decreasing. The microsecond part of the cursor time set hidden at the big intervals. - Model.Boiler.St: The simple pasport cadre replaced by the extended one. - DAQ: The user API function funcCall() expanded by the "err" argument. - FIX:SYS: Fixed from crashing at early exit in the lock-file presence. - UI.VCAEngine: Appended for some debug messages at the windows opening and closing. The attribute "tipTool" set to the "Text" type. - !!!!:FIX:UI.WebVision: The function servSet() of writing to the server switched to the synchronous mode to prevent losses FIX: The view ComboBox of the primitive "FormEl" is fixed for guaranty updating at the value changing. 2019-07-09 Roman (stable) - SYS:data/{debian,debian_mod}/control: Appended for the depending at libgd-dev, which actual one for Debian 10. - !!:UI.{QTCfg,Vision}: Adapted to build in the environment of Debian 10 for Qt5.11.3, GCC8 and an error about a conflict in the macro message() into StdLibC++ through Qt5. 2019-07-07 Roman (stable) - !!:DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: Updated for some messages. base.{anUnifSt,manInUnif}: Revised during the documenting. - !!:DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: Main.{anShow1,anShow1s}: Revised during the documenting. Main.RootPgSo: Improved for cleaning the control panel at changing content of the main container. - Archive: TArchiveS::valAdd() improved to return the result node ID. - FIX:DB: The function "Load the program from this DB" fixed for storing the node modification state. - !:DAQ: Appended for the attribute encoding into the common DAQ-path, to allow dots into the path. The function of setting archive improved to back-using of identifier of new created value archive, for cleaning the identifier. - !!:FIX:DAQ.ModBus: The mode "Asynchronous write" restored and tested in writing after restoring the connection. - FIX:UI.WebVison: Multiple items selecting of the view "List" of the primitive "FormEl" is fixed. 2019-06-30 Roman (stable) - !!:DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: The template library "S7" renamed to "tests". The field "Alarms delay, s" renamed to "Violations delay, seconds" and such one for other languages. The templates base.{simleBoard,digitBlock} marked as obsoleted. - !!:DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs,ModelsDB.AGLKS.St: The template base.gasPoint moved to the template library "tests". - !!:FIX:DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: Fixed for some original messages. Removed for the attribute "defSrcMod" from Main.{alarmsAct,alarmsSt} and doc.docMessRep. The service call "/Transport/%2fsub%2fehost" appended for the attribute "upRiseSYS"=1, for accessing the ordinal users. FIX: Main.alarmsSt fixed for pointing "messCat" in the alarms requesting. - !:FIX:Archive.FSArch: Fixed for archiving double messages in the mode of preventing the doubles - rewriting. - !!:FIX:DAQ.ModBus: Fixed for work in the redundancy mode. - !!!!:FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Session objects moved under own data lock to prevent dead locking in the complex situations due to the style calls uses indirect parent(). - !!:FIX:UI.WebVision: Restored in the full widgets tree reloading to restore the function of removing missed widgets in the visualiser at their removing into the VCA-engine. Editing boolean fields of the view "Table" of the primitive "FormEl" set clean. Appended for checking to availability the common attribute "tipTool" and the document object of the primitive "Document". 2019-06-23 Roman (stable) - !!:DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: Using of the function alarmSet() moved to the new direct variant of the parameter. base.{digAlarm,codeState}: Prevented from call at the stopping. - !!:FIX:DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: doc.{docUsersSet,docAlarmsRep,docMessRep}: The field "Parameter" renamed to "Source" in the way of global unification of the alarm messages structure of the function alarmSet(). !!:doc.docMessRep: Switched to processing only remote stations as additional sources and anytime. !!:Main.{alarmsAct,alarmsSt}: The field "src" removed and the field "prm" renamed to "Source" where the processing only remote stations moved. FIX:Main.userManager: Fixed by commenting all debug messages. - !!!!:DAQ.{TController,*}: The function alarmSet() globally unified and completely described in the documentation for messages from the controller objects and DAQ-parameters, when the parameter-source in the message appended for the controller object name and the category and text format will be configurable. The DAQ-parameter appended for the User-API function alarmSet(). - !!:FIX:DAQ,Archive.DBArch: The TElem copy constructor was implemented to fix problems into Archive.DBArch at multiple groups-tables in the group table mode. - Archive.DBArch: Some improved for the locking space of reqRes and accm. - FIX:UI.QTCfg: Fixed for true striction of the removing nodes list into the requesting dialog. - FIX:UI.WebVision: The setting function setWAttrs() fixed in multiple-complete encoding the special symbols "<>". 2019-06-17 Roman (stable) - !!:DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: In way of the documentation update: the information about the DAQ-template "base" is updated, the DAQ-template base.anUnif revised and updated. - !!:DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: In way of the documentation update: the information about the VCA-library "Main" is updated, the widget Main.anShow revised and updated. The new document doc.docResourcesYear of the resources reporting at year appended but not finished yet. - FIX:DB.AGLKS.vca.db: The VCA-project fixed for linking to the new prescription manager place. - Archive: The friend function declaration archivatorDetach() cleared from specifying default values of the arguments, what may fix the compiling problem on GCC 9.1. - FIX:SYS: The function TMess::setUTF8() improved and fixed for generation three and more bytes UTF-8 symbol sequency. - DAQ: DAQ-templates allowed to save translation of the field "VALUE" for selectable IOs. - FIX:SYS.XMLNode: Fixed for processing of entities size limit in the common string length. - UI.{VCAEngine,Vision}: The tooltip of the procedure language combobox moved to the VCA-engine. - UI.Vision: The primitive "Diagram" have cleared from the Cap Style specific on Qt5 and Qt4. - !:UI.WebVision: Default styles of the border and background of the view "Table" of the primitive "FormEl" moved from the JS-code. The view "Table" of the primitive "FormEl" improved to gain focus at entering to edit a cell for the hotkey operations, the boolean type appended for the hotkey operations. The service operations "connect" and "disconnect" appended for the true user and sender information for the VCA-engine. 2019-06-09 Roman (stable) - DB.LibsDB/*,DB.{AGLKS,Boiler}: The Roman Savochenko EMail rom_as@oscada.org replaced by roman@oscada.org. - !!!!:DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: The full restructuring of the libraries was started for true documenting, revision and translation. !!: The template libraries "PrescrTempl" appended for the "Manager", moved from the controllers library. !!: The template libraries "Main" appended for the "UPS", moved from the "Devices" library. !: The function base.anUnif some improved and appended for the description. !: The function servProc.wacko2media appended for table headers true processing. - !:DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: The prescription cadres of the template project "tmplSO" relinked to the new prescription manager into the Logic Level controller object. - DOC: The document "Library of models of the technological apparatuses" appended for downloading to offline. - !!: DAQ,DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: The template libraries and JavaLikeCalc libraries appended for specifying documentation links by the key "DOC: {offline}|{online}" into the description. - !:SYS.XMLNode: Appended for entities size limit and silence at incomplete ones. - FIX:DB.MySQL: Appended for updating the table structure at ALTER errors. - !:FIX:UI.Vision: The view "Button" of the primitive "FormEl" is fixed for disabling at inactivity. The procedure language combobox appended for the tooltip of resetting the procedure at the empty value selecting. - !!:FIX:UI.WebVision: The setting function setWAttrs() fixed for encoding the special symbols "<>". FIX: The primitive "ElFig" prevented from crashing at coming the POST requests firstly. The ordinal users prevented from connection to foreign sessions. Unified for the ROOT users processing. 2019-06-02 Roman (stable) - !:DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: The template base.codeState appended for the code-text commands processing. - !:DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: The document doc.docUsersSet of the user actions appended of the user name. The cadre Main.ElCadr expanded for the current text state show into the text command combobox. - UI.VCAEngine: The attribute "tSize" range of the primitive "Diagram" expanded for one year (32e6 seconds). - !!:FIX:UI.WebVision: Fixed in form the statusbar size and then the alarm-level icon size. Fixed to apply the table columns widths for tables without the horizontal header, copying the style to the first row. Pressing the alarm lamp appended for generating the event "ws_alarmLev". 2019-05-26 Roman (stable) - !!:FIX:DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: The template project "tmplSO" fixed for the links renaming. Main.objProps expanded for the notification. FIX:Main.alarmsAct: prevented from very more expanding at appearing several events. - SYS: The user API function SYS.fileRead() expanded by the arguments of the reading block offset and size. The user API appended for the function SYS.fileSize(). - !!:FIX:UI.WebVision: Fixed for the status line size-padding-spacing and the Alarm icon size. FIX: Fixed to show the Alarm color of the alarmLev < 9. FIX: The view "Line" of the primitive "FormEl" in the variants Integer and Real fixed in the spin box on the scrolling frames. Fixed for the previous value saving after operations in the spin box. FIX: Prevented from the ToolTip setting at the empty attribute 'tipTool'. Appended for the message "View access is not permitted" translation. !!:Expanded for the possibility of the opened sessions manual closing from the administrator user. 2019-05-19 Roman (stable) - !!!:FIX:UI.WEBVision: The view "Tree" of the primitive "FormEl" is fixed for processing the empty string in the end. !!!: The alarm level appended to the status panel with a function of the global quietation. 2019-05-13 Roman (stable) - FIX:DAQ.{=Tmpl=,AMRDevs,BFN,Comedy,DAQGate,DCON,DiamondBoards,FT3,Fastwel,ICP_DAS,MMS,ModBus,OPC_UA,SMH2Gi,SNMP,System}: Fixed for default value of the property period(), co-related to "SCHEDULE". - !!:FIX:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: The property period() is set actual in early, at the configuration "SCHEDULE" changing, for true data period of the archives, the problem detected at complex copy whole controller objects. 2019-05-05 Roman (stable) - DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: Main.cntrPaspExt: Expanded for the trand width in 2 pixels. - FIX:SYS.ValueArch: Forced for the values buffer updating at the data period update. - !!:FIX:DAQ.{=Tmpl=,AMRDevs,BFN,Comedy,DAQGate,DCON,DiamondBoards,FT3,Fastwel,ICP_DAS,MMS,ModBus,OPC_UA,SMH2Gi,SNMP,System}: The property period() is set actual in early, at the configuration "SCHEDULE" changing, for true data period of the archives, the problem detected at complex copy whole controller objects. 2019-04-30 Roman (stable) - !!!!:FIX:DB.LibsDB.{OscadaLibs,vcaTest}, Model.{AGLKS,Boiler}.Model: Completed for revision the functions library "Technological devices (techApp)" in removing all Cyrillic symbols from identifiers of the models and fixing all texts. - !:FIX:DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: TmpLib.Base.ntf: prevented from more douple messages generation at the first error connection. - DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: Main.{grph_panel,doc_panel}: appended for the "Begin and depth" label and the depth fields moved to a single line. Main.grph_panel: improved for conditional display the microseconds part in the cursor field information. - UI.Vision: The view "Button" of the primitive "FormEl" appended of setting the pointing cursor. - UI.WebVision: The view "CheckBox" of the primitive "FormEl" appended for scaling the element. 2019-04-22 Roman (stable) - !!!:FIX:SYS: The function nodeDis() waiting fixed for zero time and the function chldDel() set to no waiting by default. - SYS: The standard waiting time decreased to 5 seconds (from 10) and the standard interface waiting time set slightly more, that is 7 seconds. - !!:FIX:DAQ.LogicLev: Prevented from crashing at switching between the two types of the parameters, calling calc() only for the standard type. 2019-04-14 Roman (stable) - !!:DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: cntrRegul.trnd: The trends width increased to 2 pixels. Main.{doc_panel,grph_panel}: Expanded for the begin time, calculated from and to the depth. Main.RootPgSo: Set to not active to disable the activity cursor. Main.graphSelPrm: The DAQ items expanded for information of the controller object name. Main.{TextLab,ImgLab}: Expanded for the activity cursor support. - !!:DAQ,DAQ.{ModBus,Siemens}: TPrmTempl::Impl is set optimal in the links lock control, moving out most external calls, the locking problem detected on high loaded ModBus and DAQGate activities. - SYS: The decompression function some appended for the initialization. - UI.VCAEngine: Expanded for reading the visualiser specific attributes in the developing mode. - !:UI.{Vision,WebVision}: The primitives "Text", "Media" and "Box" expanded to display the activity cursor. - UI.{Vision,WebVision}: Some views of the primitive "FormEl" (Line edit, Text edit, Combo box, List, Tree, Table) expanded for custom background and border by the visualiser specific attributes "vs_background", "vs_border". - FIX:UI.WebCfgD: The tables help in cells is fixed. - !!:FIX:UI.WebVision: The built-in scaling mode set to use-enable in relation from window.devicePixelRatio equal to 1. FIX: Some original messages are fixed. FIX: The view "Tree" of the primitive "FormEl" appended for scaling the control tree images, fixed for the default italic style of the font, fixed in processing wrong current values. FIX: The view "Tree" and "Table" are fixed for true counting the border width and padding in the result geometry. The FormEl apply button set to adaptive from the built-in scale rate. 2019-04-07 Roman (stable) - !!:FIX:Archive.DBArch: Fixed in removing the archives group tables at removing the archiver. !!: Adapted to work in the only direct archive writing mode on the archives group mode for updating the meta at writing. - !:FIX:UI.Vision: Fixed in starting to the full-screen mode and not full scaling at restoring to not zero window position, preventing the restoring. FIX: Fixed in the trends drawing for big width on Qt5. 2019-04-01 Roman (stable) - !!:FIX:DB.LibsDB.{vcaBase,vcaTest},Model.{AGLKS.vca,Boiler.St}: Accomplished for the previous significantly cleaning and all original identifiers renaming to English of AGLKS. DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: Main.{grpGraph,grpCadr,grpGraph10}: The trends width increased to 2 pixels. DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: Main.graphSelPrm: Appended for the colors obtaining from the linked cadre. The light scheme improved for two colors labColorGrph4=#199696-200 and labColorGrph5=#3264C8-200. - !!!!:FIX:Model.Boiler.St: Significantly cleaned and all original identifiers renamed-pages to English for the documentation revision. - !!:FIX:DAQ.ModBus: Fixed for crashing at the logical pararameter template hot changing. !!:Expanded for the flag "s" of the strict requesting at the complex data. - DAQ.Siemens: The errors appended by the read code 0x3 - "An attempt to access outside the DB 'N' (200 family)". - FIX:Protocol.HTTP: Accelerated to load missing authentication sessions from the DB and fixed some in that context. - FIX:UI.QTCfg: Fixed for processing of selection lists of the combo. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Fixed in the attribute "value" of the view "Edit line" of the primitive "FormEl" for the spare flag TFld::TransltText for not string types. FIX: Fixed for disabling styles in the runtime at the style "Disabled (-1)". - FIX:UI.Vision: Fixed for crashing at setting configuration of the view "Date" of the primitive "FormEl". FIX: Fixed for the view "Time" of the primitive "FormEl". 2019-03-24 Roman (stable) - !!!!:FIX:Model.AGLKS.{St,Model,vca}: Significantly cleaned and all original identifiers renamed to English for the documentation revision. - !!!:FIX:SYS.DB,DB.{SQLite,MySQL,PostgreSQL,FireBird}: TBD::postEnable() moved from private to protected. The network DBMS improved to handle up the transaction closing as fast as that possible (after 2-10 seconds) but it holding locks access from other sources, that function placed in a different task due to a down connection can lock for long this significant task. SQLite: Also speeded up in the transaction handling but into the standard service task (after 10-60 seconds). - !!!:FIX:DAQ.DAQGate: Fixed in storing duple parameters from different controller objects, preventing the RO attribute "SHIFR" reading. !!!:Expanded by an option and a function of placing different controllers to the different virtual parameters. - FIX:DAQ.ModBus: Fixed for EVAL in the string type. - !!!!:Protocol.HTTP: Expanded for the DB table "HTTP_AuthSessions" of the external authentication sessions. - UI.QTCfg: The approving dialog of the nodes removing limited in big lists of the selected nodes. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Some fixed in copying the projects with the linked pages. - !!!:UI.VCAEngine: Expanded for the direct definition of the visualiser specific attributes, marking their by the prefix "vs_". - UI.WebVision: Expanded for NaN and EVAL processing into "Text" and "FormEl" integer. The view "Button" of the primitive "FormEl" appended for the visualiser specific attribute "vs_goHttpUrl" for going by the external links. 2019-03-17 Roman (stable) - SYS: The user API function cntrReq() improved for processing results of the remote requests. - !!!:FIX:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Fixed for crashing in hot compiling, in returning the correct procedure mostly at wrong one compiling, in case of the procedure uses internal functions and possible external ones also due to missing for clearing "fPrmst". All these clearings are unified in the functions buildClear(), workClear(). 2019-03-10 Roman (stable) - !!:FIX:DB.{LibsDB.vcaBase,Model.AGLKS.St,Model.Boiler.St}: The styles moved under a scheme of enabling styles at their presence instead disabling by "No style" and the style "Default" is appended. !!:Extra standard cadres of the graphics adapted to the styles. Main.userManager: finished for the translation. FIX:Main.graphSelPrm: Fixed for the item "<Clear>" appending and the "event" generating. Main.ElViewGraph: Expanded for the item color processing, from the style. - !!!!:FIX:Model.Boiler.{St,Model}: Significantly cleaned and all original identifiers renamed to English for the documentation revision. - !!!:SYS.Mess: Appended for the environment variable LC_ALL cleaning and setting "LANG" if empty, to prevent from overriding LC_NUMERIC=C at the last. - !!:SYS.Archives: The common option "Add the attribute identifier to names of the automatic created archives" changed to "Mode of forming ID of the automatic created archives" with selection from the modes: "Both parameter and attribute ID", "Only parameter ID", "Only attribute ID". - !:FIX:DB.MySQL: Fixed completely for the error "BLOB/TEXT can't have a default value (1)" on modern MySQL server versions, wholly removing the DEFAULT for TEXT. - FIX:UI.{VCAEngine,Vision,WebVision}: Styles fixed in the new items creating The styles moved under a scheme of disabling styles at their presence instead "No style". 2019-03-03 Roman (stable) - !!!!:FIX:DB.{LibsDB.vcaBase,Model.AGLKS.St,Model.Boiler.St}: Most standard cadres and widgets adapted to styles and the style "Light" created for all projects. - FIX:SYS: Some original messages fixed. - UI.QTCfg: Prevented from the navigation tree updating at selecting any item. - !!!:FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Significantly fixed and mostly finished in the VCA-styles implementation, adapting most cadres and widgets at the style "Light". - FIX:UI.Vision: Fixed for the pages cache clean up at the VCA-style change. - !!!:UI.WebVision: Expanded for the VCA-styles support in their display and changing into the status bar. 2019-02-24 Roman (stable) - !!:DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: The temlate library LowDevLib appended for the template "MAX6675" of the low-level SPI Cold-Junction-Compensated K-Thermocouple-to-Digital Converter, from Arcadiy Kisel. - FIX:SYS.TCntrNode: OpenSCADA nodes TCntrNode prevented from left the modification mark after loading from a selected DB. - SYS.Transports: Size of the output transports ID set to OBJ_ID_SZ*2, since it can be combined from the ordinal node ID and some prefix, in the automatic mode. - !!:SYS.Archives: The value archives are appended by the common option "Add the attribute identifier to names of the automatic created archives" for the possibility of naming the archives just in the DAQ parameter ID. Size limit of the archive names defined as the constant ARCH_ID_SZ int tsys.h. - !:FIX:DB.MySQL: Fixed for the error "BLOB/TEXT can't have a default value (1)" on modern MariaDB server versions. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: The allowed size for icons storing expanded to 100000. The DB field "ATTRS" cleaned from the default value "*". 2019-02-19 Roman (stable) - !!:FIX:Transports.*: Prevented from duplication of different protocols' connections. 2019-02-17 Roman (stable) - !!!!:DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: The templates library "DevLib" appended for the true DCON implementation in the templates DCON_Prt, DCON_Prt_DI, DCON_Prt_AO, DCON_Prt_DO, the user protocol object "DCON" is removed. The templates library "base" appended for the complex notifier implementation in the template "ntf", the separate JavaLikeCalc function and the user protocol objects "SMS" and "SMTP" are marked for obsolete. - FIX:DB.Model.AGLKS.St: UserProtocol_uPrt.test fixed for clearing the request. - SYS:ModelsDB/{AGLKS/oscada_AGLKS.xml,Boiler/oscada_Boiler.xml}: Increased for WEB-transports' KeepAliveTm=60. - !!!:SYS: Obtaining for the actual created node ID of the node function chldAdd() changed for direct return the ID and to just remove the new node for equal ones. - !:FIX:SYS: The DAQ-Templates implementation restored for blocking the templates by the execution context. - !!!!:Transports.*,Protocol.UserProtocol: Expanded for support the multiple protocols selecting and the function protocol() renamed to protocols(). Items identification of the protocols, mostly for Protocol.UserProtocol, moved into the input protocol name after removing protocolFull(). - FIX:DAQ.DCON: Prevented from removing parameters from their processing at the controller object stopping. - FIX:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Applied for the controller object procedure restarting at the template procedure changing. - !!:FIX:Protocol.UserProtocol: Fixed for processing both presented and direct procedures, separating the transport objects' identifiers. Fixed for the links clearing at the disabling. Fixed to show the tab "Input" in the DAQ-tempalte mode. - FIX:Special.SystemTests: Fixed for the test TrOut, means of the node ID possible changing. 2019-02-10 Roman (stable) - SYS.Android: Size of the default font decreased from 15 to 12 pixels. - FIX:DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: DevLib.ModBusScan fixed for cleaning the result at decreasing the begin. FIX: LowDevLib.ADS111x improved for ADS101x support. - !:FIX:DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: Main.userManager: The password editing field set to the view "Password". - UI.Vision: The primitive "FormEl", "Diagram", "Protocol" expanded for the font scaling and control, mostly to improve in Android. 2019-02-06 Roman (stable) - !!:DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: The templates library LowDevLib appended for the templates ADS111x and MCP4725 of the low-level I2C chips implementation. - User:Archive.setVal(): Access to the archive writing function restricted only for users in the group "Archive". - !!:DB.LDAP: Appended for the messages translation on Ukrainian and Russian into the document. - FIX:Protocol.ModBus: Fixed for crashes in accessing links of the DATA nodes. - FIX:Special.FLibSYS.vArh(): Appended for write accessing to archive of users in the group "Archive" of the object VArchObj. 2019-02-01 Roman (stable) - FIX: Function.IO fixed for the default value loading in the selectable mode of IO, what had problems for the string value type. - Protocol.HTTP: A detailed message of "Error loading the META header" added to detect source of the rarely warning message of parsing the template. - !!:FIX:UI.QTCfg: Fixed for applying forgotten changes of the editable widgets at switching to a different node, from using the new node path instead the previous one and missing changes of the hidden tabs. FIX: The TextEdit items fixed for the editing sate detection unbidden from its visibility. - !!!:UI.{VCAEngine,Vision,WebVision}: The variant "LineEdit" of the primitive "FormEl" appended for the view "Password". - !:FIX:UI.Vision: The runtime executing was fixed from crashing in closing external windows at closing the main window. 2019-01-25 Roman (stable) - FIX:SYS: The console help call by the key --help or -h fixed for unlocking the early loaded objects, stopping the subsystems forcely. - User:Archive.setVals,Special.FLibSYS.VArchObj(): Access to the archive writing functions restricted only for users in the group "Archive". - FIX:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Fixed for the token name FUNCTION. - FIX:Protocol.HTTP: Fixed for the message "Wrong authentication from the user ..." not in a proper place. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Fixed for information of the heritors of the projects. FIX: Prevented from the multiple execution of the linked pages. Warning messages of the big number connections to the attributes moved behind the data lock. - UI.Vision: The pages cache of the sessions appended for the pages number limit control, its information appended to the sesion information and it improved in whole. - !!!:UI.WebVision: Appended for the pages cache be controlled in the lifetime and the pages maximum number, both on the server and WebBrowser side. The cache information appended for the sesion information. Then the module is more suitable now to work in the operative mode! The server side yet can work with old modified interface JS files, in the old unlimited cache mode! 2019-01-20 Roman (stable) - !:FIX:DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: Main.{alarmsAct,alarmsSt},doc.docMessRep: Corrected for obtaining the source of messages of the DAQ controller objects. !:FIX:Main.RootPgSo: Completed in the views unification for their accessibility control. Moved to use the new function uiCmd() of the project sessions to open pages, from the combo, what is the singe true method now of the linked pages openning from the user space. - !!!:SYS.Archive: The common function TVArchive::getVals() improved for processing not free buffers (for a fixed period) of the data requesting through the buffer and different archivers since it is significant one, using a buffer array which is back replayed at the end. The exceptions processing added here also. !!!: The user API function getVals() added to implement generic archives/history requesting mechanism in an array and the fixed periodicity. - SYS: The function str2atime() is appended to convert from string time to the Unix epoch time supporting GMT. - FIX:SYS: The user function Array.concat() prevented from unlocked acces to the source array. - UI.QTCfg: Set fast for the closing time of the configurator window with many OpenSCADA inactive external hosts, by early notifying the host tasks. - !!:FIX:UI.VCAEngine: The linked pages to the logical container pages fixed in their enabling. !!:FIX: The user API function uiCmd() added and its internal function uiComm() renamed to uiCmd() and fixed for empty source argument. FIX: Fixed for the linked pages switching. FIX: pageList() appended for force cleaning the input argument since that can be passed for the container and template pages. !!:The pages opening in the project's execution (sessions) improved to prevent spare and double opening and closing, which is critical one to manage the linked pages. The linked pages managing properties "pathAsOpen", "pathAsOpenPrev" moved under a lock. - !:FIX:UI.{Vision,WebVision}: The days local time marging of the view "Trend" of the primitive "Diagram" improved using the time converting to GMT and taking the difference with the Unix epoch time. - !:FIX:UI.Vision: The low threshold of enabling icons of the widget tree set to 0.1ms, in the tested value taken from a real remote environment. The item indicators of the project tree forced to show and don't show. Time of the automatic cancel of the line editable fields of the runtime increased to 10 seconds. - !!:UI.WebVision: Appended for the state of the opened sessions on the control page. !!: The pages cache disabled both on the module and WebBrowser side, before it will be improved for the limits of time and size. 2019-01-13 Roman (stable) - SYS: AutoHD::at() appended for the commented code of the crashes causing instead the exception "No init!", to observe the message cause in future. - SYS: chldList() and chldPresent() set to virtual. - FIX:DAQ.OPC-UA: reqService() prevented from accessing free transports and the exception "No init!". - !!!!:FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Pages of the projects appended for the type "Link", to optimize the memory consumption on fully dynamic and highly replicated pages, on the project's session side. FIX: Projects, Widget liraries and Widgets are fixed for the error message of creating already presented node. FIX: Fixed for the page status "Opened" only for the pages. Pages list in the project set to access only for the page type "Template" or "Container". List of the page types restricted by the not templated pages. - FIX:UI.Vision: Fixed for the global state updating, appending the selected item modify state. FIX: Fixed for updating the projects tree items, firstly their are same projects. FIX: Fixed for the context menu in the edition, for the item "Copy". The projects tree and the widget libraries tree is disabled for the selection loss at the focus loss. 2019-01-11 Roman (stable) - !!!:FIX:DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: Appended and fixed for the messages translation on Ukrainian and Russian into Main.{RootPgSo,userManager,cntrPaspExt,alarmsAct,alarmsSt} and other ones. !!!: Main.RootPgSo: Expanded for support the signal object buttons generating in the right of the logo. prj_archBrowser_incl and prj_tmplSO_incl cleaned from spare records by the new function of UI.VCAEngine. FIX: tmplSO.pg_control.pg_graphSelPrm fixed in the impossibility of searching into the parameters list, clearing the attribute "value" changes. Main.{alarmsAct,alarmsSt}: Appended for the attribute 'defSrcMod' of preventing in show the default source module name in the source field. - FIX:DB.Model.Boiler.St: prj_kotel9_incl cleaned from spare records by the new function of UI.VCAEngine. Fitted to the new Main.RootPgSo changes and the main page standard geometry. - !!!:FIX:UI.VCAEngine: The VCA pages loading procedure appended for a function of cleaning spare records and records of inherited but missed widgets of the "*_incl" table. !!!:FIX: Fixed for full access to the attributes of the service control request "/serv/attr". The info control services "/prm/cfg/prj", "/page/page" appended by getting of number of the child pages in the attribute "chPgN" at setting "getChPgN", for requesting the projects' tree elements. Appended for translation to the last changes. Appended to omit the widgets' icons transmitting in the control service "/serv/wlbBr" of the complete widgets' tree loading, setting the attributes "disIconsW", "disIconsCW" - !!!:FIX:UI.Vision: Fixed in the warning about the inherited calcualting procedure changing, to prevent this warning the dialog tabs switching (reloading), and the signal coneection moved just after the widget creating. !!!: The projects tree switched to download the branches partially at expanding, to improve it work on slow connections. !!!: The widgets tree improved in the work on slow connections, disabling the widgets' icons downloading at the threshold of the complete tree downloading time more for 5 seconds and enabling that at the time less for 1 second. - FIX:UI.{Vision,WebVision}: Next final of the improving for the scrollbars control of the included pages. :) 2019-01-06 Roman (stable) - FIX:UI.Vision: Fixed for the warning about the inherited calcualting procedure changing in cleaning the accepting state. - FIX:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: isNaN() to string fixed for the RE test result inversion. 2019-01-06 Roman (stable) - !!!!:FIX:DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: Main.RootPgSo: Improved for dynamically create signal objects, the number is limited only by the SO name length and two rows of the SO. !!!!:The views also unified for ID "view[1..6]", when user can their assign in self way. The compatibility with the original names of the views was saved, for present projects! The template project "tmplSO" adapted to the new views model. FIX:Main.cntrPaspExt: Fixed for the tab "Data" forming (hungs and generates more equal data) for bigger at 1 second periodicity of the data. Main.{alarmsAct,alarmsSt},doc.docMessRep: Expanded by the property "Default source module (defSrcMod)" to hide the equal information of the source. - FIX:DB.Model.{AGLKS.vca,Boiler.St}: Some adapted to the new changes of the main page. - !:SYS: The user space Array expanded by the functions indexOf() and lastIndexOf(). - !:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: The User API functions expanded by isNaN() for bool, integer, real, string (especially for checking numbers in the string). - !!:UI.{VCAEngine,Vision}: All information moved to the status field for widgets, libraries and projects. The information appended by the calculating procedure state - inherited, redefined. UI.Vision: Appended for warnings about the inherited calculation procedure changing. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: The user API function wdgAdd() fixed for the name setting after the new widget enabling. - !!:FIX:UI.Vision: Final of the improving for the scrollbars control of the included pages. Final fix for the tables fitting, moving the procedure in events: create, resize and show. - FIX:UI.WebVision: "word-break: break-all" removed from the table styles. Final of the improving for the scrollbars control of the included pages. 2018-12-31 Roman (stable) - FIX:DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: mnEls.El_Kran_Sh: Fixed for the attribute "close" type changing from the type "String" to "Boolean". - !:SYS,DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: The limits appended by USER_ITS_LIMIT (1000000) for limit the items number like to user arrays from DAQ.JavaLikeCalc. The arrays creating limited for USER_ITS_LIMIT and appended of processing the system exceptions with an error message and freeing the wrong arrays. - UI.QTCfg: Tables fitting returned to use only the widget maximum view port size due to the scrollbar size newer can be used here since it initially has 100 and does not update more. - !:FIX:UI.Vision: The widgets including fixed for resizing after his container resizing, has observed in a problem of direct opening included pages on the full screen. Next time improved for control scrollbars of the included pages, taking that behaviour from UI.WebVision. FIX: Tables fitting prevented from use processEvents() due the possibility of the widget going in the closing. Tables fitting improved to use maximum width from the widget size and the maximum view port, but the maximum view port only can be uninitiated here yet. - UI.WebCfg: Revised for all messages and the documentation. 2018-12-25 Roman (stable) - DB.LibsDB.{OscadaLibs,vcaBase}: Controllers.prescr and Main.{prescrRun,prescrRunSimple} expanded to pass commands in the pause mode. - !:DAQ: Appended for the user API function daqAt(). - FIX:UI.{Vision,WebCfg,WebCfgD,WebVision,=Tmpl=}: Fixed for the XHTML header on FireFox. - UI.QTCfg: Set to disable "actUpdate" at the periodic update. - UI.WebVision: Improved for the scrollbar control of the included pages. The view "Table" of the primitive "FormEl" improved for the real type represent. 2018-12-23 Roman (stable) - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Size of the Mime identifiers increased to 40. Widgets prevented at last from setting names double to identifier, at the copying mostly. - UI.Vision: The behaviour of forming scroll bars of the included widgets some improved to prevent single of the bar. The view Table of the primitive FormEl improved in using the relative table column width. The mode of inactivity improved to remove all selecting and to restore edited values. - UI.{Vision.WebVision}: Improved in removing the end position mark at the data natural order and its size decreased. 2018-12-18 Roman (stable) - !:DB,Security,Transports,DAQ,Archive,DAQ.{BlockCalc},Protocol.{ModBus,OPC_UA,UserProtocol},UI.{VCAEngine,WebUser}: Appended in the adding functions to treat the ID for trimming and locking the child access resource in time of reading the end identifier. - !!:DAQ: Identifiers of the logical level IO of the DAQ-templates expanded to the size limit up to 1.5*OBJ_ID_SZ=30 symbols and have added for these shrinking on creating. - !!!!:FIX:DAQ,DAQ.{ModBus,Siemens}: The DAQ-Templates implementation fixed using own lock "lnkRes" instead the node data lock, due to that causes to locks into the links initialisation in the external access. - !!:UI.{Vision,WebVision}: The primitive "Diagram" improved in work on slow channels and with the value buffers period in 10 seconds. 2018-12-16 Roman (stable) - FIX:SYS: Fixed for building the Debian moduled profile (data/debian_mod). 2018-12-16 Roman (stable) - !!!!:SYS: Version of the OpenSCADA core library risen to 4.0 and modules version of all subsystems risen to 20, to prevent collisions with the LTS version when the core library from LTS but all modules from Work. - DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: DevLib.OWEN: Closed to the implementing due to missing any feedback from the developper and these devices already. Switched to use charCodeAt() in "UTF-16BE" for access two bytes. Finished for the data types. - !!!:DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: The widgets library was appended for an implementing of the users manager cadre, for runtime. - !:SYS:data/openscada.spec: Appended for the separate packages openscada-plc and openscada-server of the daemon mode executing. - !!:SYS.TCntrNode,DAQ,DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Appended for the function load__() to treat some doings in the loading end. DAQ: Fixed for the early starting of the template libraries, really after the whole loading and after the DAQ.JavaLikeCalc functions. - !!!!:SYS,TConfig,Security,DB.SQLite,UI.QTCfg: The function strEncode() appended by the variant "Limit" to limit the string size counting for the UTF-8 variability. SYS: The special function strMess() with such limit is removed. !!:TConfig: The key fields appended for their size limiting before cutting on the DB side. !!!!:DB,Security,Transports,DAQ,Archive,DAQ.{BlockCalc},Protocol.{ModBus,OPC_UA,UserProtocol},UI.{VCAEngine,WebUser}: Adapted in the adding functions to treat the ID or name forming and to limit its size, returning the result name to the creator. SYS: The user API function strEncode() appended for support the variants "ToLower" and "Limit". DB.SQLite,UI.QTCfg: Moved to use the function strEncode() in the variant "Limit" instead strMess(). - !:SYS.TMess,XMLNode: Appended for the function setUTF8() of forming UTF-8 from their code, taken from XMLNode to use in other places. SYS: The user API functions appended for the function strFromCharUTF() of forming string from UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-16LE, UTF-16BE, UTF-32, UTF-32LE, UTF-32BE. - !!:DAQ.JavaLikeValc: The functions charAt() and charCodeAt() expanded to support UTF. - FIX:DAQ.ModBus: Fixed for the Input Coils identification into the Logical Level links. - FIX:UI.WebVision: The view "List" of the primitive "FormEl" prevented from creating items in the attribute "value" at missing, as into UI.Vision. The view "Table" of the primitive "FormEl" set to updating at the value changing, to take in acount the specific background color of the selected items. 2018-12-08 Roman (stable) - SYS.configure.ac: Fixed for name of the required libldap library. - FIX:Archives: messGet() expanded for sort the buffer messages and to prevent collisions at the clock correcting. - !!:SYS.{TConfig,*}: The user API functions cfg() and cfgSet() of the configuration expanded by the permition control. - Security: The user and group adding expanded for limiting the identifier and returning the result one. - !:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Expanded for try of the restoring the previous procedure executing at the new one error, mostly from DAQ-templates. - UI.VCAEngine: Reverted for the prcElListUpdate() first call from the calculating procedure due it performed into setProcess(). - !!:FIX:UI.Vision: The operation of lowering down of the single attribute changes appended for requesting a confiramtion due it can cause to the widget moving to its parent in whole at missing here. FIX: Fixed for new created widgets selecting in the visual widgets developing mode. FIX: The external windows are set to force closing before their deleting, for saving the window position. FIX: Prevented from casual crashing into the view "Table" of the primitive "FormEl". - FIX:UI.WebVision: Improved for style of the PopUp menu and Calendar dialog window. 2018-12-02 Roman (stable) - !!!!:DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: The library "DevLib" appended for a full featured implementation of the protocol OWEN in the data acquisition part. Currently there are problems yet with some configuration functions like "O.ALr", which initially return error 0x31 on their reading. - FIX:DB.Model.AGLKS.St: Fixed in the transport Serial.testRelease to prevent the writing to the system PTS /dev/pts/6, disabling it. - DB: The attribute "TBD::mEn" moved to the protected space. - FIX:SYS.DAQ.TParamContr,DAQ.DAQGate: Fixed in the copying operation, disabling the destination node before. To copy attributes and their archives of DAQ.DAQGate mostly. - !!!!:DB.{MySQL,PostgreSQL,FireBird}: Improved and tested for hot restoring of the loss connections and without the data loss. - !!!!:FIX:DB.FireBird: Restored for the main work in the primary keys requesting and adapted to FireBird version 3. - !!!!:FIX:DB.MySQL: Resolved for crashing in the built-in reconnection (by MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT), which replaced for the own and hot reconnection. - !:FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Fixed in forming the processed ellements list at the runtime function start (f_start). - !:FIX:UI.Vision: Fixed in updating the geometry properties on the graphical widgets editing. FIX: Fixed in removing the selection dots at the included widget removing in the graphical widgets editing. FIX: True prevented from spare requests to the remote station at the windows moving. - FIX:UI.WebVision: Fixed for small selection list of the editable combobox. FIX: Prevented from updating the editing tables. 2018-11-25 Roman (stable) - FIX:data/*.init: Fixed for initial projects starting in the daemon mode, by the command-line argument "--projUserDir". data/*.xml: Default KeepAliveTime of the WWW-transports set to 60 seconds. - FIX:DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: base.codeState: fixed for the type "Integer" of the IO "in". - !!:SYS.Function,DAQ.{JavaLikeCalc,LogicLev,ModBus,Siemens}: Expanded for tracing the function program changing and hot restarting the executing procedures setting the flag "f_start". - !!:FIX:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Fixed for the recursive call, observed on the recursive widgets creating in UI.VCAEngine. Some original messages expanded. - !!:FIX:Protocol.UserProtocol: Fixed for the DAQ-template links init after the protocol copy. Some exchanging attributes of the DAQ-mode set to optional one. Expanded for work only into input or output requesting mode, additionally to the both one. - Transport.Sockets: The session object cleaned from spare clntDetchCnt. The "IO log" expanded for some extra messages to the output transport starting stages. - !:UI.QTCfg: The moving operations of the configuration table expanded by the hot keys "Ctrl+Up" and "Ctrl+Down". - !!:FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Expanded for limiting the project widgets depth in 10 levels, mostly for limiting the recursion. FIX: The User API function wdgAt() fixed for return zero at wrong connection. Removed for the spare field "Use" on the session widgets. - !!!:FIX:UI.Vision: Expanded for the planning of the updating period depending to the real connection quality of the runtime mode, like to UI.WebVision. FIX: Fixed in the properties edition dialogues of Pages/Libraries and Widgets for: - preventing for closing at Esc; - disabling for timeouted cancelling of the LineEdit; - unbinding the edited state from the visibility for TextEdit; - preventing from changes loss into the tab "Process". FIX: Fixed for LineEdit marging from the hidden icon size, for the span Real and Integer. - !!!!:UI.WebUser: Expanded by the DAQ-templates support. Revised for all messages and the documentation. - UI.WebVision: External windows of the interface prevented from flicking by it real closing after missing this page in the VCA-engine. 2018-11-19 Roman (stable) - FIX:Protocol.UserProtocol: Fixed for the limiting message. 2018-11-18 Roman (stable) - !!!:FIX:DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: The temlate library tmplib_DevLib appended for the counter modules Pulsar-M, sponsored by Zubarev Dmitry (IP INTEGRAL<http://kip-i-a.pro>). !!!: The temlate library Base appended for the "codeState" template of the state forming by a code. !!!: The temlate library LowDevLib appended for the template "SHT3x" of the low-level humidity sensors implementation. FIX: Most templates are fixed for the stored attribute values in one space ' '. !: base.digAlarm: Improved for custom errors forming from the custom procedures. - !!!:FIX:DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: The widget library Main appended for the widget "ImgLab" - image labels. !!: The widget "Main.{alarmsAct,alarmsSt}" and "doc.docMessRep" expanded for the source field, taking from the OpenSCADA remote station or the DAQ source. !: Main.{anShow,anShow1}: Expanded for the custom errors processing. - DB.Model.AGLKS.St: The ModBus protol nodes' table cleared. - !!:SYS: ResMtx set to true for "isRecurs" but it is the typical situation. Some original messages improved. TFunction::ioAdd() appended by the result for the appended IO position. TPrmTempl::Impl::cntrCmdProc() expanded by the prefix "pref" argument. - FIX:Protocol.ModBus: Fixed for prevent the linked attributes translation of the Nodes. Expanded for the Nodes time stamp. The program language editable selection set to the pure selection. The types list of the IO data table appended by the type "Object". - FIX:DAQ.ModBus: Fixed for the Asynchronous mode process in processing the linked Logical parameters' list. Appended by some context help. - FIX:DAQ.System: Fixed for some translations. - !!!!:Protocol.UserProtocol: Expanded by the DAQ-templates support. Revised for all messages and the documentation. - FIX:Special.FLibSYS: IO: write() fixed for the default data type obtain. Wrong data type obtaining set safe. - FIX:Transport.{SSL,Sockets}: Fixed for true address obtain, mostly for IPv6, from the input connections. - UI.WebVision: Expanded for SVG-files processing by setting the attribute "preserveAspectRatio" to "none". 2018-11-03 Roman (stable) - !:DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: base.digAlarm: Prevented from alarms at the controller object errors. LowDevLib.DS3231: Expanded for support DS1307. - DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: Main.alarmsSt,doc.docAlarmsRep: Expanded by the attribute "messCat". - DAQ: Expanded for early enabling the template libraries in the loading stage, initially for transport protocols based on the DAQ-templates. - FIX:DAQ: The templates implementation fixed for the selectable attributes updating. - FIX:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Fixed for the comment expression "/*/" correct processing. - !!!!:FIX:Protocol.ModBus: The input part expanded for the DAQ-templates using and fixed for links saving. - FIX:UI.Vision: Prevented from processing operations of the widgets arrangement in the inactive windows. - FIX:UI.WebVision: Prevented from couple processing of the included pages and their opening both for including and as an external window. 2018-10-28 Roman (stable) - DB.LibsDB.{OscadaLibs,vcaBase}: Some translation updating. - !!!!:DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: Appended for Main.alarmsSt and Main.alarmsAct expanded for support quittance, comments and custom fields. - !!:Special.{FLibComplex1,FLibMath}: Revised for all messages and the documentation. - Transport.SSL: Prevented from twice SSL_library_init() call at OpenSCADA projects switch due it cause some time to crashes, seen on Ubuntu 16.04. - UI.VCAEngine: Widgets prevented from names setting to their ID, at the copying mostly. - !!:UI.Vision: The focus control rewrote to the VCA-widgets specific one and not Qt-widgets, like to UI.WebVision, what prevents some problems. - !!:FIX:UI.WebVision: Improved for the focus control behaviour and fixed to prevent mouse events to behind pages. 2018-10-23 Roman (stable) - DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: base.manInUnif: Expanded for alarms setting from the preprocessing custom procedure. - DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: doc.docAlarmsRep: Improved for the space wrapping in the last two columns. - DAQ.DAQGate: The parameters' attribute "err" set to "10:Data not available." after loading. - FIX:DAQ.LogicLev: Fixed for the template configuration field processing "Only attributes are to be shown". - FIX:DAQ.Siemens: Tested and fixed on the real PLC connection after migrating to the new API of the unified DAQ templates. 2018-10-20 Roman (stable) - Transports: Input transports appended by the virtual functions keepAliveReqs(), keepAliveTm() for the true KeepAlive on Web. - TUIS: Changed for the behaviour of determining the file extension "svg" as "image/svg+xml" for correct and multiple SVG files display on WEB. - !!!!:FIX:Protocol.HTTP,UI.{WebCfgD,WebUser,WebVision}: Fixed for KeepAlive true implementing then fast working on high latent channels storring the connection. User API functions pgAccess(), pgCreator() moved from TProtocol to TProtocolIn. Mime types cleaned from ";" and after it in the end. - !!:Special.SystemTests: Revised for all messages and the documentation. - !!:UI.WebVision: Prevented from spare and separate requesting of the included pages' content, in the starting. 2018-10-16 Roman (stable) - FIX:UI.Vision: Table forming prevented from the fliclking. - !!:FIX:UI.WebVision: Control interface's pages prevented from overriding service attribute "id" of the main tag, which causes to impossibility to open an external window. 2018-10-14 Roman (stable) - DB.OscadaLibs: DevLib.ModBusScan: the ModBus scanner implementation improved for the list attribute "type" direct creation with the new DAQ-template's function. tmplib_S7.test: some expanded for testing new functions of the module "DAQ.Siemens". - !!!:SYS,*: TFld::Selected everywhere renamed to TFld::Selectable. - FIX:SYS: The internal program languages list, by the service "/plang/list" appended for the empty item "" to allow for reset the fields, mostly for VCA. - !!!!:FIX:SYS.Transport.{Sockets,SSL}: Common locks mechanism is added by a locks container, the function commonLock(), and for system functions like to getaddrinfo(), which is not multithreaded one. !!!!:FIX: Transport.{Sockets,SSL}: getaddrinfo() wrapped to a common lock to prevent the critical problems. The function crypt() moved under the common locks. - !!!:SYS: The DAQ-templates and all their implementations appended by a function of selectable attributes creation from the template field "Value" of the two and three lines. TFunction::IO appended by the flag IO::Selectable. - !!!!:DAQ.{*,ModBus,LogicLev,Siemens}: The new API of the unified DAQ templates implementation TPrmTempl::Impl is finished and all DAQ-modules migrated to it. - DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Appended for the copying functions of the controller objects. - !!!:DAQ.Siemens: Extended for direct specifying the link address type, which is not tested fully and may be buggy!!! - !:Transport.{Sockets,SSL}: Connection info of the output transports appended by the real connected IP-address. - !!:Transport.Serial: The flow control field moved to the options field due to a need with direct disabling some options like to -RS485. - UI.{QTCfg,Vision}: Table forming improved for the allowed width taking from maximumViewportSize(). - !:FIX:UI.QTCfg: Prevented from the commands "set", "load" and "save" impact into the generic request and character warnings. Make the cycle updating period slower after the busy dialog. - !:UI.Vision: Prevented from updating selection of the developing widget, mostly for slow channells. !: The big texts editing dialog set for allowing access to other main windows. 2018-10-06 Roman (stable) - FIX:SYS: Resend true SVN-log information. - FIX:TSecurity: Prevented from empty users appending to groups and appended for the empty users processing in the group's users list. - !!:FIX:Archive.DBArch: Fixed for the value archives including to an archiver for the not grouped archiving mode. FIX: Finally fixed for the single-value request of the value archive, after the not full fix from 2018-02-23 only for the archiver data period 1 second. - Transport.Sockets: The waiting of any data after zero reading disabled due it proven the senselessness on VPN and other. - !!:FIX:UI.Vision: Fixed for the master page regular replacing (crashing) and scaling into the run-time mode. 2018-09-30 Roman (stable) - DB.OscadaLibs: An implementation of the ModBus scanner added to the templates library "DevLib" as the template "ModBusScan". - DB.Model.{AGLKS,Boiler}.St,*.xml: Continue of the Transport.Sockets addresses for the TCP type simplifying. - FIX:SYS: Fixed for the flags TFld::SelfFld and TFld::Selected setting into TFld::setFlg(). - SYS,DAQ.{JavaLikeCalc,ModBus},Protocol.UserProtocol,UI.VCAEngine: The message "Translate program" translated to "Completely translate the procedure" everywhere. - !!:DAQ.Siemens: LibnoDave updated to The own implementation of ISO-TSAP appended for errors processing of the functions requesting. 2018-09-29 Roman (stable) - DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: wlb_doc.docAlarmsRep: Spare attributes "p*" removed. - DB.Model.{AGLKS,Boiler}.St: Transport.Sockets addresses for the TCP-type simplified. - !!:SYS,UI.{QTCfg,WebCfgD},Transports: Table of the control interface expanded for difference help per columns and cells. The generic help of the "Tasks" table moved to the concrete column "CPU set". !!:Transports: Table of the external OpenSCADA hosts expanded for the context help to the transport address cell, depending the selected transport type. - !:FIX:SYS: Losses the configure file changes prevented by pre-saving all changes before it loading. - !!:Transports.{.,Sockets.SSL}: The output transports expanded by the attempts field of the generic control. The function outAddrHelp() of taken common address help for the output transport modules was added. - !!:Archive.DBArch: Revised for all messages and the documentation. - DAQ.ModBus: Expanded in limiting the ModBus frame size for workaround the bad hardware flood. - !:Protocol.SelfSystem: Expanded for the output transport attempts support. - !!!:Transport.{Sockets,SSL}: Expanded for support IPv6 both for input and output transports using getaddrinfo(). The output transport address expanded by global arguments which can be the timings and attempts. Appended for processing (connecting) all IP addresses resolved from the symbolic one, especially for the output transports. Output transports appended for direct definition several host addresses. Output transports' IO log expanded for starting errors. - !:Transport.SSL: The output transport status appended for the last connection time. The default port set to 10045. - !:Transport.Sockets: "TCP:" prefix of the addresses set to nonobligatory-optional. The address mode of the input transports set to 1(do not close, only by the KeepAlive parameters) by default. The default port set to 10005. - UI.QTStarter: Some improved for the right mouse key emulation, terminating by the keyboard focus events. - FIX:UI.WebCfgD: Some fixed-improved in the table cells editing. 2018-09-10 Roman (stable) - FIX:UI.QTStarter: Fix building with Qt4. 2018-09-09 Roman (stable) - !!:UI.QTStarter,Android: Right mouse key and context menu emulation is added at holding the left mouse key during the time set by the command line option --simulRightMKeyTm. This time set to 2 seconds for Android. - FIX:DB.OscadaLibs: UserProtocol_uPrt.DCON fixed for guaranty CRC in two symbols. - !!:Transport.SSL: Revised for all messages and the documentation. - !!:UI.QTCfg: The Node groups hint is added for the addition node command and this command is allowed now for node groups into the control tree. Window title of the busy progress bar set directly. tmess.h moved after qtcfg.h which must fix for building with Qt5.11. Pages content updating at the item selection into the control tree moved to the timeouted update due releasing mouse events loss for the right mouse key emulation. 2018-08-28 Roman (stable) - DB.OscadaLibs: base.{anUnif,anUnifSt}: The imitation expanded for random offset. - !!:DB.DBF,Transport.Serial: Revised for all messages and the documentation. - DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Expanded for expressions with the keyword "var" processing at presence the same name variable "var". - Transport.{SSL,Sockets}: Some original messages is fixed. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Prevented from copy not modified attributes at widgets copying. - FIX:UI.Vision: Performs the focus moving to the active subwindow at the drag and drop from the widgets inspector. The field "Inherit" of the Widget addition dialog set to be hiden at copying/adding to the widgets containers. - UI.WebVision: Expanded for setting the VCA visual elements, the "class" attribute to "Primitive {WPrimitive}" and the "id" attribute to the widget identifier like to "wdg_{id}" for simplifying the customisation. 2018-08-19 Roman (stable) - Android/build.sh: Improved in building under environments with the system Qt5 development files. - !:DOC: "DAQ", "DAQ.DAQGate" expanded by links to the resources. "Release 0.9" expanded for the participants list. - !!:DB.FireBird,DAQ.Siemens: Revised for all messages and the documentation. 2018-07-22 Roman (stable) - SYS,Archive.FSArch: Completed in renaming "Archivator" to "Archiver". - FIX: Some next original messages are fixed. - !!:DB.{MySQL,PostgreSQL},Protocol.SelfSystem,Special.FLibSYS: Revised for all messages and the documentation. 2018-06-25 Roman (stable) - FIX:data/openscada.spec: Fixed for building on SuSE. - FIX:data/openscada_mod_ALT.spec: The openscada-server package fixed for including the file oscada_server.xml. - DB.MySQL: tcon.reconnect replaced by mysql_options(&tcon, MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT, ...); to provide building with MariaDB >= 2.4. - FIX:Transport.Serial: The extended parameter "reqRetrMult" of the char symbol time of the output transport is fixed in the processing. - !:UI.VCAEngine: The runtime procedures of the widgets are enabled for using the actual (for the last request) user and language, for dynamic translation. - FIX:UI.WebVision: Fixed for hiding the overflowed context in the standard buttons, observed on Chrome. 2018-06-20 Roman (stable) - The work branch switched to the version 1+r0000. - DOC: Fix all documents for wrong deleting "<meta charset="UTF-8" />", detected on FireFox. 2018-06-15 Roman (stable) - DOC: The document "Modules/BFN" translated to Ukrainian and revised. - DB.OscadaLibs: servProc.releaseTests: Significantly expanded for the tests after their execution before 0.9 LTS. servProc.{wacko2media,docOffLine}: Appended for description. - DB.Model.AGLKS.St: Appended by some nodes for the release tests: Sockets.{in_testRelease,in_testRelease1,in_testRelease2}, SSL.in_testRelease, Serial.in_testRelease DBArch.1s set to address "SQLite.arch" and to enabled at launch. - FIX:SYS:ChangeLog: Some fixed for the text after 0.8.20 LTS. FIX:data/openscada_start.in: Fixed for the new busy checking. data/ModelsDB/AGLKS/oscada_AGLKS.xml: Appended by some DB for the release tests: {SQLite,MySQL,PostgreSQL,FireBird,DBF}.testRelease. The DB SQLite.arch is added, its address set to "arch.db" and, it set to enabled at launch. TCntrNode: Changed for using the definition STD_WAIT_TM(10) instead DEF_TIMEOUT(2) and DEF_TIMEOUT_EXIT(60). TCntrNode::chldDel() prevented from exceptions in the mode DoDisable. FIX: Some original messages next improved. Some control interface properties (ID, NAME, DESCR) set to relation with the DB configuration, for: TFunction, TPrmTmpl, JavaLikeCalc.FLib. FIX: The function TMess::codeConv() prevented from error messages due a recursion at wrong codepage. - SYS.TFunction,UI.QTCfg: The control field "rows" of the control interface expanded for true processing, as a hint. - !:FIX:Archives: The archivers' objects copying prevented from startup and fixed for copying addition properties. - FIX:DB: Fixed for reloading databases at the configuration file reload. - Transports: The external hosts of OpenSCADA prevented from changing the modification time and reconnections at the loading. - !!!:DB.SQLite,DAQ.BFN,Protocol.HTTP,UI.{WebCfgD,WebVision}: Revised for all messages and the documentation. - !!:FIX:Transport.{Sockets,SSL,Serial}: Preventing, by processing, the executions at closing the input protocol. - Transport.Sockets: Appended by the IO log for UDP requests. - !:FIX:UI.QTCfg: Fixed for crashes at going to in the list by double-click. - FIX:UI.{QTCfg,Vision}: Fixed for crashes at the module detaching. - UI.VCAEngine: Duplicated for the user API function alrmQuietance() to the old one alrmQuittance() and the service "quietance" to the old one "quittance". - UI.{WebCfg,WebCfgD,WebUser,WebVision}: The module information fields "Name", "Author", "Description" prevented from duplication. - FIX:UI.WebVision: Fixed for the status bar scaling, checking for availability and help processing. Header of the protocol table set to hidden at its disabling. 2018-06-05 Roman (stable) - !!:DOC: The document "UI.Vision" is fully revised and translated to Ukrainian. - SYS,UI.{QTCfg,Vision}: Some original messages next improved. - Archive.FSArch: Last entry of the direct specified permition of the creating file replaced to SYS->permCrtFiles(). - UI.QTStarter: Resolved for QStyle direct declaration but it is needed some time. - UI.Vision: Finished for revision the translation to German. 2018-05-29 Roman (stable) - !!:DOC: The document "UI.VCAEngine" is fully revised and translated to Ukrainian. - FIX:DB.Model.{AGLKS,Boiler}.St: Some original messages fixed. - !!:SYS.*: Command line help unified in the function optDescr() for getting the hierarchical help in a string and for its printing in single place of the function TSYS::load_(). !!: A new command-line argument --consoleCharSet added for control the console charset, for console messages and help. TCntrNode: The message "Expecting release %d users!" appearing set seldom and with period 1 second. - FIX:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Fixed for translation and output links setting from the table edition. - FIX:UI.{VCAEngine,Vision}: Fixed and expanded for original messages. - FIX:UI.Vision: Fixed for closing child windows on QNX, commenting pg->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose) FIX: Fixed for fit main page to the main window size on small screens - prevents from appearing scroll bars. FIX: Fixed for crash on main runtime window close with palyback of the primitive "Media" in the types "Animation" and "Full video". - !!:UI.WebVision: Expanded for own statusbar support, currently only with the user information and the status messages. 2018-05-18 Roman (stable) - !!:DOC: The document "VCAEngine (VCA)" is started for revision. - data/debian: Expanded by appending the package openscada-plc. - SYS.XMLNode: isspace() replaced by own implementation isSpace(), mostly for QNX where isspace() is broken for UTF-8. - !!:DAQ.{TPrmTempl,JavaLikeCalc}: Finished and tested at the implementing the class TPrmTempl::Impl of the using unification of the DAQ templates. Access to the links moved under the critical section. - Protocol.HTTP: Expanded using the project icon as the main module icon. 2018-05-14 Roman (stable) - !!:DOC: The document "DAQ" is fully revised. - DAQ.{*.ModBus},Protocol.UserProtocol,UI.{VCAEngine,WebUser}: Internal programming languages list made plain, moved to the generic request "/plang/list" and used everywhere. - !!:DAQ.TPrmTempl: Started for expanding of the using unification by the class TPrmTempl::Impl creation, due the planes for exptend some OpenSCADA parts by the DAQ templates: DAQ.JavaLikeCalc, Protocol.{ModBus,UserPrt}, UI.WebUser; and for parts already using the DAQ templates: DAQ.{LogicLev,ModBus,Siemens}. - !!:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Initially extended for using the DAQ templates. The functions selection list made plain one and appended by the DAQ templates. - FIX:UI.QTCfg: Fixed for crashes at opened warning-error dialogs. Going to branches through the list set for placing the previous address to the back list. - !!:UI.Vision: The requisting into different thread set to be enabled at the unpublic command line option "ReqInDifThread" but Qt loss releasing mouse events now, into event(). Then, by default the requisting into different thread is disabled now. 2018-05-11 Roman (stable) - !!:DOC: The document "DAQ" is mostly revised. - !!!:FIX:Archive.FSArch: Cache access moved under a critical section, for preventing crashes at high load. - DAQ.GPIO: SUNXI part expanded by the ports J,K,L,M,N,O. - !!:DAQ.SNMP: Expanded for the connection error control at the parameter level. - !!!:FIX:UI.{QTStarter,QTCfg,Vision}: All Qt objects removing moved to use deleteLater(), for safe removing under processEvents() call from the requesting in different thread. - !!!:FIX:UI.Vision: The primitive "Diagram" and "Box" fixed after wrong improving in the tracing call on close but for the development mode. 2018-05-05 Roman (stable) - !!:DOC: The documents fully revised: Archive.FSArch, DAQ.{LogicLev,DAQGate,ModBus,GPIO}, Transport.Sockets. - FIX:DB.Model.AGLKS.St: DAQ.LogicLev.experiment fixed for the reflection DB specifying as "LogLevPrmRefl_experiment". - !!:SYS,Archive.FSArch,DB.SQLite,DAQ.{DAQGate,GPIO,LogicLev},Transport.Sockets: Some original messages next improved. - FIX:Protocol.UserProtocol: Prevented from breaking all next starting protocols after one error starting. - !!!:FIX:UI.QTCfg: Fixed, in the closing mostly, for processing of requests into the different threads in way of the function implementation for the runtime mode of UI.Vision. The fit of the vertically scalable items made more precision. Added for HTML encoding into the HTML helps. - !!!:FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Archive mode of the primitive "Document" fixed by the specific attributes set to the new mode Attr::NotStored. - !!!:UI.Vision: Requests of the runtime mode moved to different thread. Notificators switched to direct requests, behind the different thread. The primitive "Diagram" and "Box" improved for late enabling (after whole loading) in the runtime mode, mostly for slow and bad remote connections. Access to user's name and password moved under the critical section. 2018-04-27 Roman (stable) - data/openscada-proj: Expanded by the command "update" of updating the configuration 0.8.0 LTS to 0.9. - !:FIX:SYS.Archives: Fixed for archivers loading at some archive module missing. - !:FIX:SYS.TCntrNode: Appended by the definition "DEF_TIMEOUT_EXIT(60)" for use the timeout of the nodes disable/remove at the program exit. Mostly to prevent crashes at the exit when there some long-time procedures executed. - !:FIX:TRegExp: UTF8 flag force setting at UTF8 system locale is prevented at the reason of there impossible disable the flag for non-UTF8 source. The attribute "err" added to the result array of the match() request. - DAQ.{DAQGate,MMS,ModBus,OPC_UA}: TSYS::sysSleep() in idle (missing connection) replaced to TSYS::taskSleep() for correcting the maximum requesting time. - !!!:DAQ.GPIO: Expanded by the OrangePi (SUNXI) support and unification the user static functions. - DAQ.ModBus: Some original messages expanded. - !!:DAQ.SMH2Gi: Expanded for SMH4 support. - FIX:UI.QTCfg: Take in account the item's description set after its zero value. Forming item's WhatsThis and ToolTip some improved. - FIX:UI.Vision: Translation some fixed. 2018-04-22 Roman (stable) - !!!!:DOC: The document "Release_0.9" has formed and the document "DAQ.GPIO" added. - !!:SYS: DAQ.BCM2835 renamed to DAQ.GPIO and expanded for different boards support. - SYS: The DB selection item "*.*" removed for the main page. - DAQ: create() and destroy() of TTypeParam moved from constructor and destructor of TParamContr to postEnable() and preDisable() respectively, to prevent access to unformed object of TParamContr. - !!!!:UI.QTCfg: Fully revised for the original text messages. Representing for help unified for "StatusTip", "ToolTip" and "WhatsThis" in one function "setHelp()". "ToolTip" limit set for control by a new configuration parameter "ToolTipLim", which is 150 by default. "ToolTip" expanded for HTML labels. - FIX:UI.QTStarter: Fixed for original Qt-messages translation into the main-threading mode. - !!!:FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Prevented from saving not enabled yet items at "enableByNeed". - !!:FIX:UI.Vision: Scaling the main runtime window made absolute from the window original size. Some original messages yet improved, sync with QTCfg and the translation to German advanced. 2018-04-16 Roman (stable) - FIX:data/openscada-proj: "dPrjUser" fixed for set to "~/.openscada" at the variable missing. - !:SYS: "OpenSCADA system" in headers and sources fully renamed to "OpenSCADA". - FIX:UI.WebVision: Primitive "FormEl" processing into the server side moved into a critical section. 2018-04-10 Roman (stable) - FIX:Archive.FSArch: Third argument of the function open() with the option O_CREAT. - !!!!:DOC: "Quick Start" revision and it translation to Ukrainian finished at last. - FIX:DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: The "Analog show" widget translation expanded for the whole expression. The widget "Cooler (cooler2)" renamed to "Cooler 2". Main.{grpGraph,ViewCadr,grpGraph10}: Direct links to "name" replaced by the dynamic one "this.attr("name")", due it processing can be lost sometime. Main.RootPgSo: Prevented for locking all pages of selected signal object (SO). - FIX:DB.Model.AGLKS.vca: All links to the ball cranes were updated. - FIX:data/openscada-proj.in: Fixed for the negative result code of the return operation. - !!!!:SYS,UI.{VCAEngine,Vision}: The term "quittance" renamed to "quietance", from the word "quiet" which is a logical one for the alarms. - !:SYS: main.cpp improved for the original messages. "OpenSCADA system" in headers of the source files mostly renamed to "OpenSCADA". - FIX: Archives: The archivers' objects copying prevented from copy the configuration field "ADDR". - !!!!:Archive.FSArch: Hardly prevented from the configuration field "ADDR" changing both for messages and values. A procedure of the configuration field "ADDR" checking for duplicates added. - !!:FIX:DB.{SQLite,MySQL,PostgreSQL,FireBird}: Translation columns creation at the table fixing added for already and partial translated tables into the non multi-language mode. An additional debug tracing label added. - !!:DAQ.{DAQGate},UI.{VCAEngine,Vision}: Fully revised for the original text messages. - DAQ.JavaLikeCalc,UI.QTStarter: Some revised for the original text messages. - UI.QTCfg: Appended by the navigation tree refreshing after the error copying. - !!!!:UI.{VCAEngine,Vision}: The projects expanded by the using sessions accounting for new pages hot enabling on the sessions. The "Use" field also added for the widgets libraries, as a count of whole using of their widgets. - !!!!:FIX:UI.VCAEngine: FIX: Fixed for accessing to the wrong created session items. Attr::ProcAttr was also appended to the direct inheriting like to the links. - UI.WebVision: The attribute "value" clearance was added after accomplishing the mode "Save" of the view "Button" of the primitive "FormEl". 2018-04-01 Roman (stable) - !:DOC: "Quick Start" continued to revision ongoing of it translation to Ukrainian, in the part 4. - FIX:DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: Some original messages are fixed. - SYS: "Template library" renamed to "Templates library". The expression "Gather task priority" replaced in whole to "Priority of the acquisition task". The Ukrainian word "Включено" replaced in whole to "Ввімкнено" and "Виключено" to "Вимкнено". - !!:Archive.FSArch,DAQ.{LogicLev,ModBus}: Fully revised for the original text messages. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: The attribute "value" of the primitive "FormEl" prevented from the modification flag set at the type change. - UI.Vision: The mode "Load" of the view "Button" of the primitive "FormEl" expanded for use mime and placing the selected file name to the header. - !!!:UI.WebVision: The modes "Menu", "Load" and "Save" of the view "Button" of the primitive "FormEl" are implemented. Some properties of the primitive "FormEl" were fixed to detect the changes. The tree view implementation was set the generic one for use in two places. 2018-03-24 Roman (stable) - !:DOC: "Quick Start" continued to revision ongoing of it translation to Ukrainian, in the part 3. - !!!:SYS: The option --enable-QtMainThrd of the configure time of the building was replaced by the execution command-line option --QtInNotMainThread of the module UI.QTStarter. And Qt working into the main thread is the default mode. - DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: DAQ templates base.{manInUnif,anUnif,anUnifSt} expanded for NORM messages oppressing also at wrong connections to the source. - FIX:DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: doc.{docGasNodeDayA,docGasNodeMonthA} fixed for the archival mode and improved for the dynamic mode. - SYS: *.desktop.in fixed for the original name and description. data/{openscada.spec,openscada_mod_ALT.spec,openscada_mod_RH.spec}: The daemon mode init script "oscadad" and "openscadad" renamed to "openscada-server" and separated to "openscada-plc" for the generalization. data/oscada_start.xml: the input transports were commented due to clarify the default configuration file of the desktop mode. data/openscada_start.in: expanded to check for "lock" file of the new project manager. - FIX:SYS.*: The function cmdOpt() set to return empty strings at the empty command-line parameter. The function cmdOptPresent() is used only for the parameter presence checking. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Restored and fixed for hot tracing into sessions of changes into widget's links. The session project forbidden to edition into the enabled mode. - !:FIX:UI.Vision: The copy command final rised before the cut one. The InputDlg widget expanded for controlled save and restore the window size, for very expanded ones on the example of the fullsized text edition. FIX: The view "Button" of the primitive "FormEl" forcing to its background color fixed for set the default color. - !!:UI.WebVision: The view "Button" of the primitive "FormEl" some improved and expanded for the extended mode "Save" support. Tracing for the main window resizing set only for the height and with 10% margin in decreasing. 2018-03-16 Roman (stable) - !!:DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: doc.{docGasNodeDayA,docGasNodeMonthA} significant expanded for work in the dynamic mode also. - !!!:FIX:SYS.Android: Expanded for: deep attenuation of the look, building with the official NDK r13, building and signing the release target, setting the package version to 0.9. FIX: For condition variables where CLOCK_MONOTONIC was selected but CLOCK_REALTIME used. Setting for locale added as setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "C.UTF-8"); for Android >= 5. - !:SYS,UI.QTStarter: Generic font was added to the list of the look control fields, initially for Android. - UI.QTCfg: Set adjustable to the generic font real size for: the control tree and the splitter width, the main window initial size. Loading of the "endRunTimer" is decreased. - FIX:UI.QTStarter: Prevented from open the QTStarter main window after successful log in into the QTCfg module. - UI.VCAEngine: Prevented from the missing attributes warnings at switching the primitive "Document" to the dynamic mode. - UI.Vision: Set adjustable to the generic font real size for: the tree view. The view "Button" of the primitive "FormEl" forced to its background color changing by using CSS also, which is needed for the Qt Widgets style "GTK+". - FIX:UI.WebVision: The primitive "Text" disabled from padding arguments by " " and " " used instead. Tracing added for the Web-browser main window resize and the OpenSCADA main page reloading. 2018-03-09 Roman (stable) - SYS,UI.QTStarter: Android look adapted to a default custom theme and CSS. - !!:DOC: Off-line documents Documents/How_to/{Cyclic_programming,Debug,Transferring_project_configuration,Build_from_source,Crash_report,Create_module} are appended by the prefix "How_to_". - DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: DAQ templates base.{manInUnif,anUnif,anUnifSt} are appended by checking their execution controller state for oppressing their violations about wrong connections to the source. - FIX:DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: Wrong "tittle" renamed to "title". - DATA.icons,UI.{QTCfg,QTStarter,Vision}: Some low-resolution images of GUI toolbars expanded up to 64x64 dimension in way of the Android look improving. - Archives: Clean up of the current violations table was added by a new button. - DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: The function String.toInt() of the user API set to the base "10" by default. The user API expanded by functions {Boolean,Integer,Real}.{toReal,toInt}(). - !!!:UI.{QTStarter,QTCfg,Vision}: Size of icons and sub-fonts made adaptive from the main-system font real size, for: the title font, toolbars' icons, the navigation tree's icons; by the new function icoSize() and in way of the adaption to Android. !!:Force switching to the style QPlastiqueStyle() (Qt4) or QCommonStyle() (Qt5) was removed by presence of OpenSCADA control of the look and feels. Moving dialogs to the centre of the screen was added for Android. - !:UI.QTCfg: The images "ok.png" and "identity.png" removed and replaced. The fitting mechanism of the scalable items was made faster. - UI.QTStarter: An icon "it_add.png" was added for the button "Create-update a project". Using of the native menu-bar of Android disabled by the attribute Qt::AA_DontUseNativeMenuBar. - !!!!:UI.{VCAEngine,Vision,WebVision}: The primitive "Text" was appended by an attribute "inHtml" and the support of display HTML. - UI.Vision: The images "it_*.png" renamed to "v_it_*.png". The images "ok.png" removed and replaced. 2018-03-04 Roman (stable) - !!:DOC: Appended by Documents/How_to/{Cyclic_programming,Debug,Transferring_project_configuration,Build_from_source,Crash_report,Create_module},Documents/API. - DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: servProc.docOffLine appended by the documents Documents/How_to/{Cyclic_programming,Debug,Transferring_project_configuration,Build_from_source,Crash_report,Create_module},Documents/API(EN) for the offline documentaion list. servProc.docOffLine switched more to the default language "en" for common images and generic documents - only in English. - !!!!:SYS,UI.QTStarter: The manager of the OpenSCADA projects expanded for: data/Android/AndroidManifest.xml: data/openscada-proj.in: The user directory of OpenSCADA projects allowed for disabling, setting to priority before the system one and placing to FAT. The user directory of OpenSCADA projects set to "/storage/sdcard0/.openscada". data/debian[_mod]/*.init: Set for disable the user directory of OpenSCADA projects. - !!!!:SYS,DAQ.{*,JavaLikeCalc,SNMP},UI.QTStarter: Most original messages at last improved and corrected. - !!:SYS,DB.DBF,Archive.FSArch,UI.Vision: Generic control for permition of created files by OpenSCADA, added by the command-line parameter "--permCrtFiles" and the function TSYS::permCrtFiles(). - !!:Archive.FSArch: New objects of archivers sets to the default path of storage "ARCHIVES/MESS/" for the projects of OpenSCADA. Archive files renamed from the format "%F %T" to "%F %H.%M.%S" to allow their creation on FAT. - FIX:DAQ.ModBus: Fix for copy parameters of the logical type at the links initiate after. - FIX:UI.QTCfg: Vertically scalable elements fixed for guaranty the previous fit reset before the same fitting. - UI.QTStarter: The look and feel are made for renewing on the go. The manager of the OpenSCADA projects merged the user and system directories of the projects and was set for the projects sorting. The function "Create-update a project" was moved as an independent button, after the projects list. 2018-02-23 Roman (stable) - !:DOC: Appended by Works/To_do,Documents/How_to/{Install,Live_disk,Violations,_alarms_and_notifications}. - DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: servProc.docOffLine appended by the documents Works/To_do,Documents/How_to/{Install,Live_disk,Violations,_alarms_and_notifications} for the offline documentaion list. servProc.docOffLine switched to the default language "en" and the missed pages link to there. - SYS:*.spec,debian/control: Translation packages set for dependent from English one. - !!!!:SYS,UI.QTStarter,DAQ.System: QtSensors support was added for the sensors reading into UI.QTStarter and a shared object preparing for DAQ.System and the user API. - !!:SYS: The folder "data/Android" of configuration of the OpenSCADA building for Android was added. data/openscada-proj.in was adapted and its permition checking and setting to the executable was added for call from Android. The command-line argument --modDir was added as a copy of the configuration file parameter "ModDir". - SYS: The function cmdOptPresent() was added for the user projects directory role next expanding. - SYS: ARM CPU-frequency reading expanded in reading "scaling_cur_freq" which available for the ordinal users. - !:FIX:Archive.DBArch: Fixed for single-value request of the value archive. - FIX:UI.QTStarter: Visibility of the button of the OpenSCADA projects call some fixed for Android. 2018-02-09 Roman (stable) - !:DOC: "User API" revision finished. - SYS: data/{debian,debian_mod}/control,data/openscada.ebuild,data/*.spec: somewhat updated for some packages description. - SYS: TODO was updated for re-link to the online document. README was updated. - PrmTmpl,DAQ.JavaLikeCalc,UI.VCAEngine: The document "User API" call from some pages of the configurators of OpenSCADA was added. - !:UI.{QTStarter,QTCfg,Vision}: Qt Windows show mode support was added by the commandline parameter --showWin, for initial and allowed to change from. - !:UI.Vision.ElFigure: Some properties of the common part of the developing mode were moved to the private widget part - for allowance of the feature of the parallel edition at widgets of the primitive execution. 2018-02-02 Roman (stable) - !:DOC: "Program Manual" revision and it translation to Ukrainian finished at last. "UI.QTStarter" significant revised and actualised. - DB.SQLite: Expanded for an error message mark as "Read Only". - Transport.{Sockets,SSL}: The connection error of the outgoing transport was expanded by details. - FIX:UI.QTStarter: Some original messages were fixed. 2018-01-28 Roman (stable) - !:DOC: "Program Manual" continued to revision ongoing of it translation to Ukrainian. - SYS: The meaning of the OpenSCADA station ID set more clear and associated to the station role that is: WorkStation, ServerStation, PLCStation, SimulatorStation. For the main roles WorkStation, ServerStation, PLCStation there were added some representative icons and the station icon set check to its name before. - !!!!:SYS, UI.QTStarter: UI.QTStarter expanded by the Look and Feel control itself and its profiles support from the configuration file table "LookFeel" of the module. Currently to the table "LookFeel" added three pallete profiles of the configuration files oscada_start.xml, oscada_AGLKS.xml, oscada_Boiler.xml. Most of the standard configuration files of OpenSCADA revised for their properties translation and the original messages. - !!!!:SYS: All command line help messages of the core library and modules of OpenSCADA fully revised for the original texts and their translation to Ukrainian, Russian and German. - !!:SYS,Archive.{DBArch,FSArch}: Most original messages and help ones of the subsystem "Modules scheduler", "User interfaces", "Special" and some others were fixed and improved. - SYS: The station name "Empty Station" renamed to "Initial Station". - !:Special.SystemTests: Especially significant revised for all command line help messages. - UI.VCAEngine: The syntax highlight rules of CSS expanded for comments by /* */ of the primitive "Document". - UI.WebCfgD: Renamed from "Dynamic WEB configurator" to "Program configurator (Dynamic WEB)". 2018-01-19 Roman (stable) - DB.AGLKS.St.db: ModBus tests expanded for reading a big PDU by the register 100 reading. - SYS:data/{debian,debian_mod}/rules: The configuration appended by the argument "--disable-static" to disable the static library of the OpenSCADA core build. - !:DOC: "Program Manual" continued to revision ongoing of it translation to Ukrainian. - !!:SYS,Archive.{DBArch,FSArch}: Most original messages and help ones of the subsystem "Archives-History" and some others were fixed and improved. - FIX:UI.QTStarter: Prevent from a multiple entry from processEvents() manual call, observed on QTCfg. - !!:UI.VCAEngine: Implemented for hot update of the widget procedures of the runtime mode. - !:FIX:UI.Vision: Prevented from the runtime window manual resize drop at the user change. !:The view "List" of the primitive "FormEl" rewrote to implement the light updating, for mobile devices like to Maemo, MeeGo. 2018-01-13 Roman (stable) - DB.AGLKS.St.db: Appended by the documented Logical Level parameter experiment.CB7. - !:DOC: "Program Manual" continued to revision ongoing of it translation to Ukrainian. - SYS:Changelog: Some messages are fixed. - SYS,DAQ.{BFN,BlockCalc,DAQGate,FT3,JavaLikeCalc,LogicLev,ModBus,OPC_UA,Siemens},Protocol.UserProtocol,UI.{VCAEngine,Vision,WebUser}: "ID" renamed to "Identifier". - SYS: Help messages of the subsystem "Data acquisition" are improved. - !:FIX:SYS: Final counters dysplay set before the object "Mess" deletion. - !!:Transport.Serial: Added measuring of the maximum char symbol time of the output transports in the requesting mode in the Debugging. Char timeout calculation expanded for take in account whether the device is local (ttyS{X}) where the char timeout multiply to 3 for not local ones. - !!!:UI.{QTStarter,QTCfg,Vision}: The QTStarter menu forming yet one time changed for make the actions independent but the problem of the native menu bar forming in Unity. QTStarter toolbar forming moved direct to the end module. Force visibility of the menubar disabled for the native menu bar. - UI.QTStarter: Qt Style and StyleSheets are temporary added, before full implementation of the custom look and fill control by itself. Icon of the system tray and the main selection dialog appended for the custom project icon by its identifier. - UI.Vision: Main window of the runtime mode set to readjust at the user change. Main menu of the main window of the runtime mode set to the not disabling mode. 2017-12-27 Roman (stable) - FIX:DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: doc.{docGasNodeDayA,docGasNodeMonthA} Fix the summary document generation data for the account hour 0. - SYS:*.spec,debian/*.links: Final switch straight links from "openscada_start" to "openscada". - SYS.{Mess,DAQ,Archives,Transports}: Expand for subsystem specific unloading by implement the function unload() for cleaner complex OpenSCADA projects switch. - SYS: "EmptySt" renamed to "InitSt" as the initial station by default. - FIX:DAQ.DAQGate: Fix for attributes in EVAL for the stopped and disabled modes. - !!!!:UI.QTStarter: Expanded for close (windows) and starting into the system tray. !!!!: Significantly revised for the interface fully creation into the Qt events loop of exec() and WinControl functions moved to the StApp descendant of QApplication. Menu of QTStarter with the Qt modules list was unified as the static storage of the actions for extending menus and toolbars of windows of the Qt modules and the system tray icon. Set icon of the QTStarter dialog to one of the actual project. - !!:FIX:UI.Vision: Maximising, Full-screen, return to the original size of the runtime windows of the visual projects made true and unified at last. 2017-12-22 Roman (stable) - !!:FIX:DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: flb_doc.getVal fix for wrong archivators work out. - FIX:SYS: FIX:openscada.spec: Fixed for building on %_vendor == "redhat" and oscada_plc.xml appended beside oscada_server.xml. FIX:*: Some build warnigs are fixed. *: Unwrapping all the shortcuts "(sec)" to ", seconds". !!:XMLNodeObj,XMLNode: Full children clear set from the end for much speed up. Changelog: Some messages are fixed. Some original help messages fixed. Add debug counters clean up into unload(). - DB: Spare configuration area of the table object "/prm/cfg" removed. - FIX:Archive.DBArch: Appended by wrong archives pass of the values. - FIX:Archive.FSArch: Archive files multiple pack-unpack prevented. - DB.SQLite: Requests "BEGIN;" and "COMMIT;" moved under the critical section "connRes". - Protocol.HTTP: mNoFull renamed to mNotFull. - !!:Transport.{Sockets,SSL,Serial}: Output transports were appended by the responsible time measurement in the Debug mode. - !!:FIX:UI.QTCfg: Prevent error messages at resizing and make it after 0.5s. !!:FIX: Fix vertical scalable widgets "Tables" and "Lists" by their placing at the end of the widgets stack. 2017-12-16 Roman (stable) - DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: servProc.docOffLine appended by the documents Modules/{Quick_start,How_to}(without Ukrainian still) for the offline documentaion list. - DB.AGLKS.vca: Table "prj_AGLKS_incl" clear from spare records with "ATTRS"='' from old versions of OpenSCADA. - DB.Boiler.St: Table "prj_kotel9_incl" clear from spare records with "ATTRS"='' from old versions of OpenSCADA. - !:DOC: "Program Manual" continued to revision ongoing of it translation to Ukrainian. Appended by Modules/{Quick_start,How_to}(without Ukrainian still). - !!:FIX:SYS,UI.QTStarter: The new project manager adapted to lighter reloading at the projects switching in way of holding UI.QTStarter that fix some Qt configurations exactly for Maemo and seems for Android. Then the reloading performs now on the subsystems level with holding some modules. FIX: Checking filesystem items of projects for presence some fixed. - !!!!:SYS: Switch to the new projects manager: - for desktop files: openscada.desktop, openscada_AGLKS.desktop, openscada_Boiler.desktop; - initial scripts of the daemon mode: debian/openscada-server.init; - new configuration files of the projects "server" and "plc" of the daemon mode and their appending to debian and RPM packages, for: oscada_server.xml, oscada_plc.xml; old direct configurations of this mode must be in function; - the default configuration file oscada.xml moving to the exclusively projects initial configuration where only module ui_QTStarter.so allowed to a project fast selection; - the projects managing external script openscada-proj adapted to create projects' folders at their configuration file only availability, mostly for the daemon mode projects "server" and "plc"; -the old project manager script openscada_start left to the compatibility of the early created *.desktop links. - !!:FIX:SYS.*: Full switch to cmdOpt() from getCmdOpt() and some command-line options ongoing processing fix from early direct using of the system function: --messlev, --modPath. - !!!!:FIX:SYS: XMLNode fixed from spare string size reserving in encoding of the serialization which caused to its performance significant degradation especially on big trees. It must significant rise overall performance in network interaction by XML. - SYS.*: Unwrapping all the shortcuts "(s)" to ", seconds". - SYS: Redundancy appended by the maximum value of measuring of the processing time. - Archives.*: Values and messages archivators appended by the maximum value of measuring of the processing. - DAQ.AMRDevs: Finish of translation to German. - !!:Transport.*: Appended by measurement of the current and maximum time of requesting to protocol, in the "Debug (0)" mode. - !!:UI.QTStarter: Set holded at reloading by signal SIGUSR2 of projects reloading. Self menu for other modules made single one and placed also into property "menuStarterAddr" of the application main object. Made some optimal for busy screen devices like Nokia N900. - !!:FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Document processing tasks closing at executions prevented by these executions processing. !!: Different big (from the main task of the session) perioded widgets processing adapted to execution into different phases then to make the main task loading plainer and lesser at all. - !!FIX:UI.Vision: Runtime menu creation moved to whole mode that is full creation at needs and full clearing at not needs, for prevent the menu show at its inactive mode into some environments like Maemo and Unity. In that menu creation there is used the property "menuStarterAddr" of the QTStarter menu from the main object of the application. 2017-12-08 Roman (stable) - DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: DevLib.Nik2303I improved for natural termination criterion checking by Ruslan Yarmoliuk <rylio74@gmail.com>. servProc.docOffLine appended by the documents Modules/{BFN(without Ukrainian still),SoundCard,SMH2Gi} for the offline documentaion list. - DB.AGLKS.St: A preconfigured sound controler object of DAQ.SoundCard set to "default". - !:DOC: Appended by Modules/{BFN(without Ukrainian still),SoundCard,SMH2Gi}. - !!!!:SYS,UI.QTStarter: Built-in manager of projects of OpenSCADA implementation is finished for: - implementing of the platform specific placed to the script openscada-proj which also can be used independently and supports commands: list, proc, create, remove; - directory of user projects set configurable by a command-line argument --projUserDir; - multiple start preventing implemented by functions prjLockUpdPer(), prjLock() and a command-line argument --projLock; - icons and statuses added to prolect's items of the list of selection; - the actual project manager in a BASH script yet allowed but it will be switched to the new built-in at next turn-commit and currently you can see it simple call "openscada". - SYS: Command-line option --coreDumpAllow replaced by --noCoreDump to generate core dumps by default. - SYS,DAQ.{BlockCalc,DAQGate},Protocol.{ModBus,OPC_UA,UserProtocol},UI.VCAEngine: State lablel "Enable" renamed to "Enabled". - !!:FIX:DAQ.SoundCard: Significant revised and fixed for work with the real hardware and virtual ones like PulseAudio and tested on sample rates up to 192000. - FIX:UI.WebVision: Calendar dialog closing fixed and set at the clear timeout also and set it to 10 seconds. 2017-12-02 Roman (stable) - FIX:UI.QTStarter: Fix build for Qt5 in the main thread. - FIX:DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: servProc.docOffLine appended by the documents Modules/{Vision(without Ukrainian still),WebCfgD,WebCfg,WebVision,WebUser} for the offline documentaion list. - !!!!:DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: DevLib is appended by implementing of electricity counters Nik2303I from Ruslan Yarmoliuk <rylio74@gmail.com>. - !:DOC: Appended by Modules/{Vision(without Ukrainian still),WebCfgD,WebCfg,WebVision,WebUser}. - SYS: Default DB of the config file oscada.xml changed to the same config file, mostly to prevent empty DB files creation at initial configurations. - !!!!:SYS,UI.QTStarter: Initial support of projects OpenSCADA was added in way of which there appended: - strEncode() expanded by the mode "ToLower" for conversion to lower register; - command-line options preloading and direct access-modification by a new function cmdOpt(). - subsystem's modules unloading by unload(); - stopping by user's signals into stop(), where SIGUSR2 reserved for projects switching; - projects managing core functions: prjCustMode(), prjNm(), prjSwitch(); - UI.QTStarter: list of projects of OpenSCADA for controlled switching from initial (only a project selection) or other project; - the actual project manager in a BASH script yet allowed and here left to implement: RW projects copy, new projects creation at template, locking from multiple starting of single project. - DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: "Compile error ..." information expanded by the function ID. - !:FIX:UI.Vision: State of opened windows appended by their users. Main dialogs of the developing mode size and splitter's properties storing and restoring were added. Qt > 5.3 fix for wrong QAbstractTableModel::sibling() implementation by it reverting to QAbstractItemModel implementation. 2017-11-25 Roman (stable) - FIX:DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: servProc.docOffLine appended by the documents Modules/{VCAEngine(without Ukrainian still),QTStarter,QTCfg,FLibSYS,SystemTests,FLibMath,FLibComplex1} for the offline documentaion list. - !:DOC: "Program Manual" continued to revision ongoing of it translation to Ukrainian. Appended by Modules/{VCAEngine(without Ukrainian still),QTStarter,QTCfg,FLibSYS,SystemTests,FLibMath,FLibComplex1}. - !:DB.SQLite: Journals removing before open any DB was added. - !!:DAQ.{BlockCalc,DAQGate,DCON,LogicLev,Siemens,System}: The deprecated attribute "Clock period (ms)" removed. - Special.SystemTests: Some original messages fixed. - UI.{QTCfg,Vision}: Main window (developing for Vision) size and splitter's properties storing and restoring were added. - UI.QTCfg: Pages refresh at vertical size changing was added. Stop for cyclic refreshing at wait dialog termination was added before same termination. 2017-11-17 Roman (stable) - FIX:DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: LowDevLib.BME280 next some fixed by Arcadiy Kisel. FIX: servProc.wacko2media appended for processing "__", "!!(color)!!" and fixed for unpaired paddings before list symbol " *". servProc.docOffLine appended by the documents Modules/{ICP_DAS,Siemens,DiamondBoards,Comedi} for the offline documentaion list. The execution limit next risen to 240 seconds. - DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: Main.cntrPaspExt expanded to parameter name into the title. - !:DOC: "Program Manual" continued to revision ongoing of it translation to Ukrainian. Appended by Modules/{ICP_DAS,Siemens,DiamondBoards,Comedi}. - SYS: --enable-QtMainThrd set conditional in it default value that is "yes" for Qt5 and "no" for Qt4. - FIX:Archive.FSArch: Translation to German some fixed by Oleksiy Bondarchuk. - !!:FIX:DAQ.{DCON,ModBus,Siemens}: Mutex objects "enRes" and "reqRes" set to recursive ones by Alexey Bondarchuk. - Special.SystemTests: The name and description some expanded. - !!:FIX:UI.Vision: Main window restored for correct title into the runtime mode. !!:FIX: View "Text" of the primitive "FormEl" is fixed for crashes at placing on external windows of the runtime mode. Spare Mutex Objects removed from the object "UserStBar". 2017-11-14 Roman (stable) - FIX:DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: LowDevLib.BME280 fixed from SYS.Transport.SerialnodeAt(). - !!:SYS.TConfig: Prevented from recursive entry to cfgChange() by a flag mInCfgCh. - FIX:SYS.Security: Prcessing of plain passwords storing was fixed for hashe's salt limit in 8 symbols. - FIX:Transport.Serial: SPI_MODE_0 using set to a direct number "0" but some environments miss the definition. 2017-11-10 Roman (stable) - !!:DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: servProc.docOffLine appended by the document Modules/SNMP for the offline documentaion list. The execution limit risen to 180 seconds. All templates of the library "LowDevLib" fixed for connection to a transport using nodeAt(). The templates libary "LowDevLib" appended by a new template "BME280" of the chip BME280 support implementation from Arcadiy Kisel. - !:DOC: "Program Manual" started to revision ongoing of it translation to Ukrainian. Appended by Modules/SNMP. - SYS,DAQ.SNMP: Some original messages were fixed. - SYS.Function: Number of manual calculations of internal procedures set to 1 again, by default. - SYS.Security: In hashed passwords their allowed to store in plain, mostly for the storages which are primarily in edition. - !!:Transport.Serial: Expanded for initial support the bus "SPI". - UI.{VCAEngine,Vision}: Deleted widgets from inherited containers resoring was added at alike widget creation try, instead incomprehensible messages. That is the first service used the warnings mechanism of the control interfase of OpenSCADA! 2017-11-03 Roman (stable) - !!!!:DOC: OpenSCADA switched to a new scheme of the project off-line documentation forming directly from the project Wiki just by the OpenSCADA procedure "docOffLine" execution. Then folders doc/{en,uk,ru} of the source texts tree of the project were cleaned from previous old documentation in PDF and generated for a new one in HTML. The new off-line documentation is not a completed one and will be appended in way of readiness of the documentation sorce on Wiki of the project! - !!!!:DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: The part of low level devices of the parameters template "DevLib" disjoined into a different library "LowDevLib" and the remained part was mostly updated and translated. JavaLikeCalc library "Service procedures(servProc)" appended by the function "wacko2media" of Wiki syntax convertion from WackoWiki to MediaWiki and by the function "docOffLine" of the project offline documentation generation from the project Wiki. - !:SYS: Original messages of the program core some updated and number of calculations of internal procedures set to 1, by default. - !:SYS,UI.{QTCfg,QTStarter,Vision}: Off-line documentation call adapted to the new new scheme of the project off-line documentation forming. - !!!:SYS.XMLNodeObj: Appended by an user API function getElementsBy() of XML nodes list obtaining by tag name or some attribute value. - SYS.TArrayObj: arSet() adapted to the array end appending by a negative index. - !!:FIX:SYS.XMLNode: Unified and fixed in serialization to XHTML for: preventing self-finished tags for "script", "div; preventing of symbols "'" and '"' encoding into text (also for generic XML); UTF8 symbol 0xA0 encoding to " ". - !!:FIX:Archive.FSArch: Some messages expanded for more information. Name of objects of archive files moved under resource by using MtxString. Added checking and clearing for zero archive files. Buffers of archivation of messages and of info-files of values set safer, for possible random data reading. Checking for parameters of value archives added to prevent crashes at wrong ones of deep broken archives. - DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Original messages some updated. - FIX:UI.QTCfg: Prevented from high load at the respond waiting progress dialog. 2017-10-21 Roman (stable) - !!!!:DB.LibsDB.{OscadaLibs,vcaBase}: JavaLikeCalc.Controllers.prescr and Main.{prescrEdit,prescrRun,prescrRunSimple} expanded for backgrounded steps support and some fixes about pauses. - FIX:UI.Vision: View "CheckBox" of the primitive "FormEl" processing fixed for signals preventing at set value from the model. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Attribute "var{X}val" of the primitive "Text" set to translated for strings. 2017-10-11 Roman (stable) - SYS,DAQ.{MMS.libMMS,OPC_UA.libOPC_UA}: After adaption to build for OpenWrt and with uCLibC, resourcesAllow true checking some changed but it has yet problems with Automake 1.9. - FIX:SYS.Mess: {mLang2CodeBase,mLang2Code} moved under the data resource. Strings' encoding disabled for language "C" and the encoding "ASCII". - FIX:SYS.Security: Fixed for crash on try login at not initiated empty password with its hashing support. Functions crypt_r() and crypt() processing was added. - Special.FLibSYS: Function str2real() moved to use s2r(). 2017-10-06 Roman (stable) - SYS: In way of adaption to build for OpenWrt and with uCLibC there was made: - resourcesAllow true checking for build without the resources (folders "data" and "doc"), mostly by problems at "automake" here execution; - librt checking changed from the function clock_gettime() to clock_nanosleep(); - for libcrypt checking there used function "crypt"; - including <stdarg.h> to src/tmess.h; - checking for __UCLIBC__ into TUser::auth(); - iconv buffer set to "const char *". - SYS,UI.QTStarter: Word "system" mostly replaced by the word "program". - !!!!:SYS,DAQ.{AMRDevs,FastWel,ICP_DAS,SMH2Gi}: A self implementation was added and used for the function atof() and strtod() in the function TSYS::str2real() and its shortcut s2r() and for understand both radix symbols of float point value that is "." and ",". That doing was made in way of switching to native LC_NUMERIC value but here yet present other problems: scanf() for floats and external environments work, like JavaScript of WWW. - DAQ.{MMS.libMMS,OPC_UA.libOPC_UA}: Function TSYS::str2real() and its shortcut s2r() placed and used to the independent library. - FIX:SYS: Call for online documentation fixed for the main page "Documents/". - SYS,Transport: Offset part in left added to binaries decoding by the argument's value "<text>". - FIX:SYS.XMLNode: Encoding UTF code 0xA0 to " " replaced to " " but " " caused errors on pure XML (not XHTML), observed on UI.WebCfgD. - DAQ.BlockCalc: Attributes description format some rewrote. - !!:Special.FLibSYS: VArch::set() expanded for single value writing to the archivator of the archive. - UI.{QTCfg,WebCfgD}: Scalable items set optimal for vertical fitting, but straight increasing per 5 pixels too slow on some graphical environments like virtual machines and VNC. - FIX:UI.{VCAEngine,Vision,WebVision}: Adapted to mark service commands, like primitive's "Diagram" tracing", to "noUser" and doesn't perform updating UserActTm on their. 2017-09-23 Roman (stable) - SYS.DB: Height of the field of the SQL requests decreased to 2 rows. - SYS: Binaries decoding expanded by the argument's value "<text>" for text field in right forming. - FIX:SYS: Call for online documentation fixed for correct translation of opened document's page and for some pages: "Documents/Program_manual". - !!!!:SYS.Transports,Transports.*: Generic IO log for both input and output transports was added into the core and all transport modules. Resource lock object nRes renamed to assTrRes, its type changed to ResMtx and function nodeRes() removed for the input transport object. Manual requests result of the output transports in binary mode switched to the new variant "<text>". - Protocol.ModBus: Resource object nodeRes() (nRes) replaced by the system one dataRes(). - Protocol.SelfSystem: Some renamed. - Archive.FSArch,Protocol.{ModBus,HTTP},UI.{QTCfg,QTStarter,Vision,WebVision},Special.SystemTests: Some source codes cleaned. 2017-09-14 Roman (stable) - FIX:SYS: Disable wrong DB.LDAP building for all Debian based. - DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: export="1" for all documents with values was added. - SYS: Checking for ldap.h for module DB.LDAP was added. - SYS: data/debian/control: Appended by a commented dependency for libldap2-dev. - !:SYS,UI.{QTCfg,QTStarted,Vision}: The online documentation call was switched for call ones from the new Wiki but some pages are not allowed here now before them moving. - !!:DB: Tables' content display set to configurable limited, by default it is 100 rows. - FIX:SYS.TRegExp fix in function match(), for hang and crash prevent. - !!:DB.{SQLite,MySQL,PostgreSQL,FireBird}: Preloading of fieldSeek() set limited on 100 records, for long unterminated hangs prevent. - UI.QTCfg: Shorted long helps for ToolTips were appended by "Shift+F1". - UI.WebCfgD: Adapted to hierarchical help pages, for symbol "/" encoding. 2017-09-08 Roman (stable) - !!:DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: doc.docGasNodeMgn fixed for the table title. - !!!!:DB: A new module LDAP was added. 2017-08-25 Roman (stable) - !!!!:SYS.Transports,Transports.*,DAQ.{AMRDevs,DCON,MMS,OPC_UA,SMH2Gi,Siemens,ICP_DAS,FT3},Protocol.{ModBus,HTTP,SelfSystem,UserProtocol}: The generic accessing lock of the outgoing transport was moved to mutex and the argument "noRes" was removed from the function messIO() to prevent from unexpected outcomes from the critical section of requests. - DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: The template base.gasPoint was expanded for connection to a real diaphragm. - !!:DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: doc.{docGasNodeDayA,docGasNodeMgn,docGasNodeDayOrder} was adapted to generic nodes link as a template and the translations were fixed. All documents of the library "Documents" were some updated and their procedures were set to not translated. - FIX:DB.Model.AGLKS.{St,vca}: Generic flow-account node was linked to diphragm PP1 of the model of the technological process AGLKS both for the DAQ object and its documents. - SYS.TFunction: Expanded by a field language for functions lang(), setLang(). OpenSCADA control items from "/tr/langs" of the tab "Translation" of the main page were moved to permition RWRW__. - DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Expanded in translation command tr() for set and use force language. - !:Protocol.HTTP: Expanded by a list of users allowed for auth. - !!!!:Transport.{SSL,Sockets}.out: Transport's functional lock of resources was merged with reqRes(). - Transport.Serial.out: Input buffer clear set to double one and moved closer before same writing. - !!:UI.VCAEngine: Next level of improving of dynamic messages translation for requesting user and language: into primitive "Document" and its procedure, session attributes. !: Added control for user action by its last action time. Appended by user functions of the session space: reqTm(), reqUser(), reqLang(), userActTm(). FIX: Restored for values and configurations translation of user's attributes. - !!: UI.Vision: Added control for the runtime user by a visualizer specific attribute "userSetVis" of the main page and by expanding of the user's status widget and the selection dialog. 2017-08-18 Roman (stable) - FIX:DB.Model.AGLKS.vca: Signal objects KM101 name translation was also fixed. - !!!!:SYS,DB.*,DAQ.{BFN,BlockCalc,JavaLikeCalc,LogicLev,ModBus},Protocol.{ModBus,OPC_UA,UserProtocol},UI.VCAEngine: The flag TCfg::TransltText was moved to TFld::TransltText and used instead TFld::NoStrTransl also which removed. - !!!!:FIX:SYS,*: The dynamic messages translation mostly finished and expanded after gettext adaption to the dynamic messages translation: !!: Gettext translation was expanded by language selection different from system one into functions TMess::I18N(), TMess::I18Ns() and their moving to not static ones, TModule::I18N(). !!:*,UI.VCAEngine: Functions set of the dynamic translation was expanded for complex translation by pointed language and user next; by functions: trLU(), TMess::translGetLU(), trSetLU(), TMess::translSetLU(). !!: The OpenSCADA control interface was expanded by generic attribute "lang" additional to "user" one for the dynamic messages language checking firstly. FIX: The config file accessing functions were fixed and closely adaptred to the dynamic messages translation. !!:TModule,DAQ.JavaLikeCalc,Special.SystemTests,UI.{QTCfg,QTStarter,VCAEngine,Vision,WebCfg,WebCfgD,WebUser,WebVision}: modInfo(): expanded for name syntax "{NAME}[:{lng}]" and request for information translation in pointed language. TModule: Twice translation try was disabled for modules - first is self and second is from core. FIX:DB.{SQLite,MySQL,PostgreSQL,FireBird}: Dynamic messages translation saving was fixed for not base languages. !!!!:Protocol.HTTP,UI.{WebUser,WebVision}: Expanded for multi-languages interface by: URL parameter "lang", auth user's language, Web browser's language. Templates also set to support multilanguage. !!!!:UI.Vision: Mostly adapted to system menus and dialogs dynamic messages translation of the run-time interface. Left untranslated only Qt-internal messages which unallowed to dynamic translation and without all system locale changing! 2017-08-05 Roman (stable) - DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: Main.TextLab adapted for only color dynamic control. doc.{docGasNodeDayA,docGasNodeMonthA} significant expanded for new methods, to control archivator and the report hour. - DB.LibsDB.vcaElectroEls: Expanded by new widgets: Transformer (tr), Transformer (tr1), Switch (sw). - FIX:DB.Model.AGLKS.vca: Signal objects KM102, KM201, KM202, KM301, KM302 name translation was fixed. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Improper pages closing was fixed for multiple container pages. 2017-07-28 Roman (stable) - !!:DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: flb_doc.{getVal,sumVal,averVal} were significant cleaned, rewrote and expanded but with back compatibility saving. - !!:FIX:DB.LibsDB.vcaElectroEls: Significant clearing and full translation were finished. Procedure of the item "Key" was fixed. - Archives: Tabs "Messages archive" and "Value archives" of the control page were renamed to "Messages" and "Values" respectively. - !!!!:FIX:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: The resource fRes() dead locking was prevented after the wrong optimization. - FIX:UI.QTCfg: Function ConfApp::pageDisplay() double call sometime was prevented. - UI.WebVision: The source code was some cleared. 2017-07-21 Roman (stable) - SYS: "langinfo.h" and "syscall.h" were set for conditional one, initially for Android original NDK. __ANDROID_API__ getting was added to deep control for conditions of Android, initially it is for pthread_condattr_setclock(). - !:UI.Vision: Working without printers by QT_NO_PRINTER was added, initially it is for Qt 5.8 on CrystaxNDKr10. 2017-07-14 Roman (stable) - !!:DB.LibsDB.vcaElectroEls: Significant cleared and expanded. Will be continued to finish the cleaning and translation. - UI.VCAEngine: Limit of the generic attributes "geomXsc" and "geomYsc" was expanded from [0.1:100] to [0.01:100]. - FIX:UI.Vision: ID of copying and moving widgets was set to encode for TSYS::oscdID to prevent errors here for wrong symbols. FIX:Included widgets resizing and moving in the developing mode by keyboard were fixed for mouse cursor position changing even to the widget's changes. !!!:FIX: Main window maximising and opening to full-screen were fixed to prevent the operations by the visualizer specific attribute "runWin" working only from the master page. The main window size was set to fit the master page size after return from maximising or the full-screen and opening in the original size. - FIX:UI.WebVision: Text of buttons into the custom mode was fixed for next line symbol "\n" and words breaking at overflow by CSS property "word-break". 2017-07-05 Roman (stable) - FIX:DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: doc.docMessRep was final fixed for filtering by level, for all languages. - FIX:DB.LibsDB.vcaElectroEls: Fixed for procedures of the last items: "stGen", "stGen1", "conBus". - SYS.acinclude.m4: Macro AX_PTHREAD was updated to last version. - SYS:Changelog: Significant cleaned in process of releasing 0.8.18 LTS. - SYS,DAQ.OPC_UA.libOPC_UA: ieee754.h included to adapt for float point in IEEE754. - DAQ.{LogicLev,ModBus}: Values size of the stored attributes of the logical parameters expanded from 200 to 1000000. - FIX:DAQ.LogicLev: Fixed for uninitiated access to "err(f_err)" attribute into the debug mode. - FIX:{DAQ,Protocol}.ModBus: The extended type "String" was fixed to ModBus register's natural order in "BigEndian", seen on Sycon Instruments STM-3. FIX:Syntax highlighting was fixed for four digits-registers for extended types "_u4", "_d". - UI.QTCfg: Binary data representation changed to view "B[{ByteStream}]". - FIX:UI.{Vision,WebVision}: Some original messages were fixed. - UI.Vision: Items visibility were restored for editing widget and for: "VisItClear", "VisItChDown", "VisItProp". 2017-06-30 Roman (stable) - SYS:data/{debian,debian_mod}/control: Build with MariaDB as a variant of MySQL was added. - SYS:Changelog: Significant cleaned in process of releasing 0.8.18 LTS. - FIX:DAQ.DAQGate: Was finally fixed and tested for hierarchical parameters processing for levels more at 2. - SYS.Transport.SSL: The method "SSLv2" was finally removed but it is not secured and fully removed from OpenSSL 1.1. - UI.QTStarter: A first module starting at empty list of started modules was disabled. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: The translations were some fixed. - FIX:UI.Vision: Images of primitive "Media" clean at an empty string set was added. - FIX:UI.WebCfgD: Table of the table items wrong indent was fixed. - FIX:UI.WebVision: Scale dimension was increased to 3 digits after dot for correct scaling to big screen. 2017-06-23 Roman (stable) - DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: doc.docMessRep was fixed for filtering by level. - DB.LibsDB.vcaTest: test.gen was decreased to fit the cadre into project AGLKS. - FIX:DB.Model.AGLKS.vca: The project was fixed for "frame" removing from pasport's widget. - SYS: An command-line option "lang" was added, initially for Android. Generic integration to call from Android JNI finished. - SYS.SSL,Transport.SSL: Symbol for checking SSL library changed to "SSL_free" but SSL_library_init missed on OpenSSL 1.1. The method "SSLv2" was removed (commented) but it is not secured and fully removed from OpenSSL 1.1. - SYS: Values' (attributes of parameters of DAQ) info were appended by state "Read only". - FIX:DAQ.DAQGate: Was fixed for hierarchical parameters processing for levels more at 2. Expanded for allow write to configure's attributes "NAME" and "DESCR". - UI.{VCAEngine,Vision,WebVision}: An attribute "mult" was added to view "List" of the primitive "FormEl" to able multiple lines selection. 2017-06-21 Roman (test) - DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: Main_io.cntrPaspExt was expanded for: full-frame mode of "View" at other modes hide, hidden attributes list support into "hideAttrs", removing "frame". - FIX:SYS: Qt checking macro was fixed for Qt4 checking before. - SYS: TMess::getUTF8() function was added and used for UTF-8 symbols detect into XMLNode::encode(). - FIX:Transport.out: User API function messIO() was expanded for return string type everywhere. - !!!:XMLNode: User API function text() was expanded by argument "full" for all child's texts combine. Functions save() and saveNode() set to constant ones. !!!: The serializer was expanded to true check for UTF-8 symbols and " " processing in function encode(). !!: The parser was expanded for entity " " processing on UTF-8. - DAQ.DAQGate: Size of the configuration field STATIONS was decreased to two rows. - !!!:UI.QTCfg: Scalable vertically items were finished to implement their true fitting for: texts, tables and lists. 2017-06-16 Roman (stable) - DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: Icons of views of the main page were restored to opaque but not in full size, for buttons' background seeing. - DB.LibsDB.vcaElectroEls: Was appended by some new items. - FIX:SYS,DAQ.JavaLikeCalc,Protocol.{ModBus,UserProtocol}: Some original massages were fixed. - Protocol.{ModBus,UserProtocol},UI.WebUser: Expanded for tracing and notification for program's changing. - UI.QTCfg: Text items size was fixed. - UI.QTStarter: Splash ensuring was disabled for Qt starting not into main thread. - FIX:UI.Vision: Separator "\n" was set for encoding by TSYS::base64 to storages. FIX:Opening to developing windows fitting was set conditional for an active and maximised window miss but there has a problem in Qt. - UI.WebCfgD: Acknowledgement buttons of text items moved to left, for big screens. - UI.WebVision: Switched to use filters for display inactive images into buttons. 2017-06-09 Roman (stable) - !!!:FIX:SYS: A new configure option --with-qt5 was added for Qt5 forcely checking and using. A new configuration option --enable-QtMainThrd was added to switch the module UI.QTStarter for working in main thread of the program. A new configuration option --disable-CoreLibVersion was added to disable version of the core library. Android messages support was added. Modules separator of option "ModDir" of OpenSCADA was changed to ';'. FIX: The function TSYS::sysTm() was set adaptive one for the task "SYS_HighPriority" execution. - DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Entry to procedures of the module set more optimal by direct locking the critical section. - FIX:DAQ.LogicLev: The parameter's debug mode was disabled for passive modes (f_err is EVAL) of the parameters but the debug message accumulates into the attribute "err". - !!!:Protocol.HTTP,UI.{WebUser,WebVision}: ACL support was added to control access and visibility of items of indexes of Web resources. - FIX:UI.QTCfg: sizeHint() and minimumSizeHint() processing was fixed. - !!!!:FIX:UI.QTStarter: Two modes of execution Qt were added, first is old one into different thread (by default) and second is new one into main thread (by the configure option -enable-QtMainThrd). FIX: Splash set to passive one for second mode. - UI.WebVision: Font of title of the child's windows was set to 12pt. 2017-06-02 Roman (stable) - !!!!:DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: DevLib is appended by implementing of electricity counters Mercury 200 and 230 from Arsen Zakojan <godzilla919@gmail.com>. - FIX:DB.Model.AGLKS.vca: Fixed for a spare horizontal line. - !!!:FIX:SYS.ModSchedule: Modules closing at exit was set to all the modules closing firstly and next all the module's libraries unlinking. For fix like to WebKit crashes at exit. !!!: Modules scanning procedure was expanded by the module's name template into the end of the path, mostly for Android where all libraries place into one folder. Function ScanDir() and CheckFile() were renamed to dirScan() and fileCheck() respectively. - !!!!:FIX:SYS: Some original messages were fixed. !!!!: The system core in generic expanded for support main thread monopoly modules, like Qt GUI main thread into QtStarter. Generic service calls moved to a different thread "SYS_Service". The main function main() appended to OpenSCADA core library for builds for Android. - FIX:DAQ.ModBus: Managing of duplicate attributes of the standard parameter was fixed. - FIX:Special.FLibComplex1: The translation was some fixed. - !!!!: UI.QTStarter: Moved to Qt execution into the main thread by main thread monopoly modules mechanism of OpenSCADA core. - UI.VCAEngine: Links checking for activity was added to the dynamic linking mechanism. - FIX:UI.Vision: Icons setting of internal windows moved before the window show, for the development mode. - FIX:UI.WebVision: The property "wordWrap" of primitive "Text" support was added. 2017-05-26 Roman (stable) - DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: A new cadre "Main.alarmsAct" of table of active alarms is added and used into main page of the project AGLKS. A new cadre "doc.docMessRep" of unified protocol of messages is added and used into the project "archBrowser". The generic page implementing expanded by buttons of views hide at pages miss here. The project "archBrowser" moved to an unmodified main page, graphics group "grpGraph10" using and a new cadre "doc.docMessRep" appending to generic messages observe. Translation some updated. - FIX:Archive.FSArch: Fix for translation. - FIX:UI.Vision: Fixed for opened to edition widgets size on big screens. 2017-05-19 Roman (stable) - DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: Main.objProps adapted to the first column hide. - Archive.{DBArch,FSArch},DAQ.LogicLev: Some original messages were fixed. - !!!:Archive.FSArch: Expanded for INFO files store into a standalone DB file of SQLite into the archivator's folder. - FIX:UI.WebVision: Borders and transparent backgrounds processing was fixed. Spaces processing for primitive "Text" was set to "white-space: pre-wrap". 2017-05-12 Roman (stable) - !!:FIX:DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: Main.RootPgSo some fixed for the combobox with the allowed for directly select pages. FIX: Main page of the project "archBrowser" expanded for the combobox with the allowed for directly select pages. !!:Projects "tmplSO" and "archBrowser" were switched to the extended pasport of the standard parameters. The external pasport (Main.cntrPaspExt) adapted some to display by UI.WebVision. - !!:DB.ModelsDB.{AGLKS.vca.db,Boiler.St.db}: The Project was switched to the extended pasport of the standard parameters. - FIX:DAQ.DAQGate: Requests were fixed after moving to different station. - FIX:DAQ.System: Some warnings from Valgrind were fixed. - !!!!:FIX:Transport.SSL: Fixed into client's part for correct free which caused for crashes and blockings. !!!!: Wide tested on browsers Chrome, FireFox; for file handlers free and into Valgrind. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Some original messages were fixed. - UI.Vision: The view "Table" of the primitive "FormEl" was expanded for field "width" equal to 0 processing to hide the column. - UI.WebCfgD: The navigation tree and dialogs forming were some improved. - !!!!:FIX:UI.WebVision: View "Tree" of the primitive "FormEl" implemented. FIX: Dialogs, small built-in windows, forming was some fixed and improved. FIX: System context menu oppressed for active widgets. FIX: View "Table" expanded for columns hide by field "width" equal to 0 and the selection loss was prevented. 2017-05-05 Roman (stable) - DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: Main.RootPgSo expanded by yet one pages navigation element that is combobox with the allowed for directly select pages. - SYS: The generic node was expanded by a user API function "messSys". - !!:FIX:Transport.SSL: Fixed for SSL_free() missing and variables "ctx", "ssl", "conn" clean at second start, into the output part. - !!:FIX:UI.WebCfgD: The "Table" element processing for big content was some improved and fixed for key items edition. 2017-04-21 Roman (stable) - UI.WebVision: Items edition implemented for the view "Table" of the primitive "FormEl". 2017-04-14 Roman (stable) - DAQ.ModBus: Set for using ID at empty Name part of DAQ. - UI.WebVision: Active mode for selection for the view "Table" of the primitive "FormEl" implemented, Next task are edition of content of the cells of the table... 2017-04-07 Roman (stable) - SYS:configure.ac: Checking for "libintl" was changed for function "libintl_bindtextdomain" and checking for libiconv was moved before. - FIX:DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: Main.objProps fixed for checking to the write mode. - UI.Vision: X scaling used into result column width of the view "Table" of the primitive "FormEl". - UI.WebVision: Context display for view "Table" of the primitive "FormEl" mostly implemented. Next tasks are selection processing of items (cell, column, row)... 2017-04-02 Roman (stable) - SYS:configure.ac: Checking for LibGD was set combined with and next without PKG_CHECK_MODULES(pkg-config). - SYS:configure.ac: Fix for Fedora 12 - SYS:configure.ac: Checking for LibGD was moved to PKG_CHECK_MODULES(pkg-config) for proper static linking. - SYS: The environment variable HAVE_GD_CORE was renamed to HAVE_GD_FORCE. Checking for HAVE_CONFIG_H was added for "config.h". - DAQ.ICP_DAS,UI.{QTStarter,QTCfg,Vision,WebCfgD,WebVision}:Makefile.am: *_LIBADD was replaced to *_LDFLAGS. - FIX:UI.WebCfgD: Checking for "gd.h" was fixed. - FIX:UI.Vision: The primitive "FormEl" in view "Table" was fixed for properties of columns. 2017-04-01 Roman (stable) - DB.LibsDB.vcaTest.db: Tests collection cadre of primitive "FormEl" expanded for view "List" and "Table". - SYS:configure.ac: Checking for "linux/can.h" moved to same the module Transport.Sockets. Checking for "inux/serial.h" was added for the module Transport.Serial. Checking for LibGD was removed from the module UI.WebCfgD. The order of modules of the subsystem "Special" was set to the priority one. - SYS:acinclude.m4: LibGD checking macro was expanded for dependencies "-lpng -ljpeg -lfontconfig -lexpat -lfreetype" to allow the libraries linking statically. - FIX:SYS,DAQ.System: Some original messages were fixed. - Transport.SSL: Adpated to tmpnam() wrong placing into "/tmp/??" on Android. - FIX:Transport.Serial: Checking for "linux/serial.h" was added and for "linux/i2c-dev.h" was fixed. - FIX:UI.Vision: The primitive "FormEl" in view "Table" was fixed for properties of columns. - !!!:FIX:UI.WebVision: Expanded for view "Table" of the primitive "FormEl" initial implementation. Internal functions nodeText() and setNodeText() were replaced to "textContent". FIX: The view "Button" of the primitive "FormEl" was fixed for words wrap on Chrome browser. Views of "Combo box" and "List" of the primitive "FormEl" were made simplified. 2017-03-25 Roman (stable) - SYS:configure.ac: Test AX_LIB_OpenSSL() call fix for DAQ.OPC_UA. - SYS:configure.ac: String [0.9] of the replacing version of the OpenSCADA building fix. 2017-03-24 Roman (stable) - FIX:DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: wlb_Main.graphSelPrm fixed for linking "/DAQGate/..." and for current item's address correct display into the "prm_" prefix. - SYS:configure.ac,acinclude.m4: The source texts were mostly cleaned for the formation style and messages. - SYS:acinclude.m4,Special.FLibSYS: OpenSSL checking macro was expanded by the optional test "AX_LIB_OpenSSL_opt" and the tests were appended by the libcrypto checking. - SYS:configure.ac: Checking for spare header's files was removed. Checking macros of the modules OpenSCADA was placed into the importance order. - SYS: Some spare headers were removed from the source code. - SYS:TModSchedul: Adapted for optional pointing the core library name and path by the configure environment "CoreLibNmToDlOpen", on LibC variant Bionic of Android. - SYS:TSecurity: Support of the hashed passwords was expanded to use the locked function crypt() on crypt_r() miss. - FIX:DAQ.DCON: Include/builtin to the OpenSCADA core fixed. - FIX:DAQ.{LogicLev,Siemens,System}: Some originale messages were fixed. - DAQ.OPC_UA: Adapted to include/builtin into the OpenSCADA core. libOPC_UA: Needed parts of ieee754.h were moved to the file directly. - Special.FLibSYS: Description of the function dbReqSQL() was expanded. - Transport.SSL: The function getservbyname_r() was switched to getservbyname(), for Android. SSLv3_server_method() and SSLv3_client_method() functions were set to disabled by OPENSSL_NO_SSL3 definition. - !!!:FIX:UI.WebVision: Width of the popupmenu was fixed for context menus. FIX: Behavior of the primitive "Media" for not "Fit" mode was fixed to prevent the scale problems in way of full removing the tag <img>. Vertical alignment was added to images of the primitive. !!!: The views "Spin bar" and "Scroll bar" were implemented. The view "Scroll bar" is equal to "Spin bar" now. 2017-03-19 Roman (stable) - SYS:build: Into configure.ac the AC_CHECK_LIB was replaced by AC_SEARCH_LIBS mostly and the library "librt" checking was added. 2017-03-18 Roman (stable) - SYS:data/{debian,debian_mod}/rules: dh_compress was prevented from files of documentation in ODT compression also. - SYS: Some pre-adapting to Android by: build: The macro AX_PTHREAD was appended and used. AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE call was set shorter. Libraries were moved from their direct pointing into src/Makefile.am to checking, for: -lpthread, -lm, -ldl, -lcrypt, -lz, -lpcre Some messages into configure.ac were fixed. ResAlloc: Check and define "__GLIBC_PREREQ" to 1. pthread_condattr_setclock() disabled for Android as it missed. Needed parts of ieee754.h were moved to the file. Multi CPU management and pthread_attr_setinheritsched() were disabled for Android. Mess: Messages encoding was disabled for a charset "US-ASCII", it's default one on Android. Security: libcrypt checking was expanded for crypt.h. Transport.Sockets: The function getservbyname_r() switched to getservbyname() for Android. - DAQ.Siemens: "INCLUDES" was replaced by "daq_Siemens_la_CFLAGS" and "daq_Siemens_la_CXXFLAGS". - Special.FLibSYS: The user API function dbReqSQL() was moved to the features of the function SYS.BD["TypeDB"]["DB"].SQLReq(). - !!!:UI.WebVision: View "Line" of the primitive "FormEl" was expanded by the calendar dialog for date variants. Generic CSS properties moved to *.html file. Processing event of the wide combobox (list) was changed from "onchange" to "onclick" to the processing guaranty. Generic improvement. 2017-03-13 Roman (stable) - SYS:data/{debian,debian_mod}/rules: dh_compress prevented from files of documentation in PDF compression, to allow its using from UI.QTCfg mostly. - FIX:UI: docGet() is fixed at online documentation processing after the local one unsuccessful processing. 2017-03-12 Roman (stable) - FIX:UI.QTCfg: InputDlg wrong initialization on the previous commit fixed. 2017-03-11 Roman (stable) - UI.QTCfg: Fields "ID" and "NAME" of the node control dialog were set to the unlimited size for next these changing from inforamtion of the control interface. - !!:UI.WebVision: The visualizer specific attributes support was added through its activation. !!:Main page scaling to fit to the window of the browser allowed space was added, only to grow and with the aspect ratio control. !: Background of the primitives processing was moved to common and after the ones processing and the background transparency-opaque support was added by a separated block (div) creation with the opaque level. 2017-03-05 Roman (stable) - DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs.db: DevLib.1602A expanded to connect by I2C (PCF8574). - DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: Main.ElViewGraph expanded to the name "<No selected>" blink prevent and spare saving prevent once after the successful loading at start. - FIX:UI.WebVision: WebVisionVCA.html fix for its presence into EXTRA_DIST. 2017-03-04 Roman (stable) - FIX:UI.WebVision: Miss file WebVisionVCA.html placed to the source tree. 2017-03-03 Roman (stable) - SYS: The user API functions are appended by function utime() and mtime(). - !!:FIX:Archive: Fixed for checking for a proper archivator by its periodicity, which allow for correct selection archivators in periodicity more then one minute in graphics building. - !!:FIX:Archive.FSArch: Fixed for too long messages back reading and wrong messages reading was prevented at all. Function of archivators checking is fixed for correct processing of the capacity limit of the values archiving by the archives sorting to remove its files at maximum quantity. - !!!:UI.WebCfgD: Fitted to allowed space for scalable by vertical elements: texts, tables, lists. Border color of the input elements was changed to "gray". The structural class "SSess" was moved to strucure type. - !!:UI.WebVision: The XHTML part of page was moved to an separated file like the JavaScript one. All generic CSS rules were moved to the XHTML file. Moving to using pgCreator() was finished. pgCreator() was expanded for simple requests processing in local. The structural class "SSess" was moved to strucure type. 2017-02-26 Roman (stable) - SYS: data/openscada_start.in: workarounded for bug into "zenity", for sending selection items as "{item}|{item}" (observed on Ubuntu 14.04). - Archive.Value: User API functions were appended by setVal(). Direct writing to archives was expanded for all buffer's which aren't the buffer of archive. - FIX:DB.{.,SQLite,MySQL}: Some control items of OpenSCADA control interface were fixed for their permition. - DAQ: Some fields of the diagnostic request dialog are merged to single line, for controller object. - FIX:UI.{docGet(),QTCfg,QTStarter,Vision}: Force documents in background execution for online ones. Checking for online documents is disabled by it's can be long and wrong, then there use only links to default language pages (EN). Function rewrote for options as flags. - !!!:UI.WebCfgD: GD library was replaced by the CSS filters and set optional by --enable-LibGD. FIX: List items processing was fixed for ones without ID. Internal dialogs were expanded by drop shadow and a transparent background for disable access to the main area. Date fields were moved to a type "datetime-local" of the tag "input". Online documentation call was added. FIX: Elements merging into single line was fixed by CSS rule "white-space: nowrap;" but the constant was set to "white-space: normal;". Elements indent was set to "padding-left: 10px; text-indent: -10px;". Length of the number elements was set to the fixed one by 10 symbols. Item copy was expanded by it copy to its root through self. 2017-02-16 Roman (stable) - The ChangeLog significant cleared next. - FIX:Protocol.OPC_UA{*.libOPC_UA}: The resource "mtxData" added to object Server and used for the security channels container management. - Special.FLibSYS: The static function str2int() expanded for 64 bits. - Transport.Serial: Checking to present the header file linux/i2c-dev.h added to build on Linux distributives like SuSE. - FIX:UI.WebCfgD: List items were expanded for commands to empty list. Self dialogs were expanded for the main space locking and for a box shadow appendeding to them. 2017-02-11 Roman (stable) - DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: DevLib.{1W_DS9097,W_DS9097U}: Expanded by configuration property "tryEVAL" to manage spuriously connections loss. - The ChangeLog significant cleared. - SYS.TFunction: Spare attribute "mDimens" removed. - FIX:Archive.DBArch: The requested values area set to fill by EVAL before the real data reading to set holes by EVAL. Direct requesting for values criterion set for the period of requesting data to archive's one bigger at 10 times. - DB.=Tmpl=: The functions getVal() and setVal() set to the unified view. - DB.{FireBird,SQLite}: The function setVal() set to the unified view. - DAQ.AMRDevs: The configuration's file size limit for Kontar source set to USER_FILE_LIMIT(1048576 byte). - DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: The translation is appended some. - FIX:Protocol.=Tmpl=: Adapted to actual semantic of the function TProtIn::mess(). 2017-01-31 Roman (stable) - SYS: MtxString expanded by the object's constructor. - !!:FIX:DAQ.ModBus: ResString in whole replaced to MtxString. FIX:Attribute "addr" and "real" of the logic mode were placed to MtxString for prevent crashes on its modification at run. - UI.WebCfgD: New standard design some expanded and improved. - UI.WebVision: Primitive's "Text" and "FormEl.Button" set for "white-space: pre-line". 2017-01-27 Roman (stable) - DB.PostgreSQL: Statistic of control the activity and lags expanded by the maximum time request. - UI.QTCfg: The window title forming some changed. - !!!!:UI.WebCfgD: A new design created. Adapting to new HTTP call functions HTTP_GET, HTTP_POST and there is moving whole to the generic pages creator HTTP::pgCreator(). 2017-01-19 Roman (stable) - FIX:SYS: The message "Some tags on path '%s' are missed!" was fixed for the argument and rewrote to "Entry %d of the path '%s' is missed!" - SYS: The function TVarObj::AHDDisConnect() rewrote to prevent a messages into the lock section. - !!:DB.PostgreSQL: DB object expanded by a statistic to control the activity and lags. - DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Controller's object status was expanded by the maximum time of execution. - Protocol.HTTP: Source codes were appended by the user API function pgCreator() description. - FIX:Special.FLibSYS: Translation was fixed something. - !!!:FIX:UI.VCAEngine: FuncM resources lock set for a recursive to prevent dead locks. - FIX:UI.WebUser: Source code cleaned and the translation corrected. 2017-01-17 Roman (stable) - SYS.DB: Errors placing to result's Array attribute "err" from exceptions are added for user API function SQLReq(). - SYS.Module: modFunc() of declared functions pointer getting was expanded by no exceptional calls and a result. - !!!!:Protocol.HTTP: Significant unified into service pages creation by the single function pgCreator(). The function pgCreator() primarily implemented as an user API function of HTTP module's object for allow its using into WEB-submodules for self but single-style service pages. The main page's template splited from the generic template for allow absolutely custom main pages. !!!: External calls to the WEB submodules expanded by functions HTTP_GET(), HTTP_POST() with an argument TProtocolIn *iprt, but the old calls HttpGet(), HttpPost() also continued to check and support. Current folder force added to the template's resources checking. - !!!!:UI.{WebUser,WebVision}: Expanded for using the unified service interface from Protocol.HTTP by pgCreator(). - !:UI.WebUser: Semantics of the page's function expanded by two objects' arguments "This object" and "Protocol's object". - !!:UI.WebVision: Font's behaviour was expanded to support for text decorations "underline" and "line-through". The primitive "Text" representing for rotated texts moved to use CSS property "transform: rotate({X}deg)". 2017-01-12 Roman (stable) - FIX:Protocol.HTTP: Navigation by FS for the templalate file was fixed. External template using expanded for main page without the Web-modules index and to allow for redirect to other page there, for Login/Logout using the internal templete continued in that case. - Special.FLibMath: The source code cleaned. - Special.FLibSYS: Appended by function floatExtract() for extract exponent and mantissa from that float value. 2017-01-09 Roman (stable) - !!!!:Protocol.OPC_UA{*.libOPC_UA}: Hello/Acknowledge properties set configurable and client's ones also storing. New OPCAlloc object is added for mutex handle and its automatic free for exception. Some locks loss fix. A copy constructor was added for object NodeId and the strange problem here closed. !!!!: Chunks support was added to server's part. Tested on chunks into input requests for insecure and secure connections. !!:FIX: Publish requests, and messages in general, queuing and next its processing fixed for secure connections and for Acknowledges for insecure ones after in direct processing. - !!:FIX:UI.QTCfg: Crashes into ConfApp::selectItem() prevented after "selectPage()" call by the possibility of the items selection changing. Dangerous missed page refreshing prevented into applying changes on widgets of the replacing page, "Apply dialog for changes missing prevent". - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Something prefixes ":" replecing to ": " fixed yet. 2016-12-29 Roman (stable) - data/icons: Images Protocol.HTTP.png and Protocol.SelfSystem.png updated. - SYS: Disabled nodes are prevented in processing into TCntrNode::isModify(). - Protocol.OPC_UA.libOPC_UA: Maximim notifications per publish limit processing some improved. - UI.{WebCfg,WebCfgD,WebUser,WebVision}: Module's icon obtain machanism is changed. - UI.WebVision: Icons to project's and session's items are added. 2016-12-26 Roman (stable) - DAQ.{LogicLev,ModBus}: User API function attrAdd() expanded to apply flags "text" and "ro" for present attributes. - FIX:Protocol.HTTP: Check for module's icon and other images into folder "icons/" moved after the template's resources checking. 2016-12-25 Roman (stable) - FIX:DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: Main.{grpGraph,grpGraph10} Trend's control panel open at the cadr open changed for work on UI.WebVision. - data/icons: Protocol.UserProtocol.png changed and UI.WebUser.png added. - UI.TUIS: Expanded by function mimeGet() to detect mime type by the original info, file extension and tis content. - !:Protocol.HTTP: Expanded for the main selection dialog with images and context help for allowing WWW-modules. - !:UI.VCAEngine: Adapted to TUIS::mimeGet() using. - UI.Vision: Unloaded mimes' extension sets to stored with the resource before taken from the mime type. - !!!!:FIX:UI.WebVision: adapted to asynchronous calls for all regular updatings by servGet() and makeEl() adapting to it. For primitive "Text" set "line-height" for prevent upper font's padding. View "Button" of primitive "FormEl": fixed for next line processing, fixed for true text and image represent. Generic views of primitive FormEl set for padding to "0". SVG images show fixed by correct mime processing into UI.VCAEngine and TUIS::mimeGet() using. 2016-12-19 Roman (stable) - Protocol.OPC_UA.libOPC_UA: Subscription cycle's counter restore. - DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: User protocol "DCON" in the input part was fixed for commands detect "#" and "@". - Protocol.OPC_UA.libOPC_UA: Expanded to early publish requests processing after requests of subscription and monitored items creation, for the init publish requests. 2016-12-16 Roman (stable) - TArchive: EVAL_RFlt and EVAL_RDbl detection for values fix. - TConfig: EVAL forms conversion is added to TCfg::set{S,R,I,B}(). Integer conversion fix to 64bit. - !!!!:DB.{SQLite,MySQL,PostgreSQL,FireBird} : Expanded to NULL using for generic EVAL store/represent. getVal() some expanded and unified. - !!:Archive.DBArch: Cleared and simplifyed for subtypes and its EVAL variants support. - DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: User API string's function toInt() is expanded to int64. 2016-12-13 Roman (stable) - SYS: Debian packages building was appended by translation for module BCM2835. - FIX:DAQ.*: Wrong word "Parameteres" fixed. 2016-12-11 Roman (stable) - DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: The template DevLib.UPS expanded by attribute "alDelay" for alarms delay control. - !:FIX:SYS: Function strNoSpace() expanded for processing symbols control and renamed to strTrim(). Default processing symbols set to " \n\t\r". For function strTrim() created a short call sTrm() and its used everywhere. FIX:XMLNode's flag LD_NoTxtSpcRemEnBeg fixed for spaces in begin. - FIX:DAQ.BCM2835: Fixed for the static function place into the control interface. - DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: String functions list expanded by a function trim(). - !!!:Protocol.SelfSystem: XML loading expanded by option LD_NoTxtSpcRemEnBeg using to allow for spaces at begin and end of the text items. 2016-12-09 Roman (stable) - DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: The template DevLib.UPS expanded by alarms' borders. Templates base.{anUnif,anUnifSt} expanded by attribute "var" into the input processing procedure for allow stored counters implement and so on. - DB.{AGLKS,Boiler}.St: Main archivators' limits some changed and set all archives's size limit. - !!!!:DAQ.OneWire: Removed by replacing proper user protocol templates. - DAQ.BCM2835 is appended by translations. - UI.WebVision: Some changed in ElFigure implementing code for crashes in Post. 2016-12-07 Roman (stable) - DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: DevLib is appended by GPIO devices' templates: Humidity Sensors DHT11, DHT12, AM2302, AM2320 and LCD Display Module 1602A. DevLib.SCU750 changed to IO fix for type "int8". - DB.AGLKS.St: Modbus controller objects fixed for logical type's storing table. - DB.{SQLite,MySQL,PostgreSQL,FireBird}: Message about rows missing at get some appended. - FIX:DAQ.ModBus: Fixed and adapted to user attributes processing pass. - FIX:Special.FLibSYS: IO is fixed for types "int8" and "char" split processing, mostly in its read. - UI.QTCfg: Allow page update after warnings at items loading. 2016-12-06 Roman (JavaLikeCalc_testing) - DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: Templates base.{anUnif,anUnifSt} expanded by attribute "alDelay" for split it from "Tf" for alarms delay and propogate it for all alarm types. Notifications dispatcher is pevented from early starting at "f_start". - DAQ: Program translation sign of templates set to disabled by default. - !!!!:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Support of the dynamic linking to external functions added in way: function {nm} = "{addr}"; {nm}();. External functions link and call optimized at all. - FIX:DAQ.LogicLev: User attributes removing prevented at the parameter's object enable, for passive ones. 2016-12-02 Roman (core_testing) - !!!!:FIX:SYS: TCfg was fixed to use TVariant string as a constant for STL string. TVariant expanded for STL string using always except fields marked as "stdStringOmit", mostly for TCfg as string constants (DB table's keys). - !!!!:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Object's functions call was optimized for the name direct pass into the calling command. 2016-11-27 Roman - !!!!:DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: DevLib is appended by RTC chip on I2C DS3231 implementing. DevLib.UPS: expanded for values in EVAL process. DevLib.{1W_DS9097,W_DS9097U}: Expanded by support 1Wire chips: DS2408, DS2450, DS2438. UserProtocol is appended by a memory chip AT24CXX access procedure. - !!:DAQ.DAQGate: Adapted to store parameters' assignment for stations to allow its for early restoring without need to sync. - FIX:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: workRegControl() moved under function resource's locking. 2016-11-16 Roman - FIX:SYS: Main config property "ClockRT" fixed for load only from the config-file and in its description. TValue::chldAdd() fixed for the Archive subsystem mark as setToUpdate() only for successful appending. - FIX.Archive.{FSArch,DBArch}: checkArchivator() prevented from exceptions at a wrong archive starting else to pass it. - FIX:UI.Vision: Events notify objects removing at the master window minimizing fix. 2016-11-15 Roman - !!:DAQ.DAQGate: Control for automatic removing parameters and attributes added by an option. Spent time expanded by the maximum value. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Widgets list into the widget's parent field expanded and fixed for list all items of project tree to any depth. - UI.Vision: Expanded for authentication message error detailing. 2016-11-13 Roman - DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: DAQ.JavaLikeCalc service procedures, controllers and regulators libraries were cleaned and unified. Devices template library was appended by template of the pressure I2C sensor BMP180. - Function,UI.VCAEngine: pthread_mutex_t replaced by ResMtx. 2016-11-09 Roman - SYS: sysSleep() moved to clock_nanosleep(), CLOCK_MONOTONIC and clock_gettime() for short times lesser to 300us. - FIX:DAQ.BCM2835: Librarie's function bcm2835_delayMicroseconds() moved to clock_gettime() for prevent crashes into the not privileged mode. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Static functions' name and description of the primitives are fixed. 2016-11-08 Roman - Transport.Serial: "No stop on proceed" option is added to output transports. 2016-11-07 Roman - TSecurity: User API function User::groups() and Group::user() added. - DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: "Program translation allow" disabled by default. String's user API function parseLine() is added. 2016-11-03 Roman - FIX:DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: Notifications dispatcher adapted to object's attributes deletion by the operator "delete". - FIX:DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: Main.ElViewGraph: Adapted to store static parameters in the selection mode. - SYS: TVariant::propClear() expanded to single property clean. - !!!!:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Expanded by operator "delete" for objects or its properties free. 2016-11-02 Roman - FIX:SYS: Discard for attributes of object clear at EVAL assign. - !!:FIX:DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: Notifications dispatcher expanded by the notify messages criteria of its category and level. - SYS: data/openscada_start.in: expanded by first argument --ProjName={PNm} project's selection. - !!:DAQ.System: Expanded by "FS" data source. Automatic creation of sources expanded to modes of the sources "Fast" and "Slow". - UI.QTStarter: X Session manager disabled from restart the closed at exit programms. 2016-10-30 Roman - !!:FIX:DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: Notifications dispatcher unified, stabilized and status is added for SMS and EMail sent by direct OpenSCADA functions. !!:Self SMS send implementing unified and expanded for: disable ECHO, check/set PIN, TEST and PDU SMS mode. FIX:Self SMTP implementing fixed for localized field "Date" by use an external call for utility "date". - FIX:UI.Vision: Cursor wrong setting sometime for current time position fix for primitive "Diagram". 2016-10-29 Roman - FIX:Transport.SSL: TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2, DTLSv1 set to build for SSL version >= 0x1000114fL. - Transport.Serial: Char limit value expanded to 10000 ms, for output. - FIX:UI.QTStarter: Build for Qt5 fixed. 2016-10-28 Roman - !!:FIX:DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: DevLib.IEC60870: Fix for the new behavior of attributes of Object free by EVAL set. !!:Self implementing for EMail sent by SMTP is added as an user protocol's function, implemented: pure, SSL/TLS, AUTH. !!:Notifications dispatcher Controllers.ntfDispatch expanded by using self SMTP implementing for EMail send. - !!!!:SYS: More functions set to constant after some objects appending by a copy constructor. !!!!:More errors and warnings fix from PVS-Studio report, thanks to Maksim Kochetkov: TCntrNode: Possible wrong into copy node function by unsigned group's index. TCntrNode,TConfig,TRegExp,Archive,DB.{MySQL,PostgreSQL},DAQ.{AMRDevs,JavaLikeCalc},Special.FLibSYS,UI.{Vision,WebVision}: Possible collision into function arguments or an internal variable name and the class method. TVariant: Middle strings reallocation is set to the result check. XMLNodeObj,DAQ.{*,AMRDevs,Siemens},Archive.{*,FSArch},UI.QTCfg: Some logic made simply. !!: Adapted and some fixed to build by GCC v6 with C++11 by default. - DAQ.{Templates,JavaLikeCalc},Protocol.ModBus,UI.VCAEngine: Items deletion procedure termination at DB error added. - FIX:Special.FLibSYS: FFT buffers "free" using fix, instead "delete". - !:Transport.SSL: Expanded by the direct methods TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2, DTLSv1. - UI.QTStarter: Adapted to Qt5 specific method QTranslator::translate(). - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Virtual function PrWidget::setEnable() fixed for the second argument. 2016-10-25 Roman - FIX:DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: Main.{grpGraph,grpGraph10,ElViewGraph} fixed to per-user saving selected graphics. - !!:FIX:DAQ.Templates,Archive.FSArch,DAQ.{JavaLikeCalc,ModBus}: Data fields removing at the preloaded SEEK fixed. 2016-10-24 Roman - DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: Attributes Main.{grpGraph,grpGraph10}.grpName were removed at last. Main.{grpGraph,grpGraph10,ElViewGraph} adapted to per-user saving selected graphics. - UI.VCAEngine: Programs translation by default set to false. - FIX:UI.Vision: Events MouseButtonPress, MouseButtonDblClick fixed for put to next level widget into this container. 2016-10-23 Roman - FIX:DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: Notifications dispatcher Controllers.ntfDispatch as a JavaLikeCalc function is added for send EMail (by sendemail) and SMS. UserProtocol.SMS: fixed, expanded and adapted for stated work. - SYS: TSecurity::access() function expanded for allow groups list as a separated by ',' one. Base64 encoding/decoding method some expanded for line separator point as an argument. TVarObj: pthread_mutexattr_t next replaced to ResMtx. Properties clear at EVAL set is added. - FIX:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Internal function's space splited for temporary registers. - UI.{QTCfg,Vision,WebCfg,WebCfgD}: Primary commands expanded by "copy". - !:UI.Vision: Widget's tooltip and statustip show some fixed and included to put the events to next level widget into this container. 2016-10-18 Roman - FIX:DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: DAQ template DevLib.SSCP: Loading of big LIST files performance some rised, by OpenSCADA core fix also. - !!!:SYS: TVariant for string type expanded for store too big data, more for STR_BUF_LEN(10000), as the standard string, and then significant increase the performance. - !!!!:DAQ: Template's configure's field variant "Constant" renamed to "Variable" and "Public constant" to "Constant" respectively. - UI.Vision: Widget's tooltip and statustip set to show at not full transparent widget's parts. 2016-10-11 Roman - DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: DevLib.IEC60870: Expanded for single items description. - !!:FIX:SYS: LibZ functions were rewrote for some unification and the used memory optimization. - FIX:DAQ.{BlockCalc,LogicLev}: Input links processing moved out of the attributes modifications detection into calc(). 2016-09-28 Roman - FIX:DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: DAQ template DevLib.SSCP: Fix for bool type represent. Load big LIST files performance some rised. - FIX:SYS: The functional templates fmin() and fmax() added. FIX:TRegExp fix in function split(), for hang and crash prevent. - Archive: Into getMess() used fmin() for previous problem. Attribute "tm" of the Array result of user API function "getMess" changed to type "int". - FIX:Archive.DBArch: Messages archivation part fixed for "needMeta" and to deny an access to the archivator before the successful meta get. - FIX:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: The syntax highlight some fixed for strings and backslash '\' in variant "\\". - Special.FLibSYS: Function strParse() expanded for multisymbols separation. 2016-09-23 fido_max - DAQ.FT3: KA DAQ refactored and fully implemented (BTU, BVT, BVTC, GZD, GNS). Params save/load, set/refresh implemented. 2016-09-22 Roman - FIX:Arhives: getMess() fix for double call modules' function get(). Some fields of the messages request dialogs are merged to single line. Some debug messages are added to getMess(). - UI.Vision: Source code of primitive ElFigure some addition cleaned. 2016-09-21 Roman - !!:Archive.DBArch: Lost DB managing and its early connection restoring is added and some tested. - !!:FIX:DB.*: EVAL writing fix. Detected and tested on PostgreSQL. Messages and errors forming moved to new API. - DB.PostgreSQL: Some tracing debug information is added. Error transactions commit is added. 2016-09-20 Roman - DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: Main.{grpGraph,grpGraph10}: Set to the trend's control panel open on it start. - FIX:DAQ,Archive: The redundant request procedure fix for prevent the object stop at scaning requests, by previous host. - FIX:Archive: getVal() fix for request to the current value but the buffer end() some lesser to it. - FIX:Archive.{*,FSArch,DBArch}: Exceptions into archivatorAttach() at the archivator's object stopping are prevented for allow the archive early start. Archive.{FSArch,DBArch}: The modules adapted for early archivators init and archive's meta set from the physical archives. - !!!!:FIX:Archive.DBArch: Reading of the value archives set optimal for the request time, up to ten times, through using the "MARK" key and the seek request. FIX: The end of pushing accumulated values set to minimum from the data block's end and the group end. Adapted to direct writing beyond the main accumulation process with limits and meta update. Adapted to redundancy. Values archivation period limited to the resolution in seconds. 2016-09-16 Roman - !!:FIX:Archive.{*,FSArch}: Spare writings direct to the archivators prevented for TVArchive::setVals(). !!:FIX:Last read buffer information is added and the property using fix. - DAQ: The value archive's part set firstly readed for redundancy processing. - FIX:Archive.DBArch: Set values processing mostly fixed to return the correct last time. 2016-09-12 Roman - DB: LibsDB.OscadaLibs.db: DAQ template of the protocol "Temperature measurement IT-3 (IT3)" were expanded to detect the external connection loss. Template PCF8574 is added to the library DevLib. PCF8574 is I2C 8DIO. - FIX:SYS: data/oscada_gentoo.init is some fixed by IrmIngeneer. - !!:FIX:Archive: Value archivator is expanded for the accumulation mode support, mostly for Archive.DBArch. FIX:TValBuf: Fix for the object copy by the copy constructor appending and some fields lack. - FIX:TConfig: Fix for the object copy by the copy constructor appending and its reserved for implementing of copying the items to single ones. - FIX:TElem: Fix for the object copy by the copy constructor appending and its reserved for full implementing further. - FIX:Archive.FSArch: Adapted to values accumulation API. Values archivator fixed for the function stop() prototype. - !!!!:Archive.DBArch: The value archivation part expanded by the archives grouping into one group table, mostly for the archivation performance rise. Checking of the module meta table is added for creation the lack value archives, like into Archive.FSArch. Value archives limit is risen to days. Extended types int16_t, int32_t, int64_t, float and double archivation support is added. - FIX:UI.WebVision: The prototype "Media" processing some fix for "fit" toggle and container's scale changing. 2016-08-31 Roman - DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: tmplSO.graphSelPrm some improved. - FIX:SYS: Long locking at the redundancy state request is prevented by the resources reorder. - UI.VCAEngine: Sessions were expanded for diagnostic and profiling per pages/widgets and subtrees. 2016-08-30 Roman - !!:DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: DAQ template DevLib.IT3 and the user protocol part expanded by a passive mode, by list a different session. JavaLikeCalc function lowLevDevs.DHT expanded for AM2320, DHT22 (AM2302) support. - !!:DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: tmplSO.graphSelPrm significant expanded for selection from list and fast search. Main.{grph_panel,grpGraph,grpGraph10} adapted to store scaling context by mouse's window. - DAQ.LogicLev: Expanded to allow writing from external to the RO attributes "err" and all other for the "f_err" EVAL. - !!:FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Session calculation time expanded by its maximum value. Attribute addition expanded and used at manual creation by the attribute "allInher" for its creation inheritance. New created attribute's ID ("newAttr") and NAME set for indexing. - !:UI.Vision: The view "List" of primitive "FormEl" expanded by appending the pointed but missed values to the list. - FIX:UI.{Vision,WebVision}: Current values tracing of primitive "Diagram" for big periodics, in days, is fixed. 2016-08-26 Roman - !!:DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: DAQ template DevLib.1W_DS9097U finished and final working. - !!:DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: Main.grpGraph adapted for show self scale of a selected parameter. Main.grph_panel fixed for restore after scale by window only for allowed data. Main.ElViewGraph expanded for select by focus in also. - Transport.Serial: User API function sendbreak() is added to output transport. 2016-08-25 Roman - !!!!:FIX:DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: DAQ template DevLib.oneWire renamed to DevLib.1W_DS9097 and some simplified. New DAQ template DevLib.1W_DS9097U is added for allow OneWire support by an adapter DS9097U, based on the chip DS2480. DAQ template DevLib.SSCP expanded for types "dt" and "time" support and the allowed to selection variables list moving to RO text attribute. Groups of graphics and the control panel expanded to visualizer UI.Vision specific feature of selection/scaling by window drawn by mouse. The attribute "enForce" naming of ElViewGraph fix. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: setEnable() of widget and its succession was expanded by the argument "force" like to pages. FIX: Primitives force activation for not loaded active attributes is added after the widgets loading try, into the widgets libraries. FIX: Units removing after the preloaded seek is fixed. FIX: Session's pages force enabling, at a request, prevented after its manual disable. FIX: User attribute ID prevented to set for empty. Visualizer specific attributes activation expanded for only present attributes activation, no creation. - !!:UI.Vision: Visualizer specific attributes are allowed for the primitives and an attribute "sclWin" added and used for primitive "Diagram" for trends view in scale by window drawn by mouse. 2016-08-25 fido_max - DAQ.FT3: General cleanup and refactoring of source code. KA DAQ implemented (BTU, BVT, BVTC, GZD, GNS). KA TANK object added. Translation fixed. Major erros fixed. 2016-08-16 Roman - UI.Vision: For primitive "Diagram" of the mode "Trend" the sliding by mouse is added in the time axis. 2016-08-15 Roman - !!!!:SYS: Function mess_sys() is added to the object TCntrNode to create system messages with the node path into the category and the node's location into the message begin, by the new function nodeNameSYSM(). Function err_sys() is added to object TCntrNode to create error objects with the node path and the node's location. The new TCntrNode object's functions have used everywhere into the OpenSCADA core. Some of the system messages moved to the debug category. - Archive.FSArch, UI.VCAEngine: The module moved to use the functions TCntrNode::{mess_sys,err_sys}(). 2016-08-11 Roman - FIX:DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: DevLib.SSCP some fixed for type "real" process and messages. - !!:FIX:Special.FLibSYS: IO object was fixed for byte orders of type "real" using as the integer bytes, but not native. 2016-08-07 Roman - !!!!:DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: To the templates library "DevLib" new template "SSCP" is added for implement Shark Slave Communication Protocol. !!!:DAQ template DevLib.oneWire: fix to the search algorithm and it's tested for 13 sensors on the bus; appended by the devices support: DS2413 (tested), DS1822, DS1820/DS18S20/DS1920. DAQ template DevLib.PCF8591 some fixed for set values to EVAL on errors and stability. - FIX:SYS.XML: Crashes on empty string encoding try to fix. - !!:FIX:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Freeing of the function's test execution context is added on this function stop, for some crashes on exit prevent. !:FIX:Return of the included functions fix for the string constant "" override. - !!:FIX:Special.FLibSYS: The system functions were appended by the Message Digest 5 (MD5) calculation function by OpenSSL. FIX: IO object was fixed for type "char" (1 byte) counted reading. 2016-08-02 Roman - !!!!:DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: To the templates library "DevLib" new template "oneWire" is added for implement OneWire bus by DS9097 and for DS1820. Template DevLib.PCF8591 expanded by the AI set to EVAL on errors. - SYS: For user API TVal::set() there prevented writing to no writable values of the configurations. New user API function TVal::isCfg() added. - DAQ.ICP_DAS: SDK was updated to the last version of "ICP DAS". - DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Syntax highlight expanded to the command "~". - Transport.Serial: The timeout "symbol" was expanded by "the next request's multiplicator to the {symbol} time, 4 by default". 2016-07-27 Roman - SYS: taskUtilizTm() expanded by the argument "max" to obtain the maximum value and the value changed to seconds. The function taskDescr() added to get a link to the current task description structure. - DAQ.{BlockCalc,LogicLev,ModBus,Siemens}: The task's execution status was expanded by the maximum consumption value. - !!!:DAQ.LogicLev: Moved for set the attribute "f_frq" to the real (instantaneous) frequency, taken from the task description structure. The parameters task's consumption measurement is added, into attribute "err", into the Debug mode of the controller object. 2016-07-24 Roman - !!!!:SYS: The RW resources allocation object "Res" renamed to "ResRW". Conditional variable management object "CondVar" is added. FIX: ResRW::{resRequestW,resRequestR}() in wait timeout are forced to CLOCK_REALTIME but the pthread_rwlock unallowed to use any other. The object ResString moved from the direct mutex managing for the ResMtx. - !!:UI.QTCfg: Moved from QMutex and QWaitCondition to ResMtx and CondVar, mostly to prevent here hangs on the system time changing. 2016-07-23 Roman - !!!!:SYS: The system option "clockRT" is added for select the tasks planning clock as CLOCK_REALTIME but else it's CLOCK_MONOTONIC (default now). time2str() and tm2s() of the astronomic time were renamed to atime2str() and atm2s(). time2str() and tm2s() of the relative time were moved from microseconds to seconds origin. taskSleep() in the "cron" argument is moved to pure (string) representing for the origin point hold for the astronomic clock changing detect and cron's target correction then and also for the consumption meassuring by the taskUtilizTm(). - DAQ.{BlockCalc,DCON,LogicLev,Siemens}: The deprecated property "PERIOD" processing fix to allow it's replace next by the propery "SCHEDULE" forcing to rewrite and "PERIOD" to clean. - DAQ: The unfinished module "EPICS" was removed but the project "YAPU" forbidden. - FIX:UI.QTCfg: Crash prevents for system's time change. 2016-07-21 Roman - !!:Transport.Sockets: Output transport's reading for reply in check to SO_ERROR moved to step 2 to take some time for delayed reading but same SO_ERROR reading sometime long. 2016-07-19 Roman - DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: Template PCF8591 is added to the library DevLib. PCF8591 is I2C 8-bit A/D and D/A converter. - !!:Transport: User API function messIO() expanded by the input buffer size. The input buffer size was also added to the manual request dialog of the output transports. - Transport.Serial: Checking for the allowed I2C_SLAVE definition is added, and to build for Nokia N800. - UI.QTCfg: Checking for integer input field's range is added. 2016-07-18 Roman - !!!:FIX:DB: DBs loading interruption is prevented after loading with the ready configuration and an error here. - !!:FIX:DAQ.BlockCalc: For IO presenting check there was used an uninterrupted ioId() of the function object. - !!:Transport.Serial: Output transport expanded to check and use I2C. - !!:Transport.Sockets: Reading reply of the output transport after FD_ISSET is false expanded by reading socket's SO_ERROR and waiting interruption on any socket error. Early broken pipe detection and like ones for sockets allowed. 2016-07-17 Roman - Transport.Serial: Some cleaned about the RTS toggle (true/false) flow control and echo filtering and the translations update. - UI.Vision: Direct access checking for root is restored at "userIsRoot" miss. 2016-07-15 fido_max - Transport.Serial: Appended by RTS toggle (true/false) flow control and echo filtering. 2016-07-13 Roman - UI.{VCAEngine,Vision}: To the "connect" service there is added the checking of user for root by attribute "userIsRoot" and using it for menu visible. - DB.LibsDB.{OscadaLibs,vcaTest}.db: CREATE TABLE cleaned from default values like '''''''''. - !!!!:SYS: Node's function load() and load_() expanded by argument TConfig *cfg for allow direct loading after the seeking request. All parts adapted to the new argument "cfg" of loading functions, preloaded dataSeek() and the direct loading after the seeking request. Overall loading time decresed from 36% (Core) to 15% (VCAEngine) and some parts down to 80%. Argument "force" of node's function load() was removed and replaced by modifG() pre-call. Modules version of the subsystem "DB", "DAQ", "Archive", "Protocol", "UI" risen to 12. Modules version of the subsystem "Transport" risen to 13. Primary commands transmission by "rdStRequest()" prevented from exceptions. - FIX:DB.{FireBird,MySQL,PostgreSQL,SQLite}: Fix to original translated message set into value "One" of the extended value and value "Two" clean up. - DAQ.BlockCalc: IO of blocks loading was moved to using the seek request. - DAQ.LogicLev: IO of parameters loading was moved to using the seek request. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: User attribute's value translation on load of the user attributes fixed. 2016-07-10 Roman - !:DAQ: DAQ redundancy mode OnlyAlarms is added. - FIX:DB.{FireBird,MySQL,PostgreSQL,SQLite}: Field seek is fixed for full request force on "row" = 0. - !!!!:FIX:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Second argument's type changing at compile is fixed but it is dynamic now mostly, detected on problems with some string operations. Doubled string constants detection is fixed. - UI.QTStarter: Expanded by a command line argument "--noX11" to allow the Qt disabling. 2016-07-06 Roman - Archive: The option's "Overtime of the reserve history reload" description is fixed. - !!:FIX:UI.Vision: Setting and updating of configuration of the status line fixed only for the master-page and its items immediately removing. Session restoring moved to the prior pages pre-removing but that is some faster, safer and cleaner then updating. Some debug counters are added. 2016-07-05 Roman - DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs.db: ParamTemplLibs.{anUnif,anUnifSt}: Expand to alarms modes: 0-force NORMA, 1-suppress, 2-save on change. - SYS: To prepare the translations table used the preloaded seek. - UI.VCAEngine: To user's attributes loading used the preloaded seek. 2016-07-04 Roman - !!!:DB.{*,FireBird,MySQL,PostgreSQL,SQLite}: Preloading scanning mode added for functions fieldSeek() and dataSeek() for significant performance rise here. - Archive.DBArch: Messages get switched to use the preloading scanning mode. - Special.SystemTests: A test of the preloading scanning mode added to the DB tests pool. - FIX:UI.Vision: Pages including into page's container fix for adjust at its scale change. 2016-07-01 Roman - Archive: First start replay of the local archive for redundancy active messages is added, into depth "rdRestDtOverTm". - SYS: A prefix with the station name is added to most significant system's messages. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Visualiser specific attributes forced to modify at its activation. - UI.Vision: Lock for the main window changing in run mode at the session update-reconnect. 2016-06-29 Roman - Archive: messPut() expanded for alarms set and processing in first order and allow ignore new but equal ones in redundancy. - DAQ.{BFN,DAQGate,MMS,ModBus,OPC_UA,Siemens}: Name of parameter of alarm messages expanded by the module name. - FIX:DAQ.DAQGate: No removing archives at the parameter removing is fixed for first-level parameters. - DAQ.LogicLev: The system IO "f_err" allowed for redundancy. - DAQ.OPC_UA.libOPC_UA: Noncrashed NaN publish interval processing added. - DAQ.SNMP: Local "dataRes" removed. - Protocol.SelfSystem: Local "sesRes" removed. - !!:UI.VCAEngine: Session local dataMtx() is replaced by generic dataRes() of the node. Connections management added for its connection ID, mostly to detect remoted VCAServer changes and to re-iniate need then. - !!:UI.Vision: "Developers" help field removed by merging it to the field "Author". Using of the connection ID is added. Force to widgets update and restoring opened pages at a reconnection is added. 2016-06-23 Roman - !!!:Archive,*: To messages get functions added a time result of the finished processing. Mostly for allow fast continue from the point after long terminated by the timeout requests. The limit rdRestDtOverTm rise to days and up to 356. - Archive.DBArch: The property "maxSize" is expanded from hours to days. The used table closing after any put request is disabled. - Archive.{DBArch,FSArch}: Get messages request for equal begin and end time is allowed. - Archive.FSArch: Get from XML set some optimal. Get from plain allowed for the messages time equal to end. - Special.SystemTests: The DB tests are expanded by a seek test. 2016-06-21 Roman - !!!!:SYS: For some productivity rise the exceptions catch moved from the object copy to it's reference, thanks Max Kochetkov (fido_max) for the hint. - SYS:data/openscada_start.in adapted to gettext by use the aliase "GETTEXT". - !!!!:FIX:DB.{FireBird,MySQL,ODBC,PostgreSQL}: Fix and checked the moving to open table without exceptions into the table object constructor. - FIX:TUIS::docGet(): Force documents to background is added. 2016-06-20 Roman - !!!!:FIX:SYS.TCntrNode: Free of locked nodes and attach to disabled ones are prevented by proper resource locking to mUse. - SYS:data/openscada_start.in is adapted to working without "gettext", mostly for N800. data/{debian,debian_mod}/changelog: Author set to OpenSCADA <oscada@oscada.org>, mostly for allow the sign after build by that key. - DB: Resource's of the DB allocation TBD::resTbls is added. For now that is experimental and used in generic functions of the tables open(), close(). - !!:Archive.DBArch: Get messages algorithm is rewrote to request by minutes in reason of requesting by hours is some too long for PostgreSQL, with the limit about 1500 records. - !!!!:DB.*: All DB modules rewrote to open table without exceptions into the table object constructor. 2016-06-16 Roman - !!!!:TDAQS,DAQ.{LogicLev,ModBus}: Redundancy of the dynamic attributes is added. - FIX:TDAQS,DAQ.LogicLev: Hierarchical DAQ parameters processing procedure is fixed. Special and translated IO from config are prevented from the redundancy. 2016-06-15 Roman - Archive.FSArch: The resources allocation including one to one are prevented. It was caused sometime to hungs before. 2016-06-14 Roman - TSYS,TArchiveS,TDAQS: Description of arguments of the configuration file is fixed. - TArchiveS: New redundancy option "Overtime of the redundant history reload at start in hours" is added. - !!:TDAQS,DAQ.LogicLev: Redundancy procedure of DAQ parameters is adapted to it's hierarchy. - DB.MySQL: Executions into BD::postDisable() are prevented. 2016-06-10 Roman - TDAQS: API functions tplE(), tplIOE(), errE() renamed to elTmpl(), elTmplIO(), elErr(). - FIX:UI.QTCfg: External host's status processing mostly improved and fixed. Timeouts of external host are set configurable by the option "TmConChk". The options StartUser and StartPath are moved under a resource allocation by the type MtxString. 2016-06-03 Roman - !!!!:SYS,*: MtxAlloc and MtxString moved to the mutex wrapper object ResMtx. All module's subsystems' version risen to one point. CoreLib version rise to 3.5. - !:UI.Vision: Timeout of tries of restoring connection to a remote station set to progressive up to the pointed one and the error message display after the timeout value in 3 seconds. - !:UI.VCAEngine: To project objects were added a property "EnableByNeed" to control the projects ready after start and prevent long connection by the deferred enabling. 2016-06-02 Roman - Transport: Listed external host's mode merging from two entries is fixed. - FIX:DAQ.Value: Write access to DAQ attributes closed for all into the service request "set". - !:Protocol.SelfSystem: Moved to some faster errors placing method. The reforwarding requests' processing set optimal. - FIX:UI.QTCfg: Into TextEdit widget added a signals blocking at setPlainText() for prevent the cursor events, status bar update and crash in some cases here. - !!!!:FIX:UI.Vision: Too important fixes made in way of adapting to stable work with remote VCA servers: The module's attributes VCAStation, UserStart, UserPass and UserStBar::{user,pass,VCAStation} were moved under resources locking by the MtxString value type using. To both runtime and development parts were added an initial connection with the restore connection timeout, for allow to load the VCA-server resources. In way of authentication as a default user the name takes from the attribute "user" of the session. Processing of the information dialog about a connection loss was moved to a single request (and thread) from updatePage(), for multithread access prevent and crashes (mostly from the notification tasks). 2016-05-30 fido_max - FIX:DAQ.FT3 flData sensivity deadband processing for event forming fixed. B_BTR:setTU count_nu fixed. TMdContr::ProcessMessage data length for cmdGet answer fixed. - FIX:DAQ.Fastwel: TMdPrm::enable module config init fixed. 2016-05-29 Roman - SYS:data/debian: the service's script openscada.init moved to separated package openscada-server. - !!!!:SYS,Transport,DAQ.DAQGate,UI.{QTCfg,Vision,WebCfgD}: External host upraise is implemented by the function extHostList() extension; the requests reforwarding by function cntrIfCmd() and the input part of the self-system protocol. - Transport: Module's subsystems' version set to 11. Starting-connection time is added to the output transports. Modify property is added to the external host's object for reconnect on it modification. - !!:DAQ.BlockCalc: Configuration fields of block unified and moved to TConfig::cntrCmdMake(). User API functions cntr(), cfg(), cfgSet() are added. - FIX:DAQ.Siemens.LibnoDave: gethostbyname() replaced to it's reentrant variant. - !!!!:Protocol.SelfSystem: Force authentication update by attribute "rqAuthForce" is added. Authentication error processing for direct requests is added. Authentication errors moved from the connection kind to the request, into the tag attribute "rez" and text. Reforwarding of host's requests attribute "reforwardHost" into input part is added. - FIX:Transport.{Serial,Sockets}: Errors on writing in the output part is fixed. - FIX:Transport.Sockets: Debug message about connect by timeout in the time is fixed. - !!!!:UI.Vision: Requests to an external host moved to using cntrIfCmd(). Remote authentication moved to allow use the host authentication by default and the same connection for check it. 2016-05-23 Roman - DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs.db: Templates base.{digAlarm}: expanded into the input data preprocessing procedure for fix the procedure to reusing (more faster), stored context object into "ctx", "f_frq" actual value pass. - !!:DAQ: User API function funcCall() significant expanded to fix the result function for reusing and then significant performance rise. - TFunction: Virtual function prog() and setProg() is added for allow it's control through an abstract object. - DAQ.BlockCalc: Special attribute "this" of the object access set to processing into blocks. Some the source code cleaned. 2016-05-21 Roman - DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs.db: IEC-60870-104: M_ME_NB_1 processing fix for signed value. "DHT (AOSONG)": Offset to 20 set for humidity of DHT11. - !!!:Archive: Values archivation a global option is added for time of taken values force to current and override it's source from. To values archive object an option is added for pass values fill to last value. - !:Archive:FSArch: Expanded for early limits check and it's check at unpack errors and then prevent storages overfull at close limits and small storages. the feature is not tested yet! - Transport.Sockets: Wait timeout at read() function's zero set to the next time but that case possible after disconection by peer also. - UI.{VCAEngine,Vision}: Deep header's processing of the notification's rules fix by hasFlags set. 2016-05-17 Roman - FIX:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Return from included function fixed. - DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs.db: Low level device's function "DHT (AOSONG)" (for Raspberry Pi) is added, for reading temperature and humidity module DHT11. - !!:SYS: All key warnings next resolved. Include some controversial ones: DAQ.MMS: Mixed "||" and "&&" logic into the items cash access. DAQ.OPC_UA.libOPC_UA: Encoding mask processing in mix of operations '&' and '|'. 2016-05-16 Roman - DB.Model.AGLKS.St.db: All stored attributes of the VCA originals are cleaned. - !!:SYS: To data/debian_mod the package openscada-daq-bcm2835 building (commented-disabled by default) is added. Building of openscada-daq-ICP_DAS into data/debian_mod by default also set to disabled. {DAQ,Transport}.*: Tasks priorities range expanded up to 199 where 100-199 used for SCHED_FIFO tasks planing policy. Build and check the build environment scripts some improved for the crossbuild, by - appending pkg-config using for DB.PostgreSQL check before; - same pkg-config used from PKG_CONFIG enviroment which points to the cross variant; - check to Qt expanded by test taken from Qt_MOC and Qt_RCC ones. - DAQ.BCM2835: Static function mode() is added for GPIO pins Input/Output modes free control, from needs to DHT11. - FIX:DAQ.OPC_UA.libOPC_UA: TimeStamps into the "Write" client request's are disabled but some servers tell 0x80730000 (OpcUa_BadWriteNotSupported). - !!:Transport.{Sockets,Serial}: Possible wrong readings after the select() wrong termination, with marking as a data present (some caused), is unified and better adjusted for different modes of the requesting and the not requesting mode of output transport. - Transport.Sockets: Input transport's error messages some improved and set more informative. 2016-05-09 Roman - DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs.db: Function "Low level devices"."Display 1602A" set to stopped by default, with the new option. - !!:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: To function object is added "To start" parameter for allow disabled by default ones. Checking for IO moved before constants for it's override. Constant "EVAL" as a synonym to EVAL_REAL is added. - !!!!:FIX:DAQ.OPC_UA.libOPC_UA: Initial filters support is added into requests CreateMonitoredItemsRequest and ModifyMonitoredItemsRequest only for OpcUa_EventFilter at AId_EventNotifier parse. Input Variants function iVariant() is added as a separated part of function iDataValue(). !!!!:FIX: Packages sequence number managing for server part is fixed by separating from the value of input packages. FIX: Packages sequence number managing for the client part also unified and fixed to prevent the value repeats. Services CreateMonitoredItems and ModifyMonitoredItems processing merged to a singe one. !!: Early Acknowledgements processing in request "Publish" is added. Successful adapting to work with UAExpert 1.4. 2016-05-04 Roman - DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs.db: "Low level devices" library of DAQ.JavaLikeCalc functions and function "Display 1602A" (for Raspberry Pi) into is added. base.digAlarm DAQ template expanded by an input processing procedure like into base.anIn. - !!!!:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Support of internal functions definition and it's call is added. 2016-04-29 Roman - !!:FIX:Archives: Locking for access to the alarms table is expanded to sort into the messages get request. 2016-04-28 Roman - !!!:SYS,UI.{QTCfg,Vision,WebCfg,WebCfgD}: Transfer local primary commands to redundant host is added, by an option of redundancy. As primary commands, which transfered, mean: "set", "add", "ins", "del", "move", "load", "save". - !!!!:Protocol.OPC_UA: Works into the poll mode of input transport are allowed and enabled by default. - UI.WebCfg: Source code significant cleaned. 2016-04-26 Roman - !!:SYS: Messages about redundant stations up and down are added. TSYS::rdStRequest() expanded by scan mode for stations. Main redundancy properties of the system level forced for store to the configuration file. - !!:FIX:Archives: Locking for access to the alarms table is restored. Access to messages in redundancy unified. - FIX:UI.Vision: For view "Table" of primitive "FormEl" header's item option "sort" fixed. 2016-04-25 Roman - SYS: Early redundancy task starting set. - DAQ,Archive: In redundancy, guaranty first initial sync request support is added, mostly for master. - Archive: In redundancy, alarms initial obtain is added. - DAQ: Initialization of redundancy of TController object some changed to enabled by default. That will next checked into a complex environment. - DAQ.BCM2835: Expanded for access to GPIO by static functions which significant faster ones. - FIX:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: setNoTransl() at the attributes value (DB field "DEF") loading disabled by some problematic and no a sense. - Special.FLibSYS: The time functions are appended by tmSleep() for faster access to the short sleeping provides. - Transport.{SSL,Sockets}: Buffer's size of getservbyname() some decreased. - FIX:UI.QTCfg: Read only of selected items are fixed in alignment with other items in single row. Changed user apply is fixed. 2016-04-20 Roman - DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs.db: Templates base.{digAlarm,anUnif,anUnifSign} expanded by prevent main execution into cycles of the starting (f_start) and stoping (f_stop). Template base.anUnifSign also expanded for EVAL detection lag into parameter "Tf". - DB.Model.AGLKS.St.db: Mostly parameters of LogLevPrm.experiment object of controller set into attribute "Tf" to value 2. - !!!!:SYS: Resources locking in RW object "Res" expanded by the functions (synonyms) lock(), tryLock() and unlock(). All module's subsystems' version set (started) to 10 for the Work version and prevent in casual the modules connect from LTS and vice versa. !!!!:The redundancy significant expanded to moving redundancy hosts management to the system level, from exclusively DAQ subsystem. Additional managing time macro FTM2 is added. User API function SYS.sleep() expanded to accept first argument of time in seconds as float and allow to set here up to nanoseconds. User API function SYS.sleep() limited to maximum wait time it is standard interface's timeout (5 seconds) and targeted mostly for low level device's short time lags. - !!!!:Archives: Redundancy for message archives added. TArchiveS::messPut() expanded to write messages independent to the alarms table. - !!:FIX:Transport.{SSL,Sockets}: gethostbyname() and getservbyname() replaced to it's reentrant variants. - !:FIX:Transport.{Serial,Sockets}: For result's reading, into output transport, added waiting for data at zero or/and EAGAIN error. 2016-04-13 Roman - !!!!:DAQ: Module DAQ.BCM2835 is added, mostly for access to BCM2835 like chip's GPIO and some other. The BCM2835 chips mostly known used into the Raspberry Pi boards. For now the module do not work properly yet and it is under developing! - DAQ.=Tmpl=: Some cleaned and expanded. - !:UI.VCAEngine: Force inheritance of links types is added, independent from the attribute local modification. Mostly for prevent the link's type changing loss, as significant one, into the modified attributes. 2016-04-10 Roman - DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs.db: DAQ template's "base.anUnif" attribute "Connection loss detect delay, s" moved to "Tf, s" in the role. - Archive.FSArch: Used FTM() for left the messages time. Checking to duplicated messages into get() adapted for the option "prevDblTmCatLev". - UI.{VCAEngine,Vision}: For view "Table" of the primitive "FormEl" header's item option "sort" is added for point to initiate sorting column. 2016-04-08 fido_max - !!:DAQ.FT3: ui32Data, flData sensivity deadband processing for event forming added. B_ODOR implemented. - DAQ.FT3: KA_GNS SetNewState, SetNewFunction implemented, version rise to 0.2.1. - Protocol.FT3: Version rise to 0.2.1. 2016-04-07 Roman - DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs.db: DAQ template "base.anUnif" expanded by attribute "Connection loss detect delay, s" for prevent blinks into hosts in redundancy or so one. - Archives: pthread_mutex_t resources allocation moved to ResMtx and it's space decreased exclusively to local buffers access and prevent some racecondition at the archivators access. - DAQ.ModBus: "Value" field of the templates set to use as a default link, on first enable. 2016-04-06 Roman - DB.LibsDB.vcaBase.db: Left graphics group fix to "name" attribute. - !!:Archives: messPut() and messGet() expanded to archivators list allow instead single one. User API function messGet() expanded by argument "upTo", for the timeout direct control allow. - FIX:DB.PostgreSQL: Fix cycling after unsuccessful a table's structure correction. - UI.VCAEngine: To messages reading by the repeating tags of primitive "Document" added attribute "docAMessArchs" to allow read only pointed archivators. 2016-04-04 Roman - SYS: TSYS::strEncode() in variant SQL expanded by the doubling method of the pointed symbols. - DB.{PostgreSQL,SQLite}: TSYS::strEncode() in doubling method is used. - UI.VCAEngine: Manual creation mark for pages is added. Mostly for modification of the children clean up and it's inheritance storing prevent by it is spare and sometime problematic on the parent update, like messages about impossible to enable a widget. - FIX:DB.PostgreSQL: Fixed for symbols "'" '"' encoding by it replace to the doubling method. 2016-04-03 Roman - UI.{Vision,WebVision}: For primitive "Diagram" to data block "data:<dt/>" option "Approximation (aprox)" is added. - !!:DAQ.DCON: Some cleaned. Adapted and enabled hierarchical parameters. Pass of real requests at the first and last iterations. enRes and reqRes resources lockators moved from Res to ResMtx. - !:DAQ.{ModBus,Siemens}: Pass of real requests at the first and last iterations, only the procedures execution. 2016-04-01 Roman - FIX:DB.{SQLite,MySQL,PostgreSQL,FireBird}: Previous scaned value getting prevented on the original value setting to clear all extended structure of translated value. Detected on UI.VCAEngine users attributes seek. - Protocol.SelfSystem: Attribute "remoteSrcAddr" of the root node set/reserve to the remoted host's address. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Mostly information messages from the information level moved to the debug one. User API functions mess{Debug,Info,Note,Warning,Err,Crit,Alert,Emerg}() appended to the run-time widget and included the widget path as the category. FIX: setNoTransl() at the attributes loading disabled by some problematic and no a sense. The note messages are added: "User is changed to ...", "User is connected ...", "User is disconnected ...". - UI.{VCAEngine,Vision}: To view "Table" of the primitive FormEl into root tag "tbl" added attribute "sortEn" to direct sorting by columns. - FIX:UI.Vision: For the attribute inspector labels of the attributes the ToolTip is added to long names (>20). FIX: The palette restoring to visibleCheck function is added for prevent FormEl's artifacts at last. The view "Table" of the primitive FormEl mostly adapted to sorting by the columns. 2016-03-23 Roman - FIX:Archive: Group messages archives request timeout, for common, fix into get(). - Archive.DBArch: Quick messages obtain by separated field "DT" set compatible but the field "TM" left to store full time. - FIX:UI.Vision: Mouse events at all enabled for "FormEl" primitive and some artifications like ticks loss into Slider but mostly into Table detected and fixed. 2016-03-21 Roman - DB.LibsDB.vcaBase.db: Main.ElCadr: Field of description checking to EVAL is added for empty value place. - !!:FIX:SYS: TCntrNode::nodeDis() fixed to prevent attach to the node at it disabling and result crash. - TConfig: Moved to ResMtx from direct pthread_mutex_t. - FIX:Archive: m_start, run_st, m_db were renamed to mStart, runSt, mDB. Time limit for get() messages fix. - !!!!:FIX:Archive.DBArch: New options of the messages archiver are added: "Store time as pure integer", "Scan by days threshold in seconds". "Archive size (hours)" for both values and messages adapted for set to zero (<0.1) and disable the limit at all. Table structure's for value and messages set adaptive and moved to the objects TMArchivator and ModVArchEl. By the option "Scan by days threshold in seconds" enabled separation the "datatime" row to "date" and "time" with allow significant rise the performance of reading message's big parts by day's blocks scan/seek and decrease the scan/seek by seconds. - UI.{VCAEngine,Vision}: Logical groups separator of Widget's attributes is changed from ":" to ": " everywhere, mostly for allow the user attribute value's items separation and description it with the symbol ":". Some like user attributes will not now grouped before fix! 2016-03-16 Roman - !!:FIX:DB.{MySQL,}: Prevented the "BEGIN;" and "COMMIT;" request's sequence breakage on high concurrency access activity. "connRes" moved from pthread_mutex direct to ResMtx wrapper. 2016-03-12 Roman - DAQ.OPC_UA: Some spare error messages removed. - UI.Vision: Primitive "Diagram" updated period limited to one second in the development mode. - FIX:Special.FLibSYS: IO.pos for string fixed. Single integer and real reading fixed on the position seek. - FIX:UI.Vision: Context menu problem for views List, Tree and Table is fixed, for allow the right mouse button's event come to the system functions. 2016-03-03 Roman - Archive: TArchives::messPut() expanded by the argument "arch" to allow direct to the archiver writing. Same expanded the user API function messPut(). - !!!:FIX:Archive.FSArch: Check for duplicate as equal time, category, level and it prevent is added. Check for duplicated at all fixed. Time into cache changed from time_t to int64_t (in microseconds). - UI.{VCAEngine,Vision}: Primitive's "Diagram" attribute "trcPer" type changed from "Integer" to "Real". UI.Vision also adapted for update the "Diagram" down to 0.01 ms. - !!!!:UI.Vision: View "Table" of the primitive "FormEl" significant expanded by: global table's attributes: "hHdrVis", "vHdrVis"; row attributes "colorText", "font"; column attributes "color", "colorText", "font". Context menu support enabled for views: List, Tree and Table. - FIX:UI.{Vision,WebVision}: Mode "XY" of the primitive "Diagram" fixed for build by sorting by 'X' disable, only the hierarchical order. 2016-02-29 fido_max - DAQ.FT3: B_BIP updated, logic side implemented (tmHandler, cmdGet, cmdSet), version rise to 0.2.0. - Protocol.FT3: Version rise to 0.2.0. 2016-02-28 Roman - DB.Model.{AGLKS.vca.db,Boiler.St.db}: Visualizer's UI.Vision specific attributes moved to the project's root-page. - FIX:SYS: User's space flags to generic nodes (TCntrNode) processing fixed, mostly for "RM_Full" flag and DAQ paramter's archives proper removing. - UI.Vision: Global modification mark processing moved to different function modifyGlbStUpdate() and some changed. - FIX:UI.Vision: Included to container's pages align processing rewrote to trace on the widget's geometry update and to the misaligned scroll-bars appearing sometime prevent. 2016-02-17 Roman - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Notifications by queue and direct pointed resource is fixed. - SYS: CoreLib version rise to 3.5. Security: Adapted to prevent passwords storing in open view as hash instead, for: OpenSCADA host (Transports), Protocol.SelfSystem, UI.Vision. Security: crypt_r() using enabled only for "__USE_GNU" and the open passwords store instead. 2016-02-15 Roman - UI.{VCAEngine,Vision}: Projects flags moved to as the visualizator specific attributes "runWin" and "keepAspectRatio". Vision global properties "stBarNoShow", "winPosCntrSave" moved to the visualizator specific attributes. - UI.VCAEngine: Control request "activate" expanded by "aVls" and "aNms" determine. - SYS: Function realRound() some simply set. System configuration fields "workdir", "moddir", "icodir" and "docdir" set to readonly from the configuration interface, mostly for wrong changes prevent and the changes allow only by the configuration file edit. - *.=Tmpl=.configure.ac: Some spare code parts removed, mostly for old i18n manage. - FIX:DAQ.OPC_UA.libOPC_UA: Variable's statuses added, mostly for the "Publish" service. Initial "Publish" responses are added: first after the CreateSubscrition service and second after the CreateMonitoredItems service. - UI.{VCAEngine,Vision}: pthread_mutex_t moved to ResMtx. Notifications expanded to unregister and stacked registering ones from other pages. - FIX:UI.Vision: conErr pointer loses for not zero set at the master page free/replace is fixed. That sometime causes to crashes! 2016-01-31 Roman - DAQ.OPC_UA.libOPC_UA: New client/server services implemented: RegisterNodesRequest, RegisterNodesResponse, UnregisterNodesRequest, UnregisterNodesResponse. Only formal and no a real doings! - FIX:DAQ.Siemens: A crash problem at high and frequent interaction is fixed. The problem into DB block's fragments changing (by assign) at it parallel reading. The DB block's fragments set to replace instead assign everywhere. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: pthread_mutex_t replaced to ResMtx for the function's resources locking. The function's resources locking is added for SesPage::setEnable(). Try to enable for disabled pages, at an alarm set action, is prevented by some strange crash here observed, only into LTS. 2016-01-25 Roman - SYS.{configure.ac,ChangeLog}: Some messages fix. - DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Operation "||" and "&&" formal set to equal priority. - DAQ.OPC_UA: Module for client renamed to "Client OPC-UA" and for server to "Server OPC-UA". Protocol: reqData() fixed for "NodeClass" processing of the "Browse" request, mostly for forward request to the data model. 2016-01-08 Roman - FIX:DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs.db: regEl.pidUnifD: Pulse regulation by the back position fixed and tested into real environment. - FIX:DAQ.MMS.libMMS: oN() function fix for auto size adjust. Tail wait fix into the messIO() request. - FIX:DAQ.ModBus: Some original messages fix. Some resources lock appended and moved from pthread_mutex_t to ResMtx. - !!!!:DAQ.Siemens: Self implementing for ISO-TCP is added and tested, mostly by Proviron Holding NV request. Restoring timeout is added. Significant refactoring for the resources lock, error messages and other. 2015-12-17 Roman - DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs.db: Some descriptions expanded and fixed. - DB.LibsDB.vcaBase.db: Main.TextLab: Context command's description into the operator's protocol fix. - !:FIX:DAQ.ICP_DAS: Possible crash fix into the OpenSCADA serial transport mode using and CRC enable on short (not full) messages receive and process. - Special.FLibComplex1: Some the source code cleaned. - !!:FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Queued notification's quietance for all and partial fix. 2015-12-12 Roman - !!!!:DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs.db: User protocol for IEC-60870-104 is added, by the template only. - !!:DAQ.SMH2Gi: Version 1.0.0 released. 2015-12-11 Roman - !!:FIX:DAQ.OPC_UA.libOPC_UA: Specific value types OpcUa_IntAuto and OpcUa_UIntAuto added for adaptive integer type selection, mostly for provide integer into not fixed int64. Error OpcUa_BadNoSubscription added to PublishRequest. Server folder "ServerCapabilities" added and some items here. FIX: Conditional session's clear for selected endpoint is added, mostly for prevent this loss at no "None" policies. Virtual function connect() into client is added for the connection control, used into service "CloseSecureChannel" for close connection. "Nonce" of the Server part disabled into CreateSessionResponse and ActivateSessionRespons for policy "None". 2015-12-08 Roman - FIX:DAQ.OPC_UA.libOPC_UA: Using the client certificate into a renewal secure channel request set only for no "None" policies. Full session clear at errors into a renewal secure channel request is added. Some lack information resolved like to "transportProfileUri" and "securityLevel". libOPC_UA independent version control is added. - FIX:DAQ.OPC_UA.Client: Status codes display fix for the controller's attributes. 2015-12-07 Roman - !!!!:FIX:SYS.TVarObj: Object's twice free possibility prevented. TVarObj::propGet() EVAL result fix. 2015-12-03 Roman - DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs.db: UserProtocol.OWEN some tested and fixed. - DAQ.{LogicLev,ModBus}: User API function attrAdd() expanded by option "ro", for read-only. - Protocol.UserProtocol: For input requests expanded to try enable, mostly for allow to use static functons into the procedures. - UI.QTStarter: WinControl's timer stopping moved to it destructor for ensure the timer create/start and stop into one thread. 2015-11-28 Roman - !!!:FIX:DAQ.OPC_UA: Library: Expanded to new error codes. Auth processing for client fixed to storing current endpoint description for next actual "policyId" obtain and using to the auth service. Wrong NodeId::Opaque type set fix. Next empty arrays number fix for set to 0 instead -1. Fix something "EndPoint" lack. To server part new default name spaces added: 2-"http://opcfoundation.org/UA/DI/, 3-"http://PLCopen.org/OpcUa/IEC61131-3/" Client: Appending information by: applicationUri(), productUri(), applicationName(). For empty "browseName" browsed nodes using "displayName" set. Server: OpenSCADA DAQ name space set to index 4. - UI.Vision: Adapted for build with libphonon4qt5 and Qt5. Deprecated functions using is resolved for Phonon. - UI.{QTCfg,Vision}: Early timers stopping added to the close event processing. - UI.VCAEngine: Media files selection appended by URL's extensions: avi, mov, mpg4. 2015-11-26 Roman - FIX:DAQ.OPC_UA: Empty Read service list cicling fix. - !!!!:SYS: Object ResMtx is added for gather all platform specific mutex implementation. Later it will be used instead the direct POSIX API everywhere. - !!:Transports.*: messIO() return to the previous prototype and for the no request mode set used <time> argument in negative value (< -1e-3). - !!:FIX:Transports.*: Resource of output transport lock into messIO() fixed, by no real a lock hold. - Transports.{SSL,Serial}: Appended by diagnostic like to Transports.Sockets. - Transports.SSL: Connections processing mostly moved like to Transports.Sockets. - Transports.Serial: Disconnect (transport stop) from output port added on read <= 0, which points to the device loss at all. - Transports.Sockets: Writing resource allocation, to output transport by messIO(), moved to ResMtx. 2015-11-25 Roman - SYS: Transports subsystem type modules version risen to 9. - !!:Transports.*: run_st also renamed to runSt. messIO() expanded by change attribute "noRes" to "flags" and the flags appended: IO_NoRes and IO_NoReq. User API function {TrOut}.start() some fixed. User API function {TrOut}.messIO() expanded by the argument "noReq" for no request mode enable. All modules mostly adapted to the no request mode support. - !!:FIX:Transports.Sockets: Debug messages some unified and appended. The connection time global sticking to the value from messIO() fixed by executions processing for restore. - Transports: User API function {TrOut}.start() added for fast control for the output transport state. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: To function of a widget changes down to the parent added checking for the recurrence inheritance prevent. 2015-11-19 Roman - DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs.db: regEl.pidUnifD adapted and tested for pulse with position, mostly for: manual positioner fix, switching to the manual mode. - SYS.TVariant: Debug counters conditions disabled for now for some performance rise. - FIX:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: For library "run_st" renamed to "runSt" and init to false. - UI.QTCfg: QDoubleValidator for real value's fields disabled for Qt > 5.0. Busy progress bar dialog adapted for first range set and it adapting as maximum to current. - UI.Vision: QPixmap::grabWidget() replaced to grab() for Qt > 5.0. - FIX:UI.{Vision,WebVision}: Crash into trand's data loading fix for no a value present (time = 0). 2015-11-13 Roman - FIX:SYS: Wrong translation fix to Russian for the message "%s for type '%s' doesn't support module version: %d!" - Protocol.UserProtocol: Translation to the new messages appended. - FIX:UI.WebVision: Protocol's table fixed for clean before a structure changing. 2015-11-13 fido_max - DAQ.Fastwel: DIM765/766 added. Init refactored. - DAQ.FT3: AddrReq/ReqData processing combined. Using PLC timestamp. 2015-11-12 Roman - SYS,Archive.FSArch,DB.DBF,DAQ.{Comedi,SMH2Gi}: readdir_r() using rewrote to "dirent" structure direct malloc and prevent problems on other OS, like QNX. - !!!!:SYS: Core library version risen to 3:4:0. DB subsystem type modules version risen to 8. DAQ subsystem type modules version risen to 9. Archive subsystem type modules version risen to 8. Protocol subsystem type modules version risen to 7. Special subsystem type modules version risen to 7. Transports subsystem type modules version risen to 8. UI subsystem type modules version risen to 7. TFunction: Mostly the source code cleaned and run_st renamed ro runSt. - !!!:Protocol.{*,UserProtocol},Transport.{Sockets,SSL}: Function Protocol::waitReqTm() added for poll mode control of input protocols. Protocol.UserProtocol and Transport.{Sockets,SSL} adapted to poll mode of input transport-protocol support. 2015-11-11 Roman - SYS: Synonym "pid-file" to "pidfile" command-line argument is added. - !!!!:SYS.TElem: Item's resource mResEl moved from Res to pthread_mutex_t. Mostly the source code cleaned. - !!!!:SYS.TModule: The info attributes like m{Name} renamed to mMod{Name}. Mostly the source code cleaned. Function modInfoMainSet() added and used into all modules for main info attributes of a module set. - !!!:DAQ.{LogicLev,ModBus}: Appended by user API functions to the parameter object attrAdd() and attrDel() for attributes free management. - FIX:DAQ.OPC_UA: Product URI changed to "urn:OpenSCADA:DAQ.OPC_UA". Some more empty strings (-1) replaced by empty array (0). System attributes' value reading (AId_Value) fix for substitute first values to next, into single read package. Test client's source code some cleaned and expanded. - Transport.Sockets: MaxForkPerHost by default disabled, by set it to 0. 2015-11-01 Roman - DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs.db: DevLib appended by item pare "CTR" for "CTR 100, 101 Oerlikon Leybold Vacuum CERAVAC". - Protocol.OPC_UA: libOPC_UA appended by function Server::clientAddr() for the opened connection re-establish detection by the Secure Channel reusing. For the detection for now used: messages sequence (more for minimum and no more for 10 to previous), the client address and certificate to equal. diagnosticInfos for everywhere fixed to replace empty string lengths (-1) to the empty array number (0). - UI.QTCfg: The progress bar dialog, for busy connections, forming improved for it close after 0.5 seconds timeout to the update. Used for more steady and flicking prevent. "inHostReq" variable used as the concurrency connections counter also. 2015-10-20 Roman - DB.LibsDB.vcaBase.db: Main.prescrEdit translation is updated and the debug messages commented. - FIX:SYS.Security: Function access() expanded for requested group presence checking and exception prevent. - FIX:Protocol.OPC_UA: referenceTypeId of attributes of parameter is changed from OpcUa_HasComponent to OpcUa_Organizes. - Special.FLibSYS: To Array result of the function FFT() added object's attributes "bufSize" and "bufEVAL" for some the data quality control. - FIX:UI.QTCfg: Empty warning dialogs prevented and events disabled for the navigation tree on the time of the page updating. - FIX:UI.Vision: Some doings are made for prevent possible access to connection error dialog after the master page closing. Some uninitialized variables access prevented, detected by the Valgrind. 2015-10-18 Roman - FIX:SYS: Config-file loading and user API function load() some rewrote for prevent access behind allocated memory. - FIX:Special.FLibSYS: Function FFT() some fixed and improved to adaptive substitution <vlOnEVAL> by it same EVAL and insert previous valid values. - FIX:UI.QTCfg: Early host's thread closing added at the window close for prevent crashes at OpenSCADA::QTStarter exit. - UI.QTStarter: Daemon mode checking to argument "daemon" expanded. Source code some cleaned. 2015-10-15 Roman - debian/control: Some commented dependents are added. - SYS: User API object Array expanded by function sum() for the array's pointed items sum allow. - FIX:UI.QTCfg: Checking to octal, for single zero, expanded. - FIX:UI.Vision: Wrong removed of procedure's language processing fix. 2015-10-13 Roman - DATA.ICONS: Appended by icons busy.png, connected.png, connecting.png. - SYS: Translation to Russian some fixed. - SYS.TUI: Attribute run_st is renamed to runSt. - !!!!:UI.QTCfg: Requests to hosts processing moved to different threads and the interface made responsible at whole. 2015-10-08 Roman - DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs.db: User protocol implementation "OPTRIS CT/CTL" is added. - SYS.XMLNode: To encoding on save function added symbol 0 processing to '\000' before the binary data encoding by system. Mostly for now to resolve problems into UI.WebCfgD. - DAQ.ICP_DAS: ARM part updated to current and to build for ISA boards and I-8014. - UI.{VCAEngine,Vision}: Service "activate" for visualizer specific attributes moved to "/serv/attr/{AttrId}". 2015-10-05 Roman - UI.QTCfg: Checking for no apply editable widgets rewrote to direct checking. 2015-09-30 Roman - DB.LibsDB.vcaBase.db: Mostly adapted for real permissions for users into new groups "op", "ITW". - DB.Model.{AGLKS,Boiler}.St.db: Some generic properties moved from DB to the configuration file, like: External Hosts, Generic input transports, Security users and groups. Table "SYS" is purged from old configurations, part from them are moved to the configuration file. - DB.Model.{AGLKS,Boiler}.vca.db: Main project's permition set to: "root:op" and RWRWR_. - Security: standard users "root", "user" and groups "root", "user" creation added only after the subsystem loading and its lack. TSecurity::usrGrpList() set for return all groups for user "root". - FIX:Protocol.HTTP: Fix multiplication for autologin user's items at each it loading. 2015-09-30 fido_max - FIX:DAQ.FT3: Minor errors fixed. - DAQ.FT3: Event handling optimized. B_ACCOUNT: Period_V, dP, T, P, E implemented. B_BUC: set time, uptime, modification implemented. 2015-09-29 Roman - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Attr::VizerSpec processing fix, which caused access at Web and spare attributes transfer. 2015-09-25 Roman - FIX:Transport.Sockets: Not decremental counter per host connections fixed. 2015-09-25 Roman - DB.LibsDB.vcaBase.db: Main.RootPgSo: New flag "qMergeMess" is appended to notification type 2. Option "gain -20" for the buzzer, notification type 1, to synth by sox is added. - !!!!:Transport.{Sockets,SSL}: Set unified to the client's work-control object. Statistic information per active connection is added, include: socket FD, client host address, connection and last request time, IO traffic. Maximum clients per host limit is added. - Transport.Sockets: Default port set to 10005, default for the OpenSCADA control interface. - UI.QTCfg: List view widget is moved to ListView class, inherited from QListWidget for sizeHint() set to 5 rows for height. - UI.VCAEngine: Flag "qMergeMess" is added to queue's notification, for allow merge notifications into the queue by the message. Quietance set allow by list, separated by symbol ';'. 2015-09-20 Roman - ModelsDB.AGLKS.St.db: ModBus string processing test fields are added. - FIX:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Function {Integer}.toString() fixed for set to signed only the decimal base 10. - !!:FIX:Protocol.ModBus: Generic prefix 'i' and string processing fix. - !:UI.QTCfg: Integer edition fields expanded for adaptive processing to dec, hex and oct representation, for example, you can set an integer value into need view which will be saved before the page change. Also the integer value allowed range expanded to 64 bits. 2015-09-15 Roman - DAQ.DAQGate: Removing archives at the parameter removing disabled for possible archives loss prevent, at sync. - UI.{VCAEngine,Vision}: Old fassion access to the permissions removed. - !!!:FIX:UI.Vision: UI.Vision::attrSet() wrong unitizing for different directions control fixed for strong, by more back writing and "perm" corrupt detected. 2015-09-14 Roman - DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs.db: Some translation improved next. base.anUnifSt expanded by the attribute "log". base.{digitBlockUnif,pidUnifImp,pidUnif}: adapted to the dynamic procedure translation. - DB.LibsDB.vcaBase.db: Some translation improved next. doc.{docUsersSet,docAlarmsRep,docRepSm2}: adapted for fine borders set and the items order reverse by "docRevers". All operator doings log expanded by the parameter name into the category and allow for sort that next. - TArchives: Request "get" of the service "/serv/mess" some expanded for zero "tm" processing to the current time. - Transport: Debug messages added to the generic OpenSCADA control interface's function cntrIfCmd(). - !!:DAQ.DAQGate: Messages gate expanded into the redundancy mode, from parallel-redundancy station. - DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Word "CODE" replaced to the absolute program position, for the debug messages. About "JavaLike problem detected" early: the problem wrong, but reveal some other before. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: A misspell into the code of new notification manager, same into a queue processing, fix. - UI.Vision: Some specific symbols from new file names removing is added. 2015-09-08 Roman - DB.LibsDB.vcaBase.db: Main.ElViewGraph: Expanded for periodic enabling check by it's name not EVAL. Main.graphSelPrm: Expanded for full clear by empty item select. In it processing a JavaLike problem detected for the further observing need. - FIX:SYS.TRegExp: To replace() added checking to nozero replace range for hangs prevent. - FIX:Archive.FSArch: VFileArch::setVals() rewrote for integer and real data types rounding, mostly for prevent wrong access here to not alloced memory. - FIX:DAQ.DAQGate: Fixed for prevent SHIFR and other attributes losses at the parameter restore, by lock, after it deletion try. - DAQ.DAQGate: Some debug messages added. - FIX:UI.{QTCfg,Vision}: Fixed for font get into text edit syntax higligting and more, by Vision::getFont(), from the default font base (system font). 2015-09-03 Roman - DB.LibsDB.{OscadaLibs,vcaBase}.db: Some translations updated. - DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs.db: base.pidUnif adapted to the dynamic procedure translation. - !!!!:FIX:Archive,Archive.FSArch: prev_val unified to double type for all operations like average, thanks to fido_max, which fix: Types INT_16, INT_32 and FLOAT back reading for long periodic archives, like minutes and hours, fix and access to outraged memory prevented. True average for integer types, preventing some parts losses. Generic for integer and real processing set now. - !!:Archive.DBArch: Back reading for long periodic archives, like minutes and hours added. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Permition to tab "Diagnostics" of a project is fixed for "root:UI". - FIX:UI.Vision: Events from "User's status line items" fixed by return symbol ":" between same event and the path. 2015-08-31 fido_max - FIX:DAQ.Fastwel: TMdPrm::vlSet and TMdContr::Task syncronized - DAQ.FT3: Some refactoring and optimisation made. B_ACCOUNT basic processing added. - FIX:DAQ.FT3 KA_BTU runTU fixed 2015-08-31 Roman - DB.LibsDB.{OscadaLibs,vcaBase}.db, DB.Model.AGLKS.St.db: Some messages translation improved. - DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs.db: tmplib.digAlarm expanded by generic digital state attributes "st_open" and "st_close". - DB.LibsDB.vcaBase.db: Main.RootPgSo expanded to 20 signal objects, 10 items per line. - FIX:DAQ.MMS: Hook to invokeID specific roll up in ABB processing is added. - DAQ.OPC_UA: Library COPYING file replaced to "GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENS" content and the file GPL-3 also added. - FIX:UI.{QTCfg,Vision}: Editable ComboBox completer set to Qt::CaseSensitive for allow the symbols register change at it edit. - !!!:UI.{VCAEngine,Vision}: Visualizer specific control attributes support is added: Service's "/attr/{aId}" command "activate" is added for the visualizer specific attributes create and activate. UI.Vision::attrSet() unitized for different directions control. "User's status line items" UI.Vision specific attribute implemented: - into the status line display text (variable color), image, (with a tooltip); - trace for its operative changes; - generic mouse events at its generation. 2015-08-20 Roman - !:DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs.db: New device IVE_452HS_02 is added to the devices library. Sponsored by Vasiliy Grigoriev from "Vacuum technologies laboratory (http://e-beam.ru)". - Transport.{SSL,Sockets}: Message "Socket error" appended by the system details. - UI.VCAEngine: Inline helps for attributes of all other primitives mostly updated. - UI.Vision: Build for Qt 5.4 fix. 2015-08-13 fido_max - FIX:DAQ:FT3: B_BVI, B_GKR constructor fixed 2015-08-11 fido_max - !!!!:DAQ: New module "FT3" for support FT3 devices protocol is added. It is initial implementation of GRS and SUAP implementation. 2015-08-10 Roman - FIX:DAQ.OPC_UA: Possible processing for wrong certificates writing fixed, thanks for Dmitry Likov (rxs5). - UI.VCAEngine: Inline helps for attributes of generic, primitives ElFigure, FormEl mostly updated. 2015-08-05 Roman - !!!!:FIX:Archive: Value's field "Source" set from the control interface (configurators) fixed. - !!!!:FIX:DB: DB remove from config file fixed, by set "ForceCfg". - !!:FIX:DAQ.ICP_DAS: I-8017 fast acquisition task turn to use TSYS::taskSleep() instead clock_nanosleep() for hangs prevent at wTm more lesser to current. - Special.FLibSYS: VArchObj::FFT() potential crash prevented. Expand for check to EVAL and replace that to vlOnEVAL, new last argument. 2015-08-02 Roman - SYS,Transport.Sockets: Checking to CAN for access to linux/can.h is added for build allow on old systems with GLIBC version lesser 3.6. - !!!:SYS: All modules version risen to actual changes and will next trace the changes. data/debian/openscada.init: Default-Start levels set to 2 3 4 for autostart with GUI prevent, level 5. data/debian_mod/rules: set just dh_installinit, no arguments. For use CPU_COUNT() added checking to GLIBC version greater or equal 3.6. - DAQ.ICP_DAS: Retry time value for I-8014 magic processing task rewrote for achiver to real the half FIFO size. - UI.Vision: Previous alarm-notify mechanisme's commented code final removed. QPointF::manhattanLength() replaced by needs Qt version greatter or equal to 4.6. 2015-07-18 Roman - !!!!:DAQ.ICP_DAS: Module I-8014 generic and FIFO (Magic) mode support is added. Resources allocators reqRes, pBusRes moved to pthread_mutex_t. FIX: I-8017 some fixed for 16 channels support and to lose cycles correction. - DB.{LibsDB.OscadaLibs,AGLKS.St}.db: Prescription's executed units JavaLikeCalc.prescr and LogLevPrm.prescription moved to DemoDB (AGLKS). - !!:SYS: OpenSCADA's objects counters list significant expanded and the naming set unified for wide debug ones losses. - SYS.TMess: Time mark format of messages for stdout and stderr set to ISO 8601. - FIX:SYS.TCntrNode: To function chldList() argument "onlyEn" is added and used by default for list only enabled node. Some problems detected here on real-time systems when one high-priority task try access to disabled and going to remove nodes. - SYS.Security: User's language field allowed for configure always. - FIX:Archive,Archive.FSArch: Early get empty, and request to unallocated memory, previous value in string prevented by EVAL assign here, into valSet(). - FIX:DAQ.{DCON,ICP_DAS,ModBus}: Error messages expanding to addition different errors per tries fixed. - DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Commenting by symbol '#' allowed to the IO list into parameter object. 2015-07-17 fido_max - DAQ.Fastwel: AIM725 added. AIM791 high/low limit init on enable. 2015-07-08 Roman - !!:DB.LibsDB.vcaBase.db: Notification's type 1 (Buzzer) expanded by checking for program "play" use to tone synth at "beep" miss. - !!!!:SYS: Command-line options set to not case sensitive, especially for: coreDumpAllow, pidFile, h, help, log, messLev, modPath, config, station, statName, !!: Some command-line options renamed and appended by synonyms: demon + daemon, CoreDumpAllow to coreDumpAllow, pid-file to pidFile (!), MessLev to messLev, ModPath to modPath, Config to config, Station to station, StatName to statName, !!: Addressing to the config file properties set not case sensitive for attribute "id" value, especially for: Workdir to WorkDir. !!!!: Wrote and translated to Ukrainian and Russian man pages to generic binary "openscada" and script "openscada_start". !!:data/*.spec, data/{debian,debian_mod}/*.manpages: Expanded for the man-pages include. !!!!:data/{debian,debian_mod}/*.init,data/*.init: Adapted to command-line option renaming "pid-file" to "pidFile". !!!!:data/{debian,debian_mod}: Significant cleaned for most lintian's errors and warnings resolve. - FIX:DAQ.SoundCard: Locked resources left prevented for not disabled parameters. - UI.Vision: Check and notify about mime loading try to a selected item. - UI.{VCAEngine,Vision}: Previous alarm-notify mechanisme's commented code removed. 2015-06-24 Roman - !!:DB.LibsDB.vcaBase.db: Notification's type 2 (TTS) attributes notify2 and notifyVisVision2 significant expanded to checking and using TTS engines: ru_tts, espeak, festival into the priority and recheckig its into visualiser-notificator side at the play resource miss on VCAEngine side. Notification's type 1 (Buzzer) expanded by checking for program "beep" present to the call. main.{anShow,anShow1}: expanded for check the text to speech presenting and the TTS notification disable for the miss. - !!:DB.AGLKS.vca.db: To all allowed alarming borders set the notification messages on English and Russian. - FIX:data.debian.openscada.init,data.debian_mod.{openscada-plc.init,openscada-server.init},data.{oscada_ALT.init,oscada_gentoo.init}: "export" keyword miss before LANG=en_US.UTF-8 fixed, detected on PLC LP-8781 environment. - !!!!:FIX:SYS: User API function system() fixed for full reading popen's pipe, up to EOF. - DAQ.System.Sensors: Source code cleaned. - !:UI.{VCAEngine,Vision}: Alarm's notifications quietance return by flag 'quietanceRet' to the notificator is added. Using global language for that user's miss is added to notification resource request. User API function of session of project alrmSndPlay() removed as deprecated and inconsistent for new notification concept. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: The queued message removing fixed into the notification's resource part at the alarm real gone for the notification type. 2015-06-12 Roman - !!:DB: LibsDB.vcaBase.db: To the root page added notification attributes: notify2, notifyVisVision0, notifyVisVision1, notifyVisVision2. - !!!!:UI.{VCAEngine,Vision}: New flexible notification mechanism mostly implemented. Previous alarming mechanism commented for while. - SYS: data/debian/rules and data/debian_mod/rules: some cleaned for rulles dependences; parallel building by key -j2 is added, by Alexey Bondarchuk (aleax); FIX:data/debian_mod/openscada-core.install for openscada.mo placing. FIX: Some original messages fix. TSYS::taskDestroy() expanded by condition variable argument pthread_cond_t for the unlock provide. User API function SYS.fileRemove( string file ) is added. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Using into user attributes symbol '|' fixed for types no TFld::Integer, TFld::Real and selected. - FIX:UI.Vision: The sound alarm empty play command processing fix. 2015-05-29 Roman - FIX:SYS:debian_mod/control,openscada_mod_ALT.spec,openscada_mod_RH.spec: No printable symbols into packages description fix. - !!:FIX:SYS: Only one processor, number 1, set at the multiprocessing checking fix by the real available processors get. Main CPUs set appended as configuration field for allow generic processors select, include information about current processors set. The information about current processors set to a task's thread is added, into generic tab "Tasks". CPU information's field renamed from "CPU frequency" to "CPU" and is appended by present CPU number. 2015-05-24 Roman - FIX:Archive.FSArch: Some original messages fixed. - FIX:DAQ.ICP_DAS: Build on ARM fixed. 2015-05-22 Roman - SYS: Targets "*-lzma" into Makefile.am fixed for force using LZMA by --use-compress-program=lzma but argument --lzma often uses XZ. {debian,debian_mod}/changelog, *.spec: Work version scheme naming set to 0.9+rNNNN for adapt to the AutoBuilder, allow next update to 0.9.N and the Work version's SVN revision present into the program binary. {debian,debian_mod}/rules: Autoreconf call by dh_autoreconf restored. data/openscada_start.in: "subst" command using, as the ALTLinux specific, replaced to generic "sed". - FIX:DB.FireBird: Configure template AX_LIB_FIREBIRD adapted for configure and build that with 64bit libraries, like Mandriva64. 2015-05-15 Roman - SYS: Source distributive build targets distSrc-xz and distRes-xz added. All build's files moved to using source packeges packed XZ. - FIX.Transport.Sockets: Wait the connection timeout into the initiative mode fixed by the socket switch to O_NONBLOCK. 2015-05-13 fido_max - DAQ.Fastwel: FBUS SDK updated to 2.301 2015-05-11 Roman - Archiver.FSArch: Yet one place using delFile() set. - DAQ.{DAQGate,JavaLikeCalc,OPC_UA,SoundCard}: Some translations fixed. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Link to widget's attribute from the wiget by "wdg:a_XXX" prevented from crash into generic status. 2015-05-09 Roman - !!:FIX:Archiver.FSArch: Removing *.info files for different pack mode is fixed. Tab "Files" is added for the messages and the values with information about the archive's files. - FIX:UI.WebCfgD: Title's null value fix for helps. - SYS: *.spec: Field "Release" set to template rNNNN. - DB: DB object's fields "DESCR" and "ADDR" size risen to 2000 and 1000, respectively. - !!:FIX:Archiver.FSArch: Free storage space lack checking added for prevent hang and data loss for messages and values. - FIX:DB.SQLite: Adapted to the keys description as the key position number. - DAQ.{DCON,ICP_DAS,ModBus}: Error messages expanded to addition different errors per tries. - Transport.Serial: Some expanded by debug messages and the minuteness. - UI.QTCfg: List element expanded horizontal to all page, for wide items. 2015-05-06 Roman - UI.Vision: Default exporting set for the big (not lesser twice to main page) and the single documents or the diagram. 2015-05-05 Roman - Protocol.SelfSystem: Expanded by status - Active authentication sessions. - SYS: {debian,debian_mod}/control: Depends for build with Qt5 is added. - !!:BD.ODBC: The build dependencies checking is added to configure, by new macros AX_LIB_IODBC and iodbc-config. Transactions generic processing and the tables list getting added. Generic, ODBC internal, requests "tables", "qualifiers", "owners", "datatypes" to generic sqlReq() function is added. - FIX:BD.PostgreSQL: The build dependencies checking macros AX_LIB_POSTGRESQL some fixed for the results. - !!:DB: LibsDB.vcaBase.db: All left widgets of the widgets library "Main" moved to the dynamic translation by function tr(). Widget's "grpCadr", "cntrRegul", "ResultGraph", "doc_panel", "cntrPasp" code significant cleaned and refactored. - FIX:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Equal and NotEqual the virtual machine functions adjusted for undefined object's properties correct processing by the processing generic as Real for not String types. - Protocol.UserProtocol: Restore starting a function added for stopped early by safety timeout. - UI.Vision: Default printing and exporting set for the big (not lesser twice to main page) and the single documents. Primitive "Document" printing and exporting allowed from the context menu. Apply/Cancel buttons of the text edition elements set to adaptive for the labels present or either depends from allowed size of the widget container. 2015-04-26 fido_max - DAQ.FastWel: Support the module DIM716 added. Channels number of the module DIM718 fixed. The module renamed to the correct "Fastwel". The module translation to Russian is added. 2015-04-26 Roman - !!!!:DB: New module "ODBC", based on iodbc, is added. At first there works only SQL statements request to the connected DB. - SYS.BD.=Tmpl=: Some next adapted to actual. - FIX:DAQ.{AMRDevs,Comedi,DAQGate,DiamondBoards,EPICS,MMS,ModBus,OPC_UA,SMH2Gi}: Fix for return after the condition "!p->enableStat() || !p->owner().startStat()" into the value set function, for next and real writing prevent. Thanks for the note from Maxim Kochetkov(fido_max)! - DAQ.{Comedi,DiamondBoards,SMH2Gi}: Significant the code cleaned. - !!:FIX:UI.Vision: For primitive "FormEl" fixed sometime difference between real and seen value, mostly for discrete views ComboBox and CheckBox. 2015-04-22 Roman - SYS: debian/rules: "dh_installinit --no-start" set for prevent the service automatic start. - SYS.*.=Tmpl=: configure.in renamed to configure.ac. Mostly cleared. SYS.BD.=Tmpl=: Mostly adapted to actual, for follow BD.ODBC append. - Protocol.HTTP: Expanded by status - Active authentication sessions. - Transport.Sockets: The connection timeout for an initiative input transport set to 5 seconds. - UI.Vision: Main opened windows list to the module configure page status added, for remote control. - FIX:UI.Vision: Pages including for equal the container and the included widget size fixed to oppress the scrolls for big scale. - FIX:UI.{Vision,WebVision}: View "Button" of primitive FormEl adapted to the image scale for all the widget size. Allow cover all the button space by the image. 2015-04-19 Roman - DB: LibsDB.vcaBase.db: New widget "Calendar", from the project Krasna, to the library "Main" is added. Condensed "TABLE.data" style for mostly document's tables apply, for thin to one pixel borders set. - !!:FIX:UI.VCAEngine: The function resource to a widgets library and a project loading and enabling by need multiple entry and perform prevent. Some crashes and not full the data access prevent for the remote players. - !!:FIX:SYS: TCntrNode::isModify() rewrote for race-condition prevent by the chain locking from the parent to all children, mostly by previous case. - FIX:UI.Vision: "Timeouted" messages at the running session restoring try, by the background project's data loading wait, oppressed and the window closing ceased. 2015-04-18 Roman - FIX:DB.FireBird: Prevent a table fix for key row as blr_varying. - !!:DB.MySQL: Address field "sets" (charset-collation-engine) appended to the storage engine set for next created tables. 2015-04-16 Roman - !!:FIX:DB.MySQL: Address field "names" expanded to "charset-collation" and used as "CREATE db CHARACTER SET charset COLLATE collation" into the DB creation and for connection set as "SET NAMES charset COLLATE collation". - !!!!:FIX:DB.PostgreSQL: Entries dublicates and other ones miss for request fieldSeek() workaround is added by "ORDER BY" to the request append and the entries force sort. DateTimeDec processing fix twice: for check to type change (the row recreation) and the value for flag TCfg::ExtValTwo request. - Archive.FSArch: The messages limits into the plain format archive expanded to 100000 symbols. - UI.VCAEngine: Special IOs naming to the execution session's context is added. - FIX:UI.Vision: The primitive "Document" text global styles "font-weight" and "font-style" forcing removed and set only for the properties allowes into the font widget's attribute, for allow working tags "<B>" and "<I>". 2015-04-12 Roman - FIX:SYS: The internationalisation files for included to the core modules also placed to the package debian_mod/openscada-core.install. User API object XMLNodeObj expanded by function clear() for allow fast a node clean up from children, text and/or attributes. The User API generic object's data resource Res replaced by pthread_mutex_t and the also used for connections to objects. - !!:TVArchive: User API functions for the object are added: status(), end(), begin(), period(), archivatorList(), getVal(). - TVArchivator: User API function status() for the object is added. - !!:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Set for binary operations like "a = b+c+d+e;" using single temporary register and allow speed optimization for strings append mostly. - FIX:UI.QTCfg: Edited now text element horizontal resizing fix. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: User API operations mime() and mimeSet() used, tested and fixed for primitive "Diagram" source edition, storing into the session table and the result display, for SVG. 2015-04-06 Roman - FIX:DAQ.ICP_DAS: aiTypes translation for I-87017ZW and I-87026PW fixed. - FIX:UI.WebCfgD: Function basicFields() of WebCfgDVCA.js cleaned. Static selected lists into "ind_ls" and "val_ls" processing some improved for empty items pass and other. - FIX:SYS: {debian|debian_mod}/* are appended by links to LibsDB and ARCHIVES/{VAL,MESS} for Model.{AGLKS,Boiler} for the models call into demon mode. FIX:{debian|debian_mod}/control: Fixed for depends and openscada-core appended by the included modules to list. - Transport: User API objects are appended by functions: In::{status,addr}, Out::{status,addr,timings}. - UI.WebVision: ElFigure images scaling prevented by possible diferent child's size for send and process real "geomW" and "geomH". 2015-04-04 Roman - SYS: debian/control: Build depends added libcomedi-dev. {debian|debian_mod}/control: ${shlibs:Depends} removed from *-dbg. {debian|debian_mod}/rules, debian_mod/control: Set the modules for build-in (include) to OpenSCADA core library: DBF, SQLite, JavaLikeCalc, LogicLev, Sockets, Serial, SelfSystem, UserProtocol, FLibComplex1, FLibSYS. Configure stage moved to different with the stamp touch. clean-install (for dh_clean) target is added as first for the target "binary". debian_mod/*.init: Adapted for simultaneously the starting. - !!:FIX: Protocol.*: Including the modules call-external functions like "prt_HTTP_module" renamed to "prot_HTTP_module". 2015-04-03 Roman - SYS: debian/rules made simplify and unified. signal() replaced by sigaction() and restore original handlers at the TSYS destroy is added. 2015-04-02 Roman - FIX:DAQ.OPC_UA: Array type publish fixed. 2015-04-01 Roman - SYS: "Summary" of data/*.spec mostly cleaned. data/openscada_mod_ALT.spec: The requires some reordered and packages descriptions some fixed and appended. data/openscada_mod_RH.spec: Significant cleaned, updated to Work (0.9) version and descriptions some appended. Cleaning is not finished yet. !!:data/debian_mod added for allow build separated modules packages. - TArchives, TCntrNode, DAQ.SMH2Gi, UI.VCAEngine: All remains operations with TArrayObj moved to arGet() and arSet(). - Transports: To input transport object added User API function assTrsList() for assigned output transports to the input. - !!:SYS.*: For almost all modules the description updated. - DAQ.OPC_UA: AId_DataType processing for Array into the server part is added. 2015-03-30 Roman - SYS: *.spec files and directory "debian" moved to directory "data". File data/openscada_mod_RH.spec is added for modules separated packages build for RH-based, from Aleksey Popkov. File data/openscada.ebuild is added for build to Gentoo from, Constantine (IrmIngeneer). 2015-03-29 Roman - DB: LibsDB.OscadaLibs.db: DAQ template of the protocol "Temperature measurement IT-3 (IT3)" were appended by checking and init the device code. - !!!!:FIX:Archive:FSArch: Strings archiving final fixed after last the string archiving fix into last value. Repair values file's procedure fixed for fix value types and appended at last by not fixed type (like string) repairing code. For all the archiving types executed values placing tests (0...8) and the files errors immitations tests (1...3). All the tests passed. - FIX:UI.QTCfg: Crashes at some wrong reply after the network negotiations fixed. 2015-03-28 Roman - DB: LibsDB.OscadaLibs.db: Elements of protocol "Temperature measurement IT-3 (IT3)" are added to the user protocols library. - FIX:DB: Model.Boiler.st.db: Links to element mnEls.Compressor on all mnemos fixed. Achivator's 1s and 1m storage limit set from 0.0001 to 0 for disable and the files removing prevent. - !!:FIX:Archive:FSArch: To the specific parameters set limits for work range. FIX: Processing for remove the files by limits fixed for prevent fresh-new archive file removing for two archive files. FIX: Later cache dropping at values set fixed by removing call to owner().end() to after. Detected for new created files without early allowed any current files, no realEnd yet set. Some debug messages by OSC_DEBUG definition is added. maxCapacity() disabling set for the value < 1. - !!!!:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Expanded by VM commands AddAss, SubAss, MulAss, DivAss for make optimal operations ++, --, +=, -=, *=, /=, with assigning. Mostly for the operations to type "String" and spare memory realocation prevent here for any appends, cause significant performance rise here. 2015-03-25 Roman - TMess: Time mark added to messages for stdout and stderr, and the messages format mostly changed to "{tm}: {lev}[{cat}] {mess}". - Protocol.SelfSystem: SingleUserHostLimit property added for the limit control. Error message for SingleUserHostLimit reach is added. - FIX:Special.FLibSYS: codeConvOut() prevented at write raw string for empty encoding name. 2015-03-23 Roman - {DAQ,Protocol}.OPC_UA: Array for simple types support added. Main integer changed from OpcUa_Int32 to OpcUa_Int64. FIX:OpcUa_Int64 type fixed by expand iN{u}() and oN{u}(). Some direct indexes replaced by the symbol definitions. Some definitions unified. 2015-03-21 Roman - FIX:SYS: Init scripts for RH tested and some fixed. - !!!!:SYS: Main start program "openscada" mostly rewrote for preferable demon mode produce: - static function TSYS::getCmdOpt_() variant is added for the using allow from the main start program; - check and switch to the demon mode first; - CoreDumpAllow process for left for the work process; - check and create pid-file for the work process; - same OpenSCADA core start. - SYS: Init scripts for ALT, RH, Gentoo, Debian mostly improved, simplified and adapted to PID using. The scripts for ALT and Debian tested and for RH will testing later. - !!:FIX:SYS,DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: The functions libraries early starting into load_() prevented by crashing at "openscada --help". For DAQ.JavaLikeCalc priority at first starting the modules of subsystems set to ordered and to modules property "HighPriority" added to place the first. - DAQ.{BlockCalc,JavaLikeCalc}: Object TipContr renamed to TpContr. 2015-03-19 Roman - SYS: Configure template AX_LIB_FIREBIRD some adapted for configure and build FireBird with headers into */include/firebird, like SuSE. Init script for RH expanded by argument -d 30 for stop and wait to correct finish. Init script for Debian some simplified, will further test. - FIX:QTStarter: Some original text messages fixed. 2015-03-18 Roman - SYS: The main start script openscada_start improved for using config file "oscada.xml" into the project work directory. Init script for ALTLinux expanded by argument "--retry TERM/30/KILL/5" for stop and wait to correct finish. Init script for Gentoo mostly cleaned. User API function SYS.strDecode() fixed for argument 2 using by default. - FIX:UI.Vision: Allowed coordinates value limited to [-1000000:1000000] by figures updating freeze by Qt for too big the values. 2015-03-15 Roman - DB: LibsDB.OscadaLibs.db: Tests for Archive.FSArch packing mechanism is added as servProc.archPackFStests. - !!:FIX:Archive: iend > arch_el[i_a]->begin() set to iend >= arch_el[i_a]->begin() for allow strong and single end value get. mLastGet processing fixed for inactive (without buffer) archives for only direct writing here. - !!:FIX.Archive.FSArch: repairFile() mostly fixed for the cache clean up after and no EVAL last value for actual archives checking appended. copyErrValFiles replaced by directory "errors" present for copy the errors here. Last real value getting from active archives some expanded for unmerged EVAL values pass. Full tests chain passed for the packing mechanism. - FIX:Special.SystemTests: Tests "Archive" mostly fixed and some expanded. - UI.QTCfg: Fixed for LineEdit view "Integer" to allowed values limit [-2147483647:2147483647] 2015-03-13 Roman - FIX:DAQ.MMS: Wrong value's special acquisition flags clear at write EVAL here prevented. - FIX:DB: LibsDB.vcaBase.db: Text label's "Y:%1%(%2%)" for Main.grph_panel fixed. - LibsDB.vcaBase.db: Main.TextLab expanded context menu periodic 10s update. - TRegExp: expanded by option 'u' for UTF-8 symbols allow and sets the force for UTF-8 locale. 2015-03-10 Roman - DB: LibsDB.vcaBase.db, Model.AGLKS.vca.db, Model.Boiler.St.db: "com_text" of Main.ElCadr and TextLab link changed to "Full link". - DB: LibsDB.vcaBase.db: To elements mnEls.{Compressor,El_Kran_Sh} attribute "DESCR" is added for forming more informative messages at the actions. - UI.VCAEngine: Checking for accessibility output links removed as inconsistent at all. 2015-03-07 Roman - DB: LibsDB.OscadaLibs.db: User protocols were appended by protocol OWEN, from IrmIngeneer and refactoring by me. 2015-03-06 Roman - DB: LibsDB.OscadaLibs.db, FIX:Protocol.UserProtocol: Translation for user protocols fixed and appended. - DB: LibsDB.vcaBase.db, Model.AGLKS.vca.db, Model.Boiler.St.db: Main.ElCadr for "digComs" and writing to "com_text" tested, fixed and adapted into all projects. - UI.VCAEngine: Checking for accessibility output links for allow the check into user's script by EVAL. 2015-03-05 Roman - DB: LibsDB.OscadaLibs.db: User protocols and the data templates were appended by protocol SMDP. - DB: LibsDB.vcaBase.db: Main.{ElCadr,TextLab}: expanded by free commands into "digComs" and writing to "com_text". For Main.ElCadr also appended "st_text" for current state. - DAQ.DAQGate: Configuration "SYNCPER" type changed from real to int. - !!!!:DAQ.ICP_DAS: libi8k.a and the headers updated to one which I-8014 support and for all. Watchdog for I-8x81 by EnableWDT() replaced by EnableSysWDT(). - !!:DAQ.MMS: Expanded for prevent requests to no connOK(), getNameList service caching. Configuration "SYNCPER" type changed from real to int. For dataRes used dataRes() allowed for the node core. - DAQ.{OPC_UA,MMS}: Synchronisation time "SYNCPER" seprated to Restore timeout "TM_REST" which used for same restoring control. - FIX:DAQ.{ModBus,DAQGate}: Configuration "TM_REST" size fixed to maximum limit. - DAQ.MMS: enRes moved to mutex. Generic resources set unified. 2015-02-27 Roman - FIX:DAQ.OPC_UA: Big message's parts into the input protocol's part merge and wait fix. - FIX:DB.{FireBird,MySQL,PostgreSQL,SQLite}: getVal() expanded by RqFlg for TCfg::ExtValTwo into key and TFld::DateTimeDec using fix. - UI.QTCfg: Expanded for TextEdit fields fit to full page, for busy. TextEdit rewrote for internal layout remove. 2015-02-26 Roman - DB: LibsDB.OscadaLibs.db: User protocols and the data templates some make unified for: UPS, VKT7. - FIX:DAQ.OPC_UA: Input: Possible spare requests part drop after no need for now and no error requests fix. - Protocol.UserProtocol: Timestamp for last the user object modification is added. - Transport.Sockets: Some debug messages about the input protocol interaction (create and close) is added. - UI.QTCfg: Strong words wrap set to TextEdit widget, mostly for long descriptions. Some preparings to fit widgets like to TextEdit, CfgTable and List to full page size by vertical. - !!!!:UI.{Vision,WebVision}: True include widgets size scaling is added by scale edged point, for correct fit each to other at any scale. The new size scale policy excluded and used minimal for pages, to UI.Vision, for allow fit to containers without the scroll appear. 2015-02-23 Roman - FIX:SYS,Transport.Sockets,UI.{Vision,WebVision}: Some warnings about comparing signed and unsigned fix. - FIX:DAQ.MMS: RejectErrs and ConfirmErrs obtain fixed. - FIX:DAQ.Siemens: LibnoDave: Pointer to int cast fixed by replace the cast to long. - FIX:SYS: Debian's init script fixed by remove force LC_ALL set and that break down individual LC_NUMERIC=C setting for different to C,POSIX or English locales. 2015-02-22 Roman - DB: LibsDB.OscadaLibs.db: User protocols and the data templates some make unified for: SCU750, TMH, TM510x, SMS, DCON. - DB: ModelsDB.AGLKS.St.db: User protocols DCON and TM510x moved to LibsDB.OscadaLibs.db. 2015-02-21 Roman - Transport.Sockets: Help message to input protocol selection about the empty value is added. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Link to widget's attribute from the wiget by "wdg:a_XXX" fixed. 2015-02-20 Roman - DAQ.Fastwell: Addition headers included to distribution. - FIX:DAQ.Siemens: Into Libnodave file nodave.h #pragma pack(1) is replaced to #pragma pack(push,1) ... #pragma pack(pop). - FIX:DAQ.Siemens,Special.SystemTests: Integer type expanded next to int64_t. - UI.{VCAEngine,Vision}: Some warnings added for try add already present items and paste, after copy or cut, to already present item. - Transport.Sockets: Checking for activity for initiative mode moved to the input protocol function check() and unsuccess checking for losses TCP-connections tried. 2015-02-19 Roman - DAQ.OPC_UA: Debug error messages for input requests fixed. Sequence number is added to "MSG Req:" messages for sync allow. - DAQ.Siemens: LibnoDave version updated to 0.8.5 (last from 05/17/13). 2015-02-18 fido_max - New module DAQ.Fastwell implement for Fastwell IO FBUS client implementation. 2015-02-17 Roman - FIX:DAQ.OPC_UA.libOPC_UA: TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsRequest service fixed for processing no OK paths. - DAQ.OPC_UA: Limit limRetrQueueTm() for retransmission queue time control. For all limits control tab "Data" with limits is added. - FIX:UI.Vision: Remote projects and sessions list obtain fixed to proper users for started user's field. Scale margin for runtime session decreased from 5% to 2%. 2015-02-12 Roman - !!!!:SYS: Classes TTipBD, TTipDAQ, TTipParam, TTipArchivator, TTipTransport renamed to TTypeBD, TTypeDAQ, TTypeParam, TTypeArchivator, TTypeTransport at last. Source tree's files ttipdaq.h, ttipdaq.cpp, ttiparam.h renamed to ttypedaq.h, ttypedaq.cpp, ttypeparam.h. Core library version risen to 3:3:0. DB subsystem type modules version risen to 7. DAQ subsystem type modules version risen to 8. Archive subsystem type modules version risen to 7. Transports subsystem type modules version risen to 7. - !!!!:Transport.Sockets: Initiative connection for input transport types TCP and UNIX support is added when the input transport do not wait a connection from remote but self connected and continue waiting request by the established connection. 2015-02-10 Roman - DB: LibsDB.vcaBase.db: Main.cntrPaspExt expanded for allow text's attributes edit into multiline. - FIX:UI.Vision: Prevented hang at zero length from center to first radius. Some trivial fixes. 2015-02-07 Roman - DAQ.OPC_UA: OpcUa_BadMessageNotAvailable service error is added and used for service "RepublishRequest". 2015-02-06 Roman - DB: LibsDB.vcaBase.db: Main.{grpGraph,grpGraph10}: Adapted for Logical scale control for individual parameters to Diagram type "XY" specific. Model.{AGLKS,Boiler}: Control panel's copy for graphs Main.grph_panel some fixed into the project. 2015-02-05 Roman - DB: LibsDB.vcaBase.db: Control panel for graphs Main.grph_panel expanded for XY type select allow and the scaling by X allow. - DAQ.OPC_UA: Addition debug messages is added to service TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsRequest. - UI.VCAEngine.Diagram: Cursor attributes "curSek", "curUSek", "curColor" set allowed for all types. Attribute "sclHor" set to generic for all types. - UI.{Vision,WebVision}.Diagram: Attribute "prm{N}val" set to current value for type XY is added. Also set "curSek" and "curUSek" to current value time. - FIX:UI.WebVision: Resource lock replaced to mutex and some potential bugs fixed. 2015-01-31 Roman - !!!!:UI.{VCAEngine,Vision,WebVision}: Type "XY" to primitive "Diagram" support is added, by Y into unpair and X into pair parameters. - FIX:UI.Vision: Double free by later restoring user and the password after changing user to unallowed for reading user for the project's session. 2015-01-28 Roman - FIX:UI.{Vision,WebVision}: For primitive "Diagram" expanded address variant "data:{XMLNodeData}" for allow pass "tm", "tm_grnd" and possibility set in seconds by attribute 's'. Assign loaded values but not the append to the values buffer for direct address variants "line:{value}" and "data:{XMLNodeData}" is fixed. 2015-01-27 Roman - !!!!:FIX:SYS: For prevent race condition the functions preEnable(), postEnable(), preDisable() and postDisable() sets to lock free. Disabled nodes allowed to list also as checking for present. Flags MkDisable, Disable, MkEnable, Enable renamed to DoDisable, Disabled, DoEnable, Enabled. Flag NodeShiftDel removed. - Transport.Sockets: Property MSS is added for control TCP-segment size for bad channels. - UI.Vision: ElFig: next stage for clean up; Some smarter control for control point 1 and 2 of Arc is added. 2015-01-24 Roman - UI.WebVision: root user or users into group "root" allowed for multiple sessions open into any cases. 2015-01-23 Roman - Transports,Transports::Sockets: TTransportIn::assTrs() expanded by argument "checkForCleanClosed" for allow checking to clean up and used for force clean up into achiving to limits, possible for unstick from the limit. 2015-01-22 Roman - FIX:DB: Radial image mnEls.rad_l_127 fixed for edge and make equal to mnEls.rad_r_127. - SYS.TCntrNode: Set for original message print at exception into chldDel() or mostly into heir's postDisable(). - !:FIX:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Zero value divizer for operation '%' processing is fixed, for crash prevent. - UI.QTStarter: For main UI task destroy set timeout to 60 seconds and an execution generation allowed at the destroying timeout. - UI.Vision: ElFigure's source code next some cleaned. Append remnant from the widget placing into parent container temporary removed from scaleRotate() and unScaleRotate() for prevent flaws between inundations into some cases. inundationItem() some cleaned. createInundationPath() some prepared for the source next convolution. 2015-01-21 Roman - !:SYS: POT files generated and left into the source tree for allow fast translation start to different languages. - FIX:Transport.Serial: The source code cleaned from doubles TSYS::strNoSpace() and some other. 2015-01-15 Roman - DB: LibsDB.vcaBase.db: mnEls: All gradient's figures of mnemos expanded to 100 pixels, for exclude unstick from edges at the scaling. mnEls.Compressor: Spare arc figure removed. - DB: ModelsDB.Boiler.St.db: Fixed for the graphics groups using for the title into attribute "name". - SYS: Main start script openscada_start some updated for multiple starts prevent only by check into "ps -C | grep", and without lock file with PID. Short global function-link rRnd() (into namespace OSCADA) to TSYS::realRound() is added. - DAQ.BFN: Adapted to new node's resources locking scheme. - !:UI.{VCAEngine,Vision}: To primitive ElFigure attribute "mirror" is added for allow the primitive's shapes mirroring. Into UI.Vision implemented only main funtions and some problems present now for arcs. - !!:UI.Vision: TSYS::realRound() everywhere replaced to short variant rRnd(). !!:FIX:ElFigure's source code significant cleaned for next step. Some bugs fixed. Starting implement for mirroring. 2015-01-05 Roman - !!!!:SYS: Generic node resources locking separated to the children (function) and the common data methods and the moved to mutex from RW-locks for prevent some locks workaraund and dead locks at try relock Read after lock as Write or contrary from the complex node accessing. TCntrNode::nodeRes() moved and for generic resources locking access new dataRes() provided. Removed static resource locking "TCntrNode::connM" and instead used new TCntrNode::dataRes(). Config resource moved to different cfgRes(). ModSched: Moved to different resources locking "schM". - DAQ: mRedntSt moved from ResString to MtxString. For redundancy processing different resources locking "mRdRes" is added. - UI.VCAEngine: Automatic sessions control moved to resources locking "mSesRes". 2015-01-02 Roman - DAQ.OPC_UA: Object's SecuritySetting argument "imMod" set force to signed char by "int8_t", for some ARMs. 2014-12-26 Roman - LibsDB.OscadaLibs.db: JavaLikeCalc.regEl.pidUnifD fixed for holded by up to 2 seconds pulse outputs "impQupTm" and "impQdwnTm" for GUI. - !!:FIX:DAQ.Siemens: Resources allocation mostly revised and added global API resource for prevent crashes at the reconnection by parallel access and remaping the connections index. Source code mostly cleaned. 2014-12-24 Roman - LibsDB.OscadaLibs.db: JavaLikeCalc.regEl.pidUnifD expanded new attributes translation, operation limits for main parameters, and some fixes for work with real crane's position present. - LibsDB.vcaBase.db: mnEls.El_Kran_polozh some expanded for enveronment color set and procedure limits for [0...100]. Main.anShow1 fixed for the selection blink by it's control panel set. - FIX:DB.{SQLite,MySQL,PostgreSQL,FireBird}: Fixed for prevent load translation from no empty translation's DB field but disabled to translation. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Unproper syntax highlighting rules apply into primitive "FormEl" fixed. - FIX:UI.Vision: Changes update after that apply into attributes manager of the widgets into group mode fixed to update different widget's attributes into the group and on the contrary for first widget into the group. 2014-12-22 Roman - !!:FIX:TCntrNode::chldPresent() set to detect as present all nodes, and disabled now also. Mostly for detection by name set correct. Global resource allocation into TCntrNode::chldDel() restored for prevent race-condition into UI.VCAEngine at the session stop. - DAQ: Parameter's config field "OWNER" set to TCfg::NoVal for prevent that appears into attributes. 2014-12-17 Roman - !!!!:FIX:TCntrNode,DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Write resource into TCntrNode::chldDel() moved global for prevent attach to removing now node. To function compileFunc() of DAQ.JavaLikeCalc resource added at "<auto>" function ID generation and prevent multiple attach to one. 2014-12-14 Roman - LibsDB.OscadaLibs.db: JavaLikeCalc.regEl.pidUnifD: expanded for limit contacts and the control mechanisme's position using for regulation. - LibsDB.vcaBase.db: Main.grpGraph10: fixed for accessing to need attributes. - SYS: To all desktop files appended "env TERM=" for double starting the console program "dialog" background execution and storage space leak into ~/.xsession-errors prevent. - DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: "Add" and "Insert" operation to IOs table expanded for use previous IO as template for new. - UI.{VCAEngine,Vision}: Used the widget counter by the heirs is added to states of the main item control page. 2014-12-09 Roman - LibsDB.vcaBase.db: Main.{ElCadr,grph_panel}: procedures translation flag is added and set to false. Main.grph_panel: Adapted for dynamic translation. - !!:UI.{VCAEngine,Vision}: Widget's procedure translation flag for the translation control is added. 2014-12-08 Roman - LibsDB.OscadaLibs.db: To DAQ templates base.{anUnif,manInUnif} new visual behaviour attribute "log" is added, for mark display the variable into logarithmic scale. Some translations cleaned and updated. - LibsDB.vcaBase.db: Name using as label into the graphics groups is fixed for project archBrowser. Main.{grpGraph,grpGraph10}: Disable the elements by default set. !!!:Main.{ElViewGraph,grpGraph,grpGraph10,graphSelPrm,cntrPaspExt}: Logarithmic scale's attribute "log" and the support for select is added. - !!:FIX:TConfig.setS(): For default value set into ExtVal mode to ExtValOn. - !!:FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Double set the pages to processing and the firstinited context losses prevented. Double call the pages to first execution from processing procedure and cascade from the top-level page is prevented. 2014-12-06 Roman - !!!!:FIX:DAQ.ICP_DAS: Adapting to complex module I-87026PW. 2014-12-05 Roman - LibsDB.OscadaLibs.db: JavaLikeCalcLib.Controllers.prescr direct appended by IOs: "f_frq", "f_start", "f_stop", "this". - Function,DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Modify flag set for function object's ioAdd(), ioIns(), ioDel(), ioMove(). modifClr() call for "sys_compile" librarie's function. Func::SysAttr flag remove for IOs "f_frq", "f_start", "f_stop", "this" and allow the storring by the libraries priority start. - FIX:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Early start, at load, for function's libraries is added. Mostly for make allow the functions before DAQ.BlockCalc start. 2014-12-03 Roman - FIX:SYS: Some build warnings fixed - FIX:UI.{VCAEngine,Vision}: Changes down procedure mostly fixed and adapted for update the parent widget into open for edit state. - FIX:TConfig: extVal() processing to the copy is added. - FIX:TTransportIn: Early stop into postDisable() is added for prevent crash at stop into the destructor with freed data into heir object. 2014-11-30 Roman - !:UI.VCAEngine: Inheritance support is added for owner and permition of the widgets. 2014-11-29 Roman - !:DAQ.LogicLev: Link to object's property by path "{ModType}.{Cntr}.{Prm}.{Attr}#{ObjPath}" is added. - Transport.Sockets: Source code for SOCK_RAWCAN some clean up. 2014-11-27 fido_max - !:Transport.Sockets: RAWCAN SocketCAN support added. 2014-11-23 Roman - LibsDB.OscadaLibs.db: Translation field is added to procedures and the library accept. - LibsDB.vcaBase.db: Main.ElCadr: Border's order set to alarm upper. Restore time for repeat decrease to 0.2. - !!:TConfig,DAQ.{Templates,JavaLikeCalc},Protocol.{ModBus,UserProtocol}: DblVal renamed to ExtVal. Transparent mode for translation access by getS() and ExtVal mode is added. ExtVal mode mostly used for procedures text translate control, mostly for the disable into dynamic translation mode. 2014-11-13 Roman - LibsDB.vcaBase.db: Main.ElCadr mostly fixed for tooltips to the commands. - !!:FIX:Archive,Archive.FSArch: Final fixed for prevent the doubles and wrong archives connection for later appended data sources. 2014-11-09 Roman - LibsDB.OscadaLibs.db: base.anUnifSt: expanded for independent L and LL, H and HH borders set. - LibsDB.vcaBase.db: Analog show 1 short variant Main.anShow1s is added. - ModelAGLKS.vca.db: Present graphics group fixed for "name" process set. - TConfig: KeyUpdtBase renamed to DblValTwo and KeyUpdtSet to DblValOne and keyUpdt() to dblVal(). TCfg::Transl as flag is added for translated message request from dblVal() by getS(). - !!:FIX:Archive.FSArch: Check for the archive's files checking before new created is added, for prevent doubles. Point to the data area for last value index prevented for the type String. Messages and its translation some updated. - DB.{FireBird,MySQL,PostgreSQL,}: setVal() function expanded for translations. - DAQ.{DCON,ICP_DAS,ModBus}: Tries apply for connections set by possible the send request breakdown and no response. - DAQ.JAvaLikeCalc: Experimental, one stage requested, used for load field "DEF" of the functions, by setDblVal(true). - FIX:Special.FLibSYS: IO object fix for empty stream process into unsigned operation "pos <= (str.size()-tpD.szBt)". 2014-11-03 Roman - !!!!:FIX:DAQ.ICP_DAS: Resource to slot and the next request moved to generic for collisions exclude. 2014-11-03 Roman - FIX:UI.Vision: Item::Select mode attribute processing fix for permition like attributes. 2014-11-02 Roman - LibsDB.vcaBase.db: Main.objProps: default size decreased to 1.5 and moved to dynamic translation. Main.cntrPaspExt: Moved to dynamic translation. - DAQ.BlockCalc: Priority block additive selection is added. 2014-10-30 Roman - LibsDB.OscadaLibs.db: base.{anUnif,manInUnif}: "HystBnd" for default set to 1% into the template. FIX:base.digitBlock: fixed for simultaneously commands clean. - LibsDB.vcaBase.db: Graphics group: Title moved to attribute "name", for particular export name set. Adapted to procedure dynamic translation. Zero precision processing changed to equal for Main.anShow. Main.{anShow,anShow1},mnEls.{El_Kran_Sh,Compressor}: Select by focus and prevent the focus for empty name is added. mnEls.El_Alarm: processing procedure created for full signal and alarms forming. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Mime download expanded and fixed for projects. - DAQ.BlockCalc: "calcRes" moved to mutex. Diagnostics messages added for no start to process in some cases the reason detect. Sort blocks procedure mostly rewrote for fix. 2014-10-22 Roman - LibsDB.OscadaLibs.db: Template base.digAlarm expanded for fullfeatured alarms generation from digital signal. - LibsDB.vcaBase.db: Main.ElCadr: scale and histogram reordered for alarms borders visible ensure. Main.TextLab: alarms notify expanded to blink to "gray" back and postblink after alarm gone. mnEls.El_Kran_Sh: moved to dynamic translation and blink by appropriate control's panel open. - AGLKS.St.db: Wrong LogLev.experiment.КШ7 removed. 2014-10-21 Roman - LibsDB.OscadaLibs.db: DevLib.UPS translated adapted for miss fields and translated. - LibsDB.vcaBase.db: Main.TextLab moved to dynamic translation and expanded by alarms notify. Main.{anShow,ElViewGraph}, mnEls.Compressor some fixed and expanded for translation. - UI.WebVision: Scroll for the included containers correct for different variants. Some code clean up. 2014-10-16 Roman - SYS.icons: DAQ.{BlockCalc,LogicLev} icons updated. - LibsDB.OscadaLibs: Prescription controller mostly updated and fixed for multilevel. - !!!!:LibsDB.vcaBase.db: Prescription run frames adapted for multilevel. Prescription edit frame expanded by editable name and description for a step. - FIX:DAQ.BlockCalc: Blocks table copy into BLOCK_SH prevent at the controller object copy. Attribute's items comment by symbol '#' is added to the items list. - DAQ.{DCON,ICP_DAS}: Some source code clean up. - DAQ.ICP_DAS: Context help for watchdog field of LP8x81 is added. - FIX:UI.WebCfgD: Table item processing fix, mostly into tab "Diagnostic" of DAQ controller. 2014-10-09 Roman - !!!!:LibsDB.{OscadaLibs,vcaBase}.db: Prescription editor expand for tree commands implement. DAQ templates base.{anUnif,anUnifSt} fix for translation. - FIX:SYS: "Enable manager" property hide for no translation mode. - FIX:UI.WebUser: Crash at new HTTP variable processing into respond prevented. 2014-10-08 Roman - SYS: Disable exeptions for value set into NoWrite mode, simple return at that. Mostly for fix problems into DAQ.BlockCalc. - DAQ.BlockCalc,Protocol.OPC_UA: Some code clean up. 2014-10-04 Roman - LibsDB.{OscadaLibs,vcaBase}.db: Prescription units moved to single script with translation by tr(). - FIX:UI.QTCfg: Internal XML value update fix at the table set into no reload mode, mostly for keys. 2014-10-03 Roman - SYS: Remove conditional display for tab "Translations" of main configuration page. 2014-10-01 Roman - SYS: To task status maximum call lag and consume is added for RT properties problems detect better. - DAQ.LogicLev: enRes moved from Res to mutex. - UI.VCAEngine: Attr::isTransl() separated to static variant and used also into generic attributes loading and saving function. 2014-09-30 Roman - !!!!:SYS,DB.*: Dynamic translation main implement is added: TMess: Functions translDyn() and setTranslDyn() into plan mode for next start is added. Function translGet() expanded for dynamic mode and translGetU() is added for take the language from user. Functions translSet() and translSetU() is added for dynamic translations set. Short templates to new dynamic translations functions is added: trL(), trU(), trSetL(), trSetU(). Security: Language property by function lang() and DB field "LANG" is added to users. Functions lName() and descr() is renamed to descr() and longDescr() accordingly to the DB fields for users and the groups. Property "Text variable's base language" moved from tab "Generic" to specific for that tab "Translations". UI.Vision: Apply attributes rewote by dynamic translation specific. - FIX:Protocol.ModBus: Inconsistent diagnostic format of node to real counters fix. - FIX:UI.QTCfg: Size policy for Boolean value into RO mode fix. 2014-09-28 Roman - SYS: Main start script "openscada_start" expanded for message about already start. - DAQ.SoundCard: Expand for X86_64 specific with short framesPerBuffer call to CallBack function. 2014-09-23 Roman - FIX:UI:Vision: #include <algorithm> is added for STL sort() build into some environments, detected at CentOS 6.5. 2014-09-22 Roman - FIX:DAQ.OneWire: Busses and devices list prepare fix. - UI:WebCfgD: Expanded for loading files WebCfgDVCA.html and WebCfgDVCA.js from work directory try. JavaScript code mostly clean up and Table expanded for simplify control and exit from cells edit mode. Source code mostly clean up. - UI:WebVision: Images cache expanded clean up like to UI.Vision and translations. Source code some clean up. 2014-09-19 Roman - SYS: MMS module build is added to RPM packages spec-file openscada_mod.spec. - !!!!:LibsDB.{OscadaLibs,vcaBase}.db: DAQ templates base.{anUnif,anUnifSt} and widget Main.ElCadr adapted as example-test to the included procedire's transaltion by new User API function tr() and the dynamic translation. - SYS: Translations next expands: !!!!:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Built-in user API function tr() is added for call to translation of base constant string. TFunction,DAQ.{TPrmTmpl,JavaLikeCalc,ModBus},Protocol.UserProtocol,UI.VCAEngine: expanded by storage property for DB place by table "Trs" obtain. Translation API exanded function TMess::translGet() for translated to base message obtain, for now only for User API procedure's messages by tr(). - DB: Object TBD expanded function fullDBName(). DB.*: Expanded by new DB's structure flag incomplTblStruct() for prevent remove columns and only new append. FIX:SQLite: DEFAULT twice wrapping to quotes '', on rereading the from table structure is fixed. 2014-09-12 Roman - !!!!:LibsDB.{OscadaLibs,vcaBase,vcaTest}.db,AGLKS.{St,Model,vca}.db,Boiler.{St,Model}.db: Translations mostly updated and fixed by new Translations manager help. - SYS: Translations expands: DB.*: Translated field name moved to the source address by view "{Addr}#{FLD}" for embrase different translations from single table. translFltr() store moved direct to SYS table. "Check unmatch" flag is added and GET request mostly rewrote for enable/disable the too high-loaded operation. Prefix for DB-sources renamed from "incl:" to "db:". !!!!:CntrIf,UI.{QTCfg,WebCfgD}: To table and further result flag "noReload" is added to "SET" request for control to reload big tables, also used into "Table" object of DB. XMLNode::childGet(): negative index support is added for count from end. TConfig,DB.*: Global noTransl() flag is removed as deprecated. - FIX:DB.SQLite: WHERE value encode is fixed into dataSet(). - DAQ.JavaLikeCalc,Protocol.ModBus: IO loading changed to two stage for prevent register spare messages to translation. Need further for rewrite optimal!!! - DAQ.LogicLev: Set untranslated at load spare template's attributes. - UI.QTCfg: Spare symbols '/' into default open page path are removed. !!!!:Table widget significant expanded by: - Enable vertical scrolling by pixels. - resizeRowsToContents expanded by rows height limit to 0.9 table height and call on header section mouse press, for refit. - String represent for multiline texts into ItemsDelegate rewrote for prevet wrong Qt eliding to line and other. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: More fields set to notranslated for prevent register spare messages to translation. Widget's attributes by user created loading changed to two stage for prevent register spare messages to translation. Need further for rewrite optimal!!! 2014-09-06 Roman - SYS: Into main spec-file for default init used RH-init file. debian/control expand for dependent from "sqlite3" and the depends made unified. TVArchive,TTransportIn: Check for cfg-change real value for prevent some problems. TElem: Expand for create TFld from example-pattern of present TFld but different ID. TElem::fldClear() for fields clean up is added. Messages resource moved from ResAlloc to MtxAlloc. !!!!: Request keys mode support, by WHERE of SQL, is added: TCfg::reqKey(), TCfg::setReqKey(), TConfig::reqKeys() used for mark Request keys mode. TCfg::isKey() append for common key whether generic or request (by mark TConfig::reqKeys()). Flags KeyUpdtBase and KeyUpdtSet to functions TCfg::setS() and TCfg::getS(), mark TCfg::keyUpdt() is added for key update mode set and particular values of the keys set (KeyUpdtBase - base update value; KeyUpdtSet - set update value), for set requests. !!!!: Data messages' translations register, built messages index and manage API is added. <cfg>,SQLite,FireBird,MySQL,PostgreSQL: Register and requests for messages from config ("cfg:...") and DB.* ("incl:...") is added. Generic translations manager is created. - !!!!:DB: Method TTable::fullDBName() is added. For key detect used isKey(). For table content set uses TCfg::KeyUpdt mode. SQLite,DBF,FireBird,MySQL,PostgreSQL: Expand to Request keys, TConfig::reqKeys() and TCfg::reqKey(), mode. Expand to TCfg::KeyUpdt mode using into fieldSet() and fieldFix() MySQL,PostgreSQL,FireBird: Uses for zero length default TEXT type. FIX:FireBird: dataSeek() fix for no SELECT fields set. Fix using default type for integer from INT64 to BIGINT. - DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Prevent controller object reload into start (execution) mode. - DAQ.OPC_UA.lib: Fix strLine() declaration from static to extern. - UI.Vision: Allowed sessions and projects list for proper remote station, the user and password is added to field "Run projects list" of common dialog by the module. - Special.SystemTests.DB: Expanded by test "Check for update fields, by request key". 2014-08-25 Roman - FIX:DB: TBDS::dataDel() fix for remove records from config file after DB try, mostly for same DB records remove fix. - UI.VCAEngine: Automatic sessions creation update at the module enable is added. - !:UI.Vision: Session set for automatic starting is added into parameter "Run projects list", mostly for connect to already started or background sessions. - UI.WebVision: Clean up the source code. 2014-08-24 Roman - UI.VCAEngine: "Diagnostics" tab messages pattern expand for internal VCA path allow. - FIX:UI.Vision: Next fix actual cursor set and the parameters value into the cursor position for significant time difference for arrears the cursor position to one period. 2014-08-19 Roman - FIX:Security: Password size expand to more 8 symbols by switch to crypt MD5. Backward compatibility saved for stored passwords. Detected by Vasilij Grigoriev. - FIX:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: toString() function for numbers fix for int64_t process. - FIX:Special.FLibSYS.IO: Load function for integer and real types fix to groups by multiple buffers (10000 bytes). - UI.{VCAEngine,Vision}: "Diagnostics" tab appended to project's page for sessions of the project errors and other debug simplify. - FIX:UI.Vision: Caps of trend's lines of primitive "Diagram" view "Trends" some fix for Qt4 and Qt5. LineEdit widget some fix for apply real button size obtain and prevent the window size float. 2014-08-15 Roman - SYS: data/oscada_gentoo.init appended for Gentoo by "IrmIngeneer". Force using "snprintf" instead "sprintf" into encoding functions. !!:FIX:Task and the record force created for errors like the timeout start. Some crashes prevent. - !!:FIX:DAQ: Flag "prcStRd" early set into redundant task is added for prevent wrong the task starting at the connection to remote station miss and crash at stop. But possible the will create problem with first sync! - DB.LibsDB.vcaBase.db: "Main.cntrPaspExt" some fixed and expanded for trend's scale modify. - !!:UI.{VCAEngine,Vision}: Cells edition to view "Table" of primitive "FormEl" support is added. - !:FIX:UI.Vision: Set focus proxy from the edited widget container to the widget into development mode for allow the single focus source and included widgets selection losses at some cases. Fix actual cursor set and the parameters value into the cursor position for significant time difference between the session server host and the session visualiser host. 2014-08-12 Roman - SYS: Using "LibGD" into OpenSCADA core disabled by default and instead used "SVG" mostly. To user space object base "TVarObj" expanded functions propGet() and "propSet()" is added for hierarchical access by path. - UI.VCAEngine: Access to DAQ properties of Object's type by path into links like "/DAQ/{Cntr}/{Prm}/{Attr}#/{oAttr1}/{oAttr2}" is added. 2014-08-04 Roman - UI.Vision: Restore connection time control is added for remote connection to visualisation server hang prevent and display update. 2014-08-01 Roman - FIX:Special.FLibSYS: strDec4Bin() function fix and expand by separator argument into default value " ", for compatibility restore. - FIX:UI.{QTCfg,Vision}: Global wait cursor restore fix at the window close. - !!!:UI.VCAEngine: Access to project's session time table unified by append the session attributes access functions sessAttr(), sessAttrSet(). The functions used to: primitive "Document", session's Style, edited resources by user's API functions "mime()" and "mimeSet()", "fromSess" and "toSess" user's API functions "attr()" and "attrSet()". Service "/serv/attrSess/" is added for access to session's attributes. - !!!:UI.Vision: Run time window's position control and save is added by option "winPosCntrSave" enable and using new service "/serv/attrSess/". Screen number expanded for not only assign to different physical display and for independent position control and save. 2014-07-31 Roman - !:DAQ.DAQGate: Remote source's messages acquisition disabling is added, for request time control. FIX: Processed parameters list clean up moved from stop to disable stage. Pass empty parameter into separated attributes request mode is added, for traffic and overall request time decrease. Some requests profiled: Into common priority request's and respond's reaction is 3-8ms, into RealTime priority (10) it is 50-100us. - UI.{QTCfg,Vision}: Wait cursor set moved to already set and restore only after timeout 50 ms, for blink prevent and some DE load by that. - UI.Vision: The project manual call, also from status panel, is added by offline document name "{ProjName}.{pdf|html|odt}. 2014-07-25 Roman - FIX:UI.Vision: Force set Cap policy to Qt::FlatCap for primitive Diagram's paint, mostly for workaround visible defects here on Qt5. Ticks loss for Slider view and related views deffects of primitive FormEl at press to the elements' container widget by prevent that's QEvent::MouseButtonPress and QEvent::MouseButtonRelease events global process. 2014-07-22 Roman - SYS: messid location place to *.po files disable, mostly for prevent SVN merge problems, again. - DB.MySQL: "bigint" type using everywhere for integers fix. - TFunction, TValue, UI.VCAEngine.Attr: Set TEValObj() to object type attribute by EVAL scalar set is added. 2014-07-20 Roman - FIX:Archive: Place to archive fix next for int64_t. - !!:FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Tracing of a parent change for project and widget's library fix. 2014-07-18 Roman - !!:DB.LibsDB.vcaBase.db: New templated frame "Main.grpGraph10" based on "Main.grpGraph" is added for 10 trends placing. New colors are added to "Main.grpGraph" for selection "darkcyan", "lightyellow". "Main.graphSelPrm" adapted for included self to self parameters selection and event "usr_set" for storage to the session allow. "Main.ElViewGraph" adapted for allow save to the session table of selected parameters and its restore at new the session start. "Main.cntrPaspExt" expanded for notification borders "aMax", "aMin", "wMax", "wMin" only valid display. Trands number limited by colors to 10. - DB.Model.AGLKS.vca.db: Extended pasport "Main.cntrPaspExt" placed to model's project "AGLKS". - SYS: User API function TCntrNodeObj::nodeAt() some simplified and made optimal. - !!:UI.VCAEngine: Attributes' modify set after new the create into enabled session is added for guaranty the value read by the session visualiser. User API session area functions attr() and attrSet() expanded by argument "bool fromSess" and "bool toSess" respectively for set the attributes to the session table. FIX:Widget's attributes expand to int64_t next fix. FIX:Change parent trace for project and widget's library fix. - FIX:UI.Vision: Unproper events process at config set to element LineEdit, mostly for this view "Combo", are prevented by signals block. 2014-07-14 Roman !!:SYS: Prevent Back-linking mechanism working into modules by its direct link with OpenSCADA core. Mostly for further DLL build and symbols missing early, at build stage, detect. "make install" stage errors at that fixed into libtool 2.4! - SYS: Removed unneeded now Makefile.am files from "src/moduls" and "src/moduls/{SUB}" folders. - FIX:Archive: "Start archive" back renamed to "To start". 2014-07-12 Roman - SYS: Primitive of functions strEncode() and strDecode() set unified. User API functions strEncode() and strDecode() is added. - DB.SQLite: Binary string write to DB support is added by "#'XXXXXX'" form. - FIX:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: "Error constant after constant" error fix by append position. - DAQ.SNMP: Some hints is used for ASN_OCTET_STR represent. - UI.QTCfg: Added and used function getPrintVal() for check and encode straight binaries. - UI.Vision: Included widgets order updating function expand for prevent system widget's reorder and allow after sort by ID for equal Z. 2014-07-10 Roman - UI.Vision: For included to container's pages set attribute Qt::WA_WindowPropagation for allow true transparent by palette propagation. 2014-07-09 Roman - DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs.db: Heat counter VKT-7 implement significant expanded. - !!:UI.{VCAEngine,Vision}: Changes into visual items put down to the parent function is added. - UI.VCAEngine: The VCA project's session info some expanded. - FIX:UI.Vision: Background's role (Window) for included pages (scroll area) set to the included pages container. Mostly for Slider hide. - Protocol.ModBus: Requests counters clean up at ModBus Node enable is added. 2014-07-05 Roman - Protocol.ModBus: Functions 0x2 (CI) and 0x4 (RI) implement is rewrote and cleaned. 2014-07-05 fido_max - Protocol.ModBus: Functions 0x2 (CI) and 0x4 (RI) support is added. 2014-07-05 Roman - Archive: TArchive, TMArchivator and TMArchivator moved to use TConfig::cntrCmdMake(). - FIX:Transport: TTransportOut, TTransportIn fix for sets values check and process. - !!:SYS: TConfig::cfgChange() expanded by previous configuration value argument "pc". Library version set to 3:2:0. - UI.QTCfg: Selected group nodes commands "load" and "save" support is added. 2014-07-02 Roman - !!!!:Archives: Selection priority to the value archivator object is added for provide order control and disable at all into sources selection mode "All". Used for function getVal(), getVals() and archive service "/serv/val". Archive.DBArch: Disconnecting archivers to DB detect is added and instead uses next priority archiver. Archive.{DBArch,FSArch}: Default priority set to 1 for DBArch and 1000 for FSArch. Set archiver period expanded for allow set zero value and disable the values buffer processing for only direct write there. Adapted for writing unaligned to the period values and buffers. FIX: Lost archive's connection to archiver after the archiver restart is fixed. - DB: Decreased wait for free tables timeout to 1 second on the DB stop, for loses connection to network DB cases fast. - DB.LibsDB.vcaBase.db: New extended DAQ parameter's pasport widget (cntrPaspExt) expanded for alarm and warning borders at trend display and placed to all projects. - DB.ModelsDB.AGLKS.St.db: Some clean up. - FIX:Archive.DBArch: Reread meta data for value archives is force set after wrong that read at start with unaccessible network DB. - DAQ.MMS: Decreased start time on inaccessible data source at flag "isReload" set 2014-06-27 Roman - DB.LibsDB.{OscadaLibs,vcaBase}.db: Expanded to group properties processing by the parameters templates DevLib.UPS, base.SNMP and the representing widget Main.objProps. The new widget uses view "Table" of primitive "FormEl" which unavailable for UI.WebVision now! - !!:DB.LibsDB.vcaBase.db: New extended DAQ parameter's pasport widget is created for allow: the attributes modify, trends and data table build. The new widget uses view "Table" of primitive "FormEl" which unavailable for UI.WebVision now! - Transport: Meassured request's result after termination by an exception is added to "Sent" tab of output transport. - DAQ.OPC_UA: Input packages' size and header control is expanded for broken packages process and early drop. 2014-06-25 Roman - DAQ.OPC_UA: Broken input packages hang is fixed. 2014-06-24 Roman - DAQ.MMS: Fast start at unallowed PLC is made. - Special.FLibSYS: Connection to archives by vArch is made optimal. - UI.{QTCfg,Vision}: For wait cursor uses QApplication::setOverrideCursor(Qt::WaitCursor); - FIX:UI.Vision: Widgets order update fix after manual "geomZ" set into development mode. 2014-06-20 Roman - DB.FireBird: Using integer type expand to INT64. Managed types expand to: blr_varying, blr_varying2, blr_text, blr_text2, blr_blob, blr_short, blr_long, blr_int64, blr_float, blr_double and blr_d_float. - DB.MySQL: Using integer type expand to "bigint". - DB.PostgreSQL: Using integer type expand to "bigint". Managed types expand to: text. character varyin, character(%d), character varying(%d), smallint, integer, bigint, real, double precision, timestamp with time zone. 2014-06-19 Roman - SYS: Remove using "relative" into openscada.spec by the miss into some Linux distributions, like CentOS. "/help/*" conrol interface's pages removed everywhere. 2014-06-17 Roman - SYS: Build sequence changed to Included modules, Core, Shared object modules for allow next Shared object modules link to core library, mostly for build adapting to MS Windows DLL. 2014-06-14 Roman - DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: To widget Main.anShow "No data" name display is added for EVAL. - DOC: {en,ru}/Modules/DB.* document files renamed to {en,ru}/Modules/BD.* for sync to the subsystem name and allow access from the configurators. - SYS: Link to the system manual (AboutOpenSCADA) is added, for call from configurators. The tab "Help" is removed. - DAQ: Link to the subsystem document is added, for call from configurators. - Module/*: Link to the module document is added, for call from configurators. Tab "Help" renamed to "Module". - Transport.*: To output transport's function "start()" argument time is added, which no zero value controls connection timeout. - Transport.Sockets: Default timeouts of output transport set return to "5:1". - Protocol.SelfSystem: Argument "conTm" to output protocol's part is added. - TUIS: Function docGet() expanded by options GetContent (0), GetFilePath (1) and GetExecCommand (2). - DAQ.DAQGate: Adapted for quick start at no remote host achives. - Protocol.HTTP: Output protocol expanded by option "onlyHeader" for fast online documents check. - UI.{QTStarter,QTCfg,Vision}: The documents call made unified and online documents check/open implement finish. - UI.QTStarter: Logo to page is added. ToolTips and WhatsThis is added. - UI.QTCfg: Selected pages manual call is added, for now: root, DAQ, modules. Use ToolTip for short (up to 150) helps and WhatsThis for other. Set mouse cursor to Qt::WaitCursor at any requests to OpenSCADA control interface. - UI.VCAEngine: geomZ for widgets allows to negative. - UI.Vision: geomZ manage changed to changing only for single widget and rip from real work position. Mostly for prevent group widget's geomZ change and collisions to no changed widgets position. Need for observing to possible new problems into geomZ! 2014-06-09 Roman - DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: Pass input direct processing to analog inputs templates is added. - !!:SYS: Created doc access mechanism from GUI. OpenSCADA's and related project's documents place to "share/openscada/docs" and to the project "docs". EMails rom_as@fromru.com, rom_as@diyaorg.dp.ua and rom_as@oscada.org.ua everywhere replaced by rom_as@oscada.org. - UI: TUIS::docGet() function is added for documents place allocate. - UI.QTStarter: Help menu items "&About", "About &Qt", "QtStarter manual", "OpenSCADA manual", "What's &This". - UI.{QTCfg,Vision}: Help menu items "{Module} manual" and "OpenSCADA manual". 2014-06-05 Roman - !!!:SYS:*.db: All SQLite DB files moved to SQL text format (*.sql) for best version control into subversion. - FIX:DAQ.MMS: EVAL set for boolean is fixed. - UI.Vision: Check and warning about no apply changes into item's configure dialogs is added. Some code clean up. 2014-06-04 Roman - DAQ.DAQGate: Reusing mirrored parameters with empty the remoted parameter's address (old version cache) is added. - FIX:DAQ.MMS: Attributes ID preparing some expanded. Hide selection variables field at enabled state. Readed and writed varibles error clean up for allow next requests. 2014-06-03 Roman - !!!!:SYS: Access to storage problems notify is added. Complex tests for problems notify for storages: SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL, FireBird, DBF, Cfg. The tests results: http://wiki.oscada.org/Works/Tests/DB. To functions TCntrNode::load() and TCntrNode::save() argument "string *errs = NULL" is added for place all loading and saving errors into the objects. To global node's services "<load path="obj"/>" and "<save path="obj"/>" added errors obtain and notifications. Zero initial error object "TError( ) : cod(0)" is added. Enum TSYS::Errors (mostly DB Errors) is removed as deprecated. TSYS::modifCfg() expanded for WR access check. Function TSYS::strMess() variant is added for length control and wrap by set "...". OpenSCADA core library version set to 3.1.0. - !!!!:FIX:DB: Expanded functions TBDS::dataGet(), TBDS::dataSet() and TBDS::dataDel() by argument "noEx = false" and exceptions generate at access to storage errors. Prevent exceptions at the DB object disable, mostly after connection wrong for the network DB. - !:DB.DBF: Periodic (10 seconds) sync changes from memory to file is added. Inline DB folder selection for DB object is added. RO access and errors is added. Some code clean up. - !:FIX:DB.FireBird: Connection timeout disabled by not real used and wrong into the DB. Internal API data clean up is added at wrong connection. fieldSet() and fieldDel() mostly rewrote for typical. - !:DB.MySQL: Adapted for work into RO mode. CR_CONNECTION_ERROR process at connection loss is added. fieldDel() mostly rewrote for RO process. - !:FIX:DB:PostgreSQL: Transaction processing rewrote for typical. Connection loss processing moved to after the request. Adapted for work into RO mode. fieldDel() mostly rewrote for RO process. - !:DB.SQLite: Adapted for work into RO mode. 2014-05-29 Roman - TValue: Value type info fix for selectable. - UI.QTCfg: Check and warning about no apply changes at the page change is added. 2014-05-24 Roman - !!:Protocol.SelfSystem: The protocol implement improved for check and wait the header entirety. SES_OPEN limited by 10 for one source and user. Sessions moved to std::map for some access acceleration. 2014-05-23 Roman - DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs: Alarm level for no connection into base.{anUnif,anUnifSt,manInUnif} return from -1 to -5. - DB.ModelsDB.AGLKS.vca: To the root page added current alarms table by primitive "Protocol". - DB.ModelsDB.AGLKS.St: To controller's object of parameter ModBus.testTCP.test added included parameter "test1" with complex data acquisition examples. The controllers ModBus.testTCP, OPC_UA.test and DAQGate.test set started at OpenSCADA start. To DAQGate.test added hierarchic controller ModBus.testTCP.test for testing. - DAQ: Control interface's request for parameters list expanded by argument "recurs" for all hierarchic parameters list obtain. Root object TDAQS expanded by control interface's request "/serv/PrmAttr" for remote browsing allow the DAQ parameters tree. - !!!!:DAQ.DAQGate: Significant expanding for hierarchic source DAQ parameters proccess. Remote parameters tree inline browsing is added. - FIX:DAQ.LogicLev: IO values storing is fixed for included parameters, for collision into eponymous ID prevent. - DAQ.ModBus: Including parameters self to self is enabled, for standard type. Resources allocators enRes and dataRes moved to pthread_mutex_t direct. - DAQ.SNMP: Inline browsing by MIB made simplified. - Protocol.SelfSystem: Code significant clean up. 2014-05-21 Roman - SYS.XMLNode: Function childIns() and childDel() position argument's type set to signed (integer) for allow insert and delete by count from end (negative value). - SYS.TCntrNode: To ctrMkNode() append using 'pos' argument lesser -1 for count from end. - !!!:DAQ.DAQGate: Expanded for allow the paramter's identifiers independent namespace and the assign to remote parameter's ID. Expand for bind hierarchic parameters, next will append the hierarchic parameters tree build. Inline browsing by external hosts appended. 2014-05-19 Roman - DAQ.DAQGate: Allow for pass "/prm/*" variables for some global lists process. - FIX:UI.{Vision,WebVision}: Use absolute level after service "/serv/mess" into primitive "Protocol". - FIX:Archive: Service "/serv/mess" on request direct to alarms set negative level fix for prevent storage data modify. 2014-05-16 Roman - FIX: TFunction: Expand to int64_t fix. - SYS: Added new global simple function s2ll() into OSCADA namespace. - !!:ModBus: Complex types expand by "i8" - int64, "u2" - uint16, "u4" - uint32, "d" - Double. To protocol part classic form for registers added and complex types expand by "i8" - Int64, "d" - Double. 2014-05-15 Roman - DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs.db: Manual input template base.manInUnif expand for local constants store. - SYS: Build with GCC 3.4 and Qt-4.5 is resored. ChangeLog some some fix. - DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Append default safe timeout set into the module tab. - FIX:DAQ.ModBus: Write to complex type like "_f", "_i4" for write-only mode is fixed. - DAQ.OPC_UA: Commenting nodes into the list support is added, by symbol '#'. - DAQ.SNMP: Mostly expand for OIDs browser implement, MIB Tree using for access mode and enums obtain. Including parameters enable. 2014-05-08 Roman - DB:LibsDB.OscadaLibs.db: DAQ template "anUnifSt" and "anUnif" set for EVAL result at hardware border exceed. - DB:LibsDB.vcaBase.db: Widgets Main.{anShow,anShow1} expanded for allow negative precision. - Archive: Service "/serv/mess" on request direct to alarms set negative level at results. - DAQ.Templates: "Maximum calculate time (sec)" field set active only for started DAQ templates. Some code clean up. - DAQ.DAQGate: Force all alarms request before the messages (level >= 0) is added. 2014-05-05 Roman - DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs.db: DAQ template "anUnifSt" sync to "anUnif" and properties "iMult" "iAdd" process fix. - DB.{LibsDB.vcaBase.db,AGLKS.{St.db,vca.db}}: Mnemo elements "Compressor", "Compressor_1", "El_Kran_Sh", "El_Zadvizhka", "Zadvizhka" expanded by attributes "digComs" and "digStts". Mnemo element "Level" fix for validate and EVAL. - DB.{SQLite,MySQL,PostgreSQL,FireBird}: Keys miss into DB check is added for fieldSet() and prevent temporary errors for INSERT. - FIX:Special.FLibSYS: Expand to int64_t fix. 2014-04-30 Roman - SYS.XMLNode: Into function load() argument "full" replaced "flg" with flags: 0x01 - full mode; 0x02 - no remove spaces for begin and end tag's text. - FIX:DAQ.ICP_DAS: WatchDog set debug messages added. I-87k DO modules for "Power on values" and "Safe values" take is fixed, for I-87041. - DAQ.SNMP: Some clean up. 2014-04-28 Roman - UI.QTCfg: Group-selected fields set support is added. Some code clean up. 2014-04-27 Roman - !!:DAQ.OPC_UA.LibOPC_UA: LibOPC_UA fix for secure policies for different client's and server's keys size. Tested for OpenSCADA Client + OpenSCADA Server, OpenSCADA Client + IgnitionOPC_UA, UAExpert + OpenSCADA Server, testOPC_UA + OpenSCADA Server, testOPC_UA + IgnitionOPC_UA. 2014-04-25 Roman - SYS. Splash is updated for 0.9-work. - DB.AGLKS.St.db: KeepAlive timeout of input transport OPC_UA set to 60. - !!!!:FIX:Archive,Archive.*,Special.FLibSYS: Significant values archiving fixes: Prevent for set negative period values into buffer. TValBuf::vOK() expand for check aligned to the buffer period. Disable pass for setVals by lastGet() for direct write allow. setVals() is adapted for allow write unaligned border [beg:end] to period by round here. - !!!!:DAQ.{BFN,DAQGate,MMS,ModBus,OPC_UA}: Alarms for connection state to remote sources is made unified. - DAQ.MMS: Values read errors processing is added. - UI.QTCfg: rows and columns of a table adjust mechanism set like from UI.Vision primitive FormEl view "Table". 2014-04-24 Roman - FIX:DB.LibsDB.vcaBase.db: All Digital signals represent shapes expand and set unified. - FIX:SYS.TVariant: User objects encode to XMLStr is fixed for EVAL represent by boolean, integer, real. - FIX:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Prevent write to generic constans, detected by "SYS.localtime(0,0,...);". - DAQ.MMS: Errors processing expand and used for connection miss detect and prevent requests repeate. Single and divided variables set for request by phases. - UI.Vision: Prevent scroll to selected items at no it change. 2014-04-23 Roman - DB.*,Transport.*: TBD, TTransportIn and TTransportOut moved to use TConfig::cntrCmdMake(). - DB.LibsDB.{vcaBase.db,vcaTest.db}: Inter-widgets link example added to Test.FormElTests page. - FIX:DAQ.{MMS,OPC_UA}: ctrMkNode2 using fix. Translation update. - FIX:UI.Vision: Selection box update fix after UnDo position. 2014-04-22 Roman - FIX:DB.{LibsDB.vcaBase.db,AGLKS.{St.db,vca.db},Boiler.St.db}: Some previous expansions fix and the models adapted for its. - SYS: "/prm/cfg/addr" control elements renamed to "/prm/cfg/ADDR" for equal to configuration (fields names into the DB table). Next will use TConfig::cntrCmdMake() for this, from subsystem "Transports". - SYS: Added new global simple functions into OSCADA namespace: tm2s(), s2i() and s2r(). - SYS:TCntrNode: Base function _ctrMkNode() and specific for arguments set function ctrMkNode2() to original ctrChkNode() is added. - FIX:DB.{SQLite,MySQL,PostgreSQL,FireBird}: Keys miss into DB check is fixed for fieldSeek(). - !!:DB.SQLite: Debug information for error requests is added. Main SQLite3 type "REAL" handle is added for structure obtain. Keys miss into DB check is added for fieldSet() and prevent temporary errors for INSERT. - !:DAQ.MMS: Expanded for allow custom options to configured variables set, like: writable, single request, divider for execution period, force data type, force ID and Name. - DAQ.OPC_UA: Secure policy set is added to test program. Auth password hide into client part is added. Inline nodes browser is added to client's parameter object for insert selected nodes to processing list. - UI.VCAEngine: Set links as active only after successful connection to it, for parameter's attributes. Implement for some problems fix into dynamic linking. 2014-04-18 Roman - FIX:DB.LibsDB.OscadaLibs.db: base.anUnif template is fix for iMult and iAdd process. - !!:DB.LibsDB.vcaBase.db: Widgets Main.anShow, Main.anShow1, mnEls.Compressor, mnEls.Compressor_1, mnEls.El_Kran_Sh significant expand. - DAQ.System: Some error messages disable. - UI.VCAEngine: Using source widget in base role if previous opened page miss for open command process is added. pgOpenSrc clear at the page's container close is added. - UI.Vision: To view "Table" of primitive "FormEl" selection items clear is added. 2014-04-17 Roman - UI.Vision: To view "Table" of primitive "FormEl" added manual and adaptive the columns widths control by global attribute colsWdthFit=1 and force column width set, into header row items, by attribute "width" (into pixels or percents). 2014-04-15 Roman - SYS.Mess,Archive.DBArch: The messages level type into structure TMess::SRec changed from Type to int8_t for fix negative level into DB.MySQL. - DAQ.MMS: Variables into read request minimum limit set to 1. MMS_Reject and MMS_ConfirmedErr codes process is added. - FIX:UI.Vision: Widgets into libraries doubling at global tree update is fixed. 2014-04-14 Roman - !!:DAQ.MMS: Global namespace "MMS" using disabled. Acquisition errors control and the errors display for parameters is added. The data acquisition controller alarms generate is added at connection error. Resources allocation is moved full to pthread_mutex_t. No activity data, no any variables set, control is added. The connection initial data reset is added for restore connection at errors and no responds. Reject response process is added for confirmedRequest-PDU. - DAQ.ModBus: Some code clean up. - !!:DAQ.OPC_UA: User and password auth data set is added to client part and test program. libOPC_UA clean up from OPCVariant object and it removed. 2014-04-10 Roman - Archive.DBArch: Field's "LEN" of messages table length set to "2" for allow negative (alarms). - DAQ.{TController,TTipDAQ}: ID update after new child object create. - SYS: To user's API of object XMLNodeObj function "childGet( string name, int num = 0 )" is added. Mostly warnings clean. - DAQ.BlockCalc: To blocks' output links optional writing by changes is added. Some code clean up. - FIX:DAQ.ICP_DAS: Watchdog value set for LP-8x81 is fixed. - FIX:DAQ.MMS: The correct transport address set at enable fix. COTP DestTSAP is set configurable from the controller object. Build fix. - Transport.{SSL,Sockets}: Default value of KeepAliveTm set to 60 for prevent input connections hang. Some code clean up. - UI.VCAEngine: Some code clean up. 2014-04-05 Roman - SYS: ALTLinux RPM-spec depend to postgresql9.1-devel is changed postgresql-devel. - DB.LibsDB.vcaBase: "anShow" set to inactive mode by default. New element "TextLab" fo digital stats is added. - !!!!:DAQ.MMS: Self MMS implementation library is added and used for ABB 800, without Sessions implement for now. libiec61850 removed. - DAQ.OPC_UA: Remove transport start at the controller's object start. - UI.QTCfg: Check and change current page at it rename. - FIX:UI.Vision: Crash at selAreaUpdate() is fixed. Index out of range next is fix into ElFigure. 2014-04-03 Roman - FIX:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Insert object's item to Array into this creation by "new Array(0, 1, 2, ar[0])" is fixed. 2014-04-02 Roman - DAQ.Comedi: Read DO value back is added. 2014-03-22 Roman - FIX:DAQ.Comedi: Several subdevices into equal types support fix for channel pass through reserve(). - FIX:DAQ.System: Description present detect change from "Unavailable" to "Description unavailable" tag. 2014-03-21 Roman - !:DB.MySQL: Transaction support and using is added, for performance rise on some DB storages. - FIX:DAQ.MMX: Crash at parameter's object open fix. 2014-03-19 Roman - !!!!:DAQ: API function "void vlSet();" expanded for same set value pass and prevent values losses. - UI.Vision: Prevent Widgets copy or cut from self to self. Select area update is added for same selection change and the geometry change from the attributes inspector. 2014-03-18 Roman - DAQ.OPC_UA: MonitoredItemId queueSize manage fix by set from 1 to 1000. - !!!:DAQ.System: Expanded for addition properties into the parameter object support. UPS subtype expanded for commands and writable values support. 2014-03-17 Roman - DAQ.OPC_UA: SubscriptionId and MonitoredItemId grow start from '1', for exclude invalid value '0'. - SYS: AMRDevs module is added to openscada_mod.spec. - FIX:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: External function bind fix for return process. - FIX:Transport.Sockets: Default symbol timeout of output transport is set from 0.01 to 0.1 for fix some unstable connection through VPN. - UI.{VCAEngine,Vision,WebVision}: The primitive "Text" is moved to indexes from types.h. - FIX:UI.Vision: New concept for selectable attribute's value obtain, for IDs set. 2014-03-14 Roman - !:DAQ.AMRDevs: Enable build by default. Some description and translation fix. - DAQ.OPC_UA: TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds is rewrote to use Browse service backend for hierarchical find path's items. - DAQ.System: Set attributes to EVAL is expanded for separated fields. - Transport.Sockets: Connections frequence limit disabled by problems for some usings. 2014-03-13 Roman - FIX:Transport.Sockets: Connections frequence limit fix for ConectTimeout into miliseconds. - FIX:DAQ.LogicLev: Reflection type is fixed and expanded for connection to target parameter, update and attributes list sync into calc period. 2014-03-12 Roman - DAQ.ModBus: Remove connection try from controller's object start(). - DAQ.OPC_UA: TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds is implement for hierarchical part (OpcUa_HierarchicalReferences) request process. - Transport.Sockets: Connections frequence is limited to 2xConectTimeout, for hangs at connection timeouts decrease. - FIX:UI.Vision: Disable AcceptTouchEvents for primitive "Document", implement by WebKit, for fix Mouse events lock at some sensors. 2014-03-11 Roman - DAQ.Comedi: Several subdevices into equal types support is added, like for TTL and relay DIO. 2014-03-07 Roman - DAQ.OPC_UA: OpcUa_Server_NamespaceArray append into OpenSCADA module is added. NS_OPC_UA(0) and NS_SERVER(1) is added. Browse allow is added for zero ReferenceTypeId. 2014-03-06 Roman - DAQ.OPC_UA: Some NameSpaces using ordered and sync to 2055 content. For OpenSCADA_DAQ_NS set index 2. For sessionId set NS to 1 and for authentication Token to 0. 2014-03-05 Roman - FIX:SYS: Close opened config file is fixed. - FIX:Archive.FSArch: Some access control fix for prevent use packed files. fwrite() result for items is fixed. - DAQ.ICP_DAS.LP-8x81: DIP-switch value inverted. Rotary switch implement finish and translated. - DAQ.OPC_UA: Authentication Token NS set to 100. Session lifetime process is added. - UI.Vision: Select-group areas control of Development mode is moved to function selAreaUpdate() and moved from Paint-event to particular places, mostly for fix dotted-box on selected moving for primitive "Document" based on WebKit. Set transparent background palette for the pages included to container. Some code clean up. 2014-03-04 Roman - DAQ.OPC_UA: Session ID set to NS:100. - !:DAQ.AMRDevs.Kontar: Integer type naming changed to "short". Read and write attributes test and fix for Integer and Real. - DAQ.ICP_DAS: Rotary switch value is added for LP-8x81 PLC. 2014-03-02 Roman - !!!:Archive.{TMArchivator,*}: Reimplemented messages archivation for allow the messages into the buffer resend at the messages storage connection restore. {start,stop}() functions implement into base class for active archivators of the messages list manage, run state manage and messages header reset. Result to function put() is added for accomplish writing control. "messHead" attribute of the archivator for point to the messages buffer, instead global "headLstread". setActValArch() renamed to setActVal() and container "actUpSrc" renamed to "actVal". setActMess() is added for register active messages archivators to container "actMess". Resource allocators mRes and vRes moved to pthread_mutex_t. - FIX:DAQ: Disabled redundant mode work is fixed into TController::enable(). - !:DAQ.AMRDevs.Kontar: Clock set fix and timezone added. Value set support is added. Password restore at it or MasterPassword change support is added. Messages translation to Ukrainian and Russian is added. 2014-02-28 Roman - !!:SYS: The code clean up for mostly warnings for build by GCC-4.8. - DAQ.AMRDevs: Kontar implementation achives work stage for read properties and clock sync try. - Transport.SSL: Permition to temporary certificate file restrict to 0600. 2014-02-24 Roman - Transport: Extended parameters prm1 and prm2 type of output transport is changet to int64_t. - FIX:TConfig,DB:{FireBird,PostgreSQL,SQLite}: Moving to int64_t for integer is fixed. - FIX:DB.{MySQL,PostgreSQL}: Context help fix. - DB.SQLite: Requests to DB the resources allocation is changed to use pthread_mutex_t. Mostly code clean up. - TArchive,Archive.DBArch: To TVArchEl::setValsProc() added result for allow archive's buffer's part write control. Used for rewrite to network DB by DBArch. - Archive.DBArch: Allow start Values and Messages archivators for DB error, predict restore the connection. - DAQ.AMRDevs: Kontar implementing further progress. - FIX:DAQ.OPC_UA: OpcUa_Server_ServerArray variable process append. epEnAt() result process append for some crash prevent. - FIX:UI.WebVision: Posible crash into primitive ElFig fix. - !!!!:DB.{FireBird,PostgreSQL,MySQL}: Connection for network DB restore mechanism is changed to enabling for toEnable() and disabled DB into transactions check cycle. Requests to DB the resources allocation is changed to use pthread_mutex_t. Complex tests pass for losses connections restore and generic test of module Special.SystemTests. Mostly code clean up. 2014-02-23 Roman - !!!!:SYS: Move to new Work version scheme naming 0.9-rNNNN. Next LTS version will 0.9.N. The work version set to 0.9. Core library version scheme set to Increase major for next Work version. Increase minor after significant changes into API of the Work version Full freeze for LTS stabilisation levels/updates, after the release. Core library version set to 3:0:0. New resources allocation objects MtxAlloc and MtxString is added. To ResAlloc is added lock() and unlock(). - DAQ: EPICS CA initial module is added. - !!:SYS,TConfig,TValue,UI.VCAEngine: Editable listed configure fields and DAQ attributes by TFld::SelEdit support is added. - DAQ: Modify flag set at using template edit try is fixed. - !!:Transport: Assigned output transports to the input transport support is added by functions: TTransportIn::{assTrs,assTrO}(). - !!:Transport,Transport.*: To output transports virtual functions timings() and setTimings() is added. - !:DAQ.ICP_DAS: Serial requests by OpenSCADA transport is added for modules I-87k series into master bus of COM1 of LP-8x81. Acquisition error clear for other to I-87k modules. FIX:I-8017 module processing fix for different channel's mode. - !:DAQ.System: New DA-type "UPS", by NUT-protocol is added. Active DA check and creation is fixed for same origin parameters test, no the parameter identifiers. Self attributes support allowed and used into DA-sources "Smart" and "UPS". Mostly code clean up. - Transport.Sockets: Status and limit of the input transports for assigned output transports is added. Default timeouts for output transports are set to "5:0.01". NONBLOCK set for input transport of type SOCK_FORCE. - UI.{VCAEngine,Vision}: The primitive "Protocol" is moved to indexes from types.h. - !!:UI.Vision: To session object plain resources allocation dataM (pthread_mutexattr_t) is added and used for mOpen, mStProp. FIX:Service <openlist path="/serv/pg"/> is fixed for errors at page's widgets miss and recreate session try. mCalcRes moved to pthread_mutexattr_t. Mostly code clean up. - UI.{Vision,WebVision}: To primitive "Protocol" set trace time to real data time is allowed, for now only data time lesser to display. 2014-02-18 Roman - FIX:DAQ.OPC_UA: Input protocol exception abort fix at short messages receive. 2014-02-14 Roman - DAQ.AMRDevs: Kontar implementing further progress. - DAQ.BlockCalc: Field "VAL" size for block's IO table increased from 20 to 10000 and "LNK" from 50 to 100. - FIX:DAQ.{DCON,ICP_DAS}: Fix for address field type change from int(32) to int64_t and break out strMess() requests. Config field "ADDR" renamed to "Transport". Default requests try set to 1. - !!!:DAQ.ICP_DAS: Serial requests by OpenSCADA transport is added for modules I-87k series. AI types is added for module I-87017ZW. FIX: DI modules of I-87k series processing fix. CRC control is added to serial requests for modules I-87k series. New modules I-87017ZW, I-87040W, I-87041W and extension rack I-87K9 is tested. Some code clean up. - DAQ.MMS: Connection timeout is added. Lock connection is added for prevent twice the. 2014-02-12 Roman - SYS: configure.in file renamed to configure.ac. - !:DB.MySQL: Allow enabling DB object at connection errors for mind the connection appear at further. The default timeouts force set to 1 second. - !:DB.PostgreSQL: Allow enabling DB object at connection errors and the restore try for any SQL requests for mind the connection appear at further. The default connection timeout force set to 1 second. - DAQ.AMRDevs: Kontar implementing further progress for variables blocks prepare and RC5 encoding/decoding. 2014-02-09 Roman - SYS: Check for EVAL into description on TCntrNode::ctrMkNode() is added, for present save. Some code clear. - !!:SYS.TCntrNode,DAQ.{*,AMRDevs}: Expanded for checking parameters DB name for allow fixed set (without storing the into DB field). - !!:SYS.TCntrNode,DAQ.AMRDevs: Expanded API for type specific calls by append TTipParam::{create,destroy,DB,setDB,cfgChange}(). - FIX:DAQ.TParamContr: Group of included parameters is fixed for variable "mPrm" unsigned type "char" on ARM. - !!!!:DAQ.AMRDevs: The module mostly conceptual rewrote for append protocol Kontar first stage implementing and unfinished "Ergomera", "FlowTec" disabled. - DAQ.{ICP_DAS,SMH2Gi}, UI.Vision: Some code clear. 2014-02-04 Roman - SYS.{TElem,TValue},DAQ.ModBus: Continue adapting to int64_t. Some code clear. - FIX:DAQ.OPC_UA: Unlock miss is fixed into function subscrSet(). - Transport.Sockets: Creation output transport for connections to the input and without protocol assign is added. 2014-02-02 Roman - FIX:SYS: Empty counters request into tab "Debug" is fixed. - !!!:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Static, fixed into registers constants support is added, up to 32767 constants. Fixed constants implement for some performance increase and memory consumption decrease by its reusing. Some code clear. - FIX:Transport.{SSL,Sockets}: KeepAlive processing for requests with responds through writeTo() is fixed. KeepAlive parameters of input transport is made unifical and descriptions append. Some code clear. 2014-01-31 Roman - SYS: Variable DB_CFG is defined to "<cfg>" and used everywhere. - Transport: User API function SYS.Transport.in_{Tr}.writeTo() is added. - Protocol.UserProtocol: Allowed full sender value, for input transport. - Special.FLibSYS.IO: Properties names and descriptions is made unified. IO.{string,mFormat,stringEncode} properties are added. Multiple scalars by <cnt> writing is fixed. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: DB prefix "wlb_" is changed to "prj_" for projects' DB select. 2014-01-29 Roman - Archive,UI.{Vision,WebVision}: Service "/serv/val" of OpenSCADA is adapted for return EVAL_STR as EVAL for all string representing data modes. - FIX:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Expanding to int64_t is fixed for integer's constants into octal and hex view. - DAQ.OPC_UA: Debug messages "MSG Req" and "MSG Resp" are expanded and added added for "SubScription". SubScriptions limit for 10 is set for sessions independent. No error message but only service status set for some services. - Special.FLibSYS: IO::write() expanded for fourth argument set with repaete scalars counter and 8-bit's integer scalars process fix. Unified CRC() calculation function is added. - UI.{QTStarter,QTCfg}: Next "QT" to "Qt" renaming. - FIX:UI.Vision: Set master-page palette to main window is fixed, for start with empty master-page. 2014-01-24 Roman - UI.{VCAEngine,Vision,WebVision}: The primitive "Document" is moved to indexes from types.h. - UI.Vision: Cursor position into status display on "Ctrl" hold is added. QRectMask set pass only for edition border. FIX: Items editable is disabled for view "Table" of primitive "FormEl". FIX: Real last-current data obtain and display for primitive "Diagram". 2014-01-22 Roman - DB.{AGLKS,Boiler}: St.db clear from old unneeded output transports. - Transport.*: For input transport, using protocol() set only on create for some performance rise. Disable write access to field "Protocol" at running input transport. - FIX:UI.Vision: Crash on view "Table" of primitive "FormEl" items clean is fixed. 2014-01-21 Roman - SYS: openscada.spec is adapted for build on "redhat" based environments. Checking for header phonon/VideoPlayer is added for allow automatic build with old Phonon configuration's headers path "Phonon/*". - FIX:DAQ.DiamondBoards: "fifoDepth" fitting is fixed for multiple into "dump_threshold" but not into num_conversions. - !:DAQ.MMS: libiec61850 is updated to 0.6 version. Write values support is added. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: cntrCmdAttributes() return for primitive "FormEl" is fixed. - UI.Vision: Select and scroll to value's item (cell, row or column) is added. "keyID" (row or column number) for selection by column or row is added. - FIX:UI.{Vision,WebVision}: Possible crash on view "Spectrum" of primitive "Diagram" build is fixed, for tTime lesser of tTimeGrnd. 2014-01-19 Roman - FIX:SYS: openscada_start is fixed for generate crash reports file name "${ProjName}_${fit}_$(date +%F_%H.%M).crash". To debian/ build tree added files openscada-model.aglks.links and openscada-model.boiler.links for links to openscada_start. - !!!:Transport: External hosts configuration improved for allow modes "User", "System", "User and System" select into single table. - FIX:DAQ.OPC_UA: Indexes for DeleteMonitoredItems service fix. - UI.QTCfg: Start page change for set into localhost space and no warnings on the set on user change. - UI.{VCAEngine,Vision,WebVision}: The primitive "Diagram" is moved to indexes from types.h. - FIX:UI.Vision: ReadOnly for file dialogs set from RunTime user's fix. - !!:UI.Vision: To primitive "Diagram" set trace time to real data time is allowed, for now only data time lesser to display. View "Table" of primitive "FormEl" some improved and for select actions process. RunTime scale debug messages is added. 2014-01-16 Roman - FIX:SYS: Debug cats processing is rewrote for clean. - FIX:Archive.FSArch: Check deleting Archives cycle is fixed. - DB.PostgreSQL: Code clean. - FIX:DAQ.OPC_UA: Try send publish response for no present into queue publish request is fixed. - !!!:UI.{Vision,VCAEngine}: View "Table" is added to primitive "FormEl". 2014-01-15 Roman - UI.Vision: Scale on maximise and full-screen is prevented for 1 > scale < 1.05. - FIX:DAQ.OPC_UA: Close socket on server part at error and malformed packages. Possible crash on retract queue clean is fixed. - FIX:UI.{Vision,WebVision}: Possible hang into primitive "Diagram" for parameters into logarithm and mostly individual scale, by prevent negative and zero values. 2014-01-12 Roman - !!!!:SYS: Removed separated start scripts "openscada_demo", "openscada_AGLKS", "openscada_Boiler" and used instead appropriated symbol links to "openscada_start". Mostly build warnings resolved and some hiden bugs fixed. FIX:Debug labels disable processing is fixed. - FIX:Archive.FSArch: Closing messages file on write error is fixed. - !:DB:DBF: Mostly code clean. - DAQ.{AMRDevs,BFN,Comedi}: Integer type expanded next to int64_t. - FIX:DAQ.SMH2Gi: AO forming and processing is fixed. - Special.FLibSYS: Object IO tested and adapted for main functions. - !:FIX:Special.SystemTests: Tests execution rules from config file fix. 2014-01-10 Roman - !!!!:SYS,UI.{QTStarter,QTCfg,Vision}: Adapted for build with Qt5, exclude Phonon. - SYS: Warning messages drop for no "gdb" present. User's API functions gmtime(), timegm(), strftimegm(), strptimegm() for time into GMT(UTC) processing allow. - SYS,DB,TVariant,DAQ.JavaLikeCalc,Special.FLibSYS: Direct access, into backend, to user space object TArrayObj is set. - TVariant,DAQ.{JavaLikeCalc,Siemens}: Integer type expanded next to int64_t. - FIX:DB.{SQLite,MySQL,FireBird,PostgreSQL}: MTable::fieldDel() is fixed for no present-translated fields process. - DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Direct access to object's properties set for some performance rise. - FIX:DAQ.OPC_UA: LifeTime for session processing into client's part is fixed and SC_RENEW support is added. - Special.FLibSYS: Object IO "write" implementation finished. 2014-01-06 Roman - !!!!:SYS: Core files by name "core.*" processing is added. Moving to int64_t rise CPU consumption on AGLKS model from 63% to 65% (on AMD Turion 1.6). EVAL for generic integer type set to -9223372036854775807ll and for real to -1.79E308. EVAL values for extended types define: EVAL_INT16(-32767), EVAL_INT32(-2147483647), EVAL_INT64(-9223372036854775807ll), EVAL_RFlt(-3.29E38), EVAL_RDbl(-1.79E308). - !!!!:Archive: Value archive's buffer is expanded to store and work with different from generic data types: Int16, Int32, Int64, Real(Float), Real(Double). - TFunction: Integer type expanded to int64_t. - Archive::DBArch: Some code clear. - !!!!:Archive::FSArch: Storing into extended types Int16, Int32, Int64, Real(Float), Real(Double) support is added. - DB.{FireBird,MySQL,PostgreSQL}: MTable::fieldDel() is adapted to remove fields with keys real miss into the DB's table. - FIX:DAQ.{JavaLikeCalc,ModBus,SoundCard},Special.FLibSYS,: Some builds and moving to int64_t fix. 2014-01-03 Roman - !!!!:SYS.*: Integer value type expanded to int64_t and generic field types "bool", "integer", "real", "string", "Object" expanded by types "Int16", "Int32", "Int64", "Float", "Double". "TSYS::i{bits}_LE()", "TSYS::i{bits}_BE()", "floatBE{rev}()", "doubleBErev()" functions is added for endians processing. - DB.SQLite: MTable::fieldDel() is adapted to remove fields with keys real miss into the DB's table. - DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: The virtual machine is adapted for integer 64-bits operations. - DAQ.OPC_UA: LGPL COPYING file is added to the library. Some adapting to main integer value type int64_t. - Special.LibSYS: Function IO::read() mostly finished and IO::write() implementing start. - !:UI.{VCAEngine,Vision}: Update "ID" value to validated and return it by control interface for allow next modifications make from UI.Vision. 2013-12-24 Roman - FIX:SYS: ChangeLog some fix - DB:AGLKS.St.db: Client's and Server's certificate of OPC UA is generated for all demands resolve. - TArrayObj: New direct access functions arGet() and arSet() is added, for fast access from internal. - FIX:DAQ.MMS: EXTRA_DIST content for libiec61850 library is appended. - FIX:DAQ.OPC_UA: libOPC_UA is fixed for client's service Write respond. - Special.FLibSYS: Object IO more implementation continued. - UI.{VCAEngine,Vision}: Named indexes into types.h are used for primitive "Text". - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: No Widget::attrSet() return -1 for wrong attribute set. - FIX:UI.Vision: "Text" primitive update font size is fixed at it's scale change. 2013-12-20 Roman - DB:AGLKS.St.db: For input transport testOPC hold mode disabled. - DAQ.OPC_UA: Close input socket by CloseSecureChannel request. Removing for assigned subscriptions at the session closing is added. Server's services Browse, Read and Write is adapted for DAQ parameter to other parameter including. Server's services Browse and Read is set for field "Name" of nodes return for OPC UA "BrowseName" request. - FIX:SYS: Date format into spec-files some fixed. - DAQ: Function TDAQS::daqAt() is added for access to any DAQ path's items by TCntrNode. The function also used now into TDAQS::prmAt() and TDAQS::attrAt(). - FIX:Protocol.ModBUS: For node's mode "Data" the register's and coils's blocks separated to read and write, for zero item's problem fix. - FIX:UI.{Vision,WebVision}: Primitive "Diagram" horizontal scale width calculation is improved and fixed (for WebVision). - UI.WebCfgD: Field "NAME" limit length apply to nodes append dialog is added. 2013-12-19 Roman - DAQ.MMS: All library's files build moved to self folder libiec61850. - DB:AGLKS.St.db: For input transport testOPC all KeepAlive parameters disabled. - !!:SYS: Global definitions OBJ_ID_SZ and OBJ_NM_SZ is added and used for all configuration's ID and NAME. OBJ_NM_SZ is risen from 50 to 100. Field's NAME limit length pass to configurators by field "idm", through OpenSCADA control interface. - FIX:DAQ.OPC_UA: Call tr.at().messIO() without return is fixed. Removed request's messages binary dump for debug messages. - UI.QTCfg: Field "NAME" limit length apply to nodes append dialog is added. 2013-12-18 Roman - FIX:DAQ.ModBus: Node's lock attributes into the protocol Node's mode "Data" is fixed. - FIX:DAQ.OPC_UA: EXTRA_DIST content for libOPC_UA library is appended. 2013-12-17 Roman - SYS: Autoconf templates AX_MOD_*_EN changed to syntax: AX_MOD_*_EN([ModName],[Help],[En],[InclAllow],[ActionCheck],[ActionEnable]) - !!:DAQ.OPC_UA: All library's files moved to separated folder libOPC_UA. The library libOPC_UA simple test program is added. The library libOPC_UA namespace is changed from OSCADA_OPC to OPC. From function messIO() two last arguments are removed. - !!:Special.FLibSYS: Some code clear. Object's IO and GD first implemention is added. - Transport.Sockets: Some code clear. 2013-12-12 Roman - Transport.{,Sockets}: Resource is added to input transport, for writeTo(). - !:DAQ.OPC_UA: RePublish service and retransmission queue processing is added. Maximum notes per publish processing is added. - UI.VCAEngine: Session widget's user API function mime() and mimeSet() is added for allow access to mime data, processing the data and change by set to the session context table. Too usefull for dynamic forming some images like SVG (simple process XML) or PNG,JPEG,GIF by LibGD2 API (will append further). 2013-12-11 Roman - DAQ.OPC_UA: Auth methods UserName and X509Identity processing is added, but not check yet for real users into OpenSCADA. Secure channel's TokenId renew support into server part is implemented and some fixed into client part. - FIX:UI.WebVision: Primitive "Diagram" cursor scale is fixed. Oppress scroll for include page size equal to the container. NaN value display prevented by check argument's result of the primitive "Text". - UI.WebVision: Font's size obtain by getFont() is added and used for "FormEl" elements height tune. 2013-12-09 Roman - UI.QTCfg: Copy a node into the branch and no select direct the parent node, by copy to self, is improved and fixed. - DAQ.OPC_UA: Synchronous input requests processing support return and disabled, enabled for LTS. Force session check is added for messages' services not OpcUa_CreateSessionRequest, OpcUa_FindServersRequest and OpcUa_GetEndpointsRequest. 2013-12-07 Roman - DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Syntax highlight rules some improved for keywords "in" and "var" not higlight into variable form. - UI.Vision: GeomZ set to UP for the widget copy is added. New widget's id enumerated generation is made simpler. 2013-12-06 Roman - DB.VCABase: To field "Archives" of the graphics control panel the archivators list is set generation dynamic. - DB.OscadaLibs: base.anUnif template is significant expanded. - FIX:Archive.{FSArch,DBArch}: Alarm messages by negative level requesting from messages archive is fixed. - !!!:DAQ.OPC_UA: Publish, Subscribe, MonitoredItem and related services support for input protocol's part is added. - FIX:UI.{VCAEngine,Vision}: Group attributes setting function Vision::attrsSet() is rewrote for strong ordering for fix unordered writing to some yet missed attributes that appeared after upper changes; detected on primitive "ElFig". - UI.Vision: Internal object's indexes SpecIdx and ShapeType are moved to global space. - FIX:UI.{Vision,WebVision}: Two method applied for prevent primitive "Diagram" possible hung on some data combination begin from different archivators. 2013-11-29 Roman - !:DB.MySQL: MULTI_STATEMENTS requests is enabled, but process and return only first result. - FIX:UI.Vision: UnDo records for align events, into development mode, set only for real changed widgets. 2013-11-26 Roman - !!:SYS.TArchVal: LibGD2 using into core is fixed by set variable HAVE_GD_CORE. Value archive's trend build is implemented through SVG for LibGD2 into core disable. - FIX:DAQ.OPC_UA: nodeClassMask processing into service "Browse" is fixed for input part. 2013-11-23 Roman - DB: Widget ElCadr is some expanded for negative precision process for exponential form accuracy into vcaBase.db. Input analog parameter's template fix for lag after EVAL and zero value temporary set. - !!:FIX:SYS.Archive.Val: allow access to next level archive into single request, like from 1m to 10m. - SYS.TCntrNode: Commented path forming variant without simbol '/' at end is added. - SYS.DAQ.Parameter: User's API function "DAQ.{Cntr}.{Prm}.cntr()" is added for access to the controller's object from any level parameter object. - FIX:DAQ.LogicLev: The parameters enabling to processing is made typical for nested parameters processing allow. - !:DAQ.OPC_UA: "Subscr" class and background that processing task is added for service "Subscription" support. Not finished yet! - FIX:UI.QTCfg: Detected node select by search into field from bellow is fixed for copy to the field. - UI.QTCfg: Copy a node into the branch and no select direct the parent node, by copy to self, support is added. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Document generation from empty template "tmpl" fix, for primitive "Document". Dynamic linking to nested parameters is fixed. - FIX:UI.Vision: Mouse cursor shape changing allow into included editable widgets is fixed for the parent widget size containing or equal to the widget. Some original texts into the source is fixed. For primitive ElFigure: - next code clean and refactoring, mostly for moveItemTo(); - control points set smaler and different coloring for linked and other; - the dead-area from previous commit is disabled for omit some unclean problems, up to events processing rewrite; - reloading is fixed after some figures append; - bordered figures width scale is fixed. 2013-11-14 Roman - DB: Recipe's frames is some updated into vcaBase.db. - Archive.Val: To makeTrendImg() argument for file type provide is added. Test forming archive's values trand into "SVG" at LibGD miss is added. - FIX:DAQ.TController: The controller's object strange reenable after its a parameter copy is commented. - DAQ.TParameter: At the parameter's copy the child parameters recursive copy is added. - DAQ.OPC_UA: Terminated functions SetPublishingMode and DeleteSubscriptions is implemented into input protocol's library part for allow no-terminable working with UAExpert. The path next will be used into LTS but for the work version will be implemented full "Subscription" service support by new asynchronous responds API. - UI.VCAEngine: The original "Alignment" variants text list for texts is fixed. SVG extension is added for media-files inline navigation. - !:FIX:UI.Vision.ElFigure: The dead-area for figures moving start is added. Color's and Image's indexes copy on inundations copy is added. Some checks to allowing the indexes is added for prevent crashes by out of range. The mouse and keyboard development mode event will soon full revised and fixed for make the work direct! - UI.Vision.FormEl: To view "Tree" the items decoding is restored and for set to "value" selected item used original item. To views "Tree" and "List" set scroll and expand to selected item is added. - FIX:UI.Vision: To generic widget editable combo checking for equal to set text is added for prevent selection and cursor position loss. - UI.WebCfgD: Type for media-file using is added for other to png images, like "svg" allow. 2013-11-08 Roman - DB: Recipe's frames is some updated into vcaBase.db. - SYS: Prefix "env" to openscada.desktop is added for ensure work on Maemo (N800, N900). openscada_start is adapted for start on BusyBOX variant "mktemp", "tput" miss and old version of "zenity". For the CPU frequency obtain used /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_cur_freq and fields "cpu MHz", "bogomips", "BogoMIPS" of /proc/cpuinfo in that order. - !!!!:TransportIn: Virtual function writeTo() for allow bacward requests is added. - !!!!:TProtocolIn, Protocol.*, Transport.*, DAQ.{ModBus,OPC_UA}: The input transport store by locked header instead the path for faster access, API functions changed: srcTr(), setSrcTr(). The input transport sender address stores also into the input transport protocol object and used for backward and asynchronous messages send to sender. - !:TTransportOut: The output transport restart is set on the address change for allow to change the from internal procedures. - DB.{FireBird,MySQL,PostgreSQL,SQLite}: Check for new key's fields present and return false from function fieldSeek(), only for zero row. Used for prevent hierarchical and cyclic same fields loading, for DAQ parameter to parameter including of present single-level configuration. Instead time(NULL) everywhere used SYS->sysTm(); - FIX:DAQ.LogicLev: Reconnect try to broken links restore is fixed. - FIX:Transport.Serial: Set writing modem's exit command without next line symbols. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Restore compatibility by remove A_NAME index and create A_FormElName and fixed set it for all "name" attributes of primitive "FormEl". Disable empty template attribute using for document generation for primitive "Document". Remove wrong inline navigator at media-resources for no "String" attributes. - FIX:UI.Vision: Disable encoding and decoding of path items of view "Tree" of primitive "FormEl" for prevent inconsistency items into list to selected item value. 2013-10-30 Roman - DB:Select item from tree dialog is added and used into short prescriptions control widget. ElContr is some expanded for disable by default all dynamic items and use all aviable space for NAME field. - DB.SQLite: Check for new key's fields present and return false from function fieldSeek(), only for zero row. Used for prevent hierarchical and cyclic same fields loading, for DAQ parameter to parameter including of present single-level configuration. - !!:DAQ.LogicLev: Parameter to parameter including is enabled and empty parameters as clean container cration allow. - !!!!:FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Lost attribute "name" the global ability to see after change primitive "FormEl" view from "Button" to "Tree", "List" and other is fixed by static index (A_NAME:2) to field "name" assign but the compatibility loss for remote connection from and to previous version UI.Vision. Fix possibility for open and include new page to container the page into the "f_start" stage. "prm:*" dynamic links wrong set is fixed by remove prefix "a_" from last item - attribute. - FIX:UI.Vision: No actions update on the library's widget rename or remove is fixed. Tool windows centring is disabled and new pages loading by load("") is moved to constructor RunPageView for allow DE for custom control to the windows placing behavior. 2013-10-24 Roman - Archive,DAQ.{BlockCalc,LogicLev,ModBus},UI.VCAEngine: Links to DAQ parameters and attributes is adapted for parameters to parameters including path like "{Mod}.{Cntr}.{Prm1}.{PrmN}.{Attr}". - FIX:TCntrNode: chldList() fix for negative group index correct processing and list clear anytime. - DAQ: Functions TDAQS::ctrListPrmAttr(), TDAQS::prmAt() and TDAQS::attrAt() adapted for DAQ parameters to parameters including. - !:TSYS: Modification controled writing to the config file is added for field "Lang" for prevent writing unmodified. - FIX:DAQ: TParamContr::DAQPath() is fixed for including to the other parameter owner append. - DAQ.MMS: Variables insertion Combo some improved. - UI.VCAEngine: Negative widget's position coordinate is allowed. - FIX:UI.WebVision: Primitive "ElFigure" update at parent scaling change is fixed. Scroll for Box-containers is enabled. 2013-10-20 Roman - !!!!:DAQ: New module "MMS" for support MMS(IEC-9506) and IEC-61850 devices protocol as added. It is initial implementation by libiec61850. - TCntrNode: function grpDel() is added for groups full control. The attribute "force" is added to node control interface's commands "load" and "save". - !!!:DAQ: Parameters including to other parameter initial support is added and enabled for new module "MMS". Subsystem DAQ modules version is risen to 7. - DAQ, DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: "Null" value set to return false for cast to Boolean. For no present object return set Null. - DAQ.OPC_UA: Some variables is renamed and TSYS::taskEndRun() used for a task end command detect. 2013-10-11 Roman - !:SYS.I18N.mk: To I18N messages obtaining rule "messages" and "I18N" addition 1 rule is added by "I18N_add1" for join different to C/C++ languages texts. New addition 1 is used for get messages from "openscada_start.in" start script and translation create for its. "--no-location" option is removed from xgettext calls. - !:TSYS: Modification controled writing to the config file is added for prevent writing unmodified fields dependent from system environment. - !!:{TTransport,TProtocol}.In,Transport.Socket,DAQ.OPC_UA: Experimental implementing for independ writing to sender of this input transport is added by function TTransportIn::writeTo(). Used for answers send into OPC_UA protocol. - DB: To functions TBDS::dataGet() and TBDS::dataSet() "forceCfg" flag is added for allow system data storing priority into config file. For the system data set data bases connections table "DB". Prevent writing to the config file empty fields for appropriate empty tags write. - Protocol.UserProtocol: To input transport's process procedure context is added attribute "tr" for input transport object represent. - UI.{QTCfg,Vision}: Bind key combination Shif+F1 for WhatThis calls. - UI.VCAEngine: Map areas limit for primitive "Media" is expanded to 100. - FIX:UI.Vision: Set focus to MDIArea window after a widget drop to the window. Some fix moving mouse pointer on widget-container resize from keyboard. Allow "MousePress" event forming at the primitive "Media" map area click, after self specific event forming. 2013-10-01 Roman - SYS: The changelog to syntax some fix. - SYS: "StartupNotify=false" line is added to *.desktop files. "TERM=" to "Exec" is added for prevent console "dialog" start into openscada_start. For terminal checking use "tput init" into openscada_start. - FIX:DAQ.ModBus: Task terminated state display is added to status. No loss connection restore for synchronous write mode and bits from register using is fixed. - !!:DAQ.OPC_UA: Server part function reqData() is separated for OPC_UA binary encoding part into library and same data request depend from the server data model specific for data services "Browse", "Read" and "Write". Service "BrowseNext" and ContinuationPoints for it is added. For access to EndPoints (EP) data is added and used self pthread_mutex_t mutex. - Transport.Serial: field "/cntr/cfg/devLS" is renamed to "/prm/cfg/devLS". - Transport.Sockets: Some code clear. - UI.Vision: Deprecated QPalette::Background is replaced to QPalette::Window. 2013-09-13 Roman - !!:SYS: To start script openscada_start appended the project selection from symbol link like openscada_{ProjNm} and menu provided for select or new project by dialog, kdialog, zenity or Xdialog. - DB: To prescription frames added: programms sorting, renaming. - FIX:SYS: User API function childIns() is fixed for XMLNodeObj argument 1. - FIX:DAQ.ParamTempl: LockAttr flag copy prevented from locked attributes "f_*" on append and insert new. - DAQ.OPC_UA: Linking the module with library libOPC_UA changed to direct file include libOPC_UA.cpp for allow parralel building by -j2. Some fixes and preparing to BrowseNext support. - UI.{Vision,VCAEngine}: Resources list and files in-line browsing is added for image/media attributes. Primitive "Media" is clean and used named indexes. Mime table of containers is allowed for direct download, not only to selected, and mime detect from extension; mime also used for unload files. Set limit for downloaded files size. - UI.VCAEngine: The include widgets to box change parent on widget library's or page's parent change is added, on the enable. 2013-09-04 Roman - FIX:SYS: String labels enumeration into strLabEnum() mostly fixed for "Hex". - FIX:UI.Vision: Primitive "ElFigure" fixed for scale and unscale widths by move scaling direct to the figures paint. - FIX:UI.{Vision,WebVision}: Primitive "Diagram" fix to fill the trend buffer for duplicates on request to the archive for single value and the requests moved to single request for current. 2013-09-02 Roman - SYS: To openscada_start script the OpenSCADA project selection is added from the link name. In-line links added to global functions i2s()->TSYS::int2str(), u2s()->TSYS::uint2str(), ll2s()->TSYS::ll2str(), r2s()->TSYS::real2str(). String labels enumeration is added by strLabEnum(). Command line parameter "--StatName=<name>" is added for station name set. Station no present warning message disabled for no station select. - DB: To simple prescription widget the program selection by menu on button is added. Prescription import and export by selection dialog on button is added. Hold events is added to the value set and increment level rising after each 3 second of "ElCadr" OPC_UA client and server certifies is updated. Some fixes. - DAQ.DAQGate: Gather messages level selection is added for controller object. - FIX:DAQ.ICP_DAS: DI and DO I87k modules support is fixed. CNTR number set is fixed for I87k modules. - FIX:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: System functions removing is allowed. - DAQ.ModBus: Attributes list field size is increased to 100000. - DAQ.Templates,Protocol.ModBus: Previous row using as template at one new creation is added. - DAQ.{ModBus,SMH2Gi}: Connection error message set conditional up to level TMess::Error. - DAQ.{DAQGate,ModBus}: Gather task hot sheduling change is added. - FIX:DAQ.ModBus: Wrong EVAL set by link id on error writing by output link is fixed. - {Lib,Protocol}.OPC_UA: Services "OpcUa_CreateSubscriptionRequest", "OpcUa_CreateMonitoredItemsRequest", "OpcUa_TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsRequest", "OpcUa_PublishRequest" first implementation is added. Server objects and variables is added: "Server"->("ServerStatus"->"State", "NamespaceArray"). Generic node's attributes processing mostly improved and expanded. - UI.VCAEngine: TSYS::int2str() replaced to i2s(). Context help for modes and values of view "Button" of primitive "FormEl" is added. Primitive "Box" moved to predefined indexes. - !!:FIX:UI.Vision: Vector index_array reforming fixed for points 1 and 2 for place only common figures and once (exclude Arc, for connection points 1 and 2). Fix crash on Lines and Arcs (previous wrong fix). - UI.Vision: Separated "Load" and "Save" modes processing of view "Button" of primitive "FormEl". Loading data user limit is added. - UI.{Vision,WebVision}: Set background palette of run-time window to unbordered master page. - FIX:UI.WebCfg: Date fields display for table and other is fixed. - UI.WebUser: TimeStamp is added to programming objects for changes control. 2013-08-19 Roman - SYS: Default string buffer size is increased from 3000 to 10000. Default string buffer size for numbers is added by NSTR_BUF_LEN and set to 100. *2str function implementation is changed to the switch style. - Transport: Address configuration record size is grown to 100. - !:FIX:Archive.FSArch: Messages to plain archive placing is fixed for big, on string buffer size limit. - !!!!:DAQ.OPC_UA: OPC UA protocol's part for Client and Server is moved to LGPL v3 library for allow and simplify using by other projects. Controller's object is made simply for EndPoints and transports selection and configuration. For now you can set only EndPoint and the transport will created from it. Also for the controller object enabled you will take list for browsed and allowed endpoins. TokenId and SessionId allowed for complex NodeId processing and tested on Ignition OPC UA server. OPC UA server fix for merged input messages processing. - Transport.Sockets: The output transport is allowed for stop on the address change. - !!:UI.{VCAEngine,Vision}: Into view "Button" of primitive "FormEl" attribute "checkable" has renamed to "mode" and has appended modes: "Standard", "Checkable", "Menu", "Load", and "Save". - UI.Vision: Set current value of primitive "FormEl" is moved to separated function. - UI.WebVision: Adapted to new model data for view "Button" of primitive "FormEl", but without it full implementation. 2013-08-08 Roman - !:FIX:TVal: Stop archive is added on the object disable for unlock it and allow to finish act. The problem often observed on DAQ parameter's configuration change. - !!:FIX:UI.{Vision,WebVision}: Items configuration loading of primitive "ElFigure" is fixed for demand to all points present. The function attr{s}Set() of primitive "ElFigure", and "FormEl" into UI.Vision, full revised and set optimal. - UI.{VCAEngine,Vision,WebVision}: Into primitives "FormEl" and "ElFigure" are used indexes definitions from "types.h". - UI.Vision: Abortive (commented) implementation for view items tree into ComboBox of primitive "FormEl" is added. The problems caused by wrong processing hierarchical data model. 2013-07-30 Roman - DB: vcaTest.db library is significant updated for append primitive "ElFigure" tests and combined tests frame update. Prescription frames some updated and the libraries list change to tree. Translation to Ukraine is some updated. - DAQ.ModBus: Context help update. - UI.VCAEngine: Export symbols moved to file types.h and it allowed for include from visualizers. - UI.Vision: Inactive mode for primitive's "FormEl" items set readonly but allow for scroll and other unmodified operations. - UI.{VCAEngine,Vision}: View items variant "Tree" is added to primitive "FormEl". - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Archive's limit for primitive "Document" is fixed for expand to 1000000. 2013-07-21 Roman - SYS: Depend to module DAQ.DCON include to *-plc package. Icons for modules DAQ.Comedi and DAQ.SMH2Gi is added. "DESCR" DB fields size expanded from 300 to 1000 for everywhere. In-line files browser function ctrListFS() is moved from TCntrNode to TSYS namespace. NoEx flag is added to function TCntrNode::chldList(). - TArchVal,UI.WebCfgD: Compression level for PNG creation is set to optimal for time level '1'. - !!:DAQ.{*,BlockCalc,LogicLev,ModBus},TArchVal,Transport.Serial,UI.VCAEngine: DAQ parameters' attributes and the parameters browsing is moved to generic function TDAQ::ctrListPrmAttr() and used everywhere. - DAQ.DAQGate: Sync inter remote station period disabling is allowed by set the value to zero. - DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Set default value to EVAL_REAL instead EVAL_STRING on value request is made for performance some increase. "break" into the virtual machine commands is replaced to "continue" for some performance increase. - !!!:DAQ.ModBus: Complex type "String", registers block, support is added to DAQ by suffix "_s" to the register "R[I]". Complex types "Integer" (32 bit signed), "Float" and "String" (registers block) support is added to Node object of input protocol. - UI.WebVision: Some code clear for primitive "ElFig". 2013-07-10 Roman - !!:SYS,*: Include I18N.mk script direct to core and modules' *.am files. - !!:SYS,*: OpenSCADA modules including mechanism is rewrote to "noinst" static libraries build and direct link its to core library. Including modules check code is moved to the subsystem's modules enabling macro AX_MOD_{SUB}_EN. Drop the station id from local node's path, for simplify and exclude station id doubling on messages from other stations. - Messages: Writing to buffer and history is allowed for negative levels (alarms). Mostly used for replay possibility on other station. - DAQ.Controller: Service request "/serv/mess" to the node type is added for this DAQ source messages request allow. Virtual function "catsPat()" is added for the node type messages kind set allow. - !!:DAQ.DAQGate: Mirrored sources' messages read and trace is added. Prefix "{station}:" add to readed messages. - !!:FIX:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Remove wrong syntax rule "expr OR CONST{" but finite action to first constande independent next operations. Conditional logical commands '||' and '&&' is fixed for constants. 2013-07-05 Roman - Transport: "Request" tab of output transport is set accessable all time and any request send cause the transport start try. - DAQ.DAQGate: Alarms generation on connection problems is added. - DAQ.SMH2Gi: The controller object re-enable on flag "Reinit" set for modules MR/MC is added. - !!:FIX:Transport.{Sockets,Serial}: Check for write() errors and EAGAIN by select() into input transports is added. - FIX:UI.{Vision,WebVision}: The primitive "Diagram" data buffer's loading by current data and lose old data by limit is fixed by write current values to pixel-size alignement time. 2013-07-01 Roman - !!:FIX:Transport.{Serial,Sockets}: Errno EAGAIN process is added to write() for output transport for prevent errors on big data transfer. - !!:UI.WebVision: Session object's ID is renamed to PATH and nodeName() set to separated string by "." path. PNG compression level option is added for some performance control on images build and default value set to "1". 2013-06-27 Roman - TSYS: Some building stage warnigs is removed and cycleLost counter lower limit is set to 0. - !!!:TCntrNode: Force save parent nodes on save children is added, for timestamp control. For flags, and for modifications also, used connections' mutex instead node resource. Deprecated feature removed from save(). - FIX:DAQ.{ModBus,LogicLev,BlockCalc,Siemens}: Preventing executable context reload from DB on the controller run is fixed for re-enable. - FIX:DAQ.DiamondBoards: Some fixes and updates for the AI interrupt acquisition mode correction algorithms. - DAQ.JavaLikeCalc, UI.{VCAEngine,Vision}: TimeStamp is added to programming objects for changes control. - DAQ.SoundCard: Acquisition task, from PortAudio, priority set is provided. Some error and debug messages is added. Some performance is risen. - UI.Vision: QFileDialog save context moved to root object's function getFileName() for development and run modes. To development mode window's title is added the station name. - DB: Into OpenSCADA and visual elements' libraries DB Prescription engine is some updated and fixed and element "ElCadr" improved. 2013-06-21 Roman - SYS: Append "lag" to function TSYS::taskSleep() for get lag from planned time. TID set to zero on init. Set nice() allow instead realtime policy append. - TPrmTempl: TimeStamp is added to template object for changes control. - TArchVal: Tab "Values" items list into values table is inverted. - DAQ.{ModBus,LogicLev,BlockCalc,Siemens}: Prevent executable context reload from DB on the controller run. - !!:DAQ.DiamondBoards: Working into interrupt AI acquisition mode is implemented. - FIX:UI.Vision: Twice inundation contour drawing into primitive "ElFigure" is fixed. Two events generation for buttons of primitive "FormEl" is fixed. 2013-06-07 Roman - DAQ.Template,DAQ.{JavaLikeCalc,ModBus},Protocol.UserProtocol, UI.WebUser: Procedure text limit for the DB field is expand to 1000000. 2013-06-01 Roman - SYS:Core library version is returned to "2:1:0". - UI.{VCAEngine,Vision,WebVision}: To view "Trend" of primitive "Diagram" added attribute "sclHorPer" for force (disable automatic mode) grid period of horizontal scale set. - FIX:UI.Vision: Prevent exit on close last run-project window if it have not correct session opened. - UI.Vision: The warning dialog for request to select present session or to create new is rewrote for allow cancel and mostly to clean. Antialiasing enable for draw lines width more 2 is added to primitive "Diagram". - UI.{Vision,WebVision}: Values dimension limit, for primitive "Diagram", is expand to 5 symbols for prevent early using exponential form. - FIX:UI.{Vision,WebVision}: Absolute rounding to hours of view "Trend" of primitive "Diagram" for horizontal scale length more hours is fixed by hours count into Unix time value "0" (for zone 2 is 1.1.1970 3:0:0), on the grid draw. 2013-05-25 Roman - !:DB: To OscadaLibs.db added counter VKT-7 from TeploCom (http://www.teplocom.spb.ru) support. - FIX:SYS: Fix copy default config from "oscada_start.xml" for user's projects by environment "OSCADA_ProjName". To oscada_start.xml "OpenSCADA control interface" on port 10005 is added. - FIX:DAQ.Template: Omit for copy "DB" field on the template library node copy. - !!!:UI.{VCAEngine,Vision,WebVision}: To primitive "Diagram" trends build from direct data is added, by prefix "data:" and "line:". - !:FIX:UI.Vision: Function WdgView::attrsSet() is added and used for group attributes set into one request, for prevent several linked events lose on processing and general performance rise on network. - UI.WebVision: Functions modStart() and modStop() is added for the events from OpenSCADA core process. 2013-05-19 Roman - SYS: Core library version is set to 1.1.0, for OpenSCADA version 0.8.1 reflection. Package libqtwebkit-dev to Debian packages build dependencies, into "control", is added. New TMess::put() and TMess::put_() functions is some fixed. - !!:DB.SQLite: Opened transaction close on the module stop is added for prevent data loss after crash on some other module detach, for example UI.QTStarter module is often crash, by QT4 components' problems. - !:FIX.UI.Vision: Primitive "ElFigure" next changes and fixes: - Crash on click to common point for arc's points 1,2 and line point 1 is fixed. - Not full anti-aliasing is fixed. - Significant code clear. 2013-05-11 Roman - !!!!:SYS,*: Least level field is set to selectable. Global messages level "Debug (0)" specific processing is added by all messages enable. Default global messages level is set to "Information (1)". For messages flow limit tab "Debug" with categories specify for selectable debug. - !!!!:Messages: Functions mess_lev(), message_(), mess_*_() for new debuging conception implement: Mostly debugs now enabled by set "Least level" to "Debug (0)" and specify need categories for debuging into tab "Debug". For generation used function "mess_debug()", for the function conditional call used "if(mess_lev() == TMess::Debug)" and for too performance dependent parts used conditional build by define "-DOSC_DEBUG". - !:DAQ.{DCON_client,ModBus,OPC_UA,SMH2Gi}: Diagnostic messages by "Debug (0)" level generation is adapted to new debuging concept. - Transport.{SSL,Serial,Sockets}: Address and some other input's and output's transport's fields set modifiable depend from start status. - !:UI.QTStarter: Wrong "QT" mostly renamed to "Qt". Messages translation from original Qt4 dialogs is fixed and appended. - UI.Vision: Exit on last run project close control is added for run projects. 2013-04-20 Roman - !:FIX.UI.Vision: Primitive "ElFigure" next changes and fixes: - Several arcs' point 5 separating is fixed on keyboard and mouse move. - Mouse cursor moving according to keyboard moving is added. - Circle contour gap by moving from keyboard is added. - Significant code clear. 2013-04-18 Roman - FIX:DAQ.DCON: "DO_METHOD" separated symbol ',' is fixed to ';' and "8DO (#AA00FF)", 12DO (#AA000FFF) is fixed for channels number. 2013-04-10 Roman - FIX:DB.PostgreSQL: Connection procedure is rewrote for allow connect to need DB and only for errors connect to "template1", check for present and create for need. The allow to set permition only to need and present DB, without "template1". 2013-04-06 Roman - SYS: Default messages level is set to "Info (1)". - !!!!:UI.{VCAEngine,Vision,WebVision}: Scales separation for different parameters of primitive "Diagram" is implemented. 2013-03-30 Roman - UI.Vision: Status line display control is added for run projects. - UI.WebVision: The property "Margin" for primitive "Text" behavior is changed and border calculation added. - UI.WebVision: Control information clear for closing pages is added. "overflow: hidden;" for primitive "Text" is added. 2013-03-28 Roman - SYS.TCntrNode,DAQ.SMH2Gi,Protocol.HTTP,Transport.Serial: Devices by "<dev>" and "<chrdev>" listing is added to function TCntrNode::ctrListFS() and some used. - !!:UI.WebVision: External JS file "WebVisionVCA.js" loading try from current directory is added. JS code changes: - mostly clean and fix; - zero opacity checking is added for background disable; - asynchronous main cycle requests try; - primitives 'ElFigure', 'Media', 'FormEl' mostly adapted for prevent non full context replacing on single dynamic properties change. - drag for images is disabled for FireFox. 2013-03-24 Roman - FIX:UI.WebVision: Mostly JS code clean, direct objects free is added, memory leak fix into this.mousedown and this.mouseup functions' arrays. - SYS.TCntrNode,DB.SQLite: To function TCntrNode::ctrListFS() is added files browsing and in some places used. - DAQ.DCON: Any other besides "Serial" transports selection is allowed. 2013-03-22 Roman - SYS.Value: Attribute print name is set to container name and the attribute description. For empty name used only the attribute description. - FIX:SYS,UI.{Vision,WebVision}: Precision boundary for real to string converting is set to > 0. Padding boundary is set to (-1000;1000). - FIX:Archive: Access to source for "Passive" mode is disabled. - DAQ.Siemens: Try requests for different DB disabled on the task endrun. 2013-03-09 Roman - SYS: "SYS_HighPr" task creation late, after subsystems start, is fixed. The problem detected on high-loaded systems on start by messages "Timeouted function calculation ...". 2013-03-08 Roman - SYS.{TCntrNode,WorkDir,IcoDir,ModDir},Archive.FSArch: Function ctrListFS() is added and used for directories and files (further) browsing into configure items allow. - SYS.{TCntrNode,TPrmTmpl},DAQ.JavaLikeCalc,UI.{VCAEngine,Vision}: For tables list used preferable table name instead the table mask "[TableName]". - !:FIX:ModShedul,Archive.FSArch,DB.DBF,DAQ.{Comedi,SMH2Gi}: The hidden problematic readdir() function is replaced to reentrant variant readdir_r(). - !:SYS: Function sysTm() and it variable "mSysTm" are set to "volatile" and will test at further for atomic access. - FIX:SYS: ieee754_float using instead ieee754_double into floatLE() and floatLErev() is fixed. - Archive.{FSArch,DBArch}: Editable control for Values and Messages archives' configuration fields depends from "Start" state is added. - FIX:UI.Vision: Documents export is made equal to display and clean. - UI.WebVision: To JavaScript function getColor() opaque obtaine property is added. 2013-03-04 Roman - !!!:SYS: All path configuration variables is moved to config.h and some new is added for default one set. Packages Model.AGLKS and Model.Boiler is set to "noarch". Start scripts "openscada_start", "openscada_AGLKS", "openscada_demo", "openscada_Boiler" and configs "oscada.xml", "oscada_AGLKS.xml" and "oscada_Boiler.xml" is mostly rewrote for move all the project specific files to it directory. Model's DB for AGLKS and Boiler is adapted for working into self current directory and some fixed. - !!:UI: UI's icons and resources obtaining functions icoPresent(), icoGet() and icoPath() is condensed to one icoGet() function and adapted for multiple directories process. Default icons directories is set to "icons/;"oscd_datadir_full"/icons/". - UI.{Vision, WebVision}: Source files of primitive "ElFigure" is reformatted for replace 8 spaces to tabs and other fix. 2013-02-28 Roman - FIX:Archive.FSArch: Wrong EVAL place on archive files seam is fixed. 2013-02-27 Roman - FIX:DAQ.SMH2Gi: True ID encoding is added for SMH parameter's attributes, for prevent wrong symbols pass. - Transport.Sockets: Editable control for Input transport object's configuration fields depends from "Start" state is added. - !:FIX.UI.Vision: Primitive "ElFigure" changes and fixes: - Value range define is added and used. - ShapeItem::Type enumeration for figures "Line", "Arc" and "Bezier" is added. - Significant code clear. - Widths, Styles and Colors indexes copy on the figures copy is added. 2013-02-22 Roman - DAQ.SMH2Gi: Diagnostic for communication is added. - FIX:DAQ.SMH2Gi: Working load_files.srv file without SHM size field "Slave"->"ShmSize is fixed. - FIX:UI.{Vision,WebVision}: Remove upper limit for primitive's "Diagram" parameters number. 2013-02-20 Almaz - !!:DAQ.DCON: Significant changes: - analog inputs reading of one methods is added; - the method 1AO (#AA) (blocks NL-1AO, I-7021, ADAM-4021) working is fixed; - the method 4AO (#AACN) is added for working with block ADAM-4024; - the digital inputs reading methods @AA is replaced to $AA6 for compatibility with ADAM blocks; - the digital outputs writing methods 4DO (#AA000F), 8DO (#AA00FF), 12DO (#AA000FFF) is added for working with ADAM blocks. 2013-02-19 Roman - !!:DB.LibsDB, DB.ModelsDB.AGLKS: Documents formating some updated. Some other bugs is fixed. Now the DBs will often updated for fast improving and fixing direct into SQLite DB files. - DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Assigns separating by symbol ',' is added to the language for like the constructions: var1=1, var2=3, var4=var1+var2; for(var1=0, var2=0, var3=-1; var1 < 10; var1++, var2++) var3++; - UI.WebVision: Attribute "width='100%'" is added to primitive's "Protocol" table for fill full the widget width. - UI.Vision: Symbols '\n' process is added into attribute "name" of "Button" type of primitive "FormEl" for multiple line text into buttons show allow. 2013-02-14 Roman - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Lock session on enabling try pages with broken child widgets, like no parent set, is fixed and the error ignored for full project start. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Global attributes translation read for field "CFG_VAL" is fixed. - FIX:UI.Vision: Attributes change for group widgets and for equal to first attribute value into the group is fixed. 2013-02-12 Roman - FIX:DAQ.BlockCalc: Parameter's attributes first checking for remove is removed for prevent to free linked but present attributes. - DAQ.DCON: Diagnostic protocol requests is added for messages level "Debug (0)". - FIX:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Unaligned access for double and integer constants is fixed for some ARM-processors. - FIX:UI.QTCfg, UI.Vision: Find shortcuts for TextEdit widgets is set context to the widget. - UI.VCAEngine: The function TSYS::taskUtilizTm() has replace for a session execution time measurement. - UI.Vision: The file dialog for export is set stored for save directory place and other. - !!:UI.WebCfg: Source code is made clean and some values encoding to HTML is fixed. 2013-02-07 Roman - !:SYS: User API function SYS.mktime() is added for get time since the Epoch 1.1.1970 converted from broken-down time. - FIX:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Increment, decrement and like operations fixed for object's items. - DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: IO type sets to "Text" and display its into DAQ attributes. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Using "Object" type into primitive "Document" calculation environment is fixed. - UI.VCAEngine: The primitive "Document" generation starting is added by set attribute "time" to zero and previous no zero restore. 2013-02-02 Roman - SYS: Function TSYS::taskUtilizTm() added for get utilize time by the pointed tasks. - DAQ.BlockCalc, DAQ.DiamondBoards, DAQ.LogicLev, DAQ.ModBus: The function TSYS::taskUtilizTm() has replace for task execution time measurement. - DAQ.SMH2Gi: Digital signals inversion configuration is added for MC and MR modules. - FIX:UI.QTStarter: Splash early hide is fixed by the splash hide only after all "Qt" modules processing. 2013-01-29 Roman - SYS.Function: Remove execution measurement from TValFunc. - SYS.Function, DAQ.{BlockCalc,DiamondBoards,LogicLev}: Execution measurement is made planed by user request and moved to system counters container. 2013-01-28 Roman - !:FIX:Function: Remove function gettimeofday() twice call on it execution time measurement, for each calls. Add the function execution time limit to 10 seconds. - FIX:Security: Group tab's name is fixed. - SYS: Translation for core update. - FIX:SYS: configure.in fixed for remove keyword "include". Detected on old aclocal. - SYS:ModSched: Fields "ModAllow" and "ModDeny" open for edit and save its to config-file. - SYS: Start script "openscada_start" adapted for start different projects by set variable "OSCADA_ProjName" to project name, like "OSCADA_ProjName=MyProjName openscada_start". - UI.VCAEngine: Brackets '' processing into syntax highlight rules for XHTML tag's attribute is added. - UI.Vision, UI.WebVision: Default loadable tag for primitive "Document" set to "body". 2013-01-27 Roman - SYS: Work DB for "Start" project change to "start/St.db". - FIX:SYS: Document filename fix for "moduleCreation.pdf". - DB, DB.*: Editable control object's configuration fields depends from "Enable" state is added for DB object. Some charsets list for field "CODEPAGE" is added. - DAQ.LogicLev: Editable control for Controller object's configuration fields depends from "Start" state is added. - DAQ.SMH2Gi: Directory ./data/*.ini append to repository. 2013-01-26 Roman - DAQ.Templates, DAQ.LogicLev, DAQ.ModBus, DAQ.Siemens: IO type sets to "Text" and display its into DAQ attributes and template's constants. - DAQ.DiamondBoards: Processed AI numbers strict is added from asserted for the board. Read DIO by ports (bytes) is added. - Transport.Serial: Editable control object's configuration fields depends from "Start" state is added for input transport. - FIX:UI.Vision: Size points for selected widgets into development mode display is fixed. 2013-01-18 Roman - FIX:SYS: RPM build spec-files some fixed for ALTLinux. - SYS: Tasks priority level context help message is added. - !:DAQ.*: Editable control for Controller object's configuration fields depends from "Enable" and "Start" state is added. - !!:DAQ.ModBus: Context help for protocol's node into "Data" mode for data's field "Id" and link status by "(+)" is added. ModBus protocol log generation is some updated and added this messages into tab "Diagnostics" of the Controller object, for debug level (0). - !:DAQ.OPC_UA: OPC UA protocol's dump messages added into tab "Diagnostics" of the Controller object, for debug level (0). - !!:Transport.Serial: Configure field "Priority" for input transport's task is added. - !!:UI.VCAEngine: Primitive "Diagram" field "Parameters number" limit expand to 100. Order index for widget's attributes is set to 10 bits depth, that up to 1024 attributes support. Connections counter to widget's attribute is decreased to 6 bits, that up to 64 connections. 2013-01-10 Roman - Archive: Level field for messages list set selectable from readable levels "Debug (0);Information (1);...". - Controller: messLev() function is added for diagnostic messages level. Further will used for some debug information enable. Tab "Messages" is added for full log diagnostic information about the data source. - DAQ.DiamondBoards, DAQ.ModBus, DAQ.OPC_UA: Diagnostic messages is added. 2013-01-09 Roman - UI.VCAEngine: "f_start" and "f_stop" attributes set on user API SYS.UI functions use this.wdgAdd() and this.wdgDel(). 2012-12-31 Roman - DAQ.Comedi: Archive parameters set adaptive for TVArchive::PassiveAttr and TVArchive::ActiveAttr. - !!!!:DAQ.DiamondBoards: DSCU driver version update to 6.01. rewrote for move single board implementation full to the parameter. Added support for generic boards for main functions, AI processing by FIFO will implemented further. - DAQ.Serial: Working with modem process log is added. - FIX:UI.Vision: MDI window icon generation and set is fixed. - !!:UI.Vision: Real visible a widget part (by pixel) checking is added and used for events generate and context menu call, mostly used for "Box" and "ElFigure" primitives. 2012-12-17 Roman - FIX:SYS: The dependency to libcomedi-devel is added for ALTLinux RPM packages build. Binary-scripts and icons dublication is prevented for Debian-based packages build. - !:FIX:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Crash on call without a work registers context regeneration, after only the program recompile is fixed. 2012-12-11 Roman - FIX:DB.PostgreSQL: Text fields cut to declared length on write to DB for long string errors from PostgreSQL prevent. - FIX:DAQ.LogicLev: "PRM_BD" and "PRM_BD_REFL" DB fields length expanded to 40 and 50 symbols. 2012-12-07 Roman - !:FIX:UI.Vision: Primitive "ElFigure" arc drawing quality is fixed. Arc and other figures drawing code is mostly cleared and make time optimal. 2012-12-01 Roman - SYS: Generic system high priority task renamed to "SYS_HighPr". - FIX:UI.Vision.ElFigure: Multiple edit exit function call is fixed and it is fixed some problems into the primitive. Variable "itemInMotion" set to NULL into edit enter for some cases crash into the primitive prevent. Circle contour gap is fixed for begin and end points seperating. The arc building adaptive step some tested and commented code left. Arc approximation by too short lines will replaced next by curves, which typical, more quality and faster for QT4 vector PainterPath. QPainter::Antialiasing is enabled for lines with width and border more and equal to 2 pixels for some fix low quiality big arc. - FIX:UI.Vision: Inner widgets edit border building fixed for inner-widget contains widget-container. - !!:FIX:SYS: Adapting to one symbol system charsets support, tested on KOI8-R: - TMess::codeConv() change quiet and for replace wrong symbols to '?'. - TVariant: Userspace object loading (parsing from string) from XML and default charset set from system's charset. - XMLNode: Wrong or no present entity for XLNode parsing cause no converting termination and set symbol '?'. - UI.VCAEngine, UI.Vision: Primitive "Document" converting charset is changed to system charset. - UI.WebCfgD, UI.WebVision: Charset for AJAX requests forced set to UTF-8 and generic codepage set to system charset. Charset for GD's text forced set to UTF-8. 2012-11-26 Roman - !!!!:SYS, DAQ: Module DAQ.OneWire is added for implement the devices on 1Wire BUS support by different drivers and library OWFS (http://owfs.org). For now implemented and tested only temperature sensors DS18B20 by DS9097 serial converter. - !!!:FIX:SYS.*: System function "getopt" for command line parsing full replaced to self implementing function TSYS::getCmdOpt() on reason the system getopt() is not reentrant nature and wrong processing for independent calls from different OpenSCADA parts. Start program rewrote for use SYS::getCmdOpt(). - !:FIX:Archive: Messages buffer processing task moved from creation by timer to standard OpenSCADA task for some system memory leak prevent. - !:TElem: Resources review for some problems prevent. - FIX:TValFunc: Assign default value for variable "mMdfChk". - TSYS, TModule, TParamContr, TVarObj, TEValObj: Debug objects counters for "-DOSC_DEBUG=1" and print its finish number on exit is added. - TSYS: TSYS::taskEndRun() set independent from "noSignal" argument of taskDestroy() function. - FIX:SYS: The crash filenames generation into start scripts fixed. - !!:FIX:TVal: Memory leak for objects into destructor TVal::~TVal() is fixed, detected by "ValGrind". - !!:FIX:Archive.FSArch: Value archive data corruption into some cases by index buffer memory overlap is prevented, detected by "ValGrind". - FIX:DAQ.=Tmpl=: Some updated and fixed. - FIX:DAQ.SoundCard: TMdContr objects free early for used its data parameters objects TMdPrm is prevented, detected by "ValGrind". 2012-11-20 Roman - SYS.TFunction, DAQ.JavaLikeCalc, SYS.Tmpl: TValFunc execution context full moved from DAQ.JavaLikeCalc. - !!:Transport.Serial: Users API functions to output transport added: bool TS(bool), bool DR(bool), bool DCD(), bool RI(). - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Project's subtree copy from one project to other fixed for inherited attributes copying. 2012-11-17 Roman - SYS: For RPM and Debian packages build scripts is disabled directories ./DATA and ./ARCHIVES/{MESS,VAL} packing, by install it from start scripts. - !!:SYS: System high priority task "HPrTask" is created for system time update and fix some errors like to "Timeouted function calculation ..." by the time update lag. - !!:SYS: To task create function added control and freeing for finished but the object present and not detached tasks. For prevent some errors like to "Task '...' is already present!". - !!!:UI.WebVision: Update period time calculation is rewrote for provide more responsibility and adaption to real network channel properties. 2012-11-12 Roman - Archive: To value archive service request <name path="/%2fserv%2fval"/> is added for name get. - FIX:Archive.FSArch: Real end position obtain is some fixed for posible double archive's files creation. - UI.Vision: Print configuration store separated for page, diagram and document. Trends names request and display its instead address for diagram print. 2012-11-10 Roman - !!!!:Archive: TValBuf::get() and TValBuf::set() generic functions is added. Value archive's properties "Buffer period" and "Buffer size" and archivator's "Value period (sec)" and "Archivation period" access has changed for border everywhere work. Request only need period is added for allow fast access to high precision value archives but by need frame size and period: - TValBuf::getVals() adapted for read data only by longer buffer's period. - To service request <get path="%2fserv%2fval"/> made processing for longer period. - Archive.FSArch, Archive.DBArch: To ModVArchEl::getValsProc() added request by single values for longer requested periods. - DAQ.SoundCard: Combining for archives set to "Last values" by high resolution reason. - DAQ.WebVision: Backend objects processing some changed for create primitive "Document" object allow. Primitive "Document" object created for filtering attributes "tmpl" and "doc" from comments and internal procedure's tags <?dp ?>, which can contain symbols '<' '>' and this wrong processed by parsers Mozilla::Geko and WebKit. 2012-11-05 Roman - !!:SYS: Project name for start scripts moved to single variable 'ProjName'. Archives moved to 'ProjName' directory for make archives only self. - DAQ.BFN: Symbols into SQLite DB-file is added. 2012-11-03 Roman - !!!:SYS: Configure script adapted for build without "data". AX_MOD_EN macros replaced to AX_MOD_{SubSys}_EN, specific to the subsystem macro. To argument enable-AllModuls value "dest" is added to configure for "make distSrc" by all modules enable without dependents check. For source distribution created new make targets "distSrc", "distRes", "distSrc-lzma" and "distRes-lzma". Start scripts adapted for global and local build-install. - FIX:DB.SQLite: Error messages about table exist is prevented, for multithread access, by use command "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS". 2012-10-31 Roman - !:FIX:UI.Vision: Crash on open virtual pages as visual item is fixed. - !:FIX:UI.QTStarter: Hang on close OpenSCADA with DE is fixed. Detected on exit TDE. - DB: TBDS::genDBSet() is adapted for write only to config file, for modifiable system properties. - SYS, Mess: System properties allow for change and save to config file: MessLev, LogTarget, Lang, Lang2CodeBase, WorkDB, Workdir, IcoDir, ModDir. - !!!!:FIX:DAQ.SoundCard: rewrote acquisition for realtime provide and control for samplerate and lost frames. - !!!!:SYS:Mostly data and configs install moved to "make install" stage for apply correct configuration for place: - Data install path changed to /usr/share/openscada. - AutoConf macro AX_DEFINE_DIR is added for some paths full resolve to config-files. - *.spec files and debian/* configs adapted to new resources install into "make install" stage. - openscada.pc forming is moved to "configure" stage. - Files data/oscada.xml data/oscada_start.xml data/openscada.desktop data/openscada_start data/ModelsDB/AGLKS/oscada_AGLKS.xml data/ModelsDB/AGLKS/openscada_AGLKS.desktop data/ModelsDB/AGLKS/openscada_AGLKS data/ModelsDB/AGLKS/openscada_demo data/ModelsDB/Boiler/oscada_Boiler.xml data/ModelsDB/Boiler/openscada_Boiler.desktop data/ModelsDB/Boiler/openscada_Boiler is added to configure stage, by rename to *.in, and its install to "make install" stage. - Default sysconfig directory path pass to OpenSCADA core. - !!:DAQ.SMH2Gi: Broadcast write request is fixed for MR. Translation to Russian, Ukrainian and German is added. - !:FIX:DAQ.OPC_UA: Writing through DAQ parameters is fixed. 2012-10-17 Roman - FIX:DAQ.SMH2Gi: Significant updated for fix some bug after testing on real hardware. Broadcast write request for MR modules moved to controller level. Alarms processing is added. - UI.WebVision: children update is added on "geomXsc" or "geomYsc" attributes modify. 2012-10-13 Roman - FIX:DAQ.DAQGate: Attributes sync at start is fixed. Detected on MillLevel system, without saved attributes profile present. No already present remotely parameters removing, only for correct connection, is fixed. - FIX:UI.{Vision,WebVision}: Zero value draw for Boolean type of primitive "Diagram" is fixed by set height limit to the line width. 2012-10-07 Roman - TFunction: valAtt() and valDet() is made virtual. Public attribute "exCtx" for execution context store here. - !!:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Registers RegW execution context moved out each execution turn, and next execution performance risen from 5% to 10%. - Protocol.HTTP: File /robots.txt processing is added for prevent scan by seach engines. - FIX:Transport.Serial: New flow control mode "rs485" some fixed for SER_RS485_ENABLED miss processing. 2012-10-03 Roman - SYS: Function TSYS::sysTm() is added for allow fast access to time from periodic updated global memory cell. Used for DAQ.JavaLikeCalc execution time limit control. - !!:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Time limit processing is made more optimal for time, from 5% to 12% JavaLike code execution faster. Exception generation enabled on execution time limit exceed. - FIX:Archive: Single value, typical for 1h, request is fixed. - FIX:UI.Vision, UI.WebVision: Periods values processing for hours more is fixed. 2012-09-26 Roman - SYS: Build "openscada-dbg" Debian package is added to rules by Alexey Bondarchuk(aleax) initiative. - DAQ.SMH2Gi: Set inputs to EVAL is added on error requests. Inputs read before outputs send is made. 2012-09-24 Roman - FIX:Transport.Serial: Resource embracing expand to full TTrOut::start() function for prevent posible crash on multiply requests from different threads. - !!!:DAQ.SMH2Gi: New module version 0.5.0 for deep integration to Segnetics SMH2Gi hardware. Shared memory for communication to SMLogics and devices on MR/MC bus protocol is realized. - !:DAQ: Parameters loading is moved straight to function load_(), from enable(). To parameter type object TTipParam() bind functions from object TParamContr() is added: enable(), disable(), vlGet(), vlSet(), vlArchMake() and cntrCmdProc(). - DAQ.=Tmpl=: Significant updated. - FIX:DAQ.Comedy: Control interface's type "int" is fixed to "dec". - FIX:ICP_DAS: Control interface's type "int" is fixed to "dec". Configure field "MOD_PRMS" size is expanded to "100000". - FIX:DAQ.SNMP: Configure field "OID_LS" size is expanded to "100000". - !:Transport.Serial: KeepAlive timeout is added to output transport, for connection reset allow. 2012-09-12 Roman - FIX:UI.QTCfg: Vertical scroll position restore after syntax highlight rules set, for text edit areas. 2012-09-10 Roman - !!:DAQ.ICP_DAS: Version 1.0.0 is released. - FIX:DAQ.ICP_DAS: AO writing allow is fixed for I-8xxx modules series. 2012-09-06 Roman - !!!!:DAQ.ICP_DAS: Support for all main I-87xxx and I-8xxx modules is added. Link with -li8k is fixed. Digital IO reversing set writed by ports. - FIX:Transport.Serial: Stop output transport at read() error, possible by serial device loss. - FIX:UI.QTCfg: Size policy for read-values is changed to QSizePolicy::Ignored. Values' labels text selection by mouse is added. - FIX:UI.WebCfgD: Read-values space for Boolean is added. 2012-09-05 Roman - FIX:UI.QTCfg: ComboBox items accumulation at update is fixed for no exited table's item delegate. 2012-08-30 Roman - !!:DB.LibsDB.{OscadaLibs.db,vcaBase.db,vcaTest.db}, DB.AGLKS.*: Significant update for document's time generation optimal and new prescriptions concept implementation. - !!!:DAQ.ICP_DAS: Support for all main ISA-boards is implemented for bus "ISA" and for generic data: AI, AO, DIO, DI and DO. 2012-08-28 Roman - FIX:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Controller's task stop by exception possible and clear flag "prc_st" miss. In that case no more controller start possible allow is fixed. 2012-08-24 Roman - XMLNode: Function XMLNode::getElementBy() is added for find node into XML tree by attribute value. - !!:UI.VCAEngine: The continuous big documents forming warning message is added with period 5 seconds for data and messages blocks. 2012-08-21 Roman - FIX:DB: Some fixes into vcaBase.db and OscadaLibs.db. - FIX:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Flag "call_st" clear at start. - FIX:UI.Vision: Document rebuild at equal properties obtain is prevented. 2012-08-15 Roman - !!:FIX:Security.User: No reentrant password hash calculation by function crypt() is replaced by reentrant function crypt_r() for set password. - DAQ.DAQGate: Config field's name "TM_REST_DT" made short. 2012-08-12 Roman - UI.Vision: Drawing the rects for the points is rewirited optimal. 2012-08-11 Maxim - FIX:UI.Vision: Drawing the rect for the centre point of the arc is fixed for the primitive ElFigure. - FIX:UI.Vision: The order of selecting the fill path is inverted to fit the "z" value of the figures for the primitive ElFigure. 2012-08-11 Roman - !:DB.SQLite: For seek to deletion into save context do not set into a transaction, for drop transaction prevent at UI.VCAEngine saving. Transaction close after last request is decreased to 60 seconds. - !!:FIX:Security.User: No reentrant password hash calculation by function crypt() is replaced by reentrant function crypt_r(). - !!:SYS, TValue, UI.VCAEngine: The object TEValObj is added for like to scalar processing for EVAL. - !:FIX:DAQ.DAQGate: Init reconnect counter set global for flag "call_st". Call enable_() for reconnect by reconnect counter zero for prevent empty request at first start and no planed for update parameters present. - FIX:DAQ.System: HDDTemp source is fixed for no stable and no full requests. Multiple creation and deletion transport is prevented. 2012-08-09 Roman - FIX:Archive: TVArchive::archivatorAttach() rewrote for new archivators correct attach and set it into "ArchS" config-field. 2012-08-08 Roman - FIX:UI.Vision: Cursor shape drop to hand is fixed for primitive "Media". 2012-08-07 Roman - SYS.TVariant: Simple TVarObj object create at request to empty object. At further going to replaced for TEvalObj. 2012-08-04 Roman - DAQ.Comedi: Asynchronous acquisition is added. Analog inputs A/D conversion settle timeout is added. - DAQ.ICP_DAS: Acquisition schedule by cron is added. DIO reverse allow is added for DIO144. - !!:Transport.SSL: Connection procedure into TSocketOut::start() has rewited for use configured timeout for connection. - UI.VCAEngine: Modify flag clear after on demand loading/enable. 2012-08-01 Roman - FIX:DAQ.Comedi: Ranges selection into Disable parameter's mode is fixed and tested on PCL-813. 2012-07-31 Roman - FIX:DB: Into vcaBase.db the button "Play demo" hide for empty demo scenario. Into OscadaLibs.db EVAL pass for templates "anUnif" and "anUnifSt" is added. - !!:UI.VCAEngine: Widgets of library and project on demand loading/enable is added. Allow more faster into Runtime mode start and lesser memory consumption for load only used projects and widgets. 2012-07-29 Roman - SYS: DAQ.Comedi is added to RPM build spec-file openscada_mod.spec. - SYS: Libraries "Phonon" and "QTWebKit" using force disable is added for without build to pure environments with litle memory set. - FIX:DAQ.ICP_DAS: return into virtual function "bool DA::cntrCmdProc( TMdPrm *prm, XMLNode *opt )" is fixed. - FIX:DB: Into vcaBase.db the archives parameters select dialog, pasport dialog is some fixed and root page is expanded for SO buttons placement tune. - UI.Vision: Widget's children update at single "geomXsc" and "geomYsc" changing is added, for full scale update to the subtree. setAllAttrLoad(x) use for set geometry attributes group into DevelWdgView::saveGeom() function. 2012-07-28 Roman - !!:FIX:SYS: Real task creation from high priority thread at some Linux kernels, for example 2.6.29, is fixed by replace wait call sched_yield() to TSYS::sysSleep(1e-3). - FIX:CntrNode: Removing into subtree for function TCntrNode::ctrRemoveNode() is fixed. - FIX:UI.Vision: Not full exit from edit mode for "ElFigure" is fixed at press about widget-container or scale by mouse wheel. - Transport: Manual requests by output transports is made allow without a request set, only for buffer read. Timeout limit to standard interface time set. - DAQ.Comedi: Ranges selection is added. Translations is added. - DAQ.ICP_DAS: "<No select>" device item is added. Debug messages is removed. Translation is updated. 2012-07-25 Roman - !!!!:FIX:XMLNodeObj: Parent link storing is changed to direct pointer for prevent self lock, allow remove and exclude memory leak. 2012-07-24 Roman - FIX:Archive: Trend's build function is some fixed for horizontal scale calculation. 2012-07-23 Roman - DAQ.ModBus: Asynchronous writings queue clear at start is added. Resource alloc at clear is fixed. 2012-07-22 Roman - DAQ.ModBus: Asynchronous write mode is realized. - FIX:XMLNode: Digits using for attributes name set. - DAQ: Type parameters using as specific container is added at first, by inherit allow by new function TTipDAQ::tpParmAdd(). - !:DAQ.Comedi: First realization for simple poll AI, AO, DI, DO and DIO, without configuring yet is added. - !!:DAQ.ICP_DAS: The module is separated to three parts "LP_8x" (LP-8000, I-8000 parallel bus), "87x" (I-8700, I-7000 serial bus) and "ISA" (ISA DAQ boards) for further unification and expanding different parts. Simple ISA DIO is expanded for support boards: "DIO-48", "DIO-96" and "DIO-144" (tested). - DAQ.System: DA.SmartHDD is updated for miss utility "smartctl" warnings prevent. - FIX:UI.WebCfgD: Editable combobox fixed for drop-down list and size is expanded to 50 symbols. 2012-07-20 Roman - !!:FIX:Archive: No clear used archivators list on archive's object stop is fixed. Force archive detach from archivators at it remove for left and next crash prevent. Prevent attach archivators to stopped archive. - DAQ.{AMRDevs,DAQGate,ModBus}: Lower border for "TM_REST" is set to "1". - DAQ.{BlockCalc,DiamondBoards,JavaLikeCalc,LogicLev,Siemens}: Set buffer period for created archive to Active archiving task period, for Active mode archiving sources. - DAQ.{DCON,ICP_DAS}: Default archivation mode is changed to "Passive" mode. 2012-07-19 Roman - DB.MySQL: Some fields type processing is added and changed for getting table structure function. - !:FIX:DAQ: Value into Object's type set to string is fixed by recursion prevent. 2012-07-18 Roman - FIX:DAQ.{BlockCalc,DCON,ICP_DAS,LogicLev,ModBus,SNMP,Siemens}: DAQ attributes writing is prevented for disabled parameters and stopped controllers. 2012-07-10 Roman - DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: the mode property for controller procedure is renamed to "Attribute mode" and variants to "Read only;Read and Write;Read and Write". - UI.QTCfg: Date and time display format is made unified to "01-01-1977 02:00:00". 2012-07-09 Roman - Archive: Double linking to an attribute of DAQ parameter is prevented. Restart archive for empty source is prevented. - FIX:DAQ.LogicLev: String with spaces set for PublicConstant template's config fields fix. - DAQ.LogicLev: Links init on object parameter copy is set. - !:DAQ.Comedi: New module template is added for further implementation DAQ boards collection by library Comedy (http://www.comedi.org). - DAQ.ICP_DAQ: Headers files ixisa.h and other added for further implementation ISA boards like DIO-144 from ICP_DAS. 2012-07-07 Roman - DAQ: Archives creation and copying on parameter copy is added. - Archive: Config properties "SrcMode" and "Source" copying pass is added, for prevent double connection to a single DAQ attribute. Config property "ArchS" update is moved direct to functions TVArchive::archivatorAttach() and TVArchive::archivatorDetach(). 2012-07-06 Roman - FIX:DAQ.System: SCSI disks ("sdXN") and MD (mirror device) processing is fixed for HDDStat and HDDSmart. 2012-07-05 Roman - FIX:DAQ.System: Possible crash at inconsistency types size "unsigned int"(32) and scanf "%lu" (unsigned long, 64) on x86_64 is fixed. Speed value forming is fixed for counters wrap consider. - SYS: Cycles loss counter is added to task statistic. 2012-07-03 Roman - DAQ, DAQ.JavaLikeCalc, UI.QTCfg, UI.Vision: Attribute "font" is added to syntax highlight rules root node for set default font config. Default font for JavaLikeCalc programms is set to "Courier". - FIX:LibsDB.vcaBase: DAQ parameters check is fixed for "Parameters selection dialog for graphics". 2012-07-01 Roman - Archive: Data combining mode selection is added for combining data from the high resolution buffer to the low resolution archivator. Implemented combining modes: "Moving average", "Single", "Minimum", "Maximum". Combining mode "Moving average" has implemented for Boolean type by weight 0.5. 2012-06-29 Roman - DAQ:Data active flag is added to a parameter and an attribute of DAQ by function dataActive(). - !:FIX:Archive: Restore value archive's starting on set by function setSrcMode(). Fix archives enabling for active data sources. Archiving data on active mode is made only for active data source, for restoring archives at start from reserve allow. New path type to archiving source processing error is fixed for holes data fill from reserve at request. - DAQ.SoundCard: Check for allowed samplerates and placing it to combo is added. 2012-06-25 Roman - FIX:Protocol.HTTP: Incomplete HTTP header processing is added, observed on packages from SSL transport. 2012-06-23 Roman - TConfig: Exceptions processing is added to cfgChange() for revert changes. - Transport.Serial: Exit from data mode command is added (typical "+++") which used first, next PreInit timeout and next HangUp. - !!!:DAQ.System: Periodic checking for new devices add to Automatic mode is added. Temporary data storage is added to parameter context, individual for DA type. Used for CPU info. Parameter's error processing is added for all DA types. Attributes "Read speed (B/s)" and "Write speed (B/s)" is added to DA_HDDSTAT. Attributes "Receive speed (B/s)" and "Transmit speed (B/s)" is added to DA_NETSTAT. 2012-06-20 Roman - UI.Vision: Scroll position restore for WebKit is added. - UI.WebVision: Modify attributes flags is added and used for primitive 'Document' updating need check. Restore after open external links into primitive 'Document' frame is added. - UI.WebVision: Internal links processing for primitive "Document" is allowed but question about the iframe need clear is open now. 2012-06-19 Roman - SYS, UI.QTStarter: OpenSCADA source tree version (work) changed to 0.8.1, no release yet. Splash is updated. - !!:SYS: New system task's endrun mechanism is realized, based on signal SIGUSR1 and it checking by function TSYS::taskEndRun(). - XMLNode: The function root() is added for XML tree root obtaining from any it's child. - !!:UI.VCAEngine: Documents generation into primitive "Document" is moved to separated task for main task lock prevent at processing time. On the document processing the result is updating for every 5 seconds. Attribute "process" is added for end processing control. - !!:UI.Vision: QTWebKit using for primitive "Document" is added. WebKit is significant faster for QTextBrowser and open new features way. 2012-06-09 Roman - DOC: More documents update for English, Russian and Ukrainian: AboutOpenSCADA, QuickStart, APIOpenSCADA, openscada, build, report, WLib.Main, Archive.FSArch, Transport.Serial, UI.VCAEngine. New documents add: moduleCreation, DAQ.BlockCalc. 2012-06-06 Roman - DAQ.*, Archive: Archive's DB on creation from the DAQ parameter is set to DAQ controller DB of the parameter. - !!:FIX:Archive: Enable archive at miss source parameter is prevented. Stop archive on source type and address change is added. Reload archives from DB (no base), which been made by archive's storage, is added. - Archive.FSarch: Debug maessage about "Write data block to archive file error" has made display only for flag "copyErrValFiles". 2012-05-30 Roman - !!:FIX:DB.MySQL, DB.PostgreSQL: DateTime UTC-string representation field's conversion from and to Unix-time is fixed for local TimeZone and SummerTime conversion. 2012-05-28 Roman - !:FIX:Archives, UI.Vision, UI.WebVision: Hang at trend build for constant big value like 1e-37 is fixed. 2012-05-27 Roman - FIX:DB: Boiler DB is fixed for set correct Kotel controllers' schedule to 5ms and 1s. - Archives: Service request <set path="/serv/mess"/> is added. 2012-05-23 Roman - DB: Main libraries and model AGLKS is updated for QuickStart expanding. - DAQ.BlockCalc, DAQ.DAQGate, DAQ.DCON, DAQ.LogicLev, DAQ.Siemens, DAQ.System: Set default scheduling to "1" second at new controller object creation is fixed. - UI.QTCfg: "Target" combobox field is disabled for one item to select. 2012-05-22 Roman - SYS.XMLNode: Tree clean from comments and procedure insertions at save is added by option XMLNode::Clean. - UI.VCAEngine: GeomZ attribute for new created include widgets set to full include widgets number, for place it to upward. - FIX:UI.Vision: Bad processing for procedure's insertions into QT4 document view HTML parser fix by clean primitive "Document" XHTML code from comments and procedure insertions at place for view. - FIX:DAQ.ModBus: "EVAL" blink on logical attribute set is fixed. 2012-05-18 Roman - FIX:SYS.TConfig: Function TCfg&TCfg::operator=( const char *vl ) is added for correct assign string constants. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Recursive pages copy is prevented on copy upward branch to internal. Widget container copy as link to self is prevented, at enabling. - UI.VCAEngine: Translation is some updated. 2012-05-15 Roman - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Name changing for no user attributes is fixed. 2012-05-13 Roman - DB.Boiler: Some translation to English and Ukrainian is updated. - FIX:UI.Vision: Export primitive "Diagram" to CVS is limited to real trend borders. Limit for variable "valsForPix" of primitive "Diagram" is expanded from 3 bit (<8) to 4 bit (<16). 2012-05-07 Roman - UI.Vision: QFileDialog option QFileDialog::ReadOnly is set conditional to QT4 version >= 4.5. - DAQ.DAQGate: Parameter's attributes sync function separated to different function sync() for prevent cache reload. - DAQ.SoundCard: Aspect rate from real acquisition period to selected sample rate for microseconds period limit is added. Card name limit is expanded to 100 symbols. Sound card's counter run from system time correction make only at aspect rate to sample rate 1. - UI.QTCfg: Tree update on page update made for parent page. - DB: Font "Liberation" replaced to "Arial" into library "VCABase" for unification. - SYS: Icons added for modules: DAQ.BFN, DAQ.BlockCalc, DAQ.DAQGate, DAQ.DCON, DAQ.DiamondBoards, DAQ.ICP_DAS, DAQ.JavaLikeCalc, DAQ.LogicLev, DAQ.ModBus, DAQ.OPC_UA, DAQ.SNMP, DAQ.Siemens, DAQ.SoundCard, Protocol.HTTP, Protocol.ModBus, Protocol.OPC_UA, Protocol.SelfSystem, Protocol.UserProtocol, Transport.Serial. 2012-05-04 Roman - FIX:DAQ.DAQGate: Stations list update on start is added and generic fixed. Load parameters after enable on processing is restored. 2012-04-28 Roman - UI.WebVision: Web-interface update period is limited to ({ModelPeriod}...60s). - FIX:UI.WebVision: Trends paint is fixed to logical trand transparent. 2012-04-27 Roman - SYS: Some code clean from warning by key "-Wall". - UI.Vision: For mode "Full video" of primitive "Media" added: - Event "ws_MediaFinished" generation. - "Play" flag clean on play finish. - Play roll processing moved to generic play finish event handler. 2012-04-24 Roman - FIX:Archive: Value archive's link address to DAQ parameter's attribute is fixed for old address format process. The problem detected on DAQ.DAQGate. - SYS: Nodes modify control is expanded to modify state save into load_() functions, need for DAQ.DAQGate. - FIX:DAQ.DAQGate: Parameters cache load/save is fixed. Attributes init fixed for XMLNodes children process. - DAQ.DAQGate: Removed self code for archives connection restore. Remove attributes is added. - !!!:FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Set widgets to process into sessions on add to development is added. Resources to attributes is set to individual access to operation for prevent possible hide deadlocks. - FIX:UI.Vision: Direct cast access to QMdiSubWindow content is fixed on check to add new widgets. 2012-04-18 Roman - FIX:SYS: QT4 (QTGui) check for get miss variables "moc_location" and "rcc_location" is added by append to "prefix" variable. - UI.Vision: All dialogs call into runtime mode, for unprivileged users and full screen call is set to ReadOnly mode. 2012-04-17 Roman - UI.WebVision: Adaptive update interface period is made by 3x to last interface update time. Images update hang is prevented on previous image load loss (typical for Konqueror). - FIX:SYS: QT4 (QTGui) check for error on miss is fixed. Checking to QTGui full replaced for use "pkg-config QTGui". 2012-04-16 Roman - FIX:SYS: TCntrNode::nodeAt() is fixed for no exceptions mode. - FIX:UI.Vision: Cursor change on mouse move to map area of primitive "Media" is fixed. - FIX:UI.WebVision: Map number for event generation "ws_MapAct{x}Left" of primitive "Media" is fixed. 2012-04-15 Roman - FIX:DAQ: All included nodes (templates) are set to modify on templates' library DB change. - FIX:DAQ.ModBus: No read only writible register by "C:3:w" for logical type is set. - FIX:Protocol.ModBus: Read Coils by function 1 for no one set is fixed. 2012-04-13 Maxim - FIX:UI.WebVision: Several declarations of unused variables are removed. 2012-04-13 Roman - SYS: For build to OpenSuSE and Mandriva defined "pkgconfigdir" variable. - FIX:SYS: Permition for write on "/gen/workdir", "/gen/icodir" and "/gen/moddir" is fixed. - DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Operation '^' syntax highlight is added. 2012-04-06 Roman 0.8.0 - UI.QTStarter: Splash is updated for 0.8.0 release. - DOC: Release notes for version 0.8.0 is added. Index files is updated. - FIX:DAQ.OPC_UA: Build for old version of OpenSSL is fixed. - UI.Vision: The signal QAction::activated(), from QT3, is replaced by QAction::triggered() full at last. 2012-04-05 Roman - FIX:UI.QTStarter: Count only "QMainWindow" set for correct exit on last modules list window close. - FIX:DAQ.Template: Restore template build after module DAQ.JavaLikeCalc or builded function close. - FIX:Special.SystemTests: Original message fixed. - FIX:DAQ.OPC_UA: Protocol requests counter show is fixed. 2012-04-04 Roman - SYS: Config files some fixed and clear. - SYS: Service command "<scan path="%2fgen%2fconfig"/>" is added for config file against rescan. - FIX:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Start repeate is prevented. - DAQ.SystemTests: Direct tests' function call by dynamic is added. - UI.Vision: Double click process is added for full screen Full Video play by Phonon of primitive "Media". - DataDB: Library VCABase is updated for Prescription engine some fix. - FIX:Archive.DBArch: Messages archive's time limit size last apply is fixed. 2012-03-31 Roman - SYS:Debian rules build updated for: dh_autoreconf add, openscada.pc and includes place, typical dependents for Debian and Ubuntu is added to "Build-Depends:" and compatible down to 5. 2012-03-30 Roman - !!!!:FIX:UI.VCAngine: Resources to widget's attributes is made more clear (by use Recursive mutex) and use one generic resource, for session and other, for each other dead locking prevent. 2012-03-29 Roman - SYS: Append files support is added to I18N process code into I18N.mk. - FIX:SYS.TVariant, DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Null type process is added. Objects support is added to left places. - !!:Archive.FSArch: Documents is updated and released version 1.5.1. - !!:DAQ.BlockCalc: Documents is updated and released version 1.6.0. - !!:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Documents and full translations is updated and released version 2.0.0. - !!:DAQ.LogicLev: Documents is updated and released version 1.3.0. - !!:DAQ.ModBus: Documents is updated and released version 1.3.0. - !!:DAQ.SNMP: Documents is updated and released version 0.7.0. - !!:DAQ.Siemens: Documents and full translations is updated and released version 1.4.0. - !!:Protocol.ModBus: Documents is updated and released version 0.6.4. - !!:Transport.SSL: Documents is updated and released version 1.0.1. - !!:Transport.Serial: Documents is updated and released version 0.8.0. - !!:Transport.Sockets: Documents is updated and released version 1.5.1. - !!:UI.QTCfg: Documents is updated and released version 2.1.0. - !!:UI.QTStarter: Documents is updated and released version 1.7.0. - !!:UI.VCAEngine: Documents is updated and released version 1.3.0. - !!:UI.Vision: Documents and full translations is updated and released version 1.3.0. - !!:UI.WebVision: Documents and full translations is updated and released version 1.0.0. - DOC: Generic documents, include "openscada.pdf", and library "WLib Main" is updated. - DOC: Electro elements library document is added. 2012-03-27 Roman - FIX:SYS,UI.Vision: Automatic Phonon disable is fixed. - FIX:SYS: File openscada.pc place for Deb-package is fixed. - Transport.Sockets: Some messages original and translations is updated. 2012-03-26 Roman - !!!!:SYS: Include files install is added to development system. File openscada.pc is added for OpenSCADA configuration check allow from external modules building. Checking to pkg-config allow is added to build system. I18N scripts file I18N.am is renamed to I18N.mk. Global PCRE requires is removed from "tvariant.h" for external modules build make simple. Template modules "=Tmpl=" of all subsystems is added to source distributive packages. Core template modules' "=Tmpl=" files is renamed from mod_tmpl.{h,cpp} to module.{h,cpp}. RPM- and Deb-packages build resources is updated for version 0.8.0. Global source tree version is changed to 0.8.0 and OpenSCADA core library version changed to 2.0.0. - !!!!:DB: Model "AGLKS" and main libraries DB files is updated. To "Main elements library of the user interface" added: - Parameters selection and configuration dialog for "Graphics Group" frame; - Some improvement is added to "Graphics Group" frame for parameters selection by user and other allow; - Horizontal scroll bar for browsing on archive is added to "Graphics Group" frame. - UI.VCAEngine: Some messages original and translations is updated. 2012-03-20 Roman - DAQ.SNMP: Direct scalar request (OID ends by zero) by SNMP_MSG_GET is added. 2012-03-17 Roman - FIX:DAQ.ModBus: Writing by links into "Data" mode of protocol module is set only for modified IO. - FIX:UI.Vision, UI.WebVision: Trends update performance into trace mode of primitive "Diagram" is fixed and made optimal. - TVariant, TValFunc: Get values by convert is made some optimal by prevent double read for check to EVAL. 2012-03-16 Roman - !:FIX:Archive: Value archive begin() calculate for empty buffer is fixed. - !!:FIX:Function: IO set for different types is fixed for modify checking fails (Real to Integer). - FIX:UI.Vision: Slider and Scroll bars realization of primitive "FormEl" is fixed for event generation prevent on value set from model and generic init. Tracking is disabled for prevent more events generation. - SYS, TSubSYS, TDAQS, TModule, TTipDAQ, TController, TValue, TParamContr, TVal: Virtual function TCntrNode::objName() is added for allow object type purchase from user API by function typeof() to User's object TCntrNodeObj. - UI.QTStarter: Splash update is set from 1 second to 0.5 second period. - !!:UI.VCAEngine, UI.Vision, UI.WebVision: Archive property field "prm{X}prop" is added to primitive "Diagram" and fill for allow used archive depth purchase. 2012-03-15 Roman - UI.VCAEngine: "Movie" type variant of primitive "Media" has been renamed to "Animation". Context help to type fiels of primitive "Media" is added. 2012-03-14 Roman - UI.VCAEngine: Link prefix "arh:" is added for Address fields allow link direct to Archive data source. 2012-03-13 Roman - SYS: Object TRegExp API is some updated for allow pattern/rule change and search by offset. - UI.QTCfg, UI.Vision: Minimal mode (no greed) enabling support is added to syntax highlight rules by attribute "min". - DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Syntax highlight rule for strings is some updated for correct process parts like "\"..." and "...\\". - !:UI.VCAEngine: User API function wdgAt() is added for allow simple connect to session widgets by different address form (absolute or relative). - UI.VCAEngine, UI.Vision: Stream prefix before URL for type "Full video" of primitive "Media" is changed to "stream:" for made generic. 2012-03-11 Roman - UI.VCAEngine: Context help for type "Full video" of primitive "Media" is updated. 2012-03-09 Roman - !!!!:TVal, DAQ.BlockCalc, DAQ.JavaLikeCalc, DAQ.LogicLev, DAQ.ModBus, DAQ.Siemens, UI.VCAEngine: Object type support for values is added. Using for all is enabled. - !!!!:SYS: Objects backward serialization is added to objects TVarObj, TArrayObj and XMLNodeObj. Object backward serialization enabled for TVariant, TVal, TValFunc, UI.VCAEngine.Widget and allow save and load it to DB. - TFunction: Resource enable for access to object values into TValFunc. - TElem: Types conversion function is added to TFld object. - UI.QTCfg: Partial tree update for select item is added on page update command (F5). 2012-03-07 Roman - DAQ.Siemens: ISO_TCP243 variant for CP243 (on S7-200) support is added. - UI.VCAEngine: Separated attributes list request is added to service request "get /serv/attr". - UI.Vision: Single attribute (no active) set is made on attribute change from attributes inspector. 2012-03-06 Roman - FIX:UI.Vision: Crash on recursion MouseRelease event process into development mode for primitive "ElFigure", on ScrollArea events filter after change QWorkspace to QMdiArea, is fixed. - !!:UI.VCAEngine, UI.Vision: New type "Full video" is added to primitive "Media". Type "Full video" is realised by help Phonon engine into UI.Vision. - SYS: No execution mode is added to TCntrNode::nodeAt(). - UI.QTStarter: Application name for QT is set to PACKAGE_STRING. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Limit to loaded file resources through VCAEngine is set to 100MB. - FIX:UI.Vision, UI.WebVision: Limit to trends buffer into primitive "Diagram" is fixed for valsForPix use. 2012-03-04 Roman - !!!!:SYS: Threadsafe in generic is made for user API objects and individual for: TVarObj, TArrayObj and XMLNodeObj. Automatic object delete is added to AutoHD on true return from AHDDisConnect(). 2012-02-29 Roman - SYS: Translation processing script is fixed for restore $(DESTDIR) to localedirectory. - SYS: Spare includings is removed from *.am. - FIX:SYS: Install disable for included modules is fixed for old automake (detected problem on version 1.8.3). 2012-02-28 Maxim,Roman - !!:UI.Vision: The QImage is used for the pixels' drawing during the combination of fill color and image for the primitive ElFigure. - UI.Vision: The coordinate's showing under the mouse cursor is added to the status bar for the developing mode of the primitive ElFigure. - UI.Vision: The QMdiArea is used instead if the obsolete QWorkspace for the building the mdi interface. - UI.Vision: The "Full screen" is added to the "View" section of the main menu of development window. 2012-02-28 Roman - FIX:SYS: Double RPATH set is fixed into "src_call". - !:UI.QTStarter: QT command line parameters, like -qws and -style, is forwarded from OpenSCADA module's parameters like --qws and --style. Print --help for see all list. - FIX:UI.Vision: Child widgets selection and edit frame, dots is disabled for no "Box" zero level widgets. 2012-02-22 Roman - !!!:UI.VCAEngine: Link type "wdg:" between widgets direct set allow and two types absolute and relative is added. To functions Widget::wdgAt() and Widget::attrAt() work with widget path is added. 2012-02-19 Roman - !!!!:SYS: Build system have been significant updated for: - move I18N processing code to generic place and place it to modules Makefiles on configure; - generic macros AX_MOD_EN() is added for unified modules control into configure.in. - FIX:Parameter: Parameters SHIFR copy prevent is fixed. 2012-02-17 Maxim - FIX:UI.Vision, UI.WebVision: transparency calculation during the combination of fill color and image for the primitive ElFigure is fixed. 2012-02-17 Roman - SYS: Realtime clock real hold accuracy control is added into tasks statistic table. Usefull for host system estimate to realtime. - !:FIX:Transport.SSL, Transport.Sockets, Transport.Serial: Enable termination allow from wait for timeout expiration by pass EINTR result of select() processing. Usable for transports and it usings disable ot exit. - UI.QTCfg: Page replace is some changed from previous removing from QScrolArea place, for fix possible crash into QT4 plugin libqspiaccessiblebridge.so - no an effect. 2012-02-16 Roman - !:Transport.Serial: Flow control by RTS signal for pure RS-485 is some unified and added to input transport. 2012-02-15 Roman - Archive.FSArch: More context helps is added for specific parameters of archivators. - UI.VCAEngine: Color and font help is added to color and font attributes of all primitives. 2012-02-14 Roman - UI.VCAEngine: Color help is added to color attributes of primitives: "ElFigure" and "Box". Background image help is added to primitive "Box". 2012-02-13 Roman - !:SYS: Modules include (built in) to core mechanism is some updated for installation exclude. All DB modules is adapted for include allow. All other modules, have word sense, is adapted. - UI.Vision: RoundCap is set for draw line of Trends and Spectrums into primitive "Diagram". 2012-02-10 Roman - DAQ: DAQPath() functions is added to DAQ subsystem objects for get internal DAQ path like "DAQMod.Cntr.Prm.attr". - !!:Archive: Link address to attribute of parameter of data source is make simpler by use DAQPath like "DAQMod.Cntr.Prm.attr". Old address left usable for backward compatibility. 2012-02-09 Roman - !:UI.VCAEngine: Uncaught events up to upper page send support is added. That allow central process global key combination and other. 2012-02-08 Roman - !!!!:TConfig: TCfg is set based on TVariant for items. Access to object TCfg is made clear and it allow using by link without main types. - !!!!:SYS: children storing into map for base object TCntrNode is set to "const char*" key and all nodes have been adapted to identifiers constant. 2012-02-07 Roman - !:ResString: For read-write to stored string used "string(vl.data(), vl.size())" construction for COW algorithm prevent. - SYS: TSYS::cntrIter() function is added for faster and simple counters iteration. - !!!!:TVariant: rewrote to storage mechanism change from "string" using to "union" and adaptive memory alloc using for strings (simple, up to 7 symbols store static and more allocated to dynamic memory). 2012-02-06 Roman - FIX:SYS: Modification flag set is fixed for all nodes changed after last TConfig API modification. - !:Archive.FSArch: Archives files limit size for value archivator is added. 2012-01-31 Roman - UI.WebCfgD: Tree update is separated from page update and made by doubleclick into tree area. 2012-01-29 Roman - !!!!:TConfig: Store string is changed from type "ResString" to "string" object and resource removed direct to TCfg object. Direct values access by link by functions like getSd() is dangerous for parallel access. - !!!!:TValFunc: Store string is changed from type "ResString" to "string" object and resource removed direct to the object. - !!!!:TVal: Store string is changed from type "ResString" to "string" object and resource used nodeRes() by the object. - !!!!:UI,Transport,Special,Protocol,DB,Archives: Subsystem's modules version ABI is changed to 6. - !:Transport.Serial: Flow control by RTS signal for pure RS-485 is added to output transport. - FIX:DAQ.Siemens: String write is fixed by write reserved block size. 2012-01-25 Roman - !!:SYS: DAQ subsystem modules interface version is risen to 6. 2012-01-24 Roman - FIX:SYS: config.h installation and using into /etc/openscada/ directory is fixed for build external OpenSCADA modules. 2012-01-24 Maxim - FIX:UI: Vision crashing during the paste operation is fixed for the primitive ElFigure by adding the check on the shape's presence in the shapes' container. 2012-01-23 Roman - DAQ.BlockCalc, DAQ.JavaLikeCalc, DAQ.LogicLev, DAQ.DCON, Transport.Sockets, Transport.Serial, Protocol.HTTP, Protocol.SelfSystem, UI.WebCfgD, Special.FLibComplex1, Special.FLibMath, Special.FLibSYS: Builtin to OpenSCADA core support is added. - !:Transport.Sockets: Last repeat timeout is added for next requests repeat. 2012-01-22 Roman - FIX:UI.Vision: Master page replace is some changed by previous remove from centralWidget(). 2012-01-21 Roman - FIX:UI.WebVision: Master page replace is fixed. - FIX:DB, Archives: Call module's service call function perSYSCall() is fixed. - Archive.FSArch: Checking for archivators is removed from independent task to service call function. - Transport.Serial: Checking for output transports is removed from independent task to service call function. 2012-01-19 Roman - !:DAQ.ModBus: Maximum request block size is made optional for a controller object. Comments support is added into attributes configuration list, for standard parameter type. 2012-01-18 Roman - DAQ.ModBus: Transaction ID random generation is added to ModBus/TCP requests packages. - SYS: Some status is added to result build configuration table. 2012-01-17 Roman - SYS: Check for use libraries "libintl" and "libiconv" is added. Function clock_nanosleep() some replaced by nanosleep(). Symbol '%' using for self is fixed into string "Last: %s. Load: %3.1f%% (%s from %s)", detected on uCLibc- - FIX:Transport.SSL: Dependency to library "libcrypto" is added for fix build and execute on uCLibc- - FIX:UI.WebVision: Check for close old sessions need is removed from independent task to service call function. Deadlock resource is removed, detect on uCLibc- 2012-01-14 Roman - FIX:UI.Vision: Early child widgets clear on its parent widget delete is made for prevent access to mostly freeing parent widget on child widget remove. 2012-01-12 Roman - FIX:UI.Vision: Crash on maximise runtime window for no one opened window project is fixed. - FIX:UI.QTCfg: Crash on double mouse click processing in list items element which allowed for goto other page with the tab also present into new page. - FIX:SYS: All start scripts is fixed for core dumps processing. 2012-01-10 Roman - Archive: User API function SYS.Archive.messPut() for place messages direct to archive for need time and other properties is added. 2012-01-10 Maxim - FIX:UI:WebVision Debug message for the exceeding by the figures the borders of the widget is changed for the primitive ElFigure. - FIX:UI:Vision: Some code refactoring is done for the primitive ElFigure. 2012-01-05 Roman - !!!!:SYS: Modules builtin to OpenSCADA core support is added. Experimental build modules DB.SQLite and DAQ.ModBus is added for builtin to core library. confugure.in: Uses buildin variables from macros AC_CHECK_HEADERS and AC_ARG_ENABLE. Option --CoreDumpAllow is added for core dump creation on crash enable. Function TSYS::sysSleep() is some fixed. To all start scripts added procedure for automatic core dump files process by backtrace call and put it result to text files. The procedure wait core file "core" into work directory then set Linux kernel core pattern variable (kernel.core_pattern) to "core" value. 2012-01-04 Roman - !!!!:SYS: Build adaptation to uClibc is added. Build start from version 0.9.32 which have support real time functions like clock_nanosleep(). Some other work made for it: - Check and disable using Iconv and Intl (I18N) API is added. - Automatic detect and enable configure option --enable-CrossCompile is added for cross-compile environments. - Configure option --enable-CoreLibStatic is added for shared OpenSCADA library build separate disable and call-start programm static linking. - Module DAQ.ICP_DAS is configured by default to disabled, for prevent build try for unapt ARM environment. - Results table is added at configuration end. - Function usleep() is replaced everywhere to self function-wraper TSYS::sysSleep() by reason function usleep() miss into uCLibc and allow only by special uClibc configure on build. Into TSYS::sysSleep() used nanosleep(). - Function pthread_yield() is replaced to sched_yield(). 2011-12-30 Roman - FIX:SYS:User's API function TArrayObj::splice() is some fixed for limits. 2011-12-29 Roman - FIX:SYS:User's API function TArrayObj::slice() is fixed from more bugs. - FIX:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: User's API function string.slice() is fixed for begin position outrange check. 2011-12-27 Roman - UI.QTStarter: Start QT UI-modules dialog last close is made OpenSCADA full stop. Used for correct OpenSCADA stop at exit by DE dialog (KDE, Gnome and other). 2011-12-21 Roman - FIX:DAQ.Template: Template stop on configuration value change is added. - FIX:UI.WebCfgD: Going by lynk buttons is fixed. 2011-12-20 Roman - DAQ.Siemens: Context help is added for a conroller fields "Connection type" and "Remote controller address". Hexadecimal view of DB number and offset processing is some fixed. - DAQ:Context help is added to attributes of parameter. - SYS:To function TElem::fldId() argument "noex" is added for prevent exceptions generation. Save only real borders for type "Integer" and "Real" is added. - !:DAQ.LogicLev, DAQ.ModBus, DAQ.Siemens: Attributes of parameter of logical type update is added on type, ReadOnly flag or name change into template. - !!:DAQ.Siemens: Protocol "ADS" realisation is added. Connection's errors is some unified. DB number and offset allowed to set in hexadecimal view. - FIX:UI.Vision, UI.WebVision: Cursor position's values update is added on cursor time changing from VCA engine. 2011-12-15 Roman - SYS: CPU frequency retrieve from file /proc/cpuinfo for ARM-processors is added. - Archive: Planing Archives subsystem update flag is added and check on system update period 10s. All sources set Archives subsystem update flag for update planing. DAQ subsystem made planing update on any parameter's attribute add. 2011-12-14 Roman - DAQ.SNMP: Archives subsystem update is added at new attributes add after connection to server restore, for example. 2011-12-12 Roman - FIX:DAQ.SNMP: Early attributes init on parameter enable is added, by send typical request. - FIX:DAQ.SNMP: Only one parameter connection try on global its' controler enable. 2011-12-10 Roman - FIX:DAQ: Wait to redundancy task start for archives' blocks of attributes DAQ parameters restore on start. 2011-12-09 Roman - FIX:RPM- and Deb-packages build resources is updated for information about package Model.Boiler fix. 2011-12-08 Roman - !!:FIX:UI.Vision, UI.WebVision: Primitive "Protocol" update on time and size is fixed. - !!:FIX:UI.WebVision: Primitive "Protocol" tail clear is fixed. - UI.Vision, UI.WebVision: Trend cut to percent limit (0...100) of primitive "Diagram" is removed for allow see values out of board by view offset change. - SYS: Force files *.la remove is added to RPM-build *.spec files. - FIX:DAQ.OPC_UA: Build for old version of OpenSSL is fixed, newer to 0.9.8. - UI.Vision: Build with QT version 4.4 is adapted. 2011-12-07 Maxim - FIX:DB: Model "Boiler" is fixed for the correct representation on the small resolution (Nokia N900, N9) screens. 2011-12-05 Roman 0.7.2 - RPM- and Deb-packages build resources is updated for version 0.7.2. - DOC: README and TODO is updated. - UI.QTStarter: Splash is updated for 0.7.2 release. - DOC: Release notes for version 0.7.2 is added. Index files is updated. - DOC: Generic document "openscada.pdf" and library "WLib Main" is updated. - !!!!:DB: Model "AGLKS", "Boiler" and main libraries DB files is updated. Electro elements library is added. - !!:Protocol.HTTP: Documents and full translations is updated and released version 1.6.0. - FIX:DAQ.OPC_UA: Build for old version of OpenSSL is fixed. 2011-12-01 Roman - FIX:UI.Vision: Possible crash on screens count request from other thread (not QT main) is fixed. The problem possible depends from real allow multiply screens and Xinerma active. 2011-11-30 Roman - FIX:UI.Vision: Copy widgets into page is fixed. 2011-11-30 Maxim - FIX:UI.Vision: Link inspector update is made adaptive to its visibility. - FIX:UI.Vision: Record of the context for the Undo/ReDo on exit the editing mode is fixed for the primitive ElFigure. 2011-11-29 Maxim - FIX:UI.Vision: Transparent background for icon creation from widget is fixed. 2011-11-29 Roman - FIX:UI.Vision: Crash on remove edited child widget try is fixed. UnDo and ReDo buttons update on close widget's window is fixed. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Child's widgets deletion from inherited container is fixed. - FIX:UI.Vision: Previous value request is added for changes record on group values write into the inspector of attributes. 2011-11-28 Roman - !!:DOC: All generic documents is updated for all languages: openscada.pdf, build.pdf, properties.pdf, "OpenSCADA API", "About OpenSCADA", "Lib TechApp", "Quick Start", "WLib Main", "WLib Mnemo elements" - UI:Vision: Disable white background draw on widget's icons prepare. 2011-11-26 Roman - FIX:SYS: Error word "Autor" is fixed to "Author" everywhere. - !!:SYS: Core translation to German, Russian and Ukrainian is updated. - !!:UI.QTCfg: Documents and full translations is updated and released version 2.1.0. - !!:UI.QTStarter: Documents and full translations is updated and released version 1.6.2. - !!:UI.VCAEngine: Documents and full translations is updated and released version 1.2.0. - !!:UI.Vision: Documents and full translations is updated and released version 1.2.0. - FIX:UI.Vision: UnDo and ReDo actions is placed to all need context menus. UnDo and ReDo acitions is fixed from activation loss on context menu calls. Align to Justify is added for primitive "Text". - !!:UI.WebCfg: Documents and full translations is updated and released version 1.5.6. - !!:UI.WebCfgD: Documents and full translations is updated and released version 0.8.0. - !!:UI.WebUser: Documents and full translations is updated and released version 0.6.2. - !!:UI.WebVision: Documents and full translations is updated and released version 1.0.0. 2011-11-23 Roman - !!:SYS: Core language English and core translation to Russian and Ukrainian is updated. - !!:Archive.DBArch: Documents and full translations is updated and released version 0.9.5. - !!:Archive.FSArch: Documents and full translations is updated and released version 1.5.0. - !!:DB.FireBird: Documents and full translations is updated and released version 0.9.7. - !!:DB.MySQL: Documents and full translations is updated and released version 1.7.1. - !!:DB.PostgreSQL: Documents and full translations is updated and released version 0.9.2. - !!:DB.SQLite: Documents and full translations is updated and released version 1.6.4. - !!:DAQ.BFN: Documents and full translations is updated and released version 0.5.1. - !!:DAQ.BlockCalc: Documents and full translations is updated and released version 1.5.0. - !!:DAQ.DAQGate: Documents and full translations is updated and released version 0.9.5. - !!:DAQ.DCON: Documents and full translations is updated and released version 0.5.1. - !!:DAQ.DiamondBoards: Documents and full translations is updated and released version 1.2.5. - !!:DAQ.ICP_DAS: Documents and full translations is updated and released version 0.8.0. - !!:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Documents and full translations is updated and released version 1.9.5. - !!:DAQ.LogicLev: Documents and full translations is updated and released version 1.2.0. - !!:DAQ.ModBus: Documents and full translations is updated and released version 1.2.0. - !!:DAQ.OPC_UA: Documents and full translations is updated and released version 0.6.2. - !!:DAQ.SNMP: Documents and full translations is updated and released version 0.6.1. - !!:DAQ.Siemens: Documents and full translations is updated and released version 1.3.0. - !!:DAQ.System: Documents and full translations is updated and released version 1.7.5. - !!:Protocol.ModBus: Documents and full translations is updated and released version 0.6.3. - !!:Protocol.OPC_UA: Documents and full translations is updated and released version 0.6.2. - !!:Protocol.SelfSystem: Documents and full translations is updated and released version 0.9.5. - !!:Protocol.UserProtocol: Documents and full translations is updated and released version 0.6.2. - !!:Transport.SSL: Documents and full translations is updated and released version 1.0.0. - !!:Transport.Serial: Documents and full translations is updated and released version 0.7.3. - !!:Transport.Sockets: Documents and full translations is updated and released version 1.5.0. - !!:Special.FLibComplex1: Documents and full translations is updated and released version 1.1.0. - !!:Special.FLibMath: Documents and full translations is updated and released version 0.6.0. - !!:Special.FLibSYS: Documents and full translations is updated and released version 1.0.0. - Archive: Display linked parameter's address for emty archive name is added. - UI.QTCfg: Follow to visibility of selected items of nodes tree is added. 2011-11-20 Roman - UI.VCAEngine: Disabled builded to primitive "Document" generation on attribute "time" change if template "tmpl" empty for full dynamic documents. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: User API function getArhDoc() for primitive "Document" and like functions call mechanism is fixed. - UI.Vision: RowSpan and empty symbols at begin and end clear is added for documents export to CVS. 2011-11-19 Roman - UI.Vision: 'geomZ' widget's property trace and order dynamic update into run project's session. 2011-11-18 Roman - SYS: Module DAQ.AMRDevs is set disabled by default. - DAQ.BFN: Some not used functions is removed. 2011-11-17 Roman - Transport.SSL: Build for several OpenSSL version and definition OPENSSL_NO_SSL2 processing is made. - UI.QTStarter: Text's font for splash is set to fix 10 pixels and 10 log's lines. - DAQ.BlockCalc, DAQ.DCON, DAQ.LogicLev, DAQ.Siemens, DAQ.System, Transport.Serial: Double to int64_t conversion warnings is resolved. - UI.Vision: Tool tip undo and redo list limit is set to ten items. - UI.Vision, UI.WebVision: Real round use for trends width calculate into primitive "Diagram". 2011-11-16 Roman - Archive: Archives connections update to Archivators on it start. - SYS: Argument 'startSt' is recovered into function taskCreate() for wait to user's function call. - SYS: Default format is set on empty format's argument for function TSYS::time2str(time_t, const string&). - Archive.DBArch: Field 'MESS' of messages table is set to no Key type for store big messages on DB MySQL and other DB with limited key size. - FIX:DAQ.OPC_UA: Different OpenSSL versions using is fixed. 2011-11-13 Roman - !:SYS: Mostly warnings clear caused by option -Wall. 2011-11-12 Roman - !!!!:FIX:Archive.FSArch: Incorrect not aligned blocks' end processing on value offset calculate into fast bit count algoritm call is fixed. Monopoly resource is used to function calcVlOff() call for prevent partialy cache using on high loaded systems. - !!!:FIX:UI.Vision, UI.WebVision: Out of range access to values vector on trends build and fast, by half dividing interval, algoritm for diagram's parameter values get of primitive "Diagram" is fixed. - SYS: Global source tree version is changed to 0.7.2 - Archive: Task for values archiving by periodic ~60s is restored to signal SIGALRM terminate mode after fix critial error into Archive.FSArch. 2011-11-11 Maxim - FIX:UI.Vision: Saving the previous inundationItems container is done during removing or creation fills in the ElFigure editor for the correct EnDo/ReDo functions work. 2011-11-10 Maxim - FIX:UI.Vision: Unnecessary calls of the "shapeSave" function are removed when properties dialog is accepted in the primitive ElFigure to optimize the performance and UnDo/ReDo functions. - UI.Vision: UnDo/ReDo is done for the dynamic properties of the primitive ElFigure. - FIX:UI.Vision: moveUpDown function is optimized and fixed for the primitive ElFigure. - FIX:UI.Vision: falling of the system when trying to create the fill, having the 'Connections' button disabled, using the 'inundation1_2' function is fixed for the primitive ElFigure. - UI.Vision: Appending of points for the single shape of Elfigure is moved form the 'MouseButtonPress' to the 'MouseMove' event for greater convenience. 2011-11-09 Roman - FIX:Archive: Task for values archiving by periodic ~60s is changet to no signal SIGALRM terminate mode for prevent values archive-files of module Archive.FSArch break by incidentally function write() terminate. Going to add processing for result of all write() and read() functions of module Archive.FSArch to prevent it. - FIX:Archive.FSArch: Size of value archive file update after truncate of fix file procedure is added. - SYS: The option 'noSignal' is added to function taskDestroy() for no signal SIGALRM send to task. - UI.Vision: Falgs store for developed widgets is changed to uint8_t type. Child attributes process into change rule "attr" is added. Rule's name process is added for group attributes change into one rule "attr". - UI.Vision: Context record for widget attributes' value is moved to separated function and used also for record context after active attribute value change. 2011-11-08 Roman - DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Contoller's values context length for save to DB is rise from 50 to 10000. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Pages with "pgNoOpenProc" flag set enabling on start session is fixed. - FIX:UI.Vision: Copy first level widgets of a library is fixed. 2011-11-07 Roman - !!:UI.Vision: Visual item add changes record is made optional by 'chNoWr' argument for prevented uncontrolled record. Visual item changes record is added for copy-paste and delete container's child widgets. Crash at UnDo and ReDo for some cases is prevented. - FIX:UI.Vision: Pointer cursor-hand loses for selected widgets after copy at some cases is prevented. 2011-11-04 Roman - !:DAQ: User API functions enable() and start() is added to controller object. - !:Archive: User API functions status(), end() and begin() is added to messages archivator object. - FIX:DB.*: Fix ALL SQL DB modules to append first key field to SELECT request of dataGet() function at case no one other fields for select present. 2011-11-03 Roman - !:SYS, DB: System periodic call function perSYSCall() to subsystem's and its modules objects is added. TDBS::closeOldTables() realisation is moved to perSYSCall(). - !:UI.VCAEngine: Periodic check for not use session is added into function perSYSCall() for 30 minutes timeout. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Copy properties for DirectRead attributes on widget copy is fixed. - !:FIX:UI.WebVision: Scale is fixed for included and other, no master, pages for prevent using self master static scale. Pages include to Box-container widget is fixed to scroll processing. 2011-11-02 Roman - !!!:FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Lost some changes on visualisators is prevented by store start counter into "openList" service request. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Archive size field of primitive "Document" is made static and update only after archive position change. Get archive document of primitive "Document" on view position changing is fixed. - UI.VCAEngine: Archive size field is added to primitive "Document". User API function, session side, getArhDoc() is added to primitive "Document" for requests to archive of documents. 2011-10-31 Roman - !:UI.VCAEngine: Document's archive realisation is changed to full use DB, remove item's attributes (replaced by single current archive document attribute "aDoc") and expand archive's limit size to 1000000. 2011-10-31 Maxim - FIX:UI.Vision: Unnecessary calls of the "shapeSave" function are removed in the primitive ElFigure to optimize the performance and UnDo/ReDo functions. 2011-10-30 Roman - UI.QTCfg: Write only changed values to LineEdit and TextEdit fields is set for allow easy write on periodic update. - !!:UI.VCAEngine: Old UnDo mechanism for removed child widgets is removed and going to replaced to new. - !!:UI.VCAEngine, UI.Vision, UI.WebVision: Graphic line width select is added to primitive "Diagram". - !:UI.Vision: UnDo and ReDo is added for new widgets add and primitive "ElFigure" edit. 2011-10-29 Roman - FIX:UI.QTCfg: Autoupdate check is added on page refrash command, after any page's items change. 2011-10-28 Roman - FIX:DAQ: Status of controller objects grow is prevented on incorrect redundancy configuration, from self to self. - Archive.FSArch: Checking for value archive file write error is some expanded. - !:UI.QTCfg: Rows of tables limit is set to half height of the table. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Force widgets create is set on child inherit for prevent to removed widgets check on that stage. 2011-10-27 Roman - !!!:UI.Vision: Main UnDo and ReDo changes support is added into visual widgets edit. Going to add UnDo and Redo for operations "add" and "remove" included widgets. - !!:UI.VCAEngine, UI.Vision, UI.WebVision: Periodic check opened pages by request full widgets tree is added for check and remove removed in run widgets. 2011-10-25 Roman - FIX:DAQ.Siemens: Multi-blocks fragments register is fixed, write blocks. 2011-10-24 Maxim - FIX:UI.Vision: Connecting the shapes while orthogonal drawing is fixed for the primitive ElFigure. 2011-10-24 Roman - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Load document's session attribute's values from session table is fixed. - FIX:DAQ.Siemens: Multi-blocks fragments register is fixed. - !!!:UI.VCAEngine: Selected pages, only opened and processing, enable on progect's session start for start speed increase. Other pages will enable at need that is use. 2011-10-23 Roman - !!:UI.VCAEngine: Attributes at lock counter and other bit methods of widget is reordered. Init base attributes of session's widget is pass to the widget enable by inherit. Remove some messages translation on session call time. The allow to significant decrease overall enable session time. - UI.VCAEngine: Final remove DB version 1 support. 2011-10-22 Roman - UI.VCAEngine: Remove DB version 1 support. 2011-10-21 Roman - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: User API function SessWdg::wdgAdd() is fixed for process elements list update. - UI.VCAEngine: User's attributes modify to change "name" and "wa" is set to hot change, without full attribute remove. - UI.WebCfgD: Filters for unactive images changed from "gray" to "unact". "unact" filter is added for light-dark unactive images. - !:UI.WebVision: HTML sting encode is added to JS-code. Image convert backend function is added. Images resize code is moved to server side for smooth. Inactive button display is added. Button display borders is changed to compact. 2011-10-20 Roman - UI.WebVision: Set global runtime window status bar value on set attribute "tipStatus" is added. 2011-10-20 Maxim - FIX:UI.Vision: Cursor's change efter editing the element's list is fixed for the primitive ElFigure. - FIX:UI.Vision: Moving the several shapes of the connected ones with keyboard keys is fixed for the primitive ElFigure. - FIX:UI.Vision: Orto drawing of the shapes is fixed for the primitive ElFigure. - UI.Vision: Connection of the shapes, while one of them is being drawn, is added for the primitive ElFigure. 2011-10-18 Roman - FIX:UI.Vision: In development mode selection widget into dots place is fixed. - UI.Vision: Set global runtime window status bar value on set attribute "tipStatus" is added. 2011-10-15 Roman - !!!!:SYS: Loaded objects check to removed from DB for remove object is added. Checking for remove performed only at direct selected DB loading. - !!!!:DB: The function TDBS::dataSeek() and TDBS::dataDel() is updated for strong config file process allow. - UI:QTCfg: List and Table processing is some updated for full space occupy by Vandrizm initiative. 2011-10-14 Roman - Security: Users and groups check to removed from DB for remove object is added. Checking for remove performed only at direct selected DB loading. - !:SYS: The function chkSelDB() is adapted for support writing to config-file "<cfg>". - FIX:DAQ.DCON, DAQ.System, DAQ.Siemens, DAQ.LogicLev, DAQ.DAQGate, DAQ.BlockCalc: Fix to old period mechanism store into DB field "PERIOD". Direct load and use is prevented. - DAQ.Template, DAQ.JavaLikeCalc, UI.VCAEngine: DB address is addapted to "<cfg>.[tbl]" parse. - !!:DB: Time limit at 5s and offset set is added to big table content display. - FIX:UI.Vision: Edit area resize and top hold is fixed on geometry change for edited widget. 2011-10-11 Roman - DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Set types for all registers on calc and Registers content prepare is pass. 2011-10-10 Roman - Archive: Trends build hang for maximum border leser minimum. Tip helps added for trends build dialog. - FIX:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: EVAL_BOOL return fix to TVariant by convert to char. Set value from NULL TVariant to RegW is fixed. Registers context init on call is change to use switch. Set Object in function RegW::setType() is fixed by create empty object. Constant's strings concatenate is fixed for multiply constants. 2011-10-09 Roman - !:UI.Vision, UI.WebVision: Value, not use percent, scale store for multiply parameters into primitive "Diagram" for the parameters like scale, over 20%, is added. - FIX:DB.PostgreSQL: TIMESTAMP place for DateTimeDec integer type is fixed. 2011-10-07 Roman - UI.VCAEngine: Document generation repeat limit for primitive "Document" is set to time limit 5s. 2011-10-06 Roman - DAQ: Force loading for all fields of controller's and parameter's object is added. - DAQ.ModBus: Force protocol set on creation to "TCP", for some specific fields visible update. - DAQ.Siemens, DAQ.DiamondBoards: Full controller's and parameter's object load mechanism update. 2011-10-05 Almaz - SYS: Debian init script is updated. 2011-10-04 Roman - !!:FIX:DAQ.Siemens: Float and Double values get and set is fixed. Reconnect set is fixed on error connection. Integer's, Real's and String's size property using is fixed. Links clear on parameter disable is made. - FIX:DAQ.ModBus: Links clear on parameter disable is made. Links to special attributes clear on disable is fixed. - FIX:UI.Vision: Edition status is fixed for LineEdit on no confirmed mode. 2011-09-23 Roman - FIX:DAQ.ModBus: Write EVAL to writible attribute on time error writing to remote device. - FIX:DAQ: Get value by time from all archives by function get{S|R|B|I}() is fixed for archives process not only buffer. 2011-09-20 Roman - FIX:UI.QTCfg: Crash on page items change after error connect to disconnected remote station. - FIX:UI.Vision: Select group widgets by mouse window on development is fixed. 2011-09-18 Roman - !:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc, Special.FLibComplex1, Special.FLibMath, Special.FLibSYS: Direct librarie's functions dynamic call is added, by: SYS.DAQ.JavaLikeCalc["lib_{Lib}"].funcId(prms, ...). 2011-09-15 Roman - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: The "user" field of session object is set to resourced string for possible crash prevent on multiply connections to single session. 2011-09-14 Roman - DAQ.SNMP: Check for USM_PRIV_PROTO_AES allow is added for build with NetSNMP version 5.1 and early. 2011-09-13 Roman - FIX:Archive.FSArch: Fast set bits calc algoritm using for align to dwords (32 bits) memory buffer's blocks is fixed. 2011-09-12 Roman - UI.Vision: ScrollArea is added to project's and item's main tab of properties for work on N800. Default size to project's and item's properties window is set 800x600. - Archive: Send time label is made for archive's values table for display local time on remote station. - !!:FIX:Archive.FSArch: Store "double" value into LE format on ARM is fixed. Use function TSYS::getUnalign32() for get dwords to fast calc value offset algorithm to prevent errors on ARM. Codepage width into Plain messages archive is expanded to 99 symbols, from 9. - FIX:DAQ.OPC_UA: Input request counter is fixed for OPC UA protocol. - FIX:Transport.SSL, Transport.Serial: Return negative result is prevented for output transport messIO() function. Take place on multiply connections to serial devices. 2011-09-09 Roman - FIX:DAQ.ModBus: Regular expression is fixed for sintax higlight to register address pair. - UI.QTCfg, UI.Vision: Input dialog's size is set to limit 800x600. - UI.Vision: Selected widgets list separator is replaced from ";" to "; " to correct display into dialogs. 2011-09-08 Roman - DAQ.ICP_DAS: Separated include directory for ARM controllers is added "include_arm". 2011-09-07 Roman - !:SYS, DAQ.OPC_UA: To and from standard little-endian FloatPoint variant convertion functions is added: floatLE(), floatLErev(), doubleLE(), doubleLErev(). - FIX:DAQ.Siemens: Into Libnodave file nodave.h #pragma pack(1) is replaced to #pragma pack(push,1) ... #pragma pack(pop). - SYS: GLibC version for EDEADLK processing hack is risen to 2.4 and features.h include for correct GLibC version check everywhere. - SYS, UI.VCAEngine: EDEADLK processing hack is added for pthread_rdlock_wrlock() for fix GLibC 2.3.2 (< 2.5). - !:SYS: Set DB to "<cfg>" for load only from config file for all OpenSCADA stored nodes. - !!:DAQ.Siemens: Libnodave library is updated to version 2011-09-06 Roman - !:DAQ.ICP_DAS: ARM library libi8k_arm.a and build for ARM is added. libi8k.a for x86 is updated. Include files for i8k is updated. - FIX:UI.QTCfg: Message generate error on group request is fixed. 2011-09-05 Roman - !!:FIX:DAQ.Siemens: Reconnect support is added for "Industrial Ethernet" connections. Template's link update is fixed for clear. 2011-09-01 Roman - FIX:UI.QTCfg: The QWidgetTab signal currentChanged(QWidget*), from QT3 compatibility, is replaced to native currentChanged(int) signal. Detected on Nokia N950. - SYS: EDEADLK processing hack is added for pthread_rwlock_wrlock() for fix GLibC 2.3.2 (< 2.5). - DB.FireBird, DB.PostgreSQL, DB.SQLite: EDEADLK and TError call for resources is prevented for transactions processing. 2011-08-30 Roman - !:DB: Save and load big table's fields for text by included tag with field name is added. - SYS: No translated system charset "ANSI_X3.4-1968" is added. - !!!!:FIX:SYS: The functions getUnalign*() for unaligned access on ARM and like is fixed. Detected on PXA270. - FIX:DAQ.JavaLikeCal: The user's object function real::toFixed() is fixed to all width process for signed values. - UI.Vision: New demands for QT 4.6 and more is wrapped. 2011-08-29 Roman - FIX:SYS: Save to config file first table's item is fixed. - FIX:DB.MySQL: Key limit to 1000 (300 UTF8) symbols hack is added for allow DB copy from SQLite to MySQL. - !!!!:FIX:Transport.Sockets: No init length for return value of getsockopt() is fixed. 2011-08-27 Roman - FIX:TCntrNode: User API object function nodeAt() is fixed for separated address process. - FIX:TFunction: Modify flag set for "Object" type is fixed. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Object type attributes process is fixed. - FIX:UI.Vision: Selection clear on set no present value into items is fixed for "List" view of primitive "FormEl". - DAQ: Object type DAQ value display is added to OpenSCADA control interface, for now usable only for UI.VCAEngine attributes. 2011-08-26 Roman - SYS: ZLib check is added and SQLite check is changed into configure build system script. - SYS: Disable pthread_setaffinity() and policy SCHED_BATCH is added for GLibC version < 2.5 2011-08-25 Roman - !!!!:UI.VCAEngine: Object type to widget's attributes suport is added. Mostly object attributes pointed for use into a widget script for data store and interaction on a session time. 2011-08-22 Roman - UI.QTCfg: Force "StyledPanel" border enable for Text and Table widgets for user's resize allow. 2011-08-21 Roman - FIX:DAQ.Template: Remove template function's doubled IO, on the template enable, is added. - FIX:DAQ: Check archives to attribute's address for prevent doubled for values archives is added. 2011-08-18 Roman - FIX:UI.Vision: Mouse release event pass on run for primitive "ElFigure" is fixed. - FIX:SYS.DAQ: Messages creation is added for compile errors for user API function funcCall(); - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: No project's page attributes "pgOpen" and "pgNoOpenProc" restore after reenable is fixed. Only project's pages and Widgets of libraries include to list for a parent widget select. - FIX:UI.Vision, UI.WebVision: Minimum for "Diagram" primitive's time size is set to 1ms. 2011-08-17 Roman - XMLNode: Prevent new line doubled on save node by XMLNode::BrOpenPrev. - !:UI.VCAEngine, UI.Vision: To primitive "FormEl" for modes "Line and Text edit" new attribute "confirm" is added for confirm on edit disabling allow. 2011-08-16 Roman - SYS: User's API object XMLNodeObj is fixed for prevent self node include by childAdd() or childIns(). Return empty string is made for XMLNodeObj::attr(). - UI.Vision: Create runtime context menu for widgets is set to event QEvent::MouseButtonRelease for prevent incidentally one click menu items call. 2011-08-13 Roman - !:UI.QTCfg: Full text edit is added into table cells edit. - FIX:UI.Vision: Deranged widgets level operations is fixed. 2011-08-12 Roman - FIX:UI.QTCfg: Start periodic update icon is fixed. - UI.VCAEngine: For attribute "text" of primitive "Text" context help is added. - !:UI.Vision: The background for developed widget window is set to QT::Dense7Pattern. Processing events filter from scrolled area of developed widget window is added. Wait for double click, into development, is set only for editable widgets. 2011-08-10 Roman - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: No primitive's attribute present warning is fixed for disabled widgets. Not full disable heritors widgets on the widget disable is fixed. 2011-08-09 Roman - FIX:DAQ.ModBus, DAQ.LogicLev, DAQ.Siemens: Remove only not present already attributes on parameter enable is made. 2011-08-07 Roman - !:FIX:Transport.*: Unsigned type use for read and write return is fixed. Resource is added for input/output counters of client tasks. 2011-08-03 Roman - !!!!:FIX:SYS: Wait for init detachable tasks is disabled for prevent hang on wait fast closed task. - FIX:DAQ.ModBus: Start and stop flags process for logical parameters type in wait connection restore is fixed. Write from logical type parameters is fixed. - FIX:Protocol.SelfSystem: Input protocol is some fixed for correct error get and some other errors process. - FIX:Transport.Serial, Transport.Sockets: Set limits to traffic counters for prevent calc error results. 2011-08-02 Roman - !:SYS, DAQ: User API functions is appended by NodeObj.nodePath() and SYS.DAQ["Modul"]["Controller"]["Parameter"]["Attribute"].arch(). - SYS: TiB, PiB, EiB, ZiB and YiB is added to TSYS::cpct2str() function. - Transport.Serial, Transport.Sockets and Transport.SSL: Traffic absolute counter type is changed from float to uint64_t. 2011-07-29 Roman - SYS: Exponential 'e' float numbers write form is added to TSYS::real2str(). - UI.WebVision: Exponential 'e' mode is added to float point arguments of primitive 'Text'. - UI.QTCfg, UI.Vision: Dialog window size adjust is improved for expand from minimum base. - UI.VCAEngine: The primitive's 'ElFigure' attribute 'elLst' context help is fixed and appended. - UI.Vision: Context help field of fulltext edit dialog is improved for display big helps. - UI.Vision, UI.WebVision: Full resource's format is made to figure's "fill" field background image of primitive "ElFigure". 2011-07-28 Roman - FIX:Archive.FSArch: Remove values *.info files with archive file remove is fixed, for unpacked archive files. 2011-07-27 Roman - SYS, Archives, Archive.FSArch, Archive.DBArch: Interface timeout STD_INTERF_TM is added and used. - FIX:Archive.FSArch: Try block is added to archives check task. Time limit is added to archives check task. - FIX:UI.QTCfg: Big group items slow removing is fixed. - FIX:DB.FireBird, DB.MySQL, DB.PostgreSQL: Check to individual element's text translation condition is added to fieldGet(). - FIX:DAQ.ModBus, DAQ.BFN: Full controller alarm generation is fixed to encode connection error for replace symbol ':' to '='. - UI.VCAEngine: Select link type "wdg:" is disabled by no realized yet for direct set reason. - !!:UI.Vision, UI.WebVision: Logarithmic vertical scale is realized for primitive "Diagram" standard view. 2011-07-26 Roman - FIX:DB: Copy DB is fixed, by open present table warning prevent. - FIX:DB.SQLite: Check to individual element's text translation condition is added to fieldGet(). - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Text translation is improved for IO config DB field "CFG_VAL". 2011-07-26 Maxim - FIX:UI.Vision: shapeSave function is fixed by the deleting of the fills with no figures in their paths from the items' list. 2011-07-25 Roman - FIX:SYS: No compiler C and C++ installation present test is fixed. *.desktop files is fixed for Categories. - SYS: German translation is updated by Irina Popkova. 2011-07-23 Roman - SYS: No compiler C and C++ installation present error is added to configure script. - DAQ.ModBus: Reload registers and coils blocks is improved. Removed attributes clear is improved. 2011-07-22 Roman - FIX:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Return zero-length string for value 0 to user API function toString(). - FIX:DAQ.ModBus: Zero register request for no inited links of template's parameters is removed. Multi-register variables (float, int32) using in template's parameters is fixed. - UI.VCAEngine: Init new user widget's attributes to EVAL is disabled. 2011-07-21 Roman - FIX:UI.WebVision: The primitive's "Diagram" mode "Spectrum" display is fixed for labels display. Style "input[type=\"checkbox\"]" is added for CheckBox of "FormEl" display fix. 2011-07-20 Roman - !!!!:FIX:Archive.FSArch: Read data from archive's file buffer and buffer limit exceeding into the fast bits calc algorithm is fixed. Place offsets to cache from the fast bits calc algorithm is fixed. - DAQ.DAQGate: Return of the distributed synchronisation mechanism for periodic acquisition. - FIX:SYS.Archive: Transparently request to archive's data for all archivators is fixed for get less quality archivators with data. - Special.FLibSYS, DAQ.SoundCard, DAQ.AMRDevs, DAQ.BFN, Transport.Serial, UI.Vision, UI.QTStarter: German translation is updated by Irina Popkova. 2011-07-19 Roman - Archive.FSArch: The module options --noArchLimit and --copyErrValFiles is added. The option --noArchLimit used for disable archive's files removing by limit on view archives run mode. The option --copyErrValFiles used for enable copy error archive's files to debug correction algorithm. - !:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: String constants direct concatenation is added. - DAQ.ModBus: Templates calc on start mode and no connection with remote PLC is added. - UI.VCAEngine, UI.Vision: The attribute "valsForPix" is added to primitive "Diagram" for precision control for export to CSV at large time intervals. 2011-07-16 Roman - UI.Vision: Screens counter display only on any UI.Vision window open. Made for crash prevent on UI.QTStarter miss or not init. 2011-07-15 Roman - !!:TConfig, TBD, TTransportIn, TTransportOut, TUser, TGroup, TPrmTmplLib, TPrmTempl, TParamContr, TController, TVArchive, TVArchivator, TMArchivator: User API functions for config access (stored into DB) cfg() and cfgSet() is added. - TConfig: Generic function get() and set() is added. - FIX:Transport.Sockets, Transport.SSL: Input transport hang prevent is added on a socket system problem in function select(), on run. - !:UI.VCAEngine: "Text" type select for user attributes is added. 2011-07-14 Roman - FIX:UI.WebCfgD: Date and time field's parts size is limited to 30px for 2 symbols. - SYS: configure.in is improved for disctributive build configuratin, all modules enable on x86_64, ARM and other not x86 architectures, by option --enable-ForDist. - !!:FIX:UI.WebVision: Master page open and replace is fixed. Multiply child's windows open is fixed. Child window's header is adapted for long title place. - !!:UI.WebCfgD: Web-dialogs is realized by flow block on all content. 2011-07-11 Roman - !!:FIX:SYS: Tasks creation is fixed for check and wait present task for allow. Detected by crash on UI.WebVision. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Close included to Box-widget pages on page close on VCA-engine side is added. - FIX:UI.Vision, UI.WebVision: Use only enabled and visible Box-widgets for page including. 2011-07-08 Roman - !!!!:DAQ.JavaLikeCalk: Conditional execution for second argument expression of logical operations ||(OR) and &&(AND) is added. 2011-07-07 Roman - !!:SYS: ResString is replaced for resource alloc mechanism from RW-lock to mutex for some performance increase and memory consumption decrease. 2011-07-05 Roman - !!!!:UI.Vision: Export to CSV is added to primitives: "Diagram" and "Document". - SYS.XMLNode: Recursive request all text for node is added to function text(). Case sensitivity selection is added to attribute's value request function. 2011-07-04 Roman - SYS.Archive: Some prophylactic code clean. - UI.Vision: Displays number information is added. 2011-07-02 Roman - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Link status is fixed for "val:Value var" form. - FIX:UI.Vision: Group link set error, after presentative attribute rename, is fixed. 2011-06-30 Roman - !:DAQ.ModBus: User API function TController::messIO() is added for allow custom ModBus associated requests from the controller logical parameter's templates. - !:DAQ: User API function TController::alarmSet() is added for unified alarm set to DAQ-object. - FIX:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Wrong warning for not used template first try compile on change properties configuration and text programm is fixed. Function object's name generation for template's functions is set to nodePath(), for prevent coincidence of equal templates from different template libraries. 2011-06-29 Roman - !!!!:SYS: OpenSCADA thread's object is made hard linked to thread. Task create and destroy detect method is made to task wrapper. No more need self starting detect method for each task. A thread load and call statistic is added to task manager. The function TSYS::time2str is some improved for times less for seconds. - FIX:Transport.SSL, Transport.Sockets: Child task naming and processing is some fixed. - DAQ: Copy source parameter type is added on copy. - DAQ.ModBus: Logical type of parameters copy support is added. Default try for serial devices is set to 1. 2011-06-24 Roman - DAQ.*: Call now status is added to all DAQ-modules. - DAQ, DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Calc time limit for compile function set is added to TTipDAQ::compileFunc(). Calc limit property is added to DAQ parameter's template object. 2011-06-23 Roman - SYS, UI.QTStarter, UI.QTCfg, UI.Vision: Use pkg-config for QT4 build configuration determine. - SYS.Function: Split resources of execute and manage connection to function. - DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Calc functions limit is make more usable on long time subcalls. 2011-06-22 Roman - SYS: The function SYS.sleep() is added to user API. Repeated send signal SIGALRM is added in function taskDestroy(). - !!:DAQ: Object type selection is added to template's attributes. 2011-06-20 Roman - SYS.XML, UI.VCAEngine: Special blocks is moved to special child tag whith name "<?nm". - FIX:DAQ.BlockCalc: Global link status check is fixed. - DAQ.ModBus: Tip help is added to links of "Template configuration" page. - FIX:Archive.FSArch: Remove order to greater integer begin time for getVals() and used order to smaller. Value archive file truncation is fixed for often boolean warnings. 2011-06-17 Maxim - !!:FIX:UI.Vision: The drawing performance of the fills with the fill images is optimized for the primitive ElFigure by changing the "contains" more quick mechanism especially for the complex objects. 2011-06-17 Roman - UI.VCAEngine: The primitive "Document" is switched to full XML parse mode. - UI.VCAEngine, UI.Vision: Keep aspect ratio option of master page is added. - UI.VCAEngine: Nodes order of the primitive "Document" copy from dynamic procedure result is fixed. 2011-06-16 Roman - DAQ: Redundancy configuration of any controller object is removed. Use special DAQ-redundancy configuration interface for it. 2011-06-15 Roman - !!!!:DAQ, DAQ.DiamondBoards, DAQ.ModBus, DAQ.LogicLev: Parameter type changing support is added for disabled parameters of multitype DAQ modules. All multitype modules is adapted for that. - SYS: Default locale for init-scripts is changed to en_US.UTF-8. Debian-package's postinst script is fixed. - DAQ.BlockCalc: Set pass time after calls to "f_frq", by negative seconds, for cron schedule. Start and stop calc is added for enable/disable block of the run controller. Linked status is added for function and block's attributes links. - DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Set pass time after calls to "f_frq", by negative seconds, for cron schedule. - !!!:DAQ.LogicLev: Moved to use system multitype parameters mechanism. - DAQ.ModBus, DAQ.Siemens: Special template attributes bind is added for "SHIFR", "NAME", "DESCR" and "this". 2011-06-14 Roman - !!:FIX:SYS: A time call schedule by cron is fixed to not-in-sync functions time() and clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME,&sp_tm). - FIX:SYS: Not-in-terminate function sleep() is replaced by usleep() everywhere. - !!:DAQ.LogicLev, DAQ.Siemens, DAQ.ModBus: Set pass time to "f_frq" after calls, by negative seconds, for cron schedule. Start and stop calc is added for enable/disable parameter of the run controller. 2011-06-13 Roman - !!:SYS: Type "long long" is replaced to "int64_t" everywhere. - UI.VCAEngine: Linked status is added for widgets links. - SYS: Init-files added for RedHat- and Debian-based distributives. - DAQ.DAQGate: Call by schedule, include periodic and cron, is added. 2011-06-12 Roman - !!!:Archive.FSArch: Archive's index table processing is made more faster by use speed-optimal algorithm of dword's set bits count. 2011-06-10 Roman - SYS.TVariant: New functions operator!=() and isEVal() is added. - SYS.TValue, SYS.TValFunc: Generic functions TVal::get() and TVal::set() is added for abstract value container TValue. - SYS.DAQ, DAQ.LogicLev, DAQ.Siemens, DAQ.ModBus: Templates list for control interface is moved to TParamContr object for variable "/prm/tmplList" and used everywhere. - DAQ.LogicLev: Experimental linked status is added for direct link to mirrored parameter. - !!!!:DAQ.ModBus: Logical type parameter is realized for allow creation ModBus parameters by template. - FIX:DAQ.Siemens: Period config property type is fixed to Real. id_* template parameters clear on the parameter disable is fixed. Get value request of attributes a parameter is fixed for "err" attribute try check ibto links is fixed. Special parameter of a template "f_freq" set to call frequence is fixed. 2011-06-10 Maxim - FIX:UI.Vision: The selection figures by the square is optimized for the primitive ElFigure. 2011-06-07 Roman - !!:UI.WebVision: Small external pages open in DIV-window is added. 2011-06-06 Roman - !!:FIX:DAQ.BlockCalc: Frequence calc from periodic schedule for special attribute "f_freq" of any block is fixed. Compatibility config property "PERIOD" using is fixed for start. Compatibility config property "PERIOD" integer limit is fixed for long periods in ns. - FIX:DAQ.DCON: Compatibility config property "PERIOD" using is fixed for start. - FIX:DAQ.LogicLev, DAQ.Siemens, DAQ.System: Compatibility config property "PERIOD" using is fixed for start. Compatibility config property "PERIOD" integer limit is fixed for long periods in ns. - UI.VCAEngine, UI.Vision, UI.WebVision: Any page "name" attribute group request and using for window's names is used. 2011-06-02 Maxim - FIX:UI.Vision: The orthogonal drawing mechanism of the line and bezier curve is changed and optimized for the primitive ElFigure. - FIX:UI.Vision: The bazier curve initial drawing is fixed for the primitive ElFigure. 2011-05-31 Roman - DAQ.AMRDevs, DAQ.BFN, DAQ.DCON, DAQ.OPC_UA, DAQ.SNMP, DAQ.Siemens, DAQ.System: The "Calc schedule" is replaced by "Acquisition schedule". 2011-05-31 Maxim - !:UI.Vision: The drawing figures during creation with the help of mouse is added for the primitive ElFigure. 2011-05-30 Roman - DAQ.BFN: BFN alarms category is made unified. - FIX:DAQ.BlockCalc: An archive period for periodic taks set is fixed. - DAQ.DCON, DAQ.LogicLev, DAQ.Siemens, DAQ.System: Call by schedule, include periodic and cron, is added. - !:FIX:UI.QTCfg, UI.Vision: Syntax highlight is fixed for multilevel rules and end regular expression check, for blocks. 2011-05-28 Roman - DAQ, DAQ.BFN, DAQ.ModBus: Specific function for alarms creation for data sources' objects TController::alarmSet() is added and used. 2011-05-26 Roman - DAQ.BlockCalc: Block schemes calculate by schedule, include periodic and cron, is added. 2011-05-25 Roman - Archive: Regular expression using allow is described in context tooltips of messages get by the category template. - XMLNode: New save flag XMLNode::XHTMLHeader is added for standard XHTML header place at save. Target codepage set is added to save function. Caseinsensible search node by tag name is added. - !!:Protocol.HTTP: HTML-template to custom interface for internal content support is added. 2011-05-20 Maxim - FIX:UI.Vision: The falling of the system when draw the fill without any present figures is fixed for the primitive ElFigure. 2011-05-18 Maxim - FIX:UI.Vision: The repainting of the figures in the attrSet function is fixed for the primitive ElFigure. 2011-05-18 Roman - !!!!:TArchives, Archive.DBArch, Archive.FSArch: Up time border is added to archives request messages for prevent hang on too wide requests. - !!!!:TArchives: Regular expression use allow is added for category match by "/match/". - !:TRegExp: The function for test expressions by pattern is moved to object TRegExp. - FIX:UI.WebVision: Protocol primitive is fixed for the table left align. JavaScript no define object is fixed for mouse events process. - FIX:DAQ.Siemens: Not resourced access to nodave session from different task is fixed. - FIX:TRegExp: default flags init is fixed. - DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Long string constants (>255) loading is made allow by automatic split to pices. - DAQ.ModBus: Some tooltip helps is added for controller object. 2011-05-17 Maxim - FIX:UI.Vision: The popup menu show is fixed for the fills with the images for the primitive ElFigure. - FIX:UI.Vision: The fill image field processing during the accepting the properties dialog is fixed for the primitive ElFigure. 2011-05-15 Roman - SYS: To TSYS::ShieldSimb encode mode is added support direct symbols like '\xFF' and '\777'. - !:SYS: User API function SYS.strCodeConv() is added for string texts encode from and to code pages. - !!!:DAQ.WebCfgD: Group request for pages content support is added, for significant performance rise on slow highlatence connections. 2011-05-13 Maxim - FIX:UI.Vision: The fills' drawing when moving the 'p4' of the 'arc' is fixed for the primitive ElFigure. - FIX:UI.Vision: Call of the 'createInundationPath' function for the fills with the images is optimized for the primitive ElFigure. 2011-05-12 Roman - SYS.XML: No empty attributes save is added. - !:Protocol.HTTP: Messages generation for auth process is added. - UI.WebCfgD: JavaScript code is updated for finish realization full request function servReq(). 2011-05-11 Roman - FIX:DAQ.ModBus: Error generation on the connection loss or no reply on timeout is fixed. - UI.WebCfgD: JavaScript code is updated for: string encoding rewrite and first realisation full request function servReq(). 2011-05-11 Maxim - FIX:UI.Vision: The fills' saving is fixed in the shapeSave function for the primitive ElFigure. - FIX:UI.Vision: Connecting of the figures in the MouseButtonRelease event is fixed and optimized for the primitive ElFigure. 2011-05-09 Roman - UI.Vision: Project's session recreation is added on runtime and after session closed on server side. 2011-05-08 Roman - !!!!:SYS: Save to config file support is added. - !!:XMLNode: Load and save comment blocks is added for full mode. 2011-05-06 Roman - FIX:SYS.XMLNode: UTF entities parse to UTF-8 is fixed. - FIX:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Second argument downloading for RegExp() object is fixed. Return false for wrong type of compare functions. 2011-05-05 Roman - !!:SYS.XMLNode: Load text of the tags to separated nodes suport is added. Used for full text configuration of tags store. - !!:SYS.XMLNode: Expat XML-parser using is full removed. - FIX:DAQ.SNMP: OID list of parameters store is fixed and attributes list clear on a parameter enabling is added. 2011-05-04 Roman - !!:SYS: The ResString object is significant improved for free conver to/from std::string and some typical functions of std::string wrap. - !!!!:SYS.TConfig, Archives, DAQ, Security, Transports, Archive.*, DAQ.*, Protocol.UserProtocol, Transport.*, UI.VCAEngine, UI.WebUser: For direct link to string configuration properties is used resourced object ResString everywhere. - UI.QTCfg: No warning dialog set for start path open error. Simple open local root page. 2011-05-03 Roman - Security: The long description text field is added to the user and the group objects. - FIX:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Wrong arguments processing from "new RegExp()" on compile is fixed. - UI.WebCfgD: Login user info on status bar and link for relogin is added. 2011-04-30 Roman - FIX:UI.Vision: "Disable" button's image is included to repository. 2011-04-29 Roman - SYS, DAQ.ModBus, DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: TFunction resource is made public by function fRes() and used as calc resource into DAQ.JavaLikeCalc and for prevent calc in DAQ.ModBus protocol node, for exclude processing partial writed complex registers by function 0x10. - !:DAQ.ModBus: Group registers write, for optional use by multiple write flag, function setValRs() is added. The function is used for write complex registers (float, int32) into single request. 2011-04-29 Maxim - UI.Vision: The checkboxes for the including/excluding the fields of the ElFigure's properties dialog are changed to the buttons with the icon. 2011-04-28 Roman - FIX:UI.QTCfg, UI.Vision: Input dialog wrong resize by minimum border set is fixed. - !!:UI.WebVision: Central align is added to interface. Background color is set fixed to #B0B0B0. - FIX:UI.WebVision: View type switch is fixed for demo form. - DAQ: To user API of system object TDAQS is added function funcCall() for call function's texts by OpenSCADA internal languages. - DAQ.JavaLikeCalc, DAQ.PrmTmpl, Protocol.ModBus, Protocol.UserProtocol, UI.VCAEngine, UI.WebUser: Return result of compile procedures function is changed to the node path from DAQ subsystem. - FIX:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Move virtual machine command for object's, with properies, is fixed. - DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Compile function name generation is added for source function id "<auto>". 2011-04-27 Maxim - !:UI.Vision: The 'dynamic' function is modified to be able to make the static values as well for the primitive ElFigure. - !:UI.Vision: The properties dialog is modified to be able to make the values dynamic/static, and also to ignore the selected attributes when accepted for the primitive ElFigure. - !:UI.Vision: The popup menu is appended by the fields to make the value the 'static' one for the primitive ElFigure. - FIX:UI.Vision: 'dynamic' function is fixed by the correct flags' and vectors' processing at its end for the primitive ElFigure. 2011-04-26 Roman - DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Syntax highlight rules for "JavaScript" is updated. - DAQ.ModBus: Syntax highlight rules for attributes of a parameter list. - !!:UI.QTCfg, UI.Vision: Syntax highlight engine is full rewrote for made simpler and prevent some hiden bugs. New syntax highlight engine is full support multilevel rules, include blocks, up to four levels. 2011-04-24 Roman - !!:FIX:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: The object RegExp function replace() is fixed from crash. 2011-04-22 Roman - SYS: Function XMLNodeObj::getStrXML() is implemented for convert to string. - !!:SYS: To user API of object XMLNodeObj is added functions getElementBy() for search included nodes by attribute value. - !!:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: isEVal() function for "null" type is added. To user object API of a library function is added call() for dynamic call. - UI.QTCfg: Unified dialog "InputDlg" is some improved for resize. - FIX:UI.Vision: Lost selection in attribute inspector at the widget enter to edit by double mouse click. 2011-04-21 Roman - SYS, Archives, DB, DAQ, Protocols, Security, Transports, DAQ.BlockCalc, Protocol.ModBus, Protocol.OPC_UA, Protocol.UserProtocol, UI.WebUser: Error double node creation message is added for create from configurator list element. - Transport.Out: Help to wait timeout property of free request form is added. - UI.QTCfg: Navigation tree widget's width limit is removed. - !:Transport: Types of the requests form of output transport is exanded for line end variants support: LF, CR, CR/LF. - !!!!:FIX:Transport, DAQ.AMRDevs, DAQ.DCON, DAQ.ICP_DAS, DAQ.ModBus, DAQ.OPC_UA, Protocol.HTTP: Using function TTransportOut::messIO() for tail requests and zero result is fixed everywhere. - !:FIX:DAQ.ModBus, Transport.Serial, UI.WebCfg, UI.WebCfgD, UI.WebUser, UI.WebVision: Wrong using symbol '\n' for multi program platform UNIX, MAC, DOS/Windows is fixed by replace to "\x0A". - !!:Protocol.HTTP: HTTP-header parse, for requests, to different line end variants (LF, CR, CR/LF) support is added. - !!:UI.WebCfgD: Adapted for full screen width. - UI.WebUser: HTTP properties get from script object and place it to answer is added. 2011-04-19 Roman - !!:SYS: To user API is added functions SYS.fileRead() and SYS.fileWrite() for work with files on filesystem. - FIX:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Special object's symbols "SYS" and "arguments" code generation is fixed for prevent set code to previous conditions block. - FIX:UI.WebUser: Send include pages to default page is fixed. 2011-04-18 Roman - SYS: RPM-build spec files is updated for: noarch packages enable to all distribution, SuSE and Mandriva adaptation by default. - FIX:SYS: Model's RPM-packages dependency to main package is fixed for modules spec-file. - FIX:DB: Model's AGLKS DB is fixed for start message about QTCfg wrong start page. - UI.QTCfg, UI.Vision: Size adjustment is added for all dialogs, after its show. 2011-04-15 Roman - !!:DAQ.ModBus: Multi-items write functions 15 and 16 support is added. 2011-04-14 Maxim - FIX:UI.Vision: The "index_fill" variable processing is fixed for the primitive ElFigure. - FIX:UI.Vision: Addition figures to be repainted to the selected ones is fixed for the properties dialog for the primitive ElFigure. - FIX:UI.Vision: Drawing the rects when selecting connected figures is fixed for the primitive ElFigure. - FIX:UI.Vision: Calculating the line's width and line's border width for the scale < 1 is corrected for the properties dialog of the ElFigure 2011-04-14 Roman - SYS: Packages build specification files is updated for 0.7.1. - FIX:DAQ.ModBus: _b0, _i4 prefixes is fixed for EVAL processing. - UI.Vision: Edit mode is made more usable by hide all parent widget content. - FIX:DOC: Release notes and properties documents is some fixed. - FIX:UI.QTCfg, UI.Vision: Syntax higlight engine is fixed for multiblock rules. 2011-04-13 Roman 0.7.1 - DOC: Release notes for version 0.7.1 is added. Index files is updated. - DOC: README and TODO is updated. - ModelDB: Model AGLKS DB files is updated. - UI.QTStarter: Splash is updated for 0.7.1 release. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Syntax higlight is fixed for elements list of primitive ElFigure. - FIX:UI.Vision: Properties dialog for elements of primitive ElFigure is some fixed and improved. Translation for German is updated. 2011-04-13 Maxim - UI.Vision: The default values detection is added to the properties dialog at its creation for the primitive ElFigure. - FIX:UI.Vision: Detecting the figures to be repainted is fixed for the properties dialog for the primitive ElFigure. - UI.Vision: Checkboxes for the default values set are added to the properties dialog of the ElFigure. - FIX:UI.Vision: Selecting elements by the rectangle is fixed for the primitive ElFigure. - FIX:UI.Vision: Focus loosing when properties dialog is called is fixed for the primitive ElFigure. - UI.Vision: The fills select for the popup menu options is changed to be from the end of the container for the primitive ElFigure. 2011-04-12 Roman - !!:DOC: Generic document "openscada.pdf" for English is created. Some English documents is fixed. 2011-04-12 Maxim - !!:UI.Vision: Support of sevelar figures is added to the properties dialog of the ElFigure. 2011-04-11 Roman - FIX:DAQ.DCON: DI command 8DI (@AA,FF00) processing is fixed. - !!:DOC: New documents is added for libraries: Lib.TechApp, WLib.Main and WLib.MnEls. Generic document "openscada.pdf" for Russian is created. Some Russian documents is fixed. 2011-04-11 Maxim - !!:UI.Vision: Elementary figure's properties dialog is added. 2011-04-08 Roman - !!:DOC: Main system documents is updated: APIOpenSCADA.pdf, AboutOpenSCADA.pdf, DAQ.pdf, QuickStart.pdf. - !!:DOC: New main system documents is added: build.pdf, properties.pdf, report.pdf, terms.pdf. 2011-04-07 Roman - !!:UI.QTCfg: Documents and translations is updated and released version 2.0.0. - !!:UI.QTStarter: Documents and translations is updated and released version 1.6.1. - !!:UI.VCAEngine: Documents and translations is updated and released version 1.1.0. - !!:UI.Vision: Documents and translations is updated and released version 1.1.0. - !!:UI.WebCfg: Documents and translations is updated and released version 1.5.5. - !!:UI.WebCfgD: Documents and translations is updated and released version 0.6.6. - !!:UI.WebUser: Documents and translations is updated and released version 0.6.1. - !!:UI.WebVision: Documents and translations is updated and released version 0.9.1. 2011-04-06 Roman - FIX:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Index check is added for access to string's symbol by index. Used for out of range prevent. - DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: String object's functions toFixed() and toString() is improved for base 2-36 and fill length and strong sign support. - SYS: Translations for core is updated to Russian, Ukrainian and German. - !!:Protocol.UserProtocol: Documents and translations is updated and released version 0.6.1. - !!:Special.FLibComplex1: Documents and translations is updated. - !!:Special.FLibMath: Documents and translations is updated. - !!:Special.FLibSYS: Documents and translations is updated. - !!:Special.SystemTests: Documents and translations is updated and released version 1.5.1. 2011-04-05 Roman - !!:DAQ.BFN: Documents is added and translations is updated. - !!:DAQ.DAQGate: Documents and translations is updated and released version 0.9.2. - !!:DAQ.DCON: Documents and translations is updated. - !!:DAQ.ICP_DAS: Documents and translations is updated and released version 0.7.3. - !!:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Documents and translations is updated and released version 1.9.0. - !!:DAQ.LogicLev: Documents and translations is updated and released version 1.1.3. - !!:DAQ.ModBus: Documents and translations is updated and released version 1.1.2. - !!:DAQ.OPC_UA: Documents and translations is updated and released version 0.6.1. - !!:DAQ.SNMP: Documents and translations is updated. - !!:DAQ.Siements: Documents and translations is updated and released version 1.2.4. - !!:DAQ.SoundCard: Documents and translations is updated and released version 0.6.2. - !!:Protocol.ModBus: Documents and translations is updated and released version 0.6.2. - !!:Protocol.OPC_UA: Documents and translations is updated and released version 0.6.1. - !!:Protocol.HTTP: Documents and translations is updated and released version 1.5.1. - !!:Protocol.SelfSystem: Documents and translations is updated and released version 0.9.4. - !!:Transport.SSL: Documents and translations is updated and released version 0.9.6. - !!:Transport.Serial: Documents and translations is updated and released version 0.7.2. - !!:Transport.Sockets: Documents and translations is updated and released version 1.4.6. 2011-04-04 Maxim - UI.Vision: Transparency of the color support is added to the color dialog. 2011-04-04 Roman - !!:DAQ.SNMP: SNMP v3 support is added. - !!:Archive.FSArch: Documents and translations is updated and released version 1.4.5. - !!:DB.FireBird: Documents and translations is updated and released version 0.9.6. - !!:DB.MySQL: Documents and translations is updated and released version 1.7.0. - !!:DB.PostgreSQL: Documents and translations is updated and released version 0.9.1. - !!:DB.SQLite: Documents and translations is updated and released version 1.6.3. - !!:DAQ.BlockCalc: Documents and translations is updated and released version 1.4.1. - !!:DAQ.DiamondBoards: Documents and translations is updated and released version 1.2.2. - !!:DAQ.System: Documents and translations is updated and released version 1.7.3. 2011-03-31 Roman - !!:SYS: To user API is added function SYS.Security.access() for control access to some resources by OpenSCADA users. 2011-03-30 Roman - DB: Into user API function "SQLreq()" is added set cell value to object property by column name, to row Array > 0. - SYS: To user API object TArray is set return null value for wrong indexes. - !!:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Special symbols write by octal "\041" and hex "\x21" digits is added. 2011-03-29 Maxim - FIX:UI.Vision: shapeSave function is fixed to store elements in the own container for the primitive ElFigure. - FIX:Protocol.HTTP: Some fixes to the English language is made. 2011-03-29 Roman - FIX:Function: Set Object to no object's function parameter is fixed for prevent memory leak by no object destroy. - FIX:UI.Vision: Bit flags processing is some fixed. - !!:DAQ.SNMP: Some messages update and translate. Version 0.6.0 is released. 2011-03-28 Roman - SYS: Using "pkg-config" for global include flag detect for libpcre is added. - SYS: To user's API object TCntrNode is added function nodePrev() for access parent node access. - SYS: To user's API object XMLNodeObj is added function parent() for access parent node access. - !!!:TFunction, DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: User's API object TFuncArgObj is added for get a function arguments. - DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: The special attribute "this" is added for user access the object of the controller allow. - DAQ.LogicLev: The special attribute "this" is added for user access the object of the controller's parameter allow. - FIX:DAQ.OPC_UA: Archive's value period set is fixed on an attribute to archive enabling. - !!:DAQ.SNMP: All value types support is added. Write values support is added. Errors processing is improved. Addition SNMP connection configuration parameters is added. 2011-03-24 Roman - !!!!:SYS, DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: The User's system API regular expression object TRegExp, based on PCRE, support is added. Realised functions RegExp.exec() and RegExp.test() for standard JavaScript interface. To DAQ.JavaLikeCalc is realised "new RegExp()" for TRegExp object create. To DAQ.JavaLikeCalc addition string functions with using RegExp is realised: int search(); Array match(); Array split(RegExp pat, int limit); string replace(string substr, string str); string replace(RegExp pat, string str); - !!:SYS: PCRECPP dependence is replaced by PCRE. - SYS: GD library checking for allow is moved to once. - !!:SYS: The User's system API, TArrayObj is expanded for object's properties, not numbers, support. 2011-03-20 Roman - !!:SYS: Self project's XML parser realisation is finished. New XML-parser is used on Expat miss at build. - Special.SystemTests: XML print function is improved for code blocks show. 2011-03-17 Roman - FIX:DB: Auto open closed tables from allow tables list is fixed. - SYS:ModelDB.Boiler: Mnemo is some updated for gradiented pipes display. 2011-03-16 Roman - FIX:UI.WebVision: Crash a session on manual attribute "xSc" or "ySc" set from Web-browser for "Diagram" or "ElFigure" is prevented. - FIX:DAQ.DCON: Fixed main algoritms and tested on command "#AA" for 8AI. 2011-03-15 Maxim - FIX:DB.PostgreSQL: 'conninfo' is placed into MDB class to make it common for the both functions: 'postDisable', and 'enable'. 2011-03-15 Roman - FIX:DAQ.ModBus: The module parameter's attributes set values changed to active mode and errors generation to a parameter is improved. - SYS: DAQ.BFN build RPM package is added to mudulary specification file. - FIX:DB.PostgreSQL: DB address processing is fixed for empty items correct processing. Ukrainian translation is fixed. - FIX:DAQ.DCON: Some commands' exeptions procession is added. 2011-03-14 Roman - !!!!:SYS: New source packages implementation is released. All resources moved to separated tarball. For create source and resource tarball use "$ make dist-lzma" and "$ make dist-reslzma". Documentation is made static, for modules, and separated by languages. For each language create different package. Libraries DB packages is added for *-LibDB.Main and *-LibDB.VCA. Placed into data/LibsDB. Instead DemoDB package added Model's packages for "AGLKS" and "Boiler". Placed into data/ModelsDB. Config-files is updated for build RPM and DEB packages. - FIX:SYS: TSYS::strEncode() is fixed for crash on Reverse algorithm. - !!!!:DAQ.DCON: The module is full rewrote for fix bad format and code writing style. - FIX:DAQ.ModBus: Errors forming into server part of the protocol is fixed. Error messages some changed. 2011-03-06 Roman - FIX:SYS: Module separated build RPM-spec file is fixed for ALTLinux build requires. - !:SYS: Experimental XML parser is realised. Commented for now, do not suport "<!DOCTYPE ..." declaration and slower from expat about to 20%. - Special.SystemTests: XML parsing time measuring is added to test "XML". - FIX:UI.QTCfg: Sleep is added after all windows close at module disable. Fix crash on ARM CPU. 2011-03-02 Roman - SYS:LibFFTW3 using is made optional. Using FFTW3 will disabled for no LibFFTW3 present. 2011-03-01 Roman - DAQ.DCON: Adaptive display for Range config fields is added. German translation by Irina Popkova is added. - UI.Vision: The Plastique style force set for an interface buttons. 2011-02-28 Roman - !!!!:DAQ.DCON: Significant improvements from Almaz Karimov is placed to the source tree. The module version is rise to 0.5.0. - FIX:DB.FireBird: One wrong sqlReq() call is fixed. - !!:DemoDB: Full updated from local MySQL Work-DemoDB. - UI.QTStarter: Splash update period is rise to 1 second, for load decrease at slow CPU. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Check widget's attributes for no translation at load is added, for multi-languages DBs. 2011-02-25 Roman - FIX: Type 'unsigned' is replaced to correct 'size_t' for result store from function string::find(). - SYS: The function TModSchedul::ScanDir() is rewrote for some problems possibility. - FIX:BFN: New values set time is change to local. An archive period parameter set is fixed. 2011-02-24 Maxim - !:FIX:UI.WebVision, UI.Vision: Updating the image when the scale is changed is fixed for primitive "ElFigure". - !!:FIX:UI.WebVision: Checking of the points' position for the presence of it in the drawing area of the widget is removed, the only such check for the fills still remains for the primitive ElFigure. 2011-02-23 Roman - !!:SYS: All warnings is resolved for "-Wall" compile option. - !!:UI.Vision, UI.WebCfg, UI.WebCfgD, UI.WebUser, UI.WebVision: All warnings is resolved for "-Wall" compile option. 2011-02-21 Roman - FIX:DB.SQLite: No memory free from error string is fixed for wrong requests to a table. - !!:DAQ.DAQGate, DAQ.DCON, DAQ.DiamondBoards, DAQ.ICP_DAS, DAQ.JavaLikeCalc, DAQ.LogicLev, DAQ.ModBus, DAQ.OPC_UA, DAQ.Siemens, DAQ.SoundCard, UI.QTCfg, UI.QTStarter, UI.VCAEngine: All warnings is resolved for "-Wall" compile option. 2011-02-15 Roman - FIX:UI.Vision, UI.QTCfg: Some bugs is fixed for processing not full responds from remote connection by "SelfSystem" protocol. Node children is made clear for that reason. 2011-02-14 Roman - UI.WebVision, UI.Vision: Real precision for attributes is fixed and allowed 3 digit precision for widet's coordinates everywhere. Digits number for precision is set to main defined variable. - DAQ.BFN: Enable controller for any errors of init requests is made. - UI.QTStarter: Splash update period is rise to 1 second, for load decrease at slow CPU. 2011-02-13 Roman - UI.Vision: Real precision for attributes is fixed and allowed 3 digit precision for widet's coordinates everywhere. 2011-02-12 Roman - !!:UI.Vision: Lost connection to visualisation server message is added for run from visualisation server. 2011-02-11 Maxim - UI.WebVision: Widget's position remnant is acquired for internal points coordinates calc of primitive "ElFigure". 2011-02-11 Roman - UI.Vision: Widget's position remnant is acquired for internal points coordinates calc of primitive "ElFigure". Real attributes precision is rise to 3 digits. - !!:FIX:UI.Vision: Run session crash is fixed for project's calc period more 500 ms. - !!:DAQ.BFN, DAQ.BlockCalc: All warnings is resolved for "-Wall" compile option. 2011-02-08 Roman - !!:FIX:Archive: Using soft grid buffer for high and low resolution time is fixed for archiving. - FIX:Config: Copy heterogenous nodes config properties is fixed. - !!:Transport.*, Protocol.*, Special.*, DAQ.AMRDevs: All warnings is resolved for "-Wall" compile option. - DAQ.ModBus: Syntax highlight rules is some updated. DAQ parameter's attributes list help is supplemented. - !!:FIX:Transport.Serial: Set O_NONBLOCK flag to function open() of serial device, for prevent it hang on several USB->RS485 converters. - UI.VCAEngine: Included widgets counter and pages into a progect and into other pages is added. 2011-02-07 Roman - DAQ.System: The library libsensors disable is added for no allowed the library. - FIX:DAQ.System: Crash is fixed on exit for source "Hddtemp" exeptions at it destroy. - FIX:TArchives, Archive.FSArch: Multiscan for an archive directory is disabled at the program start. - !!:DB: User API functions fieldStruct(), fieldSeek(), fieldGet(), fieldSet() and fieldDel() for Table object is added. - !!:DB.*: All warnings is resolved for "-Wall" compile option. 2011-02-04 Roman - !!:Transport.Serial: Port init is made using previous properties and allow for miss any port properties set. 2011-02-01 Roman - SYS: Build with all warning show is enabled for RPM-packages. - SYS: The default start OpenSCADA scripts "openscada_start" "openscada_demo" and "openscada_demo_local" is adapted for use simple shell and don't use tool install, on busybox. - !!:FIX:SYS: Code clear for all source code: - remove not used variables; - add returns for all functions with return; - init variables which possible used undefined; - not full enumerated variables processing into switches; - signed and unsigned comparision. - !!:FIX:Archive: The prototype of functions TArchiveS::messPut() and TArchiveS::messGet() is changed for fix signed message level on ARM CPUs. - !!:FIX:SYS: The prototype of functions TMess::put(), TMess::get(), TCntrNode::grpSize(), TCntrNode::grpId(), TCntrNode::grpAt() is changed for fix unsigned char on ARM CPUs. - FIX:DAQ: DAQ-redundant logic some fixed. - FIX:Mess: Default language select logic is some fixed. - !!:FIX:Transport: All transports loading is fixed for missed some transport modules and DB records for its allow. - FIX:Value: The prototype of functions TValue::setReqFlg(), TValue::setResB1() and TValue::setResB2() is fixed for no return. - FIX:XML: Expanded variable size for flags of functions XMLNode::save(). - !!:FIX:Archive.FSArch: Result from fgetc() is writed to integer instead char and fix "EOF" detection. File detect is fixed into ModVArchEl::fileAdd(). - FIX:DB.MySQL: case TFld::String missing is fixed into switch of function MTable::fieldFix(). - FIX:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Rezult value type set is fixed for unary operations. The function string::parsePath() of user API is fixed for offset use. Possible disabling functions for return operations. - Protocol.SelfSystem: Enter value limits is set to main configuration parameters of the module. - FIX:UI.Vision: For get painted text width used fontMetrics().width() without fontMetrics().boundingRect(lab_tm.c_str()).width() for prevent some fluctuations. 2011-01-26 Roman - SYS: RPM packages build spec-files is updated for translation update and expand openscada_mod.spec separated package "openscada-core" build and use main package for typical installation. - UI.QTCfg: Force menu set to visible and toolbars movable, for Nokia N800 (ARM) QT's default properties fix. 2011-01-23 Roman - FIX:UI.WebVision: The toggled button value changing is fixed. 2011-01-21 Roman - FIX:Protocol.HTTP: "Transfer-Encoding=chunked" support is fixed. 2011-01-20 Roman - !!:Protocol.HTTP: "Transfer-Encoding=chunked" support is added to output request and some fixed. 2011-01-15 Roman - SYS: Text messages encode disable for default encoding ISO-8859-1 and language "en". - DAQ.ModBus: Syntax highlight is added for input protocol's nodes. - DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Syntax highlight is added for controller parameter's attributes list. - Transport.Serial: Error message expanded for port file open. - UI.VCAEngine: Speech synthesis from text encoding by default is set to "KOI8-R". - UI.VCAEngine: Modify counter clear for active attributes of primitive widgets. - UI.WebVision, UI.Vision: Use generic font for items without font set of primitive "Protocol". - UI.WebUser: Syntax highlight is added for programm of pages. 2011-01-12 Maxim - UI:Vision: The offset for keyboard moving of the figures or their points is set to 5 without "Shift" pressed and to 1 with "Shift" pressed for the primitive ElFigure. 2011-01-10 Maxim - :FIX:UI:Vision: The Qt::SmoothTransformation flag is added to the fill image's scaling function for the primitive ElFigure. 2011-01-06 Maxim - !:FIX:UI:WebVision: The gif and jpg image's types support is added for the fill image of the primitive ElFigure. 2011-01-06 Roman - SYS:Some demo-configs is changed. - FIX:DAQ.LogicLev: PRM - config field hide is added for "Free" mode. To info control request of a parameter "return" added. 2011-01-02 Roman - DAQ.BFN: XML parse errors is hide. - DAQ.OPC_UA: Nodes list field height is increased. - !:UI.WebCfgD: Icon resize is add to server side for traffic decrease. 2010-12-28 Roman - !:SYS.TMess: Generic messages of controll interface is moved to single static functions TMess::lab*. For now moved messages: DB selection help, seconds and CRON value seting help and selection variants. Seconds and CRON value set help is expanded. - FIX:SYS.TCntrNode: No signed type "char" using as signed is fixed for ARM. - DB.FireBird: Help for DB address is expanded. 2010-12-26 Roman - !!:FIX:SYS: Cron function is fixed for week day Sunday processing by base time. 2010-12-24 Roman - SYS: Some titles for big configuration tables is set short. - FIX:SYS.TCntrNode: User name copy to children for group control request "CntrReqs" is set. - FIX:UI.QTCfg: Twice page's content request is fixed. - !!!!:UI.QTCfg: Group request "CntrReqs" is used for page's content request. A table selectable item's variants list requests for each rowis fixed. Used for the performance rise on slow and latent links. 2010-12-23 Roman - SYS: Nanoseconds process is added to function TSYS::time2str(). For display value of field "Realtime clock resolution" is used function TSYS::time2str(). 2010-12-21 Roman - FIX:Transport, Transport.Serial, Transport.SSL: Deprecated and already no released function TTransportS::traf2str() is removed and final replaced by TSYS::cpct2str(). - DAQ.UserProtocol: Syntax highlight for protocol's code is added. - !:FIX:Transport.Sockets: Unix-socket is set to no block mode by flag O_NONBLOCK. Error messages forming is fixed for output transports. - UI.Vision: Text scale mode for primitive "Text" is changed to font size scale for text distortion prevent. 2010-12-20 Roman - !!:FIX:UI.VCAEngine: A session deadlock is fixed for dynamic-active projects, for attributes access. 2010-12-19 Roman - FIX:UI.Vision, UI.WebVision: For checkable buttons of primitive "FormEl" event ws_BtPress set for denting and ws_BtRelease set for other. 2010-12-17 Roman - FIX:UI.Vision: Event ws_BtPress and ws_BtRelease generation is disabled for checkable buttons of primitive "FormEl". 2010-12-16 Roman - SYS: Unaligned access function TSYS::getUnalignInt() is added. - !!:FIX:SYS.TVariant, DAQ.AMRDevs, DAQ.OPC_UA: Unaligned access is fixed for ARM. - DAQ.BFN: Alarms naming is some changed. - DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: The VM commands CFunc, CFunc and CFuncObj is rewrote for structured access. 2010-12-15 Roman - SYS: Functions TVal::time(), TVal::len(), TVal::dec(), TVal::flg(), TVal::def(), TVal::values(), TVal::selNames() and TVal::reserve() is added to user's API. Functions TController::name(), TController::descr() and TController::status() is added to user's API. - SYS: Result for TVarObj::propGet() for miss properties is return to NULL. - !!!:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Buildin function typeof() is added for value type detect. 2010-12-14 Roman - SYS: Function TVal::descr() is added to user's API. - FIX:SYS: Result for TVarObj::propGet() for miss properties is set to EVAL_BOOL. - FIX:DAQ.BFN: Call task termination is made easy by check for cntr.endrun_req into cycles. - FIX:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Some messages is fixed. - !!!:FIX:Archive.FSArch: The archive files creation for messages is fixed and rewrote for more old messages place support. The option "Prevent duples" is added for prevent storing duples messages. - FIX:UI.Vision: Warning generate is fixed for empty documents of primitive "Document". - FIX:Archive: The user's API function messGet() is fixed for crash. 2010-12-12 Roman - FIX:DAQ.Siemens: NoDave is fixed for structures pack from all header space. #pragma pack(1) is replaced by #pragma pack(push,1) ... #pragma pack(pop). The problem is detected on ARM. 2010-12-10 Roman - SYS: The option '--enable-CrossCompile' is added for disable some configure script's tests for cross compiling build. - !!:FIX:SYS: The command "$ make dist" is fixed and adapted for correct OpenSCADA distribution create. - !!!!:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: VM full rewrote for direct command's structure using. 2010-12-09 Roman - !!:FIX:Protocol.HTTP, UI.WebCfg, UI.WebCfgD, UI.WebVision, UI.WebUser: POST content's items by boundary parsing is fixed for process all item's variables. - FIX:UI.WebCfgD: Images download is fixed for Google Chrome. 2010-12-08 Roman - SYS: The configure option --disable-LibGD is added for using library into OpenSCADA core exclude. 2010-12-07 Roman - FIX:DAQ.JavaLikeCalk: Unaligned access for ARM is fixed into JavaScript VM. 2010-12-03 Roman - DAQ.DAQGate: Parameters cache is added for autonomous work with archives and without remote station. 2010-12-02 Roman - !!:SYS: TTransportS::traf2str() is renamed and moved to TSYS::cpct2str(). 2010-12-01 Roman - DAQ.BFN: Some fixes and debug disable. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Parent widget name set is fixed for included widget's copy of a template page. - UI.VCAEngine: Context help is added for attributes 'lev' and 'tSize' of primitive "Protocol". 2010-11-30 Roman - !!:Transport, Transport.*: The function TTransportS::traf2str() is added for traffic counter convert to string like "12.5KiB". New function is used everywhere. - !!:FIX:Transport.Sockets: Close client connections at timeout of life time is fixed for connected but no data receiving connections. - FIX:DB, DB.*: Disable access for other to view DB's tables content and DB's address field update. 2010-11-29 Roman - !!:SYS: New function TSYS::time2str() is added for convert time interval to string like "1hour 23min 10sec". The function is used everywhere. - FIX:DB, DB.*: Disable access for other to view DB's tables content and DB's address field. - DAQ.BFN: Alarms reading and put it to OpenSCADA archive is added. 2010-11-25 Roman - UI.VCAEngine: Context help is added for attributes of primitives: "Diageam", "Protocol" and "Document". - UI.Vision: Full text attributes edition of a widget into separated window with wide place is added. 2010-11-23 Roman - DAQ.BFN: Translation to Russian and Ukrainian is added. Version 0.5.0 is released. - SYS: TSYS::time2str() function based on POSIX strftime() is added. - !!:FIX:Transport.Sockets, Transport.SSL: Input buffer clear before send request is added to output transport. Use for prevent data getting from previous broken request on too latent connections. - UI.VCAEngine: Context help is added for attributes of primitive "Media". 2010-11-22 Roman - FIX:DOC: openscada.pdf, DAQ.ModBus::about.pdf, UI.VCAEngine::about.pdf, UI.WebUser::about.pdf: The documents is fixed for some content and translation bugs. - SYS.ModSched: Errors into shared libraries processing is fixed. - UI.VCAEngine: Context help is added for attributes of primitives: "FormEl" and "Text". 2010-11-19 Roman - !!:DB.MySQL: Timeouts set support is added. - DAQ.BFN: Code symbols support is added. 2010-11-17 Roman - !!:DAQ: BFN module is added. - FIX:SYS: Function cron() is fixed to hours processing. - FIX:DAQ.DiamondBoards: Limits to channel's number is set. - Protocol:HTTP: Text content for POST request is added to output protocol. - UI.QTCfg, UI.QTStarter, UI.Vision: The signal QAction::activated(), from QT3, is replaced by QAction::triggered(). 2010-11-16 Roman - UI.VCAEngine: Syntax highlight is added for attributes "doc" and "style" of primitive "Document". Inner code highlight for attributes "tmpl" and "doc" is made adaptive for value from <body docProcLang="CodeLang"/>, value get by PCRECPP. 2010-11-13 Roman - DAQ.ModBus: Parameters reenable at controller start is added for data blocks changings apply. Mostly for removed attributes apply. 2010-11-11 Roman - UI.VCAEngine: Context help and syntax highlighting is added for main attributes of a widget. 2010-11-09 Maxim - UI.VCAEngine: Tooltip for the elements' list of the primitive ElFigure is added. 2010-11-08 Roman - !!:UI.VCAEngine: Sepecific properties, like help and syntax highlighting, is added to attributes, specified by primitive. Syntax highlight is added for primitives "ElFigure" and "Document". - !!:UI.Vision: Help display for widget's attributes is added. - !!:UI.Vision: Syntax highlighting display for widget's attributes is added. 2010-11-05 Roman - !!:UI.QTCfg: Manual resizing for hight is added to text and table fields. Resizing is made by hold and move bottom border the fields. 2010-11-04 Roman - FIX:DAQ.OPC_UA: Check for attributes delete is added on a parameter enable. - DAQ.JavaLikeCalc, UI.QTCfg, UI.Vision: Multi-level syntax higlight support is added. 2010-11-03 Roman - FIX:DAQ.OPC_UA: One request limit for "Read" is set to 25 nodes. Parameter's attributes processing is set on first call at start. - SYS, UI.QTStarter: Update splash for show work status. - DAQ.BlockCalc, DAQ.ModBus, DAQ.OPC_UA: Syntax highlight is added for a parameter configuration. - FIX:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc, UI.QTCfg, UI.Vision: JavaScript syntax higlight is fixed for known bugs. - FIX:DAQ.OPC_UA: Delete attributes from a parameter is missed on the parameter disable. 2010-11-02 Roman - !!!!:SYS, DAQ.JavaLikeCalc, UI.QTCfg, UI.VCAEngine, UI.Vision: The syntax highlight API is added. - SYS.XMLNode: Copy constructor is added. - FIX:SYS: Start scripts "openscada_start" and "openscada_demo" and "openscada_demo_local" is fixed for direct bash call. - FIX:DB.MySQL: Date and time store format is changed to UTC. 2010-10-24 Roman 0.7.0 LTS - FIX:DemoDB: Config file is fixed at field value: <prm id="Workdir">../share/openscada</prm>. - DOC: FAQ and TODO is updated. - SYS: RPM build specification files is updated for field "Summary" translation add. - TModSchedul, DAQ.AMRDevs, DAQ.BlockCalc, DAQ.DAQGate, DAQ.DCON, DAQ.ModBus, DAQ.OPC_UA, DAQ.SNMP, DAQ.SoundCards, Protoco.HTTP, Protocol.SelfSystem, Transport.SSL, Transport.Serial, Transport.Sockets, UI.Vision, UI.WebVision: Borders set for some integer and real values. 2010-10-23 Roman - SYS: The main splash image is updated for Long Term Support allow for version 0.7.0. - SYS: Debian files is updated for build packages to version 0.7.0. - DemoDB: Demo DB is final updated for version 0.7.0 and fix some bugs. - SYS: For function TMess::setMessLevel() set border [0;5] to values. For function TSYS::setSavePeriod() set border [0;-] to values. - FIX:DAQ.DAQGate: Crash at set sync period to zero is fixed. - FIX:DAQ.OPC_UA: Browse items limit is free from 100 items. - Transport.SSL: Set borders to function's values: setBufLen() - [1;1024], setMaxFork() - [1;1000], setKeepAliveCon() - [0;-] and setKeepAliveTm() - [0;-]; - FIX:UI.QTCfg: Tree collapsing is disabled at hosts update. - UI.WebVision: Hold cursor at current time is added for primitive "Diagram". - SYS: Release 0.7.0 previews and test protocol is added. 2010-10-22 Roman - DAQ: Start subsystem Archive at DAQ start on modules reload, for archives links restore. - ModSched: SO library detach order is changed to stop all modules and for next it delete. - DAQ: TParamContr preDisable() procedure is changed for stop linked archives. - FIX:DB.MySQL: TTable::fieldGet() procedure is fixed for request fields which have only keys. - FIX:DAQ.OPC_UA, DAQ.ModBus: Modules order is changed to Protocol -> DAQ. Translate function _() for protocol modul is created separately. - FIX:UI.WebVision: The resource is added for session access. Use for prevent simultaneously sessions check to close. - SYS: Demo config files is fixed and updated for new modules. - DAQ: Enable and start status for controller's restore is added to function TController::load_(). - !!!!:FIX:SYS: Crone shedule function cron() is fixed at hang for empty string shedule plane. - DAQ.BlockCalc: Controller's content copy order is changed to "Blocks"->"Parameters". - DAQ.ModBus: Enable status for protocol's node restore is added to function Node::load_(). - !!:FIX:Transport.Serial: CSTOPB flag using for stop bits number set is fixed. - UI.QTStarter, UI.QTCfg, UI.Vision: Dialog for saving set is disabled at not user cause and for modules update. 2010-10-21 Roman - FIX:SYS.TFunction, DAQ.JavaLikeCalc, Special.*: The security group property is added to constructor and the object for control interface properties fix. - DAQ.OPC_UA: Translation to German is added by Irina Popkova. 2010-10-20 Roman - DB.DBF: Disable inset "SQL" for that module's DB. - Special.SystemTests: Translation to German is updated by Irina Popkova. 2010-10-19 Roman - FIX:Archives, DAQ: No permited user's access to main subsystem's data is fixed. - FIX:Archives: Permition for assign archivators to an archive is fixed. - FIX:Special.SystemTests: The test "Archive" is fixed for new archive API. - DB: Access for select DB for all subsystems' items is set to it subsystem's permition. - FIX:UI.QTStarter: Translation for message "&Cancel" is enabled. 2010-10-17 Roman - !!:Archive, Special: Template module "=Templ=" is added for the subsystems. - FIX:SYS.TCntrNode, SYS.ModSchedul: Force loading is added by properties "force" to function TCntrNode::load(). Force loading at module enable is fixed. - FIX:SYS: Pass for detached tasks CPU affinity is fixed. Get thread's TID for x86_64 and other non x86 is fixed. 2010-10-13 Roman - !!!!:DOC: OpenSCADA manual documents and API document is updated for 0.7.0. - !!!!:FIX:SYS: Task create function is fixed for prevent crash at auto closed task for fast close. - !!!!:FIX:Transport.SSL: Wait for respond data is final fixed by reason wait for data processing into BIO_read(). - !!:FIX:Transport.Sockets: Tail wait result at zero is fixed for DAQ.System.HDDTemp. 2010-10-11 Roman - !!:UI.QTStarter: Documents and translations is updated and released version 1.6.0. - !!:UI.QTCfg: Documents and translations is updated and released version 1.9.0. - !!:UI.WebCfg: Documents and translations is updated and released version 1.5.4. - !!:UI.WebCfgD: Documents and translations is updated and released version 0.6.5. - !!:UI.VCAEngine: Documents and translations is updated and released version 1.0.0. - !!:UI.Vision: Documents and translations is updated and released version 1.0.0. - !!:UI.WebVision: Documents and translations is updated and released version 0.9.0. - !!:UI.WebUser: Documents and translations is updated and released version 0.6.0. 2010-10-10 Roman - !!:Transport.Sockets: Documents and translations is updated and released version 1.4.5. - !!:Transport.SSL: Documents and translations is updated and released version 0.9.5. - !!:Transport.Serial: Documents and translations is updated and released version 0.7.1. - !!:Protocol.HTTP: Documents and translations is updated and released version 1.5.0. - !!:Protocol.SelfSystem: Documents and translations is updated and released version 0.9.3. - !!:Protocol.UserProtocol: Documents and translations is updated and released version 0.6.0. - !!:Protocol.ModBus: Documents and translations is updated and released version 0.6.1. - !!:Protocol.OPC_UA: Documents and translations is updated and released version 0.6.0. - !!:Special.FLibComplex1: Documents and translations is updated and released version 1.0.6. - !!:Special.FLibMath: Documents and translations is updated and released version 0.5.2. - !!:Special.FLibSYS: Documents and translations is updated and released version 0.9.2. - !!:Special.SystemTests: Documents and translations is updated and released version 1.5.0. 2010-10-08 Roman - !!:DAQ.DiamondBoards: Documents and translations is updated and released version 1.2.1. - !!:DAQ.System: Documents and translations is updated and released version 1.7.2. - !!:DAQ.BlockCalc: Documents and translations is updated and released version 1.4.0. - !!:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Documents and translations is updated and released version 1.8.0. - !!:DAQ.LogicLev: Documents and translations is updated and released version 1.1.2. - !!:DAQ.SNMP: Documents and translations is updated and released version 0.4.1. - !!:DAQ.Siemens: Documents and translations is updated and released version 1.2.3. - !!:DAQ.ModBus: Documents and translations is updated and released version 1.1.1. - !!:DAQ.DCON: Documents and translations is updated and released version 0.3.3. - !!:DAQ.ICP_DAS: Documents and translations is updated and released version 0.7.2. - !!:DAQ.DAQGate: Documents and translations is updated and released version 0.9.1. - !!:DAQ.SoundCard: Documents and translations is updated and released version 0.6.1. - !!:DAQ.OPC_UA: Documents and translations is updated and released version 0.6.0. 2010-10-07 Roman - !!!!:SYS: Check for libtool version 2.0 more is added. Enable only shared library build for modules. Module identifier is put to class constructor for early text translation init. For all translation used new xgettext parameters "-C --no-location --no-wrap -k_". Used for trash clean into translation's files. All subsystem's modules API version is changed to 5. - !!:Archive.FSArch: Documents and translations is updated and released version 1.4.1. - !!:Archive.DBArch: Documents and translations is updated and released version 0.9.2. - !!:DB.DBF: Documents and translations is updated and released version 2.0.2. - !!:DB.MySQL: Documents and translations is updated and released version 1.6.2. - !!:DB.SQLite: Documents and translations is updated and released version 1.6.2. - !!:DB.FireBird: Documents and translations is updated and released version 0.9.5. - !!:DB.PostgreSQL: Documents and translations is updated and released version 0.9.0. 2010-10-06 Roman - !!:SYS: The source tree version is changed to 0.7.0. RPM-build speck files is changed for build version 0.7.0 packages. - SYS: Some DB-modules icons is updated. - FIX:Archives: Archive's items loading is fixed for some modules missing. - !!!!:DB.FireBird: Multi-language support is added. Transaction support is made unified. - FIX:DB.PostgreSQL: Some fixes is added. - Special.SystemTests: DB modules tests is expanded for special symbols ["] and ['] into text's values test. 2010-10-05 Roman - !!!!:SYS: Permitions to all control interface's items is made unified. - !!:SYS: Core translation to Russian, Ukrainian and German is updated. 2010-10-01 Roman - DAQ.JavaLikeCalc, Special.FLibSYS: To user's API function string::toInt() and str2int() is added base argument for radix determine. - FIX:UI.WebVision: User context menu display is made permit for write access. 2010-09-27 Roman - !!:DemoDB: New UI-permitions mechanism is implemented. Real read access for simple users ("user") is granted. - !:Archive: Read access speed to values from soft grid buffer is risen. - !:Elem, UI.VCAEngine: The flag TFld::NoStrTransl is added for translation prevent for system's string fields. - !!!!:UI.VCAEngine: Rip attribute object "Attr" from object "TCntrNode", memory consumption is decreased to 25%. Resource access to widget's attributes is made global by mutex. The access properties of widgets is made by widget's attributes "owner" and "perm" for flexible control. Auto sessions create and start on load mechanism is added. 2010-09-24 Roman - FIX:Security: Groups save on user saving is fixed. - DB.SQLite: Specific DB addres' value description is added. - FIX:UI.Vision: Master page scale is excluded for no maximizwd or full-screen run-window. 2010-09-22 Roman - UI.QTStarter: Set to splash loading from file name depended from station ID: {StId}_splash.png. - FIX:SYS, Archive.FSArch, DB.DBF, UI.QTCfg, UI.VCAEngine: read() function's result checking is added for prevent crash at directory read try. 2010-09-21 Roman - UI.WebVision: The opened sessions limit is added. Detailed all opened sessions info is added for user "root" and users into group "root". 2010-09-20 Roman - DB: The subsystem's option "SYSStPref" is added for disable using the station id prefix into generic table allow. - DB,Security: The control interface's permitions is made unified. - Security: Groups selection allow is added into user-page. - !!:Protocol.HTTP: Auto-login support is added. - FIX:UI.WebCfgD, UI.WebVision: HTTP-field "Content-Type" generation is fixed for charset. For now charset is correct for all supported browsers. - FIX:UI.WebVision: Image update for primitive "Diagram" is made adaptive for real images loading, use for prevent to server overload. Result for event onmouseup process set to "true" for images suffice prevent into browser Konqueror. - !!:UI.WebVision: Sessions access and control is adapted for sender user. - !!:Transport.SSL: Get sender address support is added. 2010-09-13 Roman - !!!!:SYS: OpenSCADA core library version is risen to 1:0:0 - !!!!:SYS: OpenSCADA core librarie's code is moved to namespace OSCADA - !:SYS: To node name call function is changed to const string &TCntrNode::nodeName( ) - !!:Modules: Module check and init code is updated for exclude shared libraries init twice. Error set is added for loaded modules. - SYS: Remove function TSYS::fNameFix(); - UI.QTStarter, UI.QTCfg, UI.Vision: QT compile options updated to last QT4 versions. 2010-09-09 Roman - FIX:DemoDB: The script of main project page is fixed for SO names set. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Session start/stop and enable/disable at module start/stop is fixed. - FIX:UI.Vision: Include page of run session deletion is fixed on master page early delete. 2010-09-08 Roman - FIX:DemoDB: Pipes gradient is fixed for rotated angles. Some other fixes. - !!:DemoDB: The script of main project page is rewrote to use new user's API object's functions. - SYS: The user's API functions of object model is added comments. - FIX:DB: Modify flag set at object DB copy is fixed. - !!!!:SYS: Switch to use traditional map instead hash_map for all object's containers is made for decrease memory consumption. - SYS: New user's API functions is added for object TCntrNode: nodeList() and nodeAt(). - SYS: User object TVarObj conversion to Boolean, Integer and Real is set to values false, 1 and 1. - Special.FLibSYS, Protocol.HTTP, Protocol.UserProtocol: Translation to German by Irina Popkova is updated. - !!:SYS, DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Object's properties and functions call and exceptions processing of user's API is made unified. 2010-09-06 Roman - FIX:DB.SQLite, DB:PostgreSQL: Requests limit control into a transaction is fixed. 2010-09-04 Roman - FIX:DemoDB: Model's AGLKS mnemo is removed from template project. Compressor widget is fixed for attribute "com" present. 2010-09-03 Roman - FIX:DemoDB: Control panel is fixed for alarm borders show. - DB.SQLite: Start transaction control is added for transaction close. - UI.Vision, UI.WebVision: Special symbols encode is added to name field of Button view of primitive "FormEl" for next line set support, like string "Standard\nbuton". - FIX:UI.WebVision: Event process onmousedown is fixed for return true and allow standard functions. 2010-09-03 Maxim - FIX:DB:PostgreSQL: The default values for the transaction flags are added to the constructor of the object. - !!:DB:PostgreSQL: Transaction open and commit mechanism is changed to support the user's SQL-requests. Several flags to limit the transacton life are added. 2010-09-02 Roman - !!:DemoDB: Demo DB is updated for: - Compressors SO KM201, KM301, KM202 and KM302 add. - Manual variable input support is added to control panel. - Translation is updated. - Some bugs is fixed. - !!!!:DB, DB.*: Subsystem modules API version is changed to 3. Transaction control is added to function sqlReq() and function transCloseCheck() is added. - !!:DB.SQLite: Transaction mechanism is improved for support into user's SQL-requsts and old transactions close. - TFunction, DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Included function's context clear function is added and used. - FIX:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: External functions call context clear is added for TValFunc objects on the function compile. - UI.QTCfg: Miss dialogs option for each item of multiply copy is added. - UI.VCAEngine: The property "len" clean is added for widget's attributes. - FIX:UI.Vision: Scale/resize mode toggle on Ctrl+Move is improved. 2010-08-20 Roman - DB.PostgreSQL: Translation for German, by Irina Popkova, is updated. - DAQ.BlockCalc: Attributes configuration field of a parameter size is decreased to 8 rows. - UI.VCAEngine: Check for insert a widget of no Box type to page role is added. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: A tamplate used pages copy is fixed. - UI.Vision: Mouse wheel zoom is increased. 2010-08-20 Maxim - DB: The template of the DB module is added. 2010-08-19 Roman - SYS:Program finish reason is added to last message. User exit reason is changed to SIGUSR1(10). - DAQ.BlockCalc: Attributes configuration field of a parameter is expanded to 10 rows. - DAQ.OPC_UA: OpenSSL left includes is moved from mod_daq.cpp file to mod_prt.cpp. - !!:UI.QTCfg: Selected nodes list copy is added. - UI.VCAEngine: Calc resource is added to inherit attributes function of a session for hot and safe links update allow in development. 2010-08-18 Maxim - FIX:DB:PostgreSQL: resource allocation is added for transaction open and commit functions. 2010-08-17 Roman - FIX:Archive.DBArch: Fill EVAL values for gevValue() request is fixed. - FIX:Transport: Start for stoped output transport is added to user API functions messIO(). 2010-08-16 Roman - !!:DB: Automatic present table open is added at request. - FIX:UI.QTCfg: Found node view follow is added for nodes tree. - !!:UI.QTCfg, UI.Vision: Text string find support is added to "TextEdit" element. - SYS: RPM-spec files is updated for module DP.PostgreSQL package build. - FIX:Archive.DBArch: Values limits is removed for Real and Integer types for EVAL write support. - !:DB.MySQL: No limited "Real" and "Integer" values type support is added. For Real type EVAL conversion is added. 2010-08-13 Maxim - DB:PostgreSQL: escape string syntax is added to INSERT and UPDATE commands. - DB:PostgreSQL: NOTICE processing is overridden with the purpose of not sending the messages to stderr. - DB:PostgreSQL: an icon for the DB module is added. 2010-08-13 Roman - !!!!:Demo: Demo DB is updated for include new technological devices' models library and all model adatation. - DB: Opened tables identifier limit is expanded to 255. - !!:TFunction, DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Included function's context is added for performance rise for external functions call. - SYS: The interface translation to German is updated by Irina Popkova. - DAQ.AMRDevs: The interface translation to German is added by Irina Popkova. - DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: A libray function's formula translation disable allow is added. - FIX:UI.QTCfg: A table size change on it modify is disabled. Context update after errors into combobox and table commands is fixed. - FIX:UI.WebVision: Konqueror 4 text encoding on XML is final fixed. Konqueror 4 detect is fixed. - !!:UI.WebVision: Generic mouse events generation is added. Events process functions stack is added for some sources' events processing allow. 2010-08-09 Maxim - FIX:DB:PostgreSQL: the variables types' manipulations in the functions 'fieldStruct' and 'fieldFix' are fixed. - FIX:DB:PostgreSQL: try->catch is added to the 'enable' and 'postDisable' functions to simplify the finishing of the connection to DB. - DB:PostgreSQL: transactions processing is added to improve the performance of the DB module. 2010-08-08 Roman - Value: Return values for error set to EVAL. - FIX:Archive.FSArch: New files creation for old data fixed and made imrovement. - DB.PostgreSQL: Translation for Russian an Ukrainian is updated and for German, by Irina Popkova, is added. - FIX:DAQ.BlockCalc: Links reinit is added for disabled blocks on run. - DAQ.LogicLev: Parameter's object disable is added for the metod and the address changing. - Special.FLibComplex1: The limit by scale for setpoint of PID is added. - FIX:UI.QTCfg: A page content update for error into combobox data changing is fixed. - UI.Vision: A value archive limit by begin is removed for primitive Diagram for archive data getting from reserve station allow. 2010-08-02 Maxim - FIX:DB:PostgreSQL: 'enable' function is fixed. - DB:PostgreSQL: 'postDisable' function is added. 2010-08-01 Roman - !!!:UI.VCAEngine: New session's user-API functions for links link() and linkSet() is added. Links info for run sessions' widgets is added. Default text synth string is updated. - !!:UI.Vision: Atrribute and link value copy is added to context menu for attribute and link inspectors. 2010-07-30 Maxim - SYS: Syntax error in word "attribute" is fixed everywhere. - !!!:DB: Module for base realization of DB PostgreSQL is added. 2010-07-29 Roman - DAQ: Redundant task period type is changed to real type. - SYS: License version for all modules is changed to GPL2. - !!!:UI.VCAEngine: New session's user-API functions wdgAdd() and wdgDel() is added. Return for attrSet() is changed to current object. - UI.QTCfg: Status bar messages history display is added. 2010-07-24 Roman - SYS: Tooltip help message is added to task manager for use CPU set. - UI.VCAEngine: Widget enable message is updated. 2010-07-23 Roman - SYS: OpenSCADA start script is changed for split check for ~/.openscada directory items present. - !:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Variable's type check is full disable on compile for unary and binary operations. 2010-07-16 Roman - FIX:DAQ.DCON: Attributes of parameter deletion is fixed at a paramter second enable. 2010-07-15 Roman - FIX:SYS, Special.FLibSYS: User API functions SYS.cntrReq() and Special.FLibSYS.xmlCntrReq() is fixed for remote station requests. - !:FIX:Special.Complex1: User API function "PID" is fixed for minimum scale border correct support. - !:DAQ.BlockCalc: Constant attributes support is added to DAQ parameters. 2010-07-13 Roman - !!:SYS: CPU affinity set for OpenSCADA threads at multiply CPU systems is added. Added into task manager. - !!:SYS: OpenSCADA tasks wrapper is added for some specific function allow. Added TID to task manager. Added "TError" exeption processing for tasks into wrapper. - DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Type copy at compile mode for automatic variables is added. - !!!:Special.SystemTests: All tests is made unified, moved to separated files and realised as user's API functions. - FIX:Transport.SSL, Transport.Sockets: Task names is fixed for typical. - Demo: Demo config file oscada_demo.xml updated for module Special.SystemTests changes. 2010-07-05 Roman - SYS: Error message is added for connection to node error into TCntrNodeObj. - DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Object's properies length limit is final expanded to 255 symbols. 2010-07-04 Roman - !!:DOC: Translation to English by Maksim Lisenko for "Quick start" document is added. - !!:DOC: Generic document "OpenSCADA" at English is updateds for include "Quick start" and DAQ.OPC_UA parts. - !!:DAQ.OPC_UA: Flow help for attributes is updated. Documents updated and translation to English by Maksim Lisenko is added. 2010-07-02 Roman - !!:FIX:SYS: Class structures pack by #pragma pack(push,1) is disabled by reason the obscurity bug with threads hang and block present into OpenSCADA FirmWare of PLC LP8x81. - DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Object's properies length limit is expanded to 255 symbols. - !!:FIX:DAQ.OPC_UA: More bugs is fixed. - !!!!:DAQ.OPC_UA: Support of the security policies 'Base128Rsa15' and 'Base256' is added. 2010-06-24 Roman - !!:SYS: The function TSYS::taskCreate() is expanded for self destroied task creation. - !!:Transport.Sockets, Transport.SSL: Used unified function TSYS::taskCreate() for client's task creation. - FIX:DAQ.OPC_UA: MessageSecurityMode is fixed for server. Client nodes' resources is separated. - DAQ.OPC_UA: Security policy first part is added, for server and policy "Basic128Rsa15". 2010-06-18 Roman - DAQ.OPC_UA: Data acquisition errors processing and connection restore timeout is added into controller. 2010-06-16 Roman - DAQ.OPC_UA: Root node insert for return into browser for nodes without parent nodes. NodesId encoding for symbols '(' and ')' is added to browser for bad NodesId browse fix. - SYS: Symbols '.' and ',' shielding is added to function strEncode() for oscdID method. 2010-06-13 Roman - FIX:DAQ.OPC_UA: Full sized numberic NodeId identifier is fixed. - !!:DAQ.OPC_UA: NodeId expanded for Guid and Opaque (ByteString) support. The nodes browser is expanded for errors correct processing. 2010-06-10 Roman - FIX:SYS: The function TSYS::strParse() is fixed for multiply separators offset position. - FIX:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Line count is fixed for commented blocks by /* */. - !!:Protocol.HTTP: Outgoing protocol's function is added. - !!:FIX:Protocol.HTTP, UI.WebCfg, UI.WebCfgD, UI.WebUser, UI.Vision: HTTP-parameter's "Content-Type" value is fixed for item "Charset". 2010-05-28 Roman - SYS: Splash image is updated. - !!!!:DOC: OpenSCADA manual documents, TODO and API document is updated for - !!:SYS: The source tree version is changed to RPM-build speck files is changed for build version packages. - DemoDB: Demo DB is updated for UI.Vision panels replacement. - !!:Archive.FSArch: Documents and translations is updated and released version 1.4.0. - !!:Archive.DBArch: Documents and translations is updated and released version 0.9.1. - !!:DAQ.BlockCalc: Documents and translations is updated and released version 1.3.1. - !!:DAQ.DCON: Documents and translations is updated and released version 0.3.2. - !!:DAQ.ICP_DAS: Documents and translations is updated and released version 0.7.1. - !!:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Documents and translations is updated and released version 1.7.0. - !!:DAQ.LogicLev: Documents and translations is updated and released version 1.1.1. - !!:DAQ.ModBus: Documents and translations is updated and released version 1.1.0. - !!:DAQ.Siemens: Documents and translations is updated and released version 1.2.2. - !!:DAQ.System: Documents and translations is updated and released version 1.7.1. - !!:Protocol.ModBus: Documents and translations is updated and released version 0.6.0. - !!:Transport.SSL: Documents and translations is updated and released version 0.9.1. - !!:Transport.Serial: Documents and translations is updated and released version 0.7.0. - !!:Transport.Sockets: Documents and translations is updated and released version 1.4.2. - !!:UI.QTCfg: Documents and translations is updated and released version 1.8.3. - !!:UI.QTStarter: Documents and translations is updated and released version 1.5.4. - !!:UI.VCAEngine: Documents and translations is updated and released version 0.9.6. - !!:UI.Vision: Documents and translations is updated and released version 0.9.6. - !!:UI.WebCfgD: Documents and translations is updated and released version 0.6.4. - !!:UI.WebVision: Documents and translations is updated and released version 0.8.0. - FIX:UI.QTCfg, UI.Vision: Checking for equal value into combo-text fields is added. 2010-05-23 Roman - FIX:DAQ.LogicLev: Full parameter's links recheck for a broken link present is passed. Link is set to broken for broken address is passed. - !!:UI.Vision: UI properties support is added. Icons size for toolbars management and save it is added. - FIX:UI.Vision: Development window restor after close cancelling is fixed. 2010-05-20 Roman - !!!!:SYS: The document "Quick start" is added. - DemoDB: Updated for the document "Quick start". - !!:SYS: Debug counters interface is added to TSYS. - FIX:Archive.FSArch: Some checking for decompression errors is added. Some integer's limits is fixed for long periods. - DAQ.ICP_DAS: Slot 9 open is moved to all other slors open/close place. - UI.VCAEngine: An attribute check, into changed attributes list, is improved for end symbol ';' include. - FIX:UI.Vision: Spin boxed "Line Edit" field crawl at changing, into project's properties dialog, is fixed. 2010-05-06 Roman - !:SYS: RPM-build spec file for separated modules is updated for DAQ.OPC_UA support. - !!:DAQ.OPC_UA: Secure modes is locked for select. Document is added. - !!:UI.Vision: VCA station display field, into runtime window status, is made hiden for local station. For primitive "Diagram" building used QImage instead QPicture and for significant the performance improved. 2010-05-06 Maxim - !:UI.Vision: The QImage is changed to QPixmap for drawing the primitive ElFigure, this has significantly improved the performance. 2010-04-30 Roman - SYS: "TVariant::TVariant( const char *var )" constructor is added for string type. - UI.Vision: The control for cached pages lifetime into runtime mode is added. - !!!!:DAQ.OPC_UA: DAQ and protocol module is released to version 0.5.0. Base support for OPC_UA client and servers is added into no secure mode. 2010-04-14 Roman - FIX:DAQ.ModBus: LRC calc is fixed for ModBus/ASCII. 2010-04-12 Roman - !!:Protocol.UserProtocol, UI.WebUser: The documents translation to English, by Maksim Lisenko is added. - !:DAQ.OPC_UA: Write support is added and read is fixed. - FIX:Transport.Serial: Device unlock is fixed on "Busy", "No carrier" and other connection errors. - Transport.Serial: Documents is updated. 2010-04-11 Roman - FIX:SYS: Wrong security defines SEQ_RD, SEQ_WR and SEQ_XT is renamed to SEC_RD, SEC_WR and SEC_XT - FIX:SYS: Start scripts is fixed for global prevent multiply starting. - FIX:Transport: Control interface's permitions is fixed to group "Transport". - SYS: Function resTryW() and resTryR() is added to Resource object. - !!!!:Transport.Serial: Modem mode support is added for all input and output transports. 2010-04-02 Roman - FIX:DAQ.AMRDevs: Acquisition task is fixed. Old Ergomera protocol is fixed and PDU size control is added. - FIX:DAQ.ModBus: PDU size control is added. - !!:DAQ.OPC_UA: OPC UA clien acquisition is made work. OPC UA server nodes browser is added to client's controller. - !:UI.QTCfg: Rows adjusting is added for tables after new rows add. Table's content copy to clipboard is added. - FIX:UI.QTCfg: QT bug for no updating first row a table at some cases is hacked. 2010-03-30 Maxim - FIX:UI.WebVision: The negative rotation angle set is fixed for the Text primitive. 2010-03-30 Maxim - FIX:UI.WebVision: The rotation of the primitive Text is improved for the strings with "\n" characters and fixed a little. 2010-03-28 Roman - SYS: New modules is added to modules-separated rpm build spec-file. - !:FIX:SYS: Multiply program call mechanism is fixed for locked process' PID check, by reason old locks deletion from /tmp directory by system. - DemoDB: Special call script and config is added for local OpenSCADA build and demo call. - !:DAQ.OPC_UA: Session control and unified request function reqOPC() is added to DAQ. Nodes browser's list is added to DAQ-controller. NodeId-class is added for string nodes support and generic support for all. - FIX:UI.QTCfg: Tables build is fixed. 2010-03-22 Roman - !!:DAQ.OPC_UA: Session control for server is added. Errors generation and processing is made unified for server and client. - FIX:UI.QTCfg: Tables generation size is some fixed. 2010-03-17 Roman - FIX:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Object's type attribute display is added. - !:DAQ.OPC_UA: OPCServer class is renamed to OPCEndPoint. Certificates encoding from PEM to DER is added. And some other... - !!:Transport.SSL, Transport.Sockets: Timings is added to output transport for connection time and next response time control. - !!:Transport.Serial: Serial transport's timings store is moved to addition parameters field. - !!!!:UI.WebUser: Pages index is added. The document is added and version 0.5.0 released. 2010-03-17 Maxim - !!:UI.WebVision: The rotation of the primitive Text is added. - FIX:UI.WebVision: The font correction for the primitive Diagram is fixed. 2010-03-16 Roman - !:Protocol.UserProtocol: Output user protocol address is made by IO attribute "ProtIt". 2010-03-15 Roman - FIX:SYS: Task creation forcing is fixed for already presented record. - FIX:DAQ.ModBus: Hung record about task already started is fixed. - !:DAQ.OPC_UA: The codes of node's types define is added. - !!!!:Protocol.UserProtocol: The document is added and version 0.5.0 released. 2010-03-12 Roman - !!!!:SYS.TCntrNode, SYS.TCfg, SYS.TFld, DAQ.JavaLikeCalc.Attr : Structures (classes) data pack is added by #pragma pack(push,1) - !!:Protocol: The function itemListIn() is added for protocol's items allow for select. Subsystem modules API version is changed to 3. - !!:Transport, DAQ.ModBus, Protocol.UserProtocol: Protocol's items selection, by function TProtocol::itemListIn(), support is added. - !!:SYS: The function strParse() is added for expand function strSepParse() to multisymbols separators support and one symbol separator's merging. - !!:SYS: Symbols shielding, like "\n", encoding "ShieldSimb" is added for function strEncode(). - !!:DAQ.Value: User's API functions get() and set() attribute is added. - !!:SYS.TVarObj: The function propList() is added for attributes scan allow. - !!!!:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Cycle view for object's properties scan is added "for( <i> in <obj> ) <code>;". - FIX:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Error's column position calc is fixed for string constants and object's dots. - !!:DAQ.OPC_UA: Server object and security channel registartion is added. Test prototype realisation finished. Integration for OpenSCADA objects is started. - FIX:UI.QTCfg. UI.Vision: Automatic RichText is disabled for text fields and information/error messages. - UI.QTStarter: UI modules selection is added. - !!:UI.VCAEngine: Mutable attribute's fields inherit enabled and made safe. - !!:UI.WebUser: HTTP variables scan is made unified. Post content's items is full parsed and put to Array<XMLNodeObj> for user's procedure. 2010-03-10 Roman - FIX:DAQ.DCON: Removing '\r' symbol from responds is fixed. 2010-03-05 Roman - !!!!:Protocol: The module 'UserProtocol' is added for allow self-user protocols creation on any OpenSCADA language. - !!!!:UI: The module 'WebUser' is added for allow self-user Web-pages creation on any OpenSCADA language. - SYS.Resource: Deadlock warnings missing is added to ResAlloc. - !:SYS: User's API function "strFromCharCode" is added. - FIX:Transport.Input: Protocol selection is made. Direct user's API function messIO() is fixed. User's request throw through output transport dialog is fixed for Sockets and SSL. - !!:Archive.FSArch, Archive.DBArch: Addition parameters storing is moved to XML-field "A_PRMS". - !!!:Archive.FSArch: Info files creation is added for packed archives and without this data storing into DB. The function allow fast archives connection to other stations. - FIX:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: User's API string function charCodeAt() is fixed for unsigned code return. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: A project selection for a session is fixed. - FIX:UI.Vision: A text rotation of primitive "Text" is fixed fo angles more 180 degrees. - FIX:UI.WebCfgD: Empty icons hide on pages is added for browsers based on KHTML. - FIX:UI.WebVision: Internal widgets updating is fixed at borders changing. 2010-02-27 Roman - !!:DAQ.AMRDevs: Base support for devices "Ergomera" is added. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Three level's widgets permition save is fixed on session run. 2010-02-22 Roman - SYS: The function TCntrNode::ctrRemoveNode() is added for nodes remove into control interface. - !!:DAQ.AMRDevs: Base support for device "FlowTEC UGT-AA55" is added. - DAQ.System: Some code has cleared. 2010-02-20 Roman - !!!!:DAQ: The module AMRDevs is added. - !!:Transport.Serial: Flow control mode selection is added. Supported hardware (CRTSCTS) and software (IXON|IXOFF) flow controls. - UI.VCAEngine: A widget disable at it parent change is added. 2010-02-16 Roman - !!!:DAQ.ModBus: The suffixes 'i2,i4,f,b0' to registers (R and RI) added for flexibly accessing by different data types. 2010-02-15 Roman - !:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: The function isEVal() is added to base types for EVAL values detection. A function to compile stage is added correct EVAL values casting. - DAQ.OPC_UA: Up to "Browse" request protocol OPC UA is discovered. 2010-02-12 Roman - !!:FIX:DAQ, DAQ.BlockCalc, DAQ.JavaLikeCalc, DAQ.LogicLev, DAQ.Siemens: Geting broken data into redundancy code for no redundancy tasks and for no one reserve station present. - DAQ:Function: A function using counter information is added. - FIX:DAQ.ICP_DAS: The loss tasks stoping is fixed. - DAQ.ICP_DAS: CPU module's data access is moved to self module object "LP-8781". Discrete IO reverse configuration support is added. - DAQ.OPC_UA: Up to "Read" request protocol OPC UA is discovered. - FIX:UI.Vision: The bacground and frame rotation is disabled for primitive "Text". 2010-02-08 Roman - DAQ.OPC_UA: Up to session establish is realised. - UI.QTCfg, UI.Vision: Text cursor position information is added to Text fields. - FIX:Value: Set value to archive error processing is added. - DAQ.ICP_DAS: Set EVAL value to parameters on connection loss time fixed for maximum time from current. 2010-02-06 Maxim - FIX:UI.Vision: The priority of figures' drawing is corrected for the primitive ElFigure. - FIX:UI.WebVision: The priority of figures' drawing is corrected for the primitive ElFigure. 2010-02-03 Maxim - UI.Vision: The lowering and rising of the figures in developing mode is improved for the primitive ElFigure. 2010-01-30 Roman - !!!!:DOC: The DAQ document and generic document of OpenSCADA translation to English is added. - !!:DemoDB: View cadre and Result graphics scaling for present items is added. Some fixes is made. - FIX:Transport: Messages manual requests send is fixed for wait respond tail. - FIX:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Set binary operation result for object's elements to Dinamic type is fixed. - FIX:Transport.Serial: Symbol time value is enlarged. - UI.Vision: Scale checking into full screens modes is added for correction. 2010-01-29 Maxim - FIX:UI.Vision: The MouseButtonDblClick event in runtime mode is fixed for the primitive ElFigure. - FIX:UI.Vision: Making the color and the image of the fill the dynamic ones is corrected for the primitive ElFigure. - FIX:UI.WebVision: The event's generation by the mouse events is fixed for the primitive ElFigure. - UI.Vision: Deleting of the Fill is added to the context menu of the ElFigure's widget. 2010-01-28 Maxim - FIX:UI.Vision: Clearing the circles after connecting the both points of the one figure to the other one simultaneously is fixed for the primitive ElFigure. - UI.Vision: Deleting of the Fill is added to the context menu of the ElFigure's widget. 2010-01-25 Roman - !!:DOC: TODO and README documents is updated. README translation to Ukrainian is added. - SYS: Splash image is updated. - !!!!:DOC: OpenSCADA manual documents and API document is updated for The API OpenSCADA document's translation to English is added. - !:SYS, Archive.*, DB.*, DAQ.*, Protocol.SelfSystem, Transport.*, UI.VCAEngine, UI.WebCfg, UI.WebCfgD: Empty inforamtion about commandline options is removed. 2010-01-22 Roman - !!:Protocol.SelfSystem: Documents and translations is updated and released version 0.9.2. - !!:Special.FLibComplex1: Documents and translations is updated and released version 1.0.5. - !!:Special.FLibSYS: Documents and translations is updated and released version 0.9.1. - !!:Transport.SSL: Documents and translations is updated and released version 0.9.0. - !!:Transport.Serial: Documents and translations is updated and released version 0.6.0. - !!:Transport.Sockets: Documents and translations is updated and released version 1.4.1. - !!:UI.QTCfg: Documents and translations is updated and released version 1.8.2. - !!:UI.VCAEngine: Documents and translations is updated and released version 0.9.5. - !!:UI.Vision: Documents and translations is updated and released version 0.9.5. - !!:UI.WebCfgD: Documents and translations is updated and released version 0.6.3. - !!:UI.WebVision: Documents and translations is updated and released version 0.7.5. 2010-01-21 Roman - !!:Archive.FSArch: Documents and translations is updated and released version 1.3.2. - !!:DAQ.BlockCalc: Documents and translations is updated and released version 1.3.0. - !!:DAQ.DAQGate: Documents and translations is updated and released version 0.9.0. - !!:DAQ.ICP_DAS: Documents and translations is updated and released version 0.7.0. - !!:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Documents and translations is updated and released version 1.6.0. - !!:DAQ.LogicLev: Documents and translations is updated and released version 1.1.0. - !!:DAQ.ModBus: Documents and translations is updated and released version 1.0.2. - !!:Protocol.ModBus: Documents and translations is updated and released version 0.5.1. 2010-01-20 Roman - SYS: RPM-spec files is updated for openscada_demo call and user's passwords fixing. - !!!!:SYS: The files debian/* is added for build Debian packages support. - !!:DemoDB: User call for Demo DB support is added for write to DB support. - FIX:Archive.Value: Last value archivator call is added on archive task stop for present data save. - FIX:SYS: Text encoding crash on error symbols into begin encoded text's is fixed. 2010-01-18 Roman - FIX:SYS: Task creation with policy SCHED_OTHER from task with policy SCHED_RR error is fixed. - !!:FIX:Transport.Serial, DAQ.DCON, DAQ.ModBus: Serial transport is made optimal and typical and fixed some bugs. The transport clients is adapted for new mechanism. - DAQ.DCON, DAQ.ICP_DAS: Request tries is added. - !!:DAQ.ICP_DAS: DIP switch status for LP-8781 is enabled. Serial message send functions is moved to common function serReq() and all requests used it. - FIX:DAQ.ModBus: LRC check for protocol variant ASCII is fixed. - DAQ.OPC_UA: OpenSecureChannel and GetEndpoints message type first support is added. 2010-01-11 Roman - !!:SYS: The source tree version is changed to RPM-build speck files is changed for build version packages. - FIX:SYS: RPM-build speck files is fixed for set package *-demo architecture dependent. - FIX:SYS: The function TMess::codeConv() is improved for output buffer increase to 1000 and put error message with error caused of encoded test part. - DAQ.OPC_UA: The module expanded for output protocols support. - !!!!:DemoDB: Demo DB is significant updated for support new features and include new improvements from Ball mills automatic system project. 2010-01-08 Roman - DAQ: The function TTipDAQ::compileFuncLangs() expanded for fast information getting about compilation procedures' languages support by module. - SYS: Errors level about directory change is degrade to "warning". "Final start" message is added. - SYS, ModShedule: No one module loaded detection is added for exit with error message print. The functions TModSchedul::loadLibS() and TModSchedul::libLoad() is expanded for loaded modules number to return. - !!:FIX:SYS: Incorrect thread policy set is fixed. For set RealTime policy need set attribute PTHREAD_EXPLICIT_SCHED for thread. - Resource: Wait timeout changed to milliseconds. - DAQ.ICP_DAS: Replaced resources alloc from auto-variable to direct alloc functions for fast task. Into requests to output modules added timeouted resource. 2010-01-04 Roman - !!:DAQ, DAQ.DAQGate: Data request made optimal by request size and time into reserve mode is added. The flag of detect requests is set independent into OpenSCADA core. - DAQ.OPC_UA: OPC UA Binari protocol's parse functions is tested and updated. - !!!:FIX:Transport.Sockets, Transport.SSL: Not full writing into function write() is fixed. Ordinary function write() is write limited buffer (~50kB) and for write big data blocks need check and repeat request. Fixed checking for allow data into SSL-buffer for BIO_read() function of SSL. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Quitance flags reset is made for new alarm setting. 2009-12-29 Roman,Maxim - FIX:Archive.Val: The values archivation task is prevented for early start. - FIX:DAQ.ICP_DAS: LP-8x81 controller set and save watchdog timer value is fixed. Serial modules save watchdog time value is fixed also. - DAQ.ICP_DAS: Write fast data to OpenSCADA attributes is moved from resource of access to parallel bus. - DAQ.OPC_UA: Binary protocol data access function is added and present request processing is rewrote. - FIX:Archive.FSArch: Double files creation is prevented. - FIX:UI.Vision: Time and date is localised and some updated into RunTime full-screen mode. - FIX:UI.Vision: Shape item crash by no inited variables of primitive "ElFigure" is fixed. 2009-12-25 Roman - DAQ:Redundant controllers' status gate is added. Include error code and message. - FIX:DAQ:A controller DB values copy prevent is added. - FIX:DAQ:The redundant policy "<Optimal>" is fixed. - UI.Vision, UI.WebVision: The 3px margin is added to horisontal labels of primitive "Diagram". - UI.Vision: Font rise for message of access denid to page view is added. - UI.Vision: The style display status field is hide for no one styles present. - FIX:Archive: Access to archive values from redundant station for no bounded arrays is fixed. 2009-12-21 Roman - DAQ: Not realised redundant mode "Symmetric" is commented. - FIX:DAQ.ICP_DAS: The parallel bus' devices resource is merge for use common resource to access the parallel bus. Deletion parameter's attributes is made chekable to already presented self attributes. 2009-12-21 Maxim - DB.SQLite, DB.MySQL, DB.FireBird,DB.DBF: Some fixes in the English translation variant are made. 2009-12-20 Roman - SYS: The timeout field is added to functions taskCreate() and taskDestroy(). - FIX:DAQ.ICP_DAS: Fast module I-8017 processing is fixed. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: The processed widgets of session disabling is added on time parent widget deletion. 2009-12-18 Roman - FIX:DAQ, DAQ.BlockCalc, DAQ.LogicLev: First call missing is fixed on redundant station. The redundant flag set to false, by default, and set to true only for redundanted controllers on it enabling. - SYS: User's API function "system" is expanded by second parameter 'noPipe'. 2009-12-16 Roman - !!:SYS.Archive: Adaptive generic request to archives is made. For need period make archivator quality select. Prevent long time processin for big intervals. - FIX:DAQ.ICP_DAS: Main controller's task start flag set is made after first call. - DAQ.OPC_UA: Security connection establish request, base realisation, is added. - UI.QTCfg, UI.Vision: Text fields apply by Ctrl+Enter is added. 2009-12-11 Roman - FIX:UI.Vision: Modify status check into development mode is fixed. 2009-12-10 Roman - !!!!:FIX:DAQ.ModBus: Resource alloc loss on time data gathering is fixed. By reason resourced string's assign for direct string set, by constructor. - FIX:SYS.Resource: Resource string implicit assign by constructor is prevented. - UI.Vision: Global saving is added to development mode. 2009-12-09 Roman - SYS.Resource: String resources' functions is moved to library. - DAQ.ICP_DAS: Return value process for broken connections is added. - DAQ.ModBus: Memory reserve to request's buffers allocation is added for prevent memory reallocation. - !!:DAQ: Template module "=Tmpl=" for "DAQ" subsystem is created. - !!:DAQ: Start realisation of module "OPC_UA" is added. - FIX:Protocol.=Tmpl=: Some messages fixes is made. 2009-12-03 Roman - DAQ.BlockCalc: Input links setup allow is added for output attributes. - DAQ.ICP_DAS: Parallel bus' devices access resource is added. - FIX:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: The access to objects is fixed as functions parameter (IO). - Transport.Sockets: Protocol error message is added for empty or broken protocols. - !!!!:UI.VCAEngine: The special attribute "this" is added for direct access to control object (Widget or Page) from scripts. To object "Widget" added functions of user's API: ownerSess(), ownerPage(), ownerWdg(), attrPresent(), attr() and attrSet(). 2009-12-01 Roman - !!!!:SYS: Global functions is added for central control for OpenSCADA tasks: taskCreate() and taskDestroy(). All OpenSCADA parts is used new tasks API. - DAQ.DAQGate: The limit (> 50%) is added for control by separated requested attributes and make full request instead. - FIX:Transport.SSL: Restore try time is risen to 0.5 s. 2009-11-28 Roman - FIX:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Get properties from constants crash is fixed. - DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Get symbol from string by array notation "val"[1] support is added. - !!!!:Transport.SSL: Keep alive limits support is added. Reconection support is added, after connection close by server and prevent requests loss. - Transport.Socket: Used addition parameters DB field for store properties the output transport. - DemoDB: Some updated. 2009-11-26 Roman - SYS: Core dump creation is enabled into start scripts. - !!:SYS: User's API functions is added to OpenSCADA core object: messDebug, messInfo, messNote, messWarning, messErr, messCrit, messAlert and messEmerg. - DAQ.BlockCalc: Help is added to field the priority blocks list. - !!!:UI.Vision: An identical attributes of group widgets setup suport is added to the attributes inspector through group. 2009-11-25 Roman - !!:FIX:UI.VCAEngine: The crash on mutable attributes modify is fixed. Mutable attribute's structure is not inherited now. 2009-11-24 Roman - !!!!:SYS.Value, DAQ.DAQGate: Separated attributes request support is added. Used for access to archivated and often updated values. All other values requested with sync period or after request to its. Used for decrease load and time at DAQGate exchanging to remote OpenSCADA station. - FIX:DAQ.ICP_DAS: The module I-87057 set BOOL_EVAL value is fixed. 2009-11-23 Roman - FIX:SYS.XML: Optimal encode function to XML is fixed. Error post on parsing error is fixed. 2009-11-22 Roman - !!!!:SYS.XML: XML node convert to stream, function save(), is made optimal for time. - Protocol.SelfSystem: Debug messages is added for input protocol tune allow. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Default command for speech synth ru_tts is fixed. 2009-11-20 Roman - !:SYS: The User's system API, based on object TCntrNodeObj is expanded for user permition control. TAreaObj object is renamed to TArrayObj. - !!:SYS: User's API functions is added to OpenSCADA core object: time, localtime, strftime, strptime and cron. - !!:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: User's API functions is added to string type value: insert, replace, toReal, toInt, parse, parsePath and path2sep. 2009-11-17 Roman - FIX:UI.QTCfg, UI.Vision: The popup calendar of enter fields is improved for lock write new values, enable grid and set Monday as week start. - FIX:QT locale is force set for calendar localisation fix. 2009-11-14 Roman - !!:FIX:SYS.Res: Timeouted resource lock and deadlock control is fixed. - UI.QTCfg, UI.Vision: The popup calendar is enabled for Date and DateTime enter fields. - DAQ.BlockCalc: Disable to modify check for output links. - FIX:SYS: The configure.in is fixed for build on autoconf 2.64. 2009-11-13 Roman - FIX:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Prevent to recompile equal functions is set. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Lock run session is fixed on time self page close. 2009-11-12 Roman - DAQ.ICP_DAS: The module I-8017 hang on fast acquisition detect is added. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Attributes type changing fix is return to back by wrong fix cause. 2009-11-11 Roman - FIX:DAQ.ModBus: ModBUS block's resource missing cause crash is fixed. - !:SYS: Multiply start preventing is added to demo-start and user-start scripts. - !!:SYS: User's API functions is added to OpenSCADA core object: system(), message(), XMLNode() and cntrReq(). - !!!!:SYS.Function, DAQ.BlockCalc, DAQ.LogicLev, UI.VCAEngine: To check controller's parameters the modify controll mechanism is added. - !!:DB: User's API functions SQLReq() is added to DB object. - !!:Archives: User's API function messGet() is added to Archive subsystem object. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Attributes type change is fixed for Mutable attributes of primitives "Text" and "FormEl". - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Error message is added on time creation attribute with already present name. 2009-11-10 Maxim - UI.Vision, UI.WebVision: Additional event by the mouse click to the any "fill" is added for the primitive ElFigure. 2009-11-09 Roman - DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Start point for system's objects is changed to symbol "SYS". - DAQ.ModBus: Error code into status is added for connection losses detect. 2009-11-06 Roman - FIX:DAQ.DAQGate: True status show is fixed on time connection try. - DAQ.ICP_DAS: Fast task priority is risen to 32. - Protocol.SelfSystem: Strong timeout set is removed for output transport's request. - !!:UI.VCAEngine: Object's functions of user's API is added: user(), alrmSndPlay() and alrmQuietance(). 2009-11-05 Roman - !!:SYS, Special.FLibSYS: User's API object XMLNodeObj is moved to OpenSCADA core (tvariant.h, tvariant.cpp). - !!:Transport: User's API function "messIO()" is added to object of output transport for make requests through protocol. - FIX:DAQ.DAQGate: Put parameter's attributes to EVAL and set parameter's err code on the connection losses. - UI.QTCfg, UI.Vision: Tab size is decreased to 40 pixels for QTextEdit. - FIX:UI.Vision: Hold cursor is fixed for primitive "Diagram" on time cursor set. - FIX:UI.Vision, UI.WebVision: EVAL process is fixed for cursor values of primitive "Diagram". - !!:UI.Vision, UI.WebVision: Vertical scale is improved for primitive "Diagram". 2009-11-03 Roman - UI.QTCfg: The word wrap is added to page title. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: The permition to close pages is set for all. - FIX:UI.Vision: Run time's child window is fixed. - UI.Vision: Run time's child window title is set from page's name. - FIX:UI.Vision, UI.WebVision: EVAL value interpretation is fixed for current values of primitive "Diagram". 2009-10-30 Roman - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Close page from script is fixed. Cross linking pages call is fixed. - !!:DAQ: Error code is added to conroller status. - FIX:DAQ.LogicLev: Get error for compile new template functions is fixed. 2009-10-29 Roman - Special.FLibComplex1: The function's PID setpoint is made output. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: The modify for items check is unified, expanded and some fixed. - FIX:UI.Vision, UI.WebVision: The logical values trand's display is fixed for no borders set. - FIX:UI.Vision: Editable mode for primitive protocol at noactive status is fixed. - FIX:UI.WebVision: Save alpha channel for images of primitive "Diagram" is fixed. 2009-10-26 Roman - DAQ.DAQGate: Setup parameter's values to EVAL is added on time connection error. - DAQ.ICP_DAS: Watchdogs support is added. - FIX:UI.QTCfg: QLabel values display is fixed for HTML values. - UI.WebCfgD: EVAL display is added for boolean readonly values. 2009-10-23 Roman - FIX:DAQ.BlockCalc: Block's ordering is fixed. - DAQ.BlockCalc, DAQ.LogicLev: Independent resource is added for lock writing parameters on time calc. - DAQ.ICP_DAS: The module I-87057W support is added. - DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: The dynamic type is added for prevent type casting on compile time. Set no write permition to attributes of parameter for Input function's attributes. - !!:Special.FLibComplex1: The function PID is expanded by new parameters: Kd, Tzd and followSp. And parameter Tf is removed. - !!:UI.Vision, UI.WebVision: The alpha support is added to colors for all primitives. - UI.Vision, UI.WebVision: Fill view is added to primitive "Diagram" for boolean values. - UI.Vision: Send events from Quitance buttons is added. Active mode support of primitive "Protocol" is expanded. 2009-10-19 Roman - DAQ.LogicLev: Writing to template's context by resourced is added. - FIX:Special.FLibComplex1: Tf is move only for differential part lag. - UI.Vision: Into spin form's widgets is reserved place for apply button. - !!:UI.WebVision: The scale support is added to primitive "Diagram". 2009-10-16 Roman - FIX:UI.Vision: Rule mouse events to underlie widgets is made. - UI.Vision, UI.WebVision: Automatic cancel, after five second, is added for edited line of primitive "FormEl". - !!:FIX:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Using functions for controller's parameters from function's IO is fixed for first using time. 2009-10-14 Roman - SYS: RPM-build spec-files is fixed and adapted for build version 0.6.4. - FIX:DAQ.BlockCalc: Ordering blocks calc mechanism is fixed and expanded. - FIX:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Type casting for second argument is fixed if first argument is Object's function result. The controller function's IO values restoring is fixed after IO configuration changing. - UI.QTCfg: Eval display is added for digital values. - !!:UI.VCAEngine, UI.Vision, UI.WebVision: Full diagramm vertical scaling support is added. - FIX:UI.Vision, UI.WebVision: Hide widgets on view permission absence is fixed. - UI.Vision: Hide "No style" messages in RunTime. 2009-10-12 Roman 0.6.4 - DemoDB: Updated for new stufs. - SYS: Splash image is updated. - SYS: RPM build spec file is adapted for 0.6.4 building. - !!:DOC: TODO and README documents is updated. 2009-10-11 Roman - FIX:SYS: RPMs build spec-file for multiple modules is fixed. - !!:DAQ.BlockCalc: Ordering into blocks calc is added. - FIX:DAQ.ICP_DAS: Module's I-8042W inputs inversion is added. - !!:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Fields setting for controller's parametrs is expanded. - FIX:Special.FLibComplex1, Special.FLibMath, Special.FLibSYS: Functions is enabled in time module enabling. - !!!:Transport.Sockets: Keep-alive limits is added. Priority set is added for transport's tasks. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: The attribute "docAMess" of primitive "Document" processing is fixed. - !!:UI.Vision, UI.WebVision: Full support the alarms is finished for primitive "Protocol". - UI.Vision: Vertical scroll position saving is added for primitive "Document". - FIX:UI.Vision: Columns and rows resizing is fixed for primitive "Protocol". - FIX:UI.Vision, UI.WebVision: Direct light border making is disable for primitive "Box". Use for this script. - !!!!:/DOC: OpenSCADA manual documents and API document is updated and release 0.6.4 preview is added. Old version's previews is deleted. 2009-10-05 Roman - Archive.Alarm: All allarms list processing is added by set begin and end request time equal. - UI.VCAEngine, UI.Vision, UI.WebVision: The property "headVis" is added to primitive "Protocol". - SYS: Virtual packages build openscada-plc, openscada-server and openscada-visStation is added to RPM-spec file. 2009-10-04 Roman - SYS: New RPM build spec file is added to repository for build seperated packages for modules. - FIX:DAQ.DAQGate: Stop acquisition task is fixed on put too old data to archive's buffer. - DAQ.LogicLev: Back write the value of attribute NAME and DESCR from template. 2009-10-02 Roman - FIX:DAQ: For error in time first enabling controller is made repeate. - Archive.Val: An archive buffer display data's begin a and time is added. - DAQ.DAQGate: Archive processing disable support is added. Into this mode for current archives is set current time. - DAQ.ICP_DAS: Connection's error display into attribute "err" is added. - DAQ.LogicLev: A parameter main attributes (SHIFR,NAME and DESCR) bridging to template support is added. - UI.Vision: The children window of main window into runtime is made not resizible and not minimizable. - FIX:Archive.Val: Zero time return for up ordered request to value buffer is fixed. Can hang system on time first buffers values drop to archive. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Copy items is fixed for check inherit flag previous attribute. 2009-09-30 Roman - FIX:Function,UI.VCAEngine: Creation independent function for different from parent widgets is made. - FIX:DAQ.LogicLev: Exclude EVAL writing by link. - UI.VCAEngine: Dynamic link is made deep check for find parameters into present link. - UI.Vision: Stacked widgets selection is made by second click to up-selected widget. - UI.Vision: The color for temporary a page loading messages into container is set to BorderColor for primitive "Box". 2009-09-28 Roman - SYS.Template: The column "Access" is renamed to "Configure". - !!:DAQ.BlockCalc: Direct links to parameters using is added. - DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: The operation "AND" and "OR" is made EVAL insensitivity. 2009-09-26 Roman - !!:UI.QTCfg: Documents and translations is updated and released version 1.8.1. - !!:UI.VCAEngine: Documents and translations is updated, the document translated to English is added and released version 0.9.0. - !!:UI.Vision: Documents and translations is updated, the document translated to English is added and released version 0.9.0. - !:UI.WebCfg: The document translated to English is added. - !!:UI.WebCfgD: Documents and translations is updated, the German translation is added and released version 0.6.2. - !!:UI.WebVision: Documents and translations is updated, the document translated to English is added and released version 0.7.0. - !:Transport.SSL, Transport.Sockets: The German translation is added. 2009-09-24 Roman - FIX:Archive: Get vals from values archive is fixed for don't use limits for limited buffers. - !!:FIX:Archive.FSArch: Export data by multiply buffer using is fixed. - FIX:DAQ.Templates, DAQ.JavaLikeCalc, DAQ.ModBus: Remove holes is added into function of ordering items loading. 2009-09-24 Maxim - FIX:UI.Vision: Rounding of the elements' widths is added for the primitive ElFigure to synchronize it with the WebVision. 2009-09-22 Roman - !!!!:SYS, DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: DOM mechanism to OpenSCADA objects is released, based on user object "TCntrNodeObj". - !!!!:Transport: DOM function messIO() is added to output transports for direct requests allow for users allow. - FIX:Transport: Manualy request sending resource alloc is fixed. - !!:DAQ.DAQGate: Documents is updated and released version 0.8.0. - !!:DAQ.DCON: Documents is updated and released version 0.3.0. - DAQ.ICP_DAS: Front led control is realised for modules I-87019 and I-8017HW. - !!:DAQ.ICP_DAS: Documents is created and released version 0.5.0. - FIX:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: The object's properties loading sequence is fixed. Some any fixes is made. - !!:Special.FLibSYS: New user's functions strEnc2Bin() and strDec4Bin() is added. Microseconds time's part is added to function FFT(). - Special.FLibSYS, Special.FLibComplex1: Translation the document to English is added. 2009-09-18 Roman - !!:DAQ.BlockCalc: Documents is updated and released version 1.2.1. - !!:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Documents is updated and released version 1.5.0. - !!:DAQ.LogicLev: Documents is updated and released version 1.0.1. - !!:DAQ.ModBus: Documents is updated and released version 1.0.1. - !!:DAQ.Siemens: Documents is updated and released version 1.2.1. 2009-09-17 Roman - !:DAQ.ModBus: Calc acquisition task by cron schedule is added. 2009-09-17 Maxim - FIX:/UI/Vision: Line's styles saving and unscaling the widths when exiting the edit mode are fixed. 2009-09-16 Roman - FIX:DAQ.JavaLikeCalc: Frequency value into attribute "f_frq" is fixed. - Protocol.SelfSystem: Documents is updated. - !:Special.FLibComplex1: The "cycle" attribute of function "PID" is changed to "f_frq". - !!:Special.FLibComplex1: Documents is updated and released version 1.0.4. - !:Special.FLibMath: Documents is updated and English document is added. - !!:Special.FLibSYS: Documents is updated and released version 0.9.0. - !!:Special.SystemTests: Documents is updated and released version 1.3.7. - !!:Transport.SSL: Documents is updated and released version 0.8.2. 2009-09-13 Roman - !!!!:DAQ.ICP_DAS: Here is realised modules I-87019RW, I-8017HW, I-87024W, I-8042W full support. - FIX:UI.WebCfgD: To TextEdit field save function is added HTML-encoding. HTML encoding function is fixed. 2009-09-08 Roman - DAQ.LogicLev: A parameter copy function is expanded for template mode. - Special.FLibComplex1: Into PID function is added separated input for manual values input and store. - FIX:Special.FLibSYS: The IsArch() function of object VArchObj is fixed. - Special.FLibSYS: To object VArchObj is added function isNull(); - FIX:UI.Vision, UI.WebVision: Including a page into container is fixed for a page source. 2009-09-07 Maxim,Roman - FIX:UI.Vision: The UI.Vision item's dialog update is fixed on a widget error enabling. - FIX:UI.VCAEngine: Parents list get is fixed for widgets which have error parent set. 2009-09-06 Roman - !!!!:/SYS: The source tree version is changed to 0.6.4. OpenSCADA library version changed to 0:11:0. RPM-build speck file is changed for build version 0.6.4 packages. - !!!!:/DAQ/ICP_DAS: New module for hardware of the ICP DAS support is added. - !!:/DemoDB: Some fixes. Translations updating. SO main page is feature expanded. Contour frame's fonts is risen and buttons for value changing is added. - /SYS: Encode variant "ID" is renamed to "oscdID". - FIX:/DAQ/BlockCalc: A controller configuration field "IO" is expanded to size 1000 from 200. - /DAQ/DAQGate: Global checking for write equal values is added. - FIX:/DAQ/DCON: The patch of Almaz Karimov is included for fix some bugs. - FIX:/DAQ/JavaLikeCalc: Hierarchical object's functions call is fixed. Errors on string result of object's function is fixed. - FIX:/DAQ/Siemens: Error messages string variable is make resourced. - /DAQ/Siemens: Direct check for equal seted value is added. - !!:/Special/FLibSYS: The functions for direct access to archives is removed. - !:/UI/VCAEngine: The function wdgList() of user's API output changet to Array object. - FIX:/UI/Vision: The primitive "FormEl" fields edit closing is added on widget hide. - !:/Archive/DBArch: Document is updated. - !!:/Archive/FSArch: Document is updated and released version 1.3.1. - !:/DB/DBF: Document is updated. - !:/DB/FireBird: Document is updated. - !!:/DB/MySQL: Document is updated and released version 1.6.1. - !!:/DB/SQLite: Document is updated and released version 1.6.1. 2009-09-03 Maxim - FIX:/UI/Vision: Translation of the "Connections" button into Russian and Ukrainian is changed. 2009-09-02 Maxim - FIX:/UI/Vision: Scaling and unscaling of the width in devel mode is fixed for primitive ElFigure. 2009-09-01 Maxim - FIX:/UI/Vision: Repainting the picture when geometry of widget is changed is fixed for primitive ElFigure. 2009-08-27 Roman - !!!!:/SYS: German translation updating path by Klaus Fetscher is merged to source tree. - FIX:/Transport/SSL: The fixed path of the new SSL version's changing API is merged to source tree. - !!!!:/UI/VCAEngine:/UI/Vision: Styles support is added. 2009-08-21 Roman - FIX:/DAQ/*: Redundant processing into attrSet() is fixed. - FIX:/DB,/DB/SQLite,/DB/MySQL: Multilingual access to DB is fixed. 2009-08-20 Roman - !!:/DAQ/ModBus: Write to PLC is set only if value not equal previous and not EVAL. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Some hack for QT bug of widget update into scroll area is set. 2009-08-17 Roman - !!:/UI/Vision, /UI/WebVision: Disabled trends checking, include correct color check, is added to primitive "Diagram". - FIX:/UI/WebVision: The focus get is fixed for primitive "Document". 2009-08-14 Roman - !!!!:/DemoDB: DB and config file is rebuilded for made English language by default. - /SYS: Manual seting the default DB language for multilanguage enabling support is added. - !!:/DB/SQLite,/DB/MySQL: Writing value to default language is added in case new record creation and no default language using. - !!!!:/SYS, /DB/MySQL, /DB/SQLite: Enable using translation from DB it allow into no translation configuration. 2009-08-13 Maxim - FIX:/UI/Vision: Processing of fills for the repaint in runtime and devel modes is modified and optimized. 2009-08-13 Roman - FIX:/Archive/FSArch: Processing errors is fixed for aprchive's files pack for messages. - !!!:/UI/VCAEngine, /UI/Vision, /UI/WebVision: To primitive "Protocol" is added sort order support and item's decoration properties. 2009-08-12 Maxim,Roman - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Loading broken child widgets and creation child widgets with name equalent for removed early inherited widget from base container is fixed. 2009-08-07 Roman - /System/FLibSYS: The algorithm of realisation function floatMergeWord() is changed for fix strict-aliasing rules. - FIX:/UI/QTCfg, /UI/Vision: Events going to underlie button on time increase and decrease buttons is fixed for LineEdit element on last QT 4.5 and x86_64. The problem fixed not partialy by cause QT bug. - /SYS: Self bit-sized types define is replaced by C99 standard. 2009-08-06 Roman - !!:/UI/WebCfg: Interface translation to German is added by Irina Popkova. - !!:/SYS: Removed files which creation by "autoreconf -iv" from repository. - FIX:/Archive/FSArch: Resource get is fixed for aprchive's files pack for messages. - /System/FLibSYS: The algorithm of realisation function floatMergeWord() is some changed. - FIX:/UI/Vision, /UI/QTCfg: Events going to underlie button on time increase and decrease buttons is fixed for LineEdit element on last QT 4.5. 2009-08-05 Roman - !!:/UI/Vision: Interface translation to German is added by Irina Popkova. - FIX:/Archive, /UI/WebVision: LibGD2 function gdImageStringFT error open font print is added. Drawing images without text is released. 2009-08-04 Maxim,Roman - FIX:/DAQ/JavaLikeCalc: Object source detect is fixed. 2009-08-02 Roman - FIX:/UI/Vision, /UI/WebVision: Trend size less one second is fixed and memory leak at trend error is fixed for UI.WebVision. - FIX:/UI/WebVision: Parent seting for widgets to self crash is fixed. 2009-07-28 Roman - !!:/Special/FLibSYS: The function for FFT processing archive's data is added to object "VArchObj". The functions for loading and saving XML-tree to string or file is added to object "XMLNodeObj". - FIX:/UI/Vision: Documents print is fixed by set default font size into points. 2009-07-27 Roman - /SYS/DAQ: The permitions for fields of control interface is changed to "root":"DAQ". - !!!!:/SYS: The function TSYS::cron() is added for tasks planing by standard Cron. - !!:/DAQ/JavaLikeCalc: Add support to set calc time into Cron standard. - !!:/Special/FLibSYS: Added time plane function tmCron() in standard Cron. 2009-07-24 Roman - !!!!:/Special/FLibSYS: The "XMLNodeObj" object and function xmlNode() for it create and function xmlCntrReq() for send request to control interface of OpenSCADA is added. - !!!!:/Special/FLibSYS: The "VArchObj" object and functions vArh(), vArhBuf() for it create is added. Used for full access to value archives. - !!:/SYS/TVariant, /DAQ/JavaLikeCalc: Output parameters support is added into object's functions. - /SYS/XML: Some unification. - !!!!:/DAQ/DCON: Included path by Almaz Karimov for more fixes and improvements. - FIX:/DAQ/JavaLikeCalc: Some fixes and unification for types conversion on run. 2009-07-22 Roman - !!:/UI/VCAEngine, /UI/QTStarter: Interface translation to German is added by Irina Popkova. - !:/SYS/TVariant: Functions "splice" and "sort" of Array is finished. Other functions some fixed. - FIX:/DAQ/JavaLikeCalc: Not expresion object's functions call is fixed. - !:/DAQ/JavaLikeCalc: Functions "toExponential", "toFixed", "toPrecision" and "toString" of number-object and functions "charAt", "charCodeAt", "concat", "indexOf", "lastIndexOf", "slice", "substring" and "split" of string-object is finished. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine, /UI/Vision: Wrong "Data" word is fixed to "Date". 2009-07-21 Roman - FIX:/SYS/TVariant: Some functions fixes for Array. 2009-07-20 Roman - !!!!:/SYS, /SYS/TVariant, /SYS/TFunction: User's objects support is final added. Supported base object TVarObj and area object TAreaObj. - !!!!:/DAQ/JavaLikeCalc: Full object and area types support is added. Realised access through ".prop" and "[prop]" methods. Realised object's functions support and call. The language unified for different types work by one virtual machine's commands. - !!!!:/Special/FLibSYS: Added function dbReqSQL() and messGet(), which used object-type return. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Trend's size of primitive "Diagram" is limited 1 second on lower. - FIX:/UI/WebCfgD: The tree elements HTML encoding is added. - FIX:/UI/WebVision: No updating current values of a trand's parameters of the primitive "Diagram" on tracing mode for current time is fixed. 2009-07-18 Roman - FIX:/DAQ/ModBus: Restore connection counter is fixed for long controler's intervals. - FIX:/DAQ/ModBus: EVAL setup on errors for RI and CI is fixed. 2009-07-14 Roman - /DAQ/ModBus: Controller's start is made forced for broken connection. 2009-07-10 Roman - !!:/Special/SystemTests: Interface translation to German is added by Irina Popkova. - !!!!:/Transport, /DAQ/ModBus, /Protocol/SelfSystem, /Transport/*: Individual output transport lock mechanism is added. Used for monopoly accessing to transport by protocols not lock all protocol. 2009-07-09 Maxim - FIX:/UI/WebVision: Selecting the figures for the fill comparing their 'start' and 'end' points is fixed and modified for primitive ElFigure. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Initialization of variables geomH, geomW is added for primitive ElFigure. 2009-07-09 Roman - !!:/Transport/Serial: Interface translation to German is added by Irina Popkova. - FIX:/SYS: Crash on zero period is fixed into function TSYS::taskSleep(). - /DAQ/DAQGate: Early connection restoring after redundant using disable is added. - !:/DAQ/DAQGate: Independent requests support is added for diferent controllers and one station. - !:/Protocol/SelfSystem: Access resource is deleted. 2009-07-08 Roman - FIX:/DAQ: redundancy data restoring is made preemptive. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Attributes init and free is rewrote and some fixed. 2009-07-07 Roman - !!:/Special/FLibSYS: Interface translation to German is added by Irina Popkova. - /DAQ/JavaLikeCalc: Some code clear. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Processing flag inherit is fixed for attributes "vCur" and "aCur" of primitive "Document". 2009-07-05 Roman - !!:/Value: Service request for values order processing is changed to last values by first and archives by last. Values container for last value and archive's is separated. - !!:FIX:/Archive/Value, /DAQ/Redundace, /DAQ/DAQGate: Old value's time seting for new value on buffer copy is fixed and one value copy for buffer is fixed. - !!:/Protocol/HTTP, /Protocol/SelfSystem, /Special/FLibComplex1, /Special/FLibMath: Interface translation to German is added by Irina Popkova. 2009-07-02 Roman - !!:/DAQ, /Value, /DAQ/DAQGate: Restore from archives mechanism is some updated for losses values fixing. - /TVariant: Object type is added. - !!:/DAQ/DAQGate: Stations list order is made significant. Some code clear. Error's attribute "err" get value is fixed. - !!!!:/Archive: Archive sync conception is changed for DAQ.DAQGate and DAQ-redundancy. 2009-07-01 Roman - /DAQ/DAQGate: Start and enable controller and stations list control is unified. - FIX:/DAQ/DAQGate: Archives processing is fixed and restoring data from archive on start is added. 2009-06-30 Roman - !!!!:/SYS: Alarms mechanism is added, based on Messages mechanism's API. - FIX:/Archive/Value: Error value archivator starting is fixed. - FIX:/DAQ: Reserve stations configuration saving is fixed. - FIX:/DAQ/Parameter: Errors generation is fixed. - !!:FIX:/DAQ/Value: The service function of parameter's attributes values request is fixed for synchronous attributes. - !!:/DAQ/DAQGate: Regular requests is grouped to one request for controller. - !!:/DAQ/DAQGate: Parameter's list update and archives connection update is added. 2009-06-27 Roman - FIX:/Value: Empty archives' records for DAQ parameters' service request is fixed. - FIX:/DAQ: Error attribute "err" no correct clear is fixed. 2009-06-26 Roman - FIX:/SYS: Some warnings at build by gcc-4.4.0 is resolved. 2009-06-25 Roman - FIX:/SYS/Mess: Set base lang code to empty is fixed. - FIX:/DAQ/DAQGate: Request to local archives is fixed. 2009-06-24 Roman - !!:/DAQ/System, /DAQ/JavaLikeCalc: Interface translation to German is added by Irina Popkova. - !!:/DemoDB: Hisories' documents make algoritm is updated. Document's functions for average and sum values is fixed for last value using. Session's user name is added to operator's doings protocol. - !!!!:/DAQ/JavaLikeCalc: Limit to variables (registers) count is expanded fro 255 items to 65535. - !!:/UI/VCAEngine: The function vcaSesUser() is added to VCA user API. - FIX:/UI/Vision: No changed attribute write to model is fixed. 2009-06-22 Roman - !!:/DAQ/SoundCard, /DAQ/Siemens, /DAQ/SNMP: Interface translation to German is added by Irina Popkova. - !!:/DB: SQL-requets sending tab is added to configuration page of DB. - FIX:/DB/MySQL: "USE" command is used for not full table address requests. - !!:/UI/QTCfg, /UI/WebCfg, /UI/WebCfgD: Full dynamic structured tables support is added. 2009-06-19 Roman - !!:/DAQ/LogicLev, /DAQ/DAQGate, /DAQ/DiamondBoards, /DAQ/ModBus: Interface translation to German is added by Irina Popkova. - /SYS: Init-file for OpenSCADA start as daemon is disabled for default and RPM-build spec file is updated for it. - !!!!:/DemoDB: Updated English translation for VCA DBs and added Ukrainian translation to its. - FIX:/TFunction: Try for IO order fixing is disabled for used now functions. - FIX:/DB/MySQL: Storing into latin1 by default is fixed. Added codepage for names into DB-address which used into SQL command "SET NAMES <cp>". - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Possible crash on time reloading primitive "FormEl" is fixed by prevent mutable attributes deletion for always. - /UI/VCAEngine: Config values translation support is added. 2009-06-17 Roman - /DB/MySQL: Fields size multiplication is disabled for UTF-8 by key limit to 333 symbols on UTF-8. - !!!!:/UI/VCAEngine: DB structure version is changed to 2 for performance rise and preventing the losses records into DB. - !!!!:/DemoDB: Updated for new VCA DB structures. 2009-06-15 Roman - /UI/VCAEngine: Clearing local changes of widget's programm is added by zero programm's language set. - /UI/VCAEngine, /UI/Vision: Individual attribute's local changin reset is added by conext menu item into the attributes inspector. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: No set modify flag for widget after local changes reset is fixed. 2009-06-12 Roman - /SYS: *.am files is clear - FIX:/Archive/FSArch: Value's archive id limit at 20 is fixed on time bordered to 20 simbols id reading from archive file. 2009-06-10 Roman - FIX:/DAQ/DAQGate: Vertical redundancy is fixed. 2009-06-09 Roman - /DemoDB: Final fixes and clearings. - /SYS: Splash image is updated. - /SYS: RPM build spec file is adapted for building. - /UI/VCAEngine: Detailed messages is added for primitive "Document" generation errors. 2009-06-08 Roman - !!!!:/Protocol: The subsystem modules API version rise to 2. - FIX:/SYS: No present config's file state error result process is added. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Attributes write sequence for primitive "Document" is fixed by primitives main calc add. - !!!!:/DOC: OpenSCADA manual documents and API document and TODO is updated. - !!:/Protocol/HTTP: Document is updated and translated to English is added and released version 1.4.1. - !!:/Protocol/SelfSystem: Document is updated and translated to English is added and released version 0.9.0. - !!:/Special/FLibComplex1: Document is updated. - !!:/Special/FLibSYS: Document is updated. and released version 0.8.1. - !!:/Transport/SSL: Document is updated and translated to English is added and released version 0.8.1. - !!:/Transport/Serial: Document is updated and translated to English is added and released version 0.5.0. - !!:/UI/QTCfg: Document is updated and translated to English is added and released version 1.8.0. - !!:/UI/QTStarter: Document is updated and translated to English is added and released version 1.5.3. - !!:/UI/VCAEngine: Document is updated and released version 0.8.10. - !!:/UI/Vision: Released version 0.8.10. - !!:/UI/WebCfgD: Document is updated and translated to English is added and released version 0.6.1. - !!:/UI/WebVision: Released version 0.6.10. 2009-06-05 Roman - !:/SYS: Program's work version is changed to - !!!!:/Archives, /DAQS: The subsystems' modules API version rise to 3. - !!:/Archive/DBArch: Documents is updated and released version 0.8.0. - !!:/Archive/FSArch: Documents is updated and released version 1.3.0. - !!:/DB/DBF: Documents is updated and released version 2.0.1. - !!:/DB/FireBird: Documents is updated and released version 0.9.1. - !!:/DB/MySQL: Documents is updated and released version 1.6.0. - !!:/DB/SQLite: Documents is updated and released version 1.6.0. - !!:/DAQ/BlockCalc: Documents is updated and released version 1.2.0. - !!:/DAQ/DAQGate: Documents is updated and released version 0.7.0. - !!:/DAQ/DCON: Documents is updated and released version 0.2.0. - !!:/DAQ/DiamondBoards: Documents is updated and released version 1.2.0. - !!:/DAQ/JavaLikeCalc: Documents is updated and released version 1.4.0. - !!:/DAQ/LogicLev: Documents is updated and released version 1.0.0. - !!:/DAQ/ModBus: Documents is updated and released version 1.0.0. - !!:/DAQ/SNMP: Documents is updated and released version 0.4.0. - !!:/DAQ/Siemens: Documents is updated and released version 1.2.0. - !!:/DAQ/SoundCard: Documents is updated and released version 0.6.0. - !!:/DAQ/System: Documents is updated and released version 1.7.0. - !!:/Transport/Sockets: Document is updated and translated to English and released version 1.4.0. - FIX:/Transport/Serial: Default timings set is changed. - /Transport/Socket: Timeout is made optional and connect timeout changed for using function select(). - /UI/QTCfg: Function setCurrentItem() from QT v4.4 is replaced equal from oldest versions. 2009-06-04 Roman - !!:/DemoDB: DB vcaBase.db, vcaTest.db and vcaAGLKS.db translation to multilanguage (Russian and English) is finished. - !!:/SYS: Demo config file translation to multilanguage (Russian, English and Ukrainian) is finished. - FIX:/Archive: Function TArchive::getVal() is fixed for buffer's data request. - FIX:/Archive/DBArch: Limited time variables is fixed into function ModVArchEl::getValProc(). - !!:/SYS: Multilanguage text variables support is added to subsystem "Archive" and "DB". - !!:/DAQ/LogicLev: Multilanguage text variables into template's variable support is added. - !!:/UI/VCAEngine: Multilanguage text variables support is added. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Process edit tab into configurators for widgets is fixed for child's attributes edit support and modify flag for widget setting. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Setting the modify flag for now changed attribute into the attributes inspector is added. - !:/Transport/Socket: Connection is made timeouted. 2009-06-02 Roman - !!:/DAQ/SoundCard, /DAQ/Siemens, /DAQ/SNMP, /DAQ/DiamondBoards, /DAQ/BlockCalc: English translation document is added. - !!:/DAQ/SoundCard, /DAQ/Siemens, /DAQ/SNMP, /DAQ/DiamondBoards, /DAQ/BlockCalc: Adapted for redundant support and for multilanguage variable texts support. - !!:/DemoDB: DB AGLKSModel.db translation to multilanguage (Russian, English and Ukrainian) is finished. - !!!!:/SYS: x86 dependent short time intervals calc mechanism is replaced to standard everywhere. 2009-05-28 Roman - !!!!:/SYS: Modules build fixed for building on libtool 2.2.6. - !!:/DemoDB: DB OscadaLibs translation to multilanguage (Russian, English and Ukrainian) is finished. - !!:/SYS/TCfg: Disabling translation of text variable for one record on time one request is added. 2009-05-27 Roman - !/DAQ/DCON, /DAQ/DAQGate, /DAQ/JavaLikeCalc, /DAQ/ModBus: English translation document is added. - /SYS/TFunction: x86 dependent short time intervals calc mechanism is replaced to standard. - /SYS: Station identifier information is added to information page. - /DB/MySQL, /DB/SQLite: Write empty text correction for translated messages is disabled. - !!!:/DAQ/DCON, /DAQ/JavaLikeCalc, /DAQ/ModBus, /Protocol/ModBus: Adapted for redundant support and for multilanguage variable texts support. - FIX:/UI/QTCfg: Drop horizontal scroll on item selection is fixed. 2009-05-25 Roman - !!!!:/SYS,/DB/SQLite,/DB/MySQL: Multilanguage variable texts support realisation is finished. Multilanguage included to DB.SQLite, DB.MySQL and for config file. - !!!!:/DemoDB: Demo DB from different languages is merged to one multilanguage (Russian,English and Ukrainian) DB. - !:/DAQ/LogicLev: English translation document is added. - !:/DB: Generic DB request API some expanded. - !:/Config: Config API some expanded. 2009-05-22 Roman - !:/DAQ/System: Translated to English document is added. - !:/UI/WebVision: Translation to German is added by Irina Popkova. - FIX:/SYS: RPM build spec-file is some fixed. - !!:/TConfig: Added flags to request values functions. - !!:/SYS: Added flag "TransltText" to element's fields for multilangual variable texts support. First try is disabled! - !!:/DB/DBF, /DB/SQLite, /DB/FireBird: Data get mechanism is made unified. - FIX:/DAQ/ModBus: Tries connection restore is fixed. - !:/UI/VCAEngine, /UI/Vision: Highlighting modified attribute for widgets into the attributes inspector is added. 2009-05-19 Roman - /Demo: Some fixes into *.desktop files. - FIX:/UI/QTCfg: Some translation is fixed. - /SYS: Some RPM build spec-file is updated. - /UI/QTCfg: Translation to German is added by Irina Popkova. 2009-05-18 Roman - !!!!:/Archive/Value, /Archive/DBArch, /Archive/FSArch: Get values API some changed. Replaced group functions getS,R,I,B to one getVal() with result TVariant. And to getVal() is added EVAL hole filling from reserve station. - FIX:/Archive/Value, /UI/WebVision: GD's no support FontConfig crash is prevented. - FIX:/Archive/Value: Holes filling is fixed for multistations processing and direct block writing to archive. - FIX:/DAQ/Controller: No display gathering from remote station message for not support redundant controllers is fixed. - !!:/DAQ/Value, /DAQ/*: Previous value is added to set value prevent function. - !!:/SYS/TVariant: The object is expanded for support EVAL values. - FIX:/Archive/FSArch: Error message is display on time archivator enable error. Read EVAL value of Boolean type is fixed. - /DAC/DCON: Translation to German is added by Irina Popkova. - !!:/DAQ/LogicLev: Redundantce support is added. - FIX:/DAQ/ModBus: Protocol's nodes call after subsystem's "DAQ" starting is fixed. - FIX:/Special/FLibSYS: Float's functions description is fixed. 2009-05-16 Roman - !!!:/SYS/Build: Added autoconf macros for more detailed detection configuration for DB MySQL, FireBird and SQLite. - /Archive/Value: Function getVal() is renamed to getVals() and setVal() to setVals(). - FIX:/Archive/Value, /Archive/DBArch, /Archive/FSArch: Filling no present value archves' areas to EVAL is fixed. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Last values display for primitive "Diagram" on trace mode is fixed. 2009-05-15 Roman - !:/Archive/Value: Holes fill algorithm is improved. - /DAQ: Link to external stations configuration is added to redundat configuration page. - FIX:/Transport: Security group "Transport" creation and using is fixed. - !:/Special/FLibSYS: User's function floatSplitWord() and floatMergeWord() is added. 2009-05-14 Roman - /SYS: Spec file is some updated. - /Archive/Value: Eval counter is added to values buffer. - !!:/Archive/Value, /Archive/FSArch, /Archive/DBArch: Get values API some changed for archive's holes fill from reserved DAQ-stations. There modify present data support is added to the value archive buffer of fixed grid mode. - !!!!:/Archive/Value: Holes compensation by help reserved stations archives support is added. Compensation process in time user's request to data. - /DAQ: Redundant configuration active flag is added by function TDAQS::rdActive(). - /UI/Vision: /UI/WebVision: There algoritm of packed archives data processing is unified for primitive Diagram. 2009-05-12 Roman - FIX:/Archive/Value: EVAL value set after values requesting from buffer if next requested archive. - FIX:/Archive/Value: Last data loss in the buffer is fixed on exit. Thread call by timer replaced by standalone thread. Crash on some glibc version also fixed, after timer delete. - FIX:/DAQ, /DAQ/DAQGate: Checking for attribute present is added. - FIX:/DAQ/Values: For all attributes of DAQ set the EVAL variable on creation. - /DAQ: Function TDAQS::rdStRequest() for request to remoted stations is expanded. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Pages include to other on RunTime is fixed. - FIX:/UI/Vision,/UI/WebVision: No display archive data if on first request present data only from buffer is fixed, for primitive Diagram. 2009-05-09 Roman - FIX:/SYS/Value: Archive's data getting service function is fixed from spare archive's data getting and expanded for archive block request. - !!!:/Transport, /UI/WebCfgD, /UI/QTCfg, /DAQ/DAQGate: OpenSCADA control interface's request to remote stations is unified and locate to function TTransportS::cntrIfCmd(). - !!!!:/DAQ: Base redundant support is added. - !!!!:/SYS: OpenSCADA control interface's group request "CntrReqs" is added. Used for request several standard requests into single action. - !!:/SYS/Archive/Value: Copy function is added to value buffer's object TValBuf. Store fixed size buffers is made memory optimal. - !:/SYS/Archive/Value: Set values API some changed for archive's sync full support. - FIX:/SYS/Archive/Value: Trend build function for value archive is used TTF font. Cyrillic symbols display is fixed. - FIX:/UI/Vision, /UI/WebVision: Page including recursively to already included pages is fixed. - FIX:/UI/WebCfgD: Special symbols encoding is added to selected elements. Tables process by Konqueror 4 is fixed and made typical. - /UI/QTCfg: Set up station name to window title of configurator window. - !!:/DAQ/System, /DAQ/DAQGate. The modules is adapted to work into redundant mode. - FIX:/Archive/FSArch: Real data into archive end calc mechanism is added. 2009-04-27 Roman - FIX:/SYS: owner() method is changed to no in-line for all objects. - !!:/SYS/Archive: Added archive selection parameter to function TVArchive::period(). - !!:/SYS/Value: Created mechanism for inherite TVal() into modules. - !!!!:/SYS/Value: Archive's data getting is added to attributes request service function. Used for deadline connection compensation and preventing data loss. - !!!!:/DAQ/DAQGate: Deadline connection compensation is added. Working into reserve mode is improved. Service requests for archive's data is made redirect to remote station for no local archive present. - /DAQ/DAQGate: Working status is added. - /Protocol/ModBus: Copy nodes operation is added. - !:/UI/QTCfg: Search item into selected one level branch is created. - FIX:/UI/QTCfg: Quick config mode flag clear is fixed on top level areas deletion. 2009-04-27 Maxim - FIX:/UI/Vision: Moving figures, selected by means of CTRL+A or by means of rect-selection with the help of keyboerd is fixed and modified for primitive ElFigure. 2009-04-24 Maxim - FIX:/UI/Vision: Condition of the orientation angle is added to the repainting the widget when its geometry is changed for primitive ElFigure. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Processing the "fill" elements with the empty path is corrected for primitive ElFigure. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Selecting the rect of one of the figures, selected by means of CTRL+A, is denied for primitive ElFigure. 2009-04-21 Roman - !!:/SYS/TCntrNode: Child's groups container is made dynamic, for memory consumption is optimisation. - !!:/UI/VCAEngine: Attributes storing into widget is changed to direct object "Attr" storing into TCntrNode container. - !!!!:/UI/VCAEngine: Attributes description object TFld is made inherited from inherited attribute. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: The permition to new crated session by user is fixed. - /Archive/DBArch: DB present and enable checking is added 2009-04-17 Roman - !!:FIX:/UI: To QT 4.5 adaptation is made. Set environment LC_NUMERIC=C for float dot separator always process. - !!!!:/SYS/Resource: For read-write resources used POSIX functions pthread_rwlock_*() and Res object API some changed. - !!:/SYS/TCntrNode: Connect/disconnect counter resource is made common for all objects by mutex. Memory consumption is optimised. - !!:/SYS: The nodeRes() function of TCntrNode redefined for all used it objects. 2009-04-17 Maxim - FIX:/UI/Vision: Repainting the widget when its geometry is changed is modified for primitive ElFigure. 2009-04-16 Roman - !!!!:/DAQ/Transport: Module is renamed to DAQGate. - /DAQ/ModBus: Delay connection time is displayed in state field on time connection error. - !!:/DemoDB: Russian DB is updated for DAQ.ModBus changes and DAQ.Transport to DAQ.DAQGate renaming. 2009-04-15 Roman - /DAQ/ModBus: Gather controller's time is moved to status string. Connection try config parameter is renamed to request try. - /DAQ/ModBus: Disabling controller on config parameter "Fragments merging" changing is made. - FIX:/DAQ/ModBus: Real period for ModBus protocol node's table calc is fixed. - !!:/DAQ/ModBus: Input request's fragments buffering is added. - !:/DAQ/ModBus: Gateway mode is splited to Gataeway node and Gataeway network. - FIX:/DAQ/ModBus: ASCIIToData() function's encoding algorithm is fixed. - !!:FIX:/DAQ/ModBus: ModBus/ASCII protocol variant is final fixed and tested for everywhere. - FIX:/DAQ/ModBus: ModBus error's messages is some fixed. - /DAQ/ModBus: Input request's to protocol is added to ModBus report. - /DAQ/ModBus: Error respond for no one present data request is added. - /DAQ/ModBus, Transport/Serial: The module documentation and translation is updated. - /Transport/Serial: The maximum char timeout a realtime control is added. Can be used for correct char timeout setting. - /Transport/Serial: The asynchronous data format writing is changed to traditional. - FIX:/Transport/Socket: Close after connection mode is fixed for wait one request. - !!:FIX:/Transport/Socket: Reconnection is fixed and session restore is added for output transport, especially for server's closed after connection mode. 2009-04-13 Roman - /Transport/Serial: Documentation for module is added. - !!!!:/SYS/Resource: Object Res is made optimal for size by move readers counter's resource to separated resource, one for all resource objects. Readers' counter limit control is added. - FIX:/SYS/CntrNode: Use counter is expanded to short integer. Use counter limit control is added. - /DAQ/DCON: Documentation is updated. - FIX:/JavaLikeCalc: Resource request for calc is fixed. - /UI/VCAEngine: String alloc for direct readed value is fixed. Config template and value combined to one string container. 2009-04-13 Maxim - FIX:/UI/Vision: Repainting the widget when its geometry is changed is fixed for primitive ElFigure. 2009-04-10 Roman - !!!!:/Protocol/ModBus: Full support input protocol and ModBus data mirroring node structure is released. Supported multinode data mirroring and gateway to remote devices. Translation is updated. - FIX:/Protocol/ModBus: - !:/Transporter/Serial: ModBus char timing is unified for real char time to selected speed. Speed variants is expanded to up. - /SYS/TConfig: Used templates "vmin" and "vmax" for config elements borders checking. - /SYS/TFunction: To function ioIns() is added result position for control. - FIX:/SYS/TFunction: Position present parameters of function fixing on time functions copy is added. - /SYS/TPrmTmpl: Some code improvement. - /SYS/Protocol: A transport address is added to input protocol API. - /SYS: "Reverse" mode is added for encoding string function strEncode(). - /SYS/Transport: Work identifier (real address) function workId() is added for transports. - /SYS/XML: Function for child deletion by child node address is added. - /UI/QTCfg: Table elements vertical size expanding is updated for expanding from 100 to 300 pixels, minimum. 2009-04-06 Roman - /Protocol/ModBus: Node object is base realised. - FIX:/Transpot/SSL: No working on timeout of output transport is fixed. Discovered system's hung. Zero timeout for output transport is set to 5 second. - /Transport/Serial: The timings recalcing on time speed changing for input transport is released. - /Transpot/Socket: Zero timeout for output transport is set to 5 second. 2009-04-06 Roman - !!!!:/DAQ/ModBus: Include to ModBbus modules container module "Protocol" module transport and move Protocol's functions to it. - FIX:/DAQ/ModBus: ASCII protocol mode is fixed. - !!!!:/Protocol: Output protocol's API function is changed to void outMess( XMLNode &io, TTransportOut &tro ). - !!!!:/DAQ/Transporter,/Protocol/SelfSystem,/UI/QTCfg,/UI/Vision,/UI/WebCfgD: Used new "Protocol" API. - /Transport: Added functions for getting full list input and output transports. - !!!!:/DAQ/DCON: Removed self module's Serial API and used instead new OpenSCADA serial transport module. - FIX:/DAQ/Transporter: Not save parameter's archives is fixed. - !!:/Transport/Serial: Output transport is released and tested. - !!FIX:/Transport/Serial: No init FD_SET structure before any call function select() is fixed. - FIX:/UI/QTCfg,/UI/WebCfgD: Clearing update flag for deleted tab is removed. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Crash on time try call widget, no page, for open to project's run from development mode. 2009-04-01 Roman - !:/DAQ/ModBus: Status mechanism is added for controller. - FIX:/Transport/Serial: Clear input buffer from previous broken request is added. - !:/DAQ/ModBus: Three try is added for request to device after broken respond. - !!!:/Protocol: Template module "=Tmpl=" is added. - FIX:/SYS: User mode start script "openscada_start" is fixed for copy config file oscada_start.xml to ~/.openscada/oscada.xml and local use it. 2009-03-31 Roman - !!!:/Transport: Template module "=Tmpl=" is added. - !!!!:/Transport: Base realization of module "Serial" is added. Input transport not tested yet. - !!:/Transport: For output transports is added dialog for manual requests sending. - !:/SYS: The "Bin" target is added to encode and decode function for binary data encode decode to text view. - !!!!:/DAQ/ModBus: Removed self serial interfaces code and used instead new transport "Serial". 2009-03-27 Roman - /DAQ/Transporter: No configured controller's parameters clearing is added. - /UI/VCAEngine, /UI/WebVision: Multiply sessions opening for one project is blocked for users not administrators of OpenSCADA into Web. - FIX:/UI/WebCfgD: No clearing last item into branch after it deletion is fixed. 2009-03-26 Roman - /SYS: ALTLinux depending to libfftw3-devel is added to RPM build specification file. - /DAQ/Transporter: Context help is added to self controller's configurations. - !:/UI/QTCfg: Multiselection is added to navigation tree for group items deletion allowing. 2009-03-25 Maxim - FIX:/UI/Vision: Appending of the point while moving several selected with the CTRL figures is fixed for primitive ElFigure. - FIX:/UI/WebVision: Locating the figures for searching for the start filling point is modified and improved for primitive ElFigure. 2009-03-25 Roman - !!!!:/UI/VCAEngine, /UI/Vision, /UI/WebVision: Spectrum type view is added to primitive "Diagram". Spectrum building is based on FFTW3 library. - !:/UI/Vision, /UI/WebVision: Trends' build in algorithm is updated for primitive "Diagram". - /UI/Vision: Disable QTStarter's toolbar for development mode. - FIX:/UI/WebVision: Not full working checkbox of primitive "FormEl" is fixed. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: The "aScale" attribute removing for parameter's of primitive "Diagram" is fixed. - !:/Archive: Values trends' build in algorithm is updated. - !:/DAQ/JavaLikeCalc: Specials IO support is added. To controller's calc procedure is added special IO "f_frq", "f_start" and "f_stop". - /DemoDB: Spectrum view is added for the graphics view pages. 2009-03-20 Roman - FIX:/UI/Vision: Not resolved function VISION::ShapeDocument::tracing() is removed. - FIX:/UI/Vision,/UI/WebVision: Not display hour:minute on x-axis on trend of primitive "Diagram" for 48 hour trend's size is fixed. - FIX:/UI/Vision,/UI/WebVision: Current time averaging in tracing mode is fixed for trends of primitive "Diagram". 2009-03-19 Roman - FIX:/UI/Vision: Not full hiding widgets of "FormEl" fixing is fixed. 2009-03-18 Roman OpenSCADA - /DOC: OpenSCADA manual document is updated and renamed to openscada_ru.pdf. - /DemoDB: ToolTips and StatusTips is setup for all active elements. - FIX:/Special/FLibSYS: Function's varhGet*() is fixed for correct proceesing broken parameters. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Not full hiding widgets of primitive "FormEl" is fixed. 2009-03-17 Roman - !:/DemoDB: Trend's and document's panels is updated. Double archives document's closing is fixed. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: The pgOpenSrc attribute of page checking is added on time page closing. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Hold cursor on current time for tracing into the trand view of primitive "Diagram" is fixed. - !:/UI/QTStarter: Self menu inserting to opened windows is added. True window's opening control is changed to real top level widget's number. Special properties "QTStarterToolDis" and "QTStarterMenuDis" is added for exclude QTStarter's toolbar or menu. 2009-03-16 Roman - !!:/DOC: OpenSCADA manual document formated for print is added to repository. - !!:/Archive/DBArch: Document is updated and released version 0.8.0. - !!:/DB/DBF: Document is updated and released version 2.0.0. - !!:/DB/FireBird: Document is updated and released version 0.9.0. - !!:/DB/MySQL: Document is updated and released version 1.5.0. - !!:/DB/SQLite: Document is updated and released version 1.5.0. - !!:/DAQ/JavaLikeCalc: Document is updated and released version 1.3.1. - !!:/Protocol/HTTP: Document is updated and released version 1.4.0. - !!:/Special/FLibSYS: Document is updated and released version 0.8.0. - !!:/UI/QTStarter: Document is updated and released version 1.5.2. - !!:/UI/QTCfg: Document is updated and released version 1.7.1. - !!:/UI/VCAEngine: Document is updated and released version 0.8.5. - !!:/UI/Vision: Document is updated and released version 0.8.5. - !!:/UI/WebCfg: Document is updated and released version 1.5.3. - !!:/UI/WebCfgD: Document is updated and released version 0.6.0. - !!:/UI/WebVision: Document is updated and released version 0.6.5. - !:/UI/Vision: Multi-display base support is added. - !:/UI/Vision: The time field display is added to the statusbar of runtime window and on full-screen mode. - !:/UI/Vision: Menu bar on runtime window hiding for no privileged users is realised. - FIX:/UI/Vision,/UI/WebVision: For minimal width of grid calcing of primitive "Diagram" is used font metric of 6 symbols of used font. - FIX:/Archive/FSArch: Last value's time is aligned to period on start. - FIX:/Archive: Values request from archive period allign is fixed. 2009-03-13 Roman - /Doc: OpenSCADA API documentation is updated. DAQ description document is included to source tree. - /Archive/FSArch: Document is updated and released version 1.2.0. - !:/UI/VCAEngine: Session's pages opening dynamic links code is moved to attribute "pgOpenSrc" changes handler. - /UI/VCAEngine: Not used link's type "addr:" is removed. - /UI/Vision: RunTime mode's "WhatIs" action is disabled. - FIX:/UI/WebVision: Included page enabling is fixed only for widgets, no pages. 2009-03-12 Maxim - FIX:/UI/Vision: Some fixes with the moving figures with the help of keyboard are done for primitive ElFigure. - FIX:/UI/WebVision: Scaling the image for filling for primitive ElFigure is modified. 2009-03-12 Roman - !:/DemoDB: Some DB updates and fixes. Document's finalize document is fixed. 2009-03-11 Roman - FIX:/Archive/FSArch: Real archives end border is fixed for real present data, no archive files end limit. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Trend's size limit for primitive "Diagram" is fixed. - !!:FIX:/UI/Vision,/UI/WebVision: Working a Trend mechanism of primitive "Diagram" is fixed for long time intervals. Fixed working for selected one archivator. 2009-03-10 Roman - !!:/UI/VCAEngine,/UI/Vision,/UI/WebVision: Attributes index for base widgets is reordered. - /UI/VCAEngine,/UI/Vision: Not realised primitives Function and Link is disabled. - !:/SYS: Program version is changed to - /SYS: Set hard depend to bison. - /SYS: To RPM-build specification file is added ALTLinux build depend to libportaudio2-devel - FIX:/SYS: Removed broken build parameter --disable-gcc-warnings. 2009-03-09 Roman - !!!!:/DAQ/SoundCard: Releasing module is finished. Version 0.5.0 is released. The documentation is created. - FIX:/Archive: The values' archive and archivator variables period format, for DB storing, is expanded up to precision 6 (microseconds). - FIX:/Node: Node's resource changed from hd_res to conn_res. Used for preventing locking on time control interface's call. - !!:/DAQ: Status controller's mechanism is added. - FIX:/DAQ/Value: Seting parameter's modify flag on time archivation for attributes enabling is fixed. - /DAQ/Siemens: Node's resource is used. 2009-03-06 Maxim - FIX:/UI/Vision: Copy function for primitive 'ElFigure' is fixed. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Width scaling for development mode for primitive ElFigure is fixed. 2009-03-04 Roman - /Archive/Value: Value's archive identifier limit on generation set to 20 symbols. 2009-03-03 Roman - !!!:/UI/VCAEngine,/UI/Vision: Widget's changes clearing mechanism is realised. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Restoring attributes on reload to inherited or default values is fixed. - /UI/VCAEngine: Previous values on time attributes changing is made send into type TVariant. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Alarm's quietance from widget's call procedures is fixed. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Copy widgets is fixed. - !!!:/UI/VCAEngine,/UI/Vision,/UI/WebVision: The RunTime context menu for active widgets is realised. - !!!:/DemoDB: Realised the full feature signal objects. The result graphics template cadr is created. Context and status tips is added. The navigation panel is updated and quietance buttons is added. Volumed pipe elements is added to library and used for all mnemos. Context menu is added for digital taps. Value's text font is risen for input's views. 2009-02-27 Roman,Maxim - FIX:/UI/WebVision: postReq() for primitive 'ElFigure' is modified and fixed. - FIX:/SYS: New DB seek mechanizm for config file is fixed. 2009-02-27 Roman - !!:/UI/VCAEngine,/UI/Vision,/UI/WebVision: The attribute 'root' moved to main attributes container. Added attribute 'parent' for parent widget info allow. Added attribute 'tipTool' and 'tipStatus' for tooltips and statustips support into widgets. 2009-02-25 Roman - FIX:/UI/Vision: No scaling included pages after opening from cache is fixed. 2009-02-24 Maxim - FIX:/UI/WebVision: Filling with the image is fixed and modified. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Filling with the image is fixed and modified, scaling of the image for filling is modified. 2009-02-24 Roman - !!!:/SYS,/UI/VCAEngine: Realised object TVariant for storing different data types. The object is used for direct access to system's ("id" and "path") attributes of widgets of UI.VCAEngine. - !:/SYS: TCntrNode::nodeAccess() is renamed to TCntrNode::nodeRes(). 2009-02-23 Roman - !!!!:/Config,/DB,/DB/DBF,/DB/MySQL,/DB/SQLite,/DB/FireBird: The special flag for key using into requests dataSeek() and dataDel() is added Allow select all types keys, not only string. All objects is used new flag now. The subsystem's archive modules API version rise to 2. - !!!!:/Archive,/Mess,/Archive/FSArch,/Archive/DBArch,/UI/VCAEngine,/UI/Vision,/UI/WebVision: The subsystem's archive modules API version rise to 2. Microseconds time part is added for mesages. - FIX:/Archive: The archivation of messages task is fixed for first and last call. - /SYS: The control flag for running check is added to subsystem's object. - !:/Archive/FSArch: Released version 1.1.0. 2009-02-20 Maxim - FIX:/UI/WebVision: Release of memory which was allocated for each image is fixed. 2009-02-20 Roman - !!:/DAQ: Rise sybsystem "DAQ" modules' API version to level 2. - FIX:/DAQ/JavaLikeCalc: Subsystem's modules API version fixed from VER_SPC to VER_CNTR. - !!!!:/Protocol/HTTP,/UI/WebCfg,/UI/WebCfgD,/UI/WebVision: HTTP modules auth mechanism moved to Protocol.HTTP from all WEB-modules, separated. CSS is made unified. - FIX:/UI/Web: Access from Web-browser Konqueror 3.5 and 4 final fixed into using AJAX requests by 'Content-Type' setting to 'text/xml; charset=utf-8'. - FIX:/UI/WebVision: Window scroll is fixed for spinbox. - FIX:/UI/Vision: A color preview into the inspector attributes for transparent colors is fixed. 2009-02-18 Roman - /XML: Including XML-header to result text by function XMLNode::save is added. - !!:FIX:/Protocol/HTTP,/UI/WebCfg,/UI/WebCfgD,/UI/WebVision: No inserting and not full processing symbol '\r' into HTTP protocol's end line. Fixed work into Konqueror 4. - FIX:/UI/WebCfgD,/UI/WebVision: XML-header is added to XML-text of result of AJAX XML-request. Fixed work into Konqueror 4. 2009-02-18 Maxim - !:/UI/WebVision: Conception of filling with the image is completely changed and now it is synchronized with the simple filling with the color for primitive ElFigure. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Scaling of the widths of the lines in the runtime mode is fixed for the primitive ElFigure. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Dynamization of the first or second point of the closed arc is fixed for the primitive ElFigure. 2009-02-17 Maxim - !!:/UI/Vision, UI/WebVision: Transparency of color is added for the primitive ElFigure. - !!:/UI/WebVision: Conception of painting is changed for primitive ElFigure(every 'fill' and figures from which it consists of are now drawn on their own image and after that the resulting image is formed from the accessorial ones). - !:/UI/WebVision, UI/Vision: The order of the drawing of the figures is changed for the primitive ElFigure. At first the 'fill' and the figures from which it consists of are drawn, after that with the same way the second 'fill' is drawn and so on... After the. all fills are drawn its the time for other figures to be drawn. - !:/UI/WebVision: Resampling of the images for 'fill' is added. - !:/UI/WebVision: Transparency of color is added into the 'colorParse' function. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Repainting of the primitive ElFigure in the runtime mode is fixed. - FIX:/UI/WebVision: 'fill' of the simple arc with dynamic points is fixed for primitive ElFigure. - FIX:/UI/WebVision, /UI/Vision: Painting of the simple arc (in its closed variant) is fixed for primitive ElFigure. 2009-02-17 Roman - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Real frequency for widget's call into RunTime by attribute "f_frq" is fixed. - /UI/VCAEngine: To links info request is added including values. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Group value is fixed for groups included fields of constants. - /UI/Vision: For links getting is made performance improvement. 2009-02-16 Roman - /Functions: FullText flag is added for IO string type. Used for string IO into fulltext mode. - !!:/Functions, /UI/VCAEngine: The attribute "user" is added to TFunction's content object (TValFunc) for permission control allowing into called functions. - !!!:/Special/FLibSYS: Added user's functions: sysCall(), int2str(), str2real(), str2int(). - !:/UI/VCAEngine,/UI/Vision,/UI/WebVision: Attribute "colorText" to view "Button" of primitive "FormEl" is added and realised. It used for control to button text's color. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Real frequency for widget's call into RunTime by attribute "f_frq" is fixed. - !:/UI/VCAEngine: Realised user's dependent access by function attrGet() and attrSet(). Used type independent functions for access to attributes value. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Not display the colored rectangle for an empty color into the attributes inspector. - FIX:/UI/WebVision: Setup "pgOpenSrc" attribute for widget-container is fixed. 2009-02-13 Roman - !!:/UI/VCAEngine: User's functions removed to self file (vcaFuncs.h), tested and translated to Russian and Ukrainian. - /UI/VCAEngine: Access to attributes is enable for no parent linked widgets, include container pages. - /Archive: Wait for archivations closing timeoute is rise to 10 seconds, for messages and values. - /Archive/DBArch: DB field's size is rise to 1000 symbols for messages and string values. 2009-02-11 Roman - FIX:/Transport/Socket: Client tasks registration is fixed for x86_64. pthread_t type not equal pid_t on x86_64! - /UI/VCAEngune: First interface control users functions is added. 2009-02-10 Roman - FIX:/UI/Vision,/UI/WebVision: Folowing mode for primitive 'Protocol' is fixed. 2009-02-09 Roman - FIX:/Archive: #define BUF_ARCH_NM"<buffer>" syntax error is fixed and declaration is moved to TSYS. - /Archive: Some in-line helps is added to config-fields. Selection is added to archivator select string of accessing to values. Core translation is updated to Russian, Ukrainian and German (partially). - !!:/UI/VCAEngune: Checking for widget's parts update is moved to separated function modifChk() for RunTime session. Realised support main calc clock resetting by resolution limit. - /UI/VCAEngine: Disable prcElListUpdate() periodic call on RunTime session. Call only after setProcess() call. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Empty constant's setup is fixed on RunTime session. - /UI/Vision: Page's cache of RunTime clearing of too old pages (oldest by 1 hour) is added. Page's cache type element is changed to RunPageView. - !:/ModSchedule: Periodic checking shared libraries task's function is moved to main system checking task. - FIX:/SYS: Symbols '%' process is fixed for commandline --help messages print. Double printing help message for subsystem "Module sheduler" is fixed by commandline --help. 2009-02-06 Roman - /SYS/Control: Reserve memory to node's list is added. For memory realocation prevent. - !:/UI/VCAEngine: Update widget's attributes for runing sessions if it changed on development mode of based widget's is added. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Empty attributes list responding is fixed for new created widgets into running session. 2009-02-05 Roman - /SYS: RPM build spec file changes: - official site set to http://oscada.org.ua. - openscada-doc package build platform dependent for ALTLinux. - build flag --disable-gcc-warnings is added. - /DOC: Official site set to http://oscada.org.ua into README*. - /SYS: Checking for old tables closing is added to main systems' task. - /SYS: Official site set to http://oscada.org.ua - /DAQ/Tmpl: The using counter field is added to a template object, for busy control. All selectable fields of IO a table of a template is made statical. - !!:FIX:/SYS/Control: Multiply deletion try of child nodes crash is fixed. - !!:/DB: Work with DB's tables is made no closed now table mode. Opened tables will close after 60 second not using. Significant rise DB-working performance! - !!:/UI/WebVision: Resource cache is added for sessions. 2009-02-03 Roman - !!:FIX:/SYS: Resource is added to TElem for prevent crash on multithreading by using TConfig. Crash detected on UI.WebVision and more images on a visual user interface. 2009-02-02 Roman OpenSCADA - !!!:/SYS: Core translation to German is added by Aleksey Popkov. - !!!:/DB/SQLite,/DB/MySQL,/DB/FireBird,/DB/DBF,/Archive/DBArch,/Archive/FSArch: The document's translation to english is added by Maxim Lisenko. - /Special/FLibSYS: The libraries functions is made ordered. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Cycled list for previous value of primitive "Document" is fixed. 2009-01-28 Roman - !!!!:/SYS: Selected loading mode is unified for support loading only from config file or DB. Selected mode support is added to function TDBS::dbList(). Created function for simple checking it mode TSYS::chkSelDB(). - !!!:FIX:/SYS,/Special/SystemTests: The resource is added for access to the config file's XML tree. For access to XML tree nodes used no exception mode, resources (stack) leak is fixed for some contexts. - !:FIX:/DB: Generic's DB system table cache using mode is changed for use cache only if main DB no accessable. - !:/SYS/Control: Add function TCntrNode::nodeAccess( ) for allow access to node using resource into heirs. - /SYS: Function TSYS::cfgFileScan() is rewrote. - !!!:/TModSchedul: Realised full support of AllowList and DenyList loading modules, replaced AutoList. Used node's resource without self. Realised table for controll to loaded shared libraries (modules). Manual attach/detach modules is realised. Config files is updated. 2009-01-26 Roman - !!:/SYS: Main call programm building is moved to separated directory src_call/. - FIS:/SYS: AC_PREFIX_DEFAULT value is fixed on file configure.in. 2009-01-23 Roman - !!!:/SYS: Loading from individual DB support is added. Used for loading from connected now DB. Function TSYS::selDB() for this is added. - FIX:/SYS: Clearing thread's timer's structure before creation is added. - /SYS: Debug messages is added for thread's timers. TID and thread id is showing. - /UI/WebCfgD: The action tree update is mixed with the action item update. 2009-01-21 Roman - !:/Special/FLibSYS: Microseconds time parameter is added to user's function tmTime(). Geting microseconds is more resource dependent function then for get microseconds used preset it attribute to no negative value. - !:/UI/QTCfg: Identical tabs selection saving on item changing is added. - FIX:/UI/WebCfgD: DB load and save actions updating after save DB action activation is fixed. 2009-01-16 Roman - !!:/UI/QTCfg: Status update for remote stations is added. - /UI/WebCfgD: Connection error's code changed to 10. 2009-01-15 Roman - !:/SYS: Function for extracting space symbols from begin and end of string is added, TSYS::strNoSpace(). Function TSYS::strEmpty() is deleted and replaced by TSYS::strNoSpace() everywhere. - !!!:/Protocol/HTTP: Keep-Alive from HTTP protocol support is added. Critical for Opera. - !!!:/UI/QTStarter: I18NTranslator QT traslator is added for transporting QT's translation requests to gettext I18N engine. QT's self dialogs' messages is translated to Russian and Ukrainian. - /DemoDB: English translation of DB is updated for some translation fix. 2009-01-14 Roman - FIX:/SYS: Config files for Transport.Sockets format is fixed. No work connection by default config. 2009-01-12 Roman OpenSCADA 0.6.3 - !!!!:/DemoDB: Translation to English is added. DB files separated to English and Russian. - !!:/SYS: Add release 0.6.3 announce documents. - !!:/SYS: Updated FAQ, TODO and README documents. - !!:/SYS: RPM build spec file is updated for new demo DB files configuration support. - FIX:/DB: DB system table cache limit process is fixed. - FIX:/UI/QTCfg: Wrap mode for text field is fixed. 2009-01-09 Roman - FIX:/DAQ/JavaLikeCalc: Keyword 'return' is fixed. Recursive exit is added. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Last document's time greed calc is fixed for bTime > lastTime. - FIX:/UI/Vision: x and y scaling by kadr in development mode is fixed using. - /SYS: RPM build spec-file is updated for 0.6.3 build. - !!!:/DemoDB: Document's close last document algoritm is final fixed and tested. 2009-01-08 Maxim - FIX:/SYS: Some fixes to English variant of translation is done. - FIX:/DAQ/DCON: Some fixes to English variant of translation is done. - FIX:/Archive/DBArch: Some fixes to English variant of translation is done. - FIX:/Archive/FSArch: Some fixes to English variant of translation is done. - FIX:/DB/DBF: Some fixes to English variant of translation is done. - FIX:/DB/FireBird: Some fixes to English variant of translation is done. - FIX:/DB/MySQL: Some fixes to English variant of translation is done. - FIX:/DB/SQLite: Some fixes to English variant of translation is done. - FIX:/DAQ/BlockCalc: Some fixes to English variant of translation is done. - FIX:/DAQ/DiamondBoards: Some fixes to English variant of translation is done. - FIX:/DAQ/JavaLikeCalc: Some fixes to English variant of translation is done. - FIX:/DAQ/LogicLev: Some fixes to English variant of translation is done. - FIX:/DAQ/ModBus: Some fixes to English variant of translation is done. - FIX:/DAQ/SNMP: Some fixes to English variant of translation is done. - FIX:/DAQ/Siemens: Some fixes to English variant of translation is done. - FIX:/DAQ/SoundCard: Some fixes to English variant of translation is done. - FIX:/DAQ/Transporter: Some fixes to English variant of translation is done. - FIX:/Protocol/SelfSystem: Some fixes to English variant of translation is done. - FIX:/Special/SystemTests: Some fixes to English variant of translation is done. - FIX:/Transport/SSL: Some fixes to English variant of translation is done. - FIX:/Transport/Socket: Some fixes to English variant of translation is done. 2009-01-07 Roman - FIX:/SYS: ResString::getVal() function result is fixed. - !!:/SYS: Updated API document. 2009-01-06 Maxim - !!!!:FIX:/UI/Vision: Map erasing is fixed for primitive ElFigure. - FIX:/UI/Vision: appending point, common for several elementary figures, when connections are disabled is fixed for primitive ElFigure. - FIX:/UI/WebVision: repainting ElFigure is fixed when dynamic attribute is changed. 2009-01-06 Roman - !!:/SYS: ResString object is added for resourcing string access. - !!!!:FIX:/Value,/Function,/TConfig,/UI/VCAEngine: For resource sharing by string use ResString. - FIX:/UI/WebVision: Text primitive vertical align is fixed. - FIX:/UI/QTCfg: Not view current value if it empty into Editable combbox element is fixed. - !!:/UI/VCAEngine: Documentation and translation is updated and version 0.8.0 is relised. - !!:/UI/Vision: Documentation and translation is updated and version 0.8.0 is relised. - !!:/UI/WebVision: Documentation and translation is updated and version 0.6.0 is relised. 2009-01-05 Roman - !!:/SYS: Source tree version is changed to 0.6.3. - /SYS: Translation's to Russian an Ukrainian files is updated. - /SYS: STD::MAP iteration is made optimal. Instead i++ used ++i. - !!:/DAQ/DCON: Add documentation file about_ru.pdf to source tree. - !!:/Archive/DBArch: Documentation and translation is updated and version 0.7.1 is relised. - !!:/Archive/FSArch: Documentation and translation is updated and version 1.0.1 is relised. - !!:/DB/DBF: Documentation and translation is updated and version 1.9.1 is relised. - !!:/DB/FireBird: Documentation and translation is updated and version 0.8.1 is relised. - !!:/DB/MySQL: Documentation and translation is updated and version 1.4.1 is relised. - !!:/DB/SQLite: Documentation and translation is updated and version 1.4.1 is relised. - !!:/DAQ/BlockCalc: Documentation and translation is updated and version 1.1.1 is relised. - !!:/DAQ/JavaLikeCalc: Documentation and translation is updated and version 1.3.0 is relised. - !!:/DAQ/LogicLev: Documentation and translation is updated and version 0.9.2 is relised. - !!:/DAQ/ModBus: Documentation and translation is updated and version 0.9.1 is relised. - !!:/DAQ/SNMP: Documentation and translation is updated and version 0.3.3 is relised. - !!:/DAQ/Siemens: Documentation and translation is updated and version 1.1.1 is relised. - !!:/DAQ/System: Documentation and translation is updated and version 1.6.2 is relised. - !!:/DAQ/Transporter: Documentation and translation is updated and version 0.3.3 is relised. - !!:/Special/FLibComplex1: Documentation and translation is updated and version 1.0.3 is relised. - !!:/Special/FLibSYS: Documentation and translation is updated and version 0.7.0 is relised. - !!:/Transport/SSL: Documentation and translation is updated and version 0.8.0 is relised. - !!:/Transport/Socket: Documentation and translation is updated and version 1.3.6 is relised. - !!:/UI/QTCfg: Documentation and translation is updated and version 1.7.0 is relised. - !!:/UI/WebCfg: Documentation and translation is updated and version 1.5.2 is relised. - !!!:/DemoDB: Document's close last document algoritm again is fixed. Some kran is connected to real devices in main mnemo. 2008-12-31 Roman - FIX:/Special/FLibComplex1: Setup setpoint to variable value into manual mode is fixed. - /UI/VCAEngine: Arguments number for primitive "Text" expanded to 20 items. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Repeat count number for primitive "Document" items bound to 1000 items to once call. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: The focus attribute deleting on time disable widget's active mode, on RunTime is fixed. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Status section expanding is fixed for the container and item properties dialog. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Up order is fixed for new created widgets. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Background palette is fixed for primitive "Protocol". - FIX:/UI/Vision: Focus mode is fixed for primitive "Protocol". - FIX:/UI/WebVision: Focus and active mode is fixed for primitive "Diagram". - !:/UI/WebVision: Focus and active mode support is added for primitive 'Protocol' and 'Document'. - !!!:/DemoDB: Document's close last document algoritm is fixed. PID configuration page is added. Navigation on document control panel is added. Self navigation elements is removed. Parameters' control panel is updated and expanded for support digital parameters, PID control panel call and some fixes. Some kran is connected to real devices in main mnemo. 2008-12-30 Maxim - FIX:/UI/QTCfg: Some fixes to English variant of translation is done. - FIX:/UI/QTStarter: Some fixes to English variant of translation is done. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Some fixes to English variant of translation is done. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Some fixes to English variant of translation is done. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Widths scaling for the primitive ElFigure is modified. 2008-12-29 Roman - !:/SYS: Disable default building of module SoundCard. By no realised yet. - !:/SYS: Remove default build flags "-O2 -DOSC_HASHMAP". For build add options CFLAGS="-O2" CXXFLAGS="-O2" to ./configure. - FIX:/Archives,/Archive/FSArch: No request the end message archive's value is fixed. - !:/SYS: Change optional map using from OSC_HASHMAP to OSC_ORDLISTMAP. - !:/UI/VCAEngine: To primitives 'Protocol' and 'Document' is added attribute 'font'. From primitive 'Protocol' is removed not realised attributes. - !:/UI/Vision: Storing background's color and image is made optimal, move int Brash object. - FIX:/UI/Vision: The background loading into widget's pallete is fixed. - !!:/UI/Vision, /UI/WebVision: Font scaling is realised for all primitives. For primitive 'Diagram' scaling is done. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Not fit movie scaling is fixed. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Primitive 'Protocol' is made some fixes. Old data clearing is added. Mouse tracking is enabled for internal table's widgets. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Primitive 'Document' catch QEvent::Wheel events is fixed. - FIX:/UI/WebCfgD: Time's minutes and seconds view is fixed. - !!!:/UI/WebVision: Primitive 'Protocol' is realised. - !:/UI/WebVision: Base font support is added to primitive 'Document'. - !:/UI/WebVision: JavaScript translation mechanism is realised for JavaScript messages. 2008-12-26 Roman - !:/DB/SQLite,/DB/MySQL,/DB/FireBird,/DB/DBF,/DAQ/BlockCalc: Translation to German is added by Aleksey and Irina Popkov. - FIX:/SYS: RPM build spec file is fixed for *.la including. - !!:/UI/WebCfgD: The table's fields support is realised. - FIX:/UI/WebCfgD: Some fixes made. - !:/UI/WebCfgD: HTML and CSS code of work page is moved to separated file (WebCfgDVCA.html) - !:/UI/WebCfgD: Full translation to Russian and Ukrainian is done. - !:/UI/WebCfgD: Documentation is done and included to source tree. - !!!!:/UI/WebCfgD: Version 0.5.0 is released. - FIX:/SYS: Fix some fixes to English variant of translation is done. :) 2008-12-26 Maxim - FIX:/SYS: Some fixes to English variant of translation is done. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Widths scaling for the primitive ElFigure for runtime mode is fixed. 2008-12-23 Roman - FIX:/UI/Vision: Visual scale unified and fixed. - !:/UI/WebCfgD: The scroll offset added for absolute tag position calc. - !!:/UI/WebCfgD: Command's fields is realised. 2008-12-23 Maxim - !!:/UI/Vision: Visual scale manipulation support is added. 2008-12-22 Roman - !:/SYS: Documentation pack is unified and separated to project info files and documentation. Dynamic librarie's links packing into main package and development is fixed. - !:/SYS: Remove documentation default installation. - !:/SYS: Change project's library revision to "0:10:0". - !!:/UI/WebCfgD: Fields of images is realised. 2008-12-19 Roman - FIX:/UI: FontConfig enable call move to subsystem 'UI'. - !!:/DAQ/System: Adapted to support libsensors version 3 API. - FIX:/UI/QTCfg: Hosts list modify function fixed. - !!:/UI/WebCfgD: Base fields support realisation is finished. - FIX:/UI/WebCfgD: Some fixes is made. 2008-12-17 Roman - /UI/QTCfg: Some codes is clear and algoritms is optimized. - !:/UI/WebCfgD: Realised support of Text area and combobox. 2008-12-16 Roman - /UI/QTCfg: Some algoritms is optimized. - FIX:/UI/WebCfgD: Statusbar access is fixed. - FIX:/UI/WebCfgD,/UI/WebVision: Call to options of 'select' is made through option[]. - !:/UI/WebCfgD: Delete item action is realised. Copy, Cut and Paste actions is realised. 2008-12-15 Roman - !!!!:/UI: Dynamic Web based configurator module (UI.WebCfgD) is added. Not all function yet realised! - !!:/UI: UI subsystem's module template is added (src/moduls/ui/=Tmpl=). - !!:/UI/WebDbg: Remove module. - !!:/UI/WebVision: JavaScript module's code exuded to separate file WebVisionVCA.js. - !!:/UI/WebWision: Using fontconfig for TTF fonts location is added. Now into primitive "Diagram" used TTF fonts. - FIX:/UI/WebVision: Multiple loading page's tree is fixed. - /UI/WebVision: Check access to widget's support is added. - /UI/WebVision: Open popup windows support is added. - /UI/WebVision: Active mode check is added for primitive 'FormEl'. - /UI/WebVision: No write to user's modified primitive 'FormEl' support is added. - !!:/UI/QTCfg: Use new, optimal for time, children requst to tree build. - FIX:/UI/QTCfg: Some fixes made. - !!:/UI: Icons types "png", "gif", "jpg" and "jpeg" get support is added. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Lost inspector's attributes content after closing Color and Font selection dialogs is fixed. Focus set to inspector attributes strong. - FIX:/UI/Vision: New window open and close in RunTime is fixed. Deleted window's checking is added. - FIX:/UI/Vision: The no permition message left only for pages, not for included widgets. - /UI/WebCfg: Load and save action is added to toolbar. - /SYS: Icons for Web-tree build is included. Add icons: line.png, disconnect.png, UI.WebCfgD.png. - !:/SYS: Icon path configuration field is added. The module path configuration field move to main OpenSCADA system page. - !!:/SYS: Node's identifier encoding is added for all need subsystems. Used for remove spaces and other special simbols from identifier. - !!:/SYS: Node children control interface's request is added. Used for faster build navigation trees (QTCfg, WebCfgD). - !:/SYS: Translation for Russian and Ukrainian is updated. - /DB/MySQL: Icon is updated. - !:/Archive/DBArch, /Archive/FSArch: Translation to German is added by Aleksey and Irina Popkov. - FIX:/DB/MySQL: Case-sensitive keys is fixed. Add parameter BINARY to created text keys "varchar(150) BINARY". - /DemoDB: Updated for case-sensitive keys for DB.MySQL fix. 2008-12-12 Maxim - FIX:/UI/Vision: Moving one of the points of figure, which is connected to the other figure, while several figures are selected is fixed(blocked) for primitive ElFigure. 2008-12-11 Maxim - FIX:/UI/Vision: A lot of little fixes is done for primitive ElFigure. - !!!/UI/Vision: Conception of painting is changed for primitive ElFigure, by means of which performance is greatly improved in both: the runtime and the devel modes. 2008-12-04 Maxim - FIX:/UI/Vision: Fixing "offset" after CTRL+A or square selection is done for primitive ElFigure. 2008-11-25 Roman - FIX:/SYS: Some fixes into RPM build spec file and data/openscada.desktop. - FIX:/UI/QTCfg: Enter new node identifier and name is fixed. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Crash after close dialog from links inspector call is final fixed. - /UI/Vision: Showing widgets of libraries to popup menu for projects and libraries navigator limited by 10 and root libraries. 2008-11-24 Roman - !!!:/SYS, /UI/QTCfg, /UI/Vision: OpenSCADA nodes, when stored into DB, DB key identifier control is added. User bounded for enter big identifiers. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Fixed group request's for libraries of widget's tree. - !!!!:/UI/Vision: Loading libraries' widgets' toolbars and libraries widgets navigator is integrated. Move to use group request for libraries of widget's tree. Made adaptive and optimal libraries of widget's tree loading. - /UI/Vision: Add widgets of libraries to popup menu for projects and libraries navigator. - !!:/DemoDB: VCA DB is separated to vcaBase, vcaTest and vcaAGLKS DB's. 2008-11-24 Maxim - FIX:/UI/Vision: Some performance improvemet is done for developming mode by removing unnecessary repaints for primitive ElFigure. 2008-11-21 Roman,Maxim - !!!!:/UI/Vision: Binary heap sort algorithm is used for child's widgets order set. Significant performance improve. 2008-11-21 Roman - /UI/VCAEngine: Group request for widget's tree is made time optimal for session mode. - !:/UI/VCAEngine: Added not full group request for libraries of widget's tree. 2008-11-20 Maxim - FIX:/UI/Vision: procedure dynamic if fixed for primitive ElFigure. - FIX:/UI/WebVision: filling the simple arc is modified for primitive ElFigure. 2008-11-20 Roman - /Transport/Sockets: Close input connections limit counter is added to transport's status line. - FIX:/Transport/Sockets: Close protocol after broken connection is added. - !:/UI/VCAEngine: Independent load of generic attributes is added. For storing of geometry broken and losses base widgets of inherits. - !:/UI/VCAEngine: Removed support of storing attributes old DB. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Disable message for not full link made connection. System crashed after it message dialog close. - /UI/Vision: Resize underlie selected widgets support is added. - FIX:/DAQ/Transporter: Default saving parameters is disabled. - !!:/DemoDB: Is updated. New mnemo to second signal object is added. Graphic's groups is updated and fixed. 2008-11-18 Maxim - FIX:/UI/Vision: Different little fixes are made for primitive ElFigure. 2008-11-17 Roman - /XML: Return (XMLNode *) to attribute delete (attrDel) function is added. - /Transport/SSL: Number of closed connections by exceeding limit of client's connections is adding to status line. - FIX:/Transport/SSL: No error result process for BIO_should_retry() is added. - FIX:/Transport/SSL: Client connections' registration is fixed for protocol's objects' name fix. - FIX:/Transport/SSL: Closing protocol after broken connection is added. - FIX:/Transport/SSL: OpenSSL library bug is bypassed. No closing client's socket after connection terminate by client. - /UI/QTCfg: Real type field's enter mechanism is changed. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Functions Widget::cntrCmdGeneric() and cntrCmdAttributes() call chain is fixed. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Primitive "Document" storing is fixed. One data for all sessions. - !!!!:/UI/VCAEngine: Group service request '/serv/attrBr' is added. Request return attributes tree for all widget's branch. Used for made optimal access to model's data from visualisators. - /UI/Vision: Renamed functions from 'm_nm' to 'mNm' view. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Select new made widgets mechanism is fixed. - !!!!:/UI/Vision: For time optimal requests used new group request '/serv/attrBr'. Performance network and local request significantly risen! - /UI/Vision: Debug messages is made through 'OSC_DEBUG >= 3' macro-condition. - !!:/UI/Vision: The updating time control mechanism is rewrote. - !!!!:/UI/WebVision: For time optimal requests used new group request '/serv/attrBr'. Performance of requests significantly risen! - !!:/DemoDB: Is updated. 2008-11-17 Maxim - FIX:/UI/Vision: Inundattion path is fixed for the primitive ElFigure. - /UI/Vision: Action for making static all the dynamic values is added for the primitive ElFigure. - /UI/Vision, /UI/WebVision: "," is changed to "|" between "x" and "y" coordinates for the primitive ElFigure. - FIX:/UI/WebVision: Filling by the image for the primitive ElFigure is fixed. 2008-11-12 Roman - !!!!:/Functions, /DAQ/JavaLikeCalc: Namespace support is added to users' compiled functions. Keyword 'using' is added to JavaLikeCalc for seting namespace. - !!!!:/DAQ/JavaLikeCalc: Add support keywords "using" and "return". - FIX:/Archive/FSArch: Scan values from holed archive is fixed. - /TFunction, /DAQ/JavaLikeCalc: Renamed functions from 'm_nm' view to mNm. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Lost language after inherit widget procedure modify is fixed. - !:/UI/VCAEngine: Restore attribute 'time' from archived document on start is added. - !!!!:/UI/Vision: Print and Export data of run project's is added. Include print and export by: pages, diagrams and documents. - !!!!:/UI/WebVision: Primitive "Document" support is added. - !!:/DemoDB: Is updated. Sum and average archives data functions is fixed. Primitive's document is updated and one is added. 2008-11-12 Maxim - FIX:/UI/Vision: Deleting the single figure for the primitive ElFigure is fixed. - /UI/Vision: Paint event for primitive ElFigure is modified. 2008-11-10 Maxim - FIX:/UI/Vision: Loading image for filling the primitive ElFigure is fixed. - /UI/Vision: Copy function for primitive ElFigure is modified. 2008-11-07 Roman - FIX:/XML: Removing from XML node's text, from end, spaces is fixed. - FIX:/Archive, /Archive/FSArch, /Archive/DBArch: EVAL, get value time and zero time on EVAL is fixed for functions of getting values from archive. - /UI/VCAEngine: Disable shift deletion for container's elements. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: The modify flag clear for opened session is fixed. - !!!:/UI/VCAEngine, /UI/Vision: Improve the primitive "Document" realisation. Made more stabile archive mode. Storing archive to projects's DB (*_ses) is added. Repeat tags generation mechanism is changed. - !:/UI/VCAEngine: System mode is added to attributes' set value functions. For no prevent mode support into primitives' update. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Inherit flag is added to an attribute add function for first inherit fix on creation. - !!:/UI/Vision: Link mode is added to copy widget's dialog. - !:/UI/Vision: Link apply on select is return for links inspector. - FIX:/UI/Vision: No update cached pages after open is fixed. - !!:/DemoDB: Is updated. Primitive's "Document" the archive mode reports is added. An archive process JavaLikeCalc functions is added (sum and average). 1 hour (1h) periodic FS archivator is added. 2008-11-06 Maxim - FIX:/UI/Vision: Addition the dynamic value instead of static one in procedure dynamic is fixed for primitive ElFigure. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Scaling the widgets is fixed for primitive ElFigure. 2008-11-04 Maxim - FIX:/UI/Vision: Filling by the image for primitive ElFigure is fixed. 2008-10-30 Roman - FIX:/DAQ/Siemens: Not set modify flag for template field change. - !:/Special/FLibSYS: Direct access to archive or attribute's value address field is added for functions: varhBeg(), varhEnd(), varhGetR(), varhGetB() and varhGetS(). - !!!:/Special/FLibSYS: Add user's functions: strPath2Sep(), strEnc2HTML() and real2str(). - FIX:/UI/QTCfg: Blocking signals on time programm values set into LineEdit is fixed. - /UI/VCAEngine: Some attributes is renamed from m_attr to mAttr view. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Some fixes for primitive "Document". - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Make stats f_start and f_stop for session's scripts is fixed. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Function Widget:calcId() is fixed for full session path support. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Two level's widgets list generation is fixed for widgets's parent edition. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Widget's user attributes edit name, type and selected list for heritor is fixed. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Cleaning root link's fields, without group, is fixed. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Blocking signals on time programm values set into LineEdit is fixed. - !!!:/UI/Vision: Post process XML-source of primitive "Document" is added. Dynamic documents support by primitive "Document" is improved and tested. - !!:/DemoDB: Demo DB is updated. First primitive's "Document" reports is added. 2008-10-30 Maxim - FIX:/UI/WebVision, /UI/Vision: Interpretation of the style of the line for primitive ElFigure is synchronized. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Mechanism of calculating the angle for the arc while building inundation path is changed. - !!:/UI/WebVision: Dynamization of every parameter of primitive ElFigure support is added. - FIX:/UI/Vision: PopUp menu is fixed for primitive ElFigure. 2008-10-28 Maxim - !!:/UI/Vision: Dynamization of every parameter of primitive ElFigure support is added. 2008-10-28 Roman - FIX:/SYS/*: Not safe using of function localtime() replaced by localtime_r(). - /Archive/FSArch, /Archive/DBArch: Help for specific archivators' address format is added. - !!!:/DB/MySQL: Specific date format (flag TFld::DateTimeDec) support is added. Used MySQL field type DATETIME. - !!:/Special/FLibSYS: User function tmCtime() replaced by function tmFStr(). tmFStr() allow user's formated date string getting. - !!:/UI/Vision: First support of primitive "Document" is added. 2008-10-27 Roman - /XML: Function childClean() renamed to childClear(). - !!:/XML: XML process instruction support is added. Added function attrDel() and parent(). - /TElem: Flag TFld::DateDec add for native date storing into DB. - /TFunction: Use function counter TFunction::use() is added. - FIX:/DAQ/JavaLikeCalc: Deletion used system compile function after new compile error is fixed. - !!!:/UI/VCAEngine: Base support of primitive "Document" is added. - !:/UI/VCAEngine: Dynamic style of lines is added to primitive ElFigure. 2008-10-22 Roman - !!!!:/DAQ: DCON protocol support module by Almaz Karimov is included to source tree. - /DAQ/DCON: Translation to Russian and Ukrainian is made. - !!:/UI/VCAEngine: First support of primitive "Document" is included. - /Transport/SSL: The icon of module included to source tree. 2008-10-14 Roman - !!!!:/Transport: New module of support SSL is added. - !!:/Transport/Socket: Code clean and transport's status is added. - !!:/Transport/SSL: Documentation is added. - !:/Transport/Socket: Documentation is updated. - !!:/SYS: Debug messages print mechanism is reviewed. Now debug enabled by OSC_DEBUG in debug level value from 0 to 5. New mechanism is included to all modules. - !:/SYS: New function TSYS::strMess() is added for in-line format string support. - !:/Transports: Added virtual function getStatus( ) to input and output transports interfaces for connection status get. - FIX:/DAQ/BlockClac: Small values seting allow into real block's attributes is fixed. - !!:/SYS: Demo DB is updated. 2008-10-14 Maxim - FIX:/UI/Vision: Circle fill is fixed. 2008-10-02 Roman - FIX:/SYS: Configure.in script is fixed by add default declaration of 'QT4use'. - !!:/SYS: RPM packages build spec-file is updated for simple package name changing allow. Used for build 'openscada-plc' package. - !!:/SYS: Individual user's config file 'oscada_start.xml', for low priority users start by 'openscada_start', is added. Direct 'openscada' call and default config 'oscada.xml' used for superuser daemon mode. - !!:/SYS: Cofiguration to self openscada control intarface on port 10005 is added to default config 'oscada.xml'. - !!:/SYS: OpenSCADA init daemon script changed for use UTF-8 codepage. - !!!!:/SYS: Added support of nextline symbols into XML attributes its for names and tag name. Often used into attributes. 2008-09-26 Maxim - /UI/Vision: Action for making dynamic points from static ones is added to the popup menu for primitive ElFigure. - !!:UI/WebVision: Dynamic and static points realization is done for primitive ElFigure. 2008-09-26 Roman - FIX:/UI/QTCfg, /UI/Vision: Use function deleteLater() for widgets deletion. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Dynamic colors and images of primitive ElFigure is fixed. 2008-09-22 Maxim - !!:/UI/Vision: Dynamic and static points realization is done for primitive ElFigure. - FIX:UI/Vision: Building an inundation path if fixed for primitive ElFigure. 2008-09-22 Roman - !!:/UI/VCAEngine: For primitive ElFigure: Dynamic and static points support is added. Dynamic width, colors and images support is added. - /UI/Vision: Disable word wrap for texts into attributes of the attributes inspector. 2008-09-20 Roman - !/SYS: Default user on start QTCfg is made as root. Used user directory configuration. - !/SYS: Add programm information: PACKAGE_LICENSE, PACKAGE_DESCR, PACKAGE_AUTHOR and PACKAGE_SITE. - !!:/SYS: Add unified sleep task function TSYS::taskSleep() and replaced sleep code into: TArchiveS, DAQ.BlockCalc, DAQ.JavaLikeCalc, DAQ.LogicLev DAQ.ModBus, DAQ.SNMP, DAQ.Siemens, DAQ.System, DAQ.Transporter and UI.VCAEngine. - FIX:/DB/SQLite: High CPU load on work to read only DB is fixed. - /UI/QTCfg, /UI/Vision, /UI/WebCfg: Module and system information on 'About' menu is updated. - FIX:/Archive/FSArch: Stop value archivator is archivator db creation error. - FIX:/Archive/FSArch: Check disabled archivator make is fixed. - FIX:/DB/SQLite: Exeption generation on failed record deletion on readonly DB. 2008-09-18 Roman - !!:/SYS: User's work directory support and user's start script 'openscada_start' added. - FIX:/SYS: TSYS::setWorkDir() function is fixed. - FIX:/SYS: RPM packages' build script is fixed for build into Hasher, for ALTLinux Sisyphus repository. 2008-09-17 Maxim - FIX:/UI/Vision: Deleting of fills for primitive ElFigure is fixed. 2008-09-17 Roman - /DB/MySQL: For UTF codepages length multiplication to 2 is made for string. - FIX:/UI/QTCfg: Save on exit is fixed. - FIX:/SYS: Fixing DB fields set is fixed for TArchives, TBDS and TTransports. - FIX:/SYS/Elements: The short DB fields length attribute is fixed. 2008-09-16 Roman - FIX:/UI/VCAEngune: Two level and more widget's path generation is fixed. 2008-09-15 Roman - !:/SYS: Self script 'mkdist' is added for fixed working of command 'make dist'. - !:/SYS: RPM build spec file is updated to create noarch packages for ALTLinux. 2008-09-10 Roman OpenSCADA 0.6.2 - !!:/UI/QTStarter: Documentation and translation is updated and version 1.5.1 is relised. - !!:/UI/QTCfg: Documentation and translation is updated and version 1.6.0 is relised. - !!:/UI/VCAEngine: Documentation and translation is updated and version 0.7.0 is relised. - !!:/UI/Vision: Documentation and translation is updated and version 0.7.0 is relised. - !!:/UI/WebVision: Documentation and translation is updated and version 0.4.0 is relised. - !!:/UI/WebCfg: Documentation and translation is updated and version 1.5.1 is relised. - !!:/SYS: Add release 0.6.2 announce documents. - !!:/SYS: Updated API and TODO documents. 2008-09-10 Maxim - FIX:/UI/WebVision: Filling of the figures is fixed for primitive ElFigure. 2008-09-09 Roman - !!:/Archive/FSArch: Documentation and translation is updated and version 1.0.0 is relised. - !!:/Archive/DBArch: Documentation and translation is updated and version 0.7.0 is relised. - !!:/DB/MySQL: Documentation and translation is updated and version 1.4.0 is relised. - !!:/DB/SQLite: Documentation and translation is updated and version 1.4.0 is relised. - !!:/DB/DBF: Documentation and translation is updated and version 1.9.0 is relised. - !!:/DB/FireBird: Documentation and translation is updated and version 0.8.0 is relised. - !!:/DAQ/BlockCalc: Documentation and translation is updated and version 1.1.0 is relised. - !!:/DAQ/DiamondBoards: Documentation and translation is updated and version 1.1.0 is relised. - !!:/DAQ/JavaLikeCalc: Documentation and translation is updated and version 1.2.0 is relised. - !!:/DAQ/SNMP: Documentation and translation is updated and version 0.3.2 is relised. - !!:/DAQ/LogicLev: Documentation and translation is updated and version 0.9.1 is relised. - !!:/DAQ/ModBus: Documentation and translation is updated and version 0.9.0 is relised. - !!:/DAQ/Siemens: Documentation and translation is updated and version 1.1.0 is relised. - !!:/DAQ/System: Documentation and translation is updated and version 1.6.1 is relised. - !!:/DAQ/Transporter: Documentation and translation is updated and version 0.3.2 is relised. - !!:/Transport/Sockets: Documentation and translation is updated and version 1.3.5 is relised. - !!:/Protocol/HTTP: Documentation and translation is updated and version 1.3.2 is relised. - !!:/Protocol/SelfSystem: Documentation and translation is updated and version 0.8.0 is relised. - !!:/Special/FLibComplex1: Documentation and translation is updated and version 1.0.2 is relised. - !!:/Special/FLibMath: Documentation and translation is updated and version 0.5.1 is relised. - !!:/Special/FLibSYS: Documentation and translation is updated and version 0.6.1 is relised. - !!:/Special/SystemTests: Documentation and translation is updated and version 1.3.6 is relised. 2008-09-09 Maxim - FIX:/UI/WebVision: Drawing of the borders of the figure is fixed for primitive ElFigure. 2008-09-08 Maxim - !:/UI/WebVision: Focus and events process is added to primitive ElFigure. 2008-09-08 Roman - !:/UI/WebVision: Cursor set to primitive Diagramm is added. - !!:/UI/WebVision: Force focus support is added. - FIX:/UI/WebVision: No full updating after page getting from cache is fixed. 2008-09-07 Roman - FIX:/DAQ/JavaLikeCalc: Unwanted tipe conversion from real to integer is fixed. - !:/UI/WebVision: Editable combobox active mode support is added for primitive FormEl. - !:/UI/WebVision: Toggle support for button is added for primitive FormEl. 2008-09-03 Roman - !:/UI/WebVision: Make active views Combobox, List and text mode. - !:/SYS: Adapted to Mandriva 2008.1 build 2008-09-02 Roman - !:/UI/WebVision: Time and Data view for FormEl is made. - !:/UI/WebVision: Manual vertical align to center is made for FormEl views. 2008-09-02 Roman - !:/UI/WebVision: Time view of FormEl is made. 2008-09-02 Maxim - FIX:/UI/WebVision: Unification of rounding of geometry of widgets is done. 2008-09-01 Roman - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Dynamic link to closed pages is fixed. If linked attribute have link to parameter then it use. - FIX:/UI/Vision,/UI/WebVision: NAN real values' crash into primitive Diagram is fixed. - FIX:/DAQ/ModBus: ModBus/TCP timeout changed to 3 seconds. - FIX:/Transport/Sockets: Fix exeption from timeout expired. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Set new runtime window title is fixed. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Close included pages is fixed. - FIX:/UI/WebVision: Close and open commands is fixed. - !:/UI/WebVision: Focus support to primitive "Diagram" is added. - !:/UI/WebVision: Keyboard events process added. 2008-08-30 Roman - FIX:/Protocol: Input protocol's modify status present is fixed. - FIX:/DAQ/DiamondBoards: No set some parameter's attributes is fixed. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Session's list mode is fixed. Deletion from QTCfg is work now. - !:/UI/WebVision: The spin editable line for primitive FormEl make active. 2008-08-27 Maxim - FIX:/UI/WebVision: Color allocation for figures with borders is fixed for primitive ElFigure. - FIX:/UI/Vision: toolAct function is fixed. 2008-08-26 Maxim - FIX:/UI/Vision: Building the inundation path for primitive ElFigure is fixed. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Drawing the arc with the help of mouse for primitive ElFigure is fixed. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Choosing the figure with the help of mouse for primitive ElFigure is fixed. - !/UI/Vision: Scaling the lines and borders is added for primitive ElFigure. - !/UI/WebVision: Scaling the lines and borders is added for primitive ElFigure. 2008-08-25 Roman - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Translation to Russian and Ukranian is fixed. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Runtime window maximise and full-screen on start is fixed. - /UI/WebVision: Title name changet to project's name. - !!:/UI/WebVision: First realisation of active mode for view EditLine of primitive FormEl. 2008-08-20 Roman - !:/SYS/XML: Parse error part string is appended to error message. - !:/Transport/Socket: 3 tries for restore connection is added. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Generic connection errors messages generation is fixed. - /UI/Vision: Runtime window title changed to run project's name. 2008-08-19 Roman - !!:/UI/Vision: Big group of widgets deletion is made optimal. - !!:/UI/Vision: Big group copy-paste is made optimal. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Inserted widget's selection is fixed. - !!:/UI/Vision: Make rect selection is fastest. Select event generation moved to mouse button release. - !!:/UI/VCAEngine: Real deletion time of included widgets on final save is make optimal. 2008-08-14 Roman - FIX:/DAQ/JavaLikeCalc: String base operations is fixed. - !!:/DAQ/ModBus: Input coins(02) and input registers(04) gathering data support is added. 2008-08-13 Roman - !!:/SYS: System adapted to GCC 4.3 - !!:/DAQ/JavaLikeCalc: Numbers process mechanism is rewrote. All generic operations made work with real type data, no integer separately. 2008-08-11 Roman - !!:/SYS: System adapted to GCC 4.3 - FIX:/DAQ/JavaLikeCalc: Start libraries functions after one broken function is fixed. - FIX:/DAQ/ModBus: Coil buffer make is fixed. 2008-08-08 Roman - !!:/DAQ/ModBus: Protocol's log added. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Prototipe VisRun::VisRun() is fixed. 2008-08-07 Roman - FIX:/UI/Vision: Remote VCA hosts' list is fixed. 2008-08-05 Roman - !!:/SYS: ZLib compression functions added. - !!:/Protocol/SelfSystem: Protocol compression support is added. - FIX:/DAQ/ModBus: More fixes is made. 2008-07-31 Maxim - FIX:/UI/Vision: Drawing of the holds' circles for primitive ElFigure is fixed. - FIX:UI/Vision: Square selection of figures for primitive ElFigure is modified. 2008-07-29 Maxim - /UI/Vision: Choosing the figures with the help of square selection for primitive ElFigure is added . - FIX:/UI/Vision: Level(highest or lowest) configuration for primitive ElFigure is fixed. - FIX:UI/Vision: Selection figures with the pressed CTRL and further movement of them for primitive ElFigure is fixed - /UI/Vision: Deleting of choosen by different ways of figures for primitive ElFigure support is added 2008-07-29 Roman - !!:/DAQ/ModBus: Coins support is added by functions 01 and 05. - !!:/DAQ/ModBus: Individual RS485 timeouts at controller is added. - !!:/DAQ/ModBus: Resume time for dead serial controllers is added. - FIX:/DAQ/ModBus: Odd data block process on each parameter is fixed. 2008-07-25 Roman - /SYS/CntrNode: Group clear of modify status function is added. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Two loading VCA data is prevented. - FIX:/DAQ/ModBus: Multi controller request timeout is fixed. - /DAQ/ModBus: Hex and oct registers' address support is added. 2008-07-16 Maxim - FIX:/UI/Vision: Copy function for primitive ElFigure is fixed. - /UI/Vision: Level(highest or lowest) configuration is added for primitive ElFigure. 2008-07-16 Roman - FIX:/DAQ/BlockCalc: No clear old attributes after attribute identifier changing is fixed. 2008-07-15 Roman - FIX:/DAQ/BlockCalc: Field for go to block function is hide for empty function. - /UI/VCAEngine, TElem, TValue: Storing objects' size is made optimal. 2008-07-13 Roman - FIX:/DAQ/LogicLev: Mode list and Free stat is fixed. - /UI/QTCfg, /UI/Vision: Save check dialog on exit and close window is changed. - FIX:/UI/QTCfg: Apply at edited combo signal on item select is added. 2008-07-11 Roman - !!:/UI/Vision: Resource cache support is added to development pages. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Zero arguments list process for Text shape is fixed. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Multiply opened of included widgets into shape box is fixed. - /UI/Vision: Maximise include widgets to container box size is added. 2008-07-10 Roman - FIX:/UI/Vision: Exit form included widgets edit is fixed. - !!:/UI/Vision: Resource cache support is added to runtime. - /UI/Vision: Work pages attributes moved to QT object's attributes store. - !:/UI/Vision: Include widget's scroll area support is added. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Maximise and full screen runtime window mode is fixed. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Update widgets runtime mechanism is fixed. 2008-07-10 Maxim - FIX:/UI/Vision: Development widget pattern is fixed. 2008-07-10 Maxim - !:/UI/Vision: Protocol shape is moved to new individual data per widget store mechanism for primitive ElFigure. - !:/UI/Vision: Copy function for primitive ElFigure is added. 2008-07-09 Roman: - /UI/Vision: Full screen and maximise run window attributes moved to project. - /UI/Vision: Attributes pgOpen, pgNoOpenProc, pgGrp and pgOpenSrc moved from box shape to project's pages. - !:/UI/Vision: Protocol shape is moved to new individual data per widget store mechanism. 2008-07-08 Roman: - FIX:/UI/Vision: Loss of the big images scroll position in development is fixed. - !:/UI/Vision: Diagramm shape is moved to new individual data per widget store mechanism. - /UI/Vision: Unselect included widgets on development at the focus loss is disabled. 2008-07-05 Roman - FIX:/UI/Vision: Move children widgets on development is fixed. - !:/UI/Vision: Media shape is moved to new individual data per widget store mechanism. 2008-07-04 Roman - !:/UI/Vision: Flags of development widgets write form changed. - !:/UI/Vision: The individual shape data store mechanism changed and make performance optimal. - !:/UI/Vision: Geometry parameters loading make optimal. - FIX:/UI/Vision: The big widgets' load time is fixed into empty resource get function. - !:/UI/WebVision: Automatic scroll enable on big mnemo support is added. 2008-07-03 Maxim,Roman - FIX:/UI/Vision: Widget's update function fixed. - FIX:/UI/Vision: ElFigure update view on attributes change is fixed. 2008-07-03 Roman - /UI/Vision: Make image from development pages is added. Use for make screenshots and rasterizing for WEB-interfaces performance raise. 2008-07-02 Maxim - /UI/Vision: Tuning of the repainting and setting of the attributes for primitive "ElFigure" is done. - /UI/WebVision: Scaling and rotating of the image when filling with it the primitive "ElFigure" is added. 2008-07-01 Roman - !:/UI/VCAEngine, /UI/Vision: Make widget's attributes id, name, dscr, path no visual. For visual traffic decrease. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Widget selection impossible, if it lie on other selected big widget, is fixed. 2008-06-24 Roman - FIX:/SYS: Configure QT4 environment is fixed on Mandriva 2008.1 - !:/UI/Vision: Move and resize widgets of a development page make a performance optimal. 2008-06-23 Roman - !!:/SYS: All service control command is renamed from numbers (/serv/0) to object's names (/serv/attr). - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Model data permition on session run is fixed. - /UI/VCAEngine: Open and close pages control commands is added. Used for direct pages' operations, independent from pages permition. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine,/UI/Vision: No permited pages dispaly is fixed. View messages for denied access to no permited pages. - FIX:/Security/Grp: Field "/prm/db" write form error is fixed. 2008-06-20 Roman - !!:/Archive/Value: Archives list container, into archivator, move from vector to map for fastest access. - FIX:/Archive/FSArch: Too long big archives' files list load is fixed. Multiply archive directory scan is removed. - FIX:/Vision: View cursor for no active primitive "Diagram" on development is fixed. 2008-06-19 Roman - FIX:/XML: Load and save external codepage name changed from UTF8 to UTF-8 for odd iconv call prevent. - /Security: Service call "/auth" for user auth control is added. - !:/Protocol/SelfSystem: Direct requests, drop session open stage, support is added. - !!!!:/UI/VCAEngine, /UI/Vision, /UI/WebVision: User permition contol is added to session and run mode. Devel mode permition made fixed to "root.UI:RWRWR_". Self owner and permition control is added for included to page widgets. - !!!!:/UI/Vision: Runtime user changing support is added. Include run interface permition update. - !:/UI/VCAEngine, /UI/Vision: Widget's user renamed to owner. - FIX:/UI/Vision, /UI/WebVision: Three blocks data load is fixed for primitive "Diagram". - !!:/SYS: More odd spaces from sources is removing continued. - !!:/SYS: Demo DB is updated. 2008-06-13 Maxim - /UI/Vision: Scaling and rotating of the image when filling with it the primitive "ElFigure" is added. 2008-06-11 Roman - !:/Archive, /DB, /Security, : Groups identifier write, for permission to control node, changed to direct string. - !!:/UI/VCAEngine: Development permission made check to user "root" and "UI". Widget's parmission used only for runtime. - /UI/Vision: Single dash rect paint on time widgets mouse move is made. - !!:/SYS: More odd spaces from sources is removing continued. 2008-06-10 Roman - FIX:/DAQ/Siemens, /DAQ/Transporter, /DAQ/LogicLev, /DAQ/System, /DAQ/DiamondBoards, /DAQ/SNMP, /UI/VCAEngine: Zero period hang is fixed. - !!:/SYS: More odd spaces from sources is removing continued. 2008-06-09 Roman - !!:/DB: Add and everywhere use function TDBS::dbList() for all DB list request. - !!:/CntrNode: Add generic requests "/db/list" and "/db/tblList". Use requests into into all DB edit fields for make select combo. - !!:/CntrNode, /UI/QTCfg, /UI/WebCfg: Static select list support is added, for generic fields. - !!:/SYS: More odd spaces from sources is removing continued. - /SYS: Translation to Russian and Ukranian is updated. - FIX:/DAQ/BlockCalc: Zero period hang is fixed. - /DAQ/BlockCalc: Help for the attributes of parameter field configuration format is added. - FIX:/DAQ/JavaLikeCalc: Zero period hang is fixed. - /DAQ/ModBus: Help for the attributes of parameter field configuration format is added. - /DAQ/ModBus: Make selection of serial devices by combo. - !!:/UI/QTCfg: Move base widgets generation to object LineEdit from Vision. Edited combo edit contol is added. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Events process for elements of primitive "FormEl" on development is fixed. 2008-06-04 Roman - FIX:/DAQ/FSArch: Value archive's directory period check time is fixed. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Alarm level lamp color restoring after quitation is fixed. 2008-06-03 Maxim - FIX:/UI/WebVision: Filling of the primitive "ElFigure" with length of the line < 4 is fixed. - FIX:/UI/WebVision: Recalculating of the points of the arc is fixed. 2008-06-02 Roman - !!!!:/UI/VCAEngine, /UI/Vision: Full realisation of alarms is added. For speech synthesis from text use 'ru_tts' engine. For play use sox alias 'play'. And translation to Russian and Ukranian is updated. - !!:/SYS/CntrNode: For many key fields help attribute is added. And translation to Russian and Ukranian is updated. - !:/DAQ/JavaLikeCalc: Bit shift to left (<<) and to right (>>) integer operations is added. - !!:/SYS: More odd spaces from sources is removing continued. - FIX:/UI/WebVision: Closing no created session is fixed. - !!:/SYS: Demo DB is updated. 2008-05-29 Maxim - FIX:/DAQ/BlockCalc: Uncorrect block's enabling on node no function is fixed. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Project's page copy to inheritant library widget is fixed. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Cached pages, runtime mode, update data on open is fixed. - !:/UI/Vision: Double mouse click event generation is added into primitive "ElFigure". 2008-05-27 Maxim - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Break next pages loading if one page load terminated is fixed. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Empty procedure compile try is fixed. 2008-05-27 Roman - !!:/SYS: More odd spaces from sources is removed. - /DB: Some fields tooltips is added, into modules too. - FIX:/DAQ/JavaLikeCalc: Imposible libraries functions deletion is fixed. - !!:/SYS,/UI/QTCfg: Tooltips for fields support is added. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Deleted include widgets loading is fixed. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Copy included widgets for template pages at project is fixed. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Break next pages loading if one page load terminated is fixed. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Dynamic pages link for address is fixed. - /UI/VCAEngine: Alarm code is improved. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Link inspector update is fixed on group renaming. 2008-05-20 Roman - FIX:/UI/Vision, /UI/WebVision: Buffers and archive data merging into service function is fixed. - /UI/QTCfg: Hex and Oct integer data view is made. - !!!:/UI/VCAEngine: Base alarm API is added. - FIX:/UI/Vision: MDI window object central align is fixed, on QT version 4.4. 2008-05-20 Maxim - /UI/Vision: attrSet function is modified for faster painting of the primitive ElFigure. - /UI/Vision: dashed and dotted drawing of primitives ElFigure support is added. - !!!/UI/WebVision: painting of the thick primitives ElFigure is modified for synchronisation with QT. - /UI/WebVision: dashed and dotted drawing of primitives ElFigure support is added. 2008-05-17 Roman - FIX:/DAQ/BlockCalc: Broken link to block's function process is fixed. - FIX:/UI/QTCfg: Deadlock on QT 4.4 is fixed. - /UI/QTCfg: Refresh items tree popup menu item is added. - FIX:/UI/QTStarter: QT 4.4 locale init is fixed. setlocale(LC_NUMERIC,"C") call after QT init is added. - /UI/VCAEngine: First alarm code is added. 2008-05-15 Roman - FIX:/Archive/FSArch: Message archivator end() and begin() functions is fixed. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Empty or old DB attributed load is fixed. 2008-05-12 Roman - !!!!:/SYS: Shift deletion nodes support of dynamic nodes tree is added. - FIX:/SYS/ControlNode: Exeptions into function TCntrNode::postEnable() process global added. - FIX:/SYS/ControlNode: chldDel() function's logical bug is fixed. - !!!!:/UI/VCAEngine: Shift deletion made for visual items (widgets). - /UI/Vision: Selected widgets tree and projects tree update is made. Rise performance. 2008-05-08 Roman - !:/SYS: Redhat vendor control is added to RPM build spec file. - /SYS: Work directory change allow is excluded. - FIX:/UI/QTCfg: No check for loading image dialog cancel is fixed. - FIX:/UI/Vision: No update widgets tree on three level widget's add/delete is fixed. 2008-05-06 Maxim - FIX:/UI/Vision: "CapStyle" of "Pen" for all types of primitive ElFigure is changed to "SquareCap". 2008-05-01 Roman - /DATA: The OpenSCADA version to start splash is added. - /UI/QTCfg: Menu "Go" and "View" is merged. - !:/SYS: Parameter --with-qt4-dir=DIR to configure script is added, for flexibly QT4 installation control. 2008-04-30 Roman - !!:/DOC: OpenSCADA system API document is updated. - !!:/DAQ/Siemens: Main documentation is updated. - FIX:/Protocol/SelfSystem: Resource for output protocol is added. - FIX:/Transport/Socket: Resource for output transport is added. - /UI/QTCfg: Many errors process is added. 2008-04-30 Maxim - FIX:/UI/WebVision, /UI/Vision: function "angle" for primitive ElFigure is modified. 2008-04-29 Roman - !!:/SYS: Demo DB is updated. - /Protocol/SelfSystem: Session's functions is renamed. - FIX:/Special/FLibMath: Russian translation is fixed. - FIX:/Transport/Sockets: Modify control is fixed. - FIX:/UI/QTCfg: Modify control is fixed. - FIX:/UI/QTStarter: Modify control is fixed. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Mime data storing is fixed after container DB changing. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Modify control is fixed. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Loading widgets from changed attributes list is fixed. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Modify control is fixed. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Load widgets is fixed. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Float values precision is fixed for primitive "Diagram". - FIX:/UI/WebCfg: Modify control is fixed. - FIX:/UI/WebDbg: Modify control is fixed. - FIX:/UI/WebVision: Float values precision is fixed for primitive "Diagram". 2008-04-27 Roman - !!!!:/SYS: Global control for node modifications is added. - !!!!:/UI/QTCfg, /UI/Vision: Global modifications control support is added. - FIX:/SYS: Some bugs are fixed. 2008-04-25 Maxim - FIX:/UI/WebVision, /UI/Vision: names of functions are modified. 2008-04-23 Roman - FIX:/Archive/FSArch: Late archives task stoping is fixed. - /UI/QTCfg: For no modify nodes operations "Cut" and "Delete" is disabled. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Final work place windows close is fixed. - FIX:/UI/Vision: QCursor error free is fixed on shape ElFigure. - /UI/Vision: The shape "ElFigure" code is clear. 2008-04-22 Maxim - FIX:/UI/WebVision: Filling mechanisms in primitive ElFigure are fixed. 2008-04-22 Roman - !!!!:/SYS: Global dynamic nodes copy mechanism is added. - !!!!:/UI/QTCfg: Global dynamic nodes copy mechanism support is added. - !!!!:/DB: Remove individual copy mechanism and use new dynamic nodes copy mechanism. - !!!!:/DAQ/BlockCalc: Remove individual copy mechanism and use new dynamic nodes copy mechanism. - !!!!:/UI/VCAEngine: Remove individual copy mechanism and use new dynamic nodes copy mechanism. - /UI/Vision: Use global copy icons. - /UI/QTCfg: Check for already present node warning is added to functions itAdd and itPaste. - /UI/QTCfg: Context menu is disabled for virtual containers. - FIX:/UI/Vision, /UI/WebVision: Fixed values request round made flow to height for primitive "Diagram". 2008-04-16 Maxim - /UI/Vision: Coordinates' printing while moving a point of the primitive ElFigure in status bar is added. - /UI/Vision: Deleting of all chosen primitives ElFigure by pressing "Del" support is added. - FIX:/UI/Vision: cursor set/unset is fixed. - /UI/WebVision: In function "colorParse" now "-1" instead "0" is returned if no color is found. - /UI/WebVision: Blocking of the painting of primitives ElFigure which point(s) are abroad the borders of the image or Fills, consist of such primitives support is added. - /UI/Vision: Deleting the primitive ElFigure by doubleclicking the left button of the mouse on it removed. - !!!/UI/WebVision: Fill support for primitive ElFigure is added. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Fill parsing is fixed. 2008-04-16 Roman - !!!:/SYS: Groups of branches control mechanism is changed to direct modification control. - /SYS: Translation to Russian and Ukranian is updated. - !!!:/DAQ/CIF: Data acquisition of Siemens PLC through ISO_TSAP protocol by library Libnodave is added. The library Libnodave full included to module CIF. It allow to make support other acquisition methods in future. The module is renamed to "siemens". - FIX:/DAQ/Template: Template library's fail elements start error wake up is added. - !:/DAQ/JavaLikeCalc: Build in functions max() and min() is added. - !:/DAQ/JavaLikeCalc: Symbol '(' for functions control to lexical analisator is added. - !!!:/UI/QTCfg: Items adding and deleting from nodes tree is added. - /UI/QTCfg: Nodes adding and deleting watch to nodes tree is added. - /UI/QTCfg: Input dialog is unified and imported from module Vision. - /UI/QTCfg: Translation to Russian and Ukranian is updated. - /UI/VCAEngin: Widget's identifier length control is added and made it longer - 30 symbols. - !!:/UI/Vision: Font, Image and Color preview to attributes inspector is added. - !!:/UI/Vision: Font and Color configure dialog to attribute inspector is added. - /UI/Vision: Translation to Russian and Ukranian is updated. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Some crashing on time workspace deletion after inspector attributes modify and edited widget opened is fixed. - FIX:/UI/Vision, /UI/WebVision: Font name coding and loading is fixed. - FIX:/UI/Vision, /UI/WebVision: Trend length of view "Trend" of primitive "Diagram" limit of 2300 seconds is fixed. 2008-04-10 Maxim - FIX:/UI/Vision: Arc with borders painting mechanism is fixed. - !:/UI/Vision: Filling mechanism for primitive ElFigure is changed for synchronisation with Web. - !:/UI/WebVision: First support of Fill for primitive ElFigure is added. 2008-04-04 Roman - FIX:/SubSYS: Breake the loading, saving, enabling modules if one module error make is fixed. - FIX:/DAQ/Transport: Zero remote controllers is get error. For loop controllers init on start. - /UI/Vision, /UI/WebVision: Symbol '%' is added to trend's percents scale. 2008-04-02 Roman - FIX:/DAQ/JavaLikeCalc: Translation to Ukrainian is fixed. - FIX:/DAQ/Vision: Configuration's attributes of attribute "value" of primitive "FormEl" copy is fixed on type changing. 2008-04-01 Roman - FIX:/SYS: RPM build spec file distributions conditions is fixed. - FIX:/Vision: Widgets palette is add for flicker reduce. - FIX:/Vision: Elements form crashed is fixed for views "ComboBox" and "QListWidget". 2008-03-30 Roman - FIX:/DAQ/LogicLev: The configuration mirroring of parameters of controller its module to transport controller is fixed. - FIX:/UI/Vision: The session resource to project is made disable if enable error is appear. 2008-03-27 Roman - !!:/DAQ/SoundCard: New module source tree is added. It's only module template, no one target functions is realised now. - FIX:/Archive: Archive task made stop first and next archives archivators stop. - !!:/Archive: Message archivator's values access form is updated. - !!:/UI/Vision: Hide pages on time it loading and initing is made. On time loading is displayed messages about page loading. 2008-03-26 Roman - !!:/SYS: RPM build spec file reviewed for support x86_64, several distribution tools and some bugs fixing into build system. - !!:/SYS: Some key variables shielding is fixed. - FIX:/DB/MySQL: Default value for text fields present is fixed. - FIX:/DB/MySQL: Key limit of MySQL to 500 is apply. 2008-03-23 Roman OpenSCADA 0.6.1 - /SYS: TODO files translation to Russian and Ukranian is added (TODO_ru and TODO_uk) - /UI: Start module control function is added TUI::startStat(). - FIX:/DAQ: Parameter's templates load on broken some templates is fixed. - FIX:/Function: Resource on function cadrs registration is added. - /Elements: The hide configure element flag on a element initialisation is added. - FIX:/DAQ/BlockCalc: Check to attributes of parameters move to up, before new attributes adding. - FIX:/DAQ/JavaLikeCalc: Check for start state before function calc is added. - FIX:/DAQ/LogicLev: Self attributes linking from template, loop linking, is blocked. - FIX:/DAQ/System: Late controllers deletion is fixed. - FIX:/UI/QTCfg: Combobox no listed value display is fixed. - !!:/UI/QTStarter: Start splash is added. - !!!!:/UI/VCAEngine: No stored attributes is exclude from loading. Load performance rise. - !!!!:/UI/VCAEngine: Enabling visual elements moved to load step. Load performance rise. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Inheritor delete included widget marker placed on time deletion parent include widget is fixed. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Crashing on time widget deletion from parent widgets when it progect's page process is fixed. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Links building for mixed configuraton is fixed. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Size points widget's lose release mouse event is final fixed. - /SYS: Demo DB is updated. Template cadrs and first full mnemo is added. 2008-03-20 Roman - !!!:/SYS: The release 0.6.1 overview is added. The release overview made on English, Russian and Ukrainian languages. - !!:/SYS: OpenSCADA API documentation is updated. - FIX:/Archive/Value, /UI/Vision, /UI/WebVision: Miliseconds trends display is fixed. - FIX:/UI/Vision: In time first development widget open the size point display is fixed. - FIX:/UI/WebVision: Image map areas' events generation is fixed. 2008-03-20 Maxim - FIX:/UI/WebVision: Bezier curve with borders scaling and rotating is fixed. 2008-03-20 Maxim - /UI/Vision: Deleting the primitive by pressing "Del" support is added. - /UI/Vision: Deleting the fill by doubleclicking the left mouse button on itself support is added. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Angle function is fixed. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Building of the filling path is fixed. - /UI/WebVision: Scaling and rotating of primitives support is added. 2008-03-18 Roman - FIX:/DAQ/JavaLikeCalc: Logical operation return to boolean is fixed. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Size points first appearance time wait is added (500ms). For mouse release event loss prevention. - !!:/UI/WebVision: Documentation and translation is updated and version 0.3.0 is relised. - FIX:/UI/Vision, /UI/WebVision: No clearing images into primitives "Media" is fixed. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngin: Storing user's attributes configuration after ID and TYPE changing. 2008-03-17 Roman - !:/UI/VCAEngine: Child widget remove is made optimal. Remove full check IO table. - /UI/Vision: Remove Project and Widget libraries updating on time child widgets changing. - !!:/UI/Vision: Documentation and translation is updated and version 0.6.0 is relised. 2008-03-16 Roman - !!:/SYS: Resource files (icons and menu links) for menu OpenSCADA execution is added. - /SYS: RPM spec file is updated for new resources file support. - !!:/SYS/Node: TCntrNode::nodeDel() function is added. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Self widget attributes deletion on object destroy is fixed. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: No deletion inheritor widgets on time of parent widget deletion is fixed - /UI/Vision: Widget's level icons is changed. - !!!:/UI/Vision: Development widget update on time included widgets insert/delete is made performance optimal. - !:/UI/Vision: Inserted widgets into development widget selection is added. - !!!:/UI/VCAEngine, /UI/Vision, /UI/WebVision: Font size dimension changed from punct to pixels. 2008-03-13 Roman - FIX:/Archive/Value: Value's trend paint is fixed and updated. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Trends painter and data loader of primitive 'Diagram' is fixed. - FIX:/UI/WebVision: Trends painter and data loader of primitive 'Diagram' is fixed. - FIX:/UI/WebVision: Disabled trends updating is fixed. 2008-03-11 Roman - !:/Value: The reserve field type is changed to string. - !!:/DAQ/BlockCalc: Documentation and translation is updated and version 1.0.1 is relised. - !!:/DAQ/BlockCalc: A parameter addressation to blocks IO is changed to direct block's IO list. It's allow for control attributes id and name. - /DAQ/JavaLikeCalc: Special simbols \r, \f, \b is added. The documents is updated. - !!:/UI/VCAEngine, /UI/Vision, /UI/WebVision: Font selection support is added for primitive's "FormEl" elements. - /UI/VCAEngine, /UI/Vision, /UI/WebVision: Remove individual font attributes from primitives "Text". - FIX:/UI/Vision: Not full value attribute copy is fixed in process of element view change of primitive "FormEl" of type "Line edit". - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Page's self attributes load is fixed. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Process not full links to parameter's attributes is fixed. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Dublicates of values into buffer process is fixed for primitive "Diagram". - FIX:/UI/Vision: Master page's init parent widget is fixed. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Clear button image for primitive "FormEl" is fixed. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Update widget on time of geting focus is fixed for primitive "Box". - !:/Vision: Separated load from data model and init data is made. - FIX:/UI/WebVision: Dublicates of values into buffer process is fixed for primitive "Diagram". - FIX:/UI/WebVision: Trend begin is fixed for primitive "Diagram". - FIX:/UI/WebVision: More line text visible and arguments padding is fixed for primitive "Text". - !!:/UI/WebVision: Content scaling support is added. 2008-03-06 Maxim - /UI/VCAEngine: Double point's attributes is made for primitive "ElFigure". - !!!:/UI/VCAEngine, UI/Vision, UI/WebVision: Fill mechanizm is changed, for Web and QT unification. - !!!:/UI/WebVision: First support of primirive "ElFigure" is added. 2008-03-06 Roman - !!!!:/SYS, /DAQ/JavaLikeCalc, /UI/VCAEngine, /UI/Vision: Error value (EVAL) support is added to: Function process frame, JavaLikeCalc interpreter and VCA components. - !!:/DAQ/LogicLev: No resolved and errors links' values is inited by EVAL. - FIX:/Special/FLibSYS: The result type of function varhGetB() is fixed. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: User's attributes load, for container widgets, is fixed. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Preparing IO for widget's calc function is fixed. Focus attribute include from all active included widgets. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Included containers order is changed to: included widgets, attributes, pages. - /UI/VCAEngine: New created attributes is made inited by EVAL. After attribute's identifier or type changing is made value copy. - !!:/UI/VCAEngine: Individual value types support is added to Element "Text" of primitive "FormEl" for various view. - FIX:/UI/Vision: The master page open procedure is rewrote. - !:/UI/Vision: No standard key codes event generation is added, by view "key_#0ABh". - /UI/Vision: A edit line update, for primitive "FormEl" is disabled on time it user edition. - /UI/Vision: Scan codes for key events support is added. - /UI/Vision: All events is unified. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Active and enable attribute's action is fixed for all primitives. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Left and bottom one pixels border's line hiding is fixed for primitive "Text". - FIX:/UI/Vision: Average equalent time values is fixed on primitive "Diagram". - /SYS: Demo DB is updated. 2008-03-03 Roman - !!:/DAQ/System: Documentation and translation is updated and version 1.6.0 is relised. - !!:/DAQ/System: Libsensors library for sensors support is added. - !!!!:/SYS: Add new files of generic documentations: FAQ.pdf, AboutOpenSCADA.pdf, release_0.6.0_uk.pdf, release_0.6.0.pdf and FAQ_uk.pdf. - /SYS: Update documentations: release_0.6.0_ru.pdf and FAQ_ru.pdf. - FIX:/DAQ/Value: EVAL_REAL values display is fixed. - !:/UI/VCAEngine: Support user attributes into included widget's is added. - !:/UI/Vision: Usable date attributes edit is added. 2008-02-29 Roman - FIX:/DB/MySQL: Zero fields depth is fixed. 2008-02-28 Roman - !!:/Archive/DBArch: Documentation and translation is updated and version 0.6.0 is relised. - !!:/Archive/FSArch: Documentation and translation is updated and version 0.9.6 is relised. - !!:/DB/FireBird: Documentation and translation is updated and version 0.7.0 is relised. - !!:/DB/MySQL: Documentation and translation is updated and version 1.3.1 is relised. - !!:/DB/SQLite: Documentation and translation is updated and version 1.3.1 is relised. - !!:/DAQ/DiamondBoards: Documentation and translation is updated and version 1.0.1 is relised. - !!:/DAQ/JavaLikeCalc: Documentation and translation is updated and version 1.0.1 is relised. - !!:/DAQ/ModBus: Documentation and translation is updated and version 0.8.0 is relised. - !!:/DAQ/SNMP: Documentation and translation is updated and version 0.3.1 is relised. - !!:/DAQ/Transporter: Documentation and translation is updated and version 0.3.1 is relised. - !!:/Protocol/HTTP: Documentation and translation is updated and version 1.3.1 is relised. - !!:/Special/FLibComplex1: Documentation and translation is updated and version 1.0.1 is relised. - !!:/Special/FLibSYS: Four string function is added. - !!:/Special/FLibSYS: Documentation and translation is updated and version 0.6.0 is relised. - !!:/Transport/Sockets: Documentation and translation is updated and version 1.3.1 is relised. - !!:/UI/QTCfg: Documentation and translation is updated and version 1.5.1 is relised. 2008-02-27 Roman - !:/DB: The create table flag is removed. - /DAQ/ModBus: Early endrun termination is added. - !:/UI/Vision: Force item select suport is added for mouse double item click properties call. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Visual item crash on broken visual item is fixed. 2008-02-26 Roman - FIX:/Archive/FSArch: Export values for archives with period more 1 second is fixed. - FIX:/DB/FireBird: Init headers change to "0" from "NULL". - FIX:/DB/MiSQL: Default value format is fixed, for MySQL 5.0.51. - FIX:/DAQ/ModBus: Data acquisition block clear is added to disable controller's function. - !:/UI/Vision: Cut for visual items support is added. 2008-02-25 Roman - !!:/SYS: The source tree version changed to 0.6.1. - FIX:/SYS/ControlNode: Exception process on call function TCntrNode::postDisable() is added. - FIX:/ModSched: Control modules libraries object SHD storing is rewrote. - !!:/SYS and all modules: Translation to Russian and Ukranian is updated. - !!:/DB/FireBird: Transaction control is added. Rise performance of group modify operations. - !!:/DAQ/ModBus: Block mode acquisition support is added. - /UI/VCAEngine: Copy source and destination path changed to view: /prj_Proj/pg_Pg/pg_Pg1. - !!/UI/Vision: Visual items copy support is added. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Save widget on simple it select, on developming, is fixed. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Self context menu disabled for primitive "FormEl" on development mode. 2008-02-22 Roman - /Archive: Current time tracing is added for archive data access. - FIX:/Archive: Archivators start is fixed. Terminate starting if one archivator error. - /DAQ/Controller: Parameter's number and enabled counter fields is added. - FIX:/ModShedul: No freeing shared libraries control object is fixed. - FIX:/SYS: Float point exception(signal SIGFPE) process is added. - FIX:/Archive/DBArch: Open table once for archive frame flushing is made. - FIX:/DB/FireBird: FielSet() command is rewrote for made SQL INSERT optimize. - /DB/SQLite: Set up requests counter into transaction, into address field, is made (/var/tmp/arch.dp:20). - FIX:/DAQ/DiamondBoards: Commands to attributes process is disadled on time controller stop. - FIX:/DAQ/ModBus: Zero period crush is fixed. Timeout's ranges is hold. - FIX:/DAQ/SNMP, /DAQ/Transporter: Zero period crush is fixed. - /UI/QTCfg: Changed attributes storing on page update is made. - !!:/UI/VCAEngine: Element's copy function is added. - FIX:/UI/Vision: ComboBox event process crash on value setup and item event change is fixed. 2008-02-17 Roman - /SYS/Archive/Value: Control fields for value scale is added to trend builder. - FIX:/SYS/Archive/Value: Horizontal value trend overflow is fixed. - FIX:/DB: The exception generation on table close is fixed. - FIX:/Archive/DBArch: Long time archive's fields clear is fixed, after long downtime. - FIX:/DAQ/DiamondBoards: No changed gain for analog inputs is fixed. - !:/DAQ/ModBus: Tune serial port attributes support is added. Some performance fixes is made. - /UI/Vision: Widgets' tab order control support is added. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Mouse selection and events generation is fixed for primitive "ElFigure". - /SYS: Updated Demo DB. 2008-02-13 Roman - !!!:/DAQ/ModBus: Support Modbus protocols RTU and ASCII is added. - FIX:/DAQ/ModBus: Resource dead lock into main acquisition task is fixed. - !:/DAQ/ModBus: Update translation to Russian and Ukranian. Version 0.7.0 is realised. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine, /UI/Vision, /UI/WebVision: Z - level is fixed. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Identifier generator is fixed for project's page and widget manipulation. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Proxy focus is fixed for text elements of primitive "ElForm" - /SYS: Updated Demo DB. 2008-02-08 Roman - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Removing included widgets to page from DB is fixed. - !!:/UI/VCAEngine: Adaptive dynamic page linking work is finised. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Permission attributes write mode allow for child widgets is fixed. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Identifier generator is fixed for project's page manipulation. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Line edit widget's apply button is fixed. 2008-02-06 Maxim - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Widget's focus process is fixed. - /UI/Vision: Focus support is added for primitive "ElFig". 2008-02-04 Roman - FIX:/Archive/FSArch: Message archivation is fixed for XML parsing error crash. - FIX:/DAQ/JavaLikeCalc: The message "Compile the program language %s is no support." format is fixed. - !!:/UI/Vision, /UI/VCAEngine: Focus attribute and events is added. Dynamic page linking support is added. - /UI/Vision: Make widget's disabling for no active state. 2008-02-01 Roman - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: No visual attributes update transfer cause is fixed. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Odd picture painting is fixed for primitive "Diagram". - FIX:/UI/Vision, /UI/WebVision: Trends display on big periods and big trend's width is fixed. - FIX:/UI/WebVision: Widget's overflow is made hidden. 2008-01-30 Roman - /UI/VCAEngine: Loading mime data form DB or file is made unified. - /UI/VCAEngine: Mime data into project's DB storing is added. - FIX:/UI/WebVision: Image scaling for primitive button is fixed. 2008-01-29 Roman - FIX:/Special/FLibComplex1: The cascade mode is disabling on time automate disabling is fixed for PID function. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Deleting attributes of inheritable widgets on time deletion attributes of base widgets is fixed. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Tracing mode and cursor display is fixed for primitive "Diagram". - FIX:/UI/Vision: Apply button size for primitive "FormEl" is fixed. - !:/UI/WebVision:The cursor support is added for primitive "Diagram". 2008-01-25 Roman - !!!!:/UI/WebVision: The primitive "Diagram" support is added. - FIX:/SYS/Archive/Val: No image object destroying is fixed on trend building error. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Enabling of inherited of included widget's is fixed. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Deletion and load of inherited of included widget's is fixed. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Focuse disabling on development mode for primitive "FormEl" and mode "LineEdit" is fixed. 2008-01-22 Roman - !:/DAQ/JavaLikeCalc: The special simbols, like '\n', support to string is added. - !!:/Special/FLibSYS: The string parse functions, strParse() and strParsePath() is added. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Change attributes processing is fixed. - !!:/UI/VCAEngine: Widget's attributes for events, event and evProc, made no mutable and allowed for all widgets. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Compile widget's functions errors process is fixed. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Attributes configs inherits, on modify, is fixed. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Event process on calc procedure is fixed. - !!:/UI/VCAEngine: Events list format is changed. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Crash on no inited cursor attributes, for primitive Diagram, is fixed. - /SYS: Updated Demo DB. 2008-01-14 Roman - FIX:/UI/Vision: Group widgets resizing is fixed. - /UI/Vision: Scaling flag moved to status bar. - /UI/Vision: The short cut CTRL+S is added, to wigets saving from keyboard. - /UI/Vision: Links configuration is update. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Update links on error operation to it is fixed. - /UI/Vision: A palette widget's resizing from keyboard is added. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Some bugs into widgets resizing is fixed. 2008-01-11 Maxim - /SYS: The rounding of real values function (realRound) is added. - /UI/Vision: Icon of an arrow cursor for primitive ElFig is added. - /UI/Vision, /UI/VCAEngine: Rotation option support is added for primitive ElFig. - /UI/Vision: Short cut CTRL+A key combination, for elements' selection, support for primitive ElFig is added. - !!:/UI/Vision: Scaling option support for primitive ElFig is added. 2008-01-10 Roman - !:/UI/Vision: Resizing from keyboard support is added. 2008-01-09 Roman - /SYS: Translation to Russian and Ukranian is updated - FIX:/DAQ/ModBus: Request to remote server errors process is fixed. - !!:/UI/WebVision: Support of brouser MS IE is added. 2007-12-27 Roman - !!!:/UI/VCAEngine, /UI/Vision: Slider and Scroll bar support is added to primitive "FormEl". - /UI/VCAEngine: Transplate to Russian and Ukranian is updated. - /UI/Vision: Shortcut Ctrl^A change for using to all widgets selection. - /UI/Vision: Group selection on drawing mouse rect is made. - /UI/Vision: Flag storing, for development widget object, is made unified. - FIX:/UI/Vision: The crash into primitive "FormEl", on elements type change, is fixed. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Some crash into attributes inspector on time group widgets access is fixed. - FIX:/UI/Vision: On every time widget selection all reload is fixed. - !!:/UI/Vision: Group widgets resizing is rewrote. - /SYS: Updated Demo DB. 2007-12-25 Roman - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Save and deletion of inherited widgets from container's widgets is fixed. - /UI/Vision: Identifier generator is added for new included widgets. - /UI/Vision: Context action for widget edition enter is added. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Group widgets deletion is fixed. - FIX:/UI/WebVision: Some fixes is made. 2007-12-24 Roman - !!!:/UI/VCAEngine, /UI/WebVision, /UI/Vision: Image links maping to primitive "Media" is added. - !!:/UI/VCAEngine, /UI/Vision: Geometry coordinates is moved to real type. - FIX:/UI/Vision: The size hint for text fields of the attributes inspector is fixed. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Select disabling on widget close is fixed. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Single parameter's scaling for primitive "Diagram" is fixed. - FIX:/UI/WebVision: Form elements vertical central align is fixed. - FIX:/UI/WebVision: A lot bugs is fixed. 2007-12-20 Roman - !!:/SYS: Build for Mandriva 2008 support is added. - !!:/Archive: A value archive trend building is updated. - !!:/UI/VCAEngine, /UI/Vision, /UI/WebVision: A border style support is added to all primitives, which use the border. - !!:/UI/Vision: Develop mode widgets popup menu is added to visual editor. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Key's events send to edited child widgets, on visual editor, is fixed. - FIX:/UI/WebVision: Geometry of blocks specific is fixed. Border width and margin is not included to main block geometry parameters. 2007-12-14 Maxim - FIX:/UI/Vision:Filling of the primitive "ElFigure" is fixed. 2007-12-07 Roman,Maxim,Ksenia OpenSCADA 0.6.0 - !!:/SYS: Version 0.6.0 Anounce document is updated. - !!:/UI/Vision: Documentation and translation is updated and version 0.5.0 is relised. - !!:/UI/VCAEngine: Documentation and translation is updated and version 0.5.0 is relised. - !!:/UI/WebVision: Documentation and translation is updated and version 0.2.0 is relised. - /UI/Vision: Function to resources request is added. Some fixes and code clear. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Development dialogs parameters update is fixed. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Color fill updating is fixed. 2007-12-06 Maxim - !!!:/UI/Vision: Fill and scalind is added to primitive "ElFig". - FIX:/UI/Vision: A lot of bugs are fixed. 2007-12-06 Roman - /SYS: Update project's icons. - /UI/WebVision: Make translations for Russian and Ukranian languages. - /Archive/Mess: Messages request form is changed. - FIX:/DB: Create new empty table on record deletion from this table is fixed. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Deletion of item container is fixed. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Creation pages into no container or no template is fixed. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Primitive "ElFig" panel activation is fixed. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Enabling item containers, after creation, is made. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Resize widgets priority (box and children) is fixed. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Lost edit focus, on time attributes edit, is fixed. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Primitive "Protocol" edit and select ability is fixed. - FIX:/UI/WebVision: Some fixes is made. - !!!:/WebCfg: Modul most rewrote. - !!!:/Protocol/HTTP: The requests process function is made optimal. - !!:/UI/QTCfg: Documentation is updated and version 1.5.0 is relised. - !!:/UI/QTStarter: Documentation is updated and version 1.5.0 is relised. - !!:/UI/WebCfg: Documentation and translation is updated and version 1.5.0 is relised. 2007-11-26 Roman - /UI/Vision, /UI/WebVision: Icons is updated. - !:/Archive/Val: An archive trend and list data building dialog is updated. - /TMess: Debug message for informing of messaging converting errors. - FIX:/DAQ/Template: Store and restore IO position is fixed. - FIX:/DAQ/Template: Storing system attributes to DB is disabled. - FIX:/DAQ/JavaLikeCalc: Store and restore IO position is fixed. - FIX:/SYS: Path parsing function for posible bug is fixed. - FIX:/Archive/Val: Long periodic averaging is fixed (hour and more). - FIX:/DAQ/BlockCalc: Editable select for function copy of Block scheme elements is fixed. - FIX:/Protocol/HTTP: POST mode contain is fixed. - !:/UI/VCAEngine, /UI/Vision: Attributes of the primitive "Media" is changed. - !!!:/UI/VCAEngine: Attributes for scaling, to main widget, is added. - !!!:/UI/Vision: Content scaling support is added. - !!!!:/UI/WebVision: Base functional support is added. - /SYS: Updated Demo DB. 2007-11-10 Roman - !!:/DAQ/CIF: Documentation is updated and version 0.9.0 is relised. - !!:/DAQ/Transporter: Documentation is updated and version 0.3.0 is relised. - !!:/DAQ/ModBus: Documentation is updated and version 0.4.0 is relised. - !!:/DAQ/SNMP: Documentation is updated and version 0.3.0 is relised. - !!!:/UI: Module WebVision template is added. - /SYS: Some icons is updated. 2007-11-09 Roman - !!:/DAQ/LogicLev: Documentation is updated and version 0.9.0 is relised. - !!:/DAQ/System: Documentation is updated and version 1.5.0 is relised. - !!:/DAQ/DiamondBoards: Documentation is updated and version 1.0.0 is relised. - !!:/DAQ/JavaLikeCalc: Documentation is updated and version 1.0.0 is relised. - !!:/DAQ/BlockCalc: Documentation is updated and version 1.0.0 is relised. - !!:/SYS: Generic OpenSCADA documentation is updated. - FIX:/DAQ/DiamondBoards: Thread locking on API and main bugs is fixed (API 5.91). - /Protocol/HTTP: Documentation is updated. - /Transport/Sockets: Documentation is updated. 2007-11-07 Roman - !!!:/SYS: Module connection mechanism is made simpler. - !!:/UI/VCAEngine: Interface translation to Russian and Ukranian is added. - !!:/UI/Vision: Interface translation to Russian and Ukranian is added. - /SYS/Function: Function start(val) is renamed to setStart(val). - /DAQ/PrmTmpl: Function start(val) is renamed to setStart(val). - /Archive/DBArch and FSArch: License update, source clean and interface translation for Russian and Ukranian is updated. - /DB/DBF, FireBird, MySQL and SQLite: License update, source clean and interface translation for Russian and Ukranian is updated. - /DAQ/BlockCalc, CIF, DiamondBoards, JavaLikeCalc, LogicLev, ModBus, SNMP, System and Transporter: License update, source clean and interface translation for Russian and Ukranian is updated. - /Protocol/HTTP and SelfSystem: License update, source clean and interface translation for Russian and Ukranian is updated. - /Special/FLibComplex1, FLibMath, FLibSYS and SystemTests: License update, source clean and interface translation for Russian and Ukranian is updated. - /Transporter/Sockets: License update, source clean and interface translation for Russian and Ukranian is updated. - /UI/QTCfg, WebCfg and WebDbg: License update, source clean and interface translation for Russian and Ukranian is updated. 2007-10-24 Roman - FIX:/DB: Loading DB interupt after broken DB record is fixed. - FIX:/Archive/DB: Special archivator's attributes broken size is fixed. - !!:/SYS/Module: Module API for all modules is updated. - !!:/DB/DBF: Translation and documentation is updated and version 1.8.1 is relised. - !!:/DB/FireBird: Translation and documentation is updated and version 0.6.0 is relised. - !!:/DB/MySQL: Translation and documentation is updated and version 1.3.0 is relised. - !!:/DB/SQLite: Translation and documentation is updated and version 1.3.0 is relised. - !!:/Protocol/HTTP: Translation and documentation is updated and version 1.3.0 is relised. - !!:/Protocol/SelfSystem: Translation and documentation is updated and version 0.7.0 is relised. - !!:/Special/FLibComplex1: Translation and documentation is updated and version 1.0.0 is relised. - !!:/Special/FLibMath: Translation and documentation is updated. - !!:/Special/FLibSYS: Translation and documentation is updated and version 0.5.0 is relised. - !!:/Special/SystemTests: Translation and documentation is updated and version 1.3.5 is relised. 2007-10-22 Roman - /SYS: QT4 directory checking to configure script is added. - !!:/Archive/DBArch: Translation and documentation is updated and version 0.5.0 is relised. - !!:/Archive/FSArch: Translation and documentation is updated and version 0.9.5 is relised. - !!:/DB/FireBird: Blob for storing big text data support is added. - FIX:/DAQ/LogicLev: Self direct linking preventing is made. - FIX:/Transport/Sockets: Blocking input transport by opened client on stoping is fixed. - !!:/Transport/Sockets: Translation and documentation is updated and version 1.3.0 is relised. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Writing some no active attributes is fixed. Try for process empty linked procedure's parameters on calc is fixed. 2007-10-16 Roman - !!!!:/Archive: Archiving to DB on module DBArch is added. - !!!:/SYS: Full OpenSCADA kernel API is updated. - /UI/Vision: Link inspector items deleting is fixed. 2007-10-05 Maxim - !!:/UI/Vision: Path creation full rewrote for primitive "ElFig". 2007-10-05 Roman - /UI/VCAEngine: Individual process period for widgets is added. - /UI/VCAEngine: The process session object address is transfered to all children of session (pages and session's widgets). - !!!:/UI/VCAEngine, /UI/Vision: The only changed session widget update mechanism is added. - FIX:/UI/Vision: No reform primitive "Text" on field "text" changing is fixed. 2007-10-03 Roman - !!:/Archive: Module "BaseArh" is renamed to "FSArch". - /SYS: Updated Demo DB. 2007-10-02 Roman - FIX:/UI/Vision: First all attributes loading to widgets performance degradation is fixed. - !:/DAQ: Module "OperationSystem" is renamed to "System". - /UI/Vision: An icon for primitive's "ElFig" the toolbar button "Hold" is added. - /SYS: Updated Demo DB. 2007-10-01 Roman - !!!:/DB: FireBird DB support modul is added. - !!!:/UI/Vision: Code audit for primitive "ElFig" is made. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Save data to a model from level 1 editable widgets is fixed. 2007-09-28 Maxim - !!:/UI/Vision: Into primitive 'ElFig' made loading and saving shape's configuration to data model. 2007-09-26 Roman - !!!!:/SYS: Building on Linux distributions: Debian, Ubuntu and on x86_64 support is added. Checking and name detection for: bison, gettext and QT utilites is made. - /SYS: Updated Demo DB. - !!!:/DAQ: The base realisation of transporting OpenSCADA remote DAQs module (Transport) is added. - !!:/DAQ: Reply DAQs starting is made, if first start error. Some DAQ-sources can start depend other DAQ-sources. - !!:/TValue: Service function for access to DAQ parameter's attributes is added. - !!!:/TArchives: Service function for message archives access is added. begin() and end() functions. For messages archive border detection is added. - !!!!:/TProtocols: Output protocol support is made. Output parts of protocol "SelfSystems" moved to this module. For modules: UI.QTCfg, UI.Vision and DAQ.Transport. - !!!!:/TransportS: All parts for configuration OpenSCADA remote hosts move to "Transport" subsystem. For modules: UI.QTCfg, UI.Vision and DAQ.Transport. - FIX:/DB/MySQL: Session loss is final fixed. - !!:/DAQ/BlockCalc: Blocks copy function extended to full controllers copy. - !!:/DAQ/CIF: Asynchronous write mode support is added. For more and frequently data writing. - !:/UI/VCAEngine, /UI/Vision: First realisation of primitive "Protocol" is added. 2007-09-10 Maxim - !!:/UI/VCAEngine: Figure's points of the primitive "ElFig" support is added. - FIX:/UI/Vision: More bugs into primitive "ElFig" is fixed. 2007-09-10 Roman - FIX:/SYS: RPM-specification file codepage is fixed. - FIX:/SYS: Default config file DB file name is fixed. - !!:/SYS: The source tree version changed to 0.6.0. - FIX:/Config: Automatic fields view mechanism fixed. - FIX:/Control: A dublicate children object no deleting is fixed. - FIX:/DB/MySQL: Error structured DB filed process is fixed. - FIX:/DB/SQLite: Error structured DB filed process is fixed. - !:/DAQ/DiamondBoards: Diamond boards driver updated and multiboard bug detected. - /UI/VCAEngine, /UI/Vision: Full screen mode support is added. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Attributes user configuration inherit is fixed. - !!:/UI/Vision: Interactive configuration updating into main dialogs is made. - /UI/Vision: Data print by primitive "Diagram" made better. - /SYS: Updated Demo DB. 2007-08-31 Roman - !!!:/DB: Allow tables, into DB, (TBD::allowList()) and get table's structure (TTable::fieldStruct()) functions is added. Support of new functions is added to modules 'SQLite' and 'MySQL'. DB module 'DBF' no support structure get function, what DBF-files no store primary key. - !!:/DB: User function for copying of DBs and tables is added. - /DB: Access to tables throw control interface is added. - /DB: Allow tables into DB information throw control interface is added. - !!:/DB: Tables data edit is added throw control interface is added. - !!:/DB/MySQL: Made performance optimization for access to DB. - !!:/DB/SQLite: Made performance optimization for access to DB. - /UI/QTCfg: User information move from each request to control interface function. - /SYS: Updated Demo DB. 2007-08-28 Roman - /SYS/Archive: The service functions of control interface is made unification. - /SYS/Config: Config parameters made view on write to them value. - FIX:/SYS/Elem: TElem object's fields list no clear is fixed. - FIX:/XML: Memory leak is fixed. XML-parser is reviewed. - /UI/QTCfg: Vertical scrollbar position save is made. - !:/Protocol/SelfSystem: Data size control for requests is added. - FIX:/UI/QTCfg: Field's type no checking is fixed. - !!:/UI/VCAEngine: The control interface structure is rebuild. - !!:/UI/VCAEngine: Arguments support is added to primitive "Text". - !!:/UI/VCAEngine: Multiconnection to sessions, and background execution support is added. - !!:/UI/VCAEngine: Session's process task is optimized on time. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Widget's attributes storing mode unificated. - !!:/UI/Vision: Independent RunTime start is made. - !!!!:/UI/Vision: External stations work mode is added. - !!!!:/UI/Vision: Communication interface to VCAEngine is otimized. - !!:/UI/Vision: Arguments support is added to primitive "Text". - FIX:/UI/Vision: Enable and active mode is fixed for primitive "ElForm". 2007-08-20 Roman - !!!:/DAQ/: The module of realisation "ModBus TCP/IP" protocol is added. - !:/DAQ/Value: The virtual function vlArchMake() is added for a value archive intits, on creation, from DAQ modules. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: User attributes saving is fixed. - /UI/VCAEngine: The attributes modify counters merge to one counter. - /UI/VCAEngine: Service control functions separated from main interface functions. - !!:/UI/VCAEngine: Change link mechanism to service path view: prm:/DAQ/LogicLev/experiment/F3/val. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Only created child widget's heritable widgets no enabling is fixed. - FIX:/UI/Vision: The configure visual items dialog, process tab, is fixed. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Current value tracing on primitive "Diagram" is fixed. - /UI/Vision: No update cached pages on primitive "Diagram" is made. - !:/UI/Vision: Cursor manipulation for primitive "Diagram" is made. - /SYS: Updated Demo DB. 2007-08-15 Roman - /Transport/Socket: SO_REUSEADDR flag set for TCP sockets. Exclude close socket timeout at restart OpenSCADA. - FIX:/UI/Vision: A single empty trend show is fixed. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Development mode memory leak is fixed. - FIX:/UI/Vision: The primitive "Media", type "Movie" attribute's speed zero value trap is fixed. - /SYS: Updated Demo DB. 2007-08-14 Roman - !!:/TSYS: Path elements speed optimisation is made: TArchiveS, TCntrNode, TElem, TModShedule, TPrmTmpl, TSecurity, DAQ/BlockCalc, DAQ/CIF, DAQ/JavaLikeCalc, DAQ/LogicLev, DAQ/SNMP, UI/QTStarter, UI/VCAEngine, UI/Vision, UI/WebCfg and UI/WebDbg - !!:/SYS/Archive: Service commands for external access to values of archive data. - !!:/SYS/Value: Service commands for external access to curen values and values of archive data. - !!:/TCntrNode: Speed optimisation is made for function TCntrNode::cntrCmd(). - FIX:/SYS: Precision of double real values default is fixed. - /TSYS: Added functions path2sepstr() and sepstr2path() for path form convertion. - /TSYS: The final kill flag is added for force disabling of control objects at final programm exited. - FIX:/Archive/BaseArch: Get arhive's values function (ModVArchEl::getVal() ) is fixed. - FIX:/UI/QTCfg: Columns adjusting is fixed. - FIX:/UI/QTStarter: Open QT-modules procedure is fixed. - !!:/UI/VCAEngine: The attribute's identifier support is added, for fast changing of attributes process, at visualisation level. - !!!!:/UI/VCAEngine: Full support of a the primitive "Diagram" type "Trend" is added. - FIX:/UI/Vision: The attrbute inspector boolean attributes process is fixed. - !!:/UI/Vision: The attribute's identifier support is added, for fast changing of attributes process, at visualisation level. - !!!!:/UI/Vision: Full support of a the primitive "Diagram" type "Trend" is added. - /SYS: Updated Demo DB. 2007-07-27 Maxim - !!!:/UI/Vision: The first implementation of primitive "ElFig" is added. - /UI/Vision: Add files vis_shape_elfig.cpp and vis_shape_elfig.h. 2007-07-27 Roman - /Value: Control interface function TVal::cntrCmdProc() is added for service functions of archive access (UI trend access). - FIX:/TSYS: Real values convert function, TSYS::real2str(), is fixed. Precision point attribute is added. Default value set to 15 items, maximum double resolution. - !!:/TSYS: Made optimal string and path parsing. Add a current offset support to functions: TSYS::strSepParse() and TSYS::pathLev(). - !!:/TCntrNode: Made optimal access at function TCntrNode::nodeAt(). Used string uffset on parsing. - /Archive: The limit parameter is added to function TVArchive::getVal() for preserve too big archives blocks access. - FIX:/UI/QtStarter: Module stop mechanism is fixed. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: The widget lock after failed enabling is fixed. - /UI/Vision: Global requesting to OpenSCADA kernel support is added. 2007-07-20 Roman - !!:/UI/VCAEngine: Primitives "UserEl" and "Trend" is renamed to "Box" and "Diagram". - !!:/UI/Vision: Primitives "UserEl" and "Trend" is renamed to "Box" and "Diagram". - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Primitives active attributes initialisation is fixed. - /UI/VCAEngine: An access to previous attrinute value, through attrChange() function, is added. - /UI/VCAEngine: The model data for primitive "Diagram", type "Trend", is prepared. - FIX:/UI/Vision: The attribute inspector is fixed for multilevel virtual groups process. - /SYS: Updated Demo DB. 2007-07-16 Roman - FIX:/SYS: The resource allocator mechanism is rebuilded and real thread access fixed. - FIX:/TCntrNode: Functions addr2str() and str2addr() is fixed. - FIX:/UI/QtCfg: Module's stop is made safe. Call close() window function move to QT main thread. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Module's stop is made safe. Call close() window function move to QT main thread. - /UI/Vision: Into dialog used visual applied edit widgets (LineEdit and TextEdit). 2007-07-09 Roman - !:/TCntrNode: The control language speed optimisation is made. - !!:/UI/QtStarter: The call function closeAllWindows() move to main QT API thread. - !:/UI/VCAEngine: A data request speed optimisation is made. - FIX:/UI/Vision: A timer starting at time of a object destroy (VisDevelop and VisRun) is fixed. - FIX:/UI/Vision: The Widget's toolbar insert mode is fixed for inserting to edit mode form. - !:/UI/Vision: The page cache is added to "RunTime" for achieve of fast pages changing. 2007-07-04 Roman - /SYS: Updated Demo DB. - !:/DB/MySQL: Text field type "mediumtext" support is added. - !!:/UI/VCAEngine: The work for primitive "Media" is finished. - !!:/UI/Vision: The work for primitive "Media" is finished. 2007-06-29 Roman - !!:/TSYS: Error code support is added to the error object (TError). - !!:/UI/VCAEngine: The widget's attributes DB table (*_io) separated to the work widget's attributes table (*_io) and the user widget's attributes table (*_uio). It allow made of ordered and faster loading of work IO. - !!:/UI/VCAEngine: A attribute flag "Mutable" is added. It allow prevent of inherit mutable attributes. - !!:/UI/VCAEngine: The work for primitives "FormEl", "Text" and "UserEl" is finished. - !!:/UI/Vision: The access mechanism to a actual data for "RunTime" mode is updated. A update call only if data changed. A request for data of frequency made self-adapting to data change frequency. - !:/UI/Vision: New widgets is added: "LineEdit" and "TextEdit" for shape "FormEl". - !:/UI/Vision: RunTime API is unified for attribute access and events send. - !!:/UI/Vision: The work for primitives "FormEl", "Text" and "UserEl" is finished. - /DB: Error code generation and control is added. - /SYS: Updated Demo DB. - /TConfig: The set function elem() is renamed to setElem(). 2007-06-19 Roman - !!!:/UI/Vision: Visual area "Run time" work realisation is made. - /UI/Vision: More generic updates and fixes. - /UI/Vision: Separate run time and develope parts of the generic view widget object WdgView. - !!!:/UI/VCAEngine: Visual area "Run time" work realisation is made. - /UI/VCAEngine: More generic updates and fixes. - FIX:/SYS: Real multi-threading access to resources fixed. - /SYS: Building with the dinamic library libgd2 is made. - /TCntrNode: Add group selection parameter to function nodeList(). - /TSYS: Add function uint2str() for unsigned integer variables process. 2007-06-04 Roman - /UI/Vision: Elementar figure tool icons and infrastructure is added. - /UI/Vision: VisDevelop structure is unificated. - /UI/Vision: WdgView structure is unificated. - /UI/Vision: The widget's libraries navigator drag and drop updated. - FIX:/UI/Vision: Visual element's shapes of no GUI thread creation is fixed. 2007-06-01 Roman - /UI/VCAEngine: Ordering for original widgets is added. - /UI/VCAEngine: Add modificators "file:/" and "res:/" for file system and DB resource access. Control interface access to resources added. Widgets librarie's resource DB storing is fixed. - /UI/VCAEngine: Attributes storing mechanism going to standard OpenSCADA storing mechanism. - !:/UI/VCAEngine: Update "Text" primitive. Add first realising of "FormEl" primitive. - !:/UI/VCAEngine: Fix and update of attributes changing prevent mechanism. - !!:/UI/Vision: Migration to the slight connect mechanism to model is finished. - /UI/Vision: Current user identifier access from everything object is made unified. - /UI/Vision: Update inspector of widget's attributes. - /UI/Vision: Update of WidgView -> Shape event mechanism. - /UI/Vision: Edit mode of individual widgets into visual edit window support is added. - FIX:/Vision: More other fixes is made. - /SYS: Update demo DB. - /TDBS: Add function TBDS::realDBName( ) for template DB resolve. - /TCntrNode: Replace mechanism support is added to TCntrNode::grpAdd(). - /TElem: Addition attributes support is added to Control expression generator (TFld::cntrCmdMake()). - /TSYS: Add convert functions addr2str() and str2addr(). - /UI/QTCfg: Use OpenSCADA system's functions addr2str() and str2addr(). 2007-05-23 Roman - !!/UI/VCAEngine: Visual area project's sessions support is added - !!/UI/Vision: Visual area runtime support is added. First implementation! - /Function: Rename TValFunc::name() to TValFunc::vfName() and TValFunc::setName(). - /DAQ/JavaLikeCalk: Expand system functions identifier DB fields. - /UI/QTCfg: The user change dialog fix for parent widgets hang. 2007-05-07 Roman - !!/UI/VCAEngine: Visual area's projects support is added. - !!/UI/Vision: Visual area's projects support is added. - !!/UI/Vision: Start to OpenSCADA contol interface adaptation. - /UI/Vision: Made unification of the dialogs for librarie's and project's items. - /UI/Vision: Update icons. - /SYS: Demo DB is updated. - /ConrIf: For local path option is added to TCntrNode::nodePath() - FIX:/Val: Default value copying is fixed into TFld::operator=(). - FIX:/UI/QTCfg: Combobox minimum size is fixed. 2007-04-09 Roman - /UI/Vision: Separate Vision developing dialogs and widgets to different files. - /UI/Vision: Mime data DB container support is added. - /UI/Vision: The process widget edit dialog is added. - /UI/VCAEngine: Mime data DB container support is added. 2007-04-02 Roman - /UI/Vision: Some update and add new icons. - /SYS: Demo DB files is updated. - !!:/DB: The view fields mode support is added. It make up the perfomance for DB access and allow big fields separated access, need for a binary data storing. The support is added to DB modules: MySQL and SQLite. - FIX:/ContrNode: Control node post and pre enabled restore flag is fixed. - /TConfig: Add the group fields viewing set function cfgViewAll(). - /SYS: "FullText" flag is added for OpenSCADA internal string data type. - FIX:/UI/QTCfg: QT 4.2.3 version "Fixed" layout scaling, for ImgView widget, is fixed. - FIX:/UI/QTCfg: Widget's "LineEdit" and "DateTimeEdit" display is fixed. - /UI/VCAEngine: Mime data, into DB, storing for widget library is added. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Reconnect objects is fixed. - /UI/Vision: 'UserEl' primitive shape and other more improvements is made. 2007-03-26 Roman - FIX:/UI/QTCfg: Hold dialogs on main window is fixed. - /UI/VCAEngine: Widget's attribute 'name' and 'description' move to main attributes list. - FIX:/UI/VCAEngine: Saving primitive attributes is fixed. Loading container's widgets is fixed. - /UI/Vision: First realise of shapes: 'Text' and 'UserEl' 2007-03-20 Roman - !!:/UI: Replace image files from *.xpm to *.png and QT resource using. - !:/SYS: Update and encode to UTF8 RPM specification file. - !!:/SYS: Rename mostly set parameters methods to view setMethod(). - !:/ContrLang: State flag is added to function postEnable(); - /Archive: Value buffer size dependent from value period is added. - /SYS/TElem: Copying constructor is added for TFld. - /Archive/BaseArh: Value archive file size set dependent from value period. - FIX:/Archive/BaseArh: Export to Ascii and Wav at long term is fixed. - /DAQ/BlockCalc: Output links support is added. - FIX:/DAQ/DiamondBoards: Acquisiton values with period less 100ms is fixed. - FIX:/Special/FLibComplex1: Manual mode of PID regulator is fixed. - FIX:/UI/QTCfg: Many fixes and updates. - FIX:/UI/QTStarter: Many fixes and updates. - !!:/UI/VCAEngine: Next step improvements. - !!://UI/Vision: Next step improvements. 2007-02-22 Roman - !!:/SYS: Update selfsystem icons. - /SYS: SIGCHLD handler is disabled. Why have problems into glibc 2.5 and system() call. - /SYS: Encode method "FormatPrint" is added. - FIX:/Mess: Syslog formated string print error is fixed. - FIX:/ModShedul: OpenSCADA modules paths separator is chose to symbol ';'. - /SysContr: Special function's parameter f_frq type changed to real type. - FIX:/DAQ/BlockCalc: Some slight problems is fixed. - /DAQ/CIF: DB offset addition is added. For multi-structured DB support. - /UI/QTCfg: User indicator and selector is moved to status bar. - /UI/QTCfg: Update some dialogs. - /UI/QTCfg: No update focused widgets is made. - /UI/Vision: Some base preparation is made. - /UI/VCAEngine: Some widget API is updated. 2007-02-04 Roman - !!!!:/DAQ: Hilscher CIF CP support is added. Support data acquisition from Siemens S7-series controllers support is added. - !!:/DAQ: Controller's stat functions enable() and start() is unficated. enable() - set up all links and start() - only start acquisition process. - !:/DAQ/PrmTmpl: Simple template, no programm process, support is added. - /DAQ/BlockCalc: Special function parameters support is added. Support parameters: f_frq, f_start, f_stop. - FIX:/DAQ/BlockCalc: Block init links at stop is fixed. - /DAQ/LogicLev: Special function parameters "f_err" support is added. - !!:/SYS: More system tests is added to build programm configure script. - !!!:/SYS: OpenSCADA messages function templates is added: message, mess_err, mess_info and similar. - !!!:/SYS: OpenSCADA translate function template is added - _(). - !!:/SYS: System dependent value types is declared for internal independent using. - /SYS: Save all system at exit option is added. - /Archive/BaseArh: Pline text ascii method of value archive date export support is added. 2007-01-17 Roman - /SYS: Translate files is updated. 2007-01-13 Roman - !!!!:/UI/VCAEngine: First implementation of VCA engine is added. - !:/DB: DB local codepage is detached from DB address to self field. All DB modules is updated. - /DB: Full DB description is added to: Security, DB, Transports, Archives, Controller, Param templates and modules. - /SYS: Mostly config file's table identifiers is renamed to this DB names. - /Special/SystemTests: Some tests is updated. - !!:/SYS/TFld: Attribute's flags move to enumerator and reserved for child extensions. Value types TFld::Oct and TFld::Hex is moved to attribute flags. Rename value types TFld::Dec to TFld::Integer and TFld::Bool to TFld::Boolean. - !!:/SYS/TConfig: STL map is used for fast applies. - !:/SYS/TElem: Permitions setting support is added to the control interface config page generator. Update TValue and TConfig also. - !:/SYS/TElem: Functions for fields values and names modification (values(), selNames()) is added. Reserve field parameter is renamed from workId() to reserve(). - !:/Security: Default user group support is removed. - !:/Security: System users mode is added. - !:/Security: User picture(foto) storing is added. - /Security/TUser: Function usrGrpList() is added. - !!:/Security: Add system users: "root" and "user". Add system groups: "root" and "user". - FIX:/SYS/TValue: Order attributes error is fixed. - !!:/SYS/TCntrNode: The subtree request identification support is added to control interface build function ctrMkNode(). All system use the subtree request identification is made. - /SYS/TCntrNode: String aliases to permition codes is added. - /SYS/TCntrNode: Functions connect() and disConnect() is renamed to AHDConnect() and AHDDisConnect(). - FIX:/SYS/TCntrNode: Child ordering is fixed. - FIX:/SYS/TCntrNode: Dead locking into functions AHDConnect() and AHDDisConnect() is fixed. - /SYS/XMLNode: Clear attributes function (attrClear()) is added. - !!!!:/DAQ: API for create function of precompile programm is implemented. API functions: TTipDAQ::compileFuncLangs() and compileFunc(). - !:/Archive: Archivator's addressing mechanism is changed to direct address, no object model address. - !!!!:/Function: Function's parameter mode is replaced at IO flags and reserved for child extensions. Reserve parameter is added to function's IO. Vector type is removed. IO methods is moved to public section. TFunction made be no abstract class, for independent IO structure storing. Value storing mechanism is changed to union separated pointers. Copy function's objects support is added. - !!!!:/SYS/TPrmTempl Precompile programm API is used. - FIX:/Messages: Write messages to archive at stop system is fixed. - !!:/DAQ/LogicLev: Use new parameters template mechanism. Parameter's addressing mechanism is changed to direct DAQ parameter's addressing. - !:/DAQ/OperationSystem: Use new, field's values and names, change mechanism. - !!:/DAQ/DiamondBoards: Data acquisition emulation support is added. - !!:/DAQ/JavaLikeCalc: Precompile programm API support is added. - !!:/DAQ/JavaLikeCalc: Parameter's addressing mechanism is changed to direct DAQ parameter's addressing. - /Arhiv/BaseArh: Pack files resource is added. - /UI/QTCfg: Select user dialog at start is added. - FIX:/UI/QTCfg: Refresh of page's tabs is fixed. Refresh page checking is fixed. - FIX:/UI/QTCfg: Table columns sizes select is fixed. - !!!:/UI/QTCfg: Picture download support is added. - /UI/QTCfg: ComboBox and CheckBox read mode view is changed. - FIX:/UI/QTStarter: NULL window opening is fixed. 2006-10-27 Roman - !!!:/UI: Module's VISION old data is removed. New concept building is started. - /UI: Functions presentIco() and getIco() is renamed to icoPresent() and icoGet(). Funtion icoPath() is added. - !!:/UI/QTCfg: Merge dlguser.* and imgview.* files to selfwidg.*. - !!!!:/UI/QTCfg: Full porting to QT4 is passed. - !!!!:/UI/QTStarter: Full porting to QT4 is passed. - /UI/WebDbg: Multi colummn support is added. - /Archive/Val: Into long term trends draw date is added. - !!!:/Control: Associated map and hash map support is added. - /Function: "test" dialog is renamed to function "execute". - FIX:/Archive/Mess: Default value init time is fixed. - FIX:/SYS: Load, Start and Stop subsystem sequence is fixed. - FIX:/DB/MySQL: Restoring the loss server connection is added. - FIX:/DAQ/LogicLev: Pass removing blocked attributes is fixed. - FIX:/DAQ/OperationSystem: HDD statistics values types is fixed. - /DAQ/OperationSystem: Gather data time control is added. - !!!:/FLibSYS: Access API to value buffers and archives is rebuilded. 2006-09-18 Roman - Fix:/ArchiveVal: Control interface areas: "/arch", "/val/trend" permission is fixed. - Fix:/ModScheduler: Control interface area "/ms" permission is fixed. - /SYS: Remove function TSYS::strEncode() to TSYS::strDecode() and TSYS::strCode() to TSYS::strEncode(). - /XML: Add the direct encoding and decoding to function XMLNode::load() and XMLNode::save(). External codepage fixed on UTF-8. - /XML: The short tags generate support is added. - /XML: The generate encoding is updated. - FIX:/XML: The first empty symbols passing into the teg's text is fixed. - /DB: The cache mechanism is add for access to generic data. - !!!!:/Protocol/SelfSystem: The OpenSCADA control interface support is added. - /Transport/Sockets: The process pid printing replaced to thread id printing. - FIX:/Transport/Sockets: Many fixes is made: no closing client sockets and output transport address process. - !!!!:/UI/QTCfg: Remote OpenSCADA hosts support is added. - FIX:/UI/QTCfg: The index table mode requests and the size policy is fixed. - FIX:/UI/WebCfg: The index table mode requests is fixed. 2006-08-20 Roman - Fix:/ArchiveVal: The long time scale trend build is fixed into function makeTrendImg(). - Fix:/ArchiveVal: Error on long time emty trend build is fixed into function makeTrendImg(). - !:/ArchiveVal: Checking the best archivator source is added into function makeTrendImg(). - Fix:/ModSchedul: No freing modules headers at end is fixed. - Fix:/Archive/BaseArh: Phantom error by active writing to archive is fixed. - Fix:/DB/MySQL: To disabled DB access is fixed. - Fix:/DB/SQLite: To disabled DB access is fixed. - !!!:/DAQ/DiamondBoards: The acquisition code id rebuilded and fixed the task for access to DSC API. Make two separated acquisition tasks: The AD-interrupt acquisiton task and The generic access to DSC API task. - /DAQ/JavaLikeCalc: The function calc exception catch is added. - Fix:/DAQ/JavaLikeCalc: The work controller function select is fixed. - !!:/Special/FLibSYS: Add functions to user's system API: varhOpen(), varhClose(), varhBeg(), varhEnd(), varhGetVal(), varhSetVal(), vbufOpen(), vbufClose(), vbufBeg(), vbufEnd(), vbufGetI(), vbufGetR(), vbufGetB(), vbufGetS(), vbufSetI() vbufSetR(), vbufSetB(), vbufSetS(), tmDate(), tmTime(), tmCtime() and tmStr2Tm(). - Fix:/UI/QTCfg: No author information present id fixed and the command mode the DateTime field broken using is fixed. 2006-08-11 Roman - !!!:/System: Module of realisation SNMP (DAQ.SNMP) client service is added to system. - /Doc: The file README is updated. - Fix:/System: the early call into task based of function "clock_nanosleep" is fixed. Fixed files: - tarchives.cpp; - BlockCalc/virtual.cpp; - JavaLikeCalc/virtual.cpp; - LogicLev/logiclev.cpp; - OperationSystem/os_contr.cpp; - Fix:/Archive/BaseArh: Checking value archivator if its stoped is fixed. - !/DAQ/JavaLikeCalc: Expression increment and decrement (post and pre) is added. 2006-08-03 Roman - Fix:/DB: The connection no alloc resource is fix for DB: MySQL and SQLite. - /ControlInterf: Update the error massage transfer scheme. 2006-08-02 Roman - Fix:/Archive/BaseArch: std::string attribute "append" using is fixed. 2006-08-01 Roman - !!!!:/DAQ: Move the logical level parameters subsystem to subsystem "DAQ" to module DAQ.LogicLev. - !!!!:/ObjectModel: Move the function's library functions Special.FLibTime to library Special.FLibSYS. - !!!!:/System: The interface of management by system and its language is systematized and unified. - !!:/Security: Id is removed and permission checking is updated. - !!:/DB: The user field is added into DB "SYS". It allow to store into DB the user's variables. - /System: Some OpenSCADA fixing. 2006-07-10 Roman - !!!:/System: Add module Special.FLibSYS. Module allow system API functions. - !!!:/System: Replace html documentation to pdf. Converted through OpenOffice. - Fix:/Archive: Fix no transit order parameters in functions: TArchive::getR(), TArchive::getI(), TArchive::getB(). - !!!!:/Archive: Move the averaging code from module to function TArchivator::Task(). - !!!!:/Archive/BaseArh: Made performance optimization on read and write. The write performance rise to 10 bout! - !!!!:/DAQ/JavaLikeCalc: Add cycle's operators (for and while) support to Java-like language. 2006-06-30 Roman - Fix:/Archive: Fix value buffer performance optimization. 2006-06-27 Roman OpenSCADA 0.5.0 - /System: Translate documents TODO and README to English. - /System: Replace old pdf documentation at new html documentation - /System: Update build system. - !!:/Archive: Optimize value buffer performance. Use half divide method into free access buffer. - /Archive/BaseArh: Add export to wav function. - /Archive/BaseArh: Relised 0.9.0. - /DB/DBF: Relised 1.8.0. - /DB/MySQL: Relised 1.2.0. - /DB/SQLite: Relised 1.2.0. - /DAQ/BlockCalc: Relised 0.9.0. - /DAQ/DiamondBoards: Relised 0.9.0. - /DAQ/JavaLikeCalc: Relised 0.9.5. - /DAQ/OperationSystem: Relised 1.2.0. - /Protocol/HTTP: Relised 1.2.5. - /Special/SystemTest: Relised 1.3.0. - /Transport/Sockets: Relised 1.2.1. - /UI/QTCfg: Relised 1.2.0. - /UI/QTStarter: Relised 1.0.0. - /UI/WebCfg: Relised 1.4.0. 2006-06-22 Roman - /System: Update x86_64 build. - /System: Update RPM spec file. - /System: Update README file. - FIX:/Resource: Add process of dynamic cast exception into AutoHD. - /Resource: Make realloc support from function: ResAlloc::request( ); - FIX:/Message: Use safe formated output messages. Instead "Mess->put(err.cat.c_str(),TMess::Error,err.mess.c_str());" use "Mess->put(err.cat.c_str(),TMess::Error,"%s",err.mess.c_str());". Processing all functions Mess::put() and TError::TError() calls. - /Archive: Put limit request parameters to the control interface. - FIX:/Archive: Fix sequence data search. Now, first check all DB and then config file. - /Archive: Add several new messages and it translations. - FIX:/Archive: Fix interface function prototype: TMArchivator::get( ); - /Archive: Add function TValBuf::realSize() for real size buffer controll. - /Archive: Update trand building from: border fix, value vertical axis precision view and gd old version support; - /Archive/BaseArh: Add messages, update and fix translates. - /Archive/BaseArh: Optimized and fixed resource allocation from value archivator. - /Archive/BaseArh: Separate last cache value to read and write. - /Archive/BaseArh: Add fixing broken archive file structure mechanism. - /Archive/BaseArh: Add ordering the begin time border into function VFileArch::getVal(). - /Archive/BaseArh: Remove getting last value for archives with period time < 10sek. - /DB: Add several new messages and it translations. - /DB: Update function TBDS::dataSeek() for sequential requests support. - FIX:/DB/DBF: Fix delete tables error. - /DB/DBF: Add several new messages and it translations. - /DB/MySQL: Add several new messages and it translations. - FIX:/DB/SQLite: Fix special symbols coding. - /DB/SQLite: Add several new messages and it translations. - !!!!:/ControlInterf: Systematisation path code method. For all special symbols use %20 shape. - FIX:/ControlInterf: Fixed no recursively disable flag using (function nodeDis()). - FIX:/Config: Fix attach and detach element TElem to containers: TConfig and TValue. Add container interface function detElem() for notice containers about detaching. - /Config: Rename element containers functions TValElem::addElem() and TValElem::delElem() to TValElem::addFld() and TValElem::delFld(). - /DAQ: Add several new messages and it translations. - FIX:/DAQ: Fix sequence data search. Now, first check all DB and then config file. - FIX:/DAQ: Fix parameters connect/disconnect. Add checking at present of value attributes at enable parameter to object tree. - /DAQ: Add function TTipDAQ::modStart( ) and TTipDAQ::modStop( ) for correct reload DAQ modules. - FIX:/DAQ/BlockCal: Fix parameters connect/disconnect. Add checking at present of value attributes at enable parameter to object tree. - /DAQ/BlockCal: Add several new messages and it translations. - FIX:/DAQ/BlockCal: Fix parameter error attribute forming. - !!!!:/DAQ/DiamondBoards: Add interrupt acquisition mechanis support. - !!!!:/DAQ/DiamondBoards: Restore Diamond system driver using. - /DAQ/DiamondBoards: Add several new messages and it translations. - FIX:/DAQ/DiamondBoards: Fix parameters connect/disconnect. Add checking at present of value attributes at enable parameter to object tree. - FIX:/DAQ/JavaLikeCalc: Fix parameters connect/disconnect. Add checking at present of value attributes at enable parameter to object tree. - /DAQ/JavaLikeCalc: Add several new messages and it translations. - FIX:/DAQ/JavaLikeCalc: Fix sequence data search for libraries load. Now, first check all DB and then config file. - /DAQ/OperationSystem: Add several new messages and it translations. - FIX:/DAQ/OperationSystem: Fix parameters connect/disconnect. Add checking at present of value attributes at enable parameter to object tree. - FIX:/DAQ/OperationSystem: Fix no enabling parameters at starting. - FIX:/Parameter: Fix no deleting parameter attribute's values. - FIX:/Parameter: Fix parameters connect/disconnect. Add checking at present of value attributes at enable parameter to object tree. - FIX:/Parameter: Fix load from config file parameters and it templates. - FIX:/Parameter: Fix resource allocating to parameter's templates. - FIX:/Parameter: Fix sequence data search. Now, first check all DB and then config file. - FIX:/Value: Fix resource hid freeing from archive. - /Value: Add function vlElemPresent() for best attribute's elements controll. - /Value: Rename function vlAttElem() and vlDetElem() to vlElemAtt() and vlElemDet(). - FIX:/Security: Fix sequence data search. Now, first check all DB and then config file. - /System: Add several new messages and it translations. - /System: Delete coding/encoding algorithm TSYS::Path. Rewrite coding/encoding algorithm TSYS::PathEl. - FIX:/Transports: Fix sequence data search. Now, first check all DB and then config file. - /Transports: Add several new messages and it translations. - /Transports/Sockets: Add several new messages and it translations. - FIX:/Transports/Sockets: Fix output UDP syntactic transport bug. - FIX:/Special/FLibComplex1: Fix functions id from "cond <" and "cond >" to "cond_lt" and "cond_gt". - /Special/SystemTests: Update more tests. - /UI/QTCfg: Add several new messages and it translations. - /UI/QTCfg: Update connect/disconnect module mechanism. - !!!!:/UI/QTCfg: Systematisation path code method. For all special symbols use %20 shape. - /UI/Vision: Add connect/disconnect module mechanism. - !!!!:/UI/WebCfg: Systematisation path code method. For all special symbols use %20 shape. - FIX:/UI/WebCfg: Fix empty and broken image geting. - /UI/WebCfg: Add several new messages and it translations. - /UI/WebDbg: Add trand getting mechanism. 2006-05-29 Roman - !!!:/System: Add data directory to project repository. Move config files to data directory. - !!:/System: Add support of the Mime base64 binary coding algorithm. - !!!!:/System: Use the function POSIX clock_nanosleep() for making RealTime acquisition tasks. Add priority parameters for it tasks. Implements to: - Value archive active acquisition; - DAQ/BlockCalc; - DAQ/JavaLikeCalc; - DAQ/OperationSystem. - !!!!:/System: The GD library have been linked static to the OpenSCADA kernel. - !!!!:/Control: Add images support to the controll interface. Add icons for: system, subsystem and modules. - !!!!:/Control: Use the more true method for the controll interface info part describing. - /XML: Add no exception mode support for function XMLNode::childGet(). - /Control: Move the base controll interface info elements to base TCntrNode object. - !:/UI: Add function for icons getting TUIS::presentIco() and TUIS::getIco(). - !!!:/UI/QTCfg: Add the control interface images support. - /UI/QTCfg: Add support of beautiful external png icons for ui interface. - /UI/QTCfg: Change image icon present function to QPixmap TUIMod::icon(); - /UI/QTStarter: Change image icon present function to QPixmap TUIMod::icon(); - /UI/WebCfg: Update HTTP-header creting mechanism. Add support HTTP-fields: Accept-Ranges, Content-Length. - !!!:/UI/WebCfg: Add the control interface images support. - /UI/WebCfg: Add support of beautiful png icons for ui interface. - !!:/Archive: Add trend building for the value's archive (GD based function TVArchive::makeTrendImg()). - /Archive: Add function workId() to the message archivator object (TMArchivator). - /Archive: Add the archivator parameter to function TMArchivator::get(). - FIX:/Archive/BaseArh: Create new value archive file with name at create time. Now, create file with name at time first data. - FIX:/Archive/BaseArh: No create the new archive value file DB record after file packing. - /Protocol/HTTP: Update HTTP-header creting mechanism. Add support HTTP-fields: Accept-Ranges, Content-Length. - /Special/SystemTest: Make the Mime base64 coding test. 2006-05-01 Roman - FIX:/Archive/Val: Fix no set the archive buffer period time to less one second. - FIX:/Archive/Val: Fix no archive period and archive time value border. - FIX:/Archive/Val: Fix no archivator period and archive time value border. - FIX:/Archive/BaseArh: Fix archivator into miliseconds mode process. - FIX:/DAQ: Fix the controller default DB name. - FIX:/DAQ/JavaLikeCalc: Fix the library default DB name. 2006-04-29 Roman - !!!!:/Archive: Add a full support the value archives. Add files src/tarchval.h and src/tarchval.cpp - /Archive: Make the standard identification messages archives at "id", "name" and "description" - /Archive: Move messages buffer from TMess() to TArchiveS() and call it how message archive buffer. - !!!!:/Archive: Use archiving mechanism: the archive and the archivator. Where the archivator is the module implemented storage mechanism. - !!!!:/Archive/BaseArh: Add full support of the value archives file storage. - !!!:/Archive/BaseArh: Add support of the plain text message archives and gzip packing. - /System: Update openscada.spec for use new modules. - /System: Full update default and demo config files: oscada.xml, demo/oscada_demo.xml - /System: All files update the copyright date. - FIX:/System/Config: Fix NULL init of object TConfig(); - /System: Add support noname objects. If object not have a name then for the name use the object identificator. - /System: Make init the variable "SYS" from constructor TSYS(). - /System: Make ordering subsystems deleting at destroing system. - /System: Add function TSYS::ll2str() for convert a integer type long long to string. - /System: Add function TSYS::curTime() for getting current time with microseconds. - /System: Add support the custom symbols coding into function TSYS::strCode() - /System: Update translatings. - FIX:/Resource: Fix NULL init constructor bug into AutoHD object. - !!!!:/DB: Make register DB mechanism. It allow you: - hide individual DB config data; - simple access at id to DB, like: MySQL.GenDB.MyTbl - multi DB storring data. At example it storing and simple connecting functions libraries and other. - !!!!:/DB: Change the object DB access mechanism. Object have a access to data at DB name like: MySQL.GenDB.MyTbl. Object can check self data from all register DB. - /DB: Change a get data mechanism at the function TBDS::genDBGet to without exception mechanism. - /DB: Add the return to function TBDS::dataGet for no exception result control. - /DB/DBF: Move codepage setting to DB address. - /DB/SQLite: Change the transaction mechanism using. - !!:/DB: Replace structure TBDS::SName at simple string DB name like MySQL.GenDB.MyTbl. - FIX:/ContrLang: Fix UTF8 error border for no ANSI symbls. Check string fields border disable. - /ContrLang: Add support of the several path separators into function TCntrNode::nodePath() - /DAQ: Make the standard identification controllers archives at "id", "name" and "description" - !!:/DAQ: Delete the generic controller table. Without use individual DAQs type tables whith fix names. - !!:/DAQ: Controllers loaded from all register DB and all controllers have self DB name source. - /DAQ: Change DAQ parameter error messaging mechanism. Now, error set to the one string attribut "err". If no error then value equal "0" else value set to string "1:Error". Where first it error code and second it error message. It allow to connect several mechanisms error messaging: logical flag, error code and error message. - /DAQ: Add control value to TFld() for making the fast access to attributes. - /DAQ/BlocCalc: Add copy block mechanism and form. - /DAQ/BlocCalc: Make direct linking to destination parameter's attributes. - /DAQ/BlocCalc: Split IO and links form. - /DAQ/BlocCalc: Split the sync controller data to DB thread and the generic calc thread. - /DAQ/BlocCalc: Update error messages. - !!:/DAQ/DiamondBoards: Remove the Diamon System driver and make the direct access to ATH400 board. Diamond driver no worked into multithreading! - /DAQ/DiamondBoards: Add the access resources for: AI, AO and DIO. - /DAQ/DiamondBoards: Use fast access method for set and get values. - /DAQ/JavaLikeCalc: Make direct linking to destination parameter's attributes. - /DAQ/JavaLikeCalc: Add support constants differential types. Add EVAL constans. - /DAQ/JavaLikeCalc: Split the sync controller data to DB thread and the generic calc thread. - /DAQ/JavaLikeCalc: Update error messages. - /DAQ/OperationSystem: Update error messages. - !!!:/DAQ: Add to TValue(): - associated to archives methods; - the link value archives form; - functions for access to associated archives; - EVAL constants defined for several data types. - /Functions: For more accurate a function testing add calcs number. - /ModSchedul: Change thread call mechanism to timer's thread creating. - /ModSchedul: Add button for "Check modules now". - /ParamLogical: Make direct linking to destination attributes. - /SubSys: Move init the subsystem's users groups to function subStart(); - /Transports: Make the standard identification transports at "id", "name" and "description" - /Special/SystemTests: Update DB test. - /Special/SystemTests: Update parameter's test. - /Special/SystemTests: Add Archive's tests. - FIX:/UI/QTCfg: Fix no updating command parameters. - /UI/QTCfg: Add the key fields support to table. - FIX:/UI/QTCfg: Fix integer using for address convert (problem at x86_64). - FIX:/UI/QTCfg: Fix trapping after pressing "Enter" at the command parameters. - /UI/WebCfg: Add the key fields support to table. 2006-02-06 Roman - /Cfg: Rename subsystem Controller to DAQ. - !!!!:/System: Add functions module FLibTime. - !!:/AutoHD: Use dynamic casting for object converting. - /Archive: Use multy-key tables for a massage and a value storing. - /Archive: Prepare for value archives. - /DB: Add option <onlyCfg> into function TBDS::genDBGet() for load system options from config file only. - !!!!:/System: Remove function TCntrNode::nodeType(). Instead it use dynamic casting (dynamic_cast) everywhere. - /System: Use function TConfig::elem() into constructor TConfig::~TConfig(). - /DAQ: Remove TController::FreeParmCfg() function call from TController::disable( ). - !!!!:/DB: Made full name DB call everywhere. - !!:/TParam: Add all parametrs assigned into templates. - /TParam: Change logical level mechanism. Independent calc the template function and get a link attributes direct from a link. Split the Input and Output links to simple link. - !!!!:/TParam: Make links description with path. - !!!!:/System: Change the interval timer events to the direct thread creating (timer_create()). - !!!!:/Security: Add the user groups for all subsystems and update security access for it. - /System: Rename function TSYS::TZ() to TSYS::HZ(). - /System: Change time structure from STime to standard timeval. - /System: Clean TValue from buffers objects. - FIX:/DB/SQLite: Fix recoding option. - !!!!:/DAQ/BlockCalc: Make links description with path. - !!!!:/DAQ/BlockCalc: Change the interval timer events to the direct thread creating (timer_create()). - !!!!:/DAQ/JavaLikeCalc: Change the interval timer events to the direct thread creating (timer_create()). - !!!!:/DAQ/JavaLikeCalc: Add parameter's attributes support how variable. - Fix:/DAQ/JavaLikeCalc: Fix reiterate bug for external functions call. - Fix:/DAQ/OperationSystem: Fix DAQs: CPU and Smart. - !!!!:/DAQ/OperationSystem: Change the interval timer events to the direct thread creating (timer_create()). - Fix:/UI/QTCfg: No checked access into pageDisplay(); - Fix:/UI/QTCfg: Trap if changed user at the first page. - /System: Add project file for Kate editor. - /Doc: Add Progect into Open Document format. 2005-12-27 Roman - !!!!:/System: Separate special module StaticFuncLibs to modules FLibMath and FLibComplex1. - !!!!:/System: Add support the build modules disabling into configure scripts. - Fix:/DAQ: Fix no virtual functions: TParamCntr::load() and TParamCntr::save(). - !!!!:/System: Unification the node adressing. - Now the node and the UI script language adressing together. - Removed everywhere user functions: AutoHD<TCntrNode> ctrAt( const string &br ). - Add prefix for child nodes groups. - Removed support the "mode" control scenario`s attribute. - Add function TCntrNode::nodeType() for identify objects (use for DOM API). - Remove TCntrNode::nodePref() function. - Add function TCntrNode::nodeAt() for connecting to any node by the node path. - !!!!:/Function: Make DOM API and remove Functions subsystem. Rename files tfunctions.* to tfunction.*. - /Function: Set no blocking the several parameters changing: IO::name(), IO::def(), IO::hide(). - !!:/DB: Add the SQL requests encoding for SQL-based db. - /System: Full update function TSYS::strCode() and add SQL code method. - Fix:/System: Fix function TMess::codeConv() by errors no checking. - Fix:/Protocol/HTTP: Fix no fullish POST request getting (for Firefox 1.5). - !:/DAQ/JavaLikeCalc: Adapted to DOM API. Made the self storing libraries. - !:/DAC/BlockCalc: Adapted to DOM API. - Fix:/DAC/BlockCalc: Fix no stoped several blocks if was started several blocks errors. - !:/ui/QTCfg: Adapted to new Control API. - !:/ui/WebCfg: Adapted to new Control API. - !!!!:/System: Subsystem "Controller" rename to "DAQ" subsystem. 2005-12-19 Roman - !!!!:/Parameter: Made parameters logical level. Created parameter's templates and logical level parameters. - /Doc: Add umbrello uml diagram to repository. - /Parameter: Add base error info attributes: "err" and "err_mess". - !!!:/Parameter: Separate parameter name to Id, Name and Description. - !!:/Parameter: Remove export concept and use logical level for it. - /Value: Change mirroring config concept. Add set config function TValue::vlCfg(). - !!!:/Function: Add blocking change concept for the function values. - /BD: Add the interface SQL request function virtual TBD::sqlReq( ). - !!!:/BD: Move open DB procedures to functions: dataSeek(),dataGet() and dataSet(). - !!:/BD: Add generic data delete function TBD::dataDel(). - !:/System: Adapted to GCC compiler version 4.0. - /Mess: Add checking to equality the coding for translate messages. - /System: Change the creating and starting subsystem order. - !!!:/BD/SQLite: Add the set encoding support. DB encoding set into DB name: <./my.db;KOI8-R>. - !!!:/BD/MySQL: Add the set encoding support. DB encoding set into DB name: <server.diya.org;root;;oscadaDemoSt;;;KOI8-U>. - !!!:/BD/DBF: Add the set encoding support. DB encoding set into Table name: <./my.dbf;KOI8-R>. - /Controller/OperationSystem: Add the autocreating option to the parameter for not saving it. - /Controller/OperationSystem: Add translated names of autocreating parameters. - /Controller/JavaLikeCalc: Fix UTF8 symbols check. - /Controller/BlockCalc: Change functions: void loadIO( ) and void saveIO( ). Remove the hot function structure changing support! - /Controller/BlockCalc: Add the error messages generation. - /UI/QTCfg: Add the self table's columns permison support. - /UI/QTCfg: Add id fields Tool Tips. - /UI/QTCfg: Add select mode "sel_ed" with edit support. - /UI/Vision: Fix many warnings. - /UI/WebCfg: Add the self table's columns permison support. - /UI/WebCfg: Add select mode "sel_ed" with edit support. 2005-12-05 Roman - !!!!:/DB: Change method for DB records seek and deleted. Now, if the key fields empty then it no using for identification. Performance up at result! - Fix:/DB/DBF: Fix no checking field name size. Now, field name cuted to 10 symbols. - Fix:/DB/DBF: Fix no checking maximum field size. Now, field size bordered to 255 symbols. 2005-11-30 Evgen - /UI/Vision: Now vision has it's own data directory "VISION" - /System/Demo: Add /UI/Vision data files. - /System/Demo: Update demo DB. 2005-11-30 Roman - /Controller/JavaLikeCalc: Made the multi table fields mirorring to parameter. - /Controller/BlockCalc: Made the multi block attributes mirorring to parameter. - /System/Demo: Update demo DB. 2005-11-25 Evgen - !!!!:/System: Add UI subsystem module Vision 0.1.0 to repository. 2005-11-25 - Fix:/Value: Fixed attributes direct read and write. - /Functions: Translated all massages. - /Functions: Fixed not encoding libraries names. - /Subsystem: Fixed not encoding node(modules) names. - /Security: Fixed not encoding user and groups names. - /System: Fixed not encoding subsystems names. - /System: Updated signal handler. - /Transports: Fixed not encoding input and output transports names. - /Controlles: Made enabling parameters before it exporting. - /Transport/Sockets: Fixed output transport. For breaked connection transport must be stoped. - /Special/SystemTests: Output transport test. Add stoping output connection. - /Special/StaticFuncLibs: Changed structure of PID regulator by Complex1 librarie's. - /Controller/OperationSystem: Add the output transport resource to the HDDTemp data source. - /Controller/OperationSystem: Config field "SUBT" type changed to string. - Fix:/Controller/DiamondBoards: Fixed the attributes direct writing. - !!!!:/Controller/JavaLikeCalc: Add controller's parameters support. - /Controller/JavaLikeCalc: Translated all messages. - !!!!:/Controller/BlockCalc: Add controller's parameters support. - /Doc: Documents updated. - Fix:/Parameters: Fixed no enabling parameters at start. 2005-10-29 OpenSCADA 0.4.1 - /System: OpenSCADA 0.4.1 released. - /System: Add release 0.4.1 overview document. - /System: Update demo and generic config file. - /ModSched: Fix new files checking. - /Mess: Check ANSI locale and disable encoding. - /UI/QTStarter: Add no start for demon mode. - /Doc: Update files: README, TODO and NEWS. - /Contr/OperationSystem: Fix statistic HDD bug. 2005-10-28 - /Demo: Update demo DB - /Demo: Update demo config file - /Value: Fix element deleting. - !!!!:/System/Resource: Add timeout support. - /Param: Add check at present tables in time parameter deleting. - /Transport: Fix no creating new tables for output transports. - /Special/StaticFuncLibs: Fix hot start/stop. - /Contr/OperationSystem: Fix hot start/stop. - /Contr/OperationSystem: Add checking and creating output transport for HDDTemp DA. - /Contr/DiamondBoards: Fix few messages. - /Contr/JavaLikeCalc: Add starting/stoping controllers at time starting/stoping a module. - /Contr/BlockCalc: Add check at present tables in time parameter deleting. - /UI/QTStarter: Fix trapping at start no present modules. - /AutoHD: Fix the copy free object. 2005-10-26 - /Contr/BlockCalc: Relised 0.7.1 - /Contr/JavaLikeCalc: Relised 0.8.0 - /Contr/OperationSystem: Relised 1.0.0 - /UI/QTStarter: Add documentation. - /UI/QTStarter: Relised 0.5.0 - !!!!:/Doc: Replace the module documents from *.sxw to *.pdf. Modules are creating into WIKI: http://diyaorg.dp.ua/oscadawiki - /Doc: Remove roadmap.sxw and to_do.sxw - !!!!:/Modules: Rename attributes: Source, Vers, Autors, DescrMod and License to mSource, mVers, mAuthor, mDescr and mLicense. - !!!!:/System: Rename function <static string int2str( int val, char view = C_INT_DEC );> to <static string int2str( int val, IntView view = Dec );> 2005-10-18 - /Contr/OperationSystem: Add support DA: HDD Smart, HDD statistic and Network statistic. - /UI/QTStarter: Add translate to Russian and Ukranian. - /System: Update all system translates to Russian and Ukranian 2005-10-13 - /System: Fix messages into TElem. - !!!!:/Contr/OperationSystem: Add autodetect functions of active DA sources and creating it parameters. - /Contr/OperationSystem: Change API for easy add new DA sources. - /Contr/OperationSystem: Files sys.* rename to os_contr.* - /Doc: Translate several diagrams to english. 2005-10-06 - !!!!:/System: Change config file structure. - !!!!:/System: Add generic the DB table and make saving all generic parameters. - !!!!:/System: Make mirroring all DB data to config file. - /System: Rename TSYS::station() to TSYS::id() and add TSYS::name(). - /System: Rename TSYS::genDB() to TSYS::shrtDBNm(). - /UI/QTStarter: Add the config dialog configuration. - /UI/WebCfg: Update the dialog configuration. 2005-09-29 - !!!!:/Contr/BlockCalc: Fix multicontrollers enable/disable bug. - !!!!:/Contr/BlockCalc: Add the enable resource for block structure fix. - /System: Add of the text area view for long string TConfig and TValue. - /Contr: Add description field for contollers. "Name" field rename to "ID" and "lName" to "Name". - /Contr: Separate enabling all contollers and starting all controllers. - /Archive/BaseArh: Add recoding category fields. - /UI/QTCfg: Few design updates. 2005-09-23 - !!!!:/System: Move /UI/FreeFuncLibs to /Contr/JavaLikeCalc. - !!!!:/UI: Fix Start/stop bugs for QT. 2005-09-21 - !!!!:/UI/QTStarter: Make base functionality. 2005-09-15 - /System: Remove all the direct parent pointer geting. - !!!!:/Contr/DiamondBoards: Update Diamond Systems universal driver to version 5.9. - !!!!:/Contr/UI: Add QT start module "QTStarter" for start all QT GUI modules. 2005-09-11 OpenSCADA 0.4.0 - /System: OpenSCADA 0.4.0 released. - /System: Add release 0.4.0 overview document. - /System: Update the to do document. - /System: Update the roadmap document. 2005-09-10 - /Contr/BlockCalc: Fixed no stoped timer and reassign signal SIGALRM handler. - /Contr/OperationSystem: Fixed no stoped timer and reassign signal SIGALRM handler. - /Contr/DiamondBoards: Relised 0.5.0. - /Contr/DiamondBoards: Add documentation. - /Transport/Sockets: Relised 1.2.0. - /UI/QTCfg: Relised 1.0.0. - /UI/WebCfg: Relised 1.2.0. - /System: Fixed early node enabled for TValue. 2005-09-09 - /Special/FreeFuncLibs: Fix connect/disconnect module. - /Special/FreeFuncLibs: Relised 0.5.0. - /Special/FreeFuncLibs: Add documentation. - /Special/StaticFuncLibs: Relised 0.9.0. - /Special/StaticFuncLibs: Add documentation. - /Special/SystemTests: Relised 1.2.0. - /Contr/BlockCalc: Relised 0.5.0. - /Contr/BlockCalc: Add documentation. - /Contr/OperationSystem: Relised 0.7.0. - /ModSchedul: Fix connect/disconnect modules. - /UI/QTCfg: Fix change language trap. 2005-09-07 - /Archive/BaseArh: Relised 0.4.0. - /DB/DBF: Relised 1.6.0. - /DB/MySQL: Relised 1.1.0. - /DB/SQLite: Relised 1.0.0. - /Protocol/HTTP: Relised 1.2.0. - /System: Remove function TModule::modConnect(). To use function TCntrNode::postEnable(). - /System: Make warning TValFunc and TFunction at structure changed. - /System: Fix orthographical error sequrity to security 2005-09-02 - /Special/FreeFuncLibs: Fix the two parameters build functions code generation. - /System: Add demo data bases. - /Doc: Update OpenSACAD project finised. - /System: Update spec-file. 2005-09-01 - /System: Fix many bugs; - /System: Add generic system load and saving. - /System: Add functions TSubSYS::subSave() and TModule::mosSave(). - /System: Remove test subdirs and add demo subdirs. 2005-08-23 - /System: Add function TElem::fldAvoid(); - /Archive/BaseArh: Reviewed and optimized. - /Archive/BaseArh: Make fast geting of the archive file info (without XML-parsing) - /Archive/BaseArh: Remove fragmen-effect. - /Archive/BaseArh: Make the archive file size and the files number control. - /System/Doc: Update system documentation. 2005-08-16 - /Spec/test_kernel: Add the contol language test. Test used from debug access to elements of page. - !!!!: /System: Delete function TError::what(). Use public attributes cat and mess. - !!!!: /System: Add the back link to TCntrNode object. - !!!!: /System: Subsystems were optimized and put to TCntrNode-container of TError object. - !!!!: /System: TGRPModule rename to TSubSYS and use as generic subsystem class. You can add new subsystems from your modules now. Fix TCntrNode tree break into subsystems. Rename files tgrpmodule.* to tsubsys.*. - /System: Delete function TMess::put_s(). Now using TMess::put() function. - /System: Delete internall message-function mPut*() from system's objects. Now using TMess::put() function. - !!!!: /System: For create messages using the full path from function TCntrNode::nodePath(). - !!!!: /System: Delete node TKernel. Node funtctions move to TSYS. Delete files: tkernel.h and tkernel.cpp - !!!!: /System: Replace functions owner() to the node preview functions TCntrNode::nodePrev(). - /System: Delete the access chain config file based at cfgNode(). For access now using function TCntrNode::nodePath(). - /System: Restore the help call from command line (-h, --help). - /System: Translate of the base information system messages to Russian and Ukranian languages. - /Arhive/Message: Make category messages filter at patterns. Support special symbols: '*', '?', '\'. - /System: Messages subsystem reconstruction finised. - /System: Make separate files for object ResAlloc (resalloc.cpp, resalloc.h) - /System: Rename all modules to humanly names. 2005-08-03 - /System: Project's tree renamed to OpenSCADA. - /Controller/diamond: Add translate to Russian and Ukranian languages. - !!!!: /System: Separate element type and flags into TFld. Update TConfig, TValue, all system and modules. - /System: Separate functions TConfig::getS(), ... ,TConfig::getB() to functions for direct(getSd()) and universal(getS()) access. - /System: Make universal access for functions TValFunc::getS() ... TValFunc::getI(). - /System: Add makroses vmin() and vmax(). - /System: Make universal access for functions TValue::getS() ... TValue::getI(). - !!!!: /Spec/FreeFunc: Full rebuild compiler and VM. Make support of four data types: bool,int,real,string. Add buildin functions. Delete generic access to local variables. - /Spec/FreeFunc: Update Russian and Ukranian translate. - /Controller/virtual: Add translate to Russian and Ukranian languages. - /UI/QTCfg: Add checking attribute "descr" to a size for the changing structure page detect. 2005-07-14 - !!!!: AutoHD: Make no dependent from TContrNode. To AutoHD can connect to every object with functions: connect() and disConnect(). - All: Update include calls from *.h files. - TSYS: Move the string proces function from TContrNode to TSYS. - UI: WebCfg: Use the string proces function. - UI: QTCfg: Use the string proces function. - UI: QTCfg: Fix the listbox no select element trap. - Spec: StatFunc: Add Russian and Ukranian translates. - Spec: FreeFunc: Add Russian and Ukranian translates. 2005-07-07 - !!!!: Special: FreeFunc: Make interpreter based at Byson syntax creator. - Special: FreeFunc: Add library "tech_app". - !!!!: Special: FuncStatic: Add "math" library. - UI: QTCfg: Make autocreating qtcfg.moc. - UI: QTCfg: Return to using of QCheckTableItem from QTable. No cheking was for theme Aloy! - UI: QTCfg: Fix index list using for the command checkbox. - UI: QTCfg: To extend list command for index list. - UI: WebCfg: To extend list command for index list. - !!!!: Replace functions checkCommandLine() and updateOpt() at load() everywhere. - !!!!: TKernel: Add function load() and start() instead run(). - !!!!: TKernel: Rename subsystem's names. - !!!!: TGrpModule and children: Replace function gmdInit() to gmdLoad(). - TGrpModule: Add function gmdStart() and gmdStop(). - !!!!: TMessage: Rename to TMess. - !!!!: TMess: Set message level to union Type. - !!!!: TMess: Add function load(). - TFuctionS, TLibFunc, TFunction: add function start() and state started. - TModSchedul: Redisined API. Add function loadLibS(), load(), loadAll(), startAll(), stopAll() and schedStop(). - TModule: Add function modStart(), modStop(). - TSecurity: Replace init() to load(). - TSYS: make periodic calc CPU frquency (for notebooks) and put to Control lang. - DB: MySQL: Set field type "text" for strings with length > 200. - DOC: Add doc "Programming area of OpenSCADA" 2005-06-09 - Delete the individual modules path. Use single path. - !!!!: Make generic data access for several subsystems. - Control: Fix path to list element. - !!!!: Control: Make new API for operated to list elements. - !!!!: Control: Add operated API for table elements. - Control: Set default access timeout to 2sek. - Control: Delete the valid check from "set*" and "*get" functions. - Control: Add the empty check for new children - chldAdd(). - Modules: Separate modules name to 'id' and 'name'. - BDS: Fix TBDS::open() for close DB if open table error. - BDS: Add the control for opened tables. - Functions: Use indes-list. - Functions: Add functions ioSize(), ioIns(), ioDel(), ioMove(). - Functions: Add TLibFunc::avoid(). - Functions: Move IO from TFunction. - Functions: Change IO tables view. - !!!!: Functions: Separate IO type to type and mode. - GrpModule: Delete gmdModPath(). - SYS: Add TZ(). System timer clock. - BD::SQLite: Set exception catcher into destructor. - Protocol::http: Adapted to XHTML1.0. - !!!!: Special::FreeFunc: Make library, function and IO without interpretation. - Special::TestKernel: Add The function subsystem test. - Controller::diamond: Add DIO support. - Controller::system: Add OpenSCADA use CPU control. - UI::QTCfg: Add full support of index list. - UI::QTCfg: Add the table modification support. - UI::QTCfg: Add string field modification controll. - UI::QTCfg: Add the QTextBox modification support. - UI::QTCfg: Add new API Control "Set" support. 2005-04-18 - Fix connect user headers to stdout headers. No close stdout, stdin and stderr for demon mode! - Control: add index-list support; - Subsystem: Go to true index-list. - TGrpModule: Add subsystem index. - !!!!:Control: All move to new API and delete old API support. - Contoll: Fix root field make into ctrInsNode(). - TConfig: Make view no blocked. Only stat flag! - TConfig: Rename change() to cfgChange() - TParamContr: Add "Enable" parameter state. - TVal: Fix call function vlSet() from setR(). - TContr::SYS: Add "Enable" mode support. - !!!!: Add controller type "Diamond" to repository. - UI: WebCfg: Add index-list support. - UI: QtCfg: Add index-list support. - UI: Fix exception trap. 2005-04-03 - Spec: Change requires - Spec: Add init.d script and PreReq: chkconfig - Spec: Add post and preun scripts for init.d - Spec: Change config directory operation - Move config file from doc/oscada.xml to oscada.xml - Add init script to repository. File oscada.init - SYS: Add demon load mode. - Archives, Transports: Go to new control API. - DB: Make no terminated mode for TBDS::open() and TBDS::close(). - DB: Add function TBDS::dataSeek() for generic access to data (first DB -> second config file) - TCntrNode: Make true access to Controll nodes. Fix function cntrCmd() - !!!!: Change to lower-size metod access for more function. Use <char *> instead <string> type parameters. - TKernel, TGrpModule, TModule, TSYS: Add function cfgNodeName(). Use for make path to Object node into config file. - TMessage, TSYS: Fix no checking of a return value function getenv(); - TKernel: Move attributes of the default DB to private section; - !!!!: Go to using default DB from all subsystems. - XMLNode: Add function attr_() for space saving. - UI:QTCfg: Add signal handler for pressing at the navigation tree. 2005-03-18 - TContrNode: Add new Info API internal cntrCmd_() instaed ctrStat_(). New API allow request internal branches. - TArhives: Go to new Controll API. - TSYS: Add the Config file seek function. - TTransportS: Use the config file seek function if DB no avoid. - XML::attr: Delete parameter 'add'. Now, always add attributes. 2005-03-17 - Add Generic BD support. Add option to TKernel and adapted all subsystems. - TSYS: Add function strSepParse for safe parsing a patern parameters (prm1:prm2:prm3). Adapted all subsystems. - UI::WebCfg: Fix table's parsing. 2005-03-16 - Add default config file doc/oscada.xml for install to /etc/oscada.xml - Rename test/oscada.xml to test/oscada_test.xml - Delete cfg/alg.cfg - Delete default station name and make load first avoid station config if not found wanting. - Add athena build to specfile. 2005-03-08 - DB: Fix close DBs and tables; 2005-03-05 - !!!!: Integrate TContr and THD to TContrNode. Make tree resource controll and full rebuild. - TContrNode: Add simple prefix support for branche's names; - TContrNode: Add summary client command function TContrNode::cntrCmd_(). To use instead function ctrDinGet_() and ctrDinSet_(). - !!!!: TContrNode: Add generic function TContrNode::cntrCmd() for simple access to controll tree. - TContrNode: Move self-parse function of TConfig and TValue to them. - UI::QTCfg: Use generic control function TContrNode::cntrCmd(). - UI::QTCfg: Make noredraw update of equal structure's pages. - UI::QTCfg: Add Quit menu item. - UI::WebCfg: Use generic control function TContrNode::cntrCmd(). - UI::WebCfg: Add JavaScript based messages support; - UI::WebCfg: Add session class. - !!!!: Add virtual block controller: Controll::virtual; - Move clean DB operations to self-object functions: TContrNode::postDisable; - BD: Replace TTable::fieldList() to TTable::fieldSeek(); - BD: Fix composite keys support. - !!!!: BD::MySQL - full rebuild (into SQLite style) - BD::MySQL - Disable sequence controll. MySQL nosupport misc ADD and AFTER into ALTER requests! - BD::SQLite - Move transaction function operators: "BEGIN" and "COMMIT" to DB open and close. - BD: Close DBs and tables if it no used. - Controller: full fix start/stop/enable/disable controller's procedure; - !!!!: Add function's subsystem. - !!!!: Add the static functions libraries modul. Include the Complex1 compatibility functions. - !!!!: Add the free functions libraries modul. - Main: Add try->catch block. - Main: Change kernel scaning to node-count method. - GroupModule: Make gmdDel() to novirtual and delete everywhere. Walk to TContrNode::pre[post]Disable(). - TError: Use makro __func__ for identify error points. - SYS: Set LC_NUMERIC=C locale for correct float to string and back converting. - SYS: Use environment: LANGUAGE, LANG and LC_MESSAGES for full language controll. - SYS: Add short time dimension functions: sysClk() and shrtCnt(). - TModSchedul: Change Module's links storing. - TModule: Change acces to export functions. Change function modGetFunc() and modFreeFunc() to modFunc(). - TModule: Add register function modFuncReg(); - XML: Add copying operator: operator=(); - And more small changes! 2004-12-11 - BD::sqlite Relised 0.9.0 version 2004-12-07 - !!!!: add sqlite BD-module; - TModschedul: remove Path converting; - Archive::Base: remove Path converting; - Special::TestKernel: add The modify table structure test for DB-test; 2004-11-11 OpenSCADA 0.3.1 (Bug fix) - fix UI::QTCfg for qt-3.1.1. - fix UI::QTCfg form widgets display. - fix Transport::socket Pthread flow memory bug. Use PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED metod!!! - fix TConfig, TCfg - no return object from operator=()! - fix TContr::SYS length of attribute "seconds full" for uptime more than 5 symbols. - add ru and uk localization: - BD::direct_dbf; - BD::my_sql; - Special::test_kernel; - add doc for modules - Protocol::http; - Special::test_kernel; - Controller::sys; - Transport::socket; - UI::web_cfg; - UI::QTCfg; 2004-11-03 OpenSCADA 0.3.0 - !!!!: Release modules: ui_qtcfg 0.9.0; ui_web_cfg 1.1.0; bd_my_sql 1.0.0; bd_direct_dbf 1.5.0; spec_test_kernel 1.0.0; arh_base 0.3.0; prot_http 1.1.0; cntr_sys 0.6.0; cntr_virt1 0.0.15; tr_socket 1.1.0; - !!!!: Anywhere fix public functions name (to Java style). - !!!!: BD: Change module API for access to table! - !!!!: BD: Add full support MySQL BD to bd_my_sql module! - !!!!: UI: Add QT based configurator! - !!!!: Add documents: release_0.3.0.sxw, roadmap.sxw, task_history.sxw, to_do.sxw - !!!!: Add documents from modules: Archive::base_arh, BD::direct_dbf, BD::my_sql - !!!!: Full update generic document: <OpenScadaUMLdescr.sxw> - !!!!: Delete modules: <spec_test_bd> and <spec_test_transp> - !!!!: spec_test_kernel: add tests: bd and transports. Make multitest support! - !!!!: Add <AutoHD> anywhere! - !!!!: TConfig: Delete multi-fields support and make it to generic structure for tabes! - Delete Table: <transport.dbf> and <arhive.dbf> - Add Table: <transp_in.dbf> and <transp_out.dbf> - Add diagram: <controll_tree.dia> - UI::qtcfg: Add files: dlguser.cpp, dlguser.h for user dialog! - UI::qtcfg: Delete file: qtcfg.ui! - UI::qtcfg: Add images to repository! - UI::qtcfg: Fix go children method! - Remove from repository all *.pot files! - TFld&TElem: Change method create/load new fields! - TMessage: rename and replace structure SBufRec to TMessage::SRec; - TContr: Change Table support. Delete internal commands! - TContr: Delete function <ctr_cmd_go>. And comands move to function <ctrDinSet_>! - TConfig: Add flag F_KEY for marked BD key element! - THD: fix no releasing resources in the time waiting of free resources! - THD: Add function for check avoid of object: <objAvoid()>; - TMessage: Put messages to bufer always! - Update TContr XML language content for all subsystems! - Add of deleting The Table fields if deleted Element! - TTipController: Clean odd function! - TTransports: Separated input and output transports! - XMLNode: Delete new_xml() and public clean() function! 2004-10-07 - UI:qtcfg: Relised 0.5.0 version - !!!!: Fix name error Arhive to Archive, anywhere. - !!!!: BD: Full change access mode to "AutoHD<>" mode use. - !!!!: Controller: Full change access mode to "AutoHD<>" mode use. - !!!!: Parameter: Full change access mode to "AutoHD<>" mode use. - !!!!: BD: Fix public functions name (to Java style). - !!!!: Controller: Fix public functions name (to Java style). - !!!!: GRPModule: Fix public functions name (to Java style). - !!!!: Module: Fix public functions name (to Java style). - !!!!: Archive: Fix public functions name (to Java style). - TTable: Add owner to object. - TContr: Add pathCode() and pathEncode() functions. - TContr: Add "encode" option to ctr_path_l(). - TContr: Add "pos" option to ctr_cfg_parse(), ctr_val_parse() and ctr_fld_parse(). - THD: Add obj_avoid() for the avoid control. - TModule: Separate module "name" to "id" and "name". - Controller::virtual1: Add document directory and static diagram. - UI::qt_gui: Add document directory and "TZ" for Presentations Environment. 2004-09-09 - Move the Control tree into ctr_fill_info() for all; - Update the option help for all; - Made full path check into controll functions ctr_din_get(), ctr_din_set() .... - TContr: change list prefix from "sel:" to "sel_" - Add exception to last Control functions ctr_din_get(), ctr_din_set() .... - Fix Controll chains for all; - TMessage: change prototip functions: Sconv(), SConvIn(), SConvOut(); - XML: add clean_children() function and fix destructor! - Protocol::http: Go to XHTML1.0 standard! - Controller::virtual_v1: Experemental add TFrm; - !!!!: Add UI::QTCfg modul! - !!!!: Del UI::QTGUI modul! 2004-07-25 OpenScada 0.2.6 - UI::web_cfg: Fix The fiel type "time"; - Archive::base_arh: Fix a parameter type for The function get(); - Module: Change the parameters type for The function attach(); 2004-07-24 OpenScada 0.2.5 (socket 1.0.0; http 1.0.0; direct_dbf 1.0.0; web_cfg 1.0.0; SysContr 0.5.0; ) - Released 2004-07-23 - !!!!: Add auto release to THD: AutoHD; - Replace <string> call parameters to <& string> for fast and size; - TContr: Change attach metod to metod with AutoHD; - TArchiveS: delete the bridge attach functions; - TTransportS: delete the bridge attach functions; - TValue: Add AutoHD resources for access to attribute; - THD: Add function hd_hd() and hd_obj(); - Update Test BD; 2004-07-13 - Add Copyright to all source files; - TCfg: Add and check of visible a config element; - TValue: Add modifily of TValue; - TParamContr: Fix no return value if attribut no avoid; 2004-07-12 - Admin: Delete clean_tree. For clean tree use <make distclean>; - !!!!: Add localisation to the controller SYS; - !!!!: TArchives: Made separe BD for the value and message Archives; - !!!!: Merge TConfigElem and TValueElem to TElem; - !!!!: Add TVal for TValue container; - !!!!: Add TCfg for TConfig container; - TContr: Made direct init the XMLNode value; - TContr: Add value parser; - TContr: Add write mode controll; - Change enable and start mode manipulation: - TController; - TParamContr; - TTransportS; - TUIS; - TSpecialS: Make private acces to Tvalue; - !!!!: TSYS: Make ResAlloc and apply autofreeing mode for resources (for - TSYS: Sygnal handling moved to constructor. - !!!!: TValue: fullish remake; - BD::direct_dbg: Fix long size for x86_64; - Special::test_kernel: Add value test; - Controller::virtual_v1: Fix value; - Controller::sys: Add: CPU, Mem, HDDTemp, LmSensors; - Transport::socket: update output transport; - UI::web_cfg: Add checking of change The group element after press "Apply" 2004-05-11 OpenScada 0.2.1 - The kernel libs build were updated, and The kernel version was added. - Necesarely static part was deleted from TContr. 2004-04-11 OpenScada 0.2.0 - !!!!:AUTOMAKE: make better integration: - set default prefix to /usr; - define locale dir: oscd_localedir; - add modul prefix; - move modules to self directories; - add a self modules po directory; - make po/Makefile.am for kernel and modules - add EXTRA_DIST everywhere; - !!!!:RPM: full update OpenScada.spec: - make 3 packets: OpenScada, OpenScada-devel, OpenScada-testdata; - add languages: ru, uk - make packages from 'make -dist' package; - !!!!:Delete bin directory; - !!!!:Add test directory; - TConfigElem: From struct delete field view and add types: DEC, OCT, HEX - I18N: Make for: ALL! - TArchives: make firs start Archives and second Get message counter. - TArchives: add quit attribute for do make last get message cycle before quit. - HELP: Go to standard structure describe of options descriptions. - TContr: Add access symbol ',' for real type. - TContr: Add interim function ctr_cmd_go. - TContr: Add function for TConfig support: ctr_cfg_parse, ctr_cfg_get, ctr_cfg_set - !!!:TController*: Full rebuild controll scheme! - THD: Esceptions messages fix. - TMessage: add functions: lang. - TModule: add translate functions for modules: I18N, I18Ns - XMLNode: add exception to function get_child. 2004-03-17 OpenScada 0.1.17 (prot_http.so 0.6.0; tr_socket.so 0.6.0; ui_web_cfg.so 0.6.0; arh_base 0.1.0 ) - Rewrite configure.in and change to Automake 1.7. - Replace common compile options to configure.in. - Make build static and dinamic executable modul. - !!!!:Go TControl to - TArchiveS - TKernel - TMessage - TModule - TProtocolS - TSecurity - TSYS - TTransportS - TUIS - Archive::base - Protocol::http - Transport::socket - UI::QT_GUI - UI::web_cfg - Change misc params names into config file to standard name "prm". - !!!!:TArchiveS: Change BD work metod. - TArchiveS: Add start and stop commands to Message Archives. - TArchiveS: Fix time check and add level sort into MessArhTask. - TArchiveS: Change metod of bd parameters stored. - TTable: Add function Clean(). - TConfig: Add integer, real and boolen functions returned pointer (for fast access) - TConfig: Fix trap with negative parameters into cf_SaveValBD; - TContr: Into ctr_id make field path processing. - TContr: Into chk_opt_val add checking file and directory avoid. - TContr: Del buffers using. - TContr: Add path parameter to ctr_det() and ctr_at() functions. - TGRPModule: Add exceptions to branch functions. - THD: Fix no freeing resource into obj_add() - TSecurity: add subsystems functions. - TSecurity: Full made. - TSecurity: Add sequrity table: security.dbf. - TSYS: add static function int2str() and real2str() for central converting values to string. - !!!!:TTransportS: Change BD work metod. - TTransportS: Add start and stop commands to transports. - TTransportS: Change metod of bd parameters stored. - XML: Add new get_child for access throw id name of node. - BD::direct_dbf: Fix resource blocking into AddColum(). - Protocol::http: Fix fragmentation request processing (Konqueror specific). - Transport::socket: Add start() and stop() commands - UI::web_cfg: Add about page, head all info pages, navigation field, user stat field and more other changes. - DOC: Litle changes. 2004-03-04 OpenScada 0.1.16 (prot_http.so 0.5.0; tr_socket.so 0.5.0; ui_web_cfg.so 0.5.0) - Add "s_name" for store The humanly modules subsystem name - TGRPModule - TModSchedul - TParamS - TSecurity - !!!!: Make change per language specification to - !!!!:UI::web_cfg - TContr - TGRPModule - TKernel - TModSchedul - TModule - TParamS - TSecurity - TSYS - !!!!:DOC: Make cotrol language specification - TKernel: add checking stat controller (no second run) - Change comandline help function <pr_opt_descr> to <opt_descr> for: - TKernel - TMessage - TSYS - TMessage: delete prefix "*:" from messages. Station prefix must add TArchive - TProtocols: Change return value function <mess>! (For support brackes and no full messages) - Protocol::http: make support brackes and no full messages; - Protocol::http: repair check message content and variables; - Transport::socket: set default input buffer to 1k; - Transport::socket: make support brackes and no full messages; - !!!!:UI::web_info: deleted; 2004-02-18 OpenScada 0.1.15 (prot_http.so 0.3.0; tr_socket.so 0.3.0; ui_web_cfg.so 0.3.0) - !!!!:NEW: Add security subsystems. Objects: TSecurity, TUser, TGroup - tsecurity.cpp(h) - !!!!:NEW: Make new message system for direct point message from! - TMessage: Set default debug level to 0; - TMessage: Add function put_s; - !!!!:TMessage: Add and use direct message functions: m_put, m_put_s to: - tgrpmodule.cpp(h) - tArchives.cpp(h) - tcontrollers.cpp(h) - tcontroller.cpp(h) - tkernel.cpp(h) - tmodshedule.cpp(h) - tmodule.cpp(h) - tsys.cpp(h) - transports.cpp(h) - Special::test_bd; - Special::test_kernel; - Special::test_transp; - Controller::virtual_v1; - Transport::socket; - TContr: add functions: - ctr_id( XMLNode &inf, string name_id ); - chk_opt_val( XMLNode *fld, bool fix ); - ctr_din_set( XMLNode *fld); - ctr_din_get( XMLNode *fld); - TContr: delete: - ctr_opts_apply; - ctr_br_add; - ctr_br_del; - ctr_br_rot; - TContr: rename: - ctr_opt to "ctr_opt( XMLNode *inf, unsigned numb)"; - ctr_opt_getS to "string ctr_opt_getS(XMLNode *fld)"; - ctr_opt_getI to "int ctr_opt_getI(XMLNode *fld)"; - ctr_opt_getR to "double ctr_opt_getR(XMLNode *fld)"; - ctr_opt_getB to "bool ctr_opt_getB(XMLNode *fld)"; - ctr_opt_getB to "bool ctr_opt_getB(XMLNode *fld)"; - ctr_opt_setS to "ctr_opt_setS(XMLNode *fld, string val)"; - ctr_opt_setI to "ctr_opt_setI(XMLNode *fld, int val)"; - ctr_opt_setR to "ctr_opt_setR(XMLNode *fld, double val)"; - ctr_opt_setB to "ctr_opt_setB(XMLNode *fld, bool val)"; - ctr_br_putlist to "ctr_br_putlist(XMLNode *fld, vector string<list>); - ctr_cmd_go to "ctr_cmd_go(XMLNode *fld)"; - ctr_att to "unsigned ctr_att( XMLNode *br ); - ctr_at to "TContr &ctr_at( XMLNode *br ); - TGRPModule: replace function ctr_opts_apply to ctr_din_get; - TKernel: replace function ctr_opts_apply to ctr_din_get; - TModSchedul: use static access to resources; - TModSchedul: delete ctr_opts_apply; - TModule: replace function ctr_opts_apply to ctr_din_get; - TProtocols: add parameter sender into function mess; - TSYS: replace function ctr_opts_apply to ctr_din_get; - TSYS: add function ctr_cmd_go; - TSYS: change size temporary buffers to 2024; - XML: add function del_child; - Protocol::http: add parameter sender into function mess; - Protocol::http: add values parsing and contein evolve; - Protocol::http: add POST metod support; - Protocol::http: update index page; - Protocol::self: add parameter sender into function mess; - Transport::socket: add parameter sender into function PutMess for support TProtocol::mess; - Transport::socket: change parameter of ClSock from 'int sock' to 'SSock &s_in'; - Transport::socket: add field sender into struct SSockIn; - !!!!:UI::web_cfg: make base user config interface with support: security, view value, command branch, change value, put command and jump to next branch; - UI::web_dbg: add export function HttpPost; - UI::web_dbg: add parameter sender into function HttpGet; - UI::web_info: add export function HttpPost; - UI::web_info: add parameter sender into function HttpGet; - UI::web_info: update html generator; - DOC: update static class diagram and add Control language description; 2004-02-05 OpenScada 0.1.12 (prot_http.so 0.1.0; ui_web_info.so 0.1.0) - TBDS: add function delete tables del(); - TContr: add attribute "o_name"; - TContr: make check "fld" nodes to ctr_opt_get and ctr_opt_set; - TContr: change brance name store from Node->text to Node->attr("id"); - TContr: delete inf from ctr_opt_apply(); - TContr: add apply flag into functions: ctr_opt_get*(); - integrate to standard control (TContr) for: - tgrpmodule.cpp(h) - tkernel.cpp(h) - tmodschedul.cpp(h) - tmodule.cpp(h) - tparams.cpp(h) - TMessage: move function setlocale(LC_ALL) from TSYS to TMessage; - TMessage: add resource to message buffer manipulations; - TMessage: rename function: SetDLevel->d_level; SetLogDir->log_direct; SetCharset->charset - TMessage: add function mess_buf_len (for set and get size of inernal message buffer) - TProtocolS: rebuild protocol arhitecture. Make individual transport mode for input protocols (scheme Open,Close,At). - TSYS: add TMessage option into TControl; - TSYS: make branchs links; - Protocol::http: make individual transport mode; - Protocol::http: make index page for dysplaing and linking witch web modules; - Protocol::self: make individual transport mode; - BaseDate::my_sql: fix delete and create table; - Transport::socket: add socket header to PutMess for individual transport mode; - UI::web_info: make info pages from TControl subsystem of OpenSCADA; 2004-01-28 OpenScada 0.1.11 - integrate access header (THD) to: - tsys.cpp(h) - NEW: Add object TContr - tcontr.cpp(h) - TSYS: make resource functions as static; - THD: change access to static resource; - THD: add string description for attached user into hd; - TParams: add string description option into att; - start integrating to standard control (TContr) for: - tsys.cpp(h) - Special::test_kernel: add The base controll test; - Controller::virtual_v1: add Free to destructor; - Controller::virtual_v1: use pointers into vector for decrease module size; - Transport::socket: use value STD_WAIT_DELAY for sockets event wait; 2004-01-08 OpenScada 0.1.10 (cntr_virt1.so 0.0.9) - THD: add into constructor pointer into children object name; - THD: rename function: hd_obj_cnt -> obj_cnt; hd_obj_list -> obj_list; hd_obj_add -> obj_add; hd_obj_del -> obj_del; - THD: delete dublicating function: obj(unsigned i_hd); - THD: add function obj_rotate() for change trim object into list; - TConfig: change type of return value to "&" for fast access for functions: cf_Get_SEL() and cf_Get_S(); - TController: add UnRegParamS() to Disable(); - TController: change return parameter for "string &Name()"; - TController: change prototip function ParamAttach(); - integrate access header (THD) to: - tcontrollers.cpp(h) - tparams.cpp(h) - TKernel: add into destructor stoping and disabling all controllers; - TParamContr: change constructor's prototipe; - TParamContr: del t_sync atribut; - TParamContr: change return type for "string &Name()"; - !!!!: TParam: full rebuild; - TParamS: add owner and o_name attributes; - Special::test_kernel: fix cycle time; - Special::test_kernel: update access into parameters; - Controller::virtual_v2: deleted; - !!!!: Controller::virtual_v1: full rebuild; - DOC: update roadmap, and modules description; 2003-12-30 OpenScada 0.1.9 - build: rename OpenScada kernel library to liboscada.la; - build: change to default static build - build: fix bug 4 (add link options -Wl,-whole-Archive and -z modules - tArchives: add copyright title - !!!!: global: add version to type modules and make check version; - THD: add timeout support into hd_obj_del; - TModule: rename field "FileName" to "Source" - Archive::base_arh: add copyright title - Archive::base_arh: add contol Archives file permission - DOC: update doc 2003-12-23 OpenScada 0.1.8 - Threads: add function pthread_join for wait of pthread clean. - TConfig: fix no ANSIC++ standard call function vector::insert(); - TMessage: fix no ANSIC++ standard call function vector::insert(); - TValueElem: fix no ANSIC++ standard call function vector::insert(); - Controller::virtual_v1: fix no ANSIC++ standard call function vector::insert(); - Controller::virtual_v2: fix no ANSIC++ standard call function vector::insert(); - TController: use object SBDS for store bd address; - TController: add call function Stop() and Free() into destructor; - TTipController: use SBDS into ContrAttach(); - BD::my_sql: add define option USE_OLD_FUNCTIONS for use old functions; - DOC: make numbering of bugs; 2003-12-16 OpenScada 0.1.7 - TSYS: add STD_WAIT_DELAY define constant; - TSYS: use STD_WAIT_DELAY into ResDelete(), WResRequest() and Start(); - TSYS: add function "event_wait" for central control for slep wait and fast check go events! - event_wait() use into: - TArchives; - TTipBD; - TBD; - TModSchedul; - Archive::base_arh; - Special::test_kernel; - Controller::virtual_v1,virtual_v2; - Transport::socket; - UI::QT_GUI; - THD: add hd_obj.free(): stat object for signal about 0 objects (for event_wait() ); - TArchiveS: made store BD adress into SBDS; - TArchiveS: use STD_WAIT_DELAY into MessArhTask(); - TTable: delete noused: ENTER() and EXIT(); - TController: move ParamAttach() into private section; - TControllerS: made store BD adress into SBDS; - TKernel: delete dublication calls CheckComandLine() and UpdateOpt() into starting; - TModSchedule: use STD_WAIT_DELAY into SchedTask(); - TParamS: connect into TConfig (but no use, while )! - TTransportS: made store BD adress into SBDS; - Special::test_kernel: use STD_WAIT_DELAY into SchedTask(); - Special::test_kernel: add atribut "on" into config tree; - Update doc; 2003-12-09 OpenScada 0.1.5 (bd_direct_dbf.so 0.1.2) - add standard access header description !!!!! ( add files: thd.cpp, thd.h ) - integrate access header to: - tArchives.cpp(h) - tbds.cpp(h) - tcontrollers.cpp(h) - tgrpmodule.cpp(h) - ttipcontroller.cpp(h) - ttransports.cpp(h) - TTable: change tables call mode. Move resources to modules; - TTable: add Name(); - TTipArchive: rename at_tp() to gmd_at(); - TBDS: rename at_tp() to gmd_at(); - TControllerS: rename at_tp() to gmd_at(); - TProtocolS: rename at_tp() to gmd_at(); - TTransportS: rename at_tp() to gmd_at(); - TGRPModule: change element type to string: NameType; - TMessage: change parameters type for functions: SconvIn, SconvOut, Sconv - TModule: change element type to string: FileName, NameModul, NameType, Vers, Autors, DescrMod, License; - TSYS: add config parameters: m_cr_f_per, m_cr_d_perm. ( Set default permition for creating files and directories ) - bd_direct_dbf: make resource and internal string recoding; - spec_test_kernel: add config atribut "t_arh" and rename "Archive" to "arh" for MESS test; 2003-11-26 OpenScada 0.1.0 (arh_base.so 0.0.3; spec_test_kernel.so 0.0.4; tr_socket.so 0.1.1) - add defines to TSYS.h for fixed buffers len: STR_BUF_LEN; - delete using signal SIGALRM for stoped threads. Stoped threads self! - change return type of TArchiveS::Mess_at(), TArchiveS::Val_at(), TTipArchive::atMess() to TTipArchive::atVal(); - add debug printing pthread's pid for start; - rename TSYS::GetMess() to TSYS::get(); - fix bug of buffer overflov into: TError::TError(...), TMessage::put(); - replace bug method signals handle into TSYS::Start(); - XMLNode: add functions: ins_child(..); - arh_base: fix config's params; - arh_base: decrease scan dir frquence to 5 sec; - arh_base: change method of create the Archive file names (humanly date view); - arh_base: add owner to TFileArh; - arh_base: add get() functions; - arh_base: allocate resources at function TMessArh::ScanDir(); - arh_base: add atribut "m_access" for control time access to Archive file and free Archive file memory if long not use; - arh_base: add data sort controll to put(); - arh_base: add support of free memory to Sync(); - arh_base: delete codepage support functions; - spec_test_kernel: add nolimyted wait of task stoped; - spec_test_kernel: update MESS test. Add system Archive and select kenel module Archive test. - spec_test_transport: add SIGPIPE signal handler ( Broken pipe signals go! ) - tr_sock: add wite client task stoped to TSocketIn::Task(); - tr_sock: delete TSocketIn::sighd(); - tr_sock: add using select to TSocketIn::ClSock(); - tr_sock: fix error into TSocketIn::UnregClient(). Element first free and second using!!! - tr_sock: fix unlimited while cicle into TSocketIn::~TSocketIn(); - ui_QT_GUI: add unllimited white of closing qt window; 2003-11-26 OpenScada 0.0.9 - add support message Archives (write mode, read in future); - add OS/bin/Archive and OS/bin/Archive/MESS directory; - add Archives table: OS/bin/DATA/Archive.dbf; - add Archive module base_arh (moduls/arhiv/base.cpp and moduls/arhiv/base.h) - add description field to table OS/bin/DATA/generic.dbf and OS/bin/DATA/transport.dbf; - Update doc: - add general SCADA description; - add diagram SCADA.dia; - rewiev doc; - separate resource to Read and Write resource; - add requesting to write resource into ResDelete and add delete mode for generated exception when will go request resource; - add structure flags into TSYS resource (SSem); - use resources everithing; - update of debug info generate: - add debug informations; - change metod single used mode for TConfig ( simple for using and stability ) - change structure used into TConfigElem; - replace state identificator into TControllerS, from id_mod to use; - add gmd_DelM() into: TControllers, TTransportS, TArchiveS for free deleting module's elements; - raise buffer len up 1024b into TKernel ( fixed bufer this bad!! ); - rebuild modules sheduler: - check and fixed stat all modules into list; - replace list mod_allow and mod_deny to mod_auto. For auto attached and inited modules; - add function for simple attach and detach any avoid modul; - TModSchedule fully rewrote; - raise buffer len up 1024b into TMessage ( fixed bufer this bad!! ); - add level into message buffer of TMessage; - TMessage: add function GetCharset(); - TMessage: add into function GetMess() parameters: category and level; - Add to destructor of TModShedule detaching all modules; - Add check type config file into TSYS->UpdateOpt(); - Add intercepting signales SIGALRM and SIGPIPE into TSYS; - Add function TSYS->FixName() for convert path name to absolutely view; - Fix no cleaned attribute in function XMLNode::cleanup(); - Fix no loading attributes of root XML node into XMLNode::load_xml(); - add user mode for genarate XML file (XMLNode::get_xml()); - add XMLNode::new_xml() for cleaning XMLNode tree; - Fix time answer into "self" protocol module; - Add hard control to start and stop pthreads; - Add cycle testing mode to test_kernel special module; - Add Attach/Detach test mode to test_kernel special module; - Remain problem int QT_GUI UI module: no stoped pthread!!!!!; 2003-11-12 CVS commit - Add a kernel list and functions for kernel manipulating to TSYS; - Make TMessage first initing an last destroyed; - Move scan change config file to TSYS. Update system for change config file; - Move signal handler function to TSYS; - Add template description to TArchiveS (To next commit will have maked support Message Archives); - Clean n_opt attributes anywhere; - Update a message creating methodic (anywhere). Add category parameter for messages. - Add Name() function and atribut name to TKernel; - Add Message buffer to TMessage, add a process function for it and add config file options; - Add List clean to TValueElem; - Fix error mem malloc to TSYS for load config file buffer; (add null end byte) - Fix no free parser mem from XML, and set root value directly from load_xml; - Add test buffer and modify test Param to test_kernel module; - Add a template realised Controller module sys; - Update doc; 2003-11-04 CVS commit - add support XML to progect (add files xml.cpp and xml.h); - change simple text config to XML based config (delete /bin/scada.conf and add /bin/oscada.xml) - reserve to XML config multikernel and multistation support; - add multikernel to progect; - add function XMLCfgNode() to: TSYS - "OpenScada" and "station" node (attribute "id" - name station); TKernel - "kernel" named node (attribut "id" - name kernel); TGRPModule - groupe module "section" nodes (attribut "id" - name groupe modules); TModule - "module" nodes (attribute "id" - modules name); - update config file option; - free progect from want gcc option -D_GLIBCPP_DEPRECATED; - add message definrs: MESS_DEBUG, MESS_INFO, MESS_NOTICE, MESS_WARNING, MESS_ERR, MESS_CRIT, MESS_ALLERT, MESS_EMERG - add commandline option Station; - add XML parsing TEST to test_kernel.cpp test module (add option for enable/disable and select parsed file); 2003-10-28 CVS commit - rename type modules "GUI" to "UI" (user interface) - object TGUI to TUI; - TKernel element gui to ui; - rename files: tguis.cpp to tuis.cpp and tguis.h to tuis.h; - remove info elements: FuncList, FuncPrototip, FuncDescr from TModule::mod_info(); - add function: mos_ListFunc(), mod_Func() to TModule; - add first version OpenScada.spec file (for created RPM); - move special modules: web_cfg, web_dbg, web_info to ui type modules; - update doc; - rename qt_cfg to qt_gui and test updeted; 2003-10-14 CVS commit - separate file ttipparam.cpp from ttipcontroller.cpp; - change TController stat, create self bit for states mode; - anywhere add printing name modul a debug function's; - to TGRPModule rename function: gmd_StopAll -> gmd_Stop, gmd_InitAll -> gmd_Init, gmd_StartAll -> gmd_Start - from TModule remove function: mod_init, mod_deinit, mod_start, mod_stop - to TModule add function mod_connect (connecting to TGRPModule, add first checking commandline and config file) - to TGUIS add object TGUI and smal update; - add GUI modul qt_cfg.cpp (testing); - delete GUI modul test_gui.cpp; - from TModSchedul delete test section; - from TModule delete stat mode (make cheking to NULL); - to TParam and TParamS for function at() change return type to <&>; - to TSpecialS add object TSpecial with function Start, Stop; - to TValue change return type for vl_Elem() to <&>; - change kernel and modules version to type > 0.2.2; - add Special test modules: test_bd, test_kernel, test_transp; - update doc; 2003-10-07 CVS commit - move deleting modules to TGrpModule (central)! - for generality "at" and "operator[]" function change return value to <&> ( for simple use with operator[] and use <.> ) - create method Owner() instead public attribute owner; - move owner children of TModule to TModule and set owner to TGRPModule; - delete gmd_AddM from children of TGRPModule; - change BD, Archive ... attributes of TKernel to BD(), Archive() ... function - delete checking version of module and delete mod_Version(); - set updete module if change file's date; - change system geting and creating modules info with mod_info; - add variant function mod_info for geting info elements list; - delete TSpecial object (don't need); - add Info element SubType to Special module and set WWW subtype for WWW page modules; - add checking SubType WWW to http protocols module; - add using "namespace" keyword into Controller and Special modules !!! - rename modul virtual to virtual1; - mirored module virtual1 to virtual2 (to future); - update doc; 2003-09-30 CVS commit - add script "clean-tree" for auto clean progect tree (prepare to CVS commit) - delete virtual function gmd_DelM from children: TBDS, TControllerS, TProtocolS; - add support default type and name BD into TTransportS and TControllerS; - add replacing operator "[]" to mostly function and test into TModSchedule; - rename object TTipProtocol to TProtocol - add TSpecial and update TSpecialS; - delete export functions from some modules (no used) - update http protocol. Separate protocol and web pages. Web pages called HttpGet from TSpecial; - delete test_special.cpp - add special web modules: web_cfg, web_dbg, web_info; - fix bug into transport module socket - no closed handed client's sockets; - delete perl test modules; - update doc; 2003-09-22 CVS commit - delete odd vectors at TBDS, TControllerS, TTransportS; - add index operation - [] to TBDS, TControllerS, TTransportS; - make TTipController -> TConfigElem parent link; - add to TConfig a conecting/unconecting TConfigElem; - make TProtocolS; - add protocols "self", "http" (basic); - connect TransportS and TProtocolS - add option proto to TTranspotrtS; - add option tr_prot to config file of TTransportS; - add mode option to config file for Input socket transport (0 - no hold; 1 - hold connect) - change module's version to 0.2 for finished modules; - delete test_transport; - add mail transport (template); - delete test_protocol; - add http and self protocols (templates); - delete test_tcontr; - updete doc; 2003-09-13 CVS commit - add prefix "mod" to function of object TModule; - add prefix "gmd" to function of object TGRPModule; - add prefix "cf" to function of object TConfig; - add prefix "cfe" to function of object TConfigElem; - add prefix "vl" to function of object TValue; - add prefix "vle" to function of object TValueElem; - add auto open transport from BD and config file; - fix opening mode to TControllerS mix configs to one; - add to transport socket support out sockets; - mix separated bd elements to onli config option for TControllerS; - add table transport.dbf for transport description; - fix transport tr_socket.o. UDP already work; 2003-09-09 CVS commit - move all system function from TKernel to TSYS - delete arguments from function CheckCommandLine; - add to function GetOpt: value level and select exception work; - move some command line, config file option and function from TKernel to TMessage and TSYS; - add test support TCP,UDP,UNIX sockets (input) into transport modules socket.so; 2003-09-02 CVS commit - add system object TSYS; - add resource function to TSYS; - add resource to TBDS; - add resource to TTransports; - add object TTipParam; - attach object TTipParam to TParmContr; - misc type params into TController in one massive; - update sckelet of TTransport; - fix TController commands: Start(), Stop() - fix error into module virtual.cpp and kernel: check and use locale/globale params; - create object TVirtAlgb into module virtual.cpp for separate loading and manipulated whith modul's config file; - TControllers: change mode of free into destructor: firs - stoped; second - free! - add processing of a exception into a start and a stop controller commands; - delete stats of modules; - add checking name and version OS; - update documents; 2003-08-26 CVS commit - Start changelog file! - fix destructor ~TGRPModule and into children; - fix pr_opr_descr anywhere; - change sheme of connect modules; - delete function: TModule->Connect and other - update transport connection arhitecture: ttransports.h - many update DOCS; - delete odd files without CVS repository